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6:15 p.m. Sound check

7:00 p.m. Doors open

[VINCE, DEANALIS, and MARIANA at places]

[SARAH on deck]

7:25 p.m. Flash lights, please take your seats

7:30 p.m. Show start (lights down?)

7:35 p.m. What’s Inside [1:31]/Opening Up [2:34]

Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret

7:39 p.m. [SARAH AT PLACES]


- Thank you all so much for joining us here tonight

- Theme is Things That Bring Me Joy – one of those things is singing with my friends and showing
off the outrageous amount of talent they have whenever possible.

- Hurricane relief in Puerto Rico. Stats: $90 billion in damages; thousands dead; embarrassing
paper towel incident; continued colonialist p rejudices keeping Puerto Rico from statehood as
though the island and its people could be owned with no responsibility or accountability.

- Last songs were from Waitress by Sarah Bareilles

- Jessica and Mary taught me how to be supportive

- Was able to pass that on to Leela and Sarah and together with all of them and [name
consultants who are there] we created one of the most supportive work communities I’ve ever
been a part of. This song is for them. Please help me welcome my friend and coworker Sarah
Menke up to sing with me!


7:40 p.m. Suddenly Seymour [3:37]

Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret

7:44 p.m. - Thank you, Sarah!


- This next song is what’s called an “I Want” song in musical theatre. I. Love. I want songs. Love
them. DeanalÍs had to remind me several times about how many “I want” songs I wanted to have
in this show.

- This is the one I wan song I settled on, because it’s a lot of fun and I relate. In some ways, at
least. I don’t personally know what it’s like to be locked in a tower, but either way, here’s “When
Will My Life Begin.”

7:45 p.m. When Will My Life Begin [2:46]

Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret


7:50 p.m. - STEPHEN SONDHEIM, am I right?

- I knew there had to be a Sondheim song and if I was as cool as Audra McDonald, I could just give
him a call and be all “Hey, Steve – what should I sing?” Because then I’d know.

- This song ended up being a clear choice – when I was in this show in High School, I was going
through a rough spot. There was a lot happening at home and at school, and though I couldn’t
name it then, it was my first real taste of loneliness.

- This song served as a good reminder to me that someone is really on our side, even if it doesn’t
always feel that way. Please help me welcome my next guest to the stage – August!


Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret

7:51 p.m. No One is Alone [3:00]

7:54 p.m. [GUS EXITS]


- Like I said earlier, high school was hard. For a lot of us. Add on brown or black skin and
queerness, and WOWEE.

- My main problem was that I wanted to have puberty like everyone else did, to be able to tell the
boy I had a crush on that I had a crush on them. Not have to make up girlfriends, thinking my
friends would actually believe me.

- This next song really spoke to me as a teen, like it spoke to a lot of us, but maybe for different

7:55 p.m. I’m Not That Girl [3:00]

Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret

7:58 p.m. - Mariana had the idea that I do the cab, skirt pants – she has all the best ideas, which is why
when she asked me to watch a show called Steven Universe, I knew I was in for a treat.

- It’s wholesome, it’s all about learning how to work together and be independent, to be strong in
the real way.

- The best part about it is that its MUSICAL.

- If you’ve ever been to my apartment, literally ever, you’ve probably seen one or two jam
sessions with the amazing women I have the privilege of calling family, and for Mariana and me, a
LOT of our rep started coming from the amazing mind of creator Rebecca Sugar.

- So indulge us for a bit as we give you a medley of some of our favorites! Help me welcome her
to the stage!


7:52 p.m. Steven Universe Medley [7:15]

Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret

7:59 p.m. [MARIANA EXITS]


- Story of working at Morten Group – “Sometimes the next step is a leap of faith.”

- Relevant in so many situations, dedicated myself to baking/pastry, etc. etc.

- This one’s about love. I don’t take love lightly, as many of you know, but when I do, I give myself
up to it completely, leaving my heart susceptible to pain, because as a good friend of mine Nik
once told me, all you accomplish by guarding your heart is make sure no one can get in.

8:00 p.m. Meadowlark [5:31]

Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret


- Lin Manuel Miranda – I understand he is a problematic fave, and if you want to chat about it
later, hit me up, I’m always glad to chat.

- This doesn’t change the fact that I believe him to be a musical genius or that thanks to him, for
the first time ever, I saw stories on stage that mirrored mine. Thanks to him, we were able to see
the story of one of our founding fathers being told by bodies of color. So… we’re singing three of
his songs.

- For those of you who have never seen Hamilton, maybe go to the bathroom if you care about
spoilers. No one? Ok.

- First up, I’ll welcome my beautiful roommates back onstage with me along with a good friend
and special guest – Vic Wynter!


- In this first song, Hamilton [Mariana] is in the middle of trying to shape the newborn country’s
National Bank, but his wife Eliza [Deanalis], son Phillip [Vic] and recently married sister in law
Angelica [me!] are trying to get him to put down the pen and Take a Break. Here’s where the
spoiler happens – he chooses not to, and has to answer to Angelica upon her return from

8:06 p.m. Take a Break [4:46]/Congratulations [2:18]

Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret

8:13 p.m. - In 2007, the year after my grandmother passed away, and while I was in danger of being sent
home from college because tuition was expensive and the higher education system is set up
against communities of color and those with lower incomes, I went to New York City with Kim
Oria and our friends for fall break. The night before I found out that my advisor had worked some
magic to keep me in school, I got a standing room ticket to see In the Heights.

- I’m not gonna get into a lot of details, but Nina, who sings this next song, narrowly avoids being
thrown out of school because she was “working two jobs to buy text books that she didn’t have
time to read.” In the second act (spoiler), the community loses Abuela Claudia, the matriarch of
the neighborhood, and Nina finds herself going through a box of Claudia’s things.

- This song is for mentors and teachers past and present like Mary, Willa, and Skillz, for the village
that came together to raise me in every sense, and for the ancestors who I wish could be with me
to see the man I’ve become.

After Take a Break – [DEANALIS, VIC EXIT]


8:14 p.m. Everything I know [3:56]

Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret

8:18 p.m. [MARIANA EXITS]



- Fuck the gender binary, that’s why.

- Deanalis – literally what can I say about her? I don’t have the time in the 90 seconds I gave to
myself. But she is the kindest, most patient, and best cat Titi ever. I can’t get into it, but go see
her in literally anything and she’s going to rock your freaking world. She’s played Mimi in rent, an
awesome twin bandit, a fly with aviator goggles, and now a ghost in what I am sure is going to be
a very scary play called Les Inneconts. Please help me welcome Deanalis to sing Dar Williams’s
When I Was a Boy.


8:19 p.m. When I Was A Boy [4:44]

Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret

8:24 p.m. [DEANALIS EXITS]


- Thirty was never really a super scary age for me, just another milestone that I would eventually

- There are a few things that happen when you get older – bills, taxes, credit scores, relationships
started and ended. But the thing that sucks the worst is that some of your best friends move
away to be adults somewhere else. We make time to see each other, visit for birthdays, get
together for weddings, and sometimes, if you’re very lucky, your best friend comes back to
Chicago and you finally get to explore the world together as adults.

- One of those friends who has done amazing things in the city he’s chosen to call home is my
next guest. We went to college together, and if memory serves me, this is the first time we’re
going to be performing together after 11 years of sisterhood. Coming up to sing a song about
being there even when we’re not, please welcome – Tanner Hussar!


8:25 p.m. I Will Never Leave You [3:02]

Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret

8:29 p.m. [TANNER EXITS]


- This next song is “Purpose” from Avenue Q. Because I’m getting close, but still looking for mine.

8:30 p.m. Purpose [2:28]

Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret


- Working with the Alliance – coming out is hard, but can be helped by having a community as
amazing as mine is.

- This song helps me remember that someone is there. And you know what? If you don’t feel that
you have someone, I’m always here. Thank you for being a part of my life and for being a part of
my community and my home.

- One more ask

- Come on back, D!



8:36 p.m. True Colors [3:46]

Things That Bring Me Joy – A Birthday Cabaret

8:40 p.m. - Thank you all so much for being here!! Everyone come back up!


- Thank you’s to: Mary Morten, my roommates, @North, and all of you for being here with me,
from Portland to New York City. <3

- Please stick around for Barry & the Fountains at 9:30 if you’d like to listen to some great soul
music, and thanks again to our bartender(s) _________.

8:43 p.m. Opening Up (Reprise) [2:00]

8:45 p.m. End


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