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Contents Dise 1 Session #1 Technique & Terminology 1 tenn Seg Sen = 2 re Ove or Dero «3. The Gol of Tht Nester 9 Cece De Hea oe fF Den ccm I Dato. 12 Yocd fy M/F Dom 13. Wie Raper AUR Demy 1 ited Vcr 18. Dem” 6 Doce Brak 17 Poms ‘ow eto Woe : = : Seasion #2 24 op TDi ng 25 Howe eo? 25 How Do Sng ‘ih Conn Sou" 27 Hw De Sg High Witt Teneo 28 Hoy Dot Exeol ty Range” oe Dol Delo Vat 30 Hew Dol Dep Sr? Si How bot Bate or Ste tie 32 How Dol Newer Dam? 3. 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Fcc { #4 Seis of Ties Gang Dorn =, Deer =, Ere = 49 99 soi Mir 58 Boece 51 fae 9249 ae 9.49 Dise 10 Session #13 £414, Style3 a4 Ie Ingedicton Sle 2, #1 Dyan Tige Sl Dany - 3, Dees Ene 5 91 Pater» 6 Bn Baer 7 #7 On Uk - Hoe «8 Bers «10,6183 MoreAdd On Lido = I Donen 12 Fen 1h 9 Fame | 16 Ee #4 BcgASIOn Lida - 15: Donen 16 mews 17 Bie IF 4 Fut = 18.8 #9 Mae © Mor Ble Lick» 20, Domes © 21, Be 2253 Pater 25 B99 le Sle Dow 24 Denon 25 Beer 26 F197 # 6 fe ater « E-Ee #7 Mere Bene 19, Dever” 3 ee 31,77 Fe - 5 leon S46 lerpestin ~ 33. Appa of Spar ‘cD = 3, Beaty Tomes 38, Phring "36 Vol Mdina 38 Cada a Sng = 39 Yow Maia in Song =. Tl in Soap Dise 11 Semion #154416, Style 5&6 Lamon S52. Cho! Pogo / Cay Cas «3 Do 4p Dem "5 Bbes Down” 6 RAB Den Cae Pogo 8 Gactehaptnin #2"? Gee Pogaioa (tao ge 12 Seenitcuer se ¥8Cneny "jus tp ie Re © RGR «Hk (Gaci Prgeice 2 1 Comte Pagan #2” 3) Gi: Pg |B Geei pening 28 Cn ran #5 an Dise 12 Sesion 17, Applications “Tawa m pane «2 PoxPavo e Drom i De) :3Dox Pet _fldcinssncna Hotbot bem (cas Dewy hx ea ene Tecemcn hie Qlae Demy 7 nt Beamon 4 We mien) nsNr esc lencaa) 10 Coch How to Use This Program The Singing Success Program is primarily an audio-based course. Start by listening to the first CD. Then, as you progress with the CDs, you will periodically be referred to the book and DVD for visual examples of the techniques being described. Pace yourself! The Singing Success Program is intensive and it will take time to master. Practice between 3 and 6 days a week depending on the intensity of your workouts, being careful not to ‘overwork your vocal cords. Don’t push too hard! If your voice begins feeling tired or strained, cut back on your practice schedule. Toke your fime mastering the techniques as well. Just because you have listened fo a lesson once or twice doesn’t necessarily mean that you are ready to move on to the next one. Continue repeating the lesson until you are confident that you are ready to move on to the next one. However, if you come to a lesson that is particularly difficult for you ond you just can’t seem to get past it- move on! You can continue to work on that technique during your practice times, but don’t allow yourself to get completely hung up on one spot in the course. When singing, as with any physical activity, there iso risk of injury. Do not atempt to sing if you are sick of if your throat or vocal cords feel sore or tired. IF you have or suspect any kind of vocal disorder, consult with your physician before using this program. (veto Congratulations! You hove in your hands the most effective, comprehensive, and practi cal selfimprovement program ever published. With its 12 CDs, DVD, and this booklet, Brett Manning's Singing Success will systematically teach you the same world renowned technique used by more recording artists and entertainers than any other. No other singing technique even comes close! How does Singing Success differ from other techniques? - It is based on fact, not tradition - Itis not based on subjective imagery or unusual mouth and body positions - It promotes individuality and artistic expression = Singers get results in weeks, not years. While vocal study is a lifetime pursuit, most singers experience dramatic improvements right away IT DELIVERS! With this technique, you will dramatically improve your range (high and low], be more consistent, confident and stylistically versatile About the Author Brett Manning has been teaching voice for over fifteen years. Now widely regarded as America's top vocal coach, Brett Manning instructs some of the world's best singers from Nashville to Broadway, as well as the general public at seminars and workshops nationwide. Top vocalists from Europe, Asia, and Australia come to the United States to study with him and frequently take lessons over the phone. Brett Manning's client list contains winners of the world's most prestigious vocal awards, including the Grammies, the Doves, ‘and the CMA Awards. Despite having an incredible five octave range himself, Brett continues to claim "all my students eventually outsing me!" Brett Manning is the President and founder of Singing Success.

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