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SHS Primer 2018

Liceo de Cagayan University

Senior High School Department
Paseo del Rio, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City


2018 Edition
PROLOGUE: The Philippines’ educational reform includes a wider scope aimed at sufficiently responding to
the evolving need of times, particularly on the context of the three key components of the
educational arena: the teacher, the learner (who is the heart of the process), and the learning
environment. This broad framework requires a system that breaks down a large structure into
its specifications. This SHS Primer 2018 seeks to aid the collective endeavor of each of the
stakeholders of this newly crafted K-12 curriculum, most importantly the teachers who are the
prime movers in the effective and efficient delivery of the overall teaching-learning process.
This shall then serve as a personal guiding principle or the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
of every Senior High faculty (both tenured and newbie) in the proper, consistent, and optimum
conduct of the K-12 program. This shall be in effect the department’s basis in the appropriate
decision-making or handling of protocols in the light of being an adviser and/or a subject
teacher as far as the university policy or standard is concerned.



Being an adviser is so challenging and demanding, yet so rewarding and fulfilling when done with genuine commitment
and dedication. This article shall lay out the important tasks expected of a SHS adviser.

First impression may or may not last. Whichever case, it is always vital to make the learners psychologically conditioned
(upon the onset of the school year) with what they are expected to do and how they are supposed to behave in a University
setting. The first stage is always crucial as it becomes a strong foundation for a smooth and hassle-free school
undertaking. The following are expected to be carried out by each adviser:

Sec. 1.1 Student Handbook. Be well acquainted with the Student Handbook as this shall be conveyed to the students
and parents for their information. A person cannot give what he/she doesn’t have. It always pays to be fully and properly
informed. Once fully equipped, allow the students to go over it by giving them any relevant exercise/activity that will
make the important information linger in their minds. This can be done during any of the Homeroom classes for a more
productive session.
Sec. 1.2 Vision & Mission. Familiarize (if not memorize) the Vision and Mission of both the University and the High
School Department. Strongly encourage the student-advisees to fully memorize and internalize the true essence of these
statements and their real-life applicability (relevant teacher-made activities can be initiated to supplement this objective).
Sec. 1.3 Pledge of Loyalty & Liceo Hymn. As one of the University core values, loyalty is highlighted and intensified
with a memorized pledge and a university hymn. Make the students realize the deeper meaning of this pledge and the
hymn which are recited and sung with reverence and fervor during the weekly General Assembly and in whatever school-
related functions these will apply.
Sec. 1.4 Clean As You Go (CLAYGO). Strengthen this policy by constantly reminding your advisees of the significance
of this seemingly neglected responsibility. Develop in the students that sense of responsibility and the fundamental habit
of doing simple things such as:
 returning the used utensils to the canteen personnel after eating;
 cleaning the canteen tables before leaving;
 throwing small pieces of trash into the right place;
 keeping every school property away from any forms of vandalism; and
 making the classroom free from any eye sore like empty bottles around, overflowing trash bins,
disorganized cleaning materials, uncleaned board, etc.
This practice when frequently and persistently manifested by the teacher himself and consistently relayed to students as
a reminder will gradually become a habit. The best indicator of learning is a positive change in the students’ behavior.
Let’s make this happen to our students by starting from ourselves. As it is popularly said, “Be the change you want to
see in the world.”
Stress this to them: Self-discipline always counts wherever they may be, and school janitors or maintenance personnel
must not be solely depended upon. It is the duty of every individual (be it a school setting or not) to take notice of his
surroundings which include cleanliness.


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The focal objective of the weekly conduct of General Assembly is for proper and collective information dissemination.
This is the right avenue for both the teachers and the students to see what the university is really about: its goal, objectives,
vision, and mission. Moreover, this is where the students see how the school operates through various announcements
which can include academic, disciplinary, and other department-related concerns.
This once-in-a-week assembly is usually ignored by most of the students especially in the succeeding days of the school
year. Students’ attendance progressively becomes alarming, and so does the advisers’ in some isolated cases. Thus,
important functions like the General Assembly can be put in futility without the presence of both the students and the
Sec. 2.1 Attendance. Strictly monitor your advisees’ attendance during General Assembly by keeping an accurate and
up-to-date record through the Attendance Sheet. Beadles can be designated and empowered to do such, but advisers must
never fall short of making a follow-up right after the assembly. Advisers must at all times stay near their advisory class
during school activities.
Sec. 2.2 Early Arrival. Students and teachers are expected to arrive at least 10 minutes before the scheduled assembly.
Failure to do so means securing of an Admission Slip by the student to be signed by the Prefect of Discipline & Student
Affairs (PDSA) and to be handed to the Class Beadle who in turn will give his/her adviser a follow-up report on any
attendance-related update.
Sec. 2.3 Flow of the Assembly. For consistency, the General Assembly shall observe the prescribed sequence:
a. Invocation
b. Singing of the Philippine National Anthem
c. Recitation of Panatang Makabayan & Panunumpa sa Watawat
d. Singing of Pilipinas Kong Mahal
e. Recitation of University Vision & Mission
f. Recitation of High School Vision & Mission
g. Recitation of Liceans’ Pledge
h. Singing of Liceo Hymn
i. Rehiyon X March
j. Core Values Integration
k. Important Announcements
l. Dismissal
 The flow of the assembly is non-negotiable and is therefore fixed except for the manner or style that the assembly
is presented which is upon the resourcefulness or creativity of the assigned class.
 More time should be devoted to important announcements. Therefore, the presentation of the flag ceremony
must never be time-consuming.
 The use of one common musical accompaniment must also be observed to establish a department and a university
Sec. 2.4 Rehearsal. Apparently, rehearsals must be done prior to the assembly proper. Advisers must rehearse with the
music and assist their advisees in the right conduct of the hymns. Consult a language teacher for mastery and for proper
assistance on the right way of delivering the abovementioned recitations.
Sec. 2.5 Assembly Etiquettes. General Assembly can be the best venue to assess whether or not the students have truly
imbibed the real essence of the five university core values: Excellence, Integrity, Loyalty, Discipline, and Service. Thus,
each student is expected to behave in a manner expected of a true-blooded Licean through the following guidelines on

 Wearing of school uniform and ID (when available) is indispensably prescribed.

 Singing and reciting must be done with fervor by standing at full attention. Any form of mockery while the
assembly is in progress shall be dealt with accordingly.
 Wearing of cap and earrings (for the males) is a gross display of disrespect.
 Sitting down during the announcement phase can only be done when an instruction to do so is given by
anyone in authority.
 Listening is one of the best ways of respecting. As a courtesy to the one speaking in front (be it a schoolmate,
a teacher, or an invited guest), talking that creates unreasonable noise is strictly discouraged. There is so
much learning in listening. [Emphasize this to the students.]
 Leaving the assembly hall during dismissal has to be systematically done.

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Academic Honesty must be genuinely imbibed in every student’s personality. However, cases of cheating, most specially
during an exam can be inevitable and therefore, need cautious attention by the adviser-proctors. Vigilance is a top
concern during exams. Hence, each adviser-proctor must be well guided by the following:
Sec. 3.1 Exam Schedule. Exam schedule is set by the Academic Chairman and is unchanging. Stick to the given time
allocation. Should the student-examinees finish earlier, instruct them to take a nap. Never proceed to the next subject
when it is not yet the right time as per schedule. Important: Start and end on time. Never delay.
Sec. 3.2 Seat Planning. Seating arrangement must be done in a manner conducive for the student-examinees and must
not be cheating-prone. Also, it must not consume the outside space of the room. All of the exam takers must be contained
inside the testing room for easy and convenient monitoring by the proctor.
Seat planning can be done in various ways upon the adviser’s discretion and depending on the nature of the student-
examinees [e.g. alphabetical order (male first followed by female); alternate male and female arrangement; distributing
those identified friends in the class, etc.). It is up to the adviser which arrangement he finds suitable for his advisees as
he has the exact knowledge on the kind of behavior his students have.
Sec. 3.3 Exam Procedures. For a standardized administration of the exam (known as Unit & Summative Tests), each
adviser-proctor is guided by the following steps:
Advisers are encouraged to be in their room 30 minutes before the start of the first subject to implement the following
important procedures:
1. Prepare the classroom first by arranging the seats ideal for an exam set-up;
2. Instruct the student-examinees to do the following:
 Place the books and other unnecessary materials inside the bag;
 Switch cellphones to silent mode and place them inside the bag;
 Empty the pocket. Items in the pocket must be put inside the bag;
 Only ballpen, exam permit (for regular students), and other needed materials (as instructed by any
subject teacher) shall be on the armrest. Nothing more, nothing less.
 Put and organize the bags on the platform or at the back of the room.
3. Write the exam schedule on the board for the students’ guide. When the schedule is already posted on the board,
reiterate this to the students.
4. When the testing room is set and the students all settled down, check the attendance by doing a roll call of student
names. Late examinees will still secure for an admission slip before they can take the exam.
5. Also, inspect on the following salient points:
 Complete and prescribed school uniform with ID (applicable only when these are readily available)
 If the students do not have the uniform yet, check if their attire complies with the set dress code (see
Student Handbook).
 For Male: proper haircut (see Student Handbook for the prescribed haircut), no earrings
 For Female: no “heavy” make-up and nail polish
6. When a student-examinee fails to observe any of the above mentioned, advisers must be quick to issue an offense
slip to be reported to the PDSA.
7. After the careful inspection, collect the exam permits (for regular paying students only) and the student
clearances (only when applicable). Keep these under your custody until the last day of the exam. Permits shall
then be returned, but clearances shall be kept by the adviser for filing purposes.
Important: Extra vigilance is needed in checking the permit and the clearance. For permits, verify the name, the
date, the year, and the remark “Valid as Permit” printed or written by the authorized teller/cashier. The “No
Exam, No Permit” policy applies. For clearances, double check the completeness and legitimacy of the
signatures. Be wary about suspicious alterations or forged signatures. (Some students are cleverly tricky. Never
allow this to happen!)
When worse comes to worst, and a student is found guilty of such grievous offense, take the appropriate action
as mandated by the Student Handbook.

1. Reiterate the policy on Academic Honesty. Proctors may read out to the students the Student Handbook article
on this policy verbatim.
Important: Make this instruction clear to all students: Reviewing for the next subject can only be done during
the break and not while the exam is in progress.
2. The test papers are divided into two (2) sets, Set A and Set B. Distribute the test papers alternately. Set A for the
first row, Set B for the second, and so on.
3. While the exam is going on, proctors are advised to give their full attention to the examinees. Working while the
exam is progressing is strictly discouraged.
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4. Be extra cautious with students making noise or talking to a seatmate and those with suspicious gestures (e.g.
hand/eye signals).


1. Test papers should be simultaneously submitted (not one after the other). This is to avoid the chance of cheating.
2. When all the test papers are collected, these should be sorted out accordingly by set.
3. Indicate the student-absentee’s name on the No Exam List on the back of the brown envelope for the subject
teacher’s easy reference.


Sec. 4.1 Homeroom Orientation. The first phase of the academic year is very vital in the succeeding phases of the
academic process. This is why a Homeroom Orientation during the first week of the school year is given. See Homeroom
Orientation Program below.

DAY 1 (8:00 – 2:30) II. CODE OF CONDUCT

 Attendance Offenses
I. PRELIMINARIES  When to Get Admission Slip
 Opening Prayer  1 Cutting Class = ½ day absence
 Checking of Attendance (see Master List)  3 Tardiness = 1-day Absence
 Collection of Class Card/Validated Enrollment Forms  Absences: Excused & Unexcused
 Adviser’s Self-Introduction
 Adviser’s Short Welcome Speech  Other Common Offenses
 Students’ Creative Self-Introduction  Cellphone Use
 Haircut & Nail Polish
 Brief History of the University  Due Process
 VMGO Discussion (University & High School)  Anecdotal Report
 Core Values  Offense Slip
 University Seal  1-hr and 1-day Community Service (CS)
 The Administrators: University & High School Dept.
 Clean As You Go (CLAYGO)
 Homeroom Profile DAY 3 (8:00 – 3:00)
 Student Information Sheet (S.I.S.)
 Official School Hours/Class Schedule  Classroom Policies
 School & PE Uniform  Name Tag
 Good Grooming  Identifying the following:
 Identification Card  Left-Handed Students
 Attendance  Near/Far Sighted
 General Assembly  Non-Catholic
 Semestral Clearance  Others w/ Special Cases
 Bell System  Seat Planning (Prepare a Seat Plan Template)
 Speak English/Filipino Policy  Bulletin Board Planning
 Election of Officers (can be rescheduled)
 Name Tag
 4 pcs 2x2 Pictures To be displayed/provided in the classroom:
 SIS signed by Parents
 University VMGO
DAY 2 (8:00 – 3:00)  2 Observer’s Seats with Label
 Cleaning Materials
 Textbooks
 Exam Schedule
 Special Exam
 Grades Slip Release (School Automate) To the Class Adviser:
 Parent Consultation
 Grading System
 Criteria for Scholastic Honors
Please instruct and strictly require the students to
 Computation of Grades for Honors have a notebook and pen for note taking on these
 Promotion & Retention salient points as the lecture is in progress.
 Remedial/Tutorial Sessions
 Shifting to Other Track Most importantly, make them lend an ear.
 Qualifications for Academic Scholarship
Sec.4.2Honors & Awards
Homeroom (HR) Profile. Upon the onset of the academic year, it is extremely a must to get to know your advisees more
deeply by asking them to completely fill out a Homeroom Profile. Profiling of students is crucial for the future undertakings of the
school in general and of the department in particular.

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Sec. 4.3 Attendance Monitoring. Beadles are authorized by the class adviser to check the daily attendance as the adviser can hardly
meet his class each day. Therefore, beadles must be instructed to surrender the beadle boards to the adviser every after the last period
of a day’s class. This should be a daily routine for a constant monitoring of attendance record especially in cases of frequent and
excessive number of tardiness, cutting classes, and absences. When this occurs, adviser should be alarmed and must take the time to
keep in touch with the PDSA and the parents through the contact details indicated on the HR Profile for proper coordination and
communication. Early detection always means better solution. Never wait for the parents to complain and possibly escalate the issue
through the higher-ups.
Sec. 4.4 Coordination with Parents. A student’s academic endeavors can become more solid and progressive when parental
involvement is reinforced by the adviser. This can be best done during the Parent-Teacher Orientation on a given schedule and the
Parent-Teacher Conference on a periodic basis. Forging partnership with the parents brings a more constructive or productive
working relationship towards a student’s better academic achievement.
Many issues in the past had occurred involving advisers’ failure to communicate with the parents on a student’s excessive tardiness,
cutting classes, absences, and scholastic failures. It is therefore important to extract necessary contact information of the parents or
guardians from each of your advisees. When academic and disciplinary problems arise, the following suggested intervention with
the parents may be done by the adviser:
 Phone Call or Text Messaging
 Facebook or Messenger
 Consultation with the student’s classmate/schoolmate-neighbor
 Home Visitation (the last resort)
Sec. 4.5 Classroom Policies. As stated in the students’ Pledge of Loyalty, that they will treat their Alma Mater, the Liceo de Cagayan
University as their SECOND HOME… Therefore, they must be guided by the following rules for their better and more conducive
stay and fun learning in their very own second home, their classroom. Failure to obey the rules shall be strictly dealt with the
corresponding penalties stipulated in the Student Handbook.
1. Greet whoever visits the classroom.
2. Turn off/switch your phone to silent mode.
3. Address the person in authority with “Ma’am” or “Sir”.
4. Never use vulgar/profane language.
5. STAY IN WHILE THE TEACHER IS OUT! Stay inside the classroom when waiting for the next subject teacher to
6. Show respect to the owner of a seat. Thus, transferring of seats is a BIG NO!
7. Never allow students from other sections to get inside your own room (especially during breaks) unless instructed or
permitted by the adviser or subject teacher.
8. Going to the washrooms is allowed only before the start of each subject’s class.
9. Using of earphones is never allowed in the classroom unless used for instructional purposes.
1. Don’t sit on the arm rest.
2. Never write anything or put markings on the wall, board, arm rest, and beadle board.
3. Take extra care of the green/white board.
4. Never attempt to play or slam the door forcefully.
5. Never play with the doorknob.
6. Observer’s Seats should always be well arranged and should not be occupied by any student.
7. Keep the cleaning materials in order and preserve them for long-term use.
8. Drumming on the walls, arm rest, and board is strictly prohibited.
9. Windows must be handled with utmost care.
10. Placing of books must be systematically done.
11. Personal belongings must be well attended to (e.g. cellphones, wallets, etc.)
12. The teacher’s table and chair are absolutely not for students’ use.
13. Bringing of gadgets is discouraged unless necessary or instructed by the teacher. This is to minimize (if not eradicate)
theft cases.
14. Above all, treat all things in the classroom as valuable as your personal belongings.
1. A checklist for group cleaning is prepared and is to be completely accomplished by every group leader.
2. When leaving the room for Computer Class, School Functions/Programs, the Class President or in his/her absence the
highest ranking class officer should see to it that the room is in order. (Chairs should be well arranged.)
3. Always keep the window glass dirt-free.
4. Placing of trashes inside the table drawer is absolutely discouraged.
5. Bear in mind the common, yet important saying: “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”
1. Commission of cutting class will be dealt with sternly.
2. If you are late, don’t proceed to the classroom without securing first an Admission Slip.
3. If you are absent, take the initiative of securing an Admission Slip attached to your Excuse Letter.
4. In the event of infirmity cases, go the PDSA and secure an infirmary slip to be verified and approved by the school
Sec. 4.5 Code of Conduct. The set of rules related to the Code of Conduct sometimes is not reinforced by the advisers
as this is entrusted solely to the PDSA office. As a result, these salient rules become less intensified as only very few
strictly and consistently implement them. The disciplinary issues can be minimized when students are constantly
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reminded of the rules, followed up on their behavior, and are given positive reinforcements in the classroom. During
Homeroom class, the following suggestions are given:
 Conduct regular inspection of boys’ haircut and earrings.
 Check on those wearing cap inside the classroom and even within the campus premises (confiscate the cap
and the student’s ID and forward these to the PDSA for proper investigation and sanction).
 Check for hair color, nail polish, and inappropriate dress.
 Conduct an activity that promotes camaraderie, teamwork, friendship, and a sense of belongingness in the
 Give an activity or quiz to assess whether or not the students are fully aware of the Student Handbook
contents. A regular recap of some few important policies may be done.

Sec. 4.6 Other Homeroom Protocols. The following Homeroom-related practices must be taken into account in the
observance of University propriety:
1. Christmas Party to be held outside the campus is strictly not allowed.
2. Farewell Party/Yearend Party by the class is strictly discouraged as it involves highly potential risk and can
compromise both the students’ and the teacher’s safety and security.
3. Any form of money collection for daily dues or weekly dues among the students is mandatorily prohibited by
the University President. When a need to collect money for some other purposes is deemed greatly important, a
petition letter must be duly submitted for the Principal’s recommendation and for the President’s approval.
4. Advisers must be visible during school functions at all times and must stay near their advisory class except for
reasonable purposes. In case of absence, the adviser needs to notify his/her respective Chairperson for proper
information and negotiation on who shall take over in the overseeing of a particular advisory class.
5. Log in all consultation with students & parents using your Consultation Logbook for transparency and
documentation purposes. This can be a hard evidence useful for future complaints or issues raised by parents.


The following are salient points for reminders in the smooth-sailing process of teaching and learning.

Sec. 1.1 Teaching

1. Be in your class on time to avoid issuance of Faculty Monitoring Slip.
2. Bring your CG and WLL at all times. Be aware of how you are evaluated through the Chair’s and Principal’s
Observation Form.
Sec. 1.2 Absence/Leave ki
1. Keep your Chairperson informed of your whereabouts via SMS or phone call. Never ever leave the campus or the
office without any prior notice and approval of the Chairperson and Principal.
2. In case of absence or sick leave, make sure to give a seatwork for all the unattended classes prior to the first period
class. This is for substitution schedule arrangement. This can be done via SMS through the Chairperson.
Sec. 1.3 Office Etiquette
1. Attend to your assigned responsibility as officer of the month in the observance of office cleanliness.
2. Never leave the workstation unlocked especially when you’re the last person to leave.
3. Be guided by the set of Workstation Policies. (See prepared policies.)
4. Observe proper dress code. No wearing of “maong” pants and mini skirt.
5. Activity shirts are only used for special school functions upon the Principal’s order (not during regular school days).
6. Always seek permission and approval if there is any monetary involvement in any of your planned activity.
Sec. 1.4 Professional Development
1. When you are selected to represent the school in any Faculty Development Program (e.g. Seminar, Workshop,
Forum, etc.), see to it that you document the event by taking photos and upload them in our FB Group.
2. Submit narrative report of seminars attended 3 days after the said activity.
3. Cascade to your fellow teachers what has been discussed in the seminar through a Learning Circle scheduled by your


Sec. 2.1 Subject Orientation. This is done on the first meeting of the class.
1. Inform the students of the Course Outline:
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 Course Description (See Curriculum Guide)
 Significance of your subject in response to the 21st Century Skills
 Subject Policies (Teacher’s Discretion)
 Subject Grading System (collective understanding/interpretation)
 Standards (Performance Tasks, Requirements), & Other Significant Information
2. Consider practicality and efficiency of the given Performance Tasks (PTs) and requirements.
3. A Periodic Requirement Monitoring Form is to be filled out by the subject teacher before the end of a given grading
period. This is to guide the students in the compliance of their requirements/PTs. This will also aid the teachers in
the aim of not giving an 11th-hour requirement.
4. Relay this to the students: No signing of student clearance in the Workstation.
Sec. 2.2 During Instruction
1. Submit Weekly Learning Log (WLL) to your Chairperson before the start of the first period class every Monday of
the week.
2. Document all classroom activities via picture-taking and upload them in your subject area FB Group for your subject
area’s yearend album as part of the Faculty Clearance requirement.
3. Seek permission from your Chairperson if you plan to schedule a remedial/tutorial class.
4. Place notice outside your classroom if you intend to hold your class outside the classroom
5. Maximize the use of the students’ textbooks.
6. Log in all consultation with students & parents using your Consultation Logbook for transparency and documentation
Sec. 2.3 Classroom Management
An effective and efficient teacher possesses both subject matter mastery and an excellent classroom management. Thus,
the following should be a routine activity prior to the start of the instruction proper:
1. Begin your class with a classroom conducive for both teaching and learning by looking into the classroom cleanliness
(cleaning materials not placed near the front doors, not overflowing trash bins, chairs well-arranged and aligned,
clean board, etc.)
2. Then, start with a prayer to be led by either you or an assigned student.
3. Do attendance checking. While doing this, take a look at the student if prescribed uniform with ID and dress code
are observed. Important: Be extra cautious with students flipping their ID; thus, covering their photo.
4. Never fail to indicate your initial signature on the corresponding subject column of the Daily Attendance Sheet. This
is a proof that you have indeed monitored the students’ attendance.
5. First Period Teacher (AM & PM): Strictly require an Admission Slip from those who were absent a day prior (for
AM class) or the half day prior (for PM class).
6. Always bring an Offense Slip in case there will be erring students violating the Code of Conduct as stipulated in the
Student Handbook. Report this immediately to the PDSA Office.
7. Dismiss the class with an empty green/white board as a courtesy to the next user/subject teacher.
8. Last Period Teacher (Main Campus): Remind the class to clean the room for the next student-occupants.

Sec. 3.1 Examination
1. Collaborate with your co-teachers handling the same subject and come up with a substantial and DepEd-guided exam
before the school year begins. Observe proper format.
2. Attached to the test paper are the Table of Specifications (TOS) and the Answer Key.
3. Checking of exam shall be done with the CG to check for alignment and consistency.
4. Ensure the accuracy in the counting of test papers before the examination days. Lacking test papers discovered only
upon the start of the exam can be a cause of delay and hassle to teachers and students.
5. Always seek permission and approval if you plan to give a Performance Task as your summative test. Use the “No
Written Exam” form (see sample form).

Sec. 4.1 Record

1. An e-class record is downloadable from the department’s FB Group. This shall be used as a basis in the grade
2. Class records should indicate the teacher’s name, section, subject, and label of the academic activity with the
corresponding date.
3. These must be placed in a long, white folder with an acetate cover. See format of cover page on FB.
Sec. 4.2 Grades

1. Submission of grades is done 10 days after the summative test.

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2. Never disclose the students’ grades to the whole class. Consider the grades highly confidential. One-on-one
consultation may be done.
3. Only grades related to a parent’s child must be released. Disclosure of another student’s grade is strictly prohibited.
4. Cautiously and accurately input grades via School Automate.
5. To ensure accuracy of the encoded grades, reading of grades shall be done after the class records have already been
checked by the Chairperson. This shall be done by pair. One teacher will look for a co-teacher handling the same
subject. This must be done before the Grade Encoding System is closed.
6. Observe the due process in any event that a student asks for a review on his/her grade.
When a student seeks for a grade review, he/she must be accordingly guided by the following procedures:
 He/she secures a Grade Review Form from the Principal’s Office of the concerned subject and completely fills
it out with the stated reasons for such inquiry.
 This accomplished form shall be submitted to the chairperson for initial review with the concerned subject
 When an initial review is sufficient and doesn’t entail further reexamination, the chairperson and/or the subject
teacher, at their level, can release the details of the reviewed grade. In the event of further investigation, an
Academic Committee shall convene and implement the due process. Once the decision has been made and
approved by the Principal, it shall then be communicated to the involved student through the latter.
 This review shall only take effect within three days after the grades are encoded in the School Automate. NO
7. Submit a Report of Failures using the format prescribed by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
8. Grade Encoding in the School Automate System has a deadline set by the Principal. In case, the deadline is not met,
accomplish the Grade Encoding Extension Form for a reopening of the system.


Sec. 5.1 Competitions

1. When you are designated to be a coach of a particular contest outside the University, take pictures of the contest
event. Upload them in the FB Group BY ALBUM for easy retrieval.
2. Publication of all the activities/contests is done in three ways:
 Video Making (iTV)
 Article Writing (school website)
 Tarpaulin Display

Sec. 5.2 Clubs and Organization

1. Club Moderators should submit Action Plans that are aligned with the set standards in the CG.
2. Upload relevant pictures in the FB Group.
3. Constitution and Bylaws should also be submitted.


A student who fails in any subject after the computation of the Final Average of the two grading periods in a given
semester shall be recommended to take a Remediation Class/Summer Class by the end of a given school year.

Sec. 6.1 Rules. Students who enroll in Summer Class must obtain at least a 75% Final Recomputed Grade (regular class
grade + summer class grade divided by 2) for re-takers or at least 75% grade for shiftees.
Students will strictly commit to the Summer Classroom Policies as follows:
 1 day absence = Dropped (except for valid reasons approved by the Principal)
 3 times tardiness = ½ day absence
 Dress Code Policy (refer to Article VII, Sec. 2)
 No I.D., No Entry (a temporary I.D. shall be issued by the PDSA to any cross-enrollee)
 Policy on Admission Slip after an absence or tardiness
 Summer Class Agreement (must submit a copy to the teacher, duly signed by the parent)


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SHS Primer 2018
All faculty members are subject for a compliance of a semestral clearance (Department and University). See sample
clearance below.

Liceo de Cagayan University

Senior High School Department
Paseo del Rio Campus, Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City


____ Semester, AY 20 ___- 20___

Name: __________________________________________ Department: _____________________ Years in Service: _______

Last Name First Name MI

Requirements Signatory Signature Remarks

Class Record Department Chairperson
Grades Encoded in the School Automate Department Chairperson
Consultation Logbook Department Chairperson
List of Failures Department Chairperson
Honor Sheet (as applicable) Department Chairperson
Complete Weekly Learning Log Department Chairperson
Curriculum Guide & Course Outline Department Chairperson
Hard Photos of Classroom Activities w/ Reflection Department Chairperson
TOS with Attached Test Paper Department Chairperson
Item Analysis (2nd Grading Period) Department Chairperson
Updated File 201 Department Chairperson
Complete Textbooks (Voucher Recipients) Department Chairperson
Compiled Periodic Requirement Monitoring Form Department Chairperson
Self-Assessment & Peer Evaluation Department Chairperson
Student’s Profile (S.I.S.) PDSA
Attached Monthly Attendance Record in a Color -
Coded Clearbook PDSA
Attendance Record Encoded in the Automate PDSA
List of Students for Disciplinary Probation PDSA
List of Students Recommended for Transfer PDSA
Classroom Key, Beadle Board PDSA
Scholastic Record (Consolidated Grades-Automate) Guidance Counselor
Complete Confidential Questionnaires Guidance Counselor
Student Org/Club Action Plan & Constitution
List of Club Officers Academic Chairman
Head of Office/ Chair’s Report Academic Chairman
Teacher’s Evaluation Academic Chairman
Printed Grade Sheets (School Automate) OIC/Principal
Aircon’s Remote Control Maintenance
Dust-and-Dirt-Free Aircon Maintenance
Clean Classroom (well-preserved paint) Maintenance
Clean White Board Maintenance
Complete Chairs in Good Condition Maintenance
Window and Door Glasses in Good Condition Maintenance
Teacher’s Table & Chair in Good Condition Maintenance
Light Bulb & Outlet in Good Condition Maintenance

___________________________________ ________ ______________________________ ________

Name & Signature of Faculty Member Date Name & Signature of Chairperson Date

___________________________________ ________ ______________________________ ________

Mr. Richmond B. Bejaan, Academic Chairman Date Mrs. Mary Grace C. Mesias OIC, Office of the Principal Date

___________________________________ ________
Dr. Ma. Fe D. Opina, Principal Date

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