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Record the spelling section to be played during exams

1. Convince – I will convince my brother to join the Junior Student Convention.

2. Pattern – Did you notice a pattern with the math problem?
3. Success – Only God can give you true success.
4. Attach – How does a parasite attach itself to a host?
5. Exist – God did exist before time began.
6. Recite – Can Coco recite the Pledge to the Bible now?
7. Maintain – It is hard to maintain good grades without studying.
8. Neighbor – Take time to visit a neighbor this week.
9. Survive – Rescuers found that all 13 boys did survive 9 days in a Thailand cave.
10. Approach – A good approach to staying healthy is to exercise every day.
11. Repeat – I’m sorry you have to repeat your test.
12. Routine – You will find grandfather doing his daily walking routine.
13. Neither – Neither Jake nor Finn knows the way to Wakanda.
14. Receive – Will you receive an honor status certificate this quarter?
15. Increase – We should pray that our faith will increase.
16. Caution – You should use caution when you climb the steep steps.
17. Awesome – God’s creative power is awesome.
18. Auction – The
19. Cocoon
20. Awkward
21. Cashier
22. Purpose – Daniel purposed in his heart to remain faithful.
23. Concern
24. Current – This is the current issue of the magazine.
25. Deserve
26. Aware – The coach is aware that you have been practicing hard for the team.
27. Beware
28. Origin – Genesis tells the origin of the universe.
29. Foreign – We crossed the border into foreign country.
30. Forward
31. Offer – What will you offer to God for all His goodness to you?
32. Ignore
33. Attempt – His attempt to score the first point in the game was successful.
34. Effort – She is making an effort to memorize her monthly Scripture.
35. Comment
36. Clever
37. Narrate – Sandy listened to her mother narrate what she was like as a baby.
38. Parallel
39. Rehearse – Yosef and Maxeen will rehearse their piano duet.
40. Soothe – The music will soothe the restless baby.

Spelling 5
name: ____________________________________
date: ______________________ score: _________

PART 1. Listen carefully and write the spelling word in your best handwriting. Final answers must be in ink.
No erasures allowed.

1. ________________________ 15. ________________________ 28. ________________________

2. ________________________ 16. ________________________ 29. ________________________

3. ________________________ 17. ________________________ 30. ________________________

4. ________________________ 18. ________________________ 31. ________________________

5. ________________________ 19. ________________________ 32. ________________________

6. ________________________ 20. ________________________ 33. ________________________

7. ________________________ 21. ________________________ 34. ________________________

8. ________________________ 22. ________________________ 35. ________________________

9. ________________________ 23. ________________________ 36. ________________________

10. ________________________ 24. ________________________ 37. ________________________

11. ________________________ 25. ________________________ 38. ________________________

12. ________________________ 26. ________________________ 39. ________________________

13. ________________________ 27. ________________________ 40. ________________________

14. ________________________

PART 2. Cross out the misspelled word in each of the following sets. Write the correct spelling on top of the
misspelled word.

41. cannvas adopt 46. pardone perish

42. poaster rotate 47. refuge destant

43. yield sieze 48. aford umpire

44. bassoon upplaud 49. garlic sparow

45. courtecy nourish 50. weary abserve

PART 3. Write the letter of the correct definition on the blank.

_____ 51. hoist A to be able to pay for

_____ 52. ignore B to have within itself; to hold
_____ 53. pardon C a public sale at which goods are sold to a bidder
_____ 54. afford with the highest offer of money
_____ 55. garment D free from punishment
_____ 56. contain E to lift or raise up
_____ 57. auction F alert to; knowing; watchful
_____ 58. cherish G to not pay attention to
_____ 59. aware H tell the story of
_____ 60. origin I the cause or beginning
J any piece of clothing
K hold dear
PART 4. Choose the correct vocabulary from the box to complete the sentence.
beyond costume custom deceive divine
herbal murmur numerals pursue redeem

61. Would you like to ________________ to teach kids in the mountains?

62. That would be going ________________ yourself to make a difference in the lives of others!
63. Will you let them know that Jesus came to ________________ them from sin?
64. The enemy will ________________ you to only focus on yourself.
65. It would be fun to learn a new ________________.
66. God will not be pleased if we ________________ about our own comfort.
67. You might find out about ________________ plants.
68. You could teach kids how to write ________________.
69. God’s ________________ plan is for everyone to know Him.
70. Will you ________________ a missionary life?

PART 5. In your own words, write a definition of each spelling word.

71. event _______________________________________________________________

72. desire _______________________________________________________________

73. loyal _______________________________________________________________

74. alert _______________________________________________________________

75. armor _______________________________________________________________

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