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Richard F. Louie
Zuping Tang, MD
David G. Shelby, MT
Gerald J. Kost, MD, PhD

Point-of-Care Testing:
Millennium Technology

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for Critical Care
ABSTRACT Point-of-care testing (POCT) is an important Types of Point-of-Care Instruments
diagnostic tool used in various locations in the hospital, Point-of-care instruments vary widely and can be cat-
especially in critical care settings such as the intensive care egorized as “transportable,” “portable,” or “handheld,”
based on the format. Some are capable of testing spe-
unit (ICU), the operating room (OR), and the emergency
cific analytes, while others are capable of performing
department (ED). an array of tests (eg, electrolytes and blood gases).
This is the third article in a 4-part continuing education series on point-of-care Tables 1 and 2 list test parameters and specifications of
testing. After reading this article, the reader will be able to define POCT, identify its the latest whole-blood analyzer/biosensor platforms
advantages and disadvantages, explain its benefits in critical care settings, and handheld/portable glucose meters, respectively.
understand key features in current point-of-care instruments, identify when a point- Point-of-care instruments differ by their
of-care test may be inaccurate, and recognize important quality management
method of testing. For example, whole-blood glu-
features of point-of-care instruments.
cose meters are categorized as “electrochemical
biosensor,” “reflectance photometry,” or
From Point-of-Care Laboratory test results are often pivotal to critical care “absorbance photometry.” These instruments are
Testing Center for decisions.1 Testing provides physicians with valuable further differentiated by the type of chemistry used
Teaching and
knowledge about the criticality of the patient so that to measure the glucose: either glucose oxidase or
(POCT•CTR), School appropriate therapeutic interventions can be made glucose dehydrogenase enzymes.
of Medicine, quickly. There has been growing interest in decentral-
University of ized laboratory testing, especially point-of-care test- Advantages of Point-of-Care Testing
California, Davis. ing (POCT) in critical care settings (eg, ICU, OR, ED) Table 3 summarizes some of the advantages of
Address where rapid therapeutic turnaround time is POCT. The first advantage of POCT is the short
correspondence to:
needed.2,3 However, some types of POCT are contro- therapeutic turnaround time of patient sample test-
Mr Richard F. Louie,
Medical Pathology, versial because of concern about the accuracy and ing.7,8 The average turnaround time expected by
3453 Tupper Hall, performance of instruments when used with criti- critical care physicians is 5 to 15 minutes.1 Stat tests
School of Medicine, cally ill patients (ie, glucose meter testing).4,5 are frequently requested in critical care units.
University of Depending on the instrument used, the type of test,
California, Davis,
Point-of-Care Testing Defined and the number of tests performed, the analysis time
Davis, CA 95616.
E-mail: Point-of-care testing is defined as “testing at or of a whole-blood sample can vary from 15 seconds near the site of patient care whenever the medical to 2 minutes 20 seconds (Tables 1 and 2). Delays
care is needed.”6 The purpose of POCT is to pro- could yield results that do not reflect the patient’s
vide immediate information to physicians about current condition. One benefit of rapid therapeutic
the patient’s condition, so that this information turnaround time is that it allows physicians to begin
can be integrated into appropriate treatment deci- implementing appropriate treatment early, especially
sions that improve patient outcomes, that is, for those patients in critical care units where delays
reduce patients’ criticality, morbidity, and mortal- can adversely affect patient outcomes.
ity. Point-of-care testing can be performed in dif- A second advantage to POCT is potential reduc-
ferent environments, such as in the hospital, at tion of preanalytic and postanalytic errors. Tradi-
home, or at other locations. tional methods of laboratory testing involve multiple
preparatory steps. With increased process steps, there
is an increased possibility of introducing preanalytic

402 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 7 J U LY 2 0 0 0
Table 1. Characteristics of Whole-Blood Analyzers
Sample Analysis Time
Instrument Manufacturer Type Volume (mmL) (seconds) Test Analytes (measured)
i-STAT* Abbott Diagnostics, Handheld 65 or 95 90-140 pO2, pCO2, pH, Na+, K+, Ca++,
Abbott Park, IL Cl-, Hct, urea nitrogen, glucose,
lactate, creatinine
AVL OMNI †‡ AVL Scientific, Transportable 40-161 60-90 pO2, pCO2, pH, Na+, K+,
Roswell, GA Ca++, Cl-, Hct, Hb, urea nitrogen,
glucose, lactate, creatinine
AVL OPTI AVL Scientific Portable 125 <120 pO2, pCO2, pH, Na+, K+, Ca++, Cl-, Hb
Rapid Lab 800 Bayer Diagnostics, Transportable 140-175 85 pO2, pCO2, pH, Na+, K+, Ca++, Cl-,
series †

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Norwood, MA glucose, lactate
IRMA SL Agilent Technologies, Portable 125 90 pO2, pCO2, pH, Na+, K+, Ca++, Hct
(series 2000) St Paul, MN
HemoCue HemoCue, Portable 10 45-60 Hb
B-Hemoglobin Mission Viejo, CA
Gem Premier Instrumentation Portable 135 <120 pO2, pCO2, pH, Na+, K+, Ca++, Hct,
3000, 3001§ Laboratory glucose, lactate
Lexington, MA
Stat profile pHOX Nova Biomedical, Transportable 40-70 45 pO2, pCO2, pH,
SO2%, Hct, Hb Waltham, MA
Stat Profile Nova Biomedical Transportable 85-190 78-108 pO2, pCO2, pH, SO2%, Na+, K+, Ca++,
M/M7† Mg++, Cl-, Hct, urea nitrogen, glucose,
lactate, creatinine
Nova series Nova Biomedical Transportable 385 85 Na+, K+, Cl-, Hct, TCO2, Hct, urea
(16) nitrogen, glucose, creatinine
ABL 700 Radiometer, Transportable 55-195 80-135 pO2, pCO2, pH, Na+, K+, Ca++, Cl-,
series † Westlake, OH glucose, lactate
ABL 70 Radiometer Portable <180 <60 pO2, pCO2, pH, Na+, K+, Ca++, Hct
YSI 2300 Yellow Springs Transportable 25 45 Glucose, lactate
Stat Plus Instrument, Yellow

Scientific Communications
Springs, OH
Portable indicates easily carried, usually with a built-in handle; transportable, equipment usually carried on a cart; pO2, blood oxygen tension; pCO2,
blood carbon dioxide tension; SO2%, oxygen saturation; TCO2, total carbon dioxide in blood; Na+, sodium; K+, potassium; Ca++, ionized calcium; Mg++,
magnesium; Cl-, chloride; Hct, hematocrit; Hb, hemoglobin.
* i-STAT test cluster capability is cartridge dependent.
†Co-oximetry available as a modular add-on.
‡AVL OMNI test cluster is instrument-model dependent.
§3100 includes optimal modular prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and activated clotting time (ACT) tests.

errors.1 Some common preanalytic and postanalytic Point-of-care testing is convenient for clinicians,
errors associated with traditional laboratory testing because it can be performed quickly, and results are
are listed in Table 4. Delays in specimen processing readily available. As point-of-care test menus

and testing may allow samples to degrade. The sub- expand, we will find that based on real-time clinical
sequent testing may yield results that do not repre- need, POCT drives diagnostic testing. Current
sent the actual status of the patient. This is especially point-of-care instruments are user friendly, which
true when blood gases, pH, and glucose are tested. allows nontechnically oriented or nonlaboratory
Performing tests immediately at the bedside mini- professionals to operate instruments. Many point-
mizes both preanalytic and postanalytic errors, of-care devices are self-contained with on-screen
because bedside testing eliminates time delays due to instructions, which promote ease of use. Several
specimen transportation and multiple persons han- point-of-care devices are low maintenance because
dling a patient specimen. Postanalytic errors can be they are self-contained, use disposable test car-
minimized because results from bedside testing are tridges, and the test cartridges are readily replaced.
immediately available to the clinical team and can be Finally, POCT is advantageous because of the
printed out or stored in memory by the instrument. small sample volume required to perform a test.
Furthermore, the results are recorded directly onto Patients potentially lose 25 to 125 mL of blood each
the patient’s chart. day, or up to 944 mL of blood per hospital stay
through phlebotomy for traditional centralized lab-
oratory testing.8-10 Oftentimes, in the OR, ICU, and

J U LY 2 0 0 0 VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 7 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E 403
Table 2. Characteristics of Glucose Monitoring Devices

Instrument* Manufacturer Sample Volume (m

mL) Analysis Time (seconds)
HemoCue B-Glucose HemoCue, Mission Viejo, CA 5 < 90, if [Glu] < 140 mg/dL
< 240, if [Glu] < 400 mg/dL
Precision PCx‡ Abbott Diagnostics, Bedford, MA 3.5 20
Precision G Abbott Diagnostics 3.5 20
Precision QID Abbott Diagnostics 3.5 20
SureStepPro LifeScan, Milpitas, CA 10 15-45

One Touch Hospital LifeScan 10 45

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FastTake LifeScan 2.5 15
Glucometer Elite Bayer, Elkhart, IN 5 30

Accu-Chek Advantage H Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN 9-14 45

Accu-Chek Comfort Curve Roche Diagnostics 4 45

* Systems use handheld meters and glucose test strips, except the HemoCue B-Glucose, which is a portable analyzer that uses a
cuvette and photometric absorbance to measure glucose. The SureStepPro and One Touch Hospital test strips use photometric
reflectance. Test strips for the other systems incorporate electrochemical (amperometric) biosensors for glucose measurement.
GO indicates glucose oxidase; GD, glucose dehydrogenase. Test limitations are those provided by the manufacturers and list the
recommended test conditions to yield the optimal results.

ED, there is demand for frequent serial whole-blood pose a potential problem to whole-blood biosen-
testing. Serial testing of patients with respiratory fail- sors. Although studies13,14 have documented the
ure or distress, acid-base imbalance, or surgery pro- accuracy of point-of-care test results compared with
vides useful trend monitoring, which is helpful when that of laboratory test results, the accuracy of smaller-
determining whether current therapy is effective. Serial format devices remains controversial (eg, bedside
whole-blood testing may be as frequent as every 15 to glucose testing with handheld devices). Recent stud-
30 minutes during open heart surgery. Such frequent ies4,5,15,16 have documented the potential effects of
laboratory testing results in extensive blood loss, which high or low blood oxygen tension, hematocrit, and
could lead to unwarranted transfusions as well to pH levels, which could cause handheld glucose
unforeseen health complications (eg, transfusion- meters to report higher or lower glucose values.
acquired illness, infections, and iatrogenic anemia). In Because the responsibility of POCT in critical care
the treatment of critically ill patients, minimizing is usually assigned to nonlaboratory professionals,2,17
blood loss is of utmost importance.8,11,12 Point-of-care another concern with POCT is whether measure-
instruments are capable of providing a cluster of tests ments by nonlaboratory professionals (eg, nurses,
with minimal blood loss (as low as 40 µL), depending physicians) are accurate compared to measurements
on the instrument used and the test performed. Cur- by laboratory professionals. Studies have reported
rent point-of-care instruments can provide up to 14 that measurements obtained by nonlaboratory pro-
simultaneously measured test parameters (Table 2). fessionals with the proper training can be as accurate
This strategy conserves blood and minimizes health as those obtained by laboratory professionals.14,18
complications and unnecessary transfusions.12 Measurements generally are accurate if operators
have been properly trained in quality assurance and
Disadvantages of Point-of-Care Testing instruments are properly maintained.
Table 3 summarizes some of the disadvantages of There is additional concern that nonlaboratory
POCT. A concern that arises with POCT is the accu- professionals may not have adequate understanding
racy and performance of the instrument when used or appreciation of the significance of quality control
in critical care settings. One important question is and quality assurance for testing devices.2,17 Nonlab-
whether interfering substances in the specimen can oratory professionals may not take adequate respon-
affect instrument performance. This concern is sibility for quality management and performance
especially true in critical care, where changes in enhancement, thereby potentially affecting patient
blood gases, pH, glucose, and medication levels can results. Therefore, it is important that the hospital
team (ie, physicians, nurses, medical technologists,

404 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 7 J U LY 2 0 0 0
Test Limitations
Linearity (mg/dL) † Chemistry Hct (%) pO2 (mmHg)
0-400 GO None None
20-600 GO 20-70 None
20-600 GO 20-70 None
20-600 GO 20-70 None
0-600 GO 25-60, adults None
25-65, neonates
0-600 GO 25-60, adults < 45, [Glu] > 150 mg/dL

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25-76, neonates
25-76, [Glu] ≤ 150mg/dL§
> 60, [Glu] < 150 mg/dL §
20-600 GO 30-55 None
20-600 GO 20-60 None
> 55, [Glu] < 300 mg/dL
10-600 GD 20-65, [Glu] < 200 mg/dL None
20-55, [Glu] > 200 mg/dL
10-600 GD 20-65, [Glu] < 200 mg/dL None
20-55, [Glu] > 200 mg/dL
† The equation to convert to SI units is: mmol/L = mg/dL 3 0.05551.
‡ Handheld device for measurement of glucose and ketones planned.
§ Hematocrit limits apply to neonate samples only.

respiratory therapists, and pathologists) know the Table 3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Point-of-Care Testing
proper operating procedures and limitations of their Advantages
point-of-care testing instruments, whether they are Reduced therapeutic turnaround time of diagnostic testing
testing for glucose, electrolytes, blood gases, cardiac Rapid data availability
markers, coagulation indices, or other analytes. Hos- Reduced preanalytic and postanalytic testing errors

Scientific Communications
pital staff working with these instruments should be Self-contained and user-friendly instruments
Small sample volume for a large test menu
familiar with and responsible for quality manage-
Shorter patient length of stay
ment of their instruments, to ensure the reliability of Convenience for clinicians
the patient test results. Ability to test many types of samples (ie, capillary, saliva, urine)
Administrative staff (ie, nurse managers, coordi-
nators of point-of-care testing programs, and man-
Concerns about inaccuracy, imprecision, and performance
agers of quality assurance programs) should keep (ie, potential interfering substances)
up-to-date with proficiency testing of operators of Bedside laboratory tests performed by poorly trained
point-of-care instruments at their facility as well as be nonlaboratorians
able to train new operators and assess operators’ Quality management/assurance issues and responsibilities

competence. Quality management deals with mea- not defined

sures taken by operators of point-of-care instruments Cost of point-of-care testing compared with traditional
laboratory testing
to ensure that instruments are accurate and perform-
Quality of testing is operator-dependent
ing optimally. Compromising the accuracy and preci- Difficulty in integrating test results with hospital information
sion for expeditious testing is not recommended. system (HIS) or laboratory information system (LIS)—
Each medical institution should have its own quality lack of connectivity
assurance committee that is responsible for the com- Narrower measuring range for some analytes
petence of operators and for decisions about
expected performance standards of the entire testing Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA ’88).
cycle. Additionally, operators must take necessary Compliance with the Joint Commission on Accredi-
measures to comply with regulations. tation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO, Oak-
To regulate the performance of laboratory testing brook Terrace, IL) or College of American
(including point-of-care testing), the federal govern- Pathologists (CAP, Northfield, IL) regulations is vol-
ment requires that each medical institution meet the untary. All medical institutions must comply with
standards established by the Clinical Laboratory state laws. These laboratory testing regulations help
to ensure the high-quality performance of the

J U LY 2 0 0 0 VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 7 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E 405
Table 4. Preanalytic and Postanalytic Errors
Preanalytic errors
Mishandling and/or mislabeling of patient specimen parathyroid hormone (PTH) testing for parathyroid surgery,
Contamination of specimen speed alone is crucial in saving operating room time and
Degradation of specimen due to delays in specimen reducing the length of hospitalization.23 Recent studies
processing/testing and/or arrival at central laboratory
Postanalytic errors
demonstrated that point-of-care testing can reduce the length
Misreporting patient test results of hospital stay24 and time in the emergency department,25 but
Recording wrong patient test results further study is needed to validate these results.
Lost data
Delayed reporting of critical results Technology of Whole-Blood Biosensors
Whole-blood analyzers currently use both electrochemical

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Table 5. Cost Factors in Point-of-Care Testing sensors and other methods (ie, optical sensors) for specimen
Supplies (eg, reagents, disposable cartridges, test analysis. Electrochemical sensors are categorized as either
strips) and equipment potentiometric or amperometric and include the ion-selective
Training and retraining of instrument operators electrode (ISE) and substrate-specific electrode (SSE). The
Maintenance of instruments, including replacing electrical conductance (impedance) sensor (ECS) is used to
defective instruments measure hematocrit indirectly. Optical sensor technology
Additional labor on the part of nonlaboratorians includes spectrophotometry, absorbance photometry, and
(eg, nurses) to run patient tests
reflectance photometry. Table 6 lists analytes commonly tested
New software that enables patient results to be entered
into hospital/laboratory information systems (HIS/LIS) with these methods. Ion-selective electrodes operate by deter-
Troubleshooting instruments mining the electrical potential (relative to the reference elec-
Consultation services for instrumentation problems trode potential) established by ions across selectively
Performing comparison studies of new instruments permeable membranes. The difference in potential across the
and methodologies with existing instruments membrane is logarithmically proportional to the specific ion
Accreditation and proficiency testing fees concentration (activity) in the blood.
Duplication, repeated tests, verification, and validation
The operation of a substrate-specific electrode is illustrated
when testing for glucose using the YSI 2300 Stat Glucose/Lactate
instruments as well the proper practice of diagnostic testing by Analyzer. Glucose is oxidized with the catalysis of glucose oxidase
the operators. to form gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen perox-
Quality control compliance is one of the many quality ide subsequently becomes oxidized, and a platinum electrode
management monitors used routinely with POCT devices. measures the current that forms. The current formed is propor-
The Figure illustrates documentation of QC compliance rates tional to the glucose (substrate) concentration (molality). The
of critical-care operators and all other operators of point-of- electrical conductance sensor operates by measuring the imped-
care devices at the University of California, Davis, Health Sys- ance of the current flow in the sample. The impedance of the
tem (UCDHS). As part of the quality assurance and current is measured by applying an alternating voltage across 2
performance-improvement program at UCDHS, an e-mail or more electrodes in contact with the blood sample.
progress report is issued monthly to nurse supervisors of each
department by the pathology POCT manager. The report Features of Current Whole-Blood Point-of-Care
provides an assessment of the overall QC compliance rate of Analyzers and Glucose Meters
that department and compares the department’s performance Notable features of point-of-care instruments include
to the rest of the hospital. If the department compliance rate expanded test options, shortened analysis time, reduced sample
falls below the rest of the hospital, a message in the e-mail test volume, and automated quality management. Current
emphasizes the necessity for improvement to meet JCAHO instruments are able to measure up to 14 different tests per
and CLIA guidelines. Performance has improved steadily with sample of blood, compared to the 8 to 11 tests in previous gen-
the electronic broadcast approach. erations. Many of the current instruments require a small
Finally, there is growing debate about the cost-effectiveness blood volume to perform a test—as little as 2.5 µL for a single
of POCT. It has been argued that the cost for POCT compared measurement on a handheld glucose meter, or as little as 40 µL
to centralized laboratory testing may be less, more, or may for 1 or 2 measurements, such as glucose and lactate, on a
show no difference.19,20,21 Table 5 lists some factors that con- whole-blood analyzer. The analysis time can be as rapid as 15
tribute to the costs of POCT. While it appears that POCT may seconds for a single measurement, or 45 seconds for a multiple-
be more expensive than laboratory testing, some argue that the parameter test; hence, shortening the therapeutic turnaround
benefits of POCT—the small sample volume12 and short ther- time. The latest whole-blood analyzers have the capability of
apeutic turnaround time7—could shorten the length of providing selective testing; that is, the operator may select the
patient stay or offset the costs of POCT—or both. POCT in the tests to be performed, thereby eliminating unnecessary tests,
operating room is cost-effective for hemostasis evaluation and which can generate financial losses and waste patient blood.
transfusion management.22 In some cases, such as rapid

406 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 7 J U LY 2 0 0 0


Advanced quality management features also

Compliance Rate (%)

appear on the latest instruments. Most whole-
blood analyzers are equipped with automatic inter-
nal 1- and 2-point calibrations at various time
intervals ranging from every 15 minutes to every 2
hours. Some instruments have automatic or elec- All critical care units
All hospital areas
tronic QC (EQC). Automatic QC ensures that QC 20

testing is performed routinely at regular intervals. 10

The purpose of EQC is to test the electronics; that

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May 98

May 99
Nov 98
Aug 98

Aug 99
Mar 98

Mar 99
Sep 98

Sep 99
Dec 97

Jun 98

Dec 98

Jun 99
Apr 98

Apr 99
Jan 98

Feb 98

Jan 99

Feb 99
Oct 98
Jul 98

Jul 99
is, the internal and analyte circuits of the instru-
ment. However, EQC doesn’t validate the perfor-
mance of the test cartridges or of the operator. EQC
can help generate cost savings because it is conve- Quality control (QC) compliance rates. QC compliance rates are shown as a
nient, can be completed quickly, is reagentless, function of time for critical care settings and all hospital areas at the University of
requires only a reusable EQC card, and is a benefi- California, Davis, Health System from January 1998 through September 1999. The
line for all critical care units is based on 14 different critical care settings, including
cial feature that assesses the electronic measure-
intensive care units, the operating room, and the emergency department. The line
ment cycle of the instrument. It is important to for all hospital areas is based on 57 settings. The graph shows progressive
realize that manufacturers of instruments with the performance enhancement after instituting electronic mail broadcasting.
EQC feature do not recommend substituting EQC
for aqueous QC. Aqueous and electronic QC thus ensuring proper usage of the instrument. Some
should both be performed. instruments require that proper patient identification
A QC “lockout” feature, when enabled, does not be entered before testing can proceed. This action
allow the operator to perform any patient testing ensures proper documentation of test results.
unless quality control testing has been performed and
has satisfied the vendor-specified QC ranges. Other Future of Point-of-Care
lockout and security features include a password Instruments and Testing
option, which must be entered by a certified operator An important issue to address now about POCT is
before the instrument can be used for patient testing, the accuracy, performance, and reliability of these

Scientific Communications
Table 6. Methods for Analyte Measurements
Ion-Selective Substrate-Specific Electrical Conductance Analyte-Specific Optical
Analyte Electrode (ISE) Electrode (SSE) Sensor (ECS) Sensor (ASOS)
Ca++ Yes No No No
Mg++ Yes No No No
K+ Yes No No No
Cl– Yes No No No

Na++ Yes No No No

pH Yes No No Yes
PCO2 CO2-sensitive buffer, No No Yes
with pH electrode
pO2 No Amperometric No Yes
Glucose No Yes No No
Lactate No Yes No No
Urea Nitrogen No Yes No No
Creatinine No Yes No No
Hematocrit No No Yes No
Hemoglobin No No No Multiwavelength
Total CO2 Acid displacement, No No No
CO2-sensitive buffer,
with pH electrode
O2 saturation No No No Optical reflectance

J U LY 2 0 0 0 VO L U M E 3 1 , N U M B E R 7 L A B O R ATO RY M E D I C I N E 407
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