Variables:: CSE Notes

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CSE Notes:



Data types:
Fundamental Data Types-
1. void : Used to denote the type with no values.
2. int : Used to denote an integer type.
3. char: Used to denote a character type.
4. float : Used to denote a floating point type
5. double : Double precision floating point type
Derived Data types:
1. Array: A finite sequence (or table) of variables of the same data type.
2. String: An array of character variables.
3. structure : A collection of related variables of the same and/or different data types
Type casting:
Type casting is used to convert variable from one data type to another data type, and after type
casting compiler treats the variable as of the new data type.

Global Variable:
A global variable is a variable that is declared outside all functions.

Local Variable:
A local variable is a variable that is declared inside a function.


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