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Edited by
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Acoustics in the Built Environment
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Acoustics in the Built Environment
Advice for the design team
Second edition

Duncan Templeton (Editor)

Peter Sacre
BSc(Hons), MSc, MbA, CEng, MIMechE
Peter Mapp
BSc, MSc (Acoustics), MIOA, MInstP, FInstSCE,AMIEE

David Saunders
BSc(Hons), PhD
An imprintof Butterworth-Heinemann
Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford 0X2 8DP
A division of Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd
A member ofthe Reed Elsevierplc group

First published 1993

Second edition 1997

© Reed Educational and ProfessionalPublishing Ltd 1997

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ISBN 07506 3644 0

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Acknowledgements vi Chapter3: Services noise andvibration 85

Peter Sacre and Duncan Templeton
Contributors vii Background; Setting design objectives; Design considera-
tions; Vibration; Installation; References
Introduction 1 Chapter4: Sound systems 110
Peter Mapp
Introduction; System planning; Design principles; System
Chapter 1: Environmental acoustics 7 design and components; Speech intelligibility;
Peter Sacre
Environmental appraisals; Site analysis; Transportation
noise; Construction noise; Industrial noise; Leisure noise; 5: Technical information 132
Groundborne vibration; New developments as a noise Chapter David Saunders
source; References
Definitions; Equivalent Standards; International Stan-
dards; German National Standards; American National
Chapter Design acoustics 35 Standards Institute; American Society for Testing and
Duncan Templeton Materials Standards; French Standards; British Standards
Sound insulation; Sound absorption; Criteriafor different
building types; References Index 161

We are indebted to colleagues who have given us

assistanceandadvice during the compilation of this book
including as follows: Calvin Beck of United Cinemas
International; David Belton of BDP; Ian Blackburn,
DirectorofBuilding Development, Royal Albert Hall;Jeff
Charles of Bickerdike Allen Partners; Richard Cowelland
Rob HarrisofArup Acoustics;Laurence Haslem of Sandy
Brown Associates; Niels Jordan of Jordan Akustik; Pro-
fessor Peter Lord of the Universityof Salford Department
ofApplied Acoustics andBDPAcoustics;Rob Metkemeijer
of Peutz & Associés BV; Victor Robinson of Robinson &
McllWaine;Eve Templeton.

Duncan Templeton Peter set up his own practice in 1984, to specialize in

As a specialist practising architect, Duncan Templeton, sound system design and room acoustics. Before this he
BArch(Hons), MSc(Acoustics),MIOA, RIBA, is Director worked for two of the UK's largest general acoustic
of BDP Acoustics Ltd (a subsidiary of Building Design consultancies,where he was involvedwith all typesofnoise
Partnership, the largest architectural practice in the UK). control and architectural projects.
Feasibilitystudies have included investigationsand predic- He has a particularinterest in the loudspeaker/room
tion work at Royal Albert Hall, Royal Festival Hall, and interface, and in speech-intelligibilitymeasurementand
Royal Opera House. Theatre and conference consultan- prediction. He has presented papers and seminars on
cies include The Swan, High Wycombe; North Wales these topics both in the UK and abroad.
Theatre, Llandudno; garrison theatres at Rheindahlen Peter regularly carries out technical reviews for a
andHerfordin Germany.Music consultancies include the numberofpublications, andis the author ofmore than 40
new City of Leeds College of Music building and articles and papers. He has contributed to three inter-
Tonbridge School Chapel, Kent. TV work clients comprise national references on acoustics and electroacoustics.
Granada Television, BBC, and Yorkshire Tyne-Tees Tele- Sound systems with which Peter has been involved
vision. Environmental expert testimony topics include include: the Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre; the
quarries, wind farms, andtransport interchanges. He is a Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club Stadium; plus the Broad-
visiting lecturer at Humberside and Lincolnshire Uni- gate Arena, the British Museum, and Waterfront Hall,
versity, and the UniversitiesofManchester andSalford.He Belfast.
is the co-author ofthree books on architectural acoustics:
DetailingforAcoustics, The ArchitectureofSound, andAcoustic
David Saunders
Peter Sacre DavidSaunders graduatedfrom the UniversityofNotting-
Peter Sacre, BSc(Hons), MSc, MbA, CEng, MIMechE, ham in 1964 with a first class honours degree in Physics.
has been employed in the field ofacoustic consultancy for He was awarded a PhD from the Universityof St Andrews
20 years. He is presently responsible for managing the in 1967 for a research project in solid state physics. He
Wilmslow office of Sound Research Laboratories Ltd, thenjoined the Physics Departmentat the Universityof
Salford to work with a small group doing researchin the
having been an Associate of BDP Acoustics Ltd and head field of building acoustics. This group developed and in
ofthe Acoustics Departmentat WimpeyLaboratories Ltd. 1975 the DepartmentofApplied Acoustics was formed. It
He is involved primarily with environmental, planning
and architectural projects. Tasks he has undertaken is now the secondlargest acoustics research and teaching
include environmental assessmentsfor the ChannelTun- department in the UK, and David is now Head of
nel fixed link and the subsequent acoustic design of the Department.
Folkestone Terminal, extensive noise monitoring around His original research was concerned with subjective
RAF airfields, design and supervision of acoustics for the reaction to noise and vibration and general building
acoustic problems. However, for the last eight years his
Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre, predictions for the interest has been in studying the propagation and effects
South Warwickshire Prospect coal mine, and a coal-
of high level impulsive noise.
loading facility and open-cast mine in NSW, Australia, His consultancy experience covers a wide range of
when he was resident there.
environmental and noise control problems, in particular
the assessment of the impact of transportation and
Peter Mapp industrial development. He has carried out work for
Peter Mapp, BSc, MSc (Acoustics), MbA, MInstP, industry, local government, building and architectural
FInstSCE, AMIEE, is an independentacoustics and sound firms andlegal organizations, and has representedclients
systemsdesign consultant. at planningapplications and appeals.

Books on acoustics fall into several stereotypes: the

primers, the mathematical/theoretical, the glossy, and
the practical. The glossy may centre on auditoria, the Figure 1.1 RAG Walsall — external. Challenge ofkeeping out
practical on services noise, but it is difficult to find a motorway noise
really useful day-to-day reference covering a range of
acoustics issues in the building technology in its widest
sense. Sound is different to each discipline: to a sociolo-
gist it is a stimulus eliciting a range of subjective
responses, to a physicist it is a measurable phenomenon odology. A designer does not want to calculate from
with varying propagatory character, to the structural basic theory how a partition assemblywill achieve certain
engineer vibration is the issue, to the mechanical engi- sound insulation values; he will want to check his design
neer it is noise control. Environmental noise matters — intent against performance tables, have some idea from
transportation, industry— may impinge on the planner's other tables about the internal needs and externalnoise
considerations. The architect may come across sound as exposure, and either adjust his design or use the data as
a characteristic ofkey spaces (e.g. studios, auditoria) and a performancespecification for suppliers to implement.
in providing adequate isolation and privacy to areas The need for value for money in noise control and
within a building. What seems to be wanted, and does general acoustic design, i.e. to justifi a level of perform-
not exist, is a technical thesaurus covering practical ance to a client and avoid overkill,shouldbe recognized,
reference needswithoutflannel and undue mathematics, with the emphasis on consistent standards, evenly
offering concise guidance and assisting in design meth- applied, for maximum effect.

Figure 1.2 RAG Walsall — internal. Challengeofseparatingengine test beds from office areas
2 Acousticsin the Buift Environment

The scope for advice is more and more apparent: the The cost constraints are such that developers are very
environment is getting noisier, the standards demanded reluctant to have sealed buildings in speculative offices.
higher, ventilation andsound systems more sophisticated, Similarly, hotels sprout on busy interchanges to catch the
computer-aided instrumentation and prediction tech- passing trade, and commercial business parks crowd the
niques more reliable and accurate (Figures 1.1 and 1.2). airports. Leisure centres group innovative combinations
We want this book to appeal to a wide audience — clients, of noisy activity.
project managers, and students, as well as architects, Many developments are of such a scale now that new
mechanical, electrical and sound system engineers. infrastructure — transport, landscape and topography — is
Eachofthe headings generates a separate approachand entailed long before the building work starts. Many
different disciplines can refer to the relevant chapter, building complexes are of such a scale that the initial
although there is a greatdealofoverlap (Diagram 1.1). The contractis a mere shell for fit-out contracts by numerous
clean ideals of theory are inevitablycompromised on the tenants, so there is a shift in the approachto lookingafter
rack offast tracksite progress;judgementsandadvicehave the client's interests. Novel building types, like trading
often to be given based on half-truths and inadequate rooms, microchip production facilities, multiplex cinemas
information. Good acoustic study techniques are some- and theme parks, demand assessment in the absence of
times too cumbersome: on a recent auditorium physical published data. Relationships to other professions can get
modelling exercise, the project was tendered before complex (Diagram 1.5).
research results could be applied. If advice in this book Legislation is a key issue, not only because of the closer
nudges designers and engineers in the right direction once compatibility to European standards, but also because of
in a while,that is asmuchas we couldexpect. Timelyadvice far-reaching statutes, for example the Noise Act 1996, the
duringthe design, construction, and early use ofbuildings Noise at Work Regulations and the Town and Country
is the aim (Diagrams1.2 —1.4). Planning (Assessment of Environment Effects) Regula-
As practising acousticians we come across 'runs' of tions. The first gives local authorities powers to fine
design issues in design sectors. In offices it may be 'how peoplewho create excessive noise at night and confiscate
noisy can it possibly be before the building has to be noisy equipment,the second tightens the legal duties of
sealed rather than naturally ventilated to the perimeter?' employers, designers, manufacturers and suppliers, to

• Classification Rural, industrial

• Airborne noise Transportation,
• Vibration industrial premises,
ground vibration
LU C • Transportation Roads + 15 years
Impact of development —
break-out at boundary

• Planning Site planning, zoning

•• Screening to road noise,
Natural or mechanical
• Ventilation
Plant location of plant rooms —
roof, basement,integral
•• Room acoustics
Cl' I
•• Sound insulation
Sound systems
a HVACnoise
0 Cd

• Workmanship
.9) •5
• Manufacturer
> selections

• HVAC noise Compared to criteria

•• Room acoustics

• Trouble shooting
• Remedialwork
Diagram 1.1 Checklist: stages ofdesign


Diagram 1.2 Regulatory authorities and examples oflegislation

Town & Country Control of Offices, Shops and Licensing
Planning Act, Pollution Railway justices
PUBLIC 1971 S.29 Act 1974 Public Health
premises Act,
1963 Acts, Amendment Act,
S.21 1980
Town& Country S.38, 62, 68 Control Private Places of
(Scotland) Acts, ofsources ofnoise Entertainment
1972, 1977 and vibration (Licensing) Act, 1967
S60, 61 Limits on
site Construction Refreshment
noise Houses Act, 1969
Town& Country
Planning Environmental Health and Safety
(Assessment of Protection Act at Work(etc.) Act,
Environmental Effects) 1990 1974
Regulations 1988 BS 5228: 1997- EECdirect /188
INDUSTRIAL BS4142: 1990 NoiseControl on
and oDen sites
DOE circulars Noise and
10/73 Statutory Nuisance
2/76 Act 1993
1/85 TheNoise Act 1996
Building Regulations Noise at work
1992. SoundE1/213 HSE guidance/
SDD circular Building Standards Regs 1990
DWELLINGS 23/73 (Scotland) Regulations
1981 Building
Noise Insulation
Regulations (NI) 1971
Regulations 1975 as amended.
Hospital design
note 4 (Amendment
HEALTH HN 76/126)

Diagram 1.3 Statutes: sample reference publications

4 Acoustics iii the Built Environment

________________________________________________ I


I _______________________________________









I _______________________ _______________________


________________ I

Diagram 1.4 Designand construction stages

I _________________________________________________




\ I _________

Diagram 1.5 Design disciplines: context ofacoustic consultancyto other skills in the buildingindustry
minimize hearingdamage; the third defines environmen- and reliable documentation; it becomes all too tempting
tal assessment for any major projects of more than local to 'leave it to the trade'. Sound systems are an intrinsic
importance or projects in sensitive areas. Newor amended part of any modern performancespace.
legislation is available relating to key aids, for example Professor Stephen Hawking, who popularized cosmol-
part E ofthe Building Regulations, BS 4142 and BS 6472. ogy and astrophysics with a bestseller, A BriefHistory of
Legal processes for noise abatement of course deserve Time, was advised by his publisher that 'each equation
proper legal advice, but ChristopherPenn's The Law and included would halve the sales'. Perhaps the publisher has
its Enforcementis a useful starting point. the last laugh, as the 1996 version is An Illustrated Brief
'Environmental acoustics' covers a topic largely over- History of Time. Our objective has been to produce
looked to date but is a growth areain consultancy because reference material of the greatest use in an attractive
of the real concern that Green issues raise. Increasingly, format— with minimal essentialformulaesupportingthe
road noise is universal and there are few truly quiet spots methodology.
left on the mainland UK. Thirty-two million people are In Chapter 5 we address the working knowledge of
exposed to 'high' (55—75 dBA) levels of noise. Protection acoustic terminology, relevant standards in the UK and
techniques to properties alongside roads vary from UK worldwide, and up-to-date information sources. Some of
rustic timberto Swiss curved glazing. Environmental noise the topics arise from the course notes for a university
has become an everydayissue: in 1978, there were 17980 degreein acoustics.Sucha courseis a general grounding
complaints to local authorities about environmental noise. for acoustics, as opposed to being specificallyrelated to
By 1982, the number ofcomplaints had grown to 33014, the built environment. The technology and analysis
rising each year to reach 111 151 in 1993, and nearly techniques are advancing quickly, so there will be in the
145000 in 1994, the last year that statisticsare available. near future more data available to analyse, define and
'Design acoustics' too has been well served in publica- accurately commission criteria set on projects. Acoustic
tions but the authors feel there is increasing need for measurement equipment has reduced in weight and size
more detailed advice specific to buildings' uses; one can dramatically, while its ability to collect, and hold in
no longergeneralize andsuggest a single set ofcriteria for memory, data has increased equally dramatically.Chapter
say studios or practice rooms. More and more, the 5 is a summary ofdefinitions overlapping with the topics
designeris setting performancecriteria only, for specialist covered in the chapters, intended as a quick reference
suppliers and installers to implement. source to ensure that terms quoted in performance
'Services noise and vibration' have been reasonably specificationdocuments are correctly ascribed, or alterna-
served by a number of publications to date, for example tively to interpret, in a dictionary style, terms comeacross
the Sound Research Laboratories' NoiseinBuildingServices in contractdocuments or technical reports.
and Beranek and Ver's Noise and Vibration Control Engineer- The most relevant standards have been selected and it
ing Chapter 3 complements existing advice rather than has been a difficult decision to decide how much to
competes. An increasing proportion of buildings are include on this; database keywords generate many hun-
mechanically ventilated, and economic and space pres- dreds of standards but the 'first port of call' reference
sures lead to a tendency to higher velocity duct systems should be given otherwise any oracle referred to will be
where good control is critical. too broad andmeaningless. A problemwith quotinglarge
'Sound systems' have been considered in systems numbers of standards is the constant updating; any
manuals and electronics guidesbut the applications here standardquoted herein should therefore be checked for
of interest relate to speech intelligibility (PA), audibility any amendments subsequent to publication.
(fire alarms), sound quality in particular spaces (sound The humorist Max Frisch defined technology as 'the
reinforcement) and electroacoustics (modifring the way knack of so arranging the world that we don't have to
auditoriasound),applications directly related to building experience it'. This book tries to make design acoustics
projects and to acoustics, rather than attemptingto cover less of a black art or science, by giving concise and
the rapidly-changing equipmentfield. There are a num- economically reasonable advice, topic by topic. This
ber ofprofessionswith a useful half-knowledge— electrical secondedition, promptedby the sell-outofthe first, allows
engineers, systemsspecialists, theatre consultants — butthe general updating of references and guidance with the
areafalls dangerously between professions as regards full introductionof some newcase studies.
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in original
This chapterlooks at the need for an acoustic appraisal,
Chapter 1 Environmental what needs to be considered for a site inspection or
survey, the types of environmental noise sources that
acoustics could be encountered, and identifies those factors that
need to be considered when investigatingthe impact of a
development on its surroundings, including environmen-
Peter Sacre tal impact assessments.
Needfor an acoustic appraisal
An appraisal may be required for one of the following
• to assess possible site constraints
Environmental appraisals
• as part ofan Environmental Statement to accompany
a Planning Application.
The initial assessment that needs to be made for any In the latter case, an acoustics assessmentcouldbe oneof
development takes accountof its location in the environ- several issues to be covered or it may be required as an
ment. Thus environmental acoustics needs to be con- independentstudy.
sidered at the outset, whether it is the consideration of The route taken to identify the need for an appraisal is
planningissues which take accountof the possible effect shown on Diagram 1.1.
of a development on its surroundings or whetherit is the
effect of an external noisy climate on that proposed Specialist help
development. Once the need for an acoustic appraisal has been agreed,
The need to considerenvironmental acoustics has been specialist advice is available from a number of acoustics
given more emphasis now that environmental issues consultants. These can be found via professional bodies
generally are ofuniversal concern.The publication of the such as the Institute of Acoustics or the Association of
Government's White Paper on the Environment [1] Noise Consultants. Often the local authority will keep a
added weight to this consideration by requiring an register ofacoustics consultants ableto undertakeapprais-
environmental assessmentfor significant schemes. als within their area.

Effect on

External noise or vibration

e.g. Transportation, industrial,
I construction, mineral extraction sources

Diagram 1.1 Acowstic appraisal:need

8 Acoustics in the Built Environment

details. Although it would be possible to undertake

Site survey/inspection prediction withoutmeasuredsite data in situations where
J there is sufficientlyreliable publishedinformation, e.g.
noise due to road traffic, a site inspection would provide
site-specific factors which would assist in the exercise.
Set design criteria Prediction ofvibration on a site is extremely complicated
and measurement must always be the preferredmethod.
The differences between the predictednoise or vibra-
Acoustic ______ Predict noise/vibration climate
tion climate and the design criteria will identify the scale
appraisal of any potential problem. An assessment will need to
determine whether any additional control measures are
necessary and practicable. Obviously, small differences
Assess climate against criteria may not warrant huge expenditure and agreementmust
be soughtwith all interested partiesto determinethe best
courseofaction. Wherecontrol methodsare required,the
appraisal should identify the best methods.
Identify noise control

Diagram 1.2 Acowstic appraisal: requirements Site analysis

Site inspection
Theappointmentofanacoustic consultant canbedirect The site survey is probably the most importantpart of an
to theclientoron asubcontract basisto thelead consultant acoustic appraisal, whetherit is only a site inspection or a
(often the architect),as part ofa design team. full measurement survey, since it will determine the
location of noise-sensitive areas and noise sources and
Method ofacoustic appraisal other local factors needed to make an accurate assess-
The basic requirements ofan acoustic appraisal are shown ment, e.g. local shielding. If a full survey is being
in Diagram 1.2. undertaken, the initial site inspection or pilot survey will
The site survey or inspection will enable importantsite- identify the preferred measurementlocations.
specificinformation to be obtained, suchas whetherthere The items that needto be considered in undertakingan
are any local noise and/or vibration sources which may inspection are identified in Diagram 1.3. Diagram 1.3 also
affect any new development, e.g. transportation routes or gives a checklist of the likely aims of an inspection. This
industry, or whether there are any nearby noise-sensitive includes reference to local topography, particularly
areas, for example housing. embankments or cuttings, which would provide significant
In setting design criteria for a development, reference acoustic shielding but the details ofwhich would not easily
will need to be made to such documentationas British be determinedfrom maps or plans. In determining noise
Standards, to establish acceptable intrusive noise or from transportation routes,data suchas type andgradient
vibration levels in a development, or possibly planning ofroad or type ofrailway trackproximity to airports— civil
conditions, which ensure that a development will not or military — need to be obtained.
affect a nearby noise-sensitive area. In some cases, Measurement locations need to be selected to be
researchstudies may need to be referred to in addition to, representative of the local noise or vibration climate and
or in the absence of, relevant standards. take account of site practicalities. This would include
A prediction exercisewould, in the majority ofcases,be whether noise measurements need to be made at heights
based on measured data taking account of site-specific greater than 1.5 m to obtain appropriate data. Short-

Site inspection to determine: Obtain base data including up-to-date plans

identifying site location

•• Development location
Location of nearestdwellings or otherbuildings and Contact local authority to discuss local factors i.e.
periods of operation —--. • Noise-sensitiveareas
•• Noise-producingactivities near the site •• Major noise/vibration sources in area
Vibration sources Complaints received
•• Local topography
•• Transportation
Measurement locations
Indicative noise levels by short measurement
Organize site access and check that abnormal
activities such as site investigations will not be
taking place

Diagram 1.3 Site inspection

Environmental acoustics 9

period indicative measurements taken during a site Measurement locations

inspection are helpful and can establish the preferred Measurement locations should be agreed between all
monitoring locations. parties. Their selection will be basedon the site inspection
The siteinspection also serves to identif'whetherthere and take account of site practicalities. For example, it is
are any local activitieswhich couldaffecta fullsurvey, e.g. notalways best to set up equipment close to houses where
transportation maintenance or industrial down-time dogs are present (although it could be argued that they
period. couldbe considered as partofthe environment, it is likely
thatbarkingis caused by the presenceofthe surveyor) but
Contact with local authority to selecta representative equivalent location. Temporary
Contact with the local authority, normally the Environ- shielding of a potential noise source may also affect the
mental Health Department (EHD), to discuss acoustic measurements, and locations should be avoided if they
appraisal is necessary at some time during the contract. It screen a noise source. An example of temporary shielding
is desirable therefore to agree any local factors that could is a builder'sstockpile of materials.
affect the survey, including planning conditions. The A noise measurement location should always be selected
EHD can identif' the nearest noise-sensitiveareas and/or with an unobstructedview of the proposeddevelopment
any major noise/vibration sources in the area. It is also and preferably at least 3.5m from a reflecting surface. In
beneficial to know the pattern of complaints arising from the case of nearby housing, it is often the first floor
noise nuisance. windowsthat are the most sensitive, i.e. bedrooms.
Typicallythe heightsofmicrophones will be set at 1.2 m
Activities affecting the site or 1.5 m above ground which correspond to a reception
It is necessary to obtain, preferably before a full survey, point at the ground floor level of a building. For a
the likely operating hours of a nearby industrial develop- receptionheight at first floor level, a microphone height
ment or the likely movements on a transportation route, of 4.0 m or 4.5 m above ground using a stand extension
e.g. for railways the number of passenger and freight may be more appropriate.
trains during certain periods should be obtained from If greaterheightsneed to be considered for a reception
Rail Track or the local railway, since the information point, e.g. to representthe third floor height ofa building
collected on a particularday may not representthe total affected by road or railway shielded by a barrier at ground
picture. floor height (see Figure 1.1), then a hydraulic mast, which
Prior to any site visit, access to the site must be ensured can typically go up to lOm to 12m in height, may be
possible. This will normally be by contact with the required.
landowners or estate/lettingagents. This contactwill also In order to reduce the amount of measurement
need to be made before a site survey is undertaken to equipment needed to measure at several locations, a
ensure that there are no other siteactivities taking place to primary location could be selected where continuous
invalidate the measurements, for example a clash with any monitoring is carriedout, togetherwith satellite locations
site investigation must be avoided. where regular but not continuous measurements are
obtained. Typically, the primary location would be
Survey procedure unmannedand the satellite locations manned.
Once site access has been arranged and the presenceof It may be possible, if a refurbished development is
any activities either on or close to the site has been proposed, to use the existing building and position a
checked, the basic survey requirements are as illustrated microphone out of a window, at a distance of about 1 m
in Diagram 1.4 and as discussed below. from the facade. In this case an allowance for facade
reflection will need to be made of approximately 3dBA.
Once the distance is greater than 3.5m from a reflecting
surface, the measurements obtainedat these locations will
Select noise and vibration measurementlocations, berelativelyfree-field.Sometimesa distance of10m from a
preferably in agreementwith the local authority
reflecting surface is adoptedforfree-field measurements.
Determination of groundborne vibration would typi-
Determine duration of the survey, e.g. 2 h or 2 days or
2 weeks and sampling, e.g. 10—15 mm or continuous cally be in order to assess its impact on a proposed
development. Monitoring would need to take place at the
part of the proposeddevelopment nearest the sourceand
[ Check weather to avoid windy or rainy conditions 1 then at regular distances awayfrom the source.
Vibration measurements should be made ensuring that
Select measurementsunits the transducer is coupled effectively with the ground, or

the surfaceto be measured. A heavy block placed in the

[ Select equipment types 1 soil is typically used to fix a transducer for ground
measurements with the ability to allow measurements in
Keeping records of results and events I
the vertical, radial and transverse directions.
Analysis of results Duration ofsurvey
To determine the measurement periods required, it is
Reporting I necessary to identify the periods of operation of the
proposed development and any noise/vibration sources
Diagram1.4 Survey procedure nearby. For example, the likely operation of different
10 Acoustics in the Built Environment


Second floor unshielded

First and ground floors



DEVELOPMENT e.g. fence or e.g. road or
earth bank railway

Figure 1.1 Elevated monitoring need

mechanical services plant for an office development will area. A small housing development affected only by a
affect the noise climate at different times of the day. The single industrial noise source known to maintain a
use of a development 24 h/day, 7 days/week, would also continuous noise level may only take 2—3h at one
identi1' the need to survey at weekends. location.
Typically, consideration needs to be given to assessment The durationofsamples will be dependent on the noise
at night and the lowestambient/backgroundnoise levels climate; 10—20 mm/h at different locations is normally
normally occur between 02:00and04:00 hours. However, sufficient.
if the background noise levels are very low between 02:00 Vibration monitoringwould typically be of short dura-
and 04:00 hours, it may be acceptable from a sleep tion since it is normally only the effectofvibration on the
disturbance pointofview to take 22:30to 00:00 hoursand proposeddevelopment that is of interest. Thus measure-
05:30 to 07:00 hours as the most sensitive periods. ments only need to take account of the maximum levels
In describing noise/vibration climates, the Depart- that would occur during, for example, train pass-bys or
ment of the Environment's Report of the Noise Working quarryblasting and the number ofoccurrences in a given
Party 1990 [21 defined the period 07:00 to 19:00 hours period.
as 'daytime', 19:00 to 23:00 hours as 'evening' and 23:00
to 07:00 hours as 'night-time'. The subsequent publica- Weather
tion of the Departmentof the Environment's Planning The preferred monitoring conditions are on a dry and
Policy Guidance (PPG 24) Planning and Noise [3] recom- clear day or night with a light wind blowing from the
mends the period 07:00 to 23:00 hours as daytime when source towards the measurement location, or when it is
considering the impact of general noise levels on calm. If the monitoringperiods are over a long duration
dwellings. then the effect of weather should not be important,
The durationof the survey will be dependent not only provided reasonably accurate information relatingto the
on the hours of operation but also on the site of a weather can be obtained, and it will only be necessary to
development and/or the noise-sensitiveareas andasurvey avoid long spells ofwindy and rainy weather.
carried out over a numberofdays would average out any High winds and heavy precipitation must be avoided
differences occurring due to weather conditions. For during surveys. High or even moderate winds result in
example, to establish the existing noise climate for a increased background noise levels dueto leavesrustlingin
development on the scale of the ChannelTunnel Project trees or hedges and wind noise in fences. Even with a
[41! required monitoring twice per year over a 2-week windshield, there can be wind 'roar' effects at the
period including weekends at approximately 15—20 loca- microphone itself. Therefore, conditions where wind
tions surrounding the proposed Terminal development speeds are greater than 5 rn/s should be avoided. Rain
Environmental acoustics 11

Table 1.1 Measurement units

Parameters to be determined

Noise source Noise unit Other data


SEL (to determine L&eq)

Number and type of trains

Traffic counts, light and heavy vehicles

LAeq, T

SEL (to determineLAeq) Number and types

Occurrences of different activitiesand periods of operation


LApeak (if impulsive)

Construction LACq, T Occurrences of differentactivitiesand periods and likely duration
LAI,T of events
LAeq,TA-weightedequivalent continuous sound level over a stated time period, T, the preferred measure of environmental noise
varying with time.
LA9O, T soundlevel exceeded for 90% of a measurement period, T, widelyused as the descriptor ofbackground, or
ambient, noise.
LAb, TA-weightedsound level exceeded for 10% of a measurement period, 1
used for road traffic noise measurement.
LAb, TA-weightedsound level exceeded for 1% of a measurement period, T; used to describe the maximum noise climate.
L,., A-weightedmaximum sound level
LDN Used widelyto assesscommunity noise. To determineLDN, LAeq. Tmustbe monitoredduring both daytime (07:00—22:00
hours) and night time (22:00—07:00hours).

could affect the measurement equipment and would range of units, it may be preferredto discount unwanted
create higher noise levels due to its impact on roofs or parameters at a later date.
trees or causing the surface of a road to become wet (in If vibration levels that are to be measured are steady
wet conditions, tyre noise increases). Temperature inver- then r.m.s. acceleration and/or r.m.s. velocity should be
sions could also affect monitoring where long distances determined. Where the vibration levels are caused by
are involved but it is likely that variations due to wind intermittentor impulsivesources then the peakaccelera-
would have more effect. tion and/or peak velocity should be measured. For
Reasonably reliable and up-to-date information can subsequent analysis, frequency spectra should also be
always be obtained from regional weather centres. obtained.
Weather information should always be recorded during
any environmental survey and include wind speed and Equipment
direction, temperature, humidity and cloud cover. The basic instrumentation for noise or vibration measure-
ments, together with a checklist of requirements for
Measurement units instrumentation, is given in Table 1.2. Measurement
The various units and parameters for measuring environ- equipment must be regularly calibrated, at least once
mental noise are definedin Chapter5. In undertakingan every 2 years, and this calibration must be traceable via a
environmental noise survey the values identified in Table laboratory accreditedfor testing by the National Measure-
1.1 shouldbe determinedfor differentnoise sources. The ment Accreditation Service (NAMAS).
table also suggests additional parameters that should be To determine environmental noise levels, a calibrated
obtained. sound level meter complying with the requirements of
Consideration may need to be given to obtaining preferably type 1 butatleasttype 2 as given in BS 6698 [5],
frequency spectra ofdistinctnoise sources, e.g. industrial or BS 5969 [6] should be used. The microphoneselected
plant, for subsequent design development purposes. should always be protected by a windshield and shielded
When the impact of a particular noise source on a from heavy rain.
development is being assessed in isolation it may be In additionto usingequipmentcalibrated to a National
possible to limit the range of parameters measured (see Standard, the equipment should always be calibrated on
Table 1.1) but since most equipment records the full site before and after any survey and at the beginning and
12 Acoustics in the BuiltEnvinmment

Table 1.2 Equipment selection Record keepingand reporting

An important part of the survey procedure is to keep
Basic instrumentation records ofall necessary data.This couldincludeatime log
of events, weather information, measurement locations
Noise Vibration and sample periods, in addition to the measureddata.
Data need to be summarized and sound level histo-
are a good visual method of achieving this. Charts
Microphone Accelerometer, suitably fixed grams
Pre-amplifier showing sound/vibration level versus time can also be
Chargeamplifier useful. The results offrequency analysescan be described
Sound level meter Recording device, e.g. meter more
Calibrator effectively on a sound pressure or vibration level
Windshield versus frequency (octave band or 1/3 octave band)
A report shouldclearly identify the main results of any
survey. If it is necessary to show all results, they can be
Requirement checklist provided in appendices.
During a site survey, the types of environmental noise
A Traceability: has equipment been andvibration that are likely to be encounteredare dueto
calibrated for compliance with relevant transportation, construction or industrial sources.A brief
standards within past 2 years, e.g. BS 6698 description ofeach is given belowwith relevant legislation
or BS 5969 Type 1 or Type 2? criteria, suggested methods of prediction and noise
B Does equipmentcomply with control.
specifications for required precision/type A flowchart summarizing the process of acoustic
for measurements needed? appraisal is included in Diagram 1.5.
C Could equipmentbe used in damp or
windy conditions?
D Power supply? Transportation noise
E Frequency?
F Time history? Road traffic
Fighting Noise in the 1990s [7], an Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development publication,
observes that road traffic noise is a major source of
disamenity as between 32% and 80% of OECD popula-
end ofany tape recording, usinga reference soundsource tions were exposed to 18-h levels above 55 dBA.

typically either an electronic calibrator or Noise sources of individual road vehicles can be
pistonphone. basicallybrokendown to power train noise, which include
Where noise levels are being monitored over a long the engine and transmission, and rolling noise, which is
period of time and are therefore unmannedsome of the due to aerodynamics andtyre/road surface interaction.
time, a reliable data logger coupled to a calibrated sound The effect of speed on the contributionof the power
level meter or equivalent is required. train noise androlling noise to the overall noise level from
Detailed consideration will need to be given to the a single vehicle is shown in Figure 1.2. For light vehicles,
power supply of long term monitoring equipment, and engine noise in low gears at low road speeds dominates up
batteries may need to be regularly changed in colder to about 30 km/hwhere at higherrevolutions/mm rolling
weather. noise starts to become dominant. For heavyvehicles,noise
Where frequency spectra need to be obtained from a from the diesel engine, exhaust and cooling fans dom-
steady sound source this can readily be achieved on site inatesup to about 50 km/h,before rolling noise becomes
usinga filter set coupled to the sound level meter. If the asignificant factor. Above50 km/h, rolling noise increases
source is intermittent and/or impulsive, it may be at a rate of about 9 dBA per doubling of speed for all
necessary to tape record the occurrence for subsequent vehicle categories. Thus the noise level due to a single
analysis or to use a Real Time Analyser for on-the-spot vehicle can be determinedif its speed is known.
analysis. The tape recorder or other recording device The noise level due to road traffic with a mixed flow of
should be selected so as not to affect the accuracy of the light andheavy vehicles can be determinedfrom Cakula-
measurements. Tape recordings should ideally be made tion ofRoad TrafficNoise [8]. It is basicallydependent on
linearly, i.e. not A-weighted, in order to improve the signal the flow of vehicles during a period of either 1 or 18 h
at low frequencies. (06:00—24:00 hours), their speed and the proportionof
Vibration levels can be recorded directly onto meters heavy vehicles. Additional factors are the texture of the
and time history records kept using chart recorders. Any road surface which affects rolling noise and the road
frequency analysis of intermittentand/or impulsive sour- gradientwhich affects enginenoise. Inwet conditions tyre
ces ofvibration should be undertakenusingeither a tape noise increases; however, road traffic noise assessments
recorder, or a real time analyser which ideally has a lower assume dry road conditions.
limiting frequency of 1 Hz or below. On-site calibration is In addition to the engine/rolling noise there may be
normally achieved using an electronic signal, but it is occasions when noise from refrigeration equipment or
preferable to use an accelerometer calibrator. reversing signals need to be considered. Data for modern
Eiivironmeatal acoustics 13


Diagram 1.5 Summary ofacoustic appraisalprocess

refrigerated vehicles, i.e. not diesel engine powered, traffic noise is currently described in terms of LAeq, but it
indicates that noise levels from equipmentwould typically has been converted from LAb levels.
be 65dBA at lOm. For most situations: LAeq,T LAb,T— dB. In 95% of
suchconversions the estimated LAeq,TLSlikelyto be within
Measurement unit ±2dB of the 'true' value.
The measurementunit that has historically been used to
described road traffic noise is LAb. LAb is the A-weighted Legislation and criteria
soundlevelwhich is exceeded for 10% ofthe time period. In the UK, the main legislation dealingwith road traffic
The period normally used is 18h (06:00—24:00 hours). noise is the Noise Insulation Regulations 1975 [9]. This is
The LAb,18 h noise level is the basis for determining issued under the Land Compensation Act 1973 [10].
eligibility under the Noise Insulation Regulations 1975 These regulations were brought into force to compensate
(see Legislation and criteria, below) [9]. residents subjected to additional noise due to the use of
LAeq, Tis the preferredunit formeasuring environmen- new roads. Road construction noise is also included. If
tal noise generally and is the A-weighted equivalent additional noise is at or above a specifiedlevel the affected
continuous sound level. However,in manyinstances, road residents receive a grant for acoustic double windows,
supplementary ventilation, and, where appropriate,vene-
tian blinds to control solar gain in south-facingwindows,
anddouble orinsulated doors. The specifiedlevel is 68dB
3.axl, commercial v,hicl.s LA10 b8h
3. axlecommercial vehidex These regulations do not apply to new housing. New
E 2- axle commercial vel,icles housing or development should be appraised by PPG 24
[3]. The guidance proposes the followingnoise exposure
N Busesand coaches
categories (NECs) based on a 15-years-ahead predicted
2- axle commercialv.hlc*es traffic flow:
> OOkg u.w.
Private cars andlitvse NEC D Planningpermission shouldnormally be refused
where externalfree-fieldnoise levels are in excess
C of 72dB LAeq (07:00—23:00hours),
or 66dB LAeq (23:00—07:00hours)
NEC C Planning permission should not normally be
S,eed(km/hI grantedwhere external free-field noise levels are
in excess of 63dB LAeq (07:00—23:00hours),
Figure 1.2 Generalizedsound level/speedcharacteristicsfor or 57dB LAeq (23:00—07:00hours)
different vehiclecategories but less than those in NEC D.
14 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Where it is considered that permission should be

given then conditions requiringadequate protec-
tion against noise should be imposed.
NEC B Noise should be taken into accountwhen deter-
mining planningapplications and, where appro-
priate, conditions requiringadequate noise pro-
tection should be imposed where external
free-field noise levels are in excess
of 55dB LAeq (07:00—23:00hours)
or 45dB LAeq (23:00—07:00) hours
butless than those in NEC C.
NEC A Noise need not be considered as a determining
factor in granting planning permission where
externalfree-field noise levels are below
55dB LAeq (07:00—23:00hours)
and 45dB LAeq (23:00—07:00hours)
However, noise levels just below these limits
should not be regardedas desirable.
For dwellingswith windowsopen for ventilation
the noise levelsin NECA indicate that 45dBLAeq
is acceptable internally during the day and 35 dB
LAeq at night.
There are no regulations governing acceptable noise
levels in offices. However,BS 8233 [11] suggests that for
private offices 40—45 dB LAeq,- and in open-plan areas
45—50 dB LAeq, T should be the aim. This indicates that
where external noise levels are in excess of60dB LAeq or
63dB LAb, then a sealed office building with some form
of mechanical ventilation is likelyto be required.

An accurate procedurefor the prediction of noise due to
freely-flowing road traffic is given by Calculation of Road

Stage 5 — Combine contributionsfrom

all seaments
Table 1.3 Typical road traffic noise levels based on BS 8233

Situation LAiO, 18h LAeq, 16h

Diagram 1.6 Flow chartforpredicting noisefrom road
At 20 rn from the edge of 80 78 schemes
a busy motorway
carryingmany heavy
vehicles,average traffic
speed 100rn/h, Traffic Noise (CORTN) [8]. To determine noise levels in
interveningground accordance with CORTN, it is necessary to know detailed
grassed information about the road geometry andsurface, topog-
At 20m from the edge of raphyand likelyfuturetraffic parameters. The traffic flow
70 68 15 years after the date of interest should be considered.
a busy main road Depending on the road geometry and topography, the
through a residential road is brokendown into segments and the resultantnoise
area, average traffic level at a reception point is calculated for each segment
speed 50 rn/h, and then combined to give an overall level. A flowchart
intervening ground showing the process is shown in Diagram 1.6. This
paved calculation method is available as a computer program
On a residential road 60 58 such as RoadNoise by W. S. Atkins & Partners (Epsom,
parallel to a busy main Surrey) or HFA Noise by Halcrow Fox (London), and a
road and screenedby large number of acoustic consultants have their own in-
the houses from the house programs.
main road traffic Table 1.3 taken from BS 8233 gives an indication of
traffic noise levels fordifferentroad types.Figure 1.3 from
Environmental acousbcs 15

85 - ......


.. .


I:: Iii
50 I I I

10 50 100 500 1000 5000 10000


Figure 1.3 Mixedflow road traffic noise at 10m (based on Reference 8)



Diffracting zone
C edge ——

Effectiv -- —

( point

1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Path difference, (m)

Figure 1.4 Barrierattenuation for road traffic noise [8]

CORTN gives the basic noise level at 10m from the The propagation of traffic noise with distance is
nearside carriageway edge for traffic containing about predominantly based on distance to the source, angle of
10% heavygoods vehicles (those over 1.5 tonnes) at up to view of the road, interveningground cover, andwhether
60km/h. This also assumes that the road surface is any barriers exist between source and receiver. Typically,
bitumenandrelativelylevel (gradient less than 3%). Ifthe over ground covered with vegetation and a reception
traffic speed exceeds 60 km/h then the noise level will point not more than 4m above ground, the reduction in
increase at a rate of approximately 6dBA/doubling of noise level could be as much as 7 dBA/doubling of
speed. If the percentageof heavyvehicles is greater than distance. Over hard ground or an acoustically reflective
10% then an approximate factor of 2dBA/doubling of surface such as concrete or water, the reduction in noise
heavyvehicle content could be used. level will be 3 dBA/doubling of distance.
16 Acoustics in the Built Ezivironment

90- Heavy vehicles

20 40 60 80 100 120
Speed (km/h)

Figure 1.5 Single-event road vehicle noise level at d!fferentspeeds at a distance of10m [12]

a) 80
U) 65
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Octave band centre frequency (Hz)

Interrupted flow Free flowing

Figure 1.6 Frequency spectrafor dfferent road traffic flow conditions equivalent to 76dB LAb, 7-

The effect of barriers depends on the path difference Figure 1.5 provides an estimate of the single-event
and it is importantto checkthat the line ofsight between exposure level at a distance of 10 m for light and heavy
source, 0.5m above road surface, and receiver, typically vehicles for different speeds. This can be used to
1.5 m or 4.0 m above ground (ground and first floor determinethe overall noise level in terms of LAeq at 10m
reception heights respectively) cuts the barrier (Figure for a number of vehicles. The overall level at a distance
1.4). The sourcefor light and mixed traffic is taken to be greater than lOm can then be estimated based on
0.5 m above the road surface, and for heavy vehiclesonly attenuation of 3—7dBA/doubling of distance depending
can be taken to be typically 1.5m above the road surface. on the ground cover. There are also occasions when a
The barrierneedsto extendasignificantway alongside the predictive exercise may become complicated anda meas-
road to provideeffective screening but if this is achieved urementis the only availablecourse ofaction, suchas at a
the reduction canbe determinedfrom Figure 1.4. traffic-lightedjunction or a roundabout.
Alternatively,ifvehicle flows are low and measurements The resultant noise levelsare normally given in terms of
difficult to make, it maybe preferable to use the following a level at a particular point. However, provision of
method based on the Noise Advisory Council guidance contours, particularlyon a site where the best location for
[12]. a building is being determined, can be helpful. The
Environmental acoustics 17



50 100 150 200
Speed (km/h)

Figure 1.7 Noiselevels ofpassenger trains at dfferentspeeds at 25m [14]

predicted levels for road traffic noise will be overall speeds get higher, aerodynamic noise may become sig-
A-weighted single figures which can be converted to nificant, but that stage has not yet been reached in the
typical octave band levels using the graphs shown in UK
Figure 1.6.
Measurement unit
Railways Train noise is measured in terms of the A-weighted
Noise sources equivalent continuous noise level,LAeq,T Although in the
The predominantsources ofnoise dueto train movement past the period T has been taken as the full 24-h daily
are propulsion equipment and wheel/rail interaction. period for railway noise, The NoiseInsulation(Railways and
The propulsion equipment includes diesel locomotives Other Guided Transport Systems) Regulations 1995 [15]
anddiesel multiple units; noise from electric locomotives identif' the daytime (06:00—24:00hours) and night-time
andelectric multiple units is significantlylower than from (00:00—06:00hours) periods. PPG 24:1994 [3] identifies
diesel equivalents. In addition, auxiliary equipment,such the daytime (07:00—23:00 hours) and night-time
asventilation systems and othercarriage-mounted compo- (23:00—07:00hours) periods.
nents, can be sources of noise, and elevated structures, In order to determinethe LAeqovera given time period,
such as bridges, tend to increase noise levels but both are it is often preferred to undertake a calculation using
typically insignificant in the UK compared to diesel individual train pass-by levels. Thus the sound exposure
locomotive and wheel/rail noise. In the US there are level (SEL) is measured for different train types; typically
many steelelevated structures causing high noise levels. A this is at a distance of 25m. In addition, the maximum
similar situation also occurswith Docklands LightRailway noise level is often measuredin order to assess the effect
but it is predominantly at low frequencies [13]. The of train pass-bys on conversation and telephone use, for
maximum noise level at 25 m from diesel locomotives is example.
typically85—95dBA [14].
Wheel/railnoise is due to the vibration ofboth caused Legislation and criteria
by the action of one rolling over the other. The para- The Railway Noise Insulation Regulations [15] operate on
meters that can affect this noise are the type of track, i.e. a similar basis to the Noise Insulation Regulations [9] for
continuously welded rail (CWR) orjointed (+5 dBA), the road traffic noise. The specified levels are 68 dB LAeq 18h
type of braking system, i.e. disc- or tread-braked, and (day time) and 63dB LAeq6h (night time). If new or
maintenance of track/wheels, i.e. removal of corruga- additionalrailway noise togetherwith railway noise in the
tions. Noise due to tread-braked rolling stock can be vicinity is at or greater than these specified levels at the
10dBA higher than disc-braked, and badly corrugated facade ofa dwelling, the residents are entitled to a grant
track could cause increases of 10 dBA. Therefore rolling for noise insulation to habitable rooms. The noise
stock with discbrakes on CWRthat is regularly maintained insulation grant is for acoustic double windows, supple-
will result in the lowestnoise levels. Typical noise levels of mentary ventilation and, where appropriate, venetian
the different train types hauledby electric locomotivesare blinds to control solar gain in south-facingwindows, and
shown in Figure 1.7. Noise control measures to railways double or insulated doors.
are being brought in, in the form of 'Hush' rails, The Regulations are based on the findings of the
beneficial through their smaller cross section, and wheels DepartmentofTransport's Railway Noise and the Insulation
which are damped to reduce 'ringing'. In future, as train ofDwellings [16]. These Regulations do not apply to new
18 Acoustics in the Buift Environment


25 50 100 150 200

Distancefrom train (m)

Figure 1.8 Attenuation oftrain noise with distance over grassland [14]

housing; PPG 24 proposes the following noise exposure suggested in guidance given by the US Environmental
categories. Agency [17]. This relates to an external free-field noise
level of 65—70 dBA unless it is a sealed building.
NEC D Planningpermission should normally be refused
whereexternal free-fieldnoise levels are in excess Prediction
of 74dB LAeq (07:00—23:00 hours) Procedures for calculating noise from trains are given in
or 66dB LAeq (23:00—07:00hours) the Department of Transport's Calculation of Railway
NEC C Planning permission should not normally be Noise 1995 [18]. This calculation method requires the
granted where externalfree-field noise levels are number and types of trains in an 18-h daytime or 6-h
in excess of night-time period. Typical sound exposure levels, SEL,
66dB LAeq (07:00—23:00hours) for a variety of train types are given where measured data
or 59dB LAeq (23:00—07:00hours) is not available. In addition the type of track and any
butless than those in NEC D, or where individual bridges or viaducts crossed by the rail and the topog-
noise events regularly exceed 82dB (max- raphy need to be known. The railway is then broken
imum SPL on 'slow' meter setting) at night. down into segments, where necessary, and an overall
NEC B Noise should be taken into accountwhen deter- noise level is determined for a reception point. The
process is shown in Diagram 1.7.
mining planning applications and appropriate The overall LAeq noise level on a specific site can be
conditions requiring adequate noise protection
should be imposed where external free-field determined from the sound exposure levels (SEL), as
described in Chapter 5. In order to assess noise levels at
noise levels are in excess of other distances over grassland, the chart shown in Figure
55dB LAeq (07:00—23:00hours) 1.8 can be used. Typically this is 5dBA/doubling of
or 45dB LAeq (23:00—07:00hours) distance. Intervening properties such as semi-detached
but less than those in NEC C. and terraced housing could provide the following noise
NEC A Noise need not be considered as a determining reduction:
factor in granting planning permission where • single row of semi-detached houses 8 dBA
externalfree-field noise levels are below • subsequent rows, each 4dBA
55dB LAeq (07:00—23:00hours)
and 45dB LAeq (23:00—07:00hours) • terraced housing 13dBA
However, noise at the high end should not be Cuttings orinterveningground barrierscould be assessed
regardedas desirable. in a similar way to that described for roads. These
For dwellingswith windowsopen for ventilation procedures can also be used to determinethe 07:00—23:00
and 23:00—07:00h period noise levels for PPG 24 assess-
the noise levels in NECA indicate that 45 dB LAeq
is acceptable internally during the day and35 dBments. Although the barrier corrections for railways are
LAeq at night. slightlygreater, see Calculation ofRailway Noise, the barrier
attenuation in Figure 1.4 can be used. BS 8233 [11]
Fordevelopments with generalofficeswhere the impact contains estimated noise levels for a track carrying diesel-
on communication, either verbal or by telephone, must be hauledpassengers andfreighttrains at differentdistances
considered, a maximum internal level of 55—60 dBA is over open grassland andis reproducedhere asTable 1.4.
Environmental acoustics 19

STAGE 1 — Divide railway into segments

STAGE 2 — Reference Noise Level (SELREF)

For each segment calculatethe
No. of vehicles correction reference noise level (SELl for
each train type on each track
Track/supportstructure correction
STAGE 3 — Propagation

Distance correction
Air absorption correction
Ground correction
A Screening correction For each segment determine
Angle of viewcorrection the correction factors for each
train type at the receiver posi-
tion for each track
STAGE 4 — Reflectioneffect

Facade correction

STAGE 5 — Convert SEL to LAeq

For each segment calculateSEL
at reception point and convert
Correction for time period SEL to LAeqfor each train typeon
Correction for number of trains
} each track

Repeat calculation for each

there any
more segments? segment

STAGE 6— Calculatethe total LAeq for the railway
Sum LAeq to obtain predicted
level from railway
For each time period combine the LA8qS for each segment

Diagram 1.7 Flow diagram for the calculation ofnoisefrom railways

Table 1.4 Noise levelsfor a typical railway' The typical octave frequency band levels can be
determined either from on-site measurements or the
Distancefrom track over open grassland typical noise spectra given in Figure 1.9a and b for both
LAe9,18 h diesel electric locomotives and tread- or disc-braked
(m) (1B)
rolling stock hauled by electrically-poweredlocomotives.
25 67 Aircraft
50 64 Sourcenoise
100 59 The main concern relating to aircraft noise is associated
200 54 with take-offs and landings near an airport. In addition,
ground operation noise may also need to be considered.
aBased on BS 8233. Typical railway traffic is assumed to consist In termsofnoise dueto flying operations, the mainfactor
of a mixture ofa total of90 high-speed diesel-hauled is the type of aircraft. The maximum noise levels for
passenger and freight trains, per 18h day (06:00—24:00hours). various types of aircraft under different operating condi-
20 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Planning guidance andcriteria
95 PPG 24 [3] identifies the following noise exposure
categories for aircraftaffecting new dwellings.
80 NEC D Planningpermission should normally be refused

where externalfree-field noise levels are in excess
72 dB LAeq (07:00—23:00hours)
or 66 dB LAeq (23:00—07:00hours)
NEC C Planning permission should not normally be
63 260 500 2000
1000 4000 8000 grantedwhereexternalfree-field noise levels are
Octave band centre frequency (Hz)
in excess of
66 dB LAeq (07:00—23:00hours)


95 or 57dB LAeq (23:00—07:00hours)
f 90 butless than those in NEC D, orwhereindividual
85 noise events regularly exceed 82dB at
70 NEC B Noise should be taken into account when deter-
65 mining planningapplications and, where appro-
60 priate, conditions requiringadequate noise pro-
56 tection should be imposed where external
50 free-field noise levels are in excess of
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 57dB LAeq (07:00—23:00hours)
Octavebandcentrefrequency (Hz)
or 48 dB LAeq (23:00—07:00 hours) but less than
those in NEC C.
NEC A Noise need not be considered as a determining
::: factor in granting planning permission where
85- externalfree-field noise levels are below
80'- I
57dB LAeq (07:00—23:00hours)
and 48dB LAeq (23:00—07:00hours)


Figure 1.9 Frequency

600 1000

spectrafor trains: (a) diesel


4000 8000
However, noise levels just below these limits
should not be regardedas desirable.
For dwellingswith windowsopen for ventilation
the noise levelsin NECA indicate that 45dB LAeq
is acceptable internally during the day and35dB
LAeq at night.
locomotive at 25 m; (b) tread-brakedpassenger train at 25m
with electric locomotive at 100km/h; (c) disc-braked passenger There are a number of airport grant schemes under
train at 25 m with electric locomotive at 100km/h which grantsare paid towardsthe cost ofsound insulation
in existing dwellings within defined areas around major
airports. The sound insulation package is similar to that
offered under the Noise Insulation Regulations [9] for
road traffic noise, plus increased roofinsulation.
dons are given in Table 1.5. Data are given for the UK
reference distance of 152m used to determine the
Reference Noise Level. Military airfields may also need to
be considered not only for noise near the airfield but Prediction
sometimes due to other operations suchas lowflying.Data Although a simple calculation can be carried out using
in this case needs to be obtained from the Ministry of the sound source data (SEL) from Table 1.5, the number
Defence. of aircrafttypes and a correctionfor distance, the error
in accuracy is likely to be great. In reducing the error,
Measurement units reliance will have to be placed on published contour
Historically,the Noise and NumberIndex (NNI) has been maps which are based on accurate flight profile data.
used as the noise unit for measuring aircraft noise. It takes However, consideration may need to be given to the
into accountthe maximum perceived noise level of each maximum noise level on a site from a design point of
aircraftfor the number of aircraft movements during a view. Measurement is obviously the easiest method of
12-h period (06:00—18:00 hours). However, in September determining maximum noise levels, but if this is not
1990 the Departmentof Transportchangedto the use of possible, then the maximum noise level at a particular
LAeq to describe aircraft noise over a 16-h period location can be obtained by calculating the slant distance
(07:00—23:00 hours). as shown in Figure 1.10 and applying the correction
EnnthI acoustics
Table 1.5 Typical noise levels ofaircraft at a distance of152 m

Aircraft type Example Operation (dB) SEL (dBA)

Supersonic long range Concorde Take-off 126

Departure 116
Approach 107
Old technology long range B707 Take-off 112—120 120
DC-8 Departure 105—112
VC-10 Approach 99—102 107
Old technologyjet Trident Take-off 111—115 113—115
B727 Departure 107—110
B737 Approach 94—99 97—100
New technology
longrange B747 Take-off 103—107 110
DC 10-30 Departure 99—104 108
Approach 91—96 97
New technology medium range Tristar Take-off 96—104
B737-300 Departure 93—100
B757 Approach 85—92
New technology feeder/commuter BAe146-100/200 Take-off 92
Departure 87
Approach 85
Hushedjet BAe1-11 Take-off 108—110
400/500 Departure 102—106
Approach 91—93
STOL medium/large Dash 7 Take-off 82
Departure 79
Approach 73—78
STOL small Twin Otter Take-off 91
Departure 80
Approach 76

Table 1.6 Frequencyspectrafor typicaljet aircraft movements at approximatelySmfrom ailport

Octave band centrefrequency

63Hz 125Hz 250Hz 500Hz 1 kffz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kffz

Take-off: 96dBA 92 94 96 95 92 84 68 56 dB
Landing: 89dBA 79 85 86 84 82 83 80 71 dB

8 dB/doubling of distance. An indication of the fre- NNI contours are available it is possible to estimate the
quency content for typical jet aircraft types is shown in approximate equivalent LAeq 16 h value within ±2dB from
Table 1.6. the following table:
LAeq contour maps are available from the Civil Aviation
Authority or via the local authority or airportauthorities; NNI 35 40 45 50 55 60
examples are Gatwick, Heathrowand Manchester. If only LAeq, 16h 57 60 63 66 69 72
22 Acoustics in the Built Environment

FIightpah of insulation of the building under consideration or by the

aircraft introductionof a noise barrier.
The introductionof noise barriersin the case ofaircraft
Actual distance to aircraft
noise where ground running is a potential problem will
d=V h2+O only be of limited benefit if the development is near an
airfield. Appropriate mufflers or noise testing pens/hush
houses will be needed to control noise from engine
A noise barrier should ideallybe located as close to the
noise source as possible. In some cases this may lead to
maintenance problems since it may need to be sited on
someone else's land. For the determination of the
0 preferred location for a noise barrier, if it cannot be
positioned close to the source, sections across the site will
Reception point be invaluable. Using a sight line between the source
height, for example for roads it will be 0.5 m above the
Figure 1.10 Estimation ofslant distancefrom an aircraft road surface, and the reception point, typically at a
flightpath window on the highest floor of a building, the most
effective position of a barrier can be decided upon. The
performanceofa noise barrieris given by the path length
difference as illustrated in Figure 1.4 forroad traffic noise.
Ground operation noise can be taken to be approx- In order to takeaccountofthe differentfrequency spectra
imately 85 dBAat 300 m andto reduceat a rate of 12 dBA/ oftrain noise comparedto trafficnoise,Figure 1.11 canbe
doubling of distance. used.
The noise reduction achieved by a noise barrier
Control oftransportationnoise sources along a road or railway is typically between 5 and
Unless a newtransportation route is under discussion, the 10dBA and to achieve greater reductions is often quite
design of the route cannot be influenced and noise difficult. The effect of excess attenuation due to soft
control can only be achieved by increasing the sound ground, which was probably included in determining





0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


Figure 1.11 (a) Path dfference; (b) attenuation provided by noise barriers at dfferentfrequencies
Environmental acoustics 23

Table 1.7 Typical construction plant noise In addition to the above equipmentwhich is operating
normally out in the open, structureborne noise due to
drills or breakers maycause potentialnoise
Equipment Approx. 'eq (dB) hand-operated
problems buildings coupled to the construction under
consideration. The noise level due to structureborne
Tracked loader 109 noise varies significantly depending on local site condi-
Tracked excavator 109 tions and an estimate of the noise level likely to occur
Dozer 111 cannot easily be provided, although noise levels of
55—60 dBA in nearby areas during percussive drilling
Piling: could be anticipated.
Diesel hammer 130
Drophammer + wooden dolly 115
Augerbored 112
Measurement unit
Pneumatic breaker 116 The A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level,
Concrete pump 110 LAeq, is the preferred unit for describing construction
Truck mixer 110 noise. However, in addition, to take account of isolated
Concrete mixer 95 events and impulsive sources such as piling, it is recom-
105 mended that the maximum noise level, is also
Batching plant considered.In describing site noise, the particularperiod
Poker vibrators plus compressors 102 of the day should always be stated.
4m3/s 98
7m3/s 101 Legislation and criteria
Noise from construction sites is specificallyreferred to in
17m3/s 111
Sections 60 and 61 of Part III ofthe Control of Pollution
Generator 104 Act 1974 [19].
Pump 103
Crane 103 Section 60
Under Section 60 ofthe Act, a local authority may serve a
Notice on the contractor specifyingone or more of the
the noise level on site from transport, is negated in •plant or machinery which is, or is not, to be used
determining the overall performance provided by a
•hours during which works may be carried out
barrier, unless it is on earth mounding with shallow-
•noise limits
sloped sides. The design of the barrier should ensure However, in specifyingany of the above, a local authority
that the length of the barrier is sufficient to protect the should have regard to:
whole development.
The barrier need only be relatively lightweight and •relevant Codes of Practice issued under this part of
the Act, viz. BS 5228: Parts 1—4 [201;
normally a close-boarded timber fence is quite adequate. •the need to ensure that the best practicable means
Other barrier types include metal sandwich construction
or precast concreteunit assemblies. The performanceof ('practicable' meaningreasonably practicable having
barriersalongside railways can be reduced by as much as regardamongstother things to local conditions, the
5 dBA where the side closest to the track is acoustically current state of technical knowledge, and the finan-
reflective.Consideration shouldbe given to a barrier type cial implications; 'means' includes design, main-
with an acoustically-absorbentsurface facing the track. tenance and manner and periods of operation of
There are barriers, of metal sandwich construction and plant and machinery and the design, construction
and maintenance of buildings and acoustic struc-
precast concrete faced with woodwool slabs, which will tures; this is provided safety and safe working
achieve this requirement.
conditions are met and regard paid to any provision
of BS 5228) are employed to minimize noise;
Construction noise •the interest of the recipient before specifying any
particular methods or plant or machinery, i.e. where
Sources alternative methods or plant more acceptable to the
construction operatorwould be substantiallyas effec-
Major noise sources involved with construction activities
include pilingrigs, earthmoving equipment suchas dozers tive in minimizing noise as those proposed by the
and excavators, and concrete pouring plant such as local authority;
concrete pumps and truck mixers. A range of construc- •the need to protect any personsfrom the effect of
tion equipment is given in Table 1.7 which includes the noise.
approximateaveragesoundpower level during the activity Any person served with such a notice may appeal to a
of each item. In most cases, diesel engine noise predom- magistrate's court within 21 days from The
inates but consideration needs to be given to piling and grounds for appeal and form of notices arereceipt.
outlined in
material handlingnoise. Departmentof the Environment's Circular 2/76 [21].
24 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Section 61 • Hours of work: certain periods of the day are more

The other approach, outlined in Section 61 of the Act, sensitive indicationof the differ-
than others; as an
places the onus on the contractor or other responsible encebetween daytime andevening time working, the
persons. In this section, the contractorcan notif'the local noise level mayhave to be up to 10 dBAquieterin the
authority of his methods of working and noise control evening. Even during the daytime period, certain
procedures, and apply for a consent. The local authority times are likely to be more sensitive than others in
may grant such a consent or have the power to apply offices andother workplaces. The code states that at
conditions to the consent. Thus the contractors can have noise sensitive premises the LAeq may need to be as
some certainty about their position and the risk of low as 40—45 dBA during night-time. It is possible,
interruptionto worksthat have started is removed as far as however, that the level may need to be even lower to
possible. The local authority should reply to applications disturbance.
for consentwithin 28 days. Ifthis reply is not forthcoming, • avoid sleep
Attitude of site operator: noise from the site may be
or the conditions attached are not acceptable, the more readily accepted ifthe siteoperator doing
is all
contractor can appeal to a magistrate's court within 21 he can to avoid unnecessary noise. The acceptability
days from the endofthatperiod. Applicationsfor consent of the projectitselfmay also be a significant factor.
should be made at the same time as or, where it is • Noise characteristics:impulse or tonal characteristics
necessary, after application for Building Regulations may make the site noise less acceptable. There is no
approval. However, this couldhave certain implications on detailed information available on assessing the
normal tendering procedures, and it is being suggested acceptability ofsite noise.
that local authorities shouldbe preparedto giveadvice as
early as possible in respect of their proposed noise Construction site noiseprediction
limitations. It is essential to the working ofthis legislation Once a practical noise limit has been specified by the local
forboth contractors and local authorities to have consulta-
tion prior to any formal procedures occurring. authority, it will be necessary for that local authority and
also the developer, architect, engineer and contractor to
know whether the intended site operations will cause
Contravention problems. The noise levels for different operations will
If the contractor or other responsible person knowingly have to be predicted at tender stage so that appropriate
allows work to be carried out, in contravention of either allowancescan be made in the tender for noise control.
any conditions attachedto a consentor any requirements Once those site operations that exceedthe noise limitare
of a notice, theywill be guiltyofan offence against Part III known, the contractorwill be required to include for the
of the Control ofPollution Act.Itshouldbe noted that the necessary noise control to achieve the limit. The noise
contractorwould also be responsible for a subcontractor limitwould normally be quotedas a site boundarylevel in
operating on the project and their attention must be terms of LAeq over a given time period, typically a 12-h
drawn to any requirements of a consent or notice on that working day, and/or in terms ofeither an overriding short
project. period, e.g. 5 mm, or maximum levels measuredwith a
sound level meter set at slow or fast response.
In order to estimate the noise level at a given location,
Code ofPractice the procedurebasicallyconsists of the followingfactors:
The relevant Code of Practice relating to construction
noise is BS 5228. The aim of the Code is to recommend • sound power outputs of processes and plant
methods of noise control in respect of construction and • distances from source to receiver
other open sites and to enable developers, architects, • presence of screening by barriers and the reflection
engineers, planners, designers, site operators and local of sound
authorities to control noise. One of the factors which • periods of operation of processes and plant.
complicates any assessment is the relative sensitivity of Anexample ofthe dataneeded is shownin Table 1.8. In
different individuals in the same neighbourhood to the this case the LAeq, 12h level would be:
same noise.
Site noise is normally described in terms of the LAeq, 12 h
equivalent continuous A-weightedsound level LAeq over a = 10 log2[4 X 10'° + 1 X 10° + 8 X 10'0 + 6 X 10'°]
stated time, for example 1 h or 12 h. In addition to LAeq,
the site noise may be described in terms ofthe maximum = 73dB (to the nearestdB).
sound level, or the one-percentile level LA1. The method of prediction can be represented by a
Whichever measure is selected to describethe site noise,
the period of the day to which the particularvalue ofthe diagram takenfrom BS 5228,reproducedhere as Diagram
measureapplies must also be stated. In assessingwhether
noise from a site is likely to constitute a problem, in
addition to site location and the existing ambient noise Setting suitablecriteria
levels, consideration should be given to the following: Information from local authorities in the UK indicates
that noise from road-works,andconstruction and demoli-
• Duration of site operations: higher noise levels may tion sites causes relativelyfew cases of noise nuisance, i.e.
be accepted by local residents provided they are between 5 and 10% of the total nuisances confirmed.
aware that the work is only of short duration; good However,the effectofconstruction site noise as a possible
public relations are importantin this. nuisance must not be overlooked. There are three
Environniental acoustics 25

Table 1.8 Example of construction site noiseprediction based on BS 5228 [2011

soundpower Distance Screening Mobileplant soundpower On-time
level, Distance attenuation attenuation correction level in 12 h
Plant and size (dB) (dB) (dB) (h)
'WAeq (dB) (m) (dB)

100 50 42 0 0 58 4
Compressor 7m3/min 0 69
Pneumatic breaker 116 50 42 5
Tracked excavator 109 30 38 0 0 71 8
Tracked loader 109 15 32 0 4 73 6

different approaches available to local authorities in Although there is no requirementto set a noise limitfor
dealing with construction noise: any ofthe three approaches, noise limits can be set based
on those aspectsdescribed earlierin the 'Code ofPractice'
• encourageapplication for prior consent section above.
• serve a Notice Noise nuisance caused byconstruction noise is normally
• allow work to be carried out andif any cases ofnoise ofshort duration.Often, there are no means availableto
nuisance arise dealing with them either under apply control, e.g. structurebornenoise due to hand-held
Section 58 or Section 60 of the Control of Pollution tools, and so it is very important that the contractorhas a
Act. Although construction noise nuisance should be good public relations policy. If a noisy activity has to take
dealt with under Sections 60 or 61, individuals may place which could affect neighbouring properties, the
complain to local authorities, who could then serve a neighbours should be warned, particularly with regard to
Notice under the Environmental Protection Act to the durationofthe activity. Itmay evenbe possibleto agree
abate the nuisance. to periodsofoperationthat are acceptable to both parties.


Activity LAeq Plant LWA On site On haul road

Select LWA for

stationary plant
Select LWA for
and obtain on-time mobile plant
at maximum level
Select LAeq at
lOm distance
I Correct for minimum
distance between
plant and assessment
location. Allow for
Correct for
distance and allowfor Calculate LAeq
Correct for actual and reflection from haul road
distance and allowfor creening assessment
screeningand reflection allowing for
Estimate distance screening and
Combine levels with
ratio and correct for reflection
equivalent on-time
percentage on-time

______________ Estimate the on-time for each activityduring the _____________

period of assessmentand applycorrection

Calculate combined LAeq

Diagram 1.8 Predictionofsite noise (afterBS 5228: Part 1) [2011

26 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Noise control preferred by both authorities and site operators because

Noise from construction equipment can be controlled at specified requirements can be
source or by controlling the way it propagates or spreads. easily monitored.
Controlat source is by:
• Substztution. Noisy plant and operations including Industrial noise
Noise sources
piling should be replaced by less noisy alternatives Industrial noise is caused
where reasonably practical. by a wide variety of sources.
• Mod?fication. Machines can be made quieter by other general
noise-producing activities are quarrying or
modification, but this should only be carried out extraction, material handling, metal fabri-
after consultation with the manufacturers. cation, and building services plant operation.
• Enclosuresand screening. In designing an enclosure to The situations and modes of operation of the sources
can also vary widely, and it can be a single machine or an
control noise from a machine, consideration must be
given to the ventilation requirements in order to array of machines, operating either internally within a
prevent overheating. Suitable materials and some building or externally,which are ofconcern.The sources
even emit noise levels which fluctuate with time, for
examples ofenclosure design are included in BS 5228. may mobile
Alternatively,screens around the noisy area can be example plant, machines on- and off-load. Exam-
used or, if screening cannot be provided by site ples of the various types of industrial noise sources are:
buildings or by earth mounds, temporaryscreening
can be constructed with materials such as external-

mineralextraction: blasting and mobile earthmoving
type equipment with reversing signals, truck
quality or woodwoolslabs.
• Use andplywood prescreeded
siting of equipment. Plant should be used in • loading;
materials handling: fork lifts or cranes, loading/
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. In unloadingtruckswith associated impact noise which
situations where operation is intermittent, plant can take place internally or externally;
should be shut down or throttled down to a mini-
mumwhen not in operation. Care should be taken to
• metal fabrication: cuttingof steel sheet by guillotine,
press operation and associated material handling
position noisy equipment away from noise-sensitive including wastedisposal into bins possiblyvia cyclone
areas, and in caseswhere an item ofplantis known to
emit noise strongly in one direction, it should be
orientated so that the noise is directed away from
• units;
building services plant operation: this could serve an
office or
building industrial premises with the plant
noise-sensitive areas. Engine covers should be kept sometimes mounted on the roof.
closed during use.
• Maintenance. Regular and effective maintenance of Due to the varietyofsources, typicalnoise levelscannotbe
plant is essential and will assistin keeping noise levels given reliably.
to a level similar to that from a newitem of plant. It
is particularly important to effectively maintain the Measurement unit
BS 4142 [22] identifies the A-weighted equivalent con-
silencing systems, for example engine exhaust tinuous noise level, LAeq, as the preferred measurement
• Periods of use. It may be possible to operate certain unit, althoughif the industrial noise is reasonably steady,
an average A-weighted noise level measuredwith a sound
items of noisy equipment to avoid sensitive periods.
In some cityareas, agreements have been reachedfor level meter set to 'slow' time weighting is acceptable. It
is necessary to obtain the background noise level when
piling not to take place during the periods
10:00—12:00 hours and 14:00—16:00 hours, thus considering the impact of industrial noise and this is
defined as the A-weightednoise level exceeded for 90%
enablingnormal officeactivitiesto take place during of a time period, LAOO T This should be measured by a
these hours for a limited period without any like-
lihood of disturbance. noise analyser operating with a fast time weighting.
Although detailed consideration is not given in BS 4142
to the likely impact of impulsive-type noise sources,
Prajectsuperthion except in applying a fixed correction, the maximum
Noise control should be considered at each project stage noise levels of a process should always be obtained for
in order to meet the necessary requirements. Early subsequent assessment.
consultation between developer, architect or engineer,
and the local authority should be held to ascertain the Legislation and criteria
likely noise limitations. Processesandequipmentinvolved For industrial development, Section 80 of the Environ-
with the site operations should be considered in order to mental Protection Act 1990 [23], as amendedby the Noise
keep those particular noisy operations to a minimum. and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993 [24], is relevant.
Issues include planningthe hours ofworking, ensuring Planning guidance is given in PPG 24 paragraph 19.
the use of the most suitable plant, economy and speed of The likelihood of complaints about noise from industrial
operations, on-site monitoring, and the provision of development can be assessed using guidance in BS 4142
prominentwarning notices where high noise levels exist. [22]. Basically, the noise level likely to be generatedbythe
Local authorities may wish to lay down requirements development, corrected where appropriatefor its charac-
relating to the work programmes, plant to be used, siting ter, is compared to the existing backgroundnoise levels.
of plant, and working hours, rather than (or in addition This process is described in more detail later. The
to) specifyingsitenoise limits. This approachwill often be resulting difference gives an indication of the likelihood
Environmental acoustics 27

ofcomplaints. If by this method, noise from the proposed Appropriate conditions will need to be imposed to meet
development 'is likely to give rise to complaints' then these requirements and examples are given in Annex4 of
permission unlikely to be granted. In determining the PPG 24 [3]. Appropriate conditions have subsequently
predicted noise levelfrom a proposeddevelopment, it will been published in Appendix A of the Departmentof the
be necessary to take account of the plant operating at its Environment's Circular 1/85 [26] and are reproduced
maximum capability. here in Table 1.9. Although conditions relating to the
Planning guidance on noise from surface mineral physical characteristics of the development, the type and
extraction or landfillsites is given in MPG 11: The Controlof intensity of activity to be carried out, and hours of
Noise at Surface Mineral Workings [25]. These guidelines operation, are preferable, in some instances a condition
recommend a noise prediction model representing a laying down a maximum noise level at a particular
proposedmineral development anda methodfor settling locationor possiblydifferentlevels for different periodsof
noise limits. They also provide adviceon noise monitoring the day may be appropriate.
and noise control. If plant associated with the mineral If a proposed development were shown by a noise
extraction or landfill is fixed on site it seems appropriate assessmentto be acceptable during normal working hours
for this plant to be assessedon the basis ofBS 4142 [22]. but not at other times, it would be reasonable to apply a
If a local authority gives permission for the develop- condition restricting operation to certain specified hours
ment, theywill need to ensure that: rather than rejectthe application altogether.
Using this guidance, permission will be given for
• noisierprocesses than those proposedby the devel- developments against which the local authority is unlikely
oper are not allowed, and to find it necessary to serve a noise abatement notice
• all physical features of the submitted plans which under the Environmental Protection Act. However,it will
control noiselevels are in the finished
incorporated not necessarilyprovide protectionagainst legal action by
development. private citizens.

Table 1.9 Suggested models of acceptable conditions relatingto noisefor use in appropriate circumstances. Extractedfrom
Appendix A ofDepartment ofEnvironment Circular 1/85 [261

5 [activities] shall nottake place anywhere on the site exceptwithin building[s].

The condition shoulddescribe precisely the activities to be controlled as well as the particularbuilding(s) in which they areto take
6. The building shall be so [constructed/adapted]as to provide sound attenuation against internally generated
noise of not less than dB averaged over the frequency range 100 to 3150Hz.
7. Noise emittedfrom the site shall not exceed [A] dB expressed as a [B] minute/hour LAeq between [c] and [c]
hours Monday to Friday and [A] dB expressed as a [B] minute/hour LAeq at any other time, as measuredon the [D]
boundary [boundaries] of the site/atpoint[s] [E].
Specify: A noise level

B - period
C - times
D boundary (boundaries)

E - points.
8. [No {specfied machinery] shall be operatedon the premises] before am on weekdays and am
on Saturdays nor after pm on weekdays and pm on Saturdays [nor at any time on Sundays or
bank holidays].
9. Before [any] [spec!fied] plant and machinery is used on the premises, it shall be enclosed with sound-insulating
material in accordance with a scheme to be agreedwith the local planningauthority.
This condition might be varied where the need was to secure the satisfactory mountingofthe machinery to prevent conductednoise
and vibration. Adviceshouldbe appended to the permission, indicatingthe attenuation aimed at.
10. Development shall not begin until a scheme for protectingthe proposeddwellings from noise from the
road has been submitted to and approved by the local planningauthority; and all works which form part
of the scheme shall be completed before any of the permitted dwellingsis occupied.
Authorities should giveapplicants guidance on the extent of noise attenuation to be aimed at within or around the dwellings, so
as to provide preciseguidelinesfor the scheme to be submitted.
11. Aircraft shall not take off or land exceptbetween the hours of and

NB. Additions and amendments to these conditions are given in Annex4 ofPPG 24 [3].
28 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Diagram 1.9 Industrial noise assessmentprocedure

Under Section 80 of the Environmental Protection Act, computer model. This will require data relatingto sound
the local authority is empowered to deal with noise power levels and directivity and is likely to necessitate a
nuisanceby serving a Noise Abatement Notice. three-dimensional model taking into account different
BS 4142 Methodfor rating industrial noise affecting mixed heights above a ground level datum.
residential and industrial areas [22] describes methods for The sound power level data may need to be estimated
determiningnoise levels from factories, industrial prem- by converting,anticipated internallevels within a building
ises, or fixed installations and sources of an industrial to those radiating from an aperture or from wall elements
nature in commercial premises. The noise level deter- or obtained for external sources such as transportation
mined in terms of LAeq,1 is corrected for tonal and from references.
impulsive character to establish the rating level. This
rating level is then compared with the measured batk- Noise control
ground noise level. Even wherethe noise climate is always There are a numberofalternative methods ofcontrolling
affected by the industrial noise, it is possible to measure noise from an industrial development including:
the background noise level at another location whereit is
presumed to be equivalent. The process is shown in
• attenuators in ductwork of ventilation or extraction
Diagram 1.9.
The difference between the rating level and the • enclosures around mechanical plant like fans and
background noise level indicates the likelihood of com- motors, selection of low-noise components
plaints. A difference of around 10 dB or more in LAeq T
• cladding on ductwork
indicates that complaints are likely. Adifference ofaround • silencers in pipework serving valves or engine
5dB is of marginal significance. At a difference below exhausts
5dB, the lower the value the less the likelihood that • building orientationduring design to avoid openings
A difference of —10 dB is a positive like doors facing sensitive areas
complaints will occur.
indication that complaints are not at all likely. In assessing • building construction
whethera particularprocess is causinga noise nuisance, • hours of operation to avoid night-time/evening
the local authority would normally use BS 4142: 1990. periods if possible
• methodsof operation to avoid high levels of impact
Prediction noise
As stated earlier, industrial noise sources can be ofvarious • lining bins collecting metallic waste material
forms and prediction of industrial installation noise Implementation of any noise control needs to take
requiresa clear understandingof the processes involved. account of other parameters, for example cooling needs
Ideally, noise levels should be measured during the and fire ratings, so requirements need to be checked for
operation of similar processes elsewhere. It may be overall practicality with the manufacturers and/or the
necessaryto takeaccountofan increase in size or capacity suppliers.
ofan operation.Onlyin the case ofmineralextraction are
there suitable data to enable reasonably accurate predic-
tions to take place and these are provided in BS 5228, Leisure noise
particularly Part4. Noise due to leisure activities can be considered as an
Data obtained in this way can make the prediction extension to industrial noise. Leisure activities include
exercise easier since it will normally only require a discotheques, night clubs, cinemas, ten-pin bowling and
distance correction to be applied. Where a large number clay pigeon shooting. In addition, certain apparently quiet
of sources are identified it may be necessary to preparea activities such as ice skating can be a potential noise
EnvhnmeiitaI acoustIcs 29

problem due to the accompanying use of a sound x Vertical

PPG24 [3] identifies that these activitiesposeparticular Vibration source
not least because associated activitiesare often
difficulty, Line or point
at their peak in the evening and late at night. It is also
necessary to consider traffic and associated car parking
resulting from leisure activities.
Units are as those described for industrial noise, but
due to the nature of leisure activity noise, it can be the Z9
maximum levelwhich is the most important. Legislation is
primarily as given for industrial noise. Additional guid-
ance in assessing and setting criteria is given for certain
leisure activities in the form of draft codes of practice,
some ofwhich are being considered by the Departmentof Longitudinal
Environment. Examples include: (horizontal)

• clay pigeon shooting [27] Human responseconsideration

• discotheques [28] Foot — head
• water skiing [29] Right — left
Back— chest
The Noise Council has prepared a code on pop
concerts[301. Guidelines are intended to minimize Figure 1.12 Threedirectionsofvibration measurement
annoyance at noise-sensitivepremises:
• The LAeq music level during any 15-minute period
from events held on no more than 3 days/year Unit,
should not exceed 75dB near urban stadiaorarenas, Groundbornevibration is typically measured in terms of
or 65dB near other urban or rural venues. Where
between 3 and 12 events per year are held, the LAeq velocity (millimetres per second) or acceleration (metres
music level during any 15-minute period should not per second per second). Where sources are impulsive or
exceed the background noise level by more than intermittentit is the peakparticle velocity or acceleration
15 dB. For indoorvenues used for up to 30 events per which is measured and this is the maximum value
recordedduring an event.
year the LAeq music level should not exceed the General advice on the measurement of vibration in
background noise level by more than 5 dB. buildings is contained in BS 7385: Part 1 [31]. Vibration
• No music noise should be audible within noise- can either be considered in termsof the cause ofpossible
sensitive premises between 23:00 and 09:00 hours.
building damage, where peak particle velocity is the
However, in some cases it may be necessary to set preferred unit, or the effect on people where either
additional limits to control low-frequencynoise levels. velocity or acceleration can be considered.
Prediction of noise due to various leisure activities is In determiningthe overall vibration value, it is neces-
best dealt with by using data from existing activities and sary to take account of the vibration levels in the three
making corrections to take account of site-specific factors. perpendicular directions, up—down, side-to-side, and
As well as those methods identified for industrial noise front—back, as illustrated in Figure 1.12.
control, including building construction and orientation
to avoid doors andwindowsfacing sensitiveneighbours, it Legislation and criteria
may be possible to electronicallycontrolthe sound system Guidance on acceptable vibration levels to avoidvibration-
output. induced damage in structures is given in BS 7385: Part 2
[31]. The guide values are given in Table 1.10. Prior to
1993, the guidance given in German StandardDIN 4150:
Groundbonie vibratiou Part 3 [32] was often used; DIN 4150: Part 3 values are
Sources more stringentthan BS 7385: Part 2 values. As shown in
In addition to the airborne noise levels caused by Figure 1.13 from Reference 14, vibration can be felt at
transportation, construction and industrial sources dis- levelswell belowthose that could cause structural damage.
cussed above, thereis also the generation of groundborne BS 6472 [33] provides guidance on satisfactory magni-
vibration to consider; this can lead to structureborne tudes of building vibration with respect to human
noise, perceived vibration or, in rare instances, building response. The factors used to specii' satisfactory magni-
damage. tudes are given in Table 1.11. (Curves relating to these
Typical causes of vibration are trains, vibratory rollers, factors are shown in Figure 3.2.)
piling equipment and possibly industrial presses or Complaints from building occupiers about excessive
blasting. Unless there are any irregularities in the road vibration are normallydue to the beliefthat ifthe vibration
surface (for example, 'sleeping policemen' or expansion canbe feltthen it is likelyto cause damage. Door closure or
joints), road vehicles cause relatively low levels of vibra- footfall within buildings often cause levels wellabove those
tion. The ground conditions are important since the measured from thesourceunder investigation. Considera-
vibration levels can be amplified significantlyif the soil is tionofstructurebornenoise is onlylikelyto be neededfor
marshy/soft. very sensitive areas such as auditoria, studios and con-
30 Acoustics in the Built Envimnment

• the likely response of the structure of the building

under consideration.
It is very difficult to obtain accurate data on the above
andit is essential to undertakemeasurements on siteor in
a location representative of site conditions. Reasonable
data are availablefor such activities as blasting from the
US Bureau ofMines withoutmeasurement but this should
be added to by checkmeasurements if possible.
Unless there is a similar building located at the same
distance from the vibration source, it is not possible to
measure the response of the building. A finite element
analysismaybe necessaryto determinethe likelyresponse
of the building.

If there is a likelihood of structural damage then,
obviously, an alternative form of the source of vibration
needs to be found or possibly the structure could be
reinforced. However, only rarely is it shown that structural
damage is likely to be caused and the method of control
normally available is the isolation of the recipient,
(H typically:

Figure 1.13 Criteriafor subjectivelimits and building • small sensitive equipment, for example optical
damage balances
• entire buildings, for example concert halls
• individual rooms, for example studios.
ference meetingrooms. Spaceswith windows to outside are Onlyoccasionallyis it possible to isolate the source, since
unlikely to be of concern since there will be a reasonably it is out of the control ofthe developer, although this has
high level of low frequency noise breakinginto the space been undertakenwith railway tracks and some industrial
viathe windowswhich will mask any structurebornenoise. sources such as presses. It may also be possible to control
Establishing acceptable levels of structurebornenoise in the operating time of the vibration source to avoid
sensitiveareas will need to be site specific. sensitive periods.

In predicting the likely vibration levels from a particular New
developments as a noise source
source, consideration needs to be given to: In assessing the new development as a noise source,

the type of source and its interaction with the consideration may need to be given to undertaking an
ground, Environmental Assessment or simply to meeting a plan-

transmission through the ground, ning condition.

Table 1.10 Transient vibration guide values for cosmetic damagefrom BS 7385: Part 2 [31].

Peak componentparticlevelocity in frequencyrange of

predominant pulse
Line Type ofbuilding 4Hz to 15Hz 15Hz and above

1 Reinforced or framedstructures 50mm/sat 4Hz and above

Industrial and heavy
commercial buildings
2 Unreinforcedor light framed 15mm/s at 4Hz increasing 20mm/sat 15Hz
structures to 20mm/sat 15Hz increasing to 50mm/s at
Residential or light commercial 40Hz and above
type buildings
Note 1. Values referredto are at the base ofthe building.
Note 2. For line 2, at frequencies below 4Hz, a maximum displacement of 0.6mm (zero to peak) should not be exceeded.
Environmental acoustics 31

Table 1.11 Multiplyingfactors used to specify satisfactory magnitudes of building vibration with respect to human response
(fromBS 6472) [33]. Extractsfrom BS 6472 are reproducedwith the permission ofBSI. Complete copies ofthe standard can be
obtained by postfrom BSI Publications, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes, MK14 6LE


Continuous vibration Intermittent vibration and impulsivevibration

Place Time (see note 2) excitation with several occurrencesper day

Critical working areas (e.g. some Day 1 1

hospital operating theatres, some Night 1 1 (see note 3)
precision laboratories, etc.)
Residential Day 2 to 4 60 to 90
(see note 4) (see notes 4, 5, 6)
Night 1.4 20
Office Day 4 128
Night 4 128 (see note 7)
Workshops Day 8 128 notes 7 and 8)
Night 8 128 (see

Note 1. This table leads to magnitudes of vibration below which the probability of adverse commentis low (any acoustic noise
caused by structural vibration is not considered).
Note 2. Doubling of the suggested vibration magnitudes may result in adverse comment and this may increase significantlyif the
magnitudes are quadrupled(where available,dose/responsecurves may be consulted).
Note 3. Magnitudes of impulse shock in hospital operating theatres and critical working places pertain to periods of time when
operations are in progress or critical work is being performed.At other times magnitudes as high as those for residences are
satisfactoryprovided there is due agreement and warning.
Note 4. Within residential areas people exhibit wide variations of vibration tolerance. Specificvalues are dependentupon social
and culturalfactors, psychologicalattitudes and expected degreeofintrusion.
Note 5. The 'trade off' between number of events per day, their magnitudes and durationsis not well established. In the case of
blasting, and for more than three events per day, the followingprovisionalrelationship can be used to modify the factors for
residences in column 4 of this table. This involves further multiplying by the factor F= 1.7 N°5 T' where: Nis the numberof
events in a 16-h day; Tis the duration of the impulse and decay signal for an eventin seconds.
The duration of an eventcan be estimated from the 10% (—20dB) points of the motion time histories.
d = zero for Tiessthan 1 s.
Forshortdurationstimulithereis evidence that forwooden floors the human response d=0.32 and forconcrete floors d= 1.22.
This 'trade off' equation does not apply when values lower than those given by the factors for continuous vibration result.
Note 6. The root mean quad (r.m.q. = (l/Tf, a4(t) dt)"4) of the weighted acceleration signal a(t) may be used as an alternative

methodof assessmentfor impulsiveevents. The same relation between duration and acceleration maybe used to accumulate the
exposure to intermittentvibration occurring throughoutthe day (i.e. accumulated value = a4 (t)dt). The value obtainedby
this method, which shouldbe related to the boundaries for continuous vibration, allows greater magnitudes with shorter and/or
less frequent periods ofintermittentvibrations.
Note 7. The magnitudes for impulsive shock excitation in offices and workshop areas should not be increased without
considering the possibilityof significantdisruption ofworking activity.
Note 8. Vibration acting on operators ofcertain processes such as drop forges or crushers, which vibrate working places, maybe
in a separate category from theworkshop areas considered in this table. The vibration magnitudes specified in relevant
standards would then apply to the operators of the exciting processes.

Environmental assessments ment if they are 'likely to have significant effects on the
There is a formal requirement in the UK and the rest of environment byvirtue offactors such as their nature, size,
Europe for an Assessment of Environmental Effects and and location' and include developments such as mineral
the preparation of an Environmental Statement to be extraction, industrial complexes, food industry, infra-
undertakenfor certain projects. The projects that require structure projects, and holiday villages or hotel com-
an assessmentin every case are listed in Schedule 1 ofthe plexes. If the project under consideration is deemed by
Town and Country Planning (AssessmentofEnvironmen- the local planning authorities to be included in either
tal Effects) Regulations 1988 [34] andinclude oil refiner- Schedule 1 or 2 then it is likely that an acoustics appraisal
ies, power stations, waste disposal and chemical installa- would need to be included as part of the assessment. In
tions, andlarge transportation schemes. Schedule 2 ofthe some cases, the local authority may considerthat only an
Regulations identifies projects which require an assess- acoustics appraisal is needed. The method ofapproachis
32 Acoustics in the Built Euviroument

Establish baseline conditions during shown in Diagram 1.10; Schedules 1 and 2 are summa-
period representativeof development use rized in Table 1.12.
There is a proposal to amend the Regulations by
extendingSchedule 1 by 14 new categories andclarifying
Predict/estimate noise and/or vibration those projects requiring environmental assessment in
due to development use during both Schedule 2. It is likely that these amendments will come
construction and operation phases
into force at the end of 1997.
Included in Schedule 2 are wind farms and theme
Assessimpactof development by comparing parks. The assessment guide for noise from wind farms
existing and predicted levels was published in September1996 by ETSU [35].
] The assessment for an Environmental Statement will
need to consider the construction andoperationalphases
Discuss situation with local representative
] of the development, including likely transport move-
ments. It will also need to include those elements of
- acoustic appraisal identified earlier, particularly a site
Determine appropriate mitigation measuresif
I survey. Some site uses in sensitive areas will not be
necessary J acceptable even with noise control measures, and plan-
fling permission for a new development may be refused
Presentoutcome of environmental assessment on environmentalgrounds.

Diagram1.10 Environmental Assessment: acoustics Planningconditions

appraisalprocedure Noise emission from the development, or, in the case of
affected dwellings, sound insulation measures, will be
issues covered by conditions imposed as part of the
Table 1.12 Descriptionsofdevelopment grantingof planningpermission.
Conditions imposed upon a planning agreementmay
also refer to the construction andoperational phases and
Schedule 1 will vary from district to district depending on local
Those developments requiringassessment: parameters. Local planning authorities may impose
'standard' conditions as part of the issuing of planning
Refineries permission. Table 1.9 identifies model conditions which
Power stations were briefly discussed under 'Industrial Noise'. These
Radioactivewaste stores should be checked carefullyand the questions that need
Works for initial meltingof cast iron and steel to be asked are: are theyclear in intent or too 'catch all'?
Asbestosextraction or processing installations Is the local authority being reasonable in allowing normal
Integratedchemical installations activity and plant noise related to the site use for which
Special roads, long-distance railway tracks, or airports permission is granted, or related to existing site noise
Trading ports levels, or is it impossible to operate normally without
Waste disposal installations falling foul of noise limits set arbitrarily too low? Has the
Land-fill sites design team to demonstrate by a prediction statementthat
the limits set will be met? Does a Condition apply only to
Schedule2 'fixedplant' oralso to traffic movements and activity noise
(for example, discotheque sound systems)? Do the same
Many projects require assessment in the following standards apply to intermittentnoise sources like standby
Agricultural processes The setting of noise control standards at the planning
Extractiveindustries stage and their subsequent observance by the developer
Energy industries or owner does not preclude an individual taking legal
Metal processing action in common law to abate noise nuisance arising
Glass making from the development. The developer who undertakes a
Chemical industries 'shell' major development with subsequentfitting-out by
Food industries tenants, should be careful in obtaining consents for the
Textile, leather, wood and paper industries total development and agreeing contracts that tenants'
Rubber industries plant complies with any planning condition and indeed
Infrastructure projects including industrial estate has been allowed for as a contributing component of
noise breakoutto the local community.
development, urban development, and road, harbour, or
airport construction not falling into Schedule 1 projects
Construction phase assessment
Other projects including holiday villages or hotel Reference earlier to dealing with construction activities
complexes shouldprovide sufficient information to enablea suitable
Modificationsto any projects previouslyin Schedule 1. assessment to be made. However, once the hours of
working and the type ofmachinery to be used are agreed,
Environmental acoustics 33

i.e. the best practicable means have been employed, there 3. Department of the Environment Planning Policy
couldbe a requirementfor a substantial degree of public Guidance PPG 24 Planning and Noise, HMSO, 1994.
relations activity to satisf' potentialcomplainants. 4. Wimpey Laboratories Ltd Residues and Emissions:
Sound and Vibration, Report No. 15, CTG Channel
Operationalphase Tunnel Project — Environmental Impact Assessment,
If the development is industrial then adequate guidance Hayes, Middlesex, September 1985
may be obtained from earlier guidance dealing with 5. BS 6698: 1986 (amd 1991) Specffication for integrating-
industrial noise. This is also likelyto be the case for those averaging sound level meters, British Standards Institu-
developments with mechanical plant for building services tion, Milton Keynes
as their only noise source — a topic covered in detail in 6. BS 5969: 1981 Specficationfor soundlevel meters, British
Chapter 3. Standards Institution, Milton Keynes
Suitable criteria have to be set at the most appropriate 7. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Devel-
locations, normally the site boundary, and discussions opment, Fighting Noise in the 1990s, OECD Publica-
with the Environmental Health Departments of the local tions Service, Paris, 1991
authorities should lead to an agreement. 8. The Department of Transport Calculation of Road
In the case of steady noise from mechanical plant, a TrafficNoise, HMSO, London, 1988
noise level criterion matching the existing background 9. Statutory Instrument 1975 No 1763 Building and
noise level is normally appropriate. Consideration may Buildings NoiseInsulationRegulations, HMSO, London,
need to be given to a criterion 5dBA below the back- 1975
ground noise level in some cases to avoid any significant 10. Land Compensation Act 1973, HMSO, London,
increase in a particularly sensitive area, but 10dBAbelow 1973
the backgroundshould never be necessary. 11. BS 8233: 1987 Codeofpractice for sound insulation and
Noise from other activitiessuchas leisure, for example noise reduction for buildings, British Standards Institu-
night clubs or ten-pin bowling, will need to be carefully tion, Milton Keynes
considered since music or impulsive noise can be annoy-
12. The Noise Advisory Council A Guide to Measurement
ingeven at noise levels below the existing background. In and Prediction ofthe Equivalent Continuous Sound Level
some cases the only means of control may be a restriction Le:j, HMSO, London, 1978
on hours of use. 13. Shield, B. M. and Zhukov, A. N. A survey ofannoyance
If there are noise problems once a development is caused by noisefrom the DocklandsLightRailway. Institute
operational, the first line of complaint is frequently theofAcousticsProceedings, 13(5), pp. 15—23 (1991)
local authority Environmental Health Officer. He may 14. Nelson, P. (ed.) Transportation Noise Reference Book,
have been asked to commentby the planningauthority at Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1987
planningstage on whethera noise condition should apply,
15. Statutory Instrument1996No 428. The NoiseInsulation
and reacts to the later complaints by carryingouthis own (Railway and Other Guided Transport Systems)
checks. If he agrees that the complaint is reasonable and Regulations.
may constitute a Nuisance, he can issue an 'Abatement 16. DepartmentofTransportRailway Noise and the Insula-
Notice in respectofNoise Nuisance' under the provisions tion of Dwellings, Mitchell Report, London, HMSO,
of the Environmental ProtectionAct 1990which gives 28 1991.
days to remedy, restrict, or stop the noise. The action to
17. US Environmental Protection Agency Office ofNoise
improve matters mayvary from 'best practical means', i.e. Abatement and ControlInformation on Levels ofEnvi-
achieving as much as costs and practicalities allow to ronmental Noise Required to Protect Public Health and
provide some amelioration, to radical noise control Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety US Govern-
measures or proscribing activity or plant noise during ment Printing Office, March 1974
certain times or even altogether. Once a Notice is served,
18. Departmentof Transport Calculation ofRailway Noise
an Appeal can be made against the basis of the alleged 1995, London, HMSO, 1995.
19. Control of Pollution Act 1974
occurrences constituting the statutorynuisance. However,
the Notice provisions are not suspended until the appeal
20. BS 5228: 1992/1997 Noise control on construction and
court so decides. cpen sites, British Standards Institution, Milton
Alternatively, a Court Order to restrain a continuationKeynes
of a wrongful act or omission may be initiated. This is the
21. Department of the Environment Control of Pollution
most common legal action in private nuisance claims. Act 1974, Implementation ofPart 3: Noise, Circular 2/76,
Failure to comply could mean fines and even imprison- HMSO, London, 1976
ment. Unlike a Notice, the restraint requirement is 22. BS 4142: 1990 Method ofrating industrial noise, affecting
immediate. Further details can be found in Garner's mixed residential and industrial areas, British Standards
Environmental Law [36]. Institution, Milton Keynes [BS under review]
23. Environmental Protection Act 1990
24. Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993.
References 25. Department of the Environment Mineral Planning
1. This CommonInheritance, Government White Paperon Guide MPG 11 The Control of Noise at Surface Mineral
the Environment, 1990 Workings, HMSO, 1993.
2. Department of the Environment Report of the Noise 26. Departmentof the Environment The Use ofConditions
Review Working Party 1990, Batho Report, HMSO, in Planning Permissions, Circular 1/85, HMSO, Lon-
London, 1990 don, 1985
34 Acoustics in the Buift Environment

27. Code of practice on Noise from Clay Pigeon Shooting, 32. Deutsches Institutfür Normunge.V. 4150: 1986: Part
Midland Joint Advisory Council for Environmental 3 Structural vibration in buildings: effects on structures,
Protection, 1989, revised 1991 Berlin
28. Noise AdvisoryCouncil Draft Code ofPractice on Sound 33. BS 6472: 1992 Guide to evaluation ofhuman exposureto
Levels in Discotheques, HMSO, 1986 vibration in buildings (1Hz to 80Hz), British Standards
29. British Water Ski Federation Code ofPracticefor Water Institution, Milton Keynes
Skiing and Noise, 1989/Consultation draft for revised 34. Town and Country Planning (Assessmentof Environ-
Code October 1996. mental Effects) Regulations 1988, SI 1988 No. 1199,
30. The Noise Council Code of Practice on Environmental HMSO, London, 1988
Noise Control at Concerts, The Noise Council, 1995. 35. ETSU The Assessment & Rating ofNoisefrom Windfarms,
31. BS 7385: Part 1: 1990 Evaluation and measurementfor The Working Group on Noise from Wind Turbines,
vibration in buildings: guidefor measurementofvibrations ETSU-R-97, Final Report September 1996.
and evaluations of their effrcts on buildings, British 36. Garner,J. E, Harris, D.J. (eds) Garner'sEnvironmental
Standards Institution, Milton Keynes. Part 2: 1993 Law, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford,first published
Guide to damage levelsfrom groundborne vibration. July 1942, updated three times p.a.
Sound waves in the air on the source side impinge on
Chapter 2 Design the partition and 'drive' it (i.e. cause it to vibrate), and in
turn the barrier radiates sound into the receiving space.
The main issues are the transmission path, the sound-
acoustics reducing capability of the separating structure, and the
components making up this structure. The practical
reduction ofairbornesound energy is not only dependent
Duncan Templeton on the direct path via the wall, but also on flanking
Sound insulation
Airbornesoundinsulation Flanking paths occur at the edges of the physical barrier,
its junction to floors, other walls, ceiling, or ductwork
Airborne sound insulation entails the separation by a common to source andreceiving rooms (Figure 2.1). The
physicalbarrierofthe space containing a noise source from indirecttransmission via a flanking path can be reduced
an adjacent space requiring protection. The physical
barriermaybeapartitionorwallbetween rooms orfloor for by increasing the massofthe flanking walls, increasing the
rooms above each other (Diagram 2.1). The term 'parti- partition mass and bonding it to flanking elements, or
tion' implies dry construction (modular panels or clad introducing discontinuity to side walls in the adjacent
studded frames) or lightweight,non-loadbearing masonry; rooms, for example by independentwallliningor floating
'wall' implies a masonry structuretied into other wallsand
supportingfloors or roofabove.There is, however, overlap
between the terms. The two systems have differing Sound level difference
characteristicsacoustically. Partitions may be more subject The soundlevel difference between two spacesis depend-
to edgecracking,flankingandresonance effects. Walls can ent on the sound-reducing capability of unit area of the
transmit structurebornesound more than studding-type partition,the area of the partition, the acoustic properties
partitions, or pass re-radiated energy,andwithoutspecial of the source and receiving spaces, and flanking effects
detailingare moredifficult to make discontinuous. (Figure 2.2 and Diagram 2.2).

• Area of

•• Stiffness
SRI • Coincidence

• resonances

• Roofs
• Floors

•• Doors
• Ceilings

Diagram 2.1 Sound insulation: considerationsin design

36 Acoustics in the Built Environment



A = Sourceroom
B = Receiving room
1Via other rooms
2 Via flankingwalls
3 Via ceiling 0
4 Via floor 0
5 Direct path through wall

Figure2.1 Commonnoiseflanking paths z>


Diagram 2.2 Separation between rooms

A, Absorption units

Partition Area, s = h x I m2

0= R—1O log —
where 0is sound level difference
A is sound reduction index
for unit area of partition.

Figure 2.2 Soundlevel difference between rooms


Facade Area

separate calculation
for sound via other
facadesand openings
Inside-to-outsidesound level difference
= R— lOlog S+ 14 + 20 log r
Figure 2.3 Inside-to-outside sound level dfference

Facade Area
(SI A, Absorption units

separate calculation
for sound via other
SRI facades and openings

Outside-to-insidesound level difference

o = L1 — L2
= R — 10
log —6 dO
Figure 2.4 Outside-to-inside sound level dfference

Room-to-room sound level dfference. This is defined in receiving point, or in other situations as defined in
Chapter 5. It is often useful in a sequence of measure- Chapter5 (Figure 2.3).In practice, an assessmentofnoise
mentsfor spacesat differentstagesoffit-out to have a level break-out from say a factory building requiresa sequence
difference standardized to a reference half second rever- of calculations involving the contributions of sound via
beration time. The Weighted Standardized Level Differ- the roof, other facades, doors and windows. Little useful
ence (DflT,W) is defined in BS5821 [1] and referred to in informationexists aboutsoundradiation viaangled roofs.
the Building Regulations Part E [2]. In mostcases,itis the openings in industrial buildings that
Iftwo spacesare similar in acousticalcharacter, i.e. have determine the noise break-out to adjacentsites.
the same amount of absorption in both the source room
andreceiving room, the measured level difference will be Outside-to-insidesound level dfference. This is given by:
the same whichever is the source room, If one space is D R— 10 log S/A —6dB
much 'deader' than the other,or the spaces are ofsimilar This assumes that the measuring microphone is well away
reverberation timebutgreatly different involume, the level from the facade. As with break-out, break-in calculations
difference will be greater with the deader (or larger shouldanalyse components ofnoise from the other faces
volume) space as the receiving room. This is not an and roof (Figure 2.4). While separate checks follow for
anomalyalthougha partitionapparently more effectivefor break-in and break-out, both may be of concern on some
sound insulation in one directionthan in the other can
jobs; for example, a hospital may be considered a noise-
requiresome explanation to a client. In fairlydead spaces, sensitive building type but has significant 24-hour noise
forexample cinemaauditoria orstudios,a truereverberant from plant and activity, which may upset nearby housing
field in the receiving room may not be generatedby the
source in the room adjacentand there will be agradientof (Diagrams 2.3 and 2.4).
soundlevel awayfrom the separating partition. Sound reduction index
The sound reduction index (SRI) is the basic measureof
Inside-to-outsidesound level difference. This is given by: sound insulation andis the number ofdecibels that sound
D=R— 10 log S+ 14 + 20 log r power is reducedby transmission through the barrier. The
average sound reduction index is usually expressed over
for facade radiation to hemisphere, where Sis the outside 100—3150Hz one-third octavebands, andwill be similar to
wall area and ris the radius from the facade centre to the the single value at 500 Hz (see Chapter 5).
38 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Diagram 2.3 Comparing buildinguse and external noise climate


• Compare


• Neighbourhood
or site boundary

Diagram 2.4 Noise break-in and break-out

Averagesound insulation index rating, R theoretically increases by 6dB per octave. It may be seen
The average sound insulation index rating, R, is the from Figure 2.5 that the empirical mass law curve based
weighted single-figuredescriptordefined in Chapter5. Ason results is below the theoretical curve due to coinci-
with the A-weighting, greatersignificance to midandhighdence and resonance effects, and approximates to 5 dB
frequencies is given than for, say, the direct arithmetic
per mass doubling. The theoretical soundinsulation over
average of the SRIs. This more accurately reflects the the frequency range 100—3150 Hz is given by:
subjective effect of insulation due to the ear's reduced R = 7.6 + 20 log MdB
acuity at lower frequencies.
where M is in kg/rn2; alternatively, to determine the
Mass law theoretical performance at a particularfrequency:
The mass law indicates that in theory sound insulation
increases by 6dB for every doublingofweight ofdividing
R= 20 log (JM) — 47dB
element per unit thickness. The sound insulation also where is the frequency of the incidentsound.
Design acoustics 39

Table 2.1 Sound reduction indices


kg/m2 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Mean'

Single glazing (mm)

4-mm glass in aluminium frame, 100-mm opening 10 10 11 12 12 13 11
4mm 10 20 22 28 34 34 29 28
6mm 15 18 25 31 36 30 38 29
6.4mmlaminated 22 24 30 36 33 38 30
12mm 30 26 30 35 34 39 47 35
19mm 49 25 31 30 32 45 47 35
Doubleglazing: glass/air space/glass (mm)
Sealed units
3/12/3 21 20 22 29 35 25 25
4/12/4 22 17 24 37 41 38 30
6/12/6 20 19 29 38 36 46 30
4/12/12 25 22 33 41 44 44 35
6/12/10 26 26 34 40 39 48 34
6/20/12 26 34 40 42 40 50 39
6.4 lam/12/10 27 29 37 41 42 53 38
Separate panes
6/150/4 29 35 45 56 52 51 44
6/200/6 37 41 48 54 47 47 46
4/200/4 27 33 39 42 46 44 39
4/200/4,opposite sliders open 25 mm 15 23 34 32 28 32 27
4/200/4,opposite sliders open 100mm 10 16 27 25 27 27 22

102-mm single-leaffairfaced 36 37 40 46 54 56 45
Single-leafplastered both sides 240 34 37 41 51 58 60 47
Cavitybrickwork with ties 480 34 34 40 56 73 76 52
Double leaf brickwork plastered both sides 480 41 45 48 56 58 60 51
100-mm lightweight blockwork fairfaced 125 32 32 33 41 49 57 41
100-mm blockwork plastered both sides 32 34 37 45 52 57 43
100-mm blockwork with plasterboard on dabs both sides 28 34 45 53 55 52 45
200-mm fairfaced lightweight blockwork 250 35 38 43 49 54 58 46
200-mm blockwork plastered both sides 37 39 46 53 57 61 49
200-mm blockwork plasterboard on dabs both sides 33 39 50 55 56 60 49
Three-leaf brickwork plasteredboth sides 720 44 43 49 57 66 70 55
Two leaves of 100-mm dense concrete blocks, 50-mm
cavity, 13-mm plaster both sides, cavity ties 35 41 49 58 67 75 52
Stud partitions
9-mm plasterboard on 50 X 100mm studs at 400mm
centres 15 31 35 37 45 46 35
13-mm plasterboard on 50 X 100mm studs at 400mm
centres 25 32 34 47 39 50 38
13-mm plasterboard on 50 X 100mm studsat 400mm
centres, 25mm mineralwool between studs 25 37 42 49 46 59 43
6-mm ply on 50 X 50mm studs at 600mmcentres 10 14 22 28 42 42 26
Double 13-mm plasterboard on 146-mm steel studs at
600 mm centres 32 41 47 49 53 58 47
9-mm ply on frame 5 7 13 19 25 19 22 18
25-mm T&G timber boards 14 21 17 22 24 30 36 25
5-mm ply/1.5-mm lead/S-mm ply composite sheets 25 26 30 34 38 42 44 36
Two layers of 13-mm plasterboard 22 24 29 31 32 30 35 30
1.2-mm steel sheet, 18 g 10 13 20 24 29 33 39 26
6-mm steel plate 50 27 35 41 39 39 46 38
40 Acoustics in the Buift Environment

Table 2.1 Sound reduction indices — continued

OB CF (Hz)

kg/rn2 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Mean°

Profiled metal sheeting 18 20 21 21 25 25 22

0.8-mm steel trapezoidal section, 50-mm deep cladding
panels 14 17 18 20 29 31 22
Duct cladding: plaster/mineralwool 30 11 13 12 12 12 21 12"
Duct cladding: lead foil/mineralwool 12 7 8 7 7 7 7 7b
50-mm woodwool slabs, screeded to source side 28 26 28 30 32 33 36 30
100-mm woodwool slabs, screeded to source side 50 28 28 32 34 33 38 31
43-mm flush, hollow-coredoor, normal hanging 9 12 13 14 16 18 24 16
43-mm solid core door, normal hanging 28 17 21 26 29 31 34 26
50-mm steel door with good seals 21 27 32 34 36 39 32
Acoustic metal doorset, double seals 36 39 44 49 54 57 47
235-mm T&G floorboards, floorjoists, 13-mm
plasterboard and skin 31 18 25 37 39 45 45 35
235-mm T&G floorboards, floorjoists with 50-mm sand
between, 13-mm plasterboard and skin 35 40 45 50 60 64 49
100-mm reinforced concrete slab 250 37 36 45 52 59 62 49
200-mm reinforced concrete slab 460 42 41 50 57 60 65 53
300-mm reinforced concrete slab 690 40 45 52 59 63 67 54
200-mm o/a: 125-mm concrete slab and screed on
13-mm nominal glass fibre 420 38 43 48 54 61 63 51

'Average 125—4000Hz octaves. SRI (100—3150Hz) 0—2dB lower.

b+ value on duct performance.

An example of the effect of increasing weight may be tion is typically at lower to mid frequencies, 200—800Hz.
seen bythe performance ofa brickwall.A single-leafbrick However, there may be a high frequency benefit in
wall may be rated 45 dB average, a 225-mmwall 50dB, but practice also, because the quilt has an attenuatingeffect
it takes a thickness of 450mmto achieve 55dB, and this on sound via weaknesses at partition leafjunctions.The
performance may well be compromised by edge flanking schematic sound insulation related to frequency is
effects. The performances of typical constructions are increased from single-panel6dB per octave slope to 12 dB
scheduled in Table 2.1. A schedule ofdensities (kg/m3) of by double leaves plus absorption, so the overall effect is
common building materials may be found in BS 648 greater improvement at higher frequencies.
[3]. The sound reduction index will never rise to the
arithmetic sum ofthe Sills ofthe individual leavesbecause
Double leaves the two leaves canneverbecome totally isolated. However,
Double leaves with a gap between allow greater sound it is usual to obtain a higher SRI from a double-skin
insulation than a single layer ofequivalent weight. There construction than from the equivalent-weightsingle skin.
are two main means of transmission: The principle applies for horizontal or vertical dividing

radiation from the first panel into the air space elements, of i.e. roofs and floors as well as partitions. For a
partition two leaves of like mass (inkg/m2) with
excites the second panel, which radiates energy into
the receiving room; separation leaves d (in metres),

structureborne transmission between the two leaves 85
by mechanical links, the second leaf radiating the
transmitted vibrational energy.
I rnd

Sound-absorbing quilt in the gap improves the sound

insulation. A relatively small provision of absorption is f
The resonantfrequency can be arranged to fall below
the frequency range of interest, say below 50Hz, by
effectivebecause it suffices to ensurethat the transmission
via radiation is less than the structurebornetransmission. choosing a high value of din relation to rn. Some estimate
of the average field sound reduction index can be
Although it contributes little to the total surface mass, it obtained from the expression:
soaks up sound crossing the gap and standing waves of
soundwithin the cavity. The improvement due to absorp- R = 34 + 20 log rnd



co 40
> 0
30 0)

20 0

100 1000
Surfacemass (kg/rn2)

Figure 2.5 Mass law: averagefield SRI


-D 50
,ii / ()
125 200 315 500 800 1250 2000 3150 5000
100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2500 4000
rd octave bandcentrefrequency(Hz)

U) (2) /


125 4
10 100 1000 5

Surface mass (kg/rn2)

variation of average SRI of double-leaf
partitionwith total surface mass
1 200 mm cavity
2 100 mm cavity
3 50 mm cavity
4 25 mm cavity 125

construction:effect on SRI
Figure 2.6 Double-leaf

1 0.7 mm steelskin
The effect is shown graphically in Figure 2.6. The 2 60 mm mineral wool (90 kg/rn3)
minimum useful gap is 50mm and wide cavities improve 3 2 x 13 mm plasterboard
the low frequency performance. Different characteristics 4 Metalstuds at 600 mm Cs
5 25 mm glassfibre
(weight, thickness) to one leaf offers a further improve- 6 Single-leaf common brickwork, plasteredboth sides (1920 kg/rn3)
ment, as the many tests on double glazing combinations
demonstrate. Cavity walls in brickwork with ties offer Figure 2.7 Dry liningversus masonry
negligible benefit to solid 225-mm construction. A good
example of the performancepossible is the use of wide-
cavityseparating wallsin multiplex cinemas where double
15-mm plasterboard either side of a 250-mm gap with fraction of the weight, to achieve 50dB average SRI, but
100-mm quilt inside consistently achieves 65—70 dB more care is required at the edge and at penetrations. In
DflTW. dry construction, if substantial acoustic doors are used, a
structural steel 'H' subframe bolted to the floor and the
Dry construction versus masonry underside of the floor above shouldbe used to hold the
Dry construction versus masonry is a frequent design doorset firm; standard partition metal studs allow too
comparison (Figure 2.7). A plastered block wall can be much flexing. This has to be borne in mind in any cost
replacedby double-layer plasterboard with quilt inlay at a comparisons between systems. The acoustic integrity of
42 Acoustics in the Built Environment

dry partitioningis more easily compromised by services Discontinuity implies the separation of structural ele-
penetrations, sockets and fixtures. ments so thatvibrations are not easily transmitted around
the mainstructure to cause intrusive noise in other areas
Stffness by re-radiation. The ingredients for 'box-in-box' rooms
The stiffness of thin panels is important because of the employing a consistent standard of discontinuity are
susceptibilityof leaves to be more easily driven by a noise double or even treble walls, a floating floor, and a
source on one side at certain frequencies. The effectcan substantial ceiling and slab above.
be seen in duct systemswhere thin duct walls may easily
transmit low frequencies of in-duct sound. Composite construction
Composite construction is that consisting of surface areas
Coincidenceeffect ofdifferentsound reduction indices, for example a brick
The coincidence effecthappenswhen soundwaves falling wall containing a door and a window. The total sound
on a panelexcite bendingwaves in it, the velocityofwhich power through a composite structure is the sum of the
depends on frequency. Sound transmission is greater at components of sound power transmitted by each compo-
the frequencies where the coincidence effect is greatest nent separately (see Chapter 5).
and the theoretical R is reduced by as much as 10 dB
below the level derived from mass law calculation (see Sound leaks
Chapter 5 for full description). Sound leaks can have a serious deleterious effect on the
performanceofa partition, wall, floor or roof. The effect
Partitionresonances is more marked at high frequencies. Figure 2.8 shows that
Partition resonances happen when standing waves are a hole of 0.001 m2 makes the composite SRI 40dB for a
formedwithin the partition.At the frequencies at which 45-dB-rated SRI wall of 16m2. Gaps at door edges are a
this occurs the resonances will reduce performance.In a typical example of sound leakage.
single-leaf partition or wall, the fundamental resonant
frequency is determined by its stiffness. At higher fre- Buildingenvelope:rooft
quencies, there are other performance 'dips' at har- Roofs are typically oflighter construction than outer walls
monics ofthe resonantfrequency. For many partitions the and of relatively large area compared with walls and
resonances occur at low frequencies outside the range of openings. The exposure to road, rail or industrial sources
usual interest and the effect can often be ignored. is less, but a building can be vulnerable to aircraftnoise or
However, it may be of interest when, for example,
checking a specific curtain wall glazing arrangementfor

low frequency components of traffic noise. The most
importantis the fundamental resonantfrequency, calcu-
lated from:
11 1
a and b are the partition dimensions (m), t is its
1:1 000000

1:250 000
1:32 000
thickness (m), E its Young's Modulus (Pa), and p density
1:8 000
(kg/rn3) (Table 2.2). a)
-c 1:4000 1H1N-n-I
1:2 000
The discontinuity of rooms within a building can get C
0 1:1 000 II I IIILltIIi
complicated at junctions and is most practically imple- CD 1:500
mentedon smaller studiospaces than on majorauditoria. (a
1:125 'II1
0 1:64 0
Table 2.2 Values of Young'smodulus and density 1:32
a) _______.'.1'-H-I-rtuInhIlC
1:16 ________ Cc?

Young's modulus, E 1:8


Density, p ftHNII1'WIIi'JtI

Material 0
(Pa) 1:4
(kg/rn3) 0
1:2 ##f'IJ
H _________

Lead 1.6 X 1010 1:1

11 300
Steel 2 X 1011 8000 2:1
Aluminium 7 X 1010 2 700 4:1
Glass 4 X l0 2 500 8:1
Concrete 2.4 X 1010 2 300 I
Brick 1.6 X 1010 1 900 0 510 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Plasterboard 1.9 X iO 750 Loss of insulation : deduct from higher insulation (dB)
Plywood 4.3 X io 580
Figure 2.8 Compositeconstruction sound insulation
Design acoustics 43

roof-mounted items ofplant. Traditional slated roofs have be cased and absorption is reduced compared to the
a reasonable surface mass, butgaps up the lapping slates proprietarytiled grid.
and the need to ventilate under the lapping slates make
such roofs poor insulators (27 dB average) on their own. Walls
The usual use of a roofvoid with its thermal insulation Blockwork
and plastered ceiling increases this to 38 dB average. Blockwork performs reliably if well constructed and of
adequate mass. Lightweight thermal blockwork
Flat roofs (350—700kg/m3) frequently usedin the absence ofadvice
Flat roofs of built-up felt on thermal insulation on metal otherwise, is poor. Unplastered blockwork loses sound
decking or composite construction of profiled metal, insulation by its fissures and movement cracks: plastering
insulation and liner tray metal sheeting, achieve only can improve this. The best blockwork is 2000kg/m3 solid
30—35 dB. Roofs of similar surface mass to floors — no-voids dense concrete masonry (dcm), a thickness of
screeded topping to precast concrete, for example, with 190 mm achieving 50dB SRI.
asphalt and insulation above — manage 45—50 dB. For Target densityvalueswill have to be set outas there is no
performance exceeding 50 dB, the roof will have to be set definition of 'dense' except in terms of blockwork
supplemented by a barrier ceiling below. A conventional strength.Some strong blockwork (7 N/rn3) is not neces-
lay-in grid mineral tile ceiling will be of little additional sarily very dense at 1400kg/rn3.
value to the roof,particularly if open grilles in the ceiling
allow its use as a supply or extract air plenum. Brickwork
Brickwork is usually better than blockwork; the smaller
Lightweightroofs units can be built around partitions more easily and
Lightweight roofs with a profiled metal outer face are movement cracking is less. The heaviest (2300kg/rn3)
subject to rain and hail drumming, and can also 'click' construction is obtained by using solid engineering
and bang during thermalmovement. Damping the outer bricks; an acceptable everyday use is commons laid with
skin by having quilt directly behindit muffles the sound to frogs up (1700—2000kg/rn3). Mortar density is typically
a degree. Composite metal roofswith a soffit ofperforated 1800kg/rn3.
metal are often used in sports halls — gymnasia,ice rinks
and swimming pools — to absorb soundwithin the space, Partitions
butthe position of the vapour barrier above the perfora- With care, lightweight construction can outperform
tions needs considering carefully.Too thick a membrane masonry, certainly mass-for-mass, andsometimes even for
will blank offthe absorption capabilityof the quilt above; similar thicknesses. In plasterboarded partitions, metal
some systems have the membrane embedded in the studding has largely replaced timber studding and gives
thermal/absorptionquilt, but special fixings through this better SRI performance because the leaves are coupled
arrangementare needed. across the studs more resiliently. Plasterboard itselfis used
less often as the range of metal-skinned modular panel
Cethng partitioning diversifies and becomes more competitive.
To uprate the sound reduction capability of a roof, the The panels take the form of50-or 100-mm-thick elements
suspension of a barrier ceiling can be included. The with absorption material in a core, for offices.For studios,
performance of a timber floor can be altered from 42dB noise havens or music practice rooms, panels can be
to 58 dB by the addition of a British Gypsum M/F ceiling perforated on the inner face for absorption and fixed to
as shown in Figure 2.9. The system uses straightforward isolated floor and ceiling panels.
metal straps; some other specialist systems use resilient A strong combination is masonry plus independent
hangers, and any design will have to address problems of lining, with quilt in the cavity Some examples are shown
suspending ductwork or further decorative ceilings below in Figure 2.10. Care must be taken not to make the cavity
the barrier ceiling. too small, otherwise low frequency resonances can render
the dry lining disadvantageous rather than advantageous
Ceiling voids to insulation.
Ceiling voids are familiar transmission routes for sound
between rooms, where partitions are not carriedthrough Folding partitions. These shouldbe avoided if possible.
to the roof or floor above. Carrying the partitions up not Theyare frequently installed and then complained of in
only breaks the ceiling but inhibits moving them and places where low background noise levels and need for
affects ventilation arrangements — ducted supplies need confidentiality exist, e.g. solicitors' offices and board-
the cross-talk attenuationdiscussed in Chapter 3. Ceiling rooms. Because of gaps around the suspension gear, the
manufacturers should be able to quote room-to-room level difference either side is similar to a door's: 15—20 dB
transmission characteristics as measured in BS 2750: Part average. Folding panel rather than concertina types are
9: Laboratory testing [411. marginally better, but beware of the claims of suppliers
who quote high sound insulation values, even supported
Suspended ceilings by tests, that relate only to the body ofthe panels and not
Suspended ceilings tend to be selected for their light to the total assembly. The best types have some closure
weight (hence economy) andfor absorption, rather than seal — pneumatic or mechanical — which can lock the
sound insulation: the level difference through a ceiling is panels in place. A robust ceiling at head and a division of
limited to 10—15dB. For greater performance a closed ceiling void are necessary. By care,separation in the order
plasterboard ceiling can be used but recessed lights must of around 35dB can be obtained: this can be related to
44 Acoustics in the Built Environment

9C — — — — — — —

8C —

— —
/ — N ——
— —

V \
71 ———————————————

-.-.. N
3 E

125 200 315 500 800 1250 2000 3150
100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2500
rd octave band centre frequency (Hz)
1 Timber floor
3 (b) 2 Timber floor and suspended ceiling
Impact sound

6 2

III 200mm
18 mm chipboard
195 x 45 mm timberjoists 600 cs
3 13 mm gyproc V
4 150 mm mm. spacing/ceiling void x
5 80 mm gypglas 1000 C
6 13 mm gyproc on M/F suspension system C
(a) 0

Figure 2.9 Sound insulatingsuspended ceiling. (Courtesy of C
British Gypsum) U)

125 200 315 500 800 1250 2000 3150 5000

100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2500 4000
rd octave band centre frequency (Hz)
1 Timber floor
(c) 2 Timber floor and suspendedceiling
Airborne sound insulation
Design acoustics 45

Table 2.3 Speech privacy Table 2.4 Conversationprivacy taking account of

background noise
Whether conversation overheardother side of SRi" ofdividing
division element (dB) Sound as heard by occupant SRI + background
Normalspeech easilyoverhead 20
Loud speech clearly heard 25 dBA NR
Loud speech distinguished during
normal activity 30
Loud speech heard but not intelligible 35 Intelligible 70 65
Loud speech can be heard faintly but Occasionallyintelligible 75—80 65—70
not understood 40 Audible but not intelligible 80—90 75—85
Loud speech or shoutingheard with Inaudible 90 85
great difficulty 45

"Average sound reduction index, 100—3150 Hz. speech privacyneeds as shownin Table2.3. An alternative
method is to add the background noise level and the
partitionSRI and workto a total exceeding 65 (Table 2.4).
Sound insulation performance is particularly important
for speech privacy in the frequency range 500—2000Hz.
The typical domestic door, hollow-coredwith a loose fit,
achieves 15—20dB average. A solid-core door with fire
ratingrebatesto the frameimproves this marginally. The
fittingofintegralblade or compression seals to edgesand
the threshold help the value up to about 30dB. Purpose-
'± 2 made timber or metal doorsets can be selected in the
range 35—45 dB average. The weight of acoustic doorsets

I - is substantial and they must either be well fixed directly


—X- 3


\I N


÷4 C

111111111 125 200 315 500 800 1250 2000 3150
200 ri,rr 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2500 4000
1 single-leaf common brickwork rd octave band centre frequency (Hz)
48 mm glass fibre (24 kg/rn3)
3 13 mm plasterboard (wallboard) on 48 mm. -•-1 Rw=44dB ±2 Rw=58dB
'I' section metalstuds at 600 mm cs —*3 Rw=55dB +4 Rw=59dB
4 2 x 19 mm Gyproc' plank, adhesive between layers
5 2 x 13 mm plasterboard masonry/dry-lining combinations

Figure 2.10 Masonry dry lining combinations. (Courtesy ofBritish Gypsum)

Design acoustics 47

1 Floor boards fixedthroughGyproc to flange

2 19 mm, Gyproc
3 Overlapping ledger channels on foam strip
4 Floor joists
5 100 mm Gypglas 1000
6 13 + 19mm Gyproc
7 Resilient bar
8 Sealant
9 Perimeter seal strip

III 11111
0 200 mm


I 0

125 200 315 500 800 1250 2000 3150 125 200 315 500 800 1250 2000 3150 5000
100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2500 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2500 4000
rd octave band centre frequency (Hz) rd octave band centre frequency (I-lz)
Source: British Gypsum Source: British Gypsum
Impactsound (c) Airborne sound insulation

Figure 2.13 Timberfloors: Gyproc SIfloorsystem. (Courtesy ofBritish Gypsum)

48 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Windows vertedresidential properties. Thereare severalproprietary

Windows are the weak link element in the building isolation systems. Concrete floors can be disappointing if
envelope for shielding interiors from intrusive external the lightest-weightprecast units andnominal-onlytopping
noise. If noise levels are high, 6SdB(LAeq), opening are used. Solid rather than cored units with a generous
windows may have to be avoided by the use of full structural topping are better, achieving 48—50dB. With
mechanical ventilation. The various factors in the per- floors the impact soundinsulation aswellasairbornewill be
formance of the total assemblyare as follows. ofconcern.Impactsound happens when a shortimpulsive
• Thickness. Increasing the glazing thickness increases
blow to a structure 'drives' it andthe sound is carried and
re-radiated elsewhere. Isolation can be given by either a
the mass and stiffness, improving performance and
resilient surface layer, floating screed or a floating slab.
changingthe coincidence 'dip'.
• Stiffness. Toughening the glass does not affect the
Examples of the different types are shown in Figures 2.15
and2.16. The isolating layer and the slab or screed form a
bending stiffnessand so has no effect on its sound
insulation properties. mass-springsystemwith alow resonantfrequency.Effective
• Air space. Very small air spaces do not help appre- isolation is only possible at frequencies about two or three
times higher than thisfrequency.
ciably (compare 6-mm glasswith 6/12/6 in Table 2.1, Care in application is requiredas isolation battens like
for example); larger spacing with differing glass
thicknesses improves the insulation. those illustrated have impact isolation geared to meet
• Lamination. 'Platedamping'reduces the transmission Building Regulations, primarily damping footfall and
normal domestic activity. However, there is little static
ofsound througha windowby transforming resonant deflection inherent in such systems (otherwise there
vibratory motion in the glass,excited bysound on the
incident side of the window, into heat energy. might be too much 'give' in the floor in normal use). In a
Laminated glass comprises two thin layers of glass recent instance of a school dance floor above other
bonded by a clear viscoelastic material with high teaching rooms, the heavy impact of group rhythmical
movements make the total floor system act as one,
damping characteristics. When laminated glass is
combinedwith air space and a second glasslayer in a overcoming the limited deflection isolation system.
double-glazed unit, a significant improvement in Semi-sprung timber floors as developed for dance and
performance is achieved over a single layer of sports surfaces, rather than systems developed for apart-
equivalent mass. ments, are the correct choice.
• Edge damping. The size of the glasspanelandhowwell
The type of floor shown in Figure 2.16 is a proprietary
floor by Sound Attenuators Ltd, Sunbury-on-Thames,
it is framed has a bearing on the performanceof a
curtain wall. Assuming the glazing is well gasketted, Middlesex. Usuallyfloor-to-floorheightsare at a premium
mechanical interaction between the glass panels and so a deep floor zone cannot be afforded. The system
muntins leads to an improved soundinsulation effect consists of 13-mm ply with a grid of resilient pads 50mm
for an assembly of many individual panes and thick and absorption quilt between the pads. The ply
muntins. serves as permanent formwork for 100mmofconcrete to
• Gas filling. Some insulating double glazed units are be laid as the upper floor slab layer, isolated at the edges.
At this 50-mm spacing ofslabs, the air gap determines the
filled with argon, sulphur hexafluoride or xenon.
These improve the sound insulation at higher fre- spring-mass resonance at around 15Hz. The floor is not
intended as a substitute for adequateantivibration mount-
quencies, but below 250 Hz the reduction in per-
formance outweighs this. As traffic noise has a strong ing of plant, as the floating floor system is only effective
for frequencies above 30Hz. Another proprietarysystem
low-frequencycomponentof noise, gas-filled glass is avoids ply by having isolatorsjackable so that the upper
not beneficial compared to conventional double
slab is initially laid directly on top of the lower and then
glazing for acoustic protection.
• Inner windows.Wide air spaces and decoupledframes raised and levelled.
The improvement given by a floating floor is such that
allow good performance, although maintenance
access and cleaning is a disadvantage. Separate the nett separation will be determinedby flanking effects
windows can also incorporate off-set opening lights (for example, viawallsorcolumns commonatboth levels)
or trickle vents, without a total loss of insulation for rather than by airborneperformanceas shown in Figure
2.16.Without attentionto the flanking routes, the average
opened lights.
• Frame to masonry. Frames should be on continuous improvement in the sound reduction indexwill be limited
to around 8dB.
grounds and well edge-sealed to inside and outside
reveals, in order to avoid water as well as noise
ingress. A weaknessoften occurs at the frame head — Sound absorption
eaves closure detail, because of relative movement.

Absorptionand insulation
17oom Absorption and insulation are not to be confused. The
Timber floors as used in dwellings perform as shown in application ofsound-absorbing finish to a separatingwall
Figure 2.14. Between flats, Building Regulation Part E will not have any discernible effecton its sound insulation
recommended detailsare a reference source [2]. The 1992 properties at all. All surfaces absorb sound to a greater or
version increased newparty floorstandards, e.g. abase floor leser extent: bare concrete or marble have a low sound
slab in a composite system is increased from 220kg/rn2 to absorption coefficient, and hence absorb little sound and
300 kg/rn2, and brought in onerous provisions for con- reflect back almost all incident energy.
50 Acoustics in the Built Environment





' 4 10
125 200
100 160
250 400
500 800 1250 2000 3150
630 1000 1600 2500
rd octave band centre frequency (Hz)
Durabella Westbourne flooringwith 22-mm battens on
a 200-kg/rn2 concrete floor
(b) Impact sound

Figure 2. 5 Floatingtimberfloors. ((a) Courtesy of
Contiwood(Durabella) Ltd; (b) courtesy ofPheonix Floors Ltd)

1 19mm chipboard
2 8mm isolating semi-rigid foam
fused to base of battens
3 Concrete subfloor
4 Cover moulding on mastic
5 19mm chipboard on hardwood/foam
isolation battens •0
(a) 6 Existing floor construction a)

Absorption coefficients
Absorption coefficients are not considered dependent on
the angle of incidence of sound striking the medium:
randomincidence is assumed. Absorption coefficientsare
normally given for the frequency range 125—4000Hz
(Table 2.5). Third octave band values of absorption
coefficients will not differ much from octave band values
(octave bands average the third octave values, as opposed
to NR values where one-third values are additive in 10
producing octave bands); NRC and dBA are correspond- 125 200 315 500 800 1250 2000 3150
ingly different in derivation. 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2500 4000
rd octave band centre frequency (Hz)
Types of absorber
Types of absorber include fibrous absorbers, fibrous (1, structural floor; 2, structural and floating floor)
absorbers with impervious membrane facing, and Airborne sound insulation
fibrous absorbers covered with perforated panelling. An Figure 2.16 Increaseofairborne sound insulation by use of
example of the first type is quilt batts mounted directly concretefloatingfloors. (Courtesy ofSoundAttenuators Ltd)
Design acoustics 51

Table 2.5 Absorptioncoefficients


125 250 500 1000 2000 4000

Water or ice 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02
Smooth concrete, unpainted 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.05
Smooth concrete, sealed or painted 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02
Concrete blocks, fairfaced 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.14 0.20
Rough concrete 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.07
Brickwork, flush-pointed 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07
Brickwork, 10-mm-deeppointing 0.08 0.09 0.12 0.16 0.22 0.24
Plastered walls 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.05
Painted plaster 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
Ceramic tiles 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02
Marble, terrazzo 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02
Glazing (4mm) 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.02
Double glazing 0.15 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02
Glazing (6mm) 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
13-mm mineraltile, direct to floor slab 0.10 0.25 0.70 0.85 0.70 0.60
13-mm mineraltile, suspended 500mm below ceiling 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.85 0.85 0.80
Metal planks, slots 14% free area, mineralwool overlay and
void 0.50 0.70 0.80 1.0 1.0 1.0
Metal tiles 5% perforated, 20-mm quilt overlay andvoid 0.13 0.27 0.55 0.79 0.90 1.0
Woodwoolslabs 0.40 0.40 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.80
Solid timberdoor 0.14 0.10 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.10
9-mm plasterboard on battens, 18-mm air space with glass
fibre 0.30 0.20 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.05
5-mm ply on battens, 50-mm air space with glass fibre 0.40 0.35 0.20 0.15 0.05 0.05
Suspended plasterboard ceiling 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05
Steel decking 0.13 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.11 0.11
Ventilation grille (perm2) 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60
13-mm plasterboard on frame, 100-mm air space with glass
fibre 0.30 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.05
13-mm plasterboard on frame, 100-mm air space 0.08 0.11 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.03
2 X 13-mm plasterboard on frame, 50-mm air space with
mineralwool 0.15 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.05
22-mm chipboardon frame, 50-mm air space with mineral
wool 0.12 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05
16-mm T&G on frame, 50-mm air space with mineral wool 0.25 0.15 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07
22-mm timber boards 100-mm-wide, 10-mm gaps 500-mm
air space with mineralwool 0.05 0.25 0.60 0.15 0.05 0.10
Curtains in folds against wall 0.05 0.15 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.50
25-mm glass fibre, 16 kg/m3 0.12 0.28 0.55 0.71 0.74 0.83
50-mm glass fibre, 16 kg/m3 0.17 0.45 0.80 0.89 0.97 0.94
75-mm glass fibre, 16 kg/m3 0.30 0.69 0.94 1.0 1.0 1.0
100-mm glass fibre, 16 kg/m3 0.43 0.86 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
25-mm glass fibre, 24 kg/m3 0.11 0.32 0.56 0.77 0.89 0.91
50-mm glass fibre, 24 kg/m3 0.27 0.54 0.94 1.0 0.96 0.96
75-mm glass fibre, 24 kg/m3 0.28 0.79 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
100-mm glass fibre, 24 kg/m3 0.46 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
50-mm glass fibre, 33 kg/m3 0.20 0.55 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
75-mm glass fibre, 33 kg/m3 0.37 0.85 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
100-mm glass fibre, 33 kg/m3 0.53 0.92 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
50-mm glass fibre, 48 kg/rn3 0.30 0.80 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
52 Acoustics in the Buift Environment

Table 2.5 Absorptioncoefficients — continued


125 250 500 1000 2000 4000

75-mm glass fibre, 48 kg/rn3 0.43 0.97 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
100-mm glass fibre, 48 kg/rn3 0.65 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
25-mm acoustic plaster to solid backing 0.03 0.15 0.50 0.80 0.85 0.80
9-mm acoustic plastic to solid backing 0.02 0.08 0.30 0.60 0.80 0.90
9-mm acoustic plasteron plasterboard, 75-mm air space 0.30 0.30 0.60 0.80 0.75 0.75
50-mm mineralwool, 33 kg/rn3 0.15 0.60 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.85
75-mm mineralwool, 33 kg/rn3 0.30 0.85 0.95 0.85 0.90 0.85
100-mm mineral wool, 33 kg/m3 0.35 0.95 1.0 0.92 0.90 0.85
50-mm mineral wool, 60 kg/rn3 0.11 0.60 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.82
75-mm mineral wool, 60 kg/rn3 0.34 0.95 1.0 0.82 0.87 0.86
25-mm mineral wool, 25-mm air space 0.10 0.40 0.70 1.0 1.0 1.0
50-mm mineral wool, 50-mm air space 0.50 0.70 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.80
50-mm mineral wool (96 kg/rn3) behind 25% open area
perforated steel 0.20 0.35 0.65 0.85 0.90 0.80
Cord carpet 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.45 0.65
Thin (6-mm) carpet on underlay 0.03 0.09 0.20 0.54 0.70 0.72
Thick (9-mm) carpet on underlay 0.08 0.08 0.30 0.60 0.75 0.80
Wooden floor boards onjoists 0.15 0.11 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.07
Parquetfloor on timberjoists and deck 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.10
Parquetlaid concrete 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.07
Vinyl or linoleum on concrete 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05
Vinyl and resilientbacking on concrete 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.10
Audience on timber seats (1/rn2) 0.16 0.24 0.56 0.69 0.81 0.78
Audience on timber seats (2/rn2) 0.24 0.40 0.78 0.98 0.96 0.87
Audience per person, seated 0.33 0.40 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.45
Audience per person, standing 0.15 0.38 0.42 0.43 0.45 0.45
Seats, leather covers (per m2) 0.40 0.50 0.58 0.61 0.58 0.50
Upholstered seats (per m2) 0.44 0.60 0.77 0.89 0.82 0.70
Floor and upholstered seats (perm2) 0.49 0.66 0.80 0.88 0.82 0.70
Areas with audience, orchestra, or seats, including narrow
aisles 0.60 0.74 0.88 0.96 0.93 0.85
Orchestra with instruments on podium, 1.5 m2/person 0.27 0.53 0.67 0.93 0.87 0.80
Shading factor (apply to finishes under seats, x coefficient) 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.20
Air 30% RH (per m3 at 20°C) 0.005 0.01 0.04
Air 50% RH (per m3 at 20°C) 0.005 0.009 0.03
Air 70% RH (per m3 at 20°C) 0.005 0.009 0.02
Office furniture (perdesk) 0.50 0.40 0.45 0.45 0.60 0.70

Valuesexceeding 1.0 have been roundeddown to 1.0.

on a wall surface, or carpet on a floor. An example of is 5% or less, the panels are reflecting except for
the third type is metal perforated suspended ceiling myriad Helmholz resonators formed by the holes. 'Bass
tiles with quilt inlay above; provided the open area of traps' are used in studios to provide broadband absorp-
the perforations exceeds say 20%, the quilt and air tion right down to very low frequencies. They consist of
cavity behind the metal tiles is almost as efficient at a lined labyrinth air space within which negligible
soaking up sound as if the tiles were not present. In reflection results.
studios, deep boxes with thin membranes can be pur- An extremecase of absorptive materials installation is
pose-designed or selected to even out the reverberation the semi-anechoic and anechoic chambers in acoustic
characteristics at different frequencies. Resonance laboratories (Figure 2.17): deep wedges of foam above,
absorption can be produced by selecting appropriate below andto all sides reduces the reverberation time to a
perforation and air space depth. If the perforation rate very low value at all audible frequencies.

Parallel pattern
II —1

Figure 2.17 Anechoü chamber

1- 4
Cross pattern
A featureof absorption is that the more that is put into
a room, the less effective it is, because new absorption is
'competing'with the absorption already presentto absorb
incidentsound. The maximum absorption effect is in a
diffuse field,i.e. whensound is incident on the absorptive
material from all around. There is also a slight 'drawing
in' of sound at the edges. For a specific area of surface
absorption in a room, the maximum absorption effect is 2
obtained by distributing small areas all around.

Reverberant soundpressure level

The reverberantsound pressurelevel is given by:
where SWL is the sound power level of a noise source
within the space, Nis the number of sources, and A is the
absorption present. As 10 log 2 is 3, it may be gathered 0.9
that each doublingof the absorption in a room reduces
the reverberantSPL by 3dB.
Reverberation time
The reverberation time is the finite time it takes for the C 0.7
sound source energy in a space to decay 60 dB when C.)

switchedoff. For enclosures in which a diffuse sound field U) 0.6

existsandwhere the average absorption coefficient is less 00
than0.1, the reverberation timecanbefoundbytheSabine 0 0.5
Equation. Where the average absorption coefficient is 0
greaterthan 0.1, the Norris-EyringEquation can be used. .0 0.4
Both methods are described in Chapter 5. Air absorption
effectsmustalso be accounted for in larger volumes.

Larger spacesproducesound decay characteristicsin poor 0.2
agreement with Sabine or In
Norris-Eyring. 'amorphous
space' areas, such as shopping malls or industrial halls, 0.1
thereisnot atrue reverberant fieldacross thespace and the
sound characterwill vary in different parts ofthe space. On 0
theother hand,suchspacesare not 'free-field' and the SPL 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
will decay at something less than 6dBforeach doubling of Octave band centre frequency(Hz)
distance from the source. Empirical data suggest 4dB/ 1 parallel pattern
doubling of distance across typical industrial halls. Alter- 2 cross pattern
native forms of calculation have been proposed for
industrial halls. Complex spaces can sometimes be sub- Figure 2.18 Overheadsound absorbers. (Courtesy of
divided into individual coupled volumes: if alcoves off a Rockwool)
54 Acoustics in the Built Environment

mainspace have significantabsorption suchthatsignificant electret/capacitormicrophones. There are a number of

energyis notreturnedintothe mainspace, the surface area computer systemswith powerful graphical presentations,
ofthe alcove openingcanbe countedas a = 1. emanatingfrom Japan, USA and Europe. Other systems
Alternatively, a simplified calculation is given by: are suited for sound systems design, having been devel-
oped by internationalsound equipmentmanufacturers.
Ar X S A room acousticsmodelling programshould allow basic
A= evaluation of rooms of any shape and complexity. The
Ar + S
calculation methods are intended to combine the best of
where A is the absorption contributionfrom the recess to both ray-tracing and image-source methods. Desired
the mainspace, Ar is the absorption in the recess, and Sis features in such a programare:
the area of the openingbetween the recess and the main •fast estimation of room volume and reverberation
space. conditions
• reflectograms with 'sound rose' graphical displays
Finishes, then, can be designed to affect room acoustics
• 3D tracingof individual reflection paths
in three different ways: absorption, reflection and • maps of energy parameters over chosen surfaces
• fast recalculation in response to altering receiver
and materials
• position absorption
easy operation: menu-driven, warnings, and data
Absorption can either be integral in a space (e.g. by virtue
of blockwork faces or a suspended ceiling) or added as a • displays
project file management which allows consistent
analysis records of the
thorough design
decorative finish (carpet, wall linings, curtains and furni-
ture), and then, of course, there are the occupants. approach
• multiple source capability
Absorption is more effective spread around rather than
concentrated all in one area. Some elements show the
• compatibilitywith CAD systems
• source directivityfactors
'perfect' absorption coefficient 1; 'space absorbers', hang-
ingbafflesorbannersare absorptivelyparticularlyeffective
• link to audible simulation of acoustic conditions
because they soak up incident sound from both sides. In
• RASTI map calculation
industrial premises,arrays ofoverhead absorbers, one per ODEON, a system derived for acousticians by the
square metre, can be used to soak up high levels of process University of Copenhagen, is an example of a program
noise in bottling plants orprintinghalls (Figure 2.18). that includes a number of the above features, although
there is no one ideal system for all purposes. Figure 2.19
Reflection shows the use of ODEON for remodelling the Royal
Reflectionofsound atsurfaces notabsorptivein naturenot Albert Hall, London, contrastedwith physical modelling.
only increases the reverberant sound level but also directs Figure 2.23 shows an ODEON CAD model used by Arup
the sound to other surfaces. Rooms of particular propor- Acoustics on the new Bridgewater Hall, Manchester. The
tions can give cross reflection effects, impairing speech geometry of a room is typically defined by coordinates for
intelligibility. Curved walls can focus sound, and by so its corners,plus cornersto surfaces within. AcousticsCA])
doing starve other parts of a space of sound. Strong models typically comprise perimetersurfaces, the size of
directedsound is afeaturedesiredbymusicalperformance individual surface files being not less than a couple of
audiences inmodern hallsbut this has tobecombinedwith square metres, otherwise edge effects render analysis less
diffusion; the methodsofproviding adequatesurface area accurate. Curved surfaces have to berepresentedas facets.
are discussedunder 'Concerthalls'. Other systems for auditoriainclude Renkus-Heine's Elec-
tro Acoustic Simulators for Engineers (EASE) acoustic
Diffusion modelling software, and Swedish acoustician Bengt-Inge
Diffusion is an effectwhereby the complexityof reflecting Dalenbãck's Computer-Aided Theatre Technique (CATT)
surfaces results in an even dispersion of sound in a room: -Acoustic. The latter can import files directly from
the modelling of reflecting surfaces can ensure this by AutoCAD. Any system should be validated to 'stock'
breaking up incident sound. In order to break up low auditoriawhich have known characteristics, for example
frequency components of sound as well as middle and the RoyalFestivalHall, or to physicalmodelstestedin the
upper frequencies, the modelling ofsurfaces has to be on laboratory, a technique which has proved comparatively
a large scale, e.g. projections exceeding 300 mm and reliable in the past. The latest tool to demonstrate
element areas exceeding 0.5 m2. conditions is auralization, whereby a CAD model is
detailed enough to allow orchestral set-pieces to be heard
Auditoriamodelling as if in the real hall at a specific seatlocation.
For auditoria modelling of interiors considering the
effects of sound-absorbing or sound-reflecting surfaces,
there is a choice between physical and computer predic- An example of CAD and physical modelling
tion techniques. Physical models (1:50 or even much
larger scale) are still the most reliable for the most TheRoyalAlbertHall, London
important projects, e.g. major concert halls, with wave- A £58m refurbishmentwill include the interior remodel-
lengths scaled up accordingly, spark sound sources to ling of the 1871 5500-seatceremonial hall (Figures 2.19a,
produce the high frequencies needed, and miniature b, and f), to tame the famous echoes for orchestral and
Design acoustics 55



Figure 2.19 Sound decay analysis: ODEON

ampiffied music events: these included stalls examples of Initial investigation, by BDP Acoustics, consisted of
+3dB on direct sound after 300 ms time delay. extensive baseline measurements at 14 receiver positions
A fabric velarium was the original means of acoustic andtwo source positions, for unoccupiedhall andduring
control, removedin 1949. The replacement suspensions events. Results were validated to an ODEON model
were 102 grp 'mushrooms' at 25 m height and a cumber- (Figure 2.19e). Balcony seating with tiering — existing and
some orchestral canopy at 11 m height, installed in proposed— werelaboratorytestedprior to installation and
1969. remeasurement in the hall.
56 Acoustics in the Built Environment




i 1Z
12 C.)


I: I 1 1

50 -:
5 5

125 200 315 500 800 1250 2000 3150
100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2500

,rd octave band centre frequency (Hz)

Sound Insulation between typical auditoria

Figure 2.20(b) Multiplex cinemas: sound insulation

between typical auditoria

Since mid-1996, acousticians Peutz & AssociésBV have

15 studied the Hall's behaviour in a walk-in 1:12 physical
scale model 3.6m high and 5.5m long (Figure 2.19c). The
acoustic 'evolution' of the Hall has been re-created,
Figure 2.20(a) Multiplex cinemas: Separating walls— including the original dome profileand the mushrooms.
section. (Courtesy of UCI(UK) Ltd/BDP) New solutions are being developed to give back the
1. 13-mm plasterboard on 13-mm plywood (for ease of cable original
visual character whilst improving, or at least
fixing projection room) maintaining, a practical modern acoustic quality.
2. 146-mmmetal studs, beddedin acoustic mastic at wall Measurements were taken using microphones in the
boarding ears of 1:12 'Barbie' dolls, to auralize the various interior
3. 50-mm glass-fibre quilt cavityinlay configurations by interpreting the binaural impulse re-
4. 2 X 13-mm plasterboard, acoustic mastic andjoint taping sponses as a modification ofanechoically-recorded music
at corners andother signals.
5. 2 X 15-mm plasterboard, lappedjoints, face joints taped
and filled
6. 100-mmglass-fibre quilt Criteriafor differeivtbuilding types
7. 2 X 92-mm metal studs at 600-mmcs
8. 50-mm rock fibre bans, black tissuefaced, as absorption
behind screens Cinemas
9. 50mm X 50mm timber batten beddedin acoustic caulk Multiplexes
10. Blockworkinner leaf to outside walls: structural break at Multiplexes are a new form imported from the USA,
separating wallswhere possible involving typically a group of auditoria with a common
11. 2 X 92-mm metal head studs fixed to metal plate at projection room and concourse/foyer. Often new devel-
underside of tie beam opments are 8- or lO-plex but versions ranging from 3- to
12. Double angles at head to allow up to 25-mm roof
24-plex have been attempted. The key design issues are
deflection/uplift without losing acoustic integrity sound insulation between auditoria, isolation to outside,
13. 40-mm Vicucladbedded in acoustic mastic and with
profiles packedwith mineralwool good soundsystems, 'dead' room acoustics,andmoderate
14. Built-up chippings/feltroofing! thermalinsulation on ventilation noise. Adequate separation can be provided
metal decking (DflT, 65—70+ dB has been achieved on 10 such projects
15. 2 X 92-mm metal base studs and plasterboards bedded in to date by BDP Acousticsfor UCI (UK) Ltd, Manchester)
acoustic mastic by as low a specification as two layers of 15-mm plaster-
16. Bracing to separate studs at max. 3500 Cs. support to board on separate studs, significant cavity with 100-mm
quilt by 25 X 25 metal angles running between studs quilt inlay, and careful head, base and edge detailing



Figure 2.22 Odense concert hall, CarlNielsen Hall
over 10 projects>

There are more sophisticated sound systems, for exam-

pleTHX, which are moredemandingon sound insulation
between cinemas (masonry wall added between the
separate studs) and low ventilation noise levels (NR25).
IMax, OMNI and MotionMaster cinemas require spe-
cialized attention including vibration control to some of
the cinematic effects.
Conversion of older theatres and cinemas results in
satisfactoryresults, althoughit is less common now. Multi-
board dry construction linings to form, as far as possible,
separate auditorium 'shells' is important; concrete rather
liii iii I II I than timber floors should be used. Results will not be as
0 100 200 mm good as for a purpose-built multiplex because offlanking
via the existing walls; DflT, achievable may be around
Figure 2.21 Multiplex cinemas:separatingwalLc —plan (see 55dB.
Figure 2.20for key). (Courtesy of UCJ (UK) Ltd/BDP)
Concert halls
Concerthalls requirespecialistdesign advice so only a few
principles are offered: the acoustics can be made to work
(Figures 2.20 and 2.21). Research and investment by for a number of differentgeneric hall types.
suppliers, for example British Gypsum Ltd, has led to a
proven range of high-performance assemblies [51. The Hall shape
head detail to a lightweight roof is a problembecause of Hall shapes can vary from the traditional 'shoebox' and
roof deflection effects either buckling the partition or coffin-shape halls, to geometric halls. 'Shoebox' halls
causing a gap; this is overcome by a closure angle have enjoyed a renaissance, as offering good cross
movement joint. reflection characteristics between side walls. They put the
Outside noise will come in via escape doors (these audience centre-front to the orchestraas far as possible
shouldbe 40+ dB rated,light- and sound-proof), orviathe for the best sound blend. Recent examples at Dallas and
lightweight roof. The surface mass ofthe roofmay have to Birmingham are attracting publicity.The problem is that
be uprated or a barrier ceiling included ifthe multiplex is the admired nineteenthcentury shoebox halls like Musi-
directly under a flight path or close to an elevated kvereinsaal,Vienna, are by modern standards only recital
motorway. Individual entrances into auditoria should be hall size. Even a hall like the 2206-seatConcertgebauw,
by acoustically rated (30+ dB) doors in lobby configura- Amsterdam, would be much larger if replanned to
tion. Some ventilation noise (NR 35) is welcomed as it current standards of safety and seating. For a full-sized
masks residual intrusive noise from the adjacentauditoria concert hall (2000—2500 seats) to suit a full orchestra
soundtracks andaudience sounds. The standardsystem is and choir (up to 120 musicians plus 250 singers) the
a dedicatedunit to each auditorium with ducted supply arrangementcan lead to a large template — Birmingham
and extract via the ceiling void. In some leisure centres, is over 60 m long and has a very generously-sized
cinemas are located above or below noisyfacilitieslike ten- platform focussed in amphitheatre style on the con-
pin bowling and discotheques; tenancy agreements on ductor's rostrum. Shoebox halls do however still work
maximum sound levels and double floors are required to well for lesser occupancies, as Jordan Akustik's 1377-seat
avoid operational difficulties. Odense hall testifies (Figure 2.22). Some concert halls
58 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Figure 2.23(a)—(d) The BridgewaterHall, Manchester

are not even axial to the platform: Aalto's concert halls Seating
put more seating on the 'keyboard' side of the piano Seating is a key issue as there are so many constraints —
soloist; Segestrom Hall, Orange Free State, California, sightlines, travel distances, aisle steps, seats per row and
interlocks two narrow halls as a means of avoiding the balance of seats at different tiers. 'Vineyard' seating as
disadvantages of fan-shaped auditoria. In the UK there pioneeredat the Berlin Philharmonie workswellin milder
are impressivenew semi-surround major concert halls in form: 'seating trays' of several hundred can be optimally
Manchester (Bridgewater Hall) and Belfast (Waterfront set to face the platform and have local side-reflecting
Hall). Figure 2.23 shows the 2400-seat Bridgewater Hall surfaces (Figures 2.25a and b).
during design and at completion. Figure 2.24 gives
similar coverage of the 2250-seat Waterfront Hall.
Reference can be made to a number of case study
collections,for example AcousticalSurvey ofElevenEuropean Table 2.6 Optimum volumesfor performancespaces
Concert Halls [61 and Halls for Music Performance:
1962—1982 [7]. Excellent recent works are Beranek's
Optimum volume (m3/occupant)
Concert and Opera Halls: How They Sound [8], Barron's
Auditorium Acoustics andArchitecturalD n
[91, andAndo
and Noson's iVlusic and Concert Hall Aoustics [10]. Minimum Recommended Maximum

Theatres 2.5 3 4
Volume Rooms for speech — 3 5
The volume should be adequate for a full-bodied sound: Opera houses 4 5 6
the old rule of 'RT X 4 equals volume per person' is if Concerthalls 8 10 12
anythingon the low side and 10 m3 per person even in a Churches 6 10 14
full-size hall is advisable (Table 2.6).
Design acoustics 59


Figure 2.23(e)—(g) The BridgewaterHa14 Manchester

Reverberationtime (RT) classical,symphonic, choral, and organ music. The Halle

Reverberation time is still a fundamental measure in is its resident orchestra. Other performance types will
concert hail design although in recent years design utilize the house high-quality sound reinforcement
concern has extendedto not only RT but also to the ratio systems.
ofearly to reverberantenergy and to lateral efficiency, i.e.
Thegeometry ofthe auditorium, conceived and refined
the adequacy ofearly lateral reflections. A strong, precise
jointly by Arup Acoustics and Renton Howard Wood
and clear sound is the current taste; live music that is
Levin, is a synthesis oftwo concerthall geometries known
expected to match the quality of the living room CDto provide excellent symphonic sound, the 'shoebox' and
player. The approachneedsgreat careas, ifreflections are
'vineyard' forms (Figures 2.23b and 2.23d). The volume,
too strong, tone colorations to sound quality can result.
24000 cubic metres, was determined by the target mid-
There may even be a loss of reverberance if significant
frequencies reverberation time of 2s.
sound energy is directedstraight to absorbentoccupants
The designdeveloped usingboth CADandphysicalscale
and seating. models. The ODEON model (Figure 2.23a) had 500
surfaces defined, with over a third ofa million acoustic ray
paths calculated and analysed. The 1:50 scale model
Two recentexamples (Figure 2.23c) was used to look at acoustic parameters,
applying MIDAS software, for ray tracing using a laser
The Bridgewater Ha14 Manchester sourceandcalibrated mirrorsystem, for volume estimates
The 2400-seat hall was designed and built without byinfill technique, andas a visualizationaid to the design
compromise to be excellent for the performance of team.
60 Acoustics in the Built Environment



(c) (d)

Figure 2.24(a)—(d) The WaterfrontHall, Belfast

Building services and lighting noise were designed to zones, there are massive twin wall and roof structures to
PNC 15, with main plant in an isolated tower (Figure exclude noise (Figures 2.23fand 2.23g).
2.23e). The entire 25000-ton concert hall is supportedon
280 steel springs to prevent disturbance from adjacent
Metrolink tranis, External noise break-in is minimized by The WaterfrontHall, B4fast
wrapping the ancillary accommodation around the audi- The 2250-seat elongated hexagon concert hall results
torium. Where the auditorium rises above these buffer from a collaboration of acousticians Sandy Brown Asso-
Design acoustics 61


(e) (f)


Figure 2.24(e)—(g) The WaterfrontHall, Belfast

ciates, with architects Robinson and Mcllwaine.A large- roof comprises two concrete slabs, the outer domed to
volume reverberant space has evolved from St David's form a significant void between the slabs.
Hall, Cardiff, in arrangingseating trays for good diffusion A displacement ventilation system includes very low air
and local soundreflections. Overhead reflectors, galleries, velocity supply air via special terminals under the seats.
and platforms provide local reflections for performers, to Special flexible bellowsintroduce air to stage elevators to
assistensemble andbalance. accommodate the range of elevator movement.
Early use of a 1:50 physical scale model led to design Early objective measurements and subjective tests indi-
modifications and further testing. Flexibility of use is cate an excellent acoustic for orchestraluse, a warm well-
accommodated by removal of stalls seating to allow a balanced yet intimate sound.
central arena format, and acoustic adjustment by the
movement ofhigh level areas offabric. The fabric reduces Further acousticparameters
reverberation timesfor events where speech intelligibility
or amplified music are the main consideration. Early decaytime
Ancillary accommodation — foyers, dressing rooms, The early decay time (EDT) is the most important
offices— cocoon the auditorium from external noise. The criterion in evaluating a hall's acoustics, followed by
62 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Figure 2.25(a) Vineyardseating: Berlin Philharmonie (Sharoun Main Hall)

Figure 2.25(b) Seating trays: Berlin Philharmünie (morerecently built Recital Hall)
Design acoustics 63

Figure 2.26(a) and (b) Directedsound: Wellington Town

Hall, New Zealand

Lateral Efficiencyand Clarity. The EDT should not differ

from the Sabine RT more than ±10%; for a concert hall,
values between 1.8 and 2.3s should be sought. It is the
decay time measured over the first 10dBofenergy fall-off,
equivalent to the slope of energy curve measuredwithin
the first 500 ms. Due to the nature ofmusic performance
the final part ofthe sounddecay ofnotes is seldom heard.
The later part of the reverberant decay from a specific
impulse (transient) is masked by subsequent signals after
approximately 10dBofdrop, i.e. peaks in music perform-
ance only rise about 10 dB above the average level during
that passage. EDT involves measuring the first 10 dB of
decay and multiplyingby 6 to correspondto RT values.As
EDT is sensitive to room geometry, in particularto strong
early reflections to reinforce sound in the first 100ms, the
EDT will vary with location around a hall (see
In huge halls, the EDT can vary spectacularly, high-
lighting the remoteness ofsurfaces: the Royal Albert Hall,
London (86 650m3), has in its stalls EDTs of 1—1.25s
compared to Sabine RTs of around 2.5 s, across middle
Ratioof early-to-late energy
The ratio of early-to-late energy is the measure of the
balance between clarity and reverberance in music;
different types of music, for example Romantic compared
to Mozart, suggest different balance values.
64 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Early lateral energy fraction Ventilation

The early lateral energy fraction defines the relationship Ventilation in halls can serve both energy-efficientlyand
between a sense of spatial impression or envelopment for quietly by underseat supply and overhead extraction
the listener and the arrival of reflected sound from (Figure 3.11 type 2). As exposed ductwork at a high level
sidewalls relative to the listener. It is the fraction oflateral in halls presents an unpredictable source oflow-frequency
energy arriving between 5 and 80 ms after the arrival of absorption and duct-noise breakout, its presence in the
directsound compared to the total sound energy arriving hall shouldbe minimized or set behind an acoustic 'shell'
at the listenerwithin the first 80 ms ofdirect sound arrival. ceiling. A sensible approachto adoptinga criterion is NR
The maximum values found in auditoria are around 0.3. 20 for concerts, andan assured NR 15/PNC15 maximum
for broadcasting/recording.
D50, C50 and C80
Other measures areDeutlichkeit (D50), Clarity Index C50 Multiuse
and Clarity Index C80. D50 derives from the ear's Multiuse is a fact of life, even for halls with resident
response to consecutive impulses. A sequence of sound orchestras. Choirseating can be on bleachers extendinga
impulses delayed more than 50ms is perceived as discrete platform back for conference use, seating to the immedi-
impulses, whereas those with less delay combine to ate sides can be on towers to be removed to form 'wings'.
enhance the loudness of the impulse before. Good Stage lifts can alter the configuration for different music
auditoria will have higher D50 values. C50 is slightly settings, dropping to form an orchestra pit for opera.
differently calculated and is presented in decibel form Acoustically, banners can drop within the hall to reduce
with values greateror less than 0.5 appearingas C50s with the reverberation time by up to 15%. This will improve
positive or negative values respectively. For a speech- speech intelligibility in the hall. Overhead acoustic
orientated hall, positive values of C50 are desirable. C80 'clouds' to help the orchestra maintainensemble can be
uses the limit of perceptibility 80 ms to suit music uses, flown aside to enable sets or a projection screen to be
again in decibels. Positive values resultin a crisp acoustic dropped. Back projection, simultaneous translation, pro-
suitable for classical music andsome operatic use but will jection room and control rooms will help the operational
not provide a suitable setting for romantic and choral efficiency. In a number of halls, large acoustic canopies
works which are enhanced by a greater reverberance. slungover the platform are claimed to adjust the acoustics
for different sized events.
Directed sound Multiuse halls are a design challenge and the most
Directed sound has become an issue in acoustic design. demanding use in design criteria terms may only be a
Marshall incorporated the idea of supplying early lateral prestigious occasional use, so it is realisticto have the most
energy when he was appointed acoustic designer for a frequent use as a base setting with means of altering
concert hall in Christchurch, New Zealand, in 1972. The conditions for other events.Reverberant sports or concert
lack of lateral reflections at centre seats due to the hall halls can be made deaderfor dramaby droppingbanners
width is compensated for by an array of large reflector or drapes, small halls or dead halls enlivened acoustically
panels suspended overhead angled to direct sound into by electronic means. Figure 2.29, Diagram 2.5 and Table
central seats deficient of lateral sound (Figure 2.26). 2.7 list some typical events which can crop up: these
Schroeder-designed reflector panels used in the 1983 cluster to particular settings (flat floor, etc.) although
Wellington Concert Hall by Marshall are based on a inevitablythere are varying requirements within headings,
repeated'Quadratic Residue Sequence'ofdifferentdepth for example 'classicalmusic' can meanconditions ranging
wells along the panel surface. Interference due to the from 1.2s for chamber music to 2.5s for majorRomantic
pattern selected contributes to a wide diffusing area and choral works.
(Figure 2.27b).
Theconceptofusingother reflecting surfaceswithin the Courts
auditorium was also used by Cremer in the innovative Acoustic attention centres around the courts themselves,
Berlin Philharmonie; other hallsin whichCremerhas been as theywill have to be isolated from other areas by sound
involved have incorporated 'stepped hexagons' in which lobbies, acoustic doors, and50+ dB walls. Ventilation noise
seating is split into hexagonal stepped terraces which levels shouldbe kept to between NR 30 andNR 35. Good
provide all seatswith localizeddirecting surfaces.Even seat conditions are important as close concentration is
backsto rearmostseats can play their part (Figure 2.27a). demanded over long sessions.
To keep out intrusive noise, perimeteraccommodation
Musicians as well as the courts may have to be mechanically
Musicians as users have specific needs and the priorities ventilated. Floors under courts and over cells should be
are slightly different to those of an audience. The 50+ dB, e.g. 200-mm concrete slab plus 50-mm topping
Musicians' Union stresses the followingneeds: reverbera- (concrete waffle with thin minimum slab thickness or
tion time (full-bodied); variability (not altered by occu- hollow precast units should not be used). Plant rooms
pancy); dynamic range; frequency response (balance of should be kept remote from courts.
sound, no orchestral section or pitch band receiving over- Some rooms with specific needs, as identified in Home
or under-emphasis); clarity and separation (between solo Office Room Data Sheets, are identified in Table 2.8.
instruments and sections). In addition, on the platform The natural acousticsofa courtroom should allow good
there should be integration (sound similar to that speech intelligibility.To some extentthis is engenderedby
perceived in the auditorium),ensemble (ease of hearing the reinforcementof direct sound from the speaker by
between sections), and floor response to instruments. early reflections which combine with the direct sound to


I ! — j I I I I I I

(a) (b)

II 4

Figure 2.27 Concert hail detail.: (a) high-backseats at rear; (b) ceiling reflectors; (c) side-wallabsorberbanners
66 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Figure 2.28 Acoustic model testing: (a) Linköping Concert

Ha14 (b) GlyndebourneOpera House, (c) Segestrom Hall
(California) and (d) WycombeEntertainments Centre (also
(c) shown in Figures 2.40and 2.41)
Design acoustics 67

• Public meetings:
political, religious
• Pop festivals

• Spectator sports:
cricket, rugby,football
• Participation sports:

S Snooker, darts, wrestling,

I swimming, ice-hockey,
I .E skating

• Trade shows
E • Dances
a, I Banquets
a) I
C5) Ca
I • Cinema
2 c
• Conferences
Pop concerts

o I
• Theatre
I Staged musical events
I j Ballet
I TV studiotheatre

I • Classical concerts
I Choral
I Chamber
— __I

Recording studios

Diagram 2.5 Publicperformance

Table 2.7 Recommended mid-frequencies reverberation times

Activity RT Building te
Broadcast 0.2—0.25 Sound dubbing, announcerbooths
0.3 Small speech studios
L0—2.0 Large classical music studios
Speech 0.6—1.2 Council chambers, law courts, lecture theatres, meeting rooms,
conference halls
Drama 0.9—1.4 Theatres, functionrooms
Amplified sound 0.5—1.2 Multiplex cinemas, pop concert venues, discotheques, videowall
Multiuse 1.0—1.7 School assemblyhalls, community halls, sports/arts halls
Opera 1.0—1.6 Opera houses, theatres with orchestrapits
Soloists, ensembles 1.2—1.7 Recital halls, orchestra rehearsal halls, chamber music salons
Orchestral music 1.7—2.2 Concert halls
Organ and choir music 2.0—5.0 Ceremonial halls, organ concert halls, churches, cathedrals
68 Acoustics in the Built Environment

provide a strong signal. Late reflections (arriving much

after 30ms) are however counterproductive as they blur
the original message. The desired finishes will therefore
be limited local sound reflective surfaces combined with
sound absorption to other surfaces: floor carpet (this will
damp impact/footfall noise as well as provide general
absorption), selectivewall linings and ceiling treatments.
To achieve these target values local treatment will be
required behind and to the side of the public gallery to
absorb intrusive visitor noise,and to the side of the bench,
where the confidentiality of whispered briefing needs to
be maintained. The important parts for the maximum
0 audibility are witness box to jury, witness box to judge,
counseland dock tojudge. Proceedings audibility to the
public seating area is a slightly lesser priority.
PSA and Home Office guidance advises as a suitable
setting for court activity, that the reverberation time

calculated for the furnished room shall be 0.8s at 125Hz

falling to 0.6s at 250 Hz and continuing at 0.6s for
frequencies up to 4000Hz, with tolerance on these values
±0.15 s.
As far as possible, good natural acoustics should be
relied on for proceedings. Thejudge and counsel will be
usedto speaking clearly and addressing the court. Speech
reinforcement may be considered, however, to reinforce
speech from the witness box, particularly to the public
0.05 0.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 galleries at the rear ofthe courts. Security enclosure ofthe
Room volume (x 1000) (m3)
dock in some courts may impede reception of speech
from this source, so here too speech reinforcementmay
Figure 2.29 Reverberationtimesfor dfferentspaces. be considered. The systemshouldbe high quality andfree
(Courtesy ofSoundResearchLaboratories, Cokhester Essex) from audible hum, noise anddistortion.

The attraction ofdiscotheques is precisely their noise and
freneticactivity. The problems associated are noise break-
out to neighbouring properties, hearing damage to
employees,andstructurebornere-radiated sound to other
facilities in the same building. Average sound pressure
Table 2.8 Specific needs ofcourts and surroundingrooms levels on the dancefloor climb to the range 90—llOdBAas
the night goes on, with a high component of low
Good include frequency sound. Levels tend to be 8—10dBA higher by
sound sound the endofthe disco session. Where amplified live music is
insulation absorption performed,levels can be even higher. Such sound power
levels exceedclassical forms ofmusic — orchestras in loud
Main courtrooms •• •• passages maybe a more modest80 dBAorso. The Code of
Practice on sound levels in discotheques [11] identifies
Juvenile courts
Sound lobbies
• •• the hearing risk for staff in particular. The Code recom-
mends an LAeq not to exceed 100dB at the nearestpoint
Magistrates' retiring rooms
Court hail
• • in the premises to operating loudspeakers, the value
referred to as the Maximum Permissible Exposure Level.
Duty solicitor's room
Social workers' offices •• It assumes 25% of the total public area is given to rest
areas, otherwise a MPEL of 95 dB would apply. It is not
Holding/waiting rooms
Internal circulation
Clerk to the justice's office •• • desirable to have direct-to-earsound, diffuse andreflected
sound being better to even out exposure. Previous GLC
guidance recommended an LAeq,8h not exceeding 93dB,
Deputy clerk's office
Secretary's office •• or for external audience protection 93dB at 50m.
Discotheques are an obvious candidate for assessment
Legal/administration/accounts areas
Public zone — counter
Interview rooms •• •• against the Noise at WorkHSE statutoryguidance [12]. In
considering an Entertainments Licence, any authority will
Consulting rooms •• consider the following:
• objection at any public hearing
Refreshments area
• duration and timing of concert
Design acoustics 69

• frequency of concertsat the same premises busy roadsor airports, or in city centres. The main issues
• noise complainants at previous concerts will be noise break-in from outside, privacybetween rooms
• location (in relationto noise-sensitive buildings) and to public rooms, and ventilation noise.
Noise-limiting devices on sound systems can be Windows
included although commercially it is not realistic to set Windowsin hotels have openinglights even in the noisier
values below 90dBA. Premises should have full mechan- situations; good weatherstripping and double glazing are
ical ventilation (direct-to-atmosphere extracts with no essential. Some protection to road noise can be given by
attenuationwill in most cases be unacceptable because of inset balconies.
the impact on the environmental noise climate) and
lobbied doorset accesses at the entrances. Re-radiated Privacy
structurebornesound demands great care in design, one Privacybetween rooms will be of a reasonable standard if
approach being to isolate the disco walls by— using a separating walls and floors are selected with an average
drylining 'shell' and effectivelya triple floor a dance SRI of 50dB (for example, plastered 200-mm dcm,
floor on a concreteslab on isolators on a secondconcrete blockwork and solid precast concrete floor units with
slab — to alleviate the problem on the floor below. structural topping). Creation of a lobby outside the en
suitebathroomwill give isolation to corridor noise. Cross-
Education buildings talk attenuation to bathroom extracts will prevent this
Draft revised Building Bulletin 51 Acoustics in Education being a route for plumbingsounds. If single doors from
corridors are used, these should be 35-dR rated, i.e. solid
Buildings [13] and Design Note 17 [14] have yet to core plus seals, well rebated. Bathroom — corridor walls
materialize in final form. Design Note 25 Lighting and
Acoustic Criteria for the Visually Handicapped and Hearing should have an average SRI of 45dB. Partitions must
extend full height, structural floor-to-floor, and weak-
Impaired in Schools [15] can be referred to for those with nesses like back-to-backelectrical sockets mustbe avoided.
special needs. BS 8233 [161 classifies four groups with Room televisionandradio sets shouldnotbe fixed directly
sound insulation requirements varying from 25 dB to
45 dB. Classroomconditions should be controlled to 0.75 s to the room separating walls.
at middle frequencies and 40dB average separation Ventilation noise
between reading areas. More importantly, overhead ceil- Ventilation noise should be kept within NR 35 in any hotel
ing surfaces can usefully be sound reflective if side and and down to NR 25 in good-standard bedrooms. It is
rear walls are panelledin saypin boardingto dampsound- arguedthat unless a systemis audible, guests will thinkthat
blurringcross reflections. General mechanical ventilation it is inoperable. Atmosphere connections andchiller plant
shouldbe designed to within NR35 in teaching rooms. In shouldbe remoteto hotelbedrooms, or wellscreenedand
primary schools in particular, openingdoors and windows attenuated.Time clockson, say,kitchen extracts could help
from classrooms are expected, so a consideration of
facade aspectwill avoid distracting external noise levels. byproviding a cut-offtime so plantis not noisyin the early
hours. Plumbing noise, particularly 'water hammer',
School theatres are no longer exclusively an adaptation should be avoided by a 'head' to water pipework
of the assembly hall but mimic public theatres. A (307720mmUS practice) or a balloon-typereliefvalve.
reduction in scale, including platform height and size
allows for the lesser projection ofchildvoicescomparedto
adult. A BRE Report, Building Regulations and Health[17],
Health buildings mentions a 1980 survey where 18% of residents of new
Noise control rather than room acoustics is important.
Hospitals are highly serviced and reference to Building Table 2.9 Recommended noise ratingsfor health care
Notes, Technical Memoranda, Health Circulars and Hos-
pital Data Sheets should be made. Recommended design
criteria are shown in Table 2.9, as a more detailed
interpretation to rating values included in Chapter 3. Facilities NR
Separation between rooms has to be carefullyconsidered
given the requirement to stop most partitions offatceiling Quiet wards, overnight stay rooms, chapel, 25—30
New major hospital developments have considerable resuscitation
impact on the local community and the services centre Children'swards, treatment and recovery 35
with its standby diesels, boilers and chillers needs partic- rooms, staff rest rooms, staffbases, offices
ular attention.Attenuation in the ventilation systemsis by 40
theatres, circulation, utility rooms,
absorptive material protected by plastic membrane and Operating day rooms, pharmacy, reception areas
perforated sheet to avoid the risk of fibrous particles
release. Sound-absorbing ceilings (cleanable) and cush- Kitchens, laundry, changing rooms, OT 45
ioned vinyl floor finishes will contribute some noise exercise areas, X-ray process areas, clean
control within wards. rooms
Hotels Utilityrooms, stores, cleaners' rooms 50
Hotels vary in their standards, most new-built projects
being 2- or 4-star. To serve guests, they will usuallybe near dBA levels approximate to NR + 6.
70 Acoustics in the Buift Environment

houses said they were 'seriously bothered by neighbour Mean

noise'. The new Noise Act [22] intended to address this. performance
dB D.,
Understandably, statutory controls centre on providing
reasonable conditions in people'shomes. Detailed advice
is given in CIRIA Report 127 [18]. The Building Regula-
tions Part E (June 1992 being the last majorupdate of the
1985 version) [2] extend insulation requirements to the
conversion of houses into flats and increase significantly 50

the surface mass of concrete in party floors. They

o o"o
determine issues like partywalls and the surface mass of
walls that can be taken through party floors (in flats). The
minimum sound insulation for party walls is 52 dB
(DflTW). The corresponding figure for party floors is :
51 dB, and for impact noises the maximum value is 62 dB
Lr, Some sample Approved Document Constructions
are illustrated in Figures 2.30 and 2.31.

Mean performance

4 tl I

brickwork 1. 18 mm T&G Floor boarding or 22 mm flooring grade chipboard
>415 kg/rn2 53 on 50 x 50 mm battens
2. 13 mm/36 kg/rn3mineralfibre quilt resilient layer
3. 75 mm reinforced concrete screed
4. Cored precast concrete units, at least220 kg/m2*
5. In-situ concreteon permanent forrnwork
6. Plastered soffit
7 liii! II Ill100
0 200 mm
amended to 300 kg/rn2
in June 1992
Plastered BuildingRegulations
blockwork Figure 2.31 Selectedfloatingfloor constructkms. (Source:
>250 kg/m2' 52
ApprovedDocument ofBuildingRegulations [2]; [18]

A frequent difficulty is maintaining impact isolation

between flats where tiled floor kitchens or bathrooms are
installed. There have been recent developments in thin
Plastered isolating screeds. In considering intrusive noise, environ-
dense mental health officers will bear in mind recommended
blockwork maxima for steady intrusive noises (BRE Digest
>415kg/rn2 226 [19]/BS 8233 [16]) Of LAeq,T30—4OdB for bedrooms
and 40—50dB in living rooms.
Forproposedresidential developments, landwhere the
existing or predicted LAeq,T within 15 years is 65 dB
0 100 200 mm should be avoided or sound insulation measures should
be provided. PPG 24 [20] introduces NEC (Noise Expo-
1. Solid common bricks,frogs 5. Lightweight blockwork, sureCategories) for assessingnew housing against existing
fullyfilled 100 mm noise climates. Near airports, planningpermission will be
2. Cavity at least 50 mm wide 6. Dense blockwork, refused for a location subject to 72dBLAeq daytime or
3. Wall ties spaced at 900 mm 100 mm
horizontally; 450 mm 7. Plaster or plasterboard 66 dBLAeq night-time (see Chapter 1). Developments
vertically dry lining on dabs, adjacent to railway tracks will not only experience high
4. Wall plaster, 13 mm 13 mm airborne noise but also within 30m may experience
*amended to 300 kg/rn2 in ground vibration effects, depending on ground strata.
June 1992 Building Regulations The necessity for special foundation design should be
(original specification can still be avoided ifpossible.A control value for road traffic noise is
used with a step or stagger)
68dB (LAo,l8h)/65dB (LAeq,18h). For industrial noise
Figure 2.30 Selected cavity masonry separatingwalls. BS 4142 [21] provides guidelines on determining the
(Source: ApprovedDocument ofBuildingRegulations [2]; acceptabilityofbackgroundexternalnoise in an area.The
Design acoustics 71

Noise Act [22] deals with noisy neighbours but has no established at definedfrequencies.
direct design guidance. In setting noise hazard limits the following should be
1. continuous noise sources (to avoid hearing loss),
The main issues are noise break-out (particularly for 24-h
2. impulsive noise sources (to avoid temporarythreshold
operating buildings like printingworks, bakeries and flour shift),
mills) and good conditions for workers within. The 3. perception of danger warnings, signals (fire alarms,
planningauthority may be expected to set a limiting value
at the boundaryof the industrial premises, particularly if machinery start-up),
4. adequacy of speech communication.
housing is involved. Noise break-out may occur via the
body of the building, if airborne noise levels are high For only modest local control (up to 9—1OdBA reduc-
inside and the building is constructed of lightweight tion) a noisy process, for example band resaw machines,
cladding. Break-out will also occur via atmosphere pro- can be screenedoff using flexible loaded PVC hung full-
cesses and ventilation plant connections, for example height, of around 5 kg/m2 surface density lined with
flues, smoke andprocess extracts, and via goods doorways 25-mm polyurethane. Solid panelling of 13-mm fibre-
(particularly roller shutters) and personnel doors. board with 25-mm bagged rock fibre lining instead can
The traffic flow to industrial buildings may itselfbe a lower the level at operatorposition around by 12 dBA. A
noise source problem, for example vehicles parked modular metal panel system can achieve a 25dBA
outside a dairy-produce factory with refrigerator plant reduction even with small openings for conveyorsto pass
running continuously. through, whilst full enclosure test cells can obtain a
Ancillary sources like signal klaxons, public address 30 dBAreduction. Modular GRG equivalents are not quite
sound leakage or externalPA,and occasional soundfrom as effective,with a reduction potentialof 20 dBA. Applica-
tests of emergency procedures — standby generators, tions are illustrated in the HMSO/Health and Safety
smoke shutters, valve releases — can add to the process and Executive publication, 100 Practical Applications of Noise
ventilation sources as regards noise break-out. Reduction Methods[231. Another useful reference is SRL's
Within industrial premises, the protection ofemployees Noise Control in Industry[24].
is afforded by legislation, in particularthe 'Noise at Work Often noise in industrial premises is a mixture of high
Regulations' of the Health and Safety Executive. The constantnoise (engines, compressors and conveyors)and
effectofthe updatingof this statuteon iJanuary 1990was high maximum noise events (hammering, grinding and
that three times as many employees became involved. stamping). Pneumatic power processes can have intense
Failure to comply can mean prosecution or even closure high-frequency noise components. Localized activity in a
for an employer. There is a general duty to reduce risk to large industrial interior forms noise 'hot spots'. If noisy
employees' hearing, on employers and designers, by processes are spread out, general treatments will help
reducingexposure to the lowest level reasonably practica- because workers will each experience noise as a mix of
ble. In known noisy places of work, noise assessments direct sound from other nearby activity and reverberant
should be made by a Competent Person, and records of sound, as well as near-fieldnoise from theirown efforts. If,
assessmentskept until new ones are made. Ear protection on the other hand, direct sound from very noisyprocesses
zones are designated areas where noise levels will trigger nearby dominate, the reduction of the reverberant com-
the 'Second Action Level' as defined by the regulations. ponent ofnoise will be of littlebenefit. Onlyboth a noise
The unit which applies is the Daily Personal Noise survey and an understanding of activitiescan throw light
Exposure Levelwhich relates the potentialfor damage to on this.
hearing to both level and duration. A room treatment of ceiling absorbers can be ofbenefit
as follows:
1 'A(t)l
dt • sound decay away from industrial noise sources will
LEPd=lOlo_J be greater, perhaps becoming —5dB/doubling of
distance rather than —3 dB/doublingof distance;
where 7 = duration of exposure, 7
= 8h, PA(t) =
instantaneoussound pressure(Pa) varying with time, P0 = • reverberant levels will be lower and there will be a
20 X 10_6Pa. slight reduction of continuous noise, for example
The trade-off has an additional 3 dBA on noise level from extract fans, due to the added room
offset by a halving of duration, 85 dBA LEP d is the First absorption;
Action Leveland90dBALEP d is the Second Action Level. • reflected sound will be reduced;
Claims ofindustrial deafness hinge on causation, showing • the 'ringing' character of sound impacts will be
loss of hearing on the balance of probability is due to lessened.
noise at the place of work. The provision of protection An 'applied' treatment like hung absorbers can be
and regard for levels and duration plus a plaintiff's efficient (Figure 2.18) but a built-in inclusion of absorp-
exposure to noise prior to employment by the defendant tion is cost-effectively dual purpose.The roofsoffit can be
may show that there has not been a Breach of Duty. rendered absorptive rather than reflective by using a
Contributory Negligence by the plaintiffmay occur if he perforated profiled metal deck rather than a plain
has not worn ear protection when it was offered or has profiled metal deck, or a lining treatment that is inher-
chosen to ignore directiveson durationofnoise exposure. entlyabsorptive. The roof offers greater scope than walls
The standard method for testing hearing is Pure Tone because in a large factory, wallsurfaces will be ofrelatively
Audiometry, where the employee's hearing threshold is less surface area and perimeters may be remote to
72 Acoustics in the Built Environment

working areas. One problem with perforated soffit roof Thelecture theatre,unlikesaythe council chamber, has
decks is the tendency for a vapour barrier directly behind set locations for speakerand listener, so finishes can be
the perforations to some degree blank off the higher tailored to flatter the speaker. The front two-thirds of the
frequency absorption of the quilt behind the vapour ceiling should be sound reflective rather than absorptive,
barrier. This can be reducedby placing the vapourbarrier the rear absorbing; better still, reflecting ceiling panels
as an interlayer between absorption and thermal quilt can be optimally tilted to give strong early reflections via
layers. the ceiling, reinforcing the direct sound. Goodsightlines
are essential for adequate sound reception: a dais at the
Lecture and conference rooms front and tiered seating rows enable this.
Lecture rooms Reflectingsurfaces at the speaker endcan be 'hard' but
Lecture rooms, purpose-built for 50 up to 500 persons, are best modelled to avoid local cross reflections and resultant
a feature of many education and business centres. Up-to- flutter echoes which will be off-putting to the speakerand
date techniques have revolutionized forms of presenta- will lessen speech intelligibilityfor the audience. The rear
tion: video conferencing, simultaneous translation, back of the lecture room should be sound-absorbing to damp
projection, video recording (for traininguse) and CCTV, long sound path reflections from the back (Figure 2.32).
BARCO projection, satellite TV links, and computer- In considering whether overhead reflecting surfaces
generated images. usefully reinforce the direct sound, one can consider a

1. Front panel height determined

by projection requirement
2. Panel angled to reflect sound
into body of seating


Sound-absorptivefinishes to
rear part of ceiling, rear Half plan
wall and most of side walls 6. Projectionroom (202-seat room)

5. Sound-reflectivesurfacesto 7. Sound lobby

front wall and overhead 0 5m 0 5m

Figure 2.32 Lecture room: Sound-reflectingceiling panels — sections

Design acoustics 73

limiting ellipse within which surfaces can reflect back reflecting ceilings but edge absorption strips and absorp-
without echo, but outside of which surfaces should be tive wall linings to at least half the wall surfaces (Figure
either absorptive or reflect incident sound so it remains 2.33). PSA and CIBSE recommendations suggest for
outside the ellipse. A discrete second image of sound is intrusive/ventilation noise criteria, NR 25 for 'large'
discerned if the reflected sound energy arrives more than conference rooms (>50 persons), NR 30 for rooms
40 ms after the direct sound, i.e. if the distance travelled holdingmore than 20 persons, and NR35 for the smallest
approaches or exceeds 14m. The notional limiting ellipse rooms. Soundlobbies shouldbe plannedinto both larger
is thereforedefined byAB +AC< 14 BC+ 14 where Cis the lecture rooms and conference rooms.
source point, B the receiver location, andA the surface of
reflection. Librariesand museums
In a space with good room acoustics for speech (RT Library activity varies from busy popular fiction and
0.5—0.75s) the following guide applies: cassette loan areas to quiet reference areas, so the
• subdivision of the facility by bookstacks and exhibition
up to 15m relaxed listening
• 15—20m good intelligibility screening can allow this. Sound-absorbingcarpet,acoustic
ceilings and soft furnishings can help keep reverberant
• 21—25m satisfactory soundlevelslow. Ventilation noise shouldbe controlled to
• 30m limit of acceptability NR 30, intrusive noise from traffic to 45dB (LAeq,TL
Reading lip movements helps intelligibility,which is of Museums should be lively centres of activity and
assistance up to 15m. When the distance between the 'interactive'/participatory exhibits may have to compete
speaker and farthest listener exceeds 10—15m, a speech noisilywith repetitive video presentations. Careful zoning,
reinforcementsystem may be considered. sound absorption materials, and good-qualitydirectional
sound systems can help. 'Theme tours' are a new
Video conferencing derivative. The close arrangementof different 'sets' in a
Video conferencing is a newdevelopment entailing voice- tour can allow the effects to be spoiled if noise from one
activated cameras and microphone systems to connect area is distracting and intelligible in other areas.
specially-adaptedmeetingrooms. Ideally the rooms could
be designed to talks studio standards butmore frequently Musicpracticerooms
standardconference rooms are adapted. The wall behind The standardoffacilitiesvaries widelybetween the rooms
the seated participants should be fully treated with provided in state school music departments — little
absorptive facing. Intrusive outside and ventilation noise different to normal classrooms— and isolated,controlled
sources should be kept within NR 25. environmentsprovided for professional, and trainee
professional, musicians.The smallestpractice rooms hold
Conference rooms only two (instructorand soloist); slightly largerones take
Conference rooms vary from meeting rooms to large a small group. Large rehearsal spaces can hold sections of
auditoria where massed delegates can attend a conven- the orchestra. Surfaceswithin can usefully be sparse (RTs
tion. Ideally, office conference roomsshould have sound- typically 1 s at500 Hz for practice rooms, 1.5s for rehearsal
rooms), and non-parallel: offsetting alternate walls in a
row of rooms by 7° or more is adequate to prevent
distracting cross reflections. Low-frequencyabsorbers may
be useful to balance reverberation characteristics, and
velour curtains can allow some user-choice of playing
conditions. Ventilation and steady intrusive noise should
be controlled to within NR25 and in all but the quietest
settings, rooms should be fully mechanically ventilated.
Adequate cross-talk attenuationis essential.
The critical issue is the isolation afforded to the rooms.
School rooms tend to be a lower specification both
because ofcosts andthe desire of teachers to know pupils
are practising in individual rooms. Single acoustic doors
rather than using sound lobbies may have to suffice.
Figure 2.34 shows the commissioned results for a school,
Reflected The isolation from separated wall leaves is not fully
ceiling realized because of the flanking effects of roof and floor
continuity. The more costly but effective isolating ceiling
and floor shown in Figures 2.35—2.37 show a worthwhile
1. Sound reflectivecentral ceiling to 'carry' gain in performance, again by carewith acoustic doorsin
speech across the conferencetable soundlobbies. Even with this degreeofseparation, music
2. Sound absorptive edges to ceiling
practice will be discernedin the adjacentpractice room.
3. Sound absorptivewall panelling/piriboard Care in
to at least 50% of wall surfaces workmanship and supervision is needed, as
4. Carpetfloor finish contractors find it hard to resist tying structures together
for stability during building.
Figure 2.33 Reflectingand absorbingsurfaces in a small An alternative approach, comparable with studio tech-
meetingroom nical facilities, is to use modulardry-construction 'boxes'
74 Acoustics in the Built Environment

1. Wall: plastered 140-mm dense solid blockwork/50-mm, cavity no ties) with

mineral wool quilt inlay/140-mm block.
2. Roof:slates on battens, sarking, counter-battens, 12-mm ply, roof
Joists void, 13-mm plasterboard, 20-mm timber boarding.
3. Floor: 22-mm chipboardon isolationgrade polystyrene, 125-mConcrete slab.




125 250 500 1000 2000 4000

Octave Band Centre Frequency (Hi)
0 im
sound level difference between:
1 music practice rooms
2 practice room and corridor

Teaching room 1. Isolated masonry construction to

LIP to 30
walls (although link at foundation
and roof). Everyother wall
offset 7
2. Sound lobby, doors not opposite in
3. Sealed windows


0 5m
Figure 2.34 Music practice rooms: !vlanchesterHigh Schoolfor Girls
Design acoustics 75

1. Subfloor: rc slab
2. Floating floor:
100-mm rc slab on
neoprene bearings/
50-mm air space
3. double ceiling:
metal lath + plaster
4. floor above: 200-mm
rc slab
5. wall: plastered 110-mm
brick leaves, 50-mm
quilt, 150-mm cavity
(total 540 kg/m2)
6. Wallhead mastic seal

111111 I

0 im

erected within a building shell. These may well be as

expensive for the same acoustic performance, but have
the advantage of fast installation on site and a relocation

V Complaints from office workers arise from intrusive
U outside noise, high noise levels within offices, and poor
0) insulation between cellular offices. BS 8233 recommends
LAeq,T values of 40—45 dB for private offices and office

C conference rooms, and 45—50 dB for open-plan offices.

> Above a general level of 57cIBA, occupants have to raise
-J their voices to offsetthe background noise,which further
VC raises internal levels.
Outside noise levels
Outside noise levels can influence the whole form of an
office complex: natural ventilation for a 15-m-deep
template or naturalventilation plus ventilated core for an
18-m-deep template allows in transportation or industrial
noise, but deep-plan sealed fully mechanically-ventilated
office buildings offer a more controlled environment;
4/12/6 glazing is usually adequate, but better glazing
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 combinations (6/20/10 or even double windows) may be
rd OctaveBand CentreFrequency (Hz) required in exceptional circumstances.
sound level difference between Atria
music practice rooms
Au-ia form the central features of many large office or
Figure 2.35 Music practice rooms:Royal Academy ofMusic, mixed development/leisure complexes,wherethe working
London. (Courtesy ofBAP) spaces are clustered around a glazed central area which
76 Acoustics in the Built Environment


1. Floors: 50-mm screed on 25-mm polystyrene on 200-mm rc slab

2. Ceiling: plasterboard on joists
3. Walls: 115-mm lightweight block work leaves, 115-mm cavities,
180-mm central structural wall of dense blocks
flmr Fr —7
0 im

80 provides a controlled internal area with some of the

characterof an externalspace. Glazing panels act as low

frequency absorbers but are otherwise strongly sound
reflective. Combined with hard floor finishes and wall
claddings,aclattery,reverberantcharacterwill result unless
a proportion, say 25%, of the wall surface is clad in
a) -/ — absorptive panelling. Internal modelling serves to diffuse
the sound and features like trees, banners, umbrellas,
a) kiosksand other furniture all serve to soak up sound and
0 reduce reverberant sound pressure level. Water features
> canprovide usefulmasking sound (70dBAatclose range).
-J There is little information on atrium acoustics.Apaper
C by de Ruiter[25] compares shopping centre, office and
hospital examples. In the UK, Gaughan of the Institute of
Environmental Engineering, South Bank Polytechnic,has
taken extensive measurements in London atria at the
Broadgate Centre (two, each 20m X 11 m X 18m) and
the SedgewickCentre (35m X 20m X 15m).
Broadgate'smetal, marble and glass finished interior
court, four floors high, has reverberation times of 3s at
125 Hz increasing to 9s at 500 Hz. The average absorption
coefficient is only 0.05.
20 Sedgewick'sseven-floors heightby contrast has amean a
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 of 0.2 and diffuse, almost Sabine, characterof RT 3s at
rd Octave Band Frequency (Hz) 125 Hz, 500Hz and 1 kHz.Both centres haveambientnoise
levels around NC 50 due to ventilation plant and
sound level difference between continuous escalators operation. Three-dimensional
music practice rooms
sound propagation contours show greatly varying and
Figure 2.36 Music practice rooms: Birmingham School of uneven decay rates of sound from source position to
Music. (Courtesy ofBAP) position, due to multiple andcomplex reflection patterns.
Design acoustics 77

225 350
8 225!
9 9

5 5

2 Brass .3 3 Percussion

1. Basementslab 5. Acoustic wall absorber

2. 225-mm concrete 6. 25-mm plaster on e.m.l.
3. 225-mm brickwork 7. Flexibleair-tight seal

liii I
4. 100-mm r.c. slab on
Neoprene mounts (jack-up type)
Ground floor slab
Services void

120 Internal noise leveLt

Internal noise levels can be kept reasonable by including
(upper frequencies
not measurable a sound-absorbing ceiling, carpet and screen-basedwork-
on site) station arrangement.Reverberation times are not relevant
in open-plan officesas the perimeters are remote.Modern
100 office equipment like laser printers and computer key-
boards are much quieter than electric typewriters, e.g.

laser printers are typically 64 dBA at 1 m compared to
a) 83dBA for mechanical printers. It may be tempting to
a) consider the use of a sound conditioningsystem. This
/ --
consists of concealed loudspeakers emitting masking
white noise. Care is required as the working sound level
for efficient use is narrow: too noisy and the sound is
objectionable, or at least draws undue attention to the
C 7C-
0 — sources; too quiet and the system is ineffective.


60- Privacy
Privacy between work places is only in the order of
17—20dBA between open-plan screen-based work-stations
50 at 12m2/work-station, and this may be compared with
speech privacy needs as set out in Tables 2.3 and 2.4.
These reflect the subjective reactions of office workers,
125 200 315 500 800 1250 recordedin Table 2.10. Screens can be tested for sound
100 160 250 400 630 1000 absorption (BS 3638) [261 — a NRC of 0.6 to 0.8 being
desirable — and speech privacy noise isolation class (NIC).
rd Octave BandCentre Frequency (Hz) There is a hierarchy of privacy in offices as shown in
sound level difference between
music practice rooms Diagram 2.6. Surveys have indicated that the thought
interruptiondueto office noise can amountto significant
Figure 2.37 Music practice rooms: CentralLondon Music work 'downtime' for employees, and good privacy
College. (Courtesy ofBAP) arrangements in open-plan officescan increase productiv-
78 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Table 2.10 Relationship ofbackground noise and annoyance 12

in offices

Staff in an adjacent
Activity+ ventilationnoise
normal speech (%)
l 10

35 65
40 40
45 25 C
47 16
55 4 Co
C 6

0 2 4 6 8 10
gap width (mm)
effectof small gap above an
office partition on Sound insulation

Figure 2.38 Effrct ofsmall gap above an officepartition on

sound insulation
— —
ity by between 3 and 10%. In cellular offices, proprietary
50-mm-thickmetal-skinned panels with mineralwool core
C CI (mass <40kg/rn2), can achieve 30—35 dB average SRI if
>-) well installed or up to 40—45 dB if high performance
.2 panels are used. The problem arises with relocatable
oE partitions at ceiling and suspendedfloor (this is covered
.E .I -J
earlier under 'Sound insulation'). The privacy obtained
depends on:

the background noise level and its masking effect
(care should be taken below NR 35),

room-to-room sound insulation (aim for 40+ dB on a
BS 2750: Part 9 test),

'cross-talk' attenuation (particularly on plenum ceil-
ing or floor void: fully ducted systems preferred),

the partition— ceilingjunction.
Partitionsshouldbe carried through the ceiling void to
prevent flanking; alternatively a jointless plasterboard

C ceiling can be installed; the effectof a continuous joint at

a) the ceiling— partition head is shown in Figure 2.38. It isall
0 tooeasy to drop to around 25dB separation for demount-
able systems.

Computer rooms have inherently high noise levels, the
acceptability of which will depend on the occupants. If
Diagram 2.6 Offices: zoning forprivacy and quiet staff work-stationsare within, a background level of NR
Design acoustics 79

45—50should be aimedfor; ifonly intermittentoccupancy values rather than In some live studios now under
is involved, for example in machine room areas, NR 60 construction as fast news centres, background activity is
may be acceptable. Measures to reducenoise in the room put on show so a standard more exacting than NR 20 is
airhandling units include lower air velocities, ducted not called for. In control rooms, NR 20 for sound dubbing
supply and return with silencers, and double-skin and control facilities will be adequate; the background
casings. levels in such rooms may be determined by equipment
cooling fans typically NR25+ rather than ventilation noise
Sports and leisure or intrusive noise.
Swimming pools are inherently noisy: hard surfaces for Largerstudios may double as theatre audience venues,
wear and hygiene and the reflective qualities of water for example for game shows. Ventilation noise control to
exacerbate the shouting and splashing. Ice halls have NR 25 will be adequate, provided that for lower lighting
similar problems. Good sound systems andbuilt-in sound and occupancy loads a lower ventilation noise value (NR
absorption by ceiling or banners will give more comfort- 15 or 20) could be provided for, say, recordingdrama.
able conditions to achieve Sports Council recommenda-
tions (1.8—3s mid-frequency values for empty halls). High-quality radio, recording, broadcasting, or live television
Swimmingpools and ice rinkshave 24—h operational plant facilities
of significant duty, so care is needed re environmental Local radio stations met IBA standards by complying with
noise break-out to the local community. Ten-pin bowling pass/fail tests. The standards are set out in the Engineer-
has made something of a come-back;high impulsivenoise ing Code of Practice for Independent Local Radio,
levels occur close to the racking machines during 'strikes' uprated as the IBA Specificationfor Studio Centres [27].
(typically peaking at 1102dBAclose to) andduring racking The document itself should be studied in detail but
by the machines beyond. Absorbent surfaces and enclo- covers:
sureofthe machine room will containthis, andabsorptive
ceiling finishes improve conditions near the lanes. Slab
• background noise
isolation under the racking machines and under the lanes • reverberation times
(to stop ball-rolling thunder) is required to prevent
• performance characteristics for line path, micro-
structureborne sound transmission. Indoor or outdoor phone path, and storage media
shooting facilities demand specialist advice. Acoustic criteria for transmitting equipment are also
specified. Typically double- or triple-leaf walls and room-
Televisionand radio facilities dedicated floors and 'lids' were coupled with quiet (NR
Video production 15) ventilation systems and 'dead' room acoustics (RT
Video production demands that the mainstudio shouldbe 0.16—0.3s). The European Broadcasting Union's Report
reasonably isolated to outside and to other facilities, for R22 [28] is an important reference for standards includ-
example by double-leafwalls, and a roofofreasonable SRI ing preferred volumes of rooms, proportions of spaces
(35+ dB average). Acoustically-rateddoorsets should be (avoid single integral ratios between length, width and
usedto the control room suite but not necessarilyto other height), monitoringpositions, reverberation times (over
rooms. Room acoustics aspects will not be exacting. The one-third octave bands 200—2500Hz, the average RT
additional cost to standard accommodation of basic should be 0.3 ± 0.1 s). At low frequency one-third octave
specification is in the order of 25%. Facilities like this are band 50Hz, the RT should not exceed 0.45s. The RT
sometimes built as a fit-out of modern industrial estate/ should not vary by more than 0.04s between adjacentone-
business park units or conversion of older buildings to third octave bands in the range 200—10000Hz, and
multi-tenancyunits. In the case of the latter, transmission ventilation noise should be less than NR 15 with no cyclic
throughthe floormay needto be checked. Thestudios are variation or pronouncedtones.
suitable for promotional orvideo films,centringon sets. Recording studios demandsimilar high standards. The
quality criteria here are dynamic range, distortion
Commercial television (attenuation, phase or non-linear: harmonic, intermodu-
Commercial television management inevitably took a lation or amplitude), noise (ambient, system), wow and
short term view on capital expenditurereturns because flutter (short-term speed fluctuations) and electronic
franchises were, until 1991, renewed on a 5-year cycle. cross-talk. Detailed advice is given in Borwick's Sound
Small firms producingprogrammes on the fringes of the RecordingPractice[29]. Recommended reverberation times
main networks may have standards no better than for vary from 0.3 to 0.4 s for small speech studios to 1—2s for
video production. Regional franchise holderswill have a classical music recording. Monitor rooms, separated by at
range of accommodation from property stores to ware- least 8/200/12 glazed windows, should be designed to
houses with larger sets inside, applying standards no 0.2—0.35s. The introduction of stereo recording and
better than for outside broadcast, to control rooms and broadcast imposed furtherdiscipline to studiotechniques.
controlled environment studios. Standards in commercial Conditions should not be 'dead'/semi-anechoic, as this
television production improved as the value of good- would be unpleasantto work in. The ear is better able to
quality music scores in drama became recognized. locate an image in a stereo fieldwith some reflections and
The construction standard will be higher than for there is the 'single pass' concept of monitoring: part of
smaller facilities. Nevertheless, because the programmes the room is left 'hard' behind the loudspeakers, with the
in production are recorded and not 'live', the very area behind the engineers treated with absorption lining.
occasional intrusionofa loud noise can be accepted. This Control room ambient noise should match the main
implies that design is determined by, say, LAb or LAeq studio conditions.
80 Acoustics in the Built Environment

The need to have reliably acceptable conditions at all rooms also works well for fitting out 'shell' interiorsand
times follows from 'live' broadcast, where a retake cannot consistsofmodularstudios madeofstandardwall,roofand
be relied upon if some intrusion occurs. British Broad- floor panels. These are made of double metal skins with
casting Corporation advicemaybe takenfromRose's Guide mineralquiltfilling to the cavity between skins. Theroom-
to AcousticPractice [30]. The technique of mix ofoffice and side metal skin can be perforated: this reduces the sound
technical facilities by installing factory-built rooms-in- insulation propertiesbut contributes most of the general
absorption within rooms. Low frequency absorber boxes
may also be required. Small announcer booths can be
installed on a subfloor, each with a standard dedicated
100 room air conditioning unit, either recirculation or con-
____________________________________100I—t-i—I-100 nectedto a headersupply and extractducts via attenuators
+ (Figure 2.39). The system is one-third the weight of the
+ H equivalent masonry structure, is quickto erect, and can be
reconfigured relativelyeasily.
BBC checks of background noise are against three
reference curves, which very approximately equate to
NR5, NR1O, and NR15:
octave band values/octave
63 125 250 500 1 k 2 k 4 k (Hz)

1. Radio light
— 1
-r —
i— studios
Other radio
41 31 24 18 13 9 6
studios, control
1 100-mm modular floor units on isolating rails with cable voids rooms.
2 100-mm modular wall units: metal skins, inner face perforated Television
absorbentquilt fill studios 36 26 19 13 8 4 1
3 Dedicated room ventilation unit,
recirculatedair with some fresh air 3. Radio drama
intake studios 31 21 14 8 3 —1 —4

100 Close matching of curves has been pursued to ensure

there is some masking noise without rumble or hiss. This
is difficult in practice as attenuator selection to suit low
frequency performanceresults in noise levels well below




—-- —
7 — -_

/ the curve at upper frequencies. Flow noise at secondary
attenuators or diffusers can be a means of selectively
adding back higher frequency noise.
The term 'theatre' covers a wide range of auditoriafrom
community halls (naturally lit and ventilated, mukiuse
and small) to large national theatres for resident com-
C 7 panies. Traditional theatres and opera houses have a
'hammerhead' plan shape, a proscenium opening

0 between the stage and audience, an orchestra pit, and
acoustically comprise a high, bare space (alternatively

:: filled with 'flats') coupled to a 'dead' auditorium. For this

reasonit is useful to provide built-in absorption linings to
the fly-tower which will balance sound decay in the two
parts of the coupled volume, and to some extent soakup
residual intrusive noise down from the fire-shuttered fly
tower lantern.
20 Small theatres may seat less than 500, larger theatres
63 125 250 5000 1000 2000
seating 1000 to 1200, and the largest exceeding 1500 seats
Octave Band Centre Frequency (Hz) (Association of British Theatre Technicians definition).
sound level differencebetween studios: Compact seating arrangements ('lining the walls with
twin modular (AC panels people') ensure that everyone is within 15—20 m of the
stage so nuances of acting and speech can be followed.
Figure 2.39 Modularstudios Reference can be made to case study collections [31, 32].
Design acoustics 81


1. Overhead reflector panels I I I I I

0 lOm
2. Rear ceiling and rear wall absorptive finishes
3. Lighting bridges
4. Concealed absorption: mounted to roof soffit
and on fly tower walls

Figure 2.40 Overhead reflector panels in a 1000-seat theatre. (Courtesy ofBucks CC/BDP)

There have been several excellent new guides on theatre 2.41 and Table 2.11. The basis of the system is the
design including Buildings for the Performing Arts (Apple- sampling ofthe direct sound fieldat the stage, by an array
ton) [33] and Making Spacefor Theatre: British Architecture of microphones. Signalsare relayed to a single processing
and Theatre Since 1958 (Mulryne andShewring) [34]. The rack which, by equalization and signal delays, simulates
most stunningimages of theatres, if not technical detail, early reflections and modified reverberation. Broad-band
are in Steele's Theatre Builders [35]. Lottery-funded
schemes are much in evidence, with community arts and
multi-media uses as well as traditional drama. Table 2.11 AGS electroacoustics system as installed in the
Overhead ceiling panels can be sound-reflecting and Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage
angled to give useful early reflections to 'carry' sound to
rear seats (Figure 2.40). Finishes should be sound-
Setting'3 RT1 (s) Use
absorbing except near the stage, and perimeter surfaces
should be non-parallel.
Balconyfrontsmay need to be modelled or have sound 0 1.0 System off: natural hall acoustics
absorption applied, in order to avoid distracting back for speech and theatrical
reflection effects for performers on stage. Angled pro- performances
scenium wallscan be modelled to reflect sound to seating 1 1.3 Piano,jazz, ballet, musicals
by facetting, which can improve audibility.As with concert 2 1.5 Chambermusic, recitals, opera
halls, acoustic modelling can be useful. In providing a 3 1.8 Chamberand Baroque music
setting for other events, like opera or music concerts, a 4 2.0 Symphonies
means of adapting the acoustics to these uses can be 5 2.1 Symphonies
incorporated. Banners or similar devices do not help, as 6 2.6 Choral music
the space is already 'dead' acoustically. There are a 7 3.0 Organ (dedicated setting)
number of electroacoustic systems which are able to
increase the RT artificiallyand compensate on stage for "Commissioneduse of different settings.
the lack of local reflecting surfaces. An example that is bMeasured reverberation time at 500Hz; plotted on Figure
installed in an existing UK theatre is illustrated in Figure 2.41.
82 Acoustics in the Built Environment




ChristieOrgan Id Soot—yore
II ssr-So2e

3 3rsr 5cr cna snr DC G028—S033

(7sro mrmcr

N J.
"1\ t
Microphones fined to
55cr -\ Lighting Bridge
scit Prolectian Room
0 MOOr—MOte

acditoricm ceiling.
O Mctg—Mo2a

scm cnn
H RemoteControl
I Location

0 . 7 cern

ecYc. 55

along flybar ri--f —- -i scar /

Mains ELCB
and breaker. ¶oc: siccc3, ¶sa ccsc ssos /
AcocstinControl Systems SpeakersforEarly Reflections
Processing gack mocstnd oerrically


ACS Reverberation decay curves

2.4 >
C) C)
E U,
I- C
C -C
-o 1.2
> C)
0.2 .2 .5 1 2 5 10 20
Communication distance )m)
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
(b) Frequency (Hz) Figure 2.42 Effect ofbackground noise on speech
oACS1 +2 03 a4 es 06

Figure 2.41(a) and (b) AGS: Adaptable reverberationby shell, and ability to balance early andlate sound as well as
electroacoustics. (Source:Shuttlesound)
increasing lateral sound. There may be some overlap with
the house sound system.
Such systemsare in a fast stateof development andcare
loudspeakers around the hall transmit the modified in commissioning is required so that any artificial acous-
signals to supplement the natural sound decay in the tics are not unrealistically 'special effect' and hence
auditorium. The systemclaims to 'reshape' ahall as well as unconvincing to professional musicians.
just increase reverberation, giving early reflections to an For good speech intelligibility, the seating should be
orchestra to make up for the absence of an orchestral grouped as closely as possible to the stage and good
DesigN acoustics 83

viewlines and reasonable rake provided. Ventilation References

should be low noise, i.e. less than NR25.
Opera houses have specific needs, combiningspeech 1. BS 5821: 1984 Methods for rating the sound insula-
and music performance. These are well descibed in tion in buildings and of building elements, British
Barron's book [9], and a good case study publication is Standards Institution, Milton Keynes
the record of Glyndebourne's development [36]. 2. Building Regulations 1991 Part E — Sound, amended
Tradingrooms 3. BS 648: 1964 Schedule ofweights ofbuilding materi-
The acoustic environment on trading floors is often als, British Standards Institution, Milton Keynes
regardedas horrific. Wheninterviewedin a survey, traders 4. BS 2750: Part 9: 1987 Method for laboratorymeasure-
stated a preference for abalanceof some degreeoftrader ment ofroom-to-room airborne sound insulation of a
privacy and the ability to overhear messages across the suspended ceiling with a plenum above it, British
room,but this has provedelusive. Whatfirms want is good Standards Institution, Milton Keynes
audibility within a working group, and acceptable use of 5. BPB/British Gypsum Ltd White Book, September
telephone andintercoms, The whole room is expected to 1995
have some 'buzz' to generate excitement. Trading floors 6. Gade, A. C. AcousticalSurvey ofElevenEuropean Concert
ambientlevels can be +10 to +15 dBAabove office interior Halls, Report 44, Technical University of Denmark,
levels, which causes a poor signal-to-noiseratio so occu- 1989
pants shout into their phones and make the din worse; 7. Talaske, R. H. (ed.) Halls for Music Performance:
traderwork-stationsare more tightlyspaced, 5 m2/person 1962—1982, AcousticalSociety ofAmerica, NewYork,
rather than the 12 m2/person ofopen-plan offices.In the 1982
same survey, floor vibration (e.g. from footfall vibration) 8. Beranek, L. L. Concertand Opera Halls:How they Sound,
had not been thought to adversely affect computer American Institute of Physics, September 1996
screens, even though dealing rooms tend to be plannedin 9. Barron, M. Auditorium Acoustics and Architectural
long-span, column-free structures. Design, E & F Spon, 1993
The aim should be to create good communication in 10. Ando, Y. and Noson, D. (eds) Music and Concert Hall
local groups but diffuse and damp longer sound paths Acoustics — Conference Proceedingsfrom MCHA 1995,
across the room which contribute to the build-up of Academic Press, 1997
reverberant noise (Figure 2.42). In reasonable conditions, 11. Bickerdyke,J. and Gregory, A. Code of Practice: An
speech communication could be assumed to embrace 12 Evaluation of Hearing Damage Risk to Attenders at
to 20 colleagues, across about5 m; this is a slight contrast Discotheques, Departmentof the Environment, DGR/
to the Mohave Desert where experiments earlier this 481/99, London, 1980
century shows a maximum speech propagation distance of 12. Noise at Work Regulations, Health and SafetyExecutive
42 m. Communication beyond the working group is best Guidance, 1990
done by intercom— new headset designs claim to be much 13. AcousticsinEducationalBuildings, Building Bulletin 51,
more efficient at cuttingout intrusive noise, by improved HMSO, London, 1966/new draft 1995
microphone technology. 14. Guidelinesfor Environmental Design and Fuel Conserva-
Thetall exchange rooms ofthe past and double height/ tion in Edcuational Buildings, DES Design Note 17,
mezzanine rooms in some newtradingfloors provide few HMSO, London, 1981/new draft 1995
surfaces providing useful local reflections for talk between 15. LightingandAcousticCriteriaforthe VisuallyHandicapped
close colleagues. The typical flat low ceiling of acoustic and HearingImpaired in Schools, DES Design Note 25,
tiles is not a good answer: the surface is more sound HMSO, London, 1987
reflectiveatglancing angles ofincidence, not less. Abetter 16. BS 8233: 1987 Code of practice for sound insulation
ceiling design is modelled ceiling planes, coffers, or and noise reduction for buildings, British Standards
suspendedbaffles with absorption on vertical surfaces to Institution, Milton Keynes
absorb long sound paths, and patches of reflection over 17. Miller, John, BuildingRegulations and Health, Building
groups to boost local audibility. Research Establishment Report, 1986, London
The high heat loads make for significant ventilation 18. Sound Controlfor Homes, Report no. 127, CIRIA, 1993
load andhence high ductvelocities:NR40 or even NR45 19. Thermal, Visual, and Acoustic Requirementsin Buildings,
is likely to be acceptable. BRE Digest 226, HMSO, London, 1979
The USA practice is to stack screens and local storage 20. Planning and Policy Guide (PPG) 24 Planning and
on flat tables which look untidy butallowfast change. The Noise, Department of the Environment, September
UK 'upright piano' desks as racking to monitors give 1994
better local enclosure but limits viewing to other dealers. 21. BS 4142: 1990 Method of rating industrial noise
The ideal is a compromise between local aural field and affecting mixed residential and industrial areas, Brit-
longer distance awareness of proceedings. A strong ish Standards Institution, Milton Keynes (under
determinant on future design will be how quickly voice- review)
activated computer terminals come in (at present these 22. The Noise Act, September 1996 (into force April
are being used in small numbers). Perhaps deals will 1997)
eschew telephone handsets, wear headsets and micro- 23. 100 Practical Applications of Noise Reduction Methods,
phones,andrely on clearer mimic displaysystems; dealing HMSO/HSE, London, 1987
rooms may come to resemble airport control rooms and 24. Noise Control in Industry 3rd edn, Sound Research
become quieter and more ordered. Laboratories, Spon, London, 1991
84 Acoustics in die Built Environment

25. de Ruiter, E. Ph. J., Atria in Shopping Centres, Office 30. Rose, K. Guide to Acoustic Practice, 2nd edn, BBC
Buildings and HospitaLs, IOA proceedings, 10(8), Engineering, Oxford, 1990
1988 31. Talaske, R. H. (ed.) Theatres for Drama Performance,
26. BS 3638: 1987 Method for measurement of sound Acoustical Societyof America, London, 1985
absorption in a reverberantroom, British Standards 32. Forsyth, M. Auditoria: Designing for the Perfanning Arts,
Institution, Milton Keynes American Institute of Physics, NewYork, 1987
27. Specification for Studio Centres, Engineering Code of 33. Appleton, I. Buildings for the Performing Arts: A Design
practicefor Independent Local Radio- Issue 2, Independ- and Derelapment Guide, Butterworth Architecture,
ent Broadcasting Authority, London, February 1996
1988 34. Mulryne, R. andShewring,M. MakingSpacefor Theatre:
28. Acoustical Properties of Control Rooms and Listening British Architecture and Theatre Since 1958, Mulryne &
Rooms far the Assessment of Broadcast Programmes, Shewring Ltd, 1995
ReportR22, European Broadcasting Union, London, 35. Steele, J. Theatre Builders: A CollaborativeArt, Academy
1985 Editions, September1996
29. Borwick,J. SoundRecordingPractice,OxfordUniversity 36. Binney, M. and Runciman, R. Glyndebourne— Building
Press, Oxford, 1987 a Vision, Thames and Hudson, 1994
Settingdesign objectives
Chapter 3 Services noise The areasofdesign forwhich noise criteria need to be set
are as follows:
and vibration • Central plant. 'Plant rooms' are often split (air-
handling units in roof-level housing; boilers and
pumps in ground level or basement rooms). Chiller
Peter Sacre and Duncan Templeton condenser units may be in a louvre-screened com-
pound open to atmosphere.
• Local plant. Decentralized ventilation systems can
have advantagesoflower cost (no long duct runs) and
Background flexibility (zoned units).However,plantnoise sources
The control ofnoise from mechanical and electrical plant are taken out of the sound-insulating plant room and
can be a vital area of design, as failure to meet criteria is into userspacesandso careis neededin their siting.
more readily perceived than, say, room acoustics criteria. There are already a number of guides on the noise
The designerneeds to be aware ofthe need to limitnoise control of building services. For a number of years, the
inside and outside the building: noise control products trade has concentrated on noise
• in occupied internal areas, where noise can be from fans in central ventilation or air-conditioning plant
transmitted through air distribution ductwork. Specialist
irritating or distracting, or can affect working acoustic suppliers via technical sales personnel can select
• efficiency;
in industrial premises, where processes rather than and supply the appropriatepackage ductwork and asso-
ciated attenuators. As a result, there should be relatively
rooms are serviced;
• occupied
in the areas immediately surroundingthe building, few noise problems in buildings due to inadequate fan
noise silencing through ductwork. However, many prob-
which may be used for circulation or leisure, where
excessive noise can be intrusive and may present an lems exist due to poor ductwork layout or high velocities
environmentally unsatisfactory character; causing regeneratednoise.
• beyond the site boundary — excessive noise from For the typical commercial or public sector building,
the following potential noise sources and transmission
plant may cause nuisance, leadingto complaints and
legal proceedings, especiallyin residential areas. paths may need to be considered:
The importance of noise depends mainly on two factors: • Internal noise

air-handling plant
• the typeofbuilding whetherits use dependson low

Fan noise to ducts
• noise levels, and
the location particularly the proximity of other

Airflow-generated noise in ductwork, at duct
fittings or dampers
noise-sensitiveareas beyond the boundary. Noise break-out through duct walls
Noise control should be an integral part of the design Noise generated at grilles and diffusers
procedure. Too often noise aspects are introducedinto a
— Local
air-conditioningplant and room units
Fan-coil units
design too late, and in an ad hoc way. The role of any Volume-controlterminalunits
advice from an acoustics consultant or silencing specialist
should be proactive rather than reactive. The cost is many Heat pumps
times greater for a retrofit compared to the original Local extract fans
inclusion of adequate noise control measures. Fan convectors
The key participants who can influence services noise Warm air curtains

Piped services
Pump noise or flow noise radiated from pipe-
• the client: including noise criteria in the brief, from work or from building surfaces to which pipe-
site to room data sheets work is fixed
• the layout
architect: provision of adequate structure, sen- Water hammer
sible location and area allocation of plant rooms, Flow noise from drains, particularly WC, soil
planningin distribution routes pipes and rainwater pipes from roofs
• the mechanical engineer: total design of HVAC — Electrical
systems, setting criteria Emergency generators
• the electrical engineer: design of substations, emer- Uninterruptiblepower supplies, generator sets
gency generators, lifts Transformers
• the mechanical and electrical engineeringsubcon- Thyristor speed controllers and light dimmers,
tractors: detailed selections of components and fluorescent lamp ballasts
installation — Airborne or structurebornenoise transfer
• the acoustics consultant or engineer: design advice plant room envelope to adjacentareas
from briefing to commissioning — Other sources

• the specialist supplier of noise control hardware: Kitchenequipment

providing data and goods to match initial Laundryequipment
selections. Workshop machines
86 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Waste compactors Table 3.1 Services noise advice timing

Escalators Noise input
Documenttransfer systems Activity/decisian
Computers (integral fans)
• External noise Feasibility, preliminary
Provisional design criteria
Identify critical spaces
Atmosphere terminations

Site location Suitable plant type
Flues Site use Suitable plant locations
Louvres opening into plant rooms External noise survey
Louvres ducted to fan inlets or exhausts Space layout
Boiler flues Building structure Provisional external
Location of central plant criteria
Generatorflues Method of servicing
— External Adequate structure
equipment rooms
Airhandling plant Location of external plant
Roof extract fans
Cooling towers Detailed design: Develop design criteria
Air-cooled condensers Size plant, confirm Planningconditions
Packaged chiller plant location Internal plant selection
Size ductwork Externalplantselection
Design approach Duct runs, damper Louvre locations
The building services are most frequently designed by a Duct sizing, routing
Mechanical Services Consulting Engineer, with the build- positions
Plant-room structures Duct attenuatorselection
ingenvelopeandsupport structurebeingtheresponsibility Select terminals, room Terminal units
of other consultants. Other specialists may be involved; units Grille/diffuser selection
silencing products designers, acoustics and energy con- Vibration isolation
sultants for example. The role of such specialists may be Plant room construction
limited to provide 'designintent' sketches, draft specifica-
tions, and guidance, which 'main profession' consultants Drawings and specification Check drawings/notes
will incorporate in contract documentation for construc- Design criteria stated
tion purposes. It is important to realize that structure, Plant maximum noise
layout, furnishings, fittings and furniture will have a levels
fundamentaleffect on the noise from building services Attenuatorschedules
installations. Vibration isolation
The design output typically consists of drawings and schedules
specifications which form the basis of a legal agreement Specificationsfor noise
between client and contractors. It is essential that the control equipment
design intent and the necessary design details for noise Equipment arder Works noise tests
control are clearly and exhaustively covered in the Check equipmentagainst
drawings and specifications. Many noise problems in
finished buildings are due to inadequateinformation, or specification
to poor communication with the contractors, rather than Approve changes and
to a fundamentally deficient design.
Information at the out-to-tender stage varies from line Installation Site checks
diagram schematics, with minimal sizing of ducts and no Commissioning Measure noise levels
identification of silencers, to full documentation: duct-
work to scale, duct velocities, sized attenuators and Highlight/diagnose/solve
schedules. There is a danger that an engineerwill take a problems
specific specialistsupplier's quotation very literallyand in
its entirety, including octave band values for particular
silencers. These are in fact specific to the fan being used
and cannot be checked at the commissioning stage, so a
schedule of sizes, types and location will suffice, room address each services noise issue as it arises, from 'is the
criteria being the commissioning target. plant room big enough andfar enough away?' to 'is there
Buildings designed by integrated practices, or by enough space in the ceiling void we've assumed?'. Noise
'design and build' contractors, should present fewer control is a basic requirementbecause higher standards
problems caused by inadequate flow of information (lower-value criteria) mean lower duct velocities, and
between professions. However, the need remains for a hence largerducts,for the sameduty. Roomcriteria are a
formalized procedurefor noise control design. big clue to the type of system suitable in a ventilation
The noise input requiredat the various stages ofdesign system, for example NR 25 implies two-stage attenuation
are identified in Table 3.1. In some cases, noise from andfully-ducted systemsto air-handlingunits in a separate
services maybe a critical issuewhich fundamentally affects plant room, NR 35 or 40 implies single-stageattenuation,
the layout or structure of the building, as well as the relativelyhigh velocities,and common use of ceiling voids
approach to building services. The design team can as plenums or for volume-control terminals.
Services noise and vibration 87

Design critiria effect ofnarrow-band tonalnoise and discriminate

There is a general need to control noise and set criteria low-frequencynoise. Usually NR curves rather thanagainst Noise
both within and external to buildings. There are several Criteria (NC) are usedin the UK for considering services
levels of noise requirements within buildings. Examples noise. Generally, NR and NC values can be inter-
are: changeable but there are variations:
• technical areas where particularly high standards of • at low frequencies, NR values exceed the equivalent
noise control are required. These may be small NC values;
(music practice rooms, audiometry suites, continuity • at high frequencies, NCvalues exceed the equivalent
voice-over studios) or large (concert halls, con- NRvalues;

ference rooms); • NR values run between 31.5Hz and 8kHz, NC
working areas where noise from services can be the between 63 Hz and 8kHz althoughin practice 63 Hz
dominant noise source, for example offices, labo- to 4kHz is typically used in design checks for
ratories, and hospital wards. Noise control shouldnot either;
only be adequate to not intrude on conversations or • NR values are on true curves determinedby formula;
telephone calls, but for ventilation to be a spectrum can be stated as any NR, e.g. NR 31. NC
unobtrusive; curves are defined in steps of 5, e.g. NC 30, NC 35.
• industrial buildings and the interiors of large plant The limitations of this can be avoided by stating the
rooms where high noise levels can be produced and excess over the lower value, e.g. NC 30 + 1.
occupants may need to be protected. An example is
in newspaper printing centres (Figure 3.1). Only in Air-conditioning noise can also be checked by Room
these refuges looking onto the presses, with sound American(RC) curves as recommended by ASHRAE (the
reducedto below 65 dBA, cancontrollers take offear Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air
defenders and make telephonecalls or conversation. Conditioning Engineers), but neither RC or PNC (Pre-
In very noisyenvironments an additional difficultyis ferred Noise Criterion) curves are in general use in the
the audibility of alarms and announcements. UK (Tables 3.2 and 3.3 and Figures 5.6—5.9).
Attitudes vary on the relative values ofventilation noise
The acoustic consultant and silencing specialist are levels and background noise levels, although values are
essentialin the first category but also have a lot to offer in generally based on CIBSE banding. If ventilation noise
the design of the other categories. levels are setvery low, it will be difficult to commission the
To determine acceptable criteria, the first point of
reference should be the project client who, on a large
scheme, may have his own specialistadvisers,for example Table 3.2 Design criteriaa
hospital resident engineers or property managers and
maintenance engineers. Ideally, a brief would be enlarged Environment NC or NR
by room data sheets including environmental standards as
baseline data.Where existing premises are to be altered or
extended, surveys of existing noise levels, noise climate Radio drama 10
andairborne and impact separation, may be useful.
The room activity and use combined with the existing Radio talks, continuity studios, live television
studios 15
ambientnoise from other internal and external sources
will suggest a criterion for services noise. This criterion is Recording studios, audiometric rooms,
often established by reference to a Noise Rating (NR) concert halls, opera halls 20
curve. This allows a check against the sound character cathedrals and large churches,
which is limited by the use ofa single-figuremeasurement, Theatres,
commercial television studios, large
i.e. dBA. Single-figureunits fail to pick up the annoying conference and lecture theatres, music
practice rooms, hotel bedrooms,
courtrooms 25
Senior management offices, small conference
andlecture rooms, multipurpose venues,
libraries 30
Cellular offices,multiplex cinemas,
restaurants 35
Circulation in public buildings, open-plan
offices,ice rinks, swimming pools,
cafeterias 40
Shops, bars, WCs, supermarkets 45
Warehouses, industrial premises, laundries,
kitchens 50

Figure 3.1 Noise havens: printing hail aSeealsoTable 2.9 with regard to health care facilities criteria.
88 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Table 3.3 Criteria values (in dBf


Criterion value Criterion 31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

15 NR 66 47 35 26 19 15 12 9 7
NC — 47 36 29 22 17 14 12 11
PNC 58 43 35 28 21 15 10 8 8
RC — — 35 30 25 20 15 10 —

20 NR 69 51 39 31 24 20 17 14 13
NC — 51 40 33 26 22 19 17 16
PNC 59 46 39 32 26 20 15 13 13
RC — — 40 35 30 25 20 15 —

25 NR 72 55 44 35 29 25 22 20 18
NC — 54 44 37 31 27 24 22 21
PNC 60 49 43 37 31 25 20 18 18
RC — — 45 40 35 30 25 20 —

30 NR 76 59 48 40 34 30 27 25 23
NC — 57 48 41 35 31 29 28 27
PNC 61 52 46 41 35 30 25 23 23
RC — 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 —

35 NR 79 63 52 45 39 35 32 30 28
NC — 60 52 45 40 36 34 33 32
PNC 62 55 50 45 40 35 30 28 28
RC — 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 —

40 NR 83 67 57 49 44 40 37 35 33
NC — 64 56 50 45 41 39 38 37
PNC 64 59 54 50 45 40 36 33 33
RC — 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 —

45 NR 86 71 61 54 49 45 42 40 38
NC — 67 60 54 49 46 44 43 42
PNC 67 63 58 54 50 45 41 38 38
RC — 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 —

"ForNR,NC and PNCcurves, see Chapter 5, Figures 5.6—5.9.

system because ambientnoise will tend to dominate, and madeto Guide toAcousticPractice [1], EBUReportNo. R22,
the client will not be gettingvalue for money in an over- AcousticalProperties of Control Roomsand Listening Roomsfor
silenced installation. If the levels are too high, the system the Assessment of Broadcast Programmes[21, and the IBA's
itself is obtrusive. Around or slightlybelow (0 to —5dBA) Specificationfor Studio Centres[31.
averaged activitynoise is usually found to be acceptable;
ventilation noise can have a useful masking effectin room-
Environmental noise control is generally covered in
to-room speech privacy (as indicated in Table 2.3 in
Chapter 2). In order not to add noise from different
Chapter 1, under Industrial Noise. Emission limits from
fixed plant andprocesses may be written in as a planning
services sources, 'local' ventilation noise from room
condition, or should be established early in the design
supply and extract grilles should exceed by at least5 dBA
process to avoid the local environmental health officer
noise break-out, or re-radiated noise, from primary plant.
agreeing with complainants thatthe plantnoise is a public
In considering a criterion, the 'steady state' ventilation
noise to be introduced has to be considered relative to
nuisance to neighbouring properties and is therefore
both background noise from traffic noise break-in and
actionable under statutes.
equipment noise like computer fans, andvarying ambientDifferent local authorities take different attitudes.
noise from occupants' activity. Some, not wanting prevailing neighbourhood noise levels
to 'creep' up due to the addition to newexisting sound,
Broadcasting authorities will ask for existing levels not to be raised. This is very
The BBC, IBA and EBU (European BroadcastingUnion) onerous, as to reliably enable this, the new sources will
all have recommended criteria. Reference should be have to be 10dBA less than existing levels. It is normally
Services noise and vibration 89

acceptable to control daytime noise emission at the Structurebornenoise

nearestnoise-sensitivepropertiesto not exceedprevailing A by-product of vibration is structureborne noise and
levels, and by this means limit any possible increase to althoughthe vibration levels in abuilding maybe low and
3dBA maximum. Night-time noise control is likely to be satisfactory, the noise levels radiatedfrom a structuredue
stricter, say —5 dBA on existing levels. There is then the to vibration may exceed required ambient noise levels.
task of the consultantas client's representative, to agree This is normally only a problemwhere low noise levels are
with the local authority an interpretationof'existing noise requiredin areas suchas auditoria, conference roomsand
climate'. This is the generator of many sound levels bedrooms, and only where these areas do not have
surveys. windowsthat would allow low frequency break-in noise to
Assessments of noise complaints will often be basedon mask the structureborne noise. Although reduction of
BS 4142, Method of rating industrial noise affecting these audio frequencies relating to structurebornenoise
mixed residential and industrial areas [4], seen as an can be achieved by isolating the building, reductions of
importantguidebylocal authorities. Problems canarise in 5—10dB only are likely to result. The use of resilient pads
derelict areas, previously bustling with industrial or to isolate the building will not significantly reduce low
commercial activity but now awaiting redevelopment, frequency vibration levels.
because the reference existing background noise levels
are 'temporarily' particularly low. Buildingdamage
There is dependenceon the operating hours of plant. Consideration also needs to be given to the protection of
Office ventilation systemsmay cut off in the evening but a building or other structurein order to prevent damage
computers andrefrigeration plant need to stayon for the from such activities as piling or press operation.Guidance
full 24-h cycle. Hotel public rooms and kitchens have on vibration levels for different building types to avoid
systems which can go on into the early hours, to the damage is given in BS 7385: Evaluation and measurementfor
possible consternation of overnight guests. Ice rinks and vibration in buildings [6]. However,it is worth noting that
swimming pools have large-duty plant which has to keep the levels of perceptionby people and the levels that are
the ice frozen, or water conditioned, continuously. The considered to be satisfactory by BS 6472 are well below
designer needs to be sure of the cut-off times before those vibration levels that could cause damage to build-
designing all plant to daytime background noise levels. ings. Furtherdetails relatingto groundbornevibration are
Intermittent noise may be the subject of negotiation with given in Chapter 1.
the local authority, fora relaxation ofnoise control (say +5
to +10dBA or NR on night-time criterion values) of Sources
standby generators, knowing that they will be 'run up' There are various potentialsources ofvibration:
regularly but for relatively short periods during the • industrial activitiessuch as presses or generators,
daytime. Any continuous operation will be exceptional,
for example power failure, and an increase in the night- • building servicesplant either associated with general
time noise level will be temporarily acceptable ifthe units air-conditioning/ventilation systems or installations
such as lifts,
have to be run continuously. Noise break-out for other • footfall due to the movement of people.
emergency plant,for example fire pumps, powered smoke
extract systems, would normally be exempt. Natural or resonantfrequency is discussedin Chapter 5.
Floors, walls and indeed entire buildings have their own
Vibration resonant frequency characteristic. This resonant fre-
Perceptionofvibration quencycan be excitedby a single blow such as footfall, as
People can be quite sensitive to vibration, particularly described earlier for long-span floors.
where the source of the vibration cannot be seen. Mechanical plant as used in building services, in
Satisfactory levels of vibration for people in different addition to having its own natural frequency due to its
building types (Figure 1.12) and in the three different mounted condition, also has forcingfrequencies which
axes, i.e. vertical and the two horizontal directions, are are a function of its own operating conditions, e.g.
given in BS 6472, Guide to evaluation ofhuman exposureto running speed.
vibration in buildings (1Hzto 80Hz) [5]. The velocitycurves Vibration can occur in any combination of six
from BS 6472 are given in Figure 3.2. However, these modes: vertical, longitudinal, horizontal/traverse (linear
'satisfactory' levels will be greaterthan those which can be motions), rolling, pitching and yawing (rotational
perceived or felt. Vibration effects in buildings are motions). Services designers' concern will be primarily
typically in the 2—50 Hz frequency range. with the vertical mode.
In designing a building, it is necessary not only to take The effect of vibration transmission into a building
accountofpeople, where different standards could occur, structure from mechanical plant will be determined by
e.g. industrial environment compared to office, but also the relationship between the forcing and natural fre-
the possibleeffectofvibration on sensitiveequipment. This quencies. This is illustrated in Figure 5.10 for a single
could be projectors in multiplex cinemas (projectors are one-degree-of-freedom system. When the forcing and
effectively optical instruments) or more exacting still, natural frequencies are close then the vibration from the
microchip manufacturing processesor delicate balances in plant will be easily transmitted to the supporting struc-
laboratories. Offices may not seem sensitive areas, but ture, therefore to controlvibration transmission the ratio
structurallyadequatelong-spanfloorstructures can exhibit of the frequencies must be changed. The natural fre-
substantial movement even due to people walking across quency of the supportedplant is dependent not only on
themandthe effectcanbevery disturbing to staff. its own mountingbut also on the supporting structure.
90 Acoustics in the Built Environment





(a) Frequency Hz (b) Frequency Hz

Figure 3.2 Building vibration x- and y-axis curvesfor (a) peak accelerationand (b) peak velocity. Extractsfrom BS 6472 are
reproducedwith the permission ofBSI. Complete copies ofthe standard can be obtained ly post from BSI Publications, Linford
Wood, Milton Keynes, MK14 6LE

Long-span lightweight construction can inherently be Design considerations

easily 'driven' and Steffens's Structural Vibration and ofequipment
Damage [7] quotes other BRE guidance to stay clear of Types
low (approaching 5Hz) natural frequency character- During the design phase, it will be necessary to consider a
wide range ofpotentialnoise and vibration sources. Some
istics. Higher values of 10Hz or more should be sought of the major items are discussed below. General advice is
for floor structures.
Having obtained a rigid structure from the structural given but itwill be necessaryto obtainmeasured data from
manufacturers and followdetailed prediction routines.
engineer, it is necessary to introduce resilience into the
support ofthe plant usingvibration isolators. The correct Fans
selection ofvibration isolator has to take into accountthe Noise in fans is generatedby:
naturalfrequency ofthe supportingstructure. Disappoint- • blade action
ingperformances will be obtained for isolators selected to • airstream effects at fan surfaces
achieve 95% isolation if the machine is mounted on the • resonantfan casing vibration
mid span of lightweight steelwork. • fan drive/motordrive and vibration
Other parameters associated with vibration isolation
include static deflection which is a function of natural For the usual constantfan speed, the least noise occurs
frequency and, since it is a more readily identifiable unit, when the fan is on or around its maximum efficiency.
is very useful. Damping will also need to be considered in 'Stall' speed or overspeed should be avoided. Derating
assessing vibration isolation, since it will reduce the pulley changes resulting from 'over-engineered' systems
anticipated isolation performanceof a system. may not improve the noise character.
Servicesnoise and vibration 91




63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

Octaveband centrefrequency (Hz)
AxiaI fans (100 dB L) Centrifugal fans (98 dB L)

Figure 3.3 Typicalfan noisefrequencyspectra

Typically, turbulent flow is random and causes broad- has a useful initial guide (Table3.4).Axial and centrifugal
band noise across the audible frequency range. There are fans produce similar sound power, with axial fans having
pure tones at the blade rotationfrequency and its higher higher high-frequencyvalues (Figures 3.4 and 3.5).
harmonics, as an overlay to this broadband noise.
Fan noise data of concern are the octave band sound
Air-handling plant
power levels ofnoise via the intake, exhaust terminations, Air-handling plant of modern design consists of the fan
and as radiated via the fan casing and external motor. unit itself (which may be centrifugal or axial), flexible
Reference bodieswhich may be quoted in a performance
connections, casing and chassis, filter, coils, mixing boxes,
specification include CIBSE [8] in the UK and ASHRAE and possiblyintegralattenuators and dampers.
in the US. Pending selection or as a cross check of
manufacturers' claims, an estimate can be made from
empirical formulae andtypical spectra (Figure 3.3) based Cooling tower/condeizser units
on the duty of the fan. Noise arises from the fan, fan motor assembly, and water
An empirical formula for sound power level at inlet or turbulencedown to sumps. Regenerated noise may occur
outlet is: via water circulation pipes. An indicative sound power
level is given by:
L.N = 11.5 + 10 log P
where Vis delivered volume (m3/s), his fan static pressure
(N/rn2). SRL's book, Noise Control in BuildingServices[9], where P is the total rated fan power output (in watts).

Table 3.4 Typicalfan noise spectra

OBCF' (Hz)

Equipment 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

Fans (up to 75mm static pressure)

25 hp 95 94 91 84 79 74 69 64
40 hp 98 97 94 87 82 77 72 67
lOOhp 101 100 87 90 85 80 85 80
250 hp 104 103 100 93 88 83 78 83

Fans (150mm static pressure or over)

50 hp 107 106 103 96 91 86 81 76
lOOhp 111 110 107 99 94 89 84 79
250hp 113 112 109 102 97 92 87 82
92 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Directivity factors will be important as condensers are

typically screened in a compound rather than fully
enclosed. A typical spectrumis shown in Figure 3.6.

Refrigeration units
Fridge plant compressors may be annoying by virtue of
intermittency of operation.Typical spectra are shown in
Figure 3.7.

Sound pressure levels are fairly similar for different types
offuel and representative octave band SPLs are given in
Figure 3.8. The principal noise sources are the fuel burner
units and combustion air fans. Noise will also be dis-
charged up the flues and is predominantly of a low
Figure 3.4 Axialfan frequency character. Prediction formulae are given in
CIBSE/ASHRAEbut caution is necessary in view of the
large number of variables (flue height, directivity, cross-
sectional area, linings, etc.) inherent in empirical

In many public buildings, emergency powerfor light and
safety procedures is provided by battery sets. Some
11 industrial premises, hospitals, broadcasting centres, and
officeswith vital constantpower needsforcomputers, etc.,
will include emergency power generators, frequently in
the form of diesel engines. Noise comes from:
• engine itself,
• the

'1 • exhaust,
• air intake,
cooling fan,
• ventilation openings t&engine enclosure.
It is misleading to measure engine sets when run-up in
routine tests because full load cannot be applied. Noise
control measures shouldbe applied as a kit:
• enclosure, with controlled ventilation supply and
Figure 3.5 Centrifugal fan extract openings by attenuators,



250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

Octaveband centre frequency,Hz

Figure 3.6 a
Typicalfrequencyspectrum ofair-cooled condensersat distance of3m based on 300kW model
Services noise and vibration 93

100 --- __________--_____-- _______



Octaveband centrefrequency. Hz

Figure 3.7 a
Typicalfrequencyspectrumofreciprocatingchillersat distance of 1 m based on 600kW model

95 -



250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

Octaveband centre frequency, Hz

Figure 3.8 Typical boilerroom noise levels

•• exhaust silencing, possiblytwo-stage,

inlet silencing,
• provide substantial structures around the plant
acoustic doorsets where necessary,
• vibration isolation, 10-mm static deflection rubber • including
ensure any service penetrationsof the structure do
engine mounts are usually adequate for basement notdowngrade its sound insulation performance,
floor slab placement. • efficiently isolate the plant to control vibration
• provide any noise control necessary to reduce noise
Gas turbines external to the building,
Gas turbines are industrial engines used for power • fans or air-handling units will typically require
generation,pumpingand compression. The soundpower attenuationon both the intake and exhaustsides of
level will depend on the engine rating but at mid the fan,
frequencies can be around 120dB. As with standby
of plant.

give a limiting sound power level for all majoritems
generators, noise emanates from the turbine itself, the
exhaust, and noise from the discharge of turbulent hot
gases. Treatmentcan be by silencers, speciallydesigned to
withstand the hot gases, and some form of acoustic Valves
enclosure. Valves are frequently the source of peak noise events at
Noise design concerns for the above items of plant are industrial plant complexes. The valves may be either
addressed in the following summary: for emergency only or to control flow in a system. By
their nature, valves produce noise as a by-product of
• plan location of plant, or plant rooms, away from high pressure air, or other gas, relief. The sound
critical areas, power level of a valve may be in the order of 150dB.
94 Acoustics in the Built Environment

'Streamlined' valves help to a degree but the type and Escalators

location can improve the situation: reducing jet size Escalators can give rise to noise levels around 50—55 dBA
can shift the sound energy to higher frequencies which locally,with strongdependenceon treadspeed (+12 dBA/
are more easily attenuated by screening and distance. doubling of speed); squeal and clanks can arise from
'Blow off attenuators' are available for mounting on treads and handrailsin worn examples.
'pepper pot' arrays of small outlets. Such installations A checklist of noise concerns is as follows:
are the province of specialist process engineering
designers. • use sound-insulating casing to drive, gearing, and
• apply dampingto resonant panels,
• ensure maintenanceto treads and handrail,
Lifts can present an annoying intermittentnoise source in
• review electrical noise sources: armature design,
blocks offlats, hospitals, or even office buildings. Low-rise mountings.
hydraulic lifts have fewer moving mechanical parts but are Vibration can occur from the escalator operation and
best specified with submersible pump and motor, casings also from personnel movements on and off it. Vibration
lined with sound deadeningmaterial, and suitable vibra- on the escalator steps should be less than 1 mm/s rms
tion isolation not only ofthe pump and motorbut also of vertical vibration velocity (above 5 Hz). Operationshould
the pipework. be imperceptible on adjacentfloor slabsbeyond 2 m from
The lift motor should be mounted on vibration iso- the end combs.
lators and the doors should be selected for quiet
operation. High-speed lifts should not give wind whistle
and air pressure rattles at doors panels. The inter-
mittency of motor and doors operation can draw atten- This is only likelyto be ofconcernin low-noise (NR 25 or
tion to the noise, in an otherwise quiet environment. less) rooms. Fluorescent lights have noisy ballasts
Diverter sheaves can cause vibration in older models;
(chokes), so should be avoided in such areas, unless
good maintenance will help lifts to keep running remote starterchokes are plannedin. Low-voltage lighting
smoothly and quietly. For both fire and acoustic separa- with local transformers can produce noise. While an
tion, any builder'swork holes in lift shaft walls should be individual lightfittingmay not seem a noisyitem, an array
made good. of 50 in a small lecture room may allow distinct tones,
Modern commercial buildings may have lift shafts in buzzes or harmonics to build up.
dry construction (multi-layer plasterboard for example), There may also be noise from light fittings incorporat-
rather than masonry; the isolation of lift noise can be as
effective with care and attention to the sealing of the ing return air slots. Sound power levels are 35—40 dB at
0.04m3/s through a fitting. Such fittings alsoallow a route
multiboard edges atjunctions. for room-to-room noise, so attenuation may have to be
A large property managing group has the following
standardcriteria as a performance specification in office incorporated iflightfittings are within 1.5 m either side of
schemes: partitions or if a high performance separation is

Door noise 1.5 m from floor and1 m inside door shall High-level mercury discharge lighting in sports halls
notexceed 65dB (L), may produce around NR 30 which will be acceptable for
precision SLM set on 'fast' sports use but may need reviewingif other events are held

Noise levels at maximum car velocity, measured as
above, should not exceed 55dB for lifts of
velocities 0.5—2 rn/s or 60 dB for lifts of Ventilation
velocities 2—7rn/s.

Lift noise within lift lobbies measured as above to be Fan noise
within 55dB Noise is basically due to the fan, and air flow causing
regenerated noise at dampers, control branches and
A checklist of lift noise design concerns is as follows: bends, and terminals. CIBSE B12 gives a step-wise proce-
dure for calculating the noise control requirements for

plan lifts next to non-critical areas, e.g. stairs, fan noise and a design example is shown in Table 3.5.
stores; Guidance is also given in ESDU 82002 (Reduction of

provide a substantial shaft, preferably with structural sound in ventilation and similar air distribution sys-
breaks to the main building structure; tems) [10],ESDU 81043 (Soundin low-velocityventilation

use large-diameter resilientwheels to counterweights ducts) [11] and ESDU 82003 (Example to illustrate the
and close tolerances at rails; use ofdata items on noise from ducted ventilation andair
• isolate motor room,andguideform attenuatinglined tube conditioning systems) [1211.
penetrationsfor suspension cables; Initial design is assisted by the availability of micro-

allow controlled ventilation openings to shaft to computingroutines where parameters are fed in for the
avoid 'air pump' effects of pressure build-up during calculation of resulting room noise levels. Softwarepack-
lift movements; ages are included in most mechanical engineers' CAD

use low-noise high-qualitydoorsand signal bells. routines.
Services noise and vibration 95

Table 3.5 Example ofdetermination offan noise through ductworksystem at 125Hzfrequency

Stage Level, dB at 125Hzfrequency

1. Determine fan sound power level, L

2. Determine ductwork system losses
Duct attenuation lOm of 700 X 500 —4
ignore remainder
Bend attenuation 2 X vaned bends 0
Branchattenuation [volumeat grille
10 log I —11
L fan volume
End reflection at termination grille area = 0.2m2 —5

3. Resultant sound power level at each grille, Lwg 70

4. Determine room losses
Reverberant correction to obtain Lprev = +10 log n — 10 log V+ 10 log RT+ 14 dB
n = no. ofgrilles =4
V = volume of office = 360m3 —7
RT= reverberation time in office = 0.7 s

5. Reverberant sound level, rev 63

Direct correction to obtain Lp dir = —20 log r — 11 + D dB
= distance to grille = 1.5 m —10
D = directivityfactor

6. Direct soundlevel, L dir 60

7. Determine total sound level in room

total = rev + L
dir 65

8. Design criterion NR 35 52

9 Attenuation required 13

To less noise-sensitiveareas
Vaned bends 1.5 m3/s

700 x 500 duct Branch loss

Fan 2.1

Fan room —_---

r ——

grille 0.45 x 0.45 m


L 12m

Nearest most noise-sensitivearea:

office with design criterion of NR 35

Schematicof ductwork system

96 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Table 3.6 Typicalattenuatorinsertion loss (in dB,f


Length (mm) 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

500 5 7 10 15 23 17 13 11
1000 8 11 19 31 48 37 28 21
1500 10 16 27 45 50 50 39 31

"The attenuatorperformancedependsnot only on its length but also on the ratio of airway-to-splitter width (refer to Figure
3.12). These insertion loss figures are for an attenuatorunit with an approximate ratio of 1:2.5 (airway:splitter).

The main sound components in assessing the need to • dampers, grilles,

control fan noise are: • branchesinducingturbulence.
• fan sound power entering the system, Cross-talk can be designed outbylayout orallowedforby
• attenuation at branches and straight runs of lining, attenuation or adjustment of grille size. Typical
ductwork, requirements are set out in Table 3.8. The method of
• insertionlosses at attenuators, assessingcross-talkrequirements is given in Diagram 3.1.
• diffuser and end reflection effects, In office buildings, ceiling voidsor underfloorvoids are
• room effect. often used as supply or extract plenums, with air passage
viagrilles andpossiblylightfittings.Suchsystemsin offices
Attenuation are more economic, saving on ductwork, but limit the
Attenuation along ducted systemscan be achieved by: scopeforattenuationand canlead to room-to-room cross-
talk problems.
• length of duct run,
• lining ofinternal surfaces, a practice favoured in the Duct noise break-out
USAover attenuators. Linings ducts is more effective To reduce fan noise break-out from ductwork, ducts can
for small ducts and higher duct velocities, be lagged by a barrier mat (quiltwith lead foil interlayer),

bends, Keene's Cement (not now favoured) or studwork panel

plenum chambers.
Attenuators, or silencers, are purpose-made sections of
lined ductwork with splitters to incorporatealargesurface Table 3.7 Maximum recommended ductvelocities
area ofabsorption along the attenuatorlength. It is usual
for the attenuatorto have greatercross-sectionalarea than
the ductitis in, to avoid undue pressure drop.Thelocation In-ductair velocity (mis)
is importantandthe performance is assessedby: N-R or NC
Main Branch Final run-outs

insertion loss (typical insertionlosses for particular design requirement
lengthsof attenuatorare shown in Table 3.6),
• pressureloss, 20 4.5 3.5 2.0
• airflow noise. 25 5.0
In low velocity, low static pressure systems, the fan may be 35 7.5 6.0 4.0
the only significant noise source, i.e. there are no great 40 9.0 7.0 5.0
regeneration problems. High pressure, high velocity
systemsneed more detailed calculation.

The basic layout of the ductwork and the air velocity Table 3.8 Cross-talk attenuation
within it influences noise levels most. The optimal
placement of attenuators and other in-line duct items is
critical. Recommended maximum duct velocities are as Requirement in Attenuator length Noise reduction
shown in Table 3.7, for low velocity systems. receiver room (mm) at 500 Hz (dB)
The flow rate of air in a duct can be checked by a
calibrated inlet device or by static suction in the early part NR 40 750 25
of the system. NR35 1000 30
Regeneratedduct noise can be created by: NR3O 1250 35
•• bends
transition pieces, NR25 1500 40
(turningvanes alleviate noise),
Servicesnoiseand vibration 97

Determine Lw at grille
in source room taking into
account source room

A = area of grille


Diagram 3.1 Method ofdetermining cross-talk

The disadvantagesare:
casing. A layer of 12kg/rn2 lead on mineral wool will
increase the sound reduction of the ductwork by 5 dB/ • mixed responsibilities of main contractor and duct-
octave. work supplier,
Duct shape influences in-duct noise and duct noise
break-out characteristics. Circular ducts are more rigid
• difficultiesend
in avoiding pressure drop-off from a take
off at one to one at the other,
andofminimum perimeterfora particularcross-sectional
area thus reducingnoise transmitted into rooms or ceiling
• good workmanship is required to ensure an airtight
void. Hence circular ductwork is often preferred in
The builder'swork details at ductwork penetrationsof
exposed system installations within spaces. Rectangular wall need careful attenuation (Figure 3.10).
ducts have less rigid wallsandthe flat metal is more easily
excited, and although it may provide low-frequencyin- Riser ducts are a feature of the distribution from plant
duct attenuation, it allows more noise break-out at low rooms in multi-storey buildings. They can be either
frequencies. This can lead to 'drumming' heard
within masonry or dry construction. Access doors to high velocity
the room through which the duct passes. riser ductwork should be acousticallyrated.
Builder's work ducts can be used for low velocity systems Transfergrillesare frequently usedto save ductwork runs
in, for example, auditoria. These are long plenum in ventilating adjoining small rooms, but negate acoustic
chambers formed in airtight masonry or plasterboard separation. They may be used only for acoustically non-
critical partitions or doors.
(Figure 3.9). The advantages are:
• lower cost than equivalent very large-scale metal Large public spaces
Large public spacespresent a conflict between large-scale
• ducts,
easier installation, air distribution and noise generation, particularly in large
noise-sensitive volumes like auditoria. High occupancy
• efficientuse of building's space.
98 Acoustics in the Built Environment

In office buildings, ceiling voids or underfloor voids

may be used as supply or extract plenums, with air passage
via grilles andpossiblylightfittings. Such systems in offices
are more economic, saving on ductwork, but limit the
scope for attenuation (single-stage only) and lead to
room-to-room cross-talk problems.
Central and room units
Preference for centralized systems rather than room or
sector ventilation units is based on ease of maintenance
and separation of plant rooms from served spaces.
However, there are now many good package units
available and a sensible compromise which may be
considered is to have centralized plant providing basic air-
handlingto user areas, with an overlayof room units for
specific high-load areas. This is often a solution for
'tenant's plant' installed as a fit-out contract to supple-
Figure 3.9 Air plenum above recital hall ment the landlord'sserviced shell.
Room units can be of different types:
demands good ventilation but high ceilings mean
• air-handling only, by a packaged unit recirculating air
long througha chamberwhereit is tempered chilled or
'throws' for ceiling-mounted supply systems against the heated pipework, and then mixed with abyproportion
'natural' convection currents. An alternative claimed to of fresh air make up;
save half the cooling load on a recent theatre projectis the • air conditioning by wall-mountedunit, with a fan coil
Europeancommonpractice oflow-level, underseatsupply on the room side and a condenserunit outside;
and overhead extraction, all at low velocity (Figure
• fan coil units which recirculate and temper air, with
control by varying fan speed;
Anotherissue in large low-velocity systems is the pointat
which it becomes more economic to go from complete
• induction units which by jet action move the air
within the space many times the supply air
metal duct systems (which are the responsibility of the
to a mix of
• ducted air systems, as a scaled down version velocity;
of a
engineeringsubcontractor), ducted systems centralized ventilation system;
and 'builder's work' air-sealed plenum chambers for
supply or extract (Figure 3.9).
• terminalunits, which alter 'mains' supply of ducted
air locally.
Services noise and vibration

Each system has a characteristic noise and, unlike

centralized plant, the ventilation units are within the user
space rather than segregated in a plant room. Fan coil

units have a typicalsound power spectrum of around NR -2

50—55 profile, terminal units around NR 40—45. Some
optional extraimprovement can be gained by selection of 3
a quieter standard model, damping casing radiation,
fitting attenuators (the back pressure implication needs
checking), and acoustic lagging.
Manufacturers of fan coil units and also grilles invari-

ablyquote an achieved NRor NC level by their units based

on an estimated room loss. This room loss is often 8 dB
and assumes only one unit serving it, whereas the actual
value could be 3—5dB thus underestimating the as-
installed noise levels situation.

Plant rooms
1. Lintels over
Plant in older buildings was placed on the basis of 2. Mineral wool packing to
'boilers in the basement, tanks on the roof. Modern keep cavity clear
plant rooms house not only boilers and pumps but also 3. Dense mineral wool
slabs to all sides of
air-handling units, lift motors, compressors, and open-to- duct
atmosphere chiller plant. Plant-room noise levels are 4. Mortar pointing
typically in the range NR 70—85 for boiler rooms, NR between slabs and
60—75 for air-handling plant rooms. Masonry structures brickwork reveals
— concrete floors, concrete, brick or blockwork walls — 5. Metal flanges bedded
in non-setting mastic
are essential, with metal acoustically-rated access doors.
An SRI of 50dB (100—3150Hz) is a minimum require- Figure 3.10(a) Builder's work penetrations: duct through
ment for walls and floors. Additional airborne attenua- wall
tion through the floor can be achieved by the introduc-
1. Oversize stubmetaltube
tion of a floating floor. 2. Preformed dense mineral
The roof structuresound insulation will need consider- wool
ing in the case of roof-mounted freestanding air-handling 3. Pipe throughwall, not
units often used on commercial, retail or multiplex mechanically fixed at
cinemas projects. the wall
4. Hole filled with mortar
Absorptionin plant rooms may reducereverberant sound
pressure levels by about 5 dB but it is usually more cost
effective to have noise control at source or increase the
sound insulation of the plant-room structure. If possible,
expensive shrouds to units should be avoided as after
initial maintenance there is a tendency to leave enclosure
panels loose or detached altogether.
Plantroom structure
Once the location of plant or plant rooms is fixed,
consideration needs to be given to providing an adequate
plant room structure. In addition to determining the
appropriatemain construction which is typically masonry,
any openings and penetrations by ductwork or pipework
have to be carefully designed.
Acousticdoorsets may have to be specified. Metal doorsets
are capable of achievinga highersoundinsulation than a
timber type. In specif'ingacoustic doorsets, care must be
taken in selecting the appropriate performance from
manufacturers' data. Figure 3.10(b) Builder's work penetrations: pipe through
Ventilationopeningswill normally need to be acoustically wall
controlled by attenuatorunits or acoustic louvres.
Service penetrations will need to be effectively sealed.
Suitable details are given in Figure 3.10. or openings into fully enclosed plant rooms — air inletsor
exhausts, and plant room naturalventilation.
Externalplant Condensers are often roof mounted and therefore do
Noise to the outside can be from plantwhich by its nature not benefit from ground attenuation or natural screen-
needs to be open to the atmosphere, screened areas or ings by proximity to walls. Suchunits often have to run at
freestanding plant rooms holdinggenerators or chillers, night and so have to be considered relative to low
100 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Advantages Disadvantages
• Lower cost • fights natural convection
• underseast noise break-in
•• difficult to avoid draughts
throw (and hence noise pro-
duced) too great for concert

Overhead supply underseat to extract to plenum

• standard practice in quality • higher cost

halls: best system for concert
halls and low-noise auditoria
• suits fixed seating only
• high degree of control of air-

Under seat supply, high level extract

• suitable forflexible seating halls • cluttered ceiling voidwith both

(bleacher seating) supplyand extract duct runs
with lighting bridges
• clashing
difficult to achieve <NR25
• greaterrunning costs/energy

Overhead supply, high level extract

Figure 3.11(a) Auditorium ventilation options

background noise levels. Screening will be effective if the

line of sight to receiver is blocked. Followingthe concern
over Legionelki, coolingtowersare advisedlyplacedfurther
from any occupied areas in any case.
Noise control measures may entail 'top hat' units on
chiller units. This could raise planningconcerns because
the plant is visually more obtrusive.
At the preliminary stage, the location and building
configuration may be affected by noise break-out

Noire control methods

The main requirements for controlling noise from
building services are identifed in Diagram 3.2. Inter-
nally this is normally achieved by an adequate plant
room structure, the use of attenuator units, and careful
selection of equipment. In addition, external noise
control can be achieved by acoustic louvres, screening
and enclosures.
Attenuator units
As discussed briefly earlier, attenuator units are compo-
nents in a ductwork system used primarily to control fan
Figure 3.11(b) Example ofunderseat supplyfrom subfloor noise, and would normally be positioned as close to the
plenum viafloor outlet (other types include seat
'pepperpot' base fan as possible. When the ductwork is serving sensitive
outlets and back ofseat face-level outlets) areas, e.g. auditoria, secondary attenuators are used,
Services noise and vibratioa 101

Is control necessaryto meet design criteria?

whichare normally located ator near the termination into
the area, not only to further control fan noise, but also to
I. _____ External
control any noise regeneratedclose to the terminations.
Attenuators can be used to control cross-talk.
Attenuator units can be circular or rectangular, as
shown in Figure 3.12, and basically comprise a casing
Relocation of plant or plant rooms
containing acoustically-absorbentmaterial held in split-
ters, side linings or pods.
of adequate: In specifring suitable attenuators, the parameters of
Plant-room structures maximum dimensions, i.e. length, width and height,
• Doors
• Ventilation dynamic insertion loss required,and maximum resistance
openings to airflow (typically50 Pa), should be given to meet the
• Seals to service penetrations design airflow and noise criteriarequired.
The construction of the attenuatorunits needs to meet
the following:
Separation of areas from plant
• casing should be constructed to the relevant duct-
work specification;
• acoustically-absorbent infill should be inert, fire
Attenuator units proof,inorganic, vermin proof,non-hygroscopic,and
preferably retained by perforated metal or

• equivalent;
splitters should ideally be constructedwith builnose
fairings to both entry and exit, thus reducing the
resistance to airflow;
Acousticlouvres • duct connections need to match the duct flanges or
Screens/partial enclosures In some instances there are requirements to use plastic
ductwork or provide special lining materials.
Diagram 3.2 Requirements
— nouecontrol
from building
Acoustic louvres
Acoustic louvres are slatted blades angled to keep out
Acoustic performance a = airway width rain and block line of sight through, but have an
depends on length, I of unit b = splitter width
and ratio a/b additional feature over conventional louvres: the under-
sides of the blades are lined with absorptive material
behind perforated mesh. The arrangement allows
attenuation from one side of the louvre bank to the
other, whilstmaintaining a relatively high free area value.
The deeper the louvre bank, the more effective it is, but
it would provide a high pressure loss as a penalty.
Compared to in-duct silencers, the insertion loss per-
formance is poor at about 12 dB at 500 Hz for a 300-mm-
casing to ductwork deep louvre (Figure 3.13).
specification Besides controlling air intakes or exhausts direct into
Splitters: acoustic plant rooms, acoustic louvres can also be found as
infill retained by metal channel atmosphere terminations to plenum chambers and as
and with bull-nosed ends or
fairings to improve air-flow
open screens around chiller plant on roofs or around
characteristics Optional acoustic
transformer plant in the open. As screens, the limited
pod provides through-the-vanes performance is not as important, as it
Lengthof unit relative greater acoustic only has to prevent more sound goingthrough the screen
to diameter of performancebut
connecting greaterpressure
than over the top by diffraction.
ductwork drop

Cladding, or lagging, is a measure to be considered to
either damppipes or ducts which are excitedby air or gas
turbulence within, or to uprate the thin duct or pipe wall
to prevent noise break-out from high airbornenoise levels
Circular ductwork internally within. The former can re-radiate noise to user areas that
lined with acoustic infill
they run through either direct via the duct or pipe walls,
orviavibration effects arising from transmitted excitation
Figure 3.12 Acousticattenuatorconstruction to casings or suspension to local structure. A light
102 Acoustics in the Built Environment

600 mm
300mm Acoustic curtains
Acoustic curtains, in the form of limp blankets hung
from and draped over a framework, can restrict noise
break-out from noisy machine areas within an industrial

L1 interior, whilst still allowing some airflow. Such a treat-

ment could reduce reverberant levels in an area along-
side by about 5—10 dBA. The curtains have the advantage
of simplicity of framing/suspension and hence can be
relocated easily.

Screens/partial enclosures
To control noise from externally located plant, it is
sometimes necessary to shield the plant. This is achieved
by a solid barrier ofrelativelylightweight material, it only
having to preventmore sound going through the barrier
screen than over the top by diffraction, or in some instances it
may be an acoustic louvre as described earlier.
Provision ofa screen should allow adequateventilation
of mechanical plant.

Typical Insertion Loss of Acoustic Louvres Vibration

Frequency 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k Hz
21 16 16 dB
Single bank 5 5 7 12 18
Double bank 8 9 12 21 32 34 32 32 dB Design control
Vibration isolation of machinery is not a recent innova-
Double-bank louvre causes a greater pressure drop than tion; Cassell's Magazine of 1880 notes as a new idea 'the
single-bank louvre use of india-rubber cushions under workbench legs, or
Figure 3.13 Acousticlouvresconstruction kegs of sand or sawdust used for the same purpose. An
ordinary anvil so mounted may be used in a dwelling-
house withoutannoying the other inmates'. This would
seem optimistic, even given current isolator
cladding, forexample thermal-grade duct lagging,will not technology.
reliably damp the movement or have adequate surface All mechanical plant associated with building servicesis
mass to contribute sound insulation. The solution is to use a potentialsource of vibration. The major concerns are
a form of cladding, such as: typically with larger items but even small pumps and
• builder'swork enclosure, for example framing plus motors could cause problems. The main sources of
vibration are as follows:
plasterboard panels,
• double skinning ductwork, i.e. a substitute for con- fans ••
ventional ductwork along selected sections of pre- refrigeration equipment
made composite construction lengths of ductwork. •
cooling towers
The composite consists of an outer metal skin, glass •
air-cooled condensers
fibre or mineral wool core, and an inner metal pumps •
skin, generators •
• barrier quilting of mineral wool with lead foil However, lifts,escalators, boilers, waste compactors, deliv-
interlayer. The weight of such treatments varies from
5 to 15kg/rn2. ery bays, and kitchen equipment also need to be
Before a vibration isolation scheme is formulated,
Enclosures endeavours should be made to relocate plant as far away
Enclosures in industrial premises may either be used to from sensitive areas as possible and to provide a rigid
protect workers, in the form of 'noise havens', or control structurefor support. This would also apply converselyto
roomsoff-linefrom the noisyprocesses,or to localizehigh sensitive equipment.
noise levels to oneareawithin a complex. While a screen's Once the most appropriate location for plant or
performance is an unpredictable 5—10 dBA noise reduc- sensitive equipment has been agreed, vibration will be
tion, an enclosure may provide 20—40 dBA reduction by controlled by reducingthe transmissibilityeither from the
careful design, depending on construction. There are a plant into the structure or from the structure to the
number of proprietarymodularsystems. The most suita- sensitive equipment. This vibration isolation will be
ble construction is for sound absorption to be present achieved by introducing resilient supports.
inside the enclosures' faces, without compromising the In determining the most appropriateresilient supports,
sound insulation of the solid sheets behind. In some static deflection is the most importantparameter. It is a
instances partial enclosures can provide useful noise function of the resonant frequency of a system and is a
reductions, as indicated in Figure 3.14. design parameterthat can easily be checked on site.
Services noise and vibration 103


Plant Screen height needs to

prevent line of sight


Screen designed
to maintain shielding







Screen design
to maintain shielding

Figure 3.14 Examples ofpartialnoise enclosures

104 Acoustics in the Built Envinmment

Table 3.9 Staticdeflection: guidancefor resilience to provide vibration isolation and avoid resonances. (Source: A. T Fry)

Minimum static deflection (mm) Minimum static deflection(mm)

floor spana floor spana

Equipment Basement 6m 9m 12m 15m Equipment Basement 6m 9m 12m 15m

Refrigerationmachines Axialfans(floor mounted)

Absorption 6 12 25 50 50 Up to 5 hp 6 25 25 25 25
Packaged hermetic 6 12 50 60 90 6—20 hp up to 500 rev/mm 12 40 50 50 60
Open centrifugal 6 12 50 60 90 above 501 rev/mm 12 25 25 40 50
Reciprocating chillers: 25 hp and over
500—750rev/mm 25 50 50 60 90 up to 500 rev/mm 20 50 60 70 90
751 rev/mm and over 25 25 50 60 60 above 501 rev/mm 12 25 30 40 50

Centnfugalfans (floor mounted)

Low pressure (up to 750 Pa)
Reciprocatingair or refrigeration compressors
500—750rev/mm 25 40 60 70 90 Up to 5 hp 6 25 25 25 25
751 rev/mm and over 25 25 40 60 70 7Y hp and over
up to 500 rev/mm 12 40 50 50 60
Boilers orsteam generators 6 6 25 40 70 above 501 rev/mm 12 25 25 40 50
High pressure above 750 Pa
Up to 20 hp
175—300rev/mm 9 60 60 90 120
Pumps (water) 301—500 rev/mm 12 50 50 60 90
Close coupled
above 501 rev/mm 9 30 30 50 60
up to 5 hp 6 12 25 25 25
25 hp and over
7Y hp and over 20 25 50 60 90
Base mounted 175—300rev/mm 40 60 90 120 140
301—500 rev/mm 25 50 60 90 120
up to 5 hp 9 12 40 50 60
above 501 rev/mm 12 30 50 60 90
7Y2 hp and over 25 25 50 60 90
Cooling towers
Upto 500 rev/mm 12 12 50 60 90
Packaged unitary air handlingunits (low pressure up to 750 Pa) Above 501 rev/mm 9 9254060
Suspended up to 5 hp 20 25 25 25 25
7Y hp and over Internal combustionengines (standby power generation)
up to 500 rev/mm 30 40 40 50 60 Upto25hp 9 12 50 6060
above 501 rev/mm 25 25 25 40 50 30—lOOhp 12 50 60 9090
Floor mountedup to 5 hp 6 25 25 25 25 Above 125 hp 25 60 90 120 120
71/ hp and over
up to 500 rev/mm 12 40 50 50 60 Gas turbines (standbypower generation)
above 501 rev/mm 12 25 25 40 50 Upto 5 MW 6 66 9 9

'The floor span refers to the largest dimension between supporting columns.
The equipmentis assumed to be at mid-span.

In selecting vibration isolation for plant, account must There are normally three options, simplyshown in Figure
be taken not only of the lowest forcingfrequency of the 3.15:
machine (typically its running speed) but also the
resonant frequency of the loaded supporting structure, • provide antivibration mounts directly between the
for example floor slab. equipment and the supporting structure. This
An example of the typical selection charts used to includes isolators as an integral part of a packaged
determinethe preferredstatic deflection is given in Table unit,e.g. isolation ofthe fan from the casing ofan air-
3.9 for different types of plant and supporting floor handlingunit, (a);
Once the static deflection has been determined, the
• support the equipment on a steel base frame and
then provide antivibration mounts between the
method of mounting the equipment has to be assessed. frame and the main supportingstructure, (b);
Services noise and vibration 105

Base frame
improves stability

Size of block Table 3.10 Types ofcommonly available vibration isolator

selected to prevent

Type Material deflection (mm)

Mats or pads Rubber 0.5—5

glass fibre 0.5—15
Turret mounts Neoprene 5—10

Inertia block provides mass Springs Steel 5—75

and stability to the system

Figure 3.115 Vibration isolation mounting options: (a)

machine mounted directly on vibration isolators; (b) equipment Table 3.11 Vibration isolationfor services plant
mounted on a speciallydesigned baseframe with integral
vibration isolators; (c) equipment mounted on an isolated Item Type
inertia block

Pumps, compressors —
rubber/neoprenein shear
damped metal springs

• mount the equipment on a concrete inertia block — inertia slabs+ mounts
which is isolated from the main supporting struc-
tures, (c). Air-handling units —
(direct fix if integral AVs)

rubber/neoprenein shear
Unless the equipment is rigid and not liable to

undamped metal springs
distortion if supportedby its existing feet individuallyon Extract fans — resilient
hangers + flexible
isolators, then either a steel base frame or concrete connection
inertia block should be used. Both the frame and the — solid
block addrigidity to the equipment andcan be designed Standby diesels layerpads
to a size, greater than the base size of the equipment,to

rubber/neoprenein shear
damped metal springs

improve the stability and lower the centre of gravity of a
system. The provision of the concrete inertia block will Transformers —
increase the mass of the system, giving a more even in compression pads
weight distribution (where equipment alone could be
106 Acoustics in the Built Environment

significantly heavier at one end than the other), will In ensuring that the most efficient form of vibration
minimize the vibration effects of changing equipment isolation is selected, the mechanical engineerin formulat-
speeds or loads, will reduce problems likely to occur due ing his specification should include the following:
to coupled vibration modes, and can act as a local • advice from an acoustics engineer;
acoustic barrier.
Once the preferred mounting method has been se-
• an appropriateschedule detailing the equipment to
be isolated and its method of isolation;
lected, the type and location of vibration isolators or • all isolators to provide the required minimum static
antivibration mounts can be determined. The types of
vibration isolation commonly available are as shown in deflection given in the scheduleunder the imposed
Tables 3.10 and 3.11. load of the equipment, the selection of isolators
In areas where high isolation, i.e. high static deflection, taking account of eccentric load distribution.
is required, such as in the semiconductor manufacturing To enable the correct selection of vibration isolation,
industry, air mounts are likely to be required. These the following details are required:
consist of an air-filled bag which can be coupled to a • type of equipment,
levelling control device enabling equipment to be main- • weight of equipment,
tained at the correct level regardless of load.
The selection of isolators should be undertakenby an •• centre of gravity location,
number and position of mountingpoints,
acoustics engineeror the vibration isolator supplier. They •
will need to determine the preferred location of the operating speed and nature of the operating
isolators,taking into account the loads imposed at support • details of the supportingstructural floor, particularly
In describing vibration isolation, a simple system is spans.
normally used taking into account the vertical direction
only. To minimize the risk of the selected isolation being Isolator types
reduced by the effect of other modes of vibration, it All isolators offered to the contract must meet the
should be ensured that the horizontal stiffness of the specifications and must be suitable for the loads, and
isolation is similar to the vertical stiffness, and the centre operating and environmental conditions which prevail.
of gravity of the system is as low as possible. Mats and padsshould be manufactured from synthetic
In additionto careful selection ofthevibration isolation rubber, neoprene, or glass-fibre coated with neoprene.
for equipment, itwillbe necessary to ensure that there will The materials anddesign should render them impervious
be no flanking/shortcircuiting/bridging of the isolation. to contamination from oils and attacking chemicals and
Flanking could occur due to service connections, poor be rot andvermin proof.
installation, or the impact of ancillary operations, for Turret compression mounts should be fabricated from
example infill 'builder'swork'. synthetic rubber or neoprene between two steel plates.
Flexibility for pipe, duct and other connections is The materials must be oil and corrosion resistant with the
essential to avoid unacceptable stresses in stiff pipe and metal protected from corrosion by painting. Friction
other connections. This can be provided by the use of surfaces must be provided to the bottom and the top. Bolt
flexible connectors in the pipe or duct systemclose to the holes must be provided to allow fixing.
equipment. Spring compression mounts should comprise a high-
In high-pressurepipe systems, allowancesmust be made strength, low-stress, laterally-stable, open-steel spring
for the force tending to stretch or compress the flexible locatedby a steel pressure plate on the top and bottom.
hose, and restrainedconnectors would normally be used. The bottom plate should include a bonded ribbed
In this case, the connection will be stiffened and suitable neoprene pad to the underside of minimum thickness
pipe layouts must be used to improve the situation. In 6mm, and be pre-drilled for bolting down. Each isolator
addition, reliance is placedon the naturalflexibilityofthe should be identifiable by a colour-code mark and pro-
pipework itself and this will be increased by changes of vided with a levelling facility with final lock nuts. The
direction. However,until the vibration has been reduced spring element should have an overload capacity of 50%
effectively, the pipework needs to be isolated from the with an outside diameterof at least80% of the operating
supportingstructure, typically for a distance of 50 pipe height. The horizontal stiffnessshouldbe not less than the
diameters from the equipment in normal circumstances. vertical spring stiffness.
This isolation is achieved by hangers or clamps, having a Captive spring mounts are as above but the steel spring
similar performance to the isolators under the equip- shouldbe encased in a neoprene-covered bodyto achieve
ment. Any other rigid connections should be flexibly horizontal andvertical snubbing.
joined to the isolated system, e.g. electrical conduits. Care Vertically-restrained spring mounts are as for the spring
will also need to be taken during installation to ensure compression mounts but the steel spring should be
that bridging of the isolator does not occur, e.g. via mounted within a hanger box constructedfrom steel of
hangers or by fixing bolts of isolator touching the minimum thickness 1.6mm. The box shouldbe vertically
equipmentbase. restrained by noise-isolated bolts. In addition, any hor-
On site,other trades may influence the performance of izontal buffers or snubbers shouldbe manufactured from
an apparently isolated system. Examples of problems are synthetic rubber or neoprene.Duringnormal operation,
concrete being spread such that it covers isolators or the snubbers should be out of contact.
debris building up under isolated equipment bases, Hangers are turretor spring compression mounts (or a
particularly inertia blocks. combination of the two) to the specifications above
Servicesnoise and vibration 107

incorporatedwithin a hangerbox. The hangerbox should Airflow testing facilities need a silenced air supply to
be constructedfrom steel of 1.6 mm thickness complete ensure that tests reflect the device performance — the
with a hole for the suspension rod andan enlarged lower device may be an attenuator, diffuser, grille, louvre
hole for the drop-rod to equipment. The lower hanger terminal unit, damper or ventilator.
rod should be allowed to move laterally at least 15° Reverberation roomshave bare walls, floor and ceiling so
without any contactwith the hanger box. that there is a diffuse and even distribution of sound
Steel baseframes should be purpose-built using a welded energy around the room.
steelframedwith attachmentpointsfor suitable vibration Anechoic chambers (Figure 2.17) have deep wedges of
isolation. The frame shouldprovide adequate support of absorption on all surfaces to create a 'dead'acoustic.They
the equipment without flexing or significant deflection. give 'free-field' conditions so the direction of sound
Concrete inertia bases should be purpose-built, using energy from a test item can be investigated.
welded steel frame formwork containing reinforced con- Transmissionsuitesare a pair ofreverberant rooms to test
crete 35 mm above the bottom of the base. The base the sound reduction index to BS 2750 Part 1 [13], of
shouldbe designed with sufficient strengthandrigidity to doors, windowsor equipment like cross-talkattenuators or
support the equipment and compensate for dynamic acoustic louvres. An area of 10 m2 is a minimum surface
reactions due to operation of the equipment.The size of area of aperture. Floor and ceiling transmission can be
the base should be sufficient to give support for all tested in a vertical suite of rooms.
integral parts of the equipment including inlet and Test methods need to be standardized to reference
discharge manifolds. The design of the base should bodies' test codes, either:
provide a minimum clearance of 18mm between the
undersideofthe base and the structural floor below, with • British Standards Institute, BSI
the installed mountings operating at their design static • InternationalOrganisation for Standardisation, ISO
deflection and under full plant rating. • European Heating and Ventilation Society,
Pipeworkflexible couplingsprovide flexible hosecouplings Eurovent
for connecting pipework, comprising nylon fabric or a •American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air
steel mesh carcasswith a waterproof cover. The design of Conditioning Engineers, ASHRAE
the couplingshould takeinto accountthe conveyed fluid
temperatures andpressures imposed. A schedule of relevant codes is given in Chapter 5. A
Ductworkflexible connectionsprovide flexible coupling of summary for services noise components is as follows:
fans/air-handling units and connecting ductwork
designed to provide a minimum operating length of •attenuators —
100 mm. •impact sound — BS 2750,
In addition to vibration isolation of the main items of BS 5821 [15]
plant by these methods, there are likely to be situations •sound absorption coefficient —
where small plant items need to be isolated from the •airborne sound reduction index — BS 2750
structure to prevent structureborne noise. This can •power-generated SWL
normally be achieved or
by neoprene synthetic rubber measurements —
inserts. BS 4773 [17]
BS 4856 [18]
BS 4857 [19]
BS 4979 [20]
Installation •in-duct plates or transformations — BS 1042 [21]
•fan testing — BS 848 [22]
Laboratory tests
An awareness of laboratory tests in services noise control
is importantin order to understandthe limitations ofthe
Installation: waittests
data provided by manufacturers. The concerns are:
Reasonsfor tests
• adequacy of the facilities and the reputation of the On a large project, there may be many room units ofone
testing house, type, so it is important to know the characteristics of a
• relevance of the data quoted to design application, sample unit. Theunit may bean air-conditioning package,
• traceability to British, US or International fan coil unit,generator, or otheritem ofplant.Frequently,
standards. the manufacturer's data is inadequate, or not specific to
the model ordered.
The 'laboratory' should be an approved testing house
rather than a corner of the works, because the facilities Timing
must provide for testing between 40Hz and 16kHz with The timingof tests are critical — prototype testing and the
effective isolation to background noise and vibration. obligation for the supplierto cooperate must be builtinto
There shouldbe an airflow testing rig and testroomsfor the programme andcontractdocumentation. The respon-
both reflection and absorption available, by means of sibility and cost of any retests needs to be set out, as a
reverberation room andanechoic chamber. Linked rooms disincentive for too early 'time wasting' testing or too
enable the testing of sound insulation in a transmission hasty requests for retestwhen the supplierknows full well
suite. that the unit under retestwill still not comply.
108 Acousticsin the Built Environment

Checklist ofconsiderations supplier's or subcontractor's representative? If the

Typically, the test will take place in a less than ideal tests identif'improvements necessary,who bears the
situation, far removed from a laboratory. There are a cost andprogrammedelay implications?
number of considerations:
• Mounting: is it on a ground floor slab rather than, Commissioningtests
say, a raised computer floor? Are the integral AV These advisedly take the form of a two-stage inspection.
mounts set correctly? The first is a pre-commissioning exercise which typically
• Access: can measurements be taken at differentsides involvesa walk-around as a visual checkthat antivibration
and heightsto check directivity? mounts are properlyadjusted (i.e. not either fixed down
• Operation: can the system be run in its normal or bolted solid), builder's work around penetrations is
modes ofoperation,i.e. under load? There may be a complete, andinertia bases are clear of debris (it is a very
number of settings, each of which should be convenient place to sweep material out of sight). At this
checked. stage, it may also be possible to undertaken initial testing
• Completeness of system: it may not give a realistic of systems to troubleshoot any major problems prior to
picture to works test one componentwhich is being the main commissioningexercise. The secondstage is the
incorporated in a package arrangement, for example official commissioning survey.
a room unit in a computerroom may needamock-up The commissioning process usually starts immediately
of cladding, sample areas of ceiling and raised floor before handover on a building contract,handover mean-
incorporating intakeandreturn air attenuators, even ing the client can have beneficial occupation of the
though separate suppliers may be involved. building and its systems rather than when everything is
• Background noise: correctfor the difference, identi- totally completed. Systems handover may need to be
fied by measurements with and without the system phased, and adjustment and testing extend beyond
operating, between noise from the system under test handover to when the building has been in use for a
andother noise prevalent. while.
• Reverberant character of works: correct for the For tests to be meaningful, correctdesign duties should
factory comparedto the final application. be achieved by the system. Levels can then be taken to
• Status of tests: is the consultant testing on behalfof check room design criteria have been achieved. In larger
the clientor is compliance to be demonstrated by the rooms, levels may be taken at standing and/or seated

Diagram 3.3 Problemsolving: ventilation system

Services noise and vibration 109

head height, for a variety of positions. Any 'hot spots' 10. ESDU 82002 Reduction of Sound in Ventilation and
directly under supply or extract grilles, or discernible SimilarAir Distribution Systems, 'Noise in Air Condition-
rattles (it is amazing what people leave in ducts) need to ing Systems', Fluid Mechanics in Internal Flow, 9,
be noted. Engineering Services Data Unit, London,July 1982
There maybe a requirement to includemeasured levels 11. ESDU 81043 Sound in Low-Velocity Ventilation Ducts,
in engineering manuals at handover. Care should be 'Noise in Air Conditioning Systems', Fluid Mechanics
takento take measurements for equipmentin normal use, in Internal Flow, 9, Engineering Services,Data Unit,
or at its various settings to provide complete information. London, December1981
This may be difficult for automatically controlled chiller 12. ESDU 82003 Example toIllustratethe UseofData Items on
plant, measured in winter. Diagrams 3.2 and 3.3 show Noise from Ducted Ventilation and Air Conditioning
requirements anda basic problem-solvingpath. Systems, 'Noise in Air Conditioning Systems', Fluid
References considering commissioning and testing of Mechanics in Internal Flow, 9, Engineering Services
systems are as follows: CIBSE Commissioning Codes: Data Unit, London, December 1982
Series A Air Distribution, Series B Boiler Plant, Series R 13. BS 2750:Part11980Measurement ofsoundinsulationin
Refrigerating Systems [23]; BSRIA Applications Guide: buildings and of building elements, British Standards
Operating and Maintenance Manuals for Building Ser- Institution, Milton Keynes
vices Installations [24]; RlBAArchitect'sJob Book [25]. In 14. BS 4718: 1971 Methods of test for silencers for air
the absence ofInternationalStandards in general use for distribution systems, British Standards Institution, Mil-
measuring services noise, the Association of Noise Con- ton Keynes
sultants have issued guidelines for instrumentation, meas- 15. BS 5821: 1984 Methodsforrating the sound insulation in
urement units, and techniques for 'steady','non-steady', buildings and of building elements, British Standards
and 'impulsive' service noise sources. Institution, Milton Keynes
16. BS 3638: 1987 Method for measurement ofsound absorp-
tion in a reverberantroom, British Standards Institution,
Milton Keynes
References 17. BS 4773: 1989 Methodsfor testing and rating air terminal
1. Rose, K Guide to Acoustic Practice, 2nd edn, BBC devices for air distribution systems, British Standards
Engineering, London, 1990 Institution, Milton Keynes
2. European Broadcasting Union, Acoustical Properties of 18. BS 4856: 1978 Methodsfor testing and rating fan coil
Control Rooms and Listening Roomsfor the Assessment of units, unit heaters, and unit coolers, British Standards
Broadcast Programmes,Report No. R22, EBU, 2nd edn, Institution, Milton Keynes
1985 19. BS 4857: 1983 Acoustic testing and rating, British
3. Specificationfor Studio Centres, Engineering Code of Standards Institution, Milton Keynes
Practice for Independent Local Radio — 1984, Issue 2, 20. BS 4979: 1986 Aerodynamic testing of constant and
Independent Broadcasting Authority, London, Feb- variable dual or single duct boxes, single duct units and
ruary 1988 induction boxesfor air distribution systems, British Stan-
4. BS 4142: 1990 Method of rating industrial noise affecting dards Institution, Milton Keynes
mixed residential and industrial areas, British Standards 21. BS 1042:various dates 1981 to 1993Pressure differential
Institution, Milton Keynes (under review) devices, British Standards Institution, Milton Keynes
5. BS 6472: 1992 Guide to evaluation of human exposure to 22. BS 848: Part2: 1985 Fansforgeneral purposes: methodsof
vibration in buildings (1Hz to 80Hz), British Standards noise testing, British Standards Institution, Milton
Institution, Milton Keynes Keynes
6. BS 7385 Evaluation and measurement for vibration in 23. CIBSE Commissioning Code Series A: Air distribution,
buildings CIBSE, London, 1996
Part 1: 1990 Guide for measurement of vibrations and CIBSE Commissioning Code Series B: Boiler plant,
evaluation oftheir effects on buildings CIBSE, London, 1975
Part 2: 1993 Guide to damage levels from groundborne CIBSE Commissioning Code Series R: Refrigeration
vibration plant, CIBSE, London, 1991
7. Steffens, R. J. Structural Vibration and Damage, BRE 24. BSRIA Operating and Maintenance Manualsfor Building
Report, HMSO, London, 1974 ServicesInstallations, Building Services Research and
8. CIBSE, Sound Control, Section B12, Guide Volume B: Information Association Applications Guide, Brack-
Installation and equipment data, Chartered Institute of nell, 2nd edn, 1990
Building Services Engineers, London, 1986 25. RIBA CommissioningServicesInstallations, Royal Insti-
9. Fry, Alan (ed.) Noise Control in BuildingServices, Sound tute of British Architects, Architect's Job Book, 6th
Research Laboratories Ltd, Pergamon, Oxford, 1980 edn, 1995
Local acoustic and environmental conditions must also
Chapter 4 Sound systems be fully taken into account at the system planning and
design stage, together with zoning and emergency over-
ride and priority requirements.
Peter Mapp Table 4.1, taken from BS 6259 [1], gives a brief
summary of typical building types and sound installation
requirements. In many buildings such as hotels, con-
ference centres and theatres, more than one type of
Introduction system may be required, e.g. stage music, speech rein-
Sound and communications systems are becoming forcement, and perhaps even electroacoustics,systemsfor
increasinglyintegrated into building design, formingpart the main auditorium, public paging/ announcementfor
of an emergency warning/fire alarm and evacuation the front-of-house, circulation and ancillary areas, and
system, a general announcement(paging) system, or as a staff or technical paging/ announcements behind the
special design feature enabling background music to be scenes. These self-contained systemsmay, however, need
played, or live entertainmentto be played or relayed. An to be linked or interfacewith othersystems or subsystems
even greaterneed for early consideration andappropriate for emergency announcements, evacuation or fire alarm
integrationofthe sound systemoccurs in public buildings purposes.
housing auditoria, lecture theatres and conference facili- The design and installation of a sound system may
ties, where high-quality sound reinforcementsystemswill involve a number of different disciplines including:
be required. The system chosen must complement the
natural acoustics of such halls.
• the architect, who will have interest in the loud-
In buildings with hostile acoustic environments, suchas speaker types, appearance and placement, and the
overall integration of the system into the project
noisy and/or reverberant leisure centres, ice rinks and design;
swimming pools, special care needs to be taken with the • the M & E consultant, who will be involved with the
loudspeaker type and locations and the overall system provision of electrical power supplies and cable
design, in order to ensure that adequate speech intelligi- routes, etc., and if a voice alarm system is included,
bility and clarity will be achieved. possible interfacing to the fire alarm detection and
In sports stadia and similar venues where crowd noise control system;
levels can be high, the system must be capable of
comfortably overcoming the anticipated noise level and

specialist consultants, including theatre consultants,
audiovisualconsultants and acoustic consultants, who
providing a clear and distortion-free signal. Similar will all be interested in the way the sound system
considerations also apply to noisy industrial process areas interfaces with their particular areas and
and plant rooms. installations;
In addition to the moreusual speech and music signals,
sound systems may be used to transmit warning tones and

sound systemsdesign consultants: althoughmany of
the smaller systemsare designed either by the M & E
signals, or information tones/signals (for example, fac- consultant often with the aid of a manufacturer,
tory processes, swimming pool sessions). Sound systems specialist independent sound-systems design con-
are frequently required to interface with or form an sultants are available,who are able to design a system
integral part of other systems such as fire alarm and without a vested interest in a particular range of
emergency evacuation control systems, or systemsfor the equipment. Equally,a specialist consultant will have a
hard ofhearing, audiovisual(A/V) systems, video andfilm wider view of the market, equipment performance,
projection systems, languages translation/interpretation current techniques, and experience of systems
systemsandbroadcast and relay systems. design.
In order to achieve an appropriatesound quality, clarity
and intelligibility, a sound system must meet certain A specialist consultant will take responsibility for his
performancecriteria, which will be dependent upon the design andbecause he is not trying to sell anything can be
type and application of the system concerned. The basic acceptably integrated into the design team. He is there-
parameters to be considered include: fore in a much better position to argue the case for critical
•• sound level, loudspeaker locations or the requirement for specific
acoustic treatments, and realistic budgets, than can a
overall frequency response, manufacturer's representative, or a non-specialist con-
• signal-to-noiseratio, sultant.
•• direct-to-reverberant sound level ratio, Most ofthe larger manufacturers offer a design service,
freedomfrom echoes and distortion. butschemes will be basedon their own equipment ranges,
Other secondary requirements include system stability which may not necessarilybe suitable for the project in
and reliability, freedom from interference both to and hand. Furthermore,few manufactuers' designers have a
from other systems operating within the vicinity. Even background in acoustics and loudspeaker technology— an
humidity and climatic conditions influence how a system area which currently is one of the less well understood
performs on individual occasions. areas ofsystem design.
Systems used for fire alarm and emergency announce- A numberof computer-aided design programs are now
ment purposes must be appropriately fire protectedand available to assist with sound systems design, and are
monitored, and incorporate secondary power supply primarily aimed at improving the loudspeaker coverage/
back-up and switch-over facilities. room acoustics problem. However, the majority of the
Table 4.11 Ba.sic recommendations for sound system applications
excluding High
Live Paging and Emergency fire Back- quality
reinforce- general announce- alarm Radio/ ground recorded Assisted
Building type ment announcement merit CCTV (see 5.18) TV music programme hearing Interface Notes

* * * .. * *
Airports FA/E Multiple inputs and zones
required. Noise levels vary
Auditoria General SM XS Rehearsal only * * * * FA/E Paging only during
E/S A/V rehearsals. Relay to other
Canteens (SM) * * R (see R ' R (see note) R (see note) FA/E May be used for live
note) entertainment: use a
separate system (see also
Clubs SM XS As auditora * R — R * * * FA/E Zone areas (see theatre)
Theatres A/V E/S
Concert halls (see SM XS — — R * *
Rehearsal only, see FA/E Relay to other areas. Zone
theatres) theatres E/S A/V peripheral areas
Council chambers S — * R — — — — — FA/E Relay to other areas. Zone
A/V separately
Other areas of . * — —
May act as overflow area.
congregation Zone accordingly (see
Court buildings — R 5' — — — —
FA/E Announcement to public
Court rooms s — * — — — R — FA/E High quality recording
R A/V and playback usually
Conference rooms/ S (XS) (M) 5' R R R Areas of 5' *
(See note) FA/E Paging generally restricted
centres 5' R R R
(SI) circulation ES A/V to areas outside
only SI conference rooms. Zone
— R * — — R — —
Department stores R FA/E Zone different floors/
areas. (Microphone ports
for spot announcements)
Discos S (XS) 5' * 5' 5' —
Only in FA/E Sound level noise limiters.
SM areas A/V M/S FA/E overrides. Zone
isolated areas w
from dance

Key: () = Possibly necessary; * = Usually or often necessary; R = May be necessary/should consider; XS = External system (brought in). May operate and need to interface
with permanent systems, for example a 'rock' band PA system or broadcast system; SI = Simultaneous Interpretation Systems; M = Music; S = Speech; FA = Fire Alarm
System; E = Emergency Evacuation System;A/V = Audio Visual.
Extract from BS 6259 is reproduced with the permission of BSL Complete copies of the Standard can be obtained by post from BSI Publications, Linford Wood, Milton I-
Keynes MK14 6LE I-

Table 4.1 Continued I-

excluding High
Live Pagingand Emergency fire Back- quality
reinforce- general announce- alarms Radio/ ground recorded Assisted
ment announcement ment CCTV (see 5.18) TV music programme hearing Interface Notes
Building type

Factories * * * R R In noisy FA/E Zone system

areas for
* R — R R * FA/E Treat as theatre/
Halls/assemblyrooms SM XS (See note)
A/V MS conference centre
(See note) * R R * R FA/E Treat patients areas and I
public and staff areas
Hotels *SM (See * * R - * * R (See note) FA/E Incorporate many types of
note) A/V (XS) system. See other building
* * — R * * FA/E
Lecture theatres * (M) (SI) (See note) Not usual to page but
(SI) A/V external areas should be
covered. SI facilities
sometimes needed
Offices * * R R R R FA/E Zone as required
* * * R R * FA/E Poor acoustics and high
noise levels. Zone areas.
Local microphone and
control facilities
Places R R R * FA/E
of worship *S(M) May have poor acoustics;
some require high quality
* * - * * FA/E
Railway stations R Poor acoustics and high
noise. Zone platforms
Restaurants *(M) R R R * FA/E May need to zone
different area. Some have
live entertainment

Pubs (see clubs) R SM R R R * R FA/E Zone bars and

M/S A/V performance area
*SM * * * * * — * R (see note) FA/E
Schools/Educational May have separate
establishments M/S A/V auditorium system and
sometimes requires special
assisted hearing systems

Shopping precincts * R FA/E May have poor acoustics.

Zone areas. Cater for local
SM (R) * * * R R * * R FA/E May have poor acoustics
Sports stadia indoor
(E/S) and high crowd noise
SM (R) * * * R R * * R FA/E Zone areas separately. May
Sports stadia outdoor
(E/S) have poor acoustics and
high crowd noise levels
* * R * R * R FA/E Pool area should be
Swimming pools
separately zoned. May
have poor acoustics and
high noise level
Leisure centres R * * R * R * R R FA/E Careful zoning of different
areas required
Theatres comprising
* * — * * A/V E/S
(a) Auditorium SM (XS) R (see note) Paging only under
FA/E rehearsal conditions
* * * * * * * FA/E Possible connection to
(b) Other public areas R (see note)
SM other systems and local
inputs. Foyer
(c) Back stage (See note) * * R FA/E Specialist show relay and
technical intercoms
— * Other
(d) Performance area
Exhibition halls RS * * * R * R * FA/E Acoustic characteristics
may change between
empty and occupied. Local
microphone inputs and
R * * * * R * * R FA/E
Ice rinks May have poor acoustics.
Music Zone rink separately
Plant rooms, engine — * * R R FA/E May have poor acoustics
rooms and machinery and high noise levels.
spaces (Consider use of visual
indicators to alert staff).
Failure alarms from
individual items of
equipment may be
introduced into the
general emergency alarm
* * — R * *
Museums, Art gallerys (See note) R FA/E In some cases a portable
R system may be
appropriate. Separate
systems required for some
exhibits. JR of other tour
systems may be used

Key: 0 = Possible necessary; * = Usually or often necessary; R = May be necessary/should consider; XS External system (brought in). May operate and need to interface
with permanentsystems for example a 'rock' band PA system or broadcast system; SI = Simultaneous InterpretationSystems; M = Music; S = Speech; FA = Fire Alarm System; :
E = Emergency Evacuation System; A/V = Audio Visual.
114 Acoustics in the Buift Environment

programs have been developed by loudspeaker •• speech reinforcement

manufacturers with an underlying aim, notsurprisingly,of music
selling more loudspeakers. At the present time, the •• musicofplayback (background music)
reinforcement (ofjazz, cabaret, rock bands)
accuracy of the programs is still being evaluated and relay broadcasts (fromother areas/services includ-
improved, as the majority of them rely on fairly simple
algorithms and design techniques but this is an areawhich • ing radio)
use in conjunction with other A/V systemsincluding
is continually developing and soon more sophisticated film andvideo media
and complex design studies will be possible, offering • alteringthe room acoustics, i.e. electroacoustics (see
greater accuracy. The programs can offer a design Chapter 2)
discussion aid, quotation substantiation, and allow non-
In addition, the system will have to conformto British or
specialiststo gain avisualimpression ofthe design andthe
effects ofany constraints involved. A number ofprograms International/European standards and perhaps also
can also offer an 'auralization' facility, whereby it is local regulations. A selection from the above list of the
possible 'to hear' the output of the computer model. range of features will decide the overall quality of
A number of acoustical consultants also offer a sound system.
The system operator — will he be one of the following:
system design service, but care should be taken to ensure
the consultantinvolved has a thorough understandingof • full-time, trained sound operator,
the complete design and installation process, and will be • part-time operator and/or semi-trained staff, e.g.
able to take on the electronic and electrical aspects of the or caretaker,
systemsdesign as well as the basic acoustical ones. Many • receptionist
personnel with some limited operational training,
will provide a basic performance specification which is an security staff, local management,
alternative approachbut cautionis neededregardingwho • e.g. —
anybody actors, musicians?
takes responsibilityfor the installed system leading from
the specification. Answers to these questions will help decide on the type
and complexity of controls and the security of the system
against inadvertent misuse.
System planning
Site survey Quality ofsystem
The success ofany soundsystem will depend on its initial 'Quality' in this contextmeans suitabilityfor purpose and
environmentand required speech intelligibility.This may
planning and detailed consideration of the system's be best defined by considering division by building type,
primary function and operational requirements. Ade- i.e. what area does the installation serve:
quateforethoughtshouldbe given to howthe system is to
be operated and who will operate it. • undergroundstation,
A detailed site survey shouldbe carried out at an early • plant room,
stage, in order that the sound pressure levels required • hotel foyer,
from the system may be more accurately assessed. The • hotel functionroom,
need for group or automatic noise sensing controls may • conference room,
also be established. •• theatre auditorium,
Areas with long reverberation times should be noted. stadium,
The measurement and assessment of room acoustic data • sports
airport terminal,
requires specialist equipment and consultancy should be • church or cathedral,
sought accordingly. • swimmingpool or ice rink,
If an induction loop system for the hard of hearingis to • shoppingmall?
form part ofthe installation, abackgroundmagnetic noise From the above considerations,judgementscan be made
survey should also be carried out. of the system fidelity and quality of sound.
The site survey should include an assessment of
potential cable routes, equipment locations and fixing Acoustic considerations
methods. Any areas requiring special fixings or access
should be noted. Acoustic considerations relate to the natural acoustics of
Discussions should be held with the client in order to the spaces served, which will affectthe perceived perform-
establish microphone/control points and system input ance of the system:
priorities. Wherever possible, early discussions should be (a) Ambient noise levels — Are they low or high?
held with the architect in order to establish suitable — Do theyvary?
loudspeaker and equipment locations that can be inte- — Are
theybroadbandor tonal
grated in the general design. in character?
Design check-list
— Are
theyprimarily low or
Uses high frequency in character?
— Are
A check-list may be used as a discipline in design, for theyintermittently
example it must be decided which of the followingtasks, (b) Reverberation high?
— Is the
in priority order, is the system to cater for: space highly
reverberant, >2.2 s?
• general paging and announcements — Or is it
moderately live,
• emergency announcements 1.5—2.2 s?
Sound systems 115

— Or is it acousticallyfairly (d) Does equipmentneed to be rack-mounted and how

dead, <1.5 s? much space is required?
(NBThe above values need (e) Can servicing be from the front or is side or rear
to be considered in access required?
conjunction with the volume (I) What are the main power requirements for the
of the space.) equipment?
(c) Surfaces — Are there
highly reflective (g) Will the equipment produce a significant heat load
or curved surfaces within and require ventilation/airconditioning?
the space/building? (h) What is the floor loading requirement?
(i) Are there maximum cable run distance restrictions
Environmental considerations on any items of equipment?
(a) Climatic conditions — Normal humidity,and (j) Do equipment racks require locking doors, or are
maximumlikely? tamper-proof security covers required for certain

Temperature range? items?
— Wind forces? (k) Will cable access be adequate, considering future
— Direct
exposureof extensions to system?
equipment (particularly
loudspeakers) to moisture, Cable routes and cabletypes
rain, andsnow? (a) Are there any special requirements for the cable
(b) Atmospheric —
Likely air pressure range? route, or cables, between mainequipmentand input

Any acidity? lines or output cables?

Any other pollution aspects? (b) Does cable route pass through restricted access
(c) Security — Potential for vandalism? areas?
— Access for tampering by (c) Are special new conduits, trunkings or ducts
unauthorized personnel? required?
(d) Do cable routes cause a maintenance problem?
Loudspeakers (e) Are cable route lengths permissible for the equip-
(a) Choice —
Appearance important? ment selected, e.g. will excessive voltage dropsoccur

Loudspeakerscapable of or are repeaterstages needed for digital signals?
providing adequate sound (f) Do cable routes pass close by to likely sources of
levels? interference or interference-susceptible areas,
(b) Locations — Will locations allow equipmentor other cables?
appropriatemaintenance (g) Are selected cable routes secure and vandal-proof?
access? (h) Is the cable type suitable for the task, e.g. screened,
— Are loudspeakerssecure? fire-proofed, mechanically-strongand protected?

Adequate field of coverage? (i) Is the cable type suitable for the environment?

Loudspeakersselected and (j) Is the cable adequately sized to cater for capacity,
distance from listener anticipating voltage losses, etc.?
adequate for clarity and (k) Does the cable require any special identification or
intelligibility? markers?
(c) Fixings —
Loudspeakersto be (1) Are cable terminations suitable for the load, environ-
suspended above the ment and signal type?
audience or normal (m) Whatcable termination identification system is to be
building users/occupants? adopted?
— Need to remove from view (n) Are the cables to be surface-clipped or run in
on occasions? trunking, conduits, or cable trays?
(d) Connections — Cable fixings/connections
to the loudspeakers via plug Input and control requirements
and sockets or permanent (a) How many inputs to the system are required?
connectors? (b) Where are they to be located?

Signal distribution to be via (c) Are inputs to be at line or microphone level?
100-V line (high (d) Are inputs to be balanced?
impedance) or low (e) Are there any electrical isolation requirements
impedance (e.g. 8 fl) between inputs, outputs, or other system
network? equipment?
(f) Who is to control the system or have access to the
Equipment locations and housings system?
(a) Does mainequipmentneed to be in a secure or fire- (g) Are individual inputs to be separatelycontrollable or
resistant/ratedroom? fixed in level?
(b) What environmentdoes the equipment need to be (h) Will input or system configurations change?
in, e.g. temperature, humidity? (i) Are any remote control facilitiesrequired?
(c) Should equipment be centralized or decentralized (j) Are inputs to be prioritized; if so, what are system
to satellite racks/units? priorities?
116 Acousticsin the Built Environment

(k) Is the system to be zoned? (d) What commissioning procedures are to be

(1) If so: — How manyzonesare required? adopted?
— Are zones to follow the
building's (e) What documentation is required?
designated fire zones?
— Are differentbut simultaneous Maintenance and operation
required to be routed to different zones? (a) How detailed should the Operator's Manual and
— Is Maintenance Manual be?
message stacking required?
(m) Do different inputs need to address different zones (b) Is a simple user guide required?
or groups of zones? (c) How many copies of the Manuals are required?
(n) Is a mimic displayor control panel requiredto help (d) Is a Maintenance Contract required?
inputs/zones/signalsrouting,etc.? (e) What spares should be provided with the system
(o) Does the system need to interfacewith other audio installation?
or control systems? (f) Whatguarantees/warranties are required?
(p) Is the system to provide part of a fire alarm or
emergency announcement/evacuation system?
(q) Ifso, is the system to includethe controllogic orwill
it receive logic control signals from the FA/VA/ Design principles
evacuation system? When designinga sound system, the most important
factors to considerare the intelligibilityand clarity of the
(r) Does the system require monitoring?
(s) What type of microphones are to be used on the required speech, warning tone or music signals, and the
overall frequency response. The following discussion is
system? concerned with the factors and methods of
(t) Whatfacilitiesdo any remote microphone or paging primarily
stations require? obtaining good speech intelligibility for, if this can be
achieved, then the clarity of other warning signals or
(u) Does the system require any special or bespoke music is almost assured.
equipment to be designed and built, or can proprie- automatically
The three primary factors which must be considered
tary equipmentbe employed? are:
Statutary requirements • loudness,
(a) Does the system have to conform and comply with • frequency response,
any BS, IEC or ISO performancecriteria, design or • echoes and reverberation.
safety standards, EMC standards, or Codes of
Practice? Loudness
(b) Does the system have to comply with any local Aprerequisite ofany soundsystemis thatitis loud enough
authority requirements, Building Regulations, fire, to be clearly heard. Research has shown that under
police or licensing authority requirements? normal, quiet listening conditions, optimum speech
(c) Does the system or any part of the system require a intelligibilityis achieved at sound levels of65—75 dBAwith
licence, and what are the licence conditions/ the range 70—75dBA preferred (see Chapter 5 for
requirements? explanation of dBA). This level should therefore be
designed for wherever possible.
Budget However, in conditions ofhigher background noise,the
(a) What is the system budget? overall level ofthe sound systemwill need to be increased
(b) Is it adequate, including both supply and full to compensate for the effect of the background noise
installation? masking out the speech.
(c) Has due allowance been made for associated costs, Ideally, a speech-to-backgroundnoise or signal-to-noise
such as Builder's Work, conduits, and site attend- ratio of10 dBAshould be aimed for. Themaximum signal
ancies, commissions, discounts to Main Contractor, level should not normally exceed 90—95 dBA, except
etc.? under exceptional conditions or in areas where hearing
(d) Is there overlap with electrical engineeringsubcon- protection is worn.
tract works and costs? In extremely quiet areas, where paging signals for
example are not to be intrusive, levels towards the lower
Time scale end of the 65—75 dBA rangeshould be used but the final
(a) Whatis the time scale for the project? setting should always be achieved/agreed subjectively.
(b) Is it adequate and practicable? The target sound levels given above refer to the long-
(c) What factors and restraints could affect satisfactory term average level of the speech signal. However,the level
completion on time? of speech fluctuates considerably, with the short-term
peaksbeing some 10—12dB higher than the mean.When
System commissioning planning a sound system, adequate provision must be
(a) Is there adequate time within the installation pro- made to cater for this significant peak-to-mean ratio.
gramme for the appropriate system commission- Ideally, a 10dB headroom margin should be allowed
ing? for, if the power amplifiers are not to clip. 'Clipping' can
(b) Who will carry out the commissioning? resultin excessive distortion and hence loss ofintelligibil-
(c) Is a formal series of acceptance tests to be carried ity, and possible damage to loudspeakers if sustained
out? signal clipping occurs.
Sound systems 117

In terms of the required amplifier power output, a In highly reverberant areas, it is often desirable to limit
10dB margin is a significant factor, being equivalent to a the low frequency response of the system in order to
multiplication factor of 10. However, techniques such as reduce the sound masking effect of the low frequency
compression and limiting of speech input signals are reverberation and hence improve the potential intelligi-
available which enable smaller power margins to be bility of the reproducedspeech. Although the basic tone
employed. The amountof'headroom' requiredwill vary a control filters found on most Public Address (PA) and
great deal upon the type of system beingconsidered. For soundreinforcementequipmentcan be extremely useful,
speech paging/announcement systems, a signal head- their control range is limited. The use of a multi-band
room of6dBmay be adequate, particularly ifcompression filter or graphic equalizer to contour and adjust the
or limiting is incorporated. overall frequency response of a sound system is an
Where ambient noise levels vary considerably, the extremely usefuland powerful aid to system intelligibility
signal-to-noise ratio of the sound system can be main- and should be considered for all but the smallest
tainedby incorporating either local groupor zone volume system.
controls, which allow the level of the sound system signal
to be adjusted as required. Alternatively, automatic noise
sensing and level adjustment circuitry may be incorpo- Echoes and reverberation
rated. This automatically and continuously monitors the Secondarysources ofsound, for example reflections from
noise level at a point andadjusts the output of the sound room surfaces, or the output from supplementary or
system accordingly in order to maintain an adequate repeater loudspeakers, which arrive at a listening position
signal-to-noise(S/N) ratio. within a period ofup to 35—50 ms afterthe original sound,
will integrate or merge with the original direct sound
(whether it is a person speaking or a loudspeaker) and
Frequency response combine to produce one overall louder sound (i.e.
When selecting equipment for a sound system, due intelligibilityis enhanced).
consideration should be given to the frequency response Secondary sounds arriving after 50ms do not fully
characteristicsofthe equipmentandthe nature ofthe task integrate and, depending on their level relative to the
it is required to perform. initial sound, may be heard as echoes which will have the
The minimum frequency range over which a sound effect of reducingthe overall intelligibility of the speech
system must operate for intelligible speech is 400 Hz to signal.
4kHz. However, the quality of such a limited range is Sound systemsshould be designed to ensure that the
extremely poor. For reasonable quality reproduction a generation of long-delayed secondary sound signals,
sound systemshouldbe capable ofreproducing the range caused either by structural reflections or by secondary
of at least 150Hz to 6 kHz. For high quality sound loudspeakers, do not occur or are well controlled.
reinforcement, the range should extend to 8 or 10 kHz. Loudspeakers should be placed no more than
Forhigh quality reproductionofmusic, a rangeextending 12—15m apart when facing in the same direction or
from at least 100Hz to 10kHz is required. 25m apart when directed to cover an area as shown in
The coverage (dispersion) angles of the loudspeakers Figure 4.1. The loudspeaker should be angled down-
must be taken fully into account when designing the wards to cover the appropriate area and to limit the
layout and potentialcoverage/soundlevel variations. The overspill to adjacent areas. A row of loudspeakers even
coverage angles are defined as the angles at which the though individually spaced at 12—15m apart can still
output from the loudspeakers is 6 dB less than that give rise to an appreciable echo effect due to the
produced on the main axis of the loudspeaker. Usually, difference in distance between the nearest and sub-
the total included angle is quoted.This anglewill usually sequent sets of loudspeakers whose output, due to the
change significantly with frequency, decreasing as the effects of the Inverse Square Law, may still be
frequency increases with most loudspeaker types. When significant.
designing sound systems, the 4kHz coverageangleshould
be used.
When laying out and positioning loudspeakers, con-
sideration should be given to the difference in Sound
Pressure Level (SPL) which will be produced between a
position on the main axis ofthe loudspeaker, and an 'off-
axis' position; at the coverageanglefor example where, by
definition, the SPL will be 6dB lower than on the main
axis. It may in fact be slightly more than 6dB lower when
account is also taken of the additional angular path
distance involved. A 6 dB difference is quite noticeable,
and is sufficient to affect significantly the potential
intelligibility of the system in a noisy or reverberant
environment by decreasing the apparentS/N (D/R) ratio
as calculated for the on-axis case. In such circumstances,
loudspeakers should be positioned so that their coverage
angles either meet or preferably overlap so there are no
gapsin the coverage. Figure 4.1 Typical loudspeakerarrangement to reduce echoes
118 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Electroacoustic systems Each 3dB increase in SPL output required from a

A particularly special area requiring a detailed under- loudspeaker needs a doubling of the audio frequency
standing of natural room acoustics and electronic systems power delivered to the loudspeaker, i.e. the output from a
is that of electroacoustic enhancement of auditorium loudspeaker follows a 10 log Power Law, whilst the fall-off
acoustics.As explained in Chapter2, the optimal acoustic with distance follows a 20 log Distance Law.
conditions for speech and music are quite different. An An example calculation applying these principles may
auditorium designed primarily for music will not be ideal be given as follows. If the sensitivity of a particular
for speech and vice versa. Where an auditorium is to be loudspeaker is 90 dB for an input of 1 W when measured
usedfor both speech andmusic, a way round the problem at a 1 m distance (the standard rating conditions), what
is to design the acoustics so that they are relativelydry, for will be the SPL at 8m, and how much additional power
example in the range 1.0—1.5sRT, and then increase the will be required to achieve an SPL of85dB?
reverberation time electroacousticallyup to 2s plus. Other At 8 m from the LS, the SPL will have decreased by: 20
acoustical parameters such as early reflection sequence, log 8 = 18dB, 90 — 18 = 72dB SPL.
spaciousness and envelopment can also be adjusted To achieve 85 dB requires a power increase equivalent
electronically. A number of commercial systems are now to: 85—72 = 13dB = 19.95W, i.e. 20W.
availableandalthoughdiffering in detail, adopt the same The above approach is sufficiently accurate for both
basic concept. Essentiallya series of microphones sample outdoor and indoor calculations for planning purposes.
the soundfieldeither close to or on the stage andthen via In indoor situations, the contributionfrom the reflected
a series of electronic digital delaysand reverberators, and or reverberant sound components should be considered
frequency equalizers, the signal is replayed via carefully also as this will affectnot only the perceived loudness (this
positioned loudspeakers located throughout the audito- will be increased) but also the potentialintelligibilityifthe
rium. The electronic delays, etc., are set to simulate reverberant component is too high with respect to the
natural acoustic reflections and reverberation. Modern direct sound. For large reverberant areas, expert advice
systems allow comprehensive control of the reflection from a specialist sound consultant shouldbe sought.
sequences and their intensity, together with the overall
reverberation effect. Although some of the early systems
were criticized as being rather 'coloured' or artificial, the System design and components
latest developments and faster digital electronic pro- A sound system consists essentially of four basic compo-
cessors have virtually eliminated these problems. nents, as shown in Figure 4.2a:
Distance and power considerations
• microphone, or signal input,
In general, it can be assumed that the Sound Pressure • pre-amplifier (control unit),
Level (SPL) decreases linearly with distance from loud- •
power amplifier,
speaker, reducing by 6 dB every time that the distance is
• loudspeaker.
doubled. For example, the SPL at 2m from a loudspeaker Additionally, loudspeaker zoning or group switching
is 6dB less than at 1 m, whilst at 4m the SPLwill be 6 dB may be required. In order to obtain the maximum
less than at 2m, and 12dB less than at 1 m. It can be seen performance from a system, e.g. to maintainan adequate
therefore that the SPL initially decreases rapidly with
distance butas the absolute distance increases, the relative
change becomes less. For example, the SPL lOOm away C
from a loudspeaker is only 6 dB less than at 50m, yet it is Microphone Pre-amplifier Power
40dB less than at 1 m. Furthermore,the SPL at 52 m is not amplifier Loudspeaker

measurably different than at 50m. Figure 4.2(a) Basic sound system components
Ambient noise-sensing

r— Compressor/
I limiter

Microphone I Pre-amplifier Graphic
_____ Loudspeaker A'
Pre-amplifier I LEVEL
—I_ -u:1
Microphone I Compressor/
r—j udspeaker'B'
I limiter CONTROLL_J
Local or
-—--1 i-.— —i
L__.J group
Tape L Graphic I
I control
Equalizer L_
Figure 4.2(b) Simplfied sound system schematicdiagram ofsignalprocessingequipment
Sound systems

S/N ratio or provide an appropriatefrequency response, a form andmountingarrangementcansubstantiallyreduce

number of other additional stages may be added such as the 'reverberant' sounding pick-up of conventional
compressor/limiters, equalizers, and volume controls, as microphones.
shown in Figure 4.2b. Noise-cancelling microphones are used in high noise
environments for PA purposes. The microphone is highly
Microphones insensitive to indirect sound pick-up and requires a close
Awide varietyofmicrophone types and characteristicsare speaking distance; generally, the response is limited and
available. They may be classed by their sound pick-up optimized for speech.
pattern and form ofgenerating element. The majority of Wireless microphones may either be in the form ofa small
microphones encounteredwill be ofeither the omnidirec- tie clip microphone capsule and pocket transmitter or an
tional or unidirectional type. all-in-onehand-held or stand-mounted unit. They require
Omnidirectional microphones pick up sound equally from a separate receiver unit tuned to the microphone's
all directions, and should therefore not be used when transmission frequency, but allow freedom of movement.
discrimination is required against either reverberant They should not be used where a secure transmission is
sound pick-up or unwanted sound or noise pick-up. required.Lecturers shouldrememberto remove them, to
Unidirectionalmicrophones may be in the form ofeither a avoid candid transmittal from a visit to the washroom.
cardioid or hyper-cardioid microphone, so called because The outputfrom amicrophoneis generallyof the order
ofthe shapeof the corresponding soundpick-up patterns of a few millivolts. A pre-amplifier with a considerable
which receive sound from the front but reject sound pick- degree of gain is therefore required, typically 60—70dB.
up from the rear. Theymay as aresultbe usedin situations Care needs to be takenwhen selecting the microphone's
where it is desirable to discriminate against sounds operating frequency to ensure that it does not clash or
arriving from a particulardirection or to reduce reverber- interfere with other nearby radio microphones or other
ant sound pick-up. Unidirectional microphones are also RF transmission systems.
useful in sound reinforcement situations where they may Microphone circuits should be low impedance and
be used to increase the potential gain of a sound system balanced (in termsofrun out), cables must be segregated
before acoustic feedback occurs. This is particularlyuseful from other services, by at least 300mmor by the use of
where the microphone has to operate in the close dedicated and compartmentalized trunkings or
proximity of the loudspeakers. conduits.
The two most widelyused forms of microphone are the Whenmountingmicrophones on lecterns or table tops,
dynamic (moving coil) and the electret. Special micro- consideration should be given to the use of shock/
phone types include the lavalier, tie-clip, PZM, noise- vibration isolating mounts to reduce unwanted noise or
cancelling, gun or rifle, and wireless models. vibration pick-up. Dynamic (cardioid) microphones are
Dynamic microphonesare generally extremely robust and the most commonly used. The microphoneshould exhibit
offer a wide range of performance characteristics which a smooth frequency response. The distance between the
are littleinfluenced by temperatureandhumidity, making personspeaking andthe microphone shouldbe kept to a
them potentially suitable for both indoor and outdoor minimum, preferably within 300mm in difficult situa-
use. Good-quality moving coil microphones are able to tions. Microphones should be of low impedance with a
offer a wide frequency response but this may be deliber- balanced output. As few a number of microphones as
ately tailored to a particular characteristic to aid intelligi- possible shouldbe 'live' at any given time (each time the
bility, e.g. by applying low frequency cut-off. number of open microphone channels is doubled, the
Electret microphones are capable of providing a very gain before feedback margin reduces by 3 dB). Micro-
smooth and extended frequency response at a higher phones should be kept out of the direct field of high
output level than the dynamic. They do, however, require power or centralized loudspeakers ifoptimum gain before
their own external power supply to operate and are feedback is to be attained.
generally not as robust as the dynamic microphone, but
their highersensitivity enables very small electretcapsules Pre-amplfiers
to be madewhich can be employed in a numberofspecial The pre-amplifier (control unit or mixer) amplifies low-
types of microphone. Some models have an internal level signals and combines or selects them as required
battery, but these are best avoided in professional installa- before power amplification takes place.Pre-amplifiersmay
tions due to their continual maintenancerequirements. have inputs for either microphone level or line level
Lavalier microphones are small, usually dynamic, with an (typically 0.5—1.0 V) or OdBm signals. Tone control or
omnidirectional response, designed for speech pick-up basic equalization facilitiesmay be incorporated, either as
from lecturers, etc.; they are fitted with a neck cord and user-operated or as pre-set controls.
worn by the person speaking. The pre-amplifier may also incorporate a compressor/
Tie-clip microphones are small and lightweight, usually limiter stage and/or automatic gain control to help
electret, which may be clipped to the clothing of the maintaina more constantsignal level, compensating for
person speaking by clip or lapel badge. These are differentvoice levels.
generally omnidirectional but unidirectional types are Compression reduces the peak-to-mean ratio ofspeech
available. and so can be used to reduce the 'headroom' require-
PZM (pressure zone microphones) are a newer form ments of the power amplifier loading. For example, a
based on a small electret capsule fitted onto a special compression ratio of 2 reducesthe peak-to-mean ratio by
mounting plate. They are most useful for recording 6dB, i.e.from 10—12dBto 4—6dB,whereas a compression
purposes or sound pick-up of more than one person; the ratio of 3 is equivalent to a 9-dB reduction andshould be
120 Acoustics in the Built Environment

considered as the normally permissible ratio (1.2—2 is the power amplifier(s) feeding the particulararea or zone
optimal). Compressor/limiters may either be incorpo- in question. The signal from the microphone is time-
ratedinto eachpre-amplifier inputor alternativelya single averaged so that occasional transientevents do not affect
unit may be connected between the output of the pre- the overall level. When an announcement is made, the
amplifier and the input to the power amplifier. level is automatically set so that the announcementdoes
Each microphone or system input should be capable of not fluctuate, in order to maintaina nominally consistent
being individuallycontrolled. Microphone inputs should S/N ratio.
ideally be provided with tone controls or equalization Correct equalization of a sound system is becoming
facilitieswhich are separate from music or other auxiliary increasingly recognized as an essential aid to optimizing
inputs. In live sound reinforcement applications, it is both speech intelligibility and sound quality/clarity, as
generally not possible to pre-set the input level controls aswell as helping to ensure that maximum gain before
the volume requiredwill depend on the voice level of the feedback is maintained. An equalizer is essentiallya multi-
person speaking and the additional acoustic damping frequency tone control, typically consisting of either
provided by the audience. In reverberantrooms with little 10—12 octave band filters or preferably 27—30 one-third
natural sound absorption, e.g. by carpet or acoustically- octave band filters.
absorbent finishes, the audience can significantly affect The one-third octave band filter provides extensive
the degree ofgain availablebefore feedback. Outputsfor control over the entire audio band with usually ±12 dB of
recordingor feeds to other areas' services,e.g. simultane- cut or boost available at each of the one-third octave
ous interpretationsystemsor audio induction loops, may frequencies. Although the unit is particularly suitable for
also be required. Wherever possible, a sound reinforce- sound reinforcementapplications, it is becomingwidely
ment system should be controlled by a trained operator. used in more general PA systems. The more restricted
Paging and announcement systems where the micro- control of the octave band equalizer tends to limit it to
phone is not in the same acoustic space as the loud- only basic PA applications. Other forms of tunable
speakers can be pre-set, though some compensation for equalizer are also available.
differentvoice levels may be required— the useof either The equalizer is used to help compensate both for
an automatic gain control (AGC) or compressor is deficiencies or irregularities in the response of the system
preferable. loudspeakers and/or the acoustic characteristics of the
space that they are serving. The response of most horn
Signalprocessing equipment loudspeakers for example begins to roll offabove 3—4kHz
Apart from compression and limiting, a number of other whilst the response of many cone loudspeakers begins to
additional items of electronic signal processing equip- fall off above 5 or 6 kHz — the equalizer may be used to
ment are commonly incorporatedinto the sound system extend and flatten the response of the loudspeakers.
design. Two processors that are particularly important for In difficult acoustic environments, e.g. those with long
optimizing speech intellibility are automatic noise sens- reverberation times and/or high ambient noise levels,the
ing/level control, and equalization. Other processors equalizer is used to shape the response of the broadcast
include phase/frequencyshifters for improving the gain sound to either help reduce reverberant excitation or
of a sound system before feedback, and audio delay lines accentuate the frequencies most importantto intelligibil-
which enablethe signal arrivals from distant loudspeakers ity and clarity, i.e. 1—5kHz.
to be synchronized in order to overcome potential echo Where differenttypes ofloudspeakers are employed, or
problems or to enhance apparent localization of a sound where a number ofacoustically different areas are served
source. by the PA system, a numberof equalizer channelsmaybe
Automatic noise-sensing and level controllers consist required. In addition, care should be taken with the
essentially of two basic elements, the ambient noise- routingof such signals, as the equalization filter curve set
sensing microphone, and the PA signal and control for one type of loudspeaker may not be suitable for
circuit. another. Furthermore, the curve set for a reverberant
Where the ambient noise level in an area regularly hangar or noisy workshop is unlikely to be suitable for
fluctuates considerably, say by more than 6—8dBA, an office areas or other 'deader', i.e. less reverberant, spaces.
ambient noise sensing and automatic level adjustment Figure 4.2b illustrates how the above signal processing
system can help to maintain an appropriate S/N ratio. connects into the signal chain. In large PA systems, several
Examples of such areas are industrial or process areas, equalizers and level controllers may be required, as each
workshops or locations, and spaces affected by traffic or difficult area should ideally be individuallytreated.
occupational noise,including airports, rail termini,sports
stadia and swimming pools. A sensing microphone is Poweramplifiers
locatedat a suitable point where it is able to monitor the The signal presentedto the power amplifier is normally at
ambient noise level within the designated area. The the standardaudio signal line level of 0dBm. The input
sensing microphone must be carefully positioned to should normally be balancedwhere a substantial distance
ensure that it is not affected by very local events. It is separates the pre-amplifier (or control unit/mixer) from
therefore usually located at a fairly high position, away its power amplifier. Unbalanced inputs maybe usedwhere
from local noise sources suchas machinery, air-condition- the distance/cable run is short.
ing equipment,or isolated groups of occupants. Amplifier outputs may be either of low impedance, e.g.
The signal from the microphoneis used to drive, after to suit 4—8 loudspeakers, or high impedance for 100 V
suitable processing, a voltage-controlled amplifier/ line working. The majority of PA systems employ 100 V
attenuatorwhich adjusts the level of the signal routed to line working to reduce line losses and for ease of
Sound systems 121

connection, each loudspeaker being simply connected to Ceiling loudspeaker

the transmission line in a parallel arrangement via its Typical coverage angle6O—9O
individual tapped matching transformer. Foreground mountingheight 6 m
music or high-power/high-quality sound reinforcement
systemswill normally be low impedance types.
Amplifier output powers are generally standardized,
e.g. 30, 50, 100 and200Wup to 500 to 1000W.All power
amplifiers should be protected against open- or short-
circuiting of the amplifier output and thermal runaway.
The loudspeaker circuits must notbe loadedto more than
the rated output power of the amplifier.
When calculating the amplifier power requirements, The area covered by each loudspeaker should be calculated using
the distance h = H — a, a = Height of seated or
consideration must be given to the peak-to-mean (head- standing listener as appropriate. For a seated listener take a = 1.2 m.
room) requirements of the input signals, togetherwith an
allowance for cable losses. 1/2d lh/2d
Loudspeaker cable losses are generally assumed to be
resistive for calculation purposes, but particular care
shouldbe takenwhenusinglong runs of MICS cable due
to its greater capacitive reactance adversely affecting the
impedance ofa loudspeaker circuit. 1/2d

Where a number of power amplifiers are located

together, care needs to be taken to ensure that the mains Loudspeaker spacing
or standby power supply can adequately cope with the For very good coverage, e.g. —
Spacing dshould be 1h to
initial switch on surge. It is common practice in large conferencerooms 1.2h (typically 3m)
installations to employ an automatic sequential switch on, For good coverage, e.g. can- — Spacing dshould be 1 h to 2h

thereby limiting the inrush current requirements. The teens, office areas,etc. (typically 3—5m)
heat load generatedby the amplifiers must also be taken For variable coverage,e.g. cor- — Spacing dshould be 2 to 3h or
into account. ridors, general areas 3 to 4h in corridors (typically
The loudspeakerconvertsthe electrical power from the Figure 4.3 Loudspeaker
amplifier into an acoustic signal via the vibration ofa cone
or diaphragmwhich sets up sound pressure waves. The
importantparameters to note are: imately 25 m2 for a ceiling loudspeaker at a mounting
• rated or maximum power, capacity, height ofbetween 2.8 and 4.8m, as opposed to 30—50 m2
•• for a wall cabinetpaging/PA system, based on a 60—90°
sensitivity(SPL at 1 W, 1 m), cone. When calculating the area covered by a ceiling
frequency response,
• directional information, i.e. dispersion or coverage loudspeaker, the height of the listeners' ears above floor
level must be taken into account, as shown in Figure 4.3.
angles. A high-density ceiling loudspeaker installation can form
The choice of loudspeaker depends on the intended the basis of a very high quality sound reinforcement
use, power/SPL output capability, directional character- system with very uniform sound distribution and cov-
istics, quality required, location (e.g. indoor or outdoor erage. When designing a high quality sound reinforce-
use) and local acoustic environment. The aesthetic ment system, the coverageangle at 4kHzshould be used;
requirements of the unit may also need to be considered. typically, this will be 60° or less for a 200-mm cone
The most commonforms of loudspeakers are: loudspeaker.
• the cabinetloudspeaker, Bidirectionaland wedge loudspeakersmay either be directly
mountedon a wall or ceiling, or suspended below a high
• recessed ceiling loudspeaker,
ceiling by a chain or wire. The loudspeaker produces two
• the bidirectional and wedge cabinetloudspeaker, conesof sound (60—90°).Directlyunder the loudspeaker,
• the column loudspeaker, a high-frequencies dead spot can occur.
• the re-entranthorn loudspeaker,
• the ConstantDirectivityhorn loudspeaker, Columnorlinesourceloudspeakers provide wide coverage in
the horizontal plane but deliberately restrict the sound
• the full-range, integrated, high power loudspeaker.
output in the vertical plane (e.g. 90—120° horizontal,
Cabinet loudspeakers are suitable for music, speech and 15—20° vertical). This characteristic enables the column
paging systemsin areas where the floor-to-ceilingheight is loudspeakers to have the potential of providing greater
typically 4m or less. Good reproduction units typically intelligibilityin reverberantareas orgreater coveragethan
provide a coverage of a 60—90° cone from wall a conventional cone loudspeaker in less hostile environ-
mountings. ments. The column loudspeakers may be usedfor both PA
Recessed ceiling loudspeakers may be used in areas with and sound reinforcement applications. It is essential
ceiling heights up to 5—6m, as well as lowerceiling areas. however to correctly aim the column loudspeaker so that
The coverage from a ceiling-mounted loudspeaker is the beamof sound it produces is directedat the listeners.
generally less than from a wall-mounted cabinet; approx- Normally, column loudspeakers should not be mounted
122 Acoustics in the Built Environment

acoustic characteristics can cause feedback at high gain

J_ 1Ei- VERTICAL settings in sound reinforcement systems. Correct selec-

tion, placementand equalization of the loudspeakers is
essential. Points that should be considered are:
• type ofloudspeaker,
•• position of loudspeaker,
• dispersion (coverage) angle,
0 power rating/SPLcapacity,
• frequency range and response.
Loudspeaker coverage of a room can essentially be
achieved in either of two ways:

Sound dispersion • by use of a centralized loudspeaker systemcluster,
If • by use of a low-level grid of ceiling-mounted loud-
speakers or distributed system of wall or column
mounted loudspeakers.
1 1
{\ Typically
Centralizedloudspeakersystems typically comprise column,
CD horn, or full-range loudspeaker cabinets. The units
1.5m to 2.5m
may either be mounted on either side of the stage or
Figure 4.4 Column/linesourceloudspeakers rostrum, or preferably they may be mounted centrally
over it in the form of a cluster. Use is made of the
loudspeaker's directional properties to direct sound into
flat against a wall but should be provided with suitable the audience and away from reflecting wall surfaces
thereby reducing the degree of reverberant excitation
angle brackets allowing correct alignment. By aiming the producedby the system and aiding intelligibilityandgain
column loudspeaker towards the centre of the area to be before feedback.
covered, a fairlyuniformcoverageisobtainedas the nearer Constant directivity (CD) horns are becomingincreasingly
listeners will be located out of the main beam of sound
which can therefore be increased to reach the rear of the popular in high quality sound systems applications, or
area.When usingrepeatercolumns, e.g. in long churches, where high soundpressurelevelsare required.Theyhave
the repeaterunits shouldbe locatedwithin 12—15m ofthe many advantages over re-entrant or other horn types
which may be described as follows:
primary or any other supplementary loudspeakers, unless
signal delaylines are employed (see Figure 4.4). (a) They are extremely efficient, typically exhibiting a
Re-entrant horn loudspeakers have a restricted frequency 1W/i m sensitivity of around 113dB for a 60 X 40°
response and are used mainly for speech. They are more horn.
efficient than either the cabinet or column loudspeaker (b) They can provide extremely uniform coverage as they
and are therefore suitable for use in areas with high exhibit a reasonably constant directivity with fre-
background noise levels, large enclosed areas, and out- quency, e.g. within ±100 over their operational range
doors. The coverage angles of horn loudspeakers vary of 500 Hz to 16kHz plus, for a well designed large-
considerably but typically are between 40 and 80°. format device.
Loudspeakers should be selected and locatedto provide (c) They exhibit considerably lower distortion character-
as uniform a coverage of an area as practicable. The istics than a re-entrant horn.
inversesquarelawandcoverageangledata should be used (d) They provide a very much smoother and uniform
initially to predict the coverage and plan an installation. frequency response of high fidelity (hi-fl) rather than
ForPA/pagingsystems, the maximum variation should be PA quality. CD horns may therefore be used for high
less than 10dB at 2 kHz. In areas of high noise or quality sound systemsin theatres and concert halls as
reverberation, a smaller variation will be required if well as large stadia or reverberant exhibition halls. A
intelligibilityis not to be downgraded. In sound reinforce- CD horn usually operates over the range 500 Hz to
ment systems, the variation should be within 6 dB and over 15 kHz (or from 800 Hz for the smaller types).
preferably within 4dBat 2 and 4kHz. An associated low-frequencyloudspeaker is therefore
The majority of loudspeakers used for PA and SR required to form a complete system operating from
systemsare operated on a 100-V line distribution system, well below 100Hz (e.g. 50Hz) to over 15kHz. A
with each loudspeaker fitted with an individual tapped dedicated cross-over unit is employed to block low
transformer. Tappings provide a useful range of output frequencies being fed to the horn and high fre-
adjustment and enable the loudspeakers to be set to quencies to the bass driver. The cross-over may be
compensate for different local conditions such as noise either active or passive, dependingon the particular
level, room volume, and length of throw, as described application and system configuration desired.
earlier in this chapter. (e) The controlled dispersion of a CD horn ensures that
Group or zone volume controls can be employed to high frequency beaming and 'hot spots' do not occur,
adjust the overall sound level in a given area. butinstead a uniform distribution of sound is created
Loudspeakers are affected by the acoustic environment at all frequencies within the working range of the
and peaks in their response coupled with the room horn. The controlled radiation of the CD horn also
Sound systems 123

enables it to work well in acoustically difficult and Main/

reverberantspaces, allowing the sound to be directed
onto the absorbing audience or congregation and
away from the reflective room surfaces.

Full-range high-power integrated (cabinet) loudspeakers are a

compact high quality product. Although a CD horn and balcony
bass bin combination can be used for most applications,
this can result in a fairly bulky package. A number of
proprietaryhigh-quality,compact, high-power loudspeak-
ers are available which include both high and low
frequency drivers (some using CD horn principles) within
a single cabinet. The speakers are intendedfor both music Figure 4.5(a) Typical auditorium with proscenium
and speech applications and generally exhibit smooth loudspeakers
frequency responseextending from below 100Hz to over
15 kHz. Both 2-way and 3-way designs are available in a
range of sizes, power handling capabilities, frequency Mid/high
ranges anddispersion patterns. Power handlingcharacter- frequency loudspeakers Low frequency
istics range from around 100 to 400 Wr.m.s. Some models directional horns array basscabinets
employ dedicated control units, which may incorporate
equalization filters, cross-overs and signal limiters to avoid
potential loudspeaker overloads. They normally operate
at low impedance (4—811) -Traditional
These loudspeakers may be either portable, transport- placement of column
able or permanentlyinstalled. Weather-resistant models loudspeaker
are also availablefor outdoor use. The loudspeakers may locationfor modern
be used in almost any high-qualitysound system for both side-fill loudspeakers
speech and music purposes, where highly uniform or
directional control across a wide frequency range (e.g.
from 500 Hzupwards) is not required.They therefore find Figure 4.5(b) Typicalstageand loudspeakerarrangements
application in clubs, discotheques, theatres, auditoria,
assembly halls and leisure centres. Care needs to be
exercised, however, when employing them in reverberant
spaces, e.g. concert halls. Their directional characteristics Loudspeaker signal distribution
generally make them less suitable for use in highly As was gatheredfrom the previous section, public address
reverberant spaces, unless located close to the listener or andsound reinforcement systemsmay be divided into two
arrayed to provide additional directional control. groups associated with their sound distribution and
Any of the above types need to direct sound awayfrom coveragepatterns.Firstly, there are high level distribution
microphone positions. They also need to provide an even systemswhere either a single loudspeaker cluster sound
coverage of a room by employing different parts of the source, or a few such sources, are used to cover an area,
cluster to cover differentareas, for example the front and with each source radiating a relatively high SPL to do so
rear of the room. Where a column loudspeaker is used, (for example, a theatre auditorium sound system with a
this is generally aimed approximately two-thirdsof the way main LS cluster located above the proscenium and
down the room or coverage area. Delayed repeater covering most ofthe auditorium). Secondly, there are low
loudspeakers may also be required, either to fill in areas level distribution systems, where a large number of
which cannot be reached from the central cluster, for loudspeaker sources is used, eachoperatingat a relatively
example under balconies, or to compensate for inverse low level ofsound output. These systemsare often used in
square law losses causing too large a variation in direct areas with relatively low ceiling heights and flat floors,
SPL (see Figures 4.5a and 4.5b). such as conference rooms, exhibition suites or shopping
Low-level distributedsoundsystemsare the alternative to the malls. Low level distribution systems are also widely used
centralized cluster,consisting ofa relativelyhigh densityof in large churches andceremonial halls. Here the coverage
ceiling-mounted loudspeakers spaced to provide a good is achieved either from loudspeakers distributed alongthe
overlap between adjacentunits. This methodcan provide structural columns on either side of the congregation, or
extremely uniform coverage ofa room andwill normally from a localized pew-backarrangement.
provide better coverage than column or similar loud- Many sound systemsin fact make use of both types of
speakers, inwide spaces/rooms with low ceilings. distribution. There is often no clear-cut reason for using
All sound reinforcementsystems should be properly one type, and so other considerations such as archi-
equalized in order to obtain a smooth response, natural- tectural constraints, accessibility and installation costs are
sounding reproduction, and optimal gain before feed- often the deciding factors. If design is left to specialist
back. A one-third octave band equalizer shouldbe usedin suppliers, they will be influenced by the equipment that
preference to the coarser octave band unit. A temper- they may have in stock, or by the manufacturers of
proof cover should be fitted over the equalizer controls particular equipment,forwhom they may act as agents, or
once the system has been commissioned. by delivery availability.
124 Acoustics in the Built ENvironment

power tappings, e.g. 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 W, so that the signal

8(1 level fed to eachloudspeaker can be individuallyadjusted.
This allows the LS coverage SPL to be accurately set,
8 taking into account any local acoustic or background
noise level conditions.
Theoretically, one can continue to add loudspeakers
(a) Simple parallel connection
combinedimpedance = 4 ci b l combined
Simple series connection
impedance = 16 fi
until the maximum output capability of the amplifier is
reached. However, in practice, some contingency/spare
power reserve must be left (e.g. 20%). The resistance
+L4 losses of the distribution cables themselves must also be
taken into account, for although transforming the audio
signal to a higher voltage for transmission decreases the
8C1 811 voltage drop seen at the endofthe line,thiswill still occur
to some extent.
Themostcommonnominal line distribution voltagesare
combined impedance= 8 (1 70V (USA andJapan) and 100V (UK and Europe), but
other distribution voltagesare to be found, such as 50 V,
Figure 4.6 Low impedanceloudspeaker
connections 30V and25 V, to meet certain building andsafety codes.
Wiring and installation
All mains equipment and each equipmentrack shouldbe
Distribution of the signal to the loudspeakers can be earthed. Screened cables interconnecting equipment
carried out in one of two ways: should be earthed at one point only to prevent the
• of earth-loop currentswhich may give rise to
by standard low impedance connection, i.e. 2—8 fi, generation
'hum' or other electrical interference noise on the system.
or should be taken to minimize electrical
• Precautions
by high impedance (nominally 100 or 70 V line) interference between audio circuits or between other
constantvoltage distribution using step-up and step- circuitsandotheraudio
down transformers. circuits,andtominimize the risk of
dangerous voltages occurring on audio circuits. Micro-
Eachmethod has its advantages and disadvantages.A low phone and low signal level cables should be screenedand
impedance signal distribution generally offers a wide must be physicallyseparated from loudspeaker andpower
frequency and dynamicrange capability,butcable lengths lines.
must be kept short to minimize power losses due to cable Audio cables shouldnot be run with cables at extralow,
resistance. Multiple connection ofloudspeakers onto one low, or medium voltage, as per lEE Wiring Regulations.
commonoutputcanalsobecome unwieldy, oftenrequiring Microphone cables should run at least 150 mm and
quite complex combinations ofseries-parallelconnections preferably 300mm from loudspeaker lines and power
to provide a reasonable loadimpedance for the amplifier wiring. Loudspeaker linesshouldrun at least150mmand
(see Figure 4.6). Installations with widely distributed preferably 300 mm from telecommunications wiring. A
loudspeakers can present a considerable wiring problem, minimum separation of 500 mm should be observed and
particularly ifone of the units should fail in use. may need to be increased to 1000mm for thyristor-
Constant-voltage, high-impedance (100 or 70 V line) controlled circuits or fluorescent luminaires.
distribution is ideal for large PA installations associated Mains supplies to sound system equipment should not
with either long cable runs or large numbers of loud- be shared with inductive circuits or thyristor-controlled,
speakers. It is in essence very similar to electrical mains motor-driven equipment.
power distribution. In practice, a step-up transformer is Wherea sound systeminstallation is usedfor emergency
fitted to the poweramplifier, rated to take the maximum communications, consideration must be given to appro-
output capability ofthe amplifier, e.g. 100 W. Distribution priately protectingthe cables, e.g. by use ofMICS cables.
to each loudspeaker is then a simple matter of making The installation of equipmentin any potentially explo-
numerousparallel connections viamatching transformers sive atmosphere should be avoided.
(see Figure 4.7). Typically, the secondary winding of the Whentelephonelines form part ofa sound system,line-
matching transformers will be fitted with a number of isolating transformers to the approval of the telephones
statutoryundertaker (British Telecom in UK) should be
used (butnote the restricted 300—3 kHz bandwidth).
Wherea soundsysteminstallation is usedfor emergency
Tapped transformer
communications, cables must be of a fire- and damage-
resistant type, e.g. MICS or FP200; see BS 5839 [2] and BS
7443 [3].
From 100V
or 70V Loudspeaker distribution cables should be sized for a
maximum of 10%, preferably 5%, voltage drop between
am)Eo _______
______ ______
power amplifier and any associated loudspeaker. This
calculation should be based on the amplifier output of
Figure 4.7 High impedance—constant voltage distribution 100V (nominal), the loudspeaker tappings in use, andthe
system voltage drop due to conductorresistance. Consideration
Sound systems 125

line losses: maximum permissible line lengths,

Table 4.2 Loudspeaker infeet, for 0.5dB voltage drop in 100 V/70Vnetworks

High impedance
Resistance 5011 10011 20011 1 00011 5 00011 10 00011
Equivalent ohms/ Low impedance
conductor 1000 feet 200W/100V 100 W/100V 50W/100V 1OW/100V 2W/100V 1W/100V
size area AWG (300m) 411 811 1611 100W/70V 50W/70V 25W/70V 5W/70V 1W/70V W/70V

5.2mm2 10 1.00 120 240 480 1500 3000 6000 30000 150000 300000
3.3mm2 12 1.59 75 150 300 940 1800 3800 18000 94000 180000
2.08mm2 14 2.50 48 96 190 600 1200 2400 12000 60000 120000
1.3mm2 16 4.02 30 60 90 370 740 1500 7400 37000 74000
0.87mm2 18 6.39 19 38 76 230 460 920 4600 23000 46000
0.52mm2 20 10.1 12 24 48 150 300 600 3000 15000 30000

should be given to the use of satellite amplifiers where clearly intelligible and to whom? The answers to these
long cable runs are required to deliver high power loads questions are less obvious than at first sight. For example,
(see Table 4.2). it is quite possible to designa perfectly intelligible sound
system but end up hearing almost totally unintelligible
'Deafaid loop' systems announcements. This may be due to either defective
Systems for the hard ofhearingmayeither be basedon an hearing on the partofthe listeneror poor articulation on
audio frequency induction loop system (AFILS), which the part ofthe announcer. Equallyit is possible that some
enables any standardhearing aid with a 'tele pick-up coil' environmental factors not takeninto account could affect
(usually identified by the aid having an additional switch the audibility of the system, e.g. intrusive noise from
position marked 'T') or via an infra-red (IR) transmission outside or high ventilation noise levels.
system. The latter system requires a special receiver but The problem is that apart from dealing with the
has the advantage of a potentially greater bandwidth and electronic andelectroacousticsaspects ofthe systemwhich
ability to simultaneously transmit up to 12 separate are reasonably controllable, a PA system has to interface
channels, making it very suitable for simultaneous inter- with people, both at the source and at the receiving end,
pretation systemsor 'museum tour' systems. In theatres, and people are highly variable. For this reason, when
infra-red systemsare normallyemployed, primarily to help testing a systemsubjectively it is very importantto:
overcome potential interference problems with other
audio or AV systems, but also because of their generally
• use a large enough and representative enough
sample of listeners, and
greateraudio quality.
AFILS and JR systems may also be used to transmit
• use several announcers.
speech or warning signals to personnel working in very The effect an announcer can have on the perceived
noisy conditions where hearing protectors are required. intelligibility from a sound system is profound. Systems
Special protectors incorporating a receiver and in-built with 'good' intelligibility can be transformed into total
miniature loudspeaker/earphoneare available, enabling unintelligibility by different users of the same micro-
'wireless' communication to be maintained. phone. One way round the announcerproblemwould be
Guidance is given in BS 7594 [4]. to use standard recorded messages of known good
articulation. However, such messages would need to have
an informationcontentandstyle ofdeliverysimilar to that
Speech intelligibility of normal system announcements.
The practicality of setting up statistically valid tests
Assessment complete with an appropriatelistening panel to test out a
With the ever-increasing use of public address (PA) sound system so that an absolute intelligibility score can
systemsfor fire alarm andemergency warning announce- be obtained, is generally an impossible goal. Instead, in
ments, more emphasis than ever before has been placed practice a small group of people, maybe as few as 2 or 3
on the intelligibilityandclarity ofsuchsystems. Whilst it is typically, wanderround the designated area andlisten to a
obvious that an emergency, PA or sound reinforcement few test messages. In most cases a consensus view can be
system must be intelligible, many specifications currently reached, but often listeners may well be confusing sound
include such phrases as 'the PA system must be clearly quality with intelligibility, and an impasse over the
audible' or 'the PA system must be capable of producing intelligibilityrating poses difficulties.
clear and intelligible speech'; but what do 'audible' and Ideally, what is requiredis some totallyobjective method
'intelligible' mean, for they are far from being the same which can be implemented and produces an easy-to-
thing, and under what circumstances has the systemto be understand rating. Such methods do now exist and a
126 Acoustics in the Built Environment

significant number of sound system specifications are • the message language and familiarityof the listener
beginning to require specific levels of intelligibility to be to that language.
It is useful to consider also and at greater length the
main sound system parameters which have an effect on
Techniques ofmeasurement
At present four generic techniques are available for speech intelligibility.There are a number of parameters,
as follows:
assessing the potential intelligibility of a sound system.
The methods and implementation vary considerably,but •
frequency response,
only onetruly takes both background noise andreverbera- •
noise or more precisely signal-to-noiseratio,
tion into account. •
reverberation or more preciselydirect-to-reverberant
A number ofsubjective aspects must also be taken into ratio,
account, particularly when deciding on an appropriate •
freedom from echo.
target value. These include: Distortion isalso an influencing factorbut it is generallyof
• the level of difficultyofinformation that needs to be secondary importance unless gross overload or similar
understood, e.g. the requirements for a supermarket distortion occurs.
staff announcementsystem are somewhat less oner-
ousthan a system requiredto reproduceShakespeare Frequency response
or perhapsrelay specificinstructions inside a nuclear Frequency response was discussed earlier. Figure 4.8 shows
power station; the intelligibilityrange of concern.Although the primary
• the general hearing ability of the listeners and their speech information is contained at higher consonant
environment; frequencies, the main power of the voice comes from the
• the articulation or intelligibility of the original low and mid frequency vowel sounds with most sound
signal; energy centredat around200—600Hz. Typicallythe higher
• the rate at which the speech signal is to be frequency information is 15—20dBbelow these levels and
delivered; can be easily masked or lost if the soundsystem places too



20 -
0 15


S I.
S. -
H 4.
-I-- - - - 4- -J:i
ft5 T1'FI
125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k
Octav. Band C.ntrs Frsqusnoy (Hz)

Figure 4.8 Speech intelligibilityversusfrequency

Sound systems 127


65 S S S

60• 2U _____

1 i:
' —. —


':: -.-

30 - S.

25 -

20 -

500 1k 2k
Octave Band Centre Frequency (Hz)
ii4k 81

Figure 4.9 Averaged for normal speech


much emphasis on the lower frequency region as often Reverberation

happenswhen systems are either incorrectly equalized or Echoes and reverberation are discussedabove. For speech
worsestill not equalized at all. Figure 4.9shows an averaged it is generally regarded that some reverberation is bene-
frequency spectrumfor normal speech. ficial with an optimum reverberation time range around
0.8s minimum to 1.2s maximum; the volume of the space
Signal-to-noiseratio or room and the way the reverberation time changes with
Background noise, such as that from machinery, traffic or frequency are also important. At around l.5s a watershed
other people, for example spectator crowd noise, can would appear to occur, with intelligibility decreasing
adversely affect speech intelligibility by 'masking' the rapidly. Whilst the reverberation time is important, the
necessary higher frequency components. A number of primary factor is in fact the ratio of direct-to-reverberant
rules of thumb have been established for producing signal, i.e. the ratio of that signal heard directly from the
intelligible speech over background noise and typically loudspeaker to that heard from the reflections off nearby
range from around +3 dBA to +10 or 12 dBA. The signal- surfaces, and multiple reflections occurring within the
to-noise ratio required depends heavily on the spectral body of the room. There is no clear cut-off between
contentor frequency make-up ofthe noise. The effect has 'useful' and deterimental reflections as it very much
been extremely well researched and a standardized dependson the circumstances of each case. However,the
method of assessing the degree of intelligibility from a generally accepted range is from 20 to 50ms, with 35 ms
given noise spectrumand level can be used, this being a often being taken.
standard methodreferred to earlier. Other characteristics The required ratio of direct-to-reverberant signal for
ofthe noise such as its variance with time or the presence intelligible speech is highly dependent on the overall
of any pure tone components, for example, must also be reverberation time of the space. For example, a much
taken into account. higherratiois requiredin a cathedralwith areverberation
Apartfrom the signal-to-noiseratio, the absolute level of time of say7 s, than a similar-sized building with an RT of
the speech signal must also be considered. At levels much only 2 or 3 s. It is interesting to note, as will be shown later,
over 90 dB, for example, the intelligibilityin fact begins to thatgoodintelligibilitycan be obtained even with negative
decrease. D/R ratios.
128 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Table 4.3 Al method/weightings

Articulation index calculation table

14OBCF Speechpeaks Contribution to

(Hz) minus noise (dB) Weight articulation index

Relationship between articulation index,

Communication and speech privacy
200 0.000 4
250 0.001 0 EXCELLENT

315 0.001 0
400 0.001 4 COOL

0.002 0
0.002 0
" .

1K 0.002 4 ou
1.25 K 0.003 0
1.6 K 0.003 7 VE8VL0L

2K 0.003 7
2.5 K 0.003 4 NIL

3.15 K 0.003 4
4K 0.0024 02 04 LEO 08
5K 0.002 0 ARIl(ULAIII)N

Having now established the basic factors affecting ity. Although a generalized subjective responsescale can
speech intelligibility, measurement techniques can be be formulated for example:
0.2 or less unacceptable
Arliculalion index 0.2—0.3 marginal
The articulation index is a longstanding methodfor rating
the effect of background noise on speech intelligibility
with its procedure formally adopted in an American SPEECHLEVEL MINUS NOISE LEVELdBA
Standard (ANSI 53.5). " LESt XII(XIII'lALIX—12 —9 0
—6 +3
—3 +6 *9 +12

Basically the signal-to-noiseratio between the speech

signal and the backgroundnoise in each of 20 one-third

octave bands is measured. The 20 S/N ratios are then
yf N(ES
individually weighted according to the speech informa-


tion content contained within a given band. Theweighted TI) LISTEXERSI

values are then combined to give a single overall value -


referred to as the articulationindex (Al). The method in ,'

fact operates using the rms levels of speech peaks, a /N / NONSENSE —
+12 dB correction factor being adopted to convert the

long-term rms speech level to the equivalent short-term 50 RHY\IETESTS

peak level. Table 4.3 illustrates the basic method and
weightings.Other corrections are also made for very high
background noise levels (above 80 dB) where the effectof
TI) 256 PB WORDS ——

masking is more marked. The masking effect of one 34

frequency band on another is also corrected for. It is

interesting to note that the method assumes that at S/N INOTE THESERELATIONS ARE
ratios of 30dB or more, no masking of the wanted signal J IPE (IF MATERIALAND SKILL OF
by the noise occurs. This may be compared with the
RASTI/STI and % Alcons methods discussed later.
Although a further correction for reverberation time 0
canbe applied, for example reducingthe overall AT by 0.1 01 02 0.3 04 05 00 11709 10(1.8

for a 1 s RT or by 0.24for a 2s RT, it is generally agreed AWrIcLILArION INDEX

that these RT corrections are not particularly effective. Figure 4.10 Intelligibilitycurves. Relationship between
The Al uses a scale from 0 to 1.0 where 0 is total articulation index and various measuresofspeech intelligibility
unintelligibility and 1.0 is equivalent to 100% intelligibil- and signal to noise ratio ('A' weighting)
Sound systems

0.3—0.4 acceptable/fair ant (reflected energy) ratio. From these two parameters
0.4—0.5 good the equivalent % Alcons can be computed.
0.5—0.6 very good Oneofthe most useful features ofthe % Aicons method
>0.7 excellent is that one can correlate measurement with prediction,
and the % Alcons is still effectivelythe only method we
As previously described, the subjective rating heavily have of predicting the potentialintelligibility of a sound
depends upon the type of speech information being system before it is installed.
imparted. Figure 4.10 compares the Al to various types of Using the established simple formula:
speech signal, for example from a known limited vocabu-
laryofwords to completesentences or single words which 200 D2 T2 (n + 1) + K
% Alcons =
do not have any contextual clues to help identif' them. QVm
Figure 4.10 providesan extremely useful set ofintelligi-
bility curves, clearly showing that when the subject is Alternatively:
requiredonly to understand a limited numberofwords or % Alcons = 100 (10-2[(A+BC) -ABC]) + 0.015
familiar sentences, a much lowerAl can be tolerated than
when listening for the first time. Equally, the effect of where
removing the context from around a given word, e.g.
when it is used in a sentence, can be seen clearly with / LR+LN
much higher Al scores (and hence S/N ratios) being A=—0.321og( forA>
— 1 A= 1
A simplified version of the Al procedure usingjust 5 / LN \
octave bandsis also available, but its accuracy is not up to B=—0.321og{ )forB1,B=1
the full 20-band test. In the absence of measured speech \1OLR+ LN/
level data, the Al method provides an idealized speech
spectrum (male speech) which has an overall equivalent C = —0.5 log
level of65dBC at 1 m (dBC is used rather than dBAas this (Rmo)
latter weighting too severely attenuates the lower
frequencies). where:

Subjective testing D = listener distance to source (in m)

A number of procedures are available for objectively T = Reverberation time (in s)
testing the intelligibility of a sound system using live n+1 = number of like sources (groups of LS) contribut-
listeners. Generaly speaking, specially-prepared phonet- ing to the reverberantfield
ically-balanced word lists are used, read out either Q = loudspeaker directivity (axial factor)
implanting the test word in a non-contextual carrier V = volume of the space
sentence so as to excite room reverberation or as
individual and separate wordswith an appropriatespacing 1+cx
m = critical distance modifier where m =
between them. The words are then either ticked offon a 1—c
multiple answer sheet or written down as they are heard.
The percentage intelligibilityis then calculated by deter- a
= average absorption coefficient of the room
miningthe numberofcorrectanswers and expressing this = average absorption coefficient of surface covered
as a percentage. By usingthe curves shownin Figure 4.10, by the loudspeakers
the test scores can also be expressed in terms of other K = listener correction factor, e.g. 1.5% for good
indices such as the articulation index. In order to be listener
statistically valid, lists containing at least 50 words need to
LR = reverberant sound level (dB power ratio)
be employed, with severalsessions,locations and listeners. LD = direct sound level (dB power ratio)
The quality ofthe reproductionof the words on the listis LN = ambient noise level (dB power ratio)
of crucial importance. RT6o= reverberation time: that taken for sound pressure
level to fall by 60dB
Percentage alcons: direct/reverberantratiomeasurements The % Alcons scale is not quite as sophisticated or well
Direct percentage Alcons (percentage loss ofconsonants)
defined as the Al or the RASTI/STI scales which will be
testing, although based on concepts dating back to the covered next. The
1960s and early l970s, is in fact a relatively new measure- concept works more as a series of
ment technique. Essentially the method measures the bands:
ratio of the direct to reverberant sound components
received from a sound system or test loudspeaker at a >15% not acceptable except for very simple or well
known messages
typicallistening position. The measurement is carried out 15—10% acceptable for general messages of low
in the 2kHz band only, althoughmeasurements at other
frequencies are often carried out to give a more detailed complexity
5—10% good
picture of a particularsystem. <5% excellent
The measurementrequires the use of a highly sophisti-
cated and computerized instrument. The % Alcons is The effect of background noise can also be taken into
obtainedby measuring the RT andthe direct-to-reverber- accountusing a second, more complex, formula.
130 Acoustics in the Buift Environment

Figure 4.11 Soundsvstem clustei The Olympia, East Kilbride

While very good correlations can be obtained between reverberation components. The reduction in the modula-
the D/R ratio at 2 kHz and %Alcons/intelligibility,using tion transfer function is measured over a range of
this technique only tests the system over one frequency 14 modulating frequencies at the 7 normal octave band
band. The method effectively assumes that the system is 'carrier' frequencies of 125Hz to 12.5kHz. The result is
well behaved and controlled at other frequencies. It is that a 98-point measurement matrixis produced, i.e. 7 X
therefore essential to carry out supplementary measure- 14. Each set of 14 MTFs is reduced down to a single
ments such as overall frequency response and impulse transmission index value. The 7 individual transmission
response (D/R ratios) at other frequencies, for example index values are then weighted and further combinedto
500 Hz, 1 kHz and 4kHz. produce a single-figure value, the speech transmission
index (STI). A direct and strong correlation between STI
Speech transmission tests (STJand RAST1) and perceived intelligibilityhas been shown to occurand
The speech transmissionindex (STI) and its shorter a simple rating scale has been devised. The scale operates
derivative, RASTI, are the newest and most complex from 0 to 1.0 and is divided into 5 categorized bands from
intelligibilitymeasurement techniques currently available. 'bad' to 'excellent' as shown below:
It is only the adventof modern microprocessor and desk Bad Poor Fair Good Excellent
topcomputer technology that have enabledthe technique 0—0.3 0.3—0.45 0.45—0.6 0.6—0.75 0.75—1.0
to be implemented on a practical basis.
The STI is not as such based on an impulse/direct The values which correspondto 5, 10 and 15% Alcons
reverberantratio type of technique, but instead measures are 0.65, 0.52 and 0.45, respectively. In use the scales have
the modulation transfer function (MTF) between source been found to be extremely sensitive; for example, the
and receiver. The test signal can be thought of as a author's living room sound system only measuring 0.85.
complex modulated carrier whereby the modulation The STI intelligibility measurement technique automati-
depth of the received signal is compared to the perfect cally takes both backgroundnoise and reverberation into
(100% modulation) originally transmitted signal. The account. Furthermore, because the measurement is under
signal path, both electronic and acoustic, between the automatic computer control there are no operator deci-
origination source andthe receiver modifies and degrades sions to make, such as where to place integration and
the modulation of the signal by adding noise and divisional cursors. However, setting up a measurement
Sound systems 131

system to give valid results does require some experience Measurements at only 500 Hz and 2 kHz cannot possibly
and skill, particularly setting up relative levels through a define the complete performanceof a sound system.
sound system. Setting the correct operating level is A major advantage of STI and RASTI is the ability to
obviously essential if the equivalent speech level to readily carry out 'what if' speculations and predictions by
background noise is to be accurately accountedfor. post-processingthe noise componentdata; for example, if
As can be imagined from the 98-point measurement measurements were taken during a quiet period, it is
matrix, the measurement and calculation ofthe STI takes possible to manually input new noise data and get a
considerable computing power. In order to reduce the recalculated STI. In some implementations of STI and
complexity of the measurement and the measurement RASTI it is possible to completely isolate out the noise
time and hence the required computer power, a simpler component and so see the effect due to reverberation
derivativeofthe full STI method has been developed. The alone. An increment of 3 dB in the signal-to-noise ratio
rapid speech transmission index (RASTI) carries out increases the STI by 0.1 whereas a doublingofearly decay
systemmeasurements at only 500 Hz and2 kHzand atjust time (see Chapter 2 for definition) decreases the STI by
9 (shared) modulationfrequencies. This has enabled a 0.15. RASTI/STI assumes that S/N ratios >15dB do not
dedicated hard-wired system to be developed. The advan- influence the potentialintelligibilityanyfurther (cf. 25 dB
tage of the Bruel & Kjaer RASTI system is that the % Alcons and 30 dB for At).
transmitter andreceiver are totallyindependentunits and In a similar manner to % Alcons, STI can be predicted
so require no loop-back interconnection cabling. The butit takes a relativelycomplex computerprogramto do
B&K RASTI equipment can carry out the foreshortened this. Although RASTI and STI measurements are reason-
STI in just 16 to 32s. ably straightforward to make, setting up the system
Themajordisadvantage ofthe RASTI method is that no particularly with regard to signal-to-noiseratio is highly
information is gatheredover the whole operatingrange of critical. Under certain conditions it is quite feasible to
a sound system, e.g. at 125 and 250 Hz at low to mid obtain false readings.
frequencies and at 4 and 8kHz at the upper end. The
systeminherently assumes that both the system and space
it is in are reasonably linear. This, however,is frequently References
far from being the case and an overly optimistic (or 1. BS 6259: 1997 Code of Practice for design planning,
sometimes pessimistic) view of the situation is presented. installation and maintenance ofsound systems
At present RASTI is the only method that has been 2. BS 5839 Fire detection and alarm systems for buildings,
formalized and recognized within the International Stan- British Standards Institution, Milton Keynes
dards (lEG 268) and so is rapidly gaining authority as a 3. BS 7443: 1991 Specficationfor soundsystemsfor emergency
reference. It is subject to misinterpretation as it is often purposes, British Standards Institution, Milton Keynes
takenas a measure of the overall systemquality. This is not 4. BS 7594: 1993 Code of Practice for Audio-Frequency
what it is intended for, nor how it should be used. InductionLoop Systems (AFILS)
begin to sense sound painful when the sound pressureis
Chapter 5 Technical around 20 Pa.
Atmospheric pressurehas a value of i05 Pa.
information I pascal = 106 micropascal (pPa)
= 1 newton/metre2 (N/rn2)
= 10microbar (pbar)
David Saunders
Range ofhuman hearing: Most healthy young people will
be able to hear sounds with frequencies that range from
around 20Hz to 18 000 kHz (k is used to denote a factor
of 1000). As peopleget older the high frequency acuityof
the ear deteriorates and this deterioration will be accen-
Basic concepts tuated byprolongedexposure to high noise levels (85dBA
and above).
Analogue and digital signals: Analogue signals are signals
that vary continuously with time, for example, the sound Prevention of hearing damage: The Noise at Work
pressure from a noise source. A digital signal is a signal Regulations 1989 definethree actionlevels for employees
that only hasvalues at discrete time intervals. Itis obtained at work
by sampling an analogue signal at fixed time periods. First Action Level: 85 dB LAeq,8h
Much present-day analysis equipment works with digital Second Action Level: 90 dB LAeq,8h
signals. Peak Action Level: 140dB
Angular frequency: The angularfrequency,w, is related to Protection must be
the frequency, by provided to employeesexposed to the
second or peak action levels. An employee may request
Ct) = 2 X rr X frad/s. hearing protection if they are exposed to the first action
Anharmonic: A frequency of a system which bears no level.
simple relationship to the fundamentalfrequency. Sound: Sound is one form of energy: it is the energy of
mechanical vibration of the molecules of a medium
Frequency: If vibrations are given to a medium in a throughwhich the sound is passing. Unlike lightandheat,
regular manner then a regular progression of pressure sound must have a medium to propagate through. The
maxima and minima will be observed at any point in the most commonmedium is
medium. When two adjacentmaxima or minima, or for well air; however, sound will travel
through most media.
that matter any two adjacentpaths of equalpressure, pass
the points, we say that onecomplete cyclehas passed. The Sound pressure/acousticpressure: When a sound wave
numberofsuchcycleswhich pass per second is referredto propagates in air there are local variations in the air
as the frequency of the wave. pressure. At anypoint the pressure will oscillate about the
In practice, sources do not generally produce single ambient pressure. These oscillations are known as the
frequencies although, for example, fans do tend to sound pressure or acoustic pressure and itis these changes
produce a characteristic tone which is associated with a in pressure which the ear detects and which, to a large
particular frequency. However, most sources will tend to extent, determine the loudness of a sound. For normal
produce sound that is composed of many different sounds the soundpressures are extremely small compared
frequencies covering a wide range. with the ambient atmospheric pressure. The smallest
The frequency ofa soundis a very importantcharacter- changes that the human ear can detect are about ten
istic as many acoustic phenomena are frequency thousand million times less than atmospheric pressure
dependent. while sounds which cause pain are about one thousand
Fundamental frequency: The lowest frequency of oscilla- times less than atmospheric pressure (Table 5.1).
tion of a system. Soundsources: Anysolid objectthat vibratesmechanically
Harmonic: A frequency of a system which is integrally can communicate the vibrations with the surrounding
related to the fundamentalfrequency. medium and generate sound. Sound is also commonly
generated by objects moving through a medium (e.g.
Hertz (Hz): Herizis the unit offrequency; it is the same as blades ofa fan moving through air) and by turbulence in
cycles per second. gases and liquids (e.g.jeteffluxes andturbulentflowofair
Noise: Noise is the term often used to describe unwanted and liquids in ducts and pipes).
sound, i.e. sound that annoys, interferes with activities or Sound wave: When sound energy travels through a
damages hearing. It is also usedto describe a combination medium, a sound wave is said to be propagating. The
ofsounds which vary randomly with time and which cover speed of the wave or the speed at which energy travels
a wide frequency range such as the sound producedby a from one point to another depends on the medium: in
jet engine or many industrial processes. general, sound travels faster in solids than in liquids and
Pascal (Pa): Pascal is the unit of pressure and so sound faster in liquids than in gases. The speed of soundin air is
around 340 rn/s although it will depend on the air
pressures are measured in pascals.
The smallest sound pressure that the average human temperature.
ear can detect is around 2 X l0- pascal (Pa). Humans Velocity (m/s) = 331 + 0.6 X temperature (°C)
Technical infonnation 133

Table5.1 Sound pressure level-s ofcommonsounds Units ofmeasurement

Addition of attenuations: The way attenuations are added
will depend on whether the attenuations are all in the
Typical Reference same acoustic
level distance path or not. This can be illustrated by some
Source (dBA) (m) simple examples.
(a) If a number of silencing units are placed one after
another in a length ofduct then the total attenuation
Home will be the arithmetic sum ofthe attenuations given by
Rural interior, watch ticking, each unit.
calm breathing 15 1
45 0.5 (b) Ifa number ofidentical ducts all open into the same
Refrigerator room and each containsone silencing unit then the
Normal voice 60 1
total attenuation will only be the attenuation pro-
Washing machine, wash cycle 63 0.5
duced by one unit. If the silencing units each give
Food blender 84 0.5
100 0.15 different attenuations R1, R2.. . R dB then the total
Babyscreaming attenuationis

Office attenuation = 10 log n — 10 log (b_Ri/b +

Computerdisc drive 59 1O_1/b0 +. . .+ i0—'°) dB
Open office, general activity 60
Laser printer 64 1 This assumes the ducts each carry the same acoustic
Dotmatrixprinter 82 1 energy. If this is not so, a total attenuationcannot be
obtained and the sound level from each path should
be determinedseparately and the total level obtained
Industry by summing the individual levels.
Metal fabrication workshop 92 (c) If the attenuations over the top andaround the ends
Bottling hall 95 of a finite barrier are R1, 1-?2 and R3dB then the total
Gas turbinegeneratorhall 92 attenuationprovided by the barrier is
attenuation = —10 log (io_R1/10 + 10-1u,'io +
10_1/b0) dB
Insidestationarycar, engineon 57 Attenuations can be added two at a time using the chart
Insidemedium-sizecar, 35 mph 68 given in Figure 5.1.
Insidemedium-sizecar, 60mph 76
Powerboat 63 100
InsideInter-CityPullman 65 Attenuation: The reduction in a sound signal produced by
Insideaircraft 78 some process or device is referred to as attenuation.
Dieselfreighttrain,passing at Attenuation is commonly expressed in decibels in which
70mph 80 (peak) 50
Inter-Citytrainat 125 mph 83 50 attenuation = 10 X log10 (I/4) dB
Motorway(40 000 V/18 h)
BelowBoeing 757 taking off
80 (L10, 18h)
82 650 I
where is the intensity at the receiver without attenua-
tion, and 'a is the intensity at the receiver with
BelowBoeing 757 landing 84 260
Beside racing track 95 (peaks) 10

Averaging noise levels: The way in which a number of

Leisure noise levels are averaged depends on the circumstances.
In a swimmingpool 75—85 If, for example, a number of measures are taken of an
Arcade games 82—92 environmental noise on different occasions, then it would
Firingrange:.22 rifle 138 (peak) 0.3 be appropriateto takethe arithmetic meanofthe levels to
Firingrange:.38 pistol 157 (peak) 0.3 find the representative average of the levels, i.e.

Music I= (L.i+L2+Is+...+L)/ndB
Orchestral music in concert However, if a number of sound levels are taken in a
hall,excludingquietpassages 78—95 reverberant field then the logarithmic average is the
Discotheque music 101 appropriateaverage to take as this represents the mean
Live pop music venue 107 energy value of the field
= 10 X log10((10'P1i'0 + 10Lp2/10
Outside l0'p''°)/n) dB
Suburban streetat night 40 or
Citycentrestreetonpavement 75 = 10 X log1o(10'P1"10+ +. .

10Lpn/10) —10 logn dB
134 Acousticsin the Built Environment

rI 15
J 4)
U) 'U

a C
0 4)
.4) 4 10
r1 E
.4) 0
ci C.
a LI-

o 0

Higher Attenuation — Lower Attenuation CaB)

Figure 5.1 Adding attenuations

Combination of sound from several sources: When a Decibel (dB): The decibel is the unit that is used as a
number of noise sources operate simultaneously the total measure ofa number ofacoustical quantities. The decibel
sound pressure level is is equal to 10 bels andthe bel is a logarithmic unit,strictly
the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of two power
L = 10 X logio(10PU'lO + 10Lp2/10+ 10LPn/1O) dB related quantities. In the field of acoustics the decibel is
commonly used as the unit for sound pressure level,
L,,, L2, L,, are the sound pressure levels of the sound intensity level and sound power level. Other
individual sources. assessment units which inherently depend on these
Alternatively, the total level can be found using the quantities will also have the decibel as theirunit.
chart shown in Figure 5.2. Using this chart, the individual
noise levels must be added two at a time. For example, to Directivity factor (0: The directivityfactoris the ratio of
add 80, 82, 84 and 86dB, the procedureis: the intensity in a given direction from a source to the
(i) Difference between 82 and 80 is 2, hence the intensity in the same direction had the source radiated
correction is 2.1 dB and the total level 84.1 dB. uniformly. For a particular source Q would normally be
(ii) Difference between 86 and84dB is 2, the correction determinedby measurement in an anechoic room.
is 2.1 dB and the total level 88.1 dB.
(iii) Difference between 88.1 and 84.1 is 4dB, the Directivity index (DI): The directivityindex is defined as
correction is 1.5dB and the total level 89.6dB. DI = 10 x log10 QdB
An approximate way to add sources is where Q is the directivity factor of the source in a given
Difference (dB) Correction (dB)
0 3 Intensity level: Intensity level is often used instead of
1 3 sound intensity level.
2 2 Relation between sound power level and sound pressure
3 2 level: For a source that radiates uniformly, the sound
pressure level, L., at a distance rmetres from the sourceis
given by:
6 1
7 1 L= Lp—2OXlog10rlldB
8 1 or
9 0 L.=10Xlog10P—20Xlog40r+109dB
Technical infonnation 135

Ui-I :1.


0 5 jo
Difference Between Levels (MB)
Figure 5.2 Adding noise sources

will be the A-weighted sound level if L or P is as, for example, when measuring sound intensity directly
with an intensity probe.
If the sourceradiates non-uniformly then the equations The sound intensity level should always be quotedwith
must be modified to a reference quantity, e.g. 120dB re 10_12 W/m2.
= — 20 X log10 r— 11 + DI dB Sound pressure level: The sound pressure level, L,, is
defined as
= 20 X log10 (p/p0) dB
= 10 X log10 P— 20 X log10 r+ 109 + DI dB
L where p is the sound pressure and p° is a reference
where DI is the directivity index of the source in the pressure which for propagationin air has the value 2 X
direction of i iO- Pa.
Hence,as 20 X log (2 X 10-/2 X 10) = 0, a sound
Sound intensity level: The sound intensity level, IL, is
defined as of2 X i-
pressure level ofzero dB is equivalent to a sound pressure
Also, as 20 X log10 (20/2 X 10-s) = 120, a sound
L1 = 10 X log10 (I/Is) dB pressure level of 120 dB is equivalent to a sound pressure
of20 Pa. The normal range ofhumanhearingthus covers
where I is the acoustic intensity which is defined as the the range 0 to 120dB.
power passing through a unit area perpendicular to the When a sound pressure level is given it should always
direction of travel of the power. Intensity, therefore, has have an associated reference quantity, e.g. 120dB re 2 X
units of watts per square metre (W/m2). iO-5 Pa.
is a reference intensitywhich forpropagation in air is
chosen as 10_12 W/m2.
An increase of 3dB in the sound pressure level of a
noise is thought to be the smallest change that is
In many cases the sound pressure level and the sound subjectively definitely noticeable under normal testing
intensity level have the same numerical value for a given conditions. An increase of 10 dB on average represents a
sound and they can be used synonymously. However, doublingin loudness of the noise.
circumstances do exist where this equivalence does not
hold andthus itis better if the sound intensity level is used Sound level/noiselevel: Sound level and noise level are
exclusively fordescribing the ratiooftwo sound intensities often used instead of sound pressure level.
136 Acoustics in the Built Environment

0 B
A. C


0 0 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 00
(U 113 0 0
(U 113 0 0 0 00 00
(U 113
1 (U
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5.3 A—D weightings

Sound power level: The sound power level, LD is defined instrumentbetween the microphone and the display. The
as A-weightingattenuateslow and high frequencies relative
to 1000Hz. The standardA-weighting curve is shown in
= 10 X log10 (P/P0) dB
Figure 5.3 and detailed in Table 5.2. The A-weightingis
where Pis the acoustic power of the source in watts (W), the most frequently-usedweighting network, especiallyfor
and P0 is a reference sound power chosen in air to be rating environmental noise.
10-12 W
As 10 X log10 (1/10_12) = 120, 1 acoustic watt is
B-weighting:The B-weighting is similar to the A-weighting
equivalent to a sound power level of 120dB re 10_12 W except that there is less attenuationat low frequencies as
L. = 10 X +
log10 (P) 120 dB shownin Figure 5.3 andTable 5.2. The B-weightingis little
Source on a reflective plane:When a source, assumed to
radiate uniformly is placed on a reflective plane, e.g. on a
concretesurface, the energy radiatedabove the plane is C-weighting: The C-weighting is essentially flat except
effectivelydoubled. The source directivity factoris 2 and below 50 Hz andabove 5000Hz as shown in Figure 5.3 and
the directivitv index is 3dB. Hence, Table 5.2. It is not often used although it has been
suggested that it should be usedto describe low-frequency
L.=L—20 X log10 r—8dB short-duration events.
Constant bandwidth filters: These are filters that have a
L = 10 X log10 P— 20 X log10 r+ 112dB bandwidth which is constant independent of the band
Fora source at thejunction between two reflecting planes, centre frequency.
e.g. a door in a wall on a hard ground, DI is 6dB.
Digital filters: Digital filters are computer algorithms
which filter digital signals in the same way that electrical
Weightingnetworks andfrequency bands networks filter analogue signals.
A-weighting: Human hearing is not equally sensitiveat all
frequencies. In addition, the variation with frequency is a Fast Fourier transform: The Fourier transform is a
functionof the sound pressure level. To try and account method for transposing information in the time domain
for this variation when measuring sound, electronic to information in the frequency domain. The fast Four-
weighting networks are incorporated in the measuring ier transform (FF1) is a computational algorithm which
Technical information 137

Table5.2 Specificationofweightingnetworks Octave band filter: An octave band filter is an electrical

network which allows frequencies within the octaveto pass
unattenuatedbut reducesfrequencies outsidethe octave
Curve A CurveB Curve C Curve D to an
Frequency insignificantlevel.Frequenciesjustbeyond the limits
(Hz) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) of the band are notalways reducedto a level atwhich they
do notcontributeto the band. Theperformanceofa filter
10 —70.4 —38.2 —14.3 —27.6 in these regions will dependmuchon its design. Thereare
12.5 —63.4 —33.2 —11.2 —25.6 a number of different classes of filter with differing
16 —56.7 —28.5 —8.5 —23.5 attenuation rates at the filter limits.
20 —50.5 —24.2 —6.2 —21.6 The octave band sound pressure level, L, can be
25 —44.7 —20.4 —4.4 —19.6 obtained from the one-third octave level L)1, L2 and
31.5 —39.4 —17.1 —3.0 —17.6 by summing the levels as incoherent sources, i.e.
40 —34.6 —14.2 —2.0 —15.6 = 10 log [10LP1/1Q + 102110 + 103/10] dB
50 —30.2 —11.6 —1.3 —13.6 L
63 —26.2 —9.3 —0.8 —11.6 or by adding the levels two at a time using Figure 5.2.
80 —22.5 —7.4 —0.5 —9.6
Octave band sound pressure level: The sound pressure
100 —19.1 —5.6 —0.3 —7.8
level measured when only frequencies within an octaveare
125 —16.1 —4.2 —0.2 —6.0
160 —3.0 —0.1 —4.4 passed is known as the octave band sound pressurelevel.
Analysis of noise into octave bands is frequently used in
200 —10.9 —2.0 0.0 —3.1
the assessment ofa noise climate.
250 —8.6 —1.3 0.0 —1.9
315 —6.6 —0.8 0.0 —1.0 Octave band spectrum:When the sound pressurelevels in
400 —4.8 —0.5 0.0 —0.3 adjacentoctaves are plottedagainst the centrefrequencies
500 —3.2 -.0.3 0.0 0.0 of the octave bands this is known as an octave band
630 —1.9 —0.1 0.0 —0.1 spectrum. It is accepted practice to plot the centre
800 —0.8 0.0 0.0 —0.4 frequencies at equally-spaced intervals, i.e. on a loga-
1 000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 rithmicscale.
1 250 0.6 0.0 0.0 1.9
5.4 One-third octave band: Two frequencies are said to be
1 600 1.0 0.0 —0.1
8.0 one-thirdoctave apart if the frequency of one is 1.26, or
2000 1.2 —0.1 —0.2
more precisely 10015, times the other. There are three
2500 1.3 -0.2 —0.3 10.0 one-third octaves in each octave band. The standard
3150 1.2 -.0.4 -.0.5 11.0 centre frequencies and bandwidths of one-third octaves
4000 1.0 —0.7 —0.8 10.9
are shown in Table 5.3. The width of a one-thirdoctave
5000 0.5 —1.2 —1.3 10.0 band is 23% of the band centre frequency.
6300 —0.1 —1.9 —2.0 8.5
8000 —1.1 —2.9 —3.0 6.0
10000 —2.5 —4.3 —4.4 3.0 Environmental noise measures
12500 —4.3 —6.1 —6.2 —0.4 A-weighted sound pressure level: This is the sound
16000 —6.6 —8.4 —8.5 —4.4 pressurelevel measuredusing an A-weightingnetwork to
20000 —9.3 —11.1 —11.2 —8.1 filterthe sound. Thesoundpressure level has units ofdBA
so the soundlevel would be given, for example, as 80dBA
or more correctly as 80 dBAre 2 X iO- Pa.
The A-weighted sound pressure level is the basic
performs the transformation at much greater speeds. measure used in most environmental noise assessment
The FF1' will produce a frequency spectrum where the indices and schemes.
frequency information is at fixed frequency intervals. Calculation of A-weighted sound pressure level from
The frequency spacing depends upon the time intervals octave band sound pressure levels: The A-weighting
between the original data samples and the total number attenuation for the centre
of time domain samples. frequency of each octave is
added arithmetically to the octave band sound pressure
Linear-weighting There is no standard linear weighting. level andthe resulting levels are added togetherconsider-
In general it should have a flat unattenuated response ing them to be separate noise sources (see combination of
between 2Hz and 20 kHz. sound from several sources), e.g.
Octave band: Two frequencies are said to be an octave O.B.C.F (Hz) 125 250 500 1 k 2 k 4 k 8 k
apart the frequency of one is twice, or more precisely O.B. L1, (dB) 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
1003, the frequency of the other. A-weighting
Contiguous octavebandshave centre fre9uencies which (dB) —16.1 —8.6 —3.2 0 +1.2 +1.0 —1.1
are also related by a factor of two (1003). The centre A-weighted O.B.
frequencies andbandwidths ofstandard octave bandsare L,,, (dB) 63.9 71.4 76.8 80 81.2 81 78.9
shown in Table 5.3.
An octave bandwidth increases as the centre frequency A-weighted level = 10 X log (10639 + 10714 + 10 +
108 + 10812 + 108.1 + 10789)
ofthe band increases. Eachbandwidth is 70% of the band
centre frequency. A-weightedL.,, = 87dBA
138 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Table 5.3 Octaveandone-third octavecentrefrequenciesand band limitfrequencies

Standardfrequencies (Hz)
Octave Third-octave
Preferred centre
Band No. frequency (Hz) Band limits Centre Centre Band limits

22.39 22.39
14 25 25.12
15 31.5 31.62 31.62
16 40 39.81
44.67 44.67
17 50 50.12
18 63 63.10 63.10
19 80 79.43
89.13 89.13
20 100 100.00
21 125 125.89 125.89
22 160 158.49
177.83 177.83
23 200 199.53
24 250 251.19 251.19
25 315 316.23
354.81 354.81
26 400 398.11
27 500 501.19 501.19
28 630 630.96
707.95 707.95
29 800 794.33
30 1 000 1 000.00 1 000.00
31 1 250 1 258.93
1 412.54 1 412.54
32 1 600 1 584.89
1 778.28
33 2 000 1 995.26 1 995.26
2 238.72
34 2500 2511.89
2 818.38 2 818.38
35 3 150 3 162.28
3 548.13
36 4000 3981.07 3981.07
4 466.84
37 5000 5011.87
5 623.41 5 623.41
38 6 300 6 309.57
7 079.46
39 8 000 7 943.28 7 943.28
8 912.51
40 10 000 10 000.00
11 220.18 11 220.18
Technical information 139

Average sound level, L, This is the same as the For example, if a source of noise level 100dB is on for
equivalent continuous sound level Leq. 0.5 h in 8 h its effective 8-h Leq will be
Correctednoise level (CNL):This is the A-weighted sound =
Leq,81i 100 + 10 log 0.5/8
pressure level which has been modified to take accountof =
any distinguishable characteristics of the noise. It is Leq,8h 88dB
defined in BS 4142. Remember tand Tmusthave the same units, whetherit is
If the noise has a noticeable tonal component, e.g. a seconds, hours or days.
whine or hiss, is impulsive or in any way is such that it The corrections to obtain the value can be obtained
draws attention to itself, then 5 dBA is added to the from the chart shown in FigureLeq 5.4.
measured sound level. If one or many distinguishing
features exist, 5 dBA is only added once.
Day/night equivalent sound level, DNL (LON): This is a 0.1 0.5 5 10 50 100
rating, based on the equivalent continuous sound level 0
Leqwhich has its origins in the USA. The acoustic energy
is averaged over a 24-h period but the noise level during
the night-time period (22:00—07:00 hours) is penalized CC
by the addition of 10dBA. 0a)
1 22 00
LDN = 10 log [— I 10LA/1O dt C
[24 J7 a)
r7 1
+ + '°"° dt dBA
J22 J
where LA is the instantaneous A-weighted sound pressure
level. dB
For effectively constant noise levels an estimation of Figure 5.4 Correctionto measured
noiselevel forpercentage
LDN can be made in the same way as the normal Leq 5 on-time
estimated (see above). LDN has found widespread accep-
tance in the USA for environmental noise assessment.
Ifthere are a numberofsources the corrections can be
Equivalent continuous sound level, L T (dB): The applied to each source in turn and then the total
continuous equivalent sound level, Leq,1' is a notional Leq i'
soundlevel. It is the soundlevel which ifmaintainedfor a obtained by decibel addition, e.g.
given length of time would produce the same acoustic Source Level On time Correction Corrected
as a noise over the same time (dBA) (h) (dBA) level
energy fluctuating period.
It is defined mathematically as 1 80 4 —3 77

Iii p2 (t) dtl1dB
[Ti j 8-hour Leq = 10 log (10 + iO'° + 10) = 82.5dB
wherep(t) is the acoustic pressure which varies with time; Alternatively, one may use
Tis the total time over which the Leq,TiS calculated; p° is Leq,8h = l0141,'10 x t1 + .. . + 10'-P"° — 10 log T
2 X iO Pa. L1 is soundpressurelevel which is on for time t1, etc.
If p(t) is A-weighted before the Leq,T15 calculated then So, for the above example, the 8-hour Leq
the Leq.Twill have units of dBA.
The above formula is implemented electronicallyin all
= 10 log (108 X 4 + 1085 X 2 + iO X 8) — 10 log 8
= 82.5dB.
good sound level meters and it is customary to measure
rather than calculate the equivalent continuous sound The individual noises can be all on together, on
level. It should be remembered that any value of Leq,r separately,or overlap.Itwill makeno difference to the Leq
should be accompanied by the time over which it was level.
measured. Leq, T is widely used to measure any environ-
mental noise which varies considerably with time. Maximum sound pressure level, This is the max-
imum value of the sound pressure level that occurs during
Estimation of the equivalent continuous sound level: It is
any given period.Itsvalue will depend upon the frequency
possibleto estimate the equivalent continuous sound level weighting and meter time characteristic. The maximum
for a source or numberof sources if theyhave effectively slowA-weightedsound level during an aircraft flyover is
constantnoise levels over known periods of time. used in the assessment of aircraft noise (see 'perceived
Ifa sourceofnoise level, L,, is on for a period of time noise level').
then the Leq value, over a period T where T is greater
than or equal to t is Minimumsoundpressurelevel, l.:This is the minimum
soundlevel that occurs duringany given period.It is little
Leq, r L1, + 10 log t/TdB used in assessment procedures, comparedto L10.
140 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Noise andnumber index, NNI: This is an indexwhich was where p(t) is the sound pressure which varies with time
used in the UK for rating aircraft noise until 1990. It is over the period T The soundpressureis oftenA-weighted
defined as before the SEL is calculated.
The sound exposure level is related to continuous
NNI = averagepeak perceived noise level +
equivalent level by
15 logN-8O
1-Seq. r
= SEL — 10 log T dB
where Nis the number of aircraft having a PNL greater where T is the time in seconds over which the
than 80 PNdB in the specifiedperiod.The average PNL is Leq is
given by If identical SEL values occur in the time 7 the Leq is
N 1 given by
10 log I—
IloL/N I dB 4q,T = SEL — 10 log T+ 10 log NdB
If the events are not identical then the 4q equivalent of
each event must be found and then the total
whereL is the peak value of PNL during the passage of calculated
the ith aircraft. by adding the individual Leq values as decibels
are added.
NNI has been replaced by 'tq, P
An approximate relationship between NNI and the 16-h Statistical level, L1: This is the sound pressure level that is
A-weighted Leq is exceeded for 1% of the measurement time. It gives an
indication of the maximum sound levels that occur.
NNI 16-h Leq (dBA)
35 57 Statistical level, L10: This is the sound pressure level that is
45 63 exceeded for 10% of the measurement time. Conse-
55 69 quently it isindicative ofthe higher levels that occurin the
Peak sound pressurelevel: This is the sound pressurelevel measurementperiod.
In the UK the A-weightedL10 value is used to measure
corresponding to the peak sound pressure that occurs in and assess traffic noise. For fairly noisy traffic
anygiven period.Its valuewill dependuponthe frequency
weighting and the time characteristics of the measuring
L Leq + 3dB
It is often usedto quantif' short durationimpulses, e.g. Statistical level, L90: This is the sound pressure level that is
gunfire, explosions and high level impact noise. To exceeded for 90% of the measurement time. Conse-
measure the true peak sound pressurelevel of an event, quently it is indicative of the general ambient noise level
great care must be taken in the selection and use of in the absence of any higher level short-duration events
that occur during the period.
microphone and measuring system.
Perceived noise level, PNIL: The perceived noise level is a
The A-weighted L value is often used as a measure-
ment of background noise in environmental assessment.
rating for single aircraftflyovers based originally on jury
judgements of perceived noisiness, but it is now com- Sound insulation
monly derived by an extensive calculation procedure. sound insulation refers to the
Sound insulation: Airborne
Formost generalpurposes the perceived noise level can
be obtained from measurements of the maximum slow process separating, by physical barrier, a space to be
of a
protected from a space containing a noise source. With
A-weighted sound level that occurs during a flyover. noise insulation the sound is effectively prevented from
travelling in a specific direction by an impervious barrier.
PNL = dBA + 13 PNdB. The greater the surface mass of the barrier, the greater
the insulation will generally be. Unlike soundabsorption,
Single event noise exposure level, SENIELor L_: This is sound insulation does not remove energy from the sound
equivalent to the sound exposure level. In the original field; it merely redirects it.
definition it was assumed that the sound pressure was
A-weighted andthat the integration was over the time that Sound reduction index, Sm: The sound reduction index
the signal was within 10 dB of the maximum value. is the measurement generally used to express the insula-
tion propertiesof a partitionin decibels. It is definedas
Sound exposure level, SF1.. or L: The sound exposure
level is a notional level. It is the sound level that if SRI = 10 log10 (1/transmission coefficient) dB
maintained constant for 1 s contains the same acoustic
The soundreduction indexis frequency dependentandis
energy as a varying noise level. usually measured in octave or one-third octave bands.
It is normally used to quantify short duration noise If the transmission coefficient T = 0.01, i.e. 1% of the
events such as aircraft flyover, single vehicle bypasses, incidentsoundenergy is transmitted by the partition, then
impact or impulsive noise. the sound reduction index is 20dB, while if'r = 0.001 the
It is defined mathematically as SRI is 30dB, etc. Hence for 50 dB insulation, which, for
p2(t) dtdB example, may represent a reasonable reduction between
SEL=lOXlogf 2 flats, the incidentintensity must be reduced by a factor of
Jo Po 0.000 01.
Technical infonnatio.i 141

The octave band soundreductionindex,R is obtained Sound level difference between two spaces: The sound
from the one-thirdoctave band indices R1, R2 and R3 as level difference between two spaces separated by a
follows (see addition of attenuations, part (b)) partitiondepends upon the value ofthe sound reduction
R = 10 log 3 — 10 log [10_Riiio + 10o + 10/1oI dB index, the area of the partition and the acoustic proper-
ties of the two spaces.
R = 4.77 — 10 log[l0h/10 + 10?/o + l0-''°I dB
(a) room-to-room
R = 4.77 + C
= L1 — R + 10 loglo (S/A) dB
Figure 5.1 can be used to find C. Lp2
This addition assumes equal energy in all three octave
(b) inside-to-outside
— R+ 10
Sound transmission coefficient, T: The sound transmis- L2 = log10 5—20 loglo r— 17 +
sion coefficient is a measure ofthe incidentsound energy DI dB
that 'passes through' a wall, partitionor any barrier. The
sound doesnot actuallypass through the barrier. Incident (c) outside-to-inside
sound energy causes the barrier to vibrate and the =
vibrating barrier then radiates sound into the receiving L1—R+10log10(S/A)—K+6dB
space. The sound transmission coefficient is defined as is the soundpressure level on the sourceside (dB),
L2 is the sound pressure level on the receiver side
Intensity incident upon a partition (dB),
Intensity transmitted by partition S is the area of the partition (m2),
R is the sound reduction index of the partition (dB),
Transmission loss A is the absorption in the receiving room (m2),
Coincident effect critical frequenc When sound waves DI is the directivity index of the facade,
strike a partition, bending waves are excited in it, the r is the distance of the receiver from the partition.
velocity of which depends upon the frequency. As the K is a constant, the value of which
frequency of the bending wave increases, the bending external to the depends on where,
wavevelocity increases and at some frequency, known as partition, the sound pressure level was
the critical frequency,it is equal to thevelocityofsoundin measured:
air. At this frequency the wavelengthof the bendingwave K = 6 dB if measured very close to the partition,
is equal to the wavelength of the sound in air and if the K = 2.5 dB if measurementposition is about 1 m,
sound wave impinging on the partition is of the same K = 0 dB if measurement position is far from facade.
frequency, resonant excitation can occur and the sound
transmission of the panel is increased and the sound Sound transmission class, STC: This is a single figure
reduction index decreased. descriptor used for rating the sound transmission of a
Matching of the wavelengths at the critical frequency partition obtained by laboratory measurements. The
occurs at grazing incidence and little energy is actually measured sound reduction indices in one-third octave
transferred to the partition. However, as the frequency bands are comparedwith a set of standard curves and at
increases above the critical frequency, matching occurs at each frequency the difference between the measured
increasing angles ofincidence and energy transference to valuesand the standardcurve valuesis obtained. The STC
the partitionis significantlyincreased. value corresponds to that curve for which the sum of the
The reduction in performanceof the panel is known as deficiencies is less than or equal to 32 dB and the
the coincidence effect and the performance of the maximum deficiency at any one frequency is less than
partitioncan be significantlyreducedat frequencies in the 8dB.
regionofthe critical frequency althoughat an octaveorso The reference curve for an STC value of 52 is
beyond the critical frequency the panel will again
approachits expected performance. Frequency (Hz) Level (dB)
125 36
Field sound transmission class, FSTC: This the STC 160 39
obtained from values of the sound reduction index 200 42
measuredunder field conditions. 250 45
flanking transmission: The transmission of sound energy 315 48
via paths which bypass a partition is known as flanking 400 51
transmission. 500 52
630 53
Noiseisolation class, MC: This is the STC obtainedfrom 800 54
values of the sound level differences measuredbetween 1 000 55
two spaces under laboratory conditions. 1 250 56
Normalizednoise isolation class, NNIC: This is the STC 1 600 56
obtained from values of the sound level differences 2000 56
measured between two spacesunderfield conditions. The 2500 56
sound levels in the receiving room are corrected to a 3150 56
standardreverberation time of 0.5s. 4000 56
142 Acoustics in the Built Environment

The value of the STC is equal to the dB value of the curve correctedto a standard receiving room reverberation time
at 500 Hz. Other standardcurves are obtainedby moving of 0.5 s. Hence
this curve up or down in increments of 1 dB.
DnT = measured level difference + 10 log T/0.5 dB
SRIofcomposite construction: A composite construction T = reverberation time in receiving room.
is one havingareas with different sound reduction indices,
Structureborne sound: Sound which travels from one
e.g. a wall with windows.
For a facade consisting of areas S1, £2 S with space to another not through the air but through the
sound reduction indices R1, R2 fabric ofthe
R,1, the value of the is one formbuilding
is known as structurebornesound. It
sound reduction index for the facade is given by of flanking transmission. Structureborne
sound can travel long distances with little attenuationand
be re-radiated, causing problems far from the original
S1 + + ... + S, source of noise.
R= 10 log10 i
Lb0R1b0 x S1 + 1o-R10 X £2 Transmission loss, TL: Transmission loss is an alternative
name for the sound reduction index.
+. + . X Sn
Weighted apparent sound reduction index, R: This is
similar to R.but is usedifit is thoughtthat the value of
The composite sound reduction index may also be was obtained with flankingtransmission.
obtained using Figure 5.5, taking two areas at a time. sound level difference, D: The weightedlevel
Small areas of very low insulation can drastically Weighted
difference is obtainedfrom level differences, measured in
reduce the overall performance of a facade, e.g. an one-third octave bands, in
exactly the same way as the
opening of area 0.1 m2 and SRI 0dB in a facade of area airborne sound insulation index
25 m2 and SRI 50 dB reduces the overall SRI value to 50 rating, R, is obtained.
— 26 = 24dB.
Weighted sound reduction index, R: This is a weighted
single figure descriptor of the sound insulation perform-
Standardized sound level difference, DflT: The standar- ance of a partition measured under laboratory condi-
dized sound level difference is used to assess airborne tions. The sound reduction index in each of the one-

sound insulation between rooms in buildings. As the third octave bands from 100Hz to 3150Hz is compared
sound level difference across a partitionwill depend upon with a standard set of curves. The value of I? for a given
the absorption in the receiving room it is recommended partition is obtained from the standard curve which
(BS 5821: 1984) that the measured level difference is when comparedwith the measured SRI values produces

60 1.0

50 .1
40 .01.


00) 30 • 001

4E0 20 .0001
> 1.0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Difference in Sound Reduction
Indices (Higher — Lower)
Figure5.5 Sound reduction indices loss
Technical information 143

an adverse deviation as close to —32dB as possible. Only Direct sound field: The direct sound field refers to the
the SRI values which fall below a particular standard acoustic energy that arrives at a listener directly from the
curve are considered in the sum. Positive deviations source without any reflections from nearby surfaces or
from the standardcurve are not taken into account. The objects.
standardvalues for the curve corresponding to an R of
52 are Early decay time, EDT: This is the time in seconds,
multiplied by six, which the sound in an enclosure takes to
Frequency (Hz) Reference value (dB) decay by 10dB from its equilibrium value. It is thoughtto
100 33
be important in determining the quality of auditoria,
125 36 especiallyfor music. The EDT is sometimes referred to as
the subjective reverberation time.
150 39
200 42 Noise reduction coefficient, NRC: This is the average, to
250 45 the nearest multiple of0.05, ofthe absorption coefficients
315 48 measured in the octave bands centred on 250, 500, 1000
400 51 and 2000Hz.
500 52 Normalroom modes: Sound waves in an enclosure travel
630 53 around in all directions being reflected obliquely off the
800 54 walls. Some paths repeat themselves continuously, form-
1 000 55
1 250 56 ingwhat are known as normal modes.
The normalmodesoccurat specificfrequencies related
1 600 56 to the dimensions of the room. For a rectangular room
2000 56 the frequencies are given by
2500 56

\1i (2
3150 56
fn = 1/ + + (n2
The R value is the value in decibels of the reference \'i
curve at 500 Hz.
To obtain other reference curves the one-third octave
band values are changedin 1 dB steps up or down.
2 V
where c= velocity ofsound (mis),
dimensions (m), and n,

n.7 and
, ç and are the room
n7 can independently

Weightedstandardized level difference, D: To obtaina

single figure rating value from field measuredvalues of
have values 0, 1, 2,
If the source containsfrequencies equal to the normal
mode frequencies, resonances occurand large variations
the standardized level difference, DT, the one-third in sound level throughoutthe room can result especially
octavevalues are weighted usingthe same methodused to at low frequencies. This is generally to be avoided.
obtain the airborne sound insulation indexrating, R.
Norris—Eyringequation: Thisequationisamodified form
of the Sabine equation and is suitable for use when the
Sound in enclosedspaces average room absorption coefficient is greaterthan 0.1.
Absorption: Absorption is the term applied to the process 0.161V
by which energy is removed from a sound field. Most 5
materials will, to a greater or lesser extent, absorb sound, —2.3 X Slog10 (1 —)
i.e. convert the acoustic energy into heat. However, to be
a goodabsorber a material should generallyhave an open Reverberance: When a sound source, in an enclosure, is
surface structure which allows sound to enter and turned off, the sound does not immediately stop but
internally it should provide many interconnecting path- persists for a short time due to the reflection of energy
ways through which the sound may pass to dissipate its from the walls ofthe enclosure. Similarly, it takes a finite
energy. Good fibrous absorbents are glass fibre and time for sound to reach its equilibrium value after the
mineral wool. source is turned on. This behaviour is known as reverber-
In acoustics absorption, A, has a morespecific meaning. ance andit is a majorfactorin determining the level and
It is the product of the area, 5, of an absorbing material quality of sound in any enclosed space.
and its absorption coefficient a. So Reverberant sound field: This is the sound fieldwithin an
A = S X m2 or Sabines. enclosure due to the continual reflections of the sound
from the walls of the enclosure.
Air absorption: The absorption of sound by air is energy
significant for propagation over long distances and in Reverberant sound pressurelevel: The steady value of the
largeenclosures. High frequencies are absorbed the most sound pressure level through the body of an enclosure,
and the absorption is dependent upon both temperature and away from the sound source, is referred to as the
and humidity. reverberantsoundpressurelevel,L.,.Its value will depend
the sound power, R of the source and the total
Diffuse sound field: When the sound energy in an upon
absorption, A, within the enclosure
enclosure is uniform throughout the space, the sound
field is said to be diffuse. This is normally the case for 14,:,I-
= 10 log F— 10 log A + 126dB
enclosures with conventional aspect ratios and small or
absorption which is uniformly distributedthroughout the
enclosure. 1pr = L — 10
log A + 6dB
144 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Reverberation time: The time which is taken for the Sound absorption coefficient: The sound absorption
reverberantsoundenergy in an enclosure to decay to one coefficient is the quantity used to describe how well a
millionth of its equilibrium value, i.e. by 60dB, after the particular material absorbs sound. It is denoted by a and
source is turned off, is known as the reverberation time. is defined as
The reverberation time is frequency dependent and it is
customary to measure its value in octave or one-third Sound energy not reflected from material
octave bands. There are a number ofsimple equations for Sound energy incident upon material
predicting reverberation times.
Room radius: For a source operating in an enclosure For a perfect absorber a would have a value of 1 while for
there are two soundfields, the reverberant and the direct, a perfect reflector a would equal zero.
and the value of the sound pressure level at any point is The absorption coefficient varies with frequency and
the sum, that is the decibel sum, of the direct and also with the angleatwhich the sound strikes the material.
reverberantsoundpressurelevels. Far from the source the Because ofthe angulardependenceit is usual to measure
reverberantfield will dominatewhile close to the source the absorption coefficient of materials in diffuse sound
the direct field will be greatest. fields so that sound effectivelystrikes the material at all
angles of incidence. The absorption coefficient measured
The distance, r, from the source where the direct and
reverberant sound pressurelevels are equal is known as
the room radius and it can be found from
under theseconditions is known as the randomincidence
sound absorption coefficient and is denoted by It is
usually measured in one-third octave or octave bands.
There is no accepted way of obtaining the octave band
r=-J value from the one-thirdoctave band values. The average
y l6lT of the three values or the highestvalue are both used.
where Q = source directivity factor, and A = room
Assessinginternal spaces
absorption. Articulation index, Al: The articulation index is a weigh-
Sabine equation: The Sabine equation gives the reverbera- ted fraction representing, for a given speech channeland
tion time in terms of the room volume and total room noise condition, the effective proportion of the normal
absorption as speech signal that is available to a listener for conveying
0.161 V speech intelligibility.It is obtainedfrom measurements or
T= s
estimates of the speech spectrum and of the effective
if Vis in cubic metres and A in square metres.
The equation is valid for diffuse sound fields only and UI
gives the best results when the average absorption a
coeffficient is less than 0.1. However,it is often usedwhen
this condition is not met. For large enclosures air 0'I 70
absorption is included so that x

0.161 V UI
L 60
A + 4 mV U)

where m is a soundattenuation. Coefficient values for 4 m -l 50

as given in Table 5.4. UI
Table 5.4 Air absorption (values of4mV in m2 unitsfor a L
volume of 100m3 at 20°C) UI
Relative humidity (%)
t 20
(Hz) 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 3

125 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 10

250 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11
0.10 0.09 0.08 8
500 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.25
1 000 0.57 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.48 0.50 0.51 0 I') 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 000 1.78 1.21 1.00 0.90 0.88 0.88 0.88 ID fli
l U) 0 0
4 000 6.21 4.09 3.10 2.60 2.27 2.08 1.95
(U In
1 (U 'UI 0
8 000 19.00 14.29 11.00 8.95 7.61 6.69 6.04 Octave Band Centre Frequency (Hz)

Figure 5.6 Noue criterion curves

Technical information 145

masking spectrum of any noise which may be present 140

along with the speech at the ear of the listener. -' 130
If the Al is zero then there will be no understanding
while if the AT is one there will be complete ci.

120 i30
NA 125
Details ofthe calculation methodcan be found in ANSI

-- -.
— .

ii NA 105
Balanced noise criterion curves, NCB: These are a set of 90 'S


L S — — —
JR too
curveswhich have been proposedas an update ofthe NC to S S S —
— —
NA go
curves. They are not asyet generally accepted. Details can
be found in a paper by Beranek, Balanced Noise Criterion
Curves,j Acoust.Soc.Am., 86(2),August 1989,pp.650—664.

70 \ ,,,,
c :::_ — —
NA .5
NP 75

10 60
Noisecriterion, NC: The conceptofthe noise criterionwas
s _ .. ..--
,. .'.r 70
NR 05
originally developed in the United States specificallyfor
( 50 S
— —

application in commercial buildings. Its calculation is

S — — —
NA 55
based onan octaveband analysis ofa noise andreference is 40
- ,-.,4 50
madeto a setofcurves whichare shown in Figure 5.6. II S S S

•. - NA 45


30 -
: NI 40
The noise criterion is obtained by plotting the octave S S — — —
NA 35
band soundpressurelevelsonto the reference curves and 20 NA 30
determining the lowest curve which is nowhere exceeded 10
NA 25
by the plotted octave band levels. NA 20
D NA 15
Noise rating number, NR: The noise rating number is a c 0 NA 10
single figure index obtainedfrom an octave band analysis to —10 NA 5
of a noise. To obtain the NR number the octave band
sound pressure levels are plotted onto a set of reference
) I
L) (. II U U 0 II a.) a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NA 0

curves which are shown in Figures 5.7 and 5.8. The In

highestNRcurve that is intersected by the curve forming Third Octave Band Centre Frequency (Hz)
the plotted sound pressure levels gives the noise rating
number. The octave band sound pressure levels are Figure 5.8 Noiserating curves (one-thirdoctave band)
normallyjoined by straight lines.

Preferred noise criterion, PNC: The preferred noise

criterionis very similar to the noise criterion in concept.
However, the set of curves from which it is obtained
a. 130 extend to a lower frequency than that of the noise
125 criterion curves and more emphasis is placed on low
115 frequency noise. The curves for PNC are shown in Figure
'C ato 5.9. PNC is not widely used, except for low-value curves
105 e.g. in concert halls.
.5 RASTI: Rapid speech transmission index (RASTI) is a
U go method for the objective measurement of the speech
.5 transmission index.
By restricting the number of noise bands to two and
e1 •0
I, 75
0 70
modulation frequencies to five in the calculation, rapid
I .5 assessments of room speech intelligibility can be made;
I, 50 see Chapter 4.
Room-noise criterion, RC: This is a single figure rating,
C- 55
U 50
I' 45 used for assessing heating, ventilating and air-condition-
aC. 40 ing systems. The RCvalue is obtained by comparing noise
levels, made in unoccupied rooms with all systems
25 operating, with a set ofcurves. In additionthe RC number
0 20 is classifiedinto four categories dependingon the overall
shape of the spectrum. It is used as an alternative to NC.
U to Details of how to calculate RC values can be found in the
0 5
cli 0 ASHRAE Handbook.
—io, 00 0 0
ID (U U 0 0 00 00 Speech interferencelevel: Speech interference level is a
0) Ii
0 0
(U 5 simple-to-estimatemeasure of the masking of speech by
noise. It is derived by taking the arithmetic average of the
Octeve Sand Centre Frequency (Hz)
noise levels in the fouroctavebandscentred on 500, 1000,
Figure 5.7 Noise rating curves (octave band) 2000 and 4000Hz.
146 Acousticsin the Built Environment

The standardcurves are identical to the Lw.. curves and

no the hG is equalto 110 minus the sound level at 500 Hz on
a- the selected standard curve.
= 110 — JIG
.i 70
x See ASTME E492—86and E989—84.
L 60


PNC no

PNC 55

Impact noise level, L: This is the sound pressure level,
measured in a one-third octave band, when a standard
tapping machine is operating on the floor above the

Impact sound: Impact sound refers to sound produced

when a short duration impulse, such as a footfall, acts

40 directly on a structure.
L The frequency content of the soundwill depend upon
U: PNC 40 the duration of the impact; a short sharp event giving a
ao PNC n
broadband frequency content while a longer duration
a event caused, for example, by having a resilient layerover
PNC 30 the structure, will contain mainly low frequency sound
C 20 and will be subjectivelyless disturbing.
PNC20 Normalized impact noise level, L,: The impact noise level
10 as measured in the laboratory will depend upon the
C PNC is acoustic characteristics of the receiving room so to
normalize results the measured noise levels are corrected
to a constant10 m2 of absorption.

l Ui
•1 (
Hence I = L— 10 log A/A0
A = actual sound absorption in the receiving room in the
Octave Band Centre Frequency (Hz)
one-thirdoctave band under consideration.
5.9 noisecriterioncurves
Figure Preferred A,1, = 10m2
L'0 is used if flanking transmission cannot be
Speech transmission index, STI: The speech transmission See BS 5821, Part2.
indexquantifies the effect ofa sound transmission system
on speech intelligibility.It is based upon an analysisof the Resonant frequency, J: The resonant frequency of an
reduction in intensitymodulationofa signal which occurs isolator of stiffness K (Nm1) which supports a mass M
along the transmission path from source to receiver. The (kg) is
analysis is carriedout for 8 octavebands ofnoise, typically
125 Hz to 8kHz, and 14modulation frequencies. The
results of this analysis are then combinedandnormalized f=—/— 2'rr V M
to give thespeech transmissionindexwhich hasavalue of1
for perfect transmission and a value of 0 for no signal This is often re-written as
Relationshipsexist between the STI values,the signal-to- 15.8
noise ratio and the reverberation time of an enclosure, r fl-
\/ d
allowing theoretical calculations to be made of the STI
value. This is most useful at the design stage ofaproject. dbeing the static deflection (inmm) ofthe isolator when
Details may be found in Bruel and Kjaer Technical the mass Mis placed on it.
Review 3. For rubber isolators the constantbecomes 19.5.
For an isolator to be effective its resonant frequency
Impact soundand vibration must be at least three times lower than the lowest
Impact insulation class, IIC: This is a single number frequency to be isolated.
rating, used in the United States, which permits easy
comparison of the impact isolation performanceoffloor/ Standardized impact sound level, LT: This is the impact
ceiling assemblies. Impact sound levels normalized to a sound level measured between two rooms under field
room absorption of 10 m2 are compared with a set of conditions and standardized to a reverberation time of
standardcurves to producethe impactinsulation class. 0.5s,
The calculation is exactlythe same as that described to
determine the weighted normalized impact sound pres- T
sure level, L,, except that in additionto the total adverse i.e. L'OT = L' — 10 log
deviation being less than or equal to 32dB, no one
deviation must exceed 8 dB. L' = measured impact noise level.
Technical infonnation 147

See BS 5821, Part 2: 1986 and BS 2750, Parts 6 and 7: Acceleration is what is commonly measured to quantifr
1980. the vibration of a surface.
Standard tappingmachine: A standardtapping machineis Vibration displacement, d: When an object vibrates, its
used to rate the impact noise isolation of floors. The surface will oscillate about its stationary position. These
machinehas five hammers, each of mass 0.5kg, equally
changes represent the vibration displacement.
spaced along a line. The hammers are dropped, from a
height of 4cm, successively to give 10 impacts per Vibration isolation: Vibration isolation is a means of
reducingthe transmission of vibrating motions or forces
Transmissibility:The effectivenessofa vibration isolator is from one structure to another. It is usually achieved by
measured in terms of its transmissibility. Two types of separating the two structures by an elastic element,known
transmissibilityare generally defined: (1) Force transmissi- as a vibration isolator.
bility which is the ratio of the force transmitted by the
isolator to the force applied to the structureon top ofit; Vibration velocity, v The velocityof a vibrating surface is
(2) displacement transmissibilitywhich is the ratio of the related to the displacement by
displacement transmitted by the isolator to the displace- v=
ment appliedat its base. In both cases the transmissibility,
7 is, for lightly dampedsystems, given by v(m/s) = d(m) X o(rad/s)
wherew = angular frequency.
J(f/f)2 Weightednormalized impact sound level,
a obtained
I, L: This is
from one-thirdoctave
wherefis the frequency of vibrating motion andJr is the
resonant frequency of the isolator together with the
single figure descriptor
values of the normalized impact sound levels L, (labo-
ratory) or L' (field). The normalized levels are compared
structure mounted on it. The variation of the transmissi- with a set of weighting curves and the curve found for
bility with frequency is shown in Figure 5.10. which the total adverse difference between the normal-
Vibration acceleration, a: The acceleration of a vibrating ized levels and the curves is less than but as close to 32dB
surface is related to the displacement and velocityby as possible. Adverse differences occur when the normal-
ized levels fall above the rating curve.
a = dw2 = The weighted normalized impact soundpressure level is
the sound pressure level at 500 Hz on the standardcurve,
jo which meets the above criterion. For an LNW or L'NW of 60
the curve is defined by

iJ \
>' 5 Frequency Level (dB)
4J 100 62
125 62
160 62
2 200 62
m 250 62
E 1 315 62
C 400 61
C. 500 60
I- .5 630 59
mm 800 58
ioo 57
.2 1250 54
m 1 600 51

a 2000 48
N .5 2500
0 05 Other curves are obtainedby moving the one-third octave
band values up or down in 1 dB steps.
C- See BS 5821, Part 2 and BS 2750, Parts 6 and 7.
0 .1

05 ,
Weightedstandardized impact soundlevel, L',1. Thisis a
single figure descriptor obtained from one-third octave
0 band values of the standardized impact sound levels,
.1 .2 .5 1 2 5 10
L'IIT, w
Ratto of Forcing Frequency It is obtained in exactly the same way as the weighted
to Natural Frequency normalized impact sound level, L.,.
Figure 5.10 Transmissibility See BS 5821, Part 2 and BS 2750, Parts 6 and 7.
148 Acoustics in the Built Environment

Equivalent Standards

Assessinge,wironmental noise
BS 4142: 1990 ASTM E1014—84 ISO 1966: 1986 ANSI S3.23: 1980
BS 5228: 1984/1994 ISO 2204: 1979 ANSI S12.4: 1986
ISO/DP 7196
DIN 18005: 1987
DIN 45641: 1976/1987 NF S30—010: 1974
DIN 45642: 1974 NF S30—008: 1984
DIN 45643: 1984 NF S31—010: 1987
DIN VDI 2714: 1988 NF S31—050: 1987
DIN YDI 3723: 1982 NF S31—110: 1985
DIN VDI 2718: 1975

Rating ofperformance ofbuilding

BS 5821: 1984 ASTM C1071—86 ISO 717: 1982
ASTM E413—73
ASTM E989—84
DIN 52210: 1984
NF P05—321: 1096
NF S31—057: 1982

Measurement ofimpactinsulation
BS 2750: 1980 ASTM E492—77 ISO 140: 1980
ASTM E1007—84
DIN 52210: 1984
NF S31—052: 1979
NF 531—053: 1979
NF S31—056: 1982

Measurement ofsoundpower
BS 4196: 1986 ASTM E1124—86 ISO 3740: 1980 ANSI 81.23: 1976
ISO 3741: 1988 ANSI 81.30: 1985
ISO 3742: 1988 ANSI S1.31: 1986
ISO 3743: 1988 ANSI S1.32: 1986
ISO 3744: 1981 ANSI S1.33: 1982
ISO 3745: 1977 ANSI S1.35: 1985
ISO 3746: 1979 ANSI S1.36: 1979
ISO 3747: 1987 ANSI S2.34: 1988
DIN 45635: 1985 NF S31—025: 1977
NF S31—026: 1978
NF S31—027: 1977
NF S31—022: 1989
NF S31—024: 1989
NF 831—067: 1986

Noise emissionfrom computers and business machines

ECMA 74: 1981 ISO 7779: 1988 ANSI S12.10: 1985
ECMA 109: 1985 ISO 9296: 1988
DIN YDI 3729: 1982

Sound jorcementsystems
BS 6259: 1982 IEC 268: 1985
BS 6840: 1987
DIN 45589: 1979
Technical informabon

Speech andnoise
ISO/TR 3352: 1974 ASTM E1041—85 ANSI S3.2: 1960
ASTM E1110—86 ANSI S3.5: 1969
ASTM E1130—88 ANSI S3.14: 1977
DIN 18041: 1968
DIN 45621: 1973 NF S31—047: 1975
NF S32—001:1975
NFXS5—108: 1987 IEC 84(CO)2: 1986

Vibration measurementandresponse
BS 6177: 1982 ISO 2017: 1982 ANSI S3.18: 1979
BS 6472: 1984 ISO 2631: 1985 ANSI S3.29: 1983
BS 6841: 1987 ISO 5805: 1981 ANSI S3-W-39
BS 6611: 1985 ISO 6897: 1984
ISO 7849: 1987
ISO 4866: 1986
ISO 8569: 1989
DIN 4150: 1986
DIN 45669: 1981/1989 VDI 2057: 1987

Mechanical services
BS 848: 1985 ASTM E477-84 ANSI S12.11: 1987
BS 4718: 1971
DIN 45646: 1988 NF E51—701: 1980
DIN VDI 2081: 1983 NF P50—402: 1985
DIN 45635: 1986 NF E51—706: 1988
DIN VDI 3731: 1982 NF S31—021: 1982
NF S31—046: 1988
Soundinsulation in buildings
BS 8233: 1987 ISO/DIS 6242: 1989
DIN 4109: 1989
DIN 18165: 1987
DIN VDI 2569: 1990
DIN VDI 2571: 1976
DIN VDI 2711: 1978
DIN VDI 2719: 1987
DIN VDI 3728: 1987

Acousties qrbuildings
NF P90—207: 1987
BS 2475: 1964 IEC 196: 1965 ISO 266: 1975 ANSI S1.4: 1983
BS 3593: 1986 IEC 225: 1966 ANSI S1.4: 1985
BS 5969: 1981 IEC 651: 1979 ANSI S1.6: 1984
BS 6698: 1986 IEC 804: 1985 ANSI S1.11: 1986
ANSI S1.13: 1971
DIN 45401: 1985 NF S30—002: 1972 ANSI S1.42: 1986
DIN 45651: 1964 NF S31—109: 1983
DIN 45652: 1964

BS4727: 1985 ASTM C634-86 ISO 31—7: 1978 ANSI S3.32: 1982
BS 5775: 1979 ISO 131: 1979
IEC 50(801): 1984
DIN 1320: 1990 NF S30—004: 1966
DIN 45630: 1971 NF S30—101: 1973
DIN 52217: 1984 NF S30—102: 1973
NF S30—103: 1973
NF S30—106: 1975
NFXO2—207: 1985
150 Acousticsin the Built Environment

Measurement ofreverberation time

BS 5363: 1986 Iso 3382: 1975
DIN 52216: 1965 NF S31—012: 1973

Measurement ofabsorption coefflcientc

BS 3638: 1987 ASTM C423—89 ISO 354: 1985
DIN 52212: 1961
DIN 525215: 1963 NF S31—065: 1981
Measurement ofsound insulation
BS 2750: 1980 ASTM E90—83 ISO 140: 1980
ASTM E336-84
ASTM E596-78
ASTM E966-84
ASTM E1222—87
DIN 52210: 1984 NF S31—045: 1989
NF S31—051: 1985
NF S31—049: 1982
NF 534—054: 1982
NF S34—055: 1982

lEG 50 Internationalelectrotechnical vocabulary.
801: 1984 Vocabulary: acoustics and electoacoustics.
lEG 84 (GO) 2: 1986 sound system equipment; report on the RASTI method for the objective rating of
speech intelligibilityin auditoria; (Central Office) 2.
lEG 196: 1965 lEG standard frequencies.
lEG 225: 1966 Octave, half-octaveandthird octaveband filters intendedfor the analysis ofsoundsand
lEG 268 Sound system equipment
Part 1: 1985 General
Part 2: 1971 Explanation of general terms
Part 4: 1972 Microphones
Part 5: 1989 Loudspeakers
Part 7: 1984 Headphones
Part 16 Draft Report on the RASTI — method for the objective rating of speech intelligibility in
lEG 651: 1979 Soundlevel meters
lEG 804: 1985 Integrating —
averaging sound level meters.
ISO 31—7: 1978 Quantitites and units of acoustics.
ISO 131: 1979 Acoustics expression of physical and subjective magnitudes of sound or noise in

— measurement of sound insulationin
ISO 140 Acoustics buildings and building elements.
Part 1: 1978 Requirements for laboratories.
Part 2: 1978 Statementof precision requirements.
Part 3: 1995 Laboratory measurements of airborne sound insulation of building elements.
Part 4: 1978 Field measurements of airbornesound insulation between rooms.
Part 5: 1978 Field measurements of airbornesound insulation of facade elements and facades.
Part 6: 1978 Laboratory measurements of impact sound insulationoffloors.
Part 7: 1978 Field measurements of impact sound insulation of floors.
Part 8: 1978 Laboratory measurements of the reduction of transmitted impact noise by floor
coverings on a standard floor.
Part 9: 1985 Laboratory measurements ofroom-to-room airborne sound insulation ofsuspended
ceiling with a plenum above it.
Technical information 151

Iso 266: 1975 Acoustics — preferred frequenciesfor measurements.

ISO 354: 1985 Acoustics — measurement of sound absorption in a reverberation room.
ISO 389: 1991 Acoustics: standard reference zero for the calibration of pure tone air conduction
ISO 717 Acoustics—
rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements.
Part 1: 1996 Airborne sound insulation in buildings and of interior building elements.
Part 2: 1996 Impactsound insulation.
Part 3: 1982 Airborne sound insulation of facade elements and facades.
ISO 1996 Acoustics — description and measurement of environmental noise.
Part 1: 1982 Basic quantities and procedures.
Part 2: 1987 Acquisition of data pertinent to land use.
Part 3: 1987 Application to noise limits.
ISO 2017: 1982 Vibration and Shock — Isolators: procedurefor specifiing characteristics.
ISO 2204: Acoustics —
guide to International Standards on the Measurement of airborne
acoustical noise and evaluation of its effects on human beings.
ISO 2631 Evaluation of human exposure to whole bodyvibration.
Part 1: 1985 General requirements.
Part 3: 1985 Evaluation of exposure to whole bodyz-axis verticalvibration in the frequency range
0.01 to 0.63Hz.
ISO/TR 3352: 1974 Acoustics — assessment of noise with respect to its effect on the intelligibility of
ISO 3382: 1975 Acoustics— measurement of reverberation time in auditoria.
ISO 3740: 1980 Acoustics— determination ofsound power levels of noise sources: guidelines for the use
ofbasic standards and for the preparationof noise test codes.
ISO 3741: 1980 Acoustics — determination of sound power levels of noise sources: precision methods
for broad band sources in reverberation rooms.
ISO 3742: 1988 Acoustics— determinationofsound power levels ofnoise sources:precision methods of
discrete frequency and narrow band sources in reverberation rooms.
Iso 3743: 1988 Acoustics— determination ofsound power levelsofnoise sources:engineeringmethods
for special reverberation test rooms.
ISO 3744: 1981 Acoustics— determination ofsound power levels ofnoise sources:engineeringmethods
for free-field conditions over a reflecting plane.
ISO 3745: 1977 Acoustics — determinationof sound power levels of noise sources: precision methods
for anechoic and semi-anechoic rooms.
ISO 3746: 1979 Acoustics— determination of sound power levels of noise sources: survey method.
ISO 3747: 1987 Acoustics— determination of sound power levels ofnoise sources: survey methodusing
a reference sound source.
ISO/DIS4866: 1995 Mechanical vibration and shock: measurementand evaluation ofvibration effects on
buildings; guidelines for the use ofbasic standard methods.
ISO 4871: 1984 Noise labelling of machinery and equipment.
(new version in preparation)
ISO 5805: 1981 Mechanical vibration and shock affecting man: vocabulary.
ISO 6897: 1984 Guidelines for the evaluation of the response of occupants of fixed structures,
especially buildings and off-shore structures, to low frequency vibration horizontal
motion (0.063 to 11 Hz).
ISO/DIS6243 Building construction: expression ofusers' requirements.
Part 3: 1989 Acoustical requirements.
ISO 7235: 1991 Acoustics— measurement procedures for ductedsilencers.
ISO 7779: 1988 Acoustics — measurement of airborne noise emitted by computer and business
152 Acoustics in the Built Environment

ISO/TR 7849: 1987 Acoustics — estimation of airborne noise emitted by machinery using vibration
Iso 8569: 1989 Mechanical vibration: shock-and-vibration-sensitiveelectronicequipment; methods of
measurement and reportingdata of shock and vibration effects in buildings.
ISO 9296: 1988 Acoustics — declared noise emission values of computer and business equipment.

EuropeanComputer Manufadums Association

ECMA 74: 1981 Measurement of airborne noise emitted by computers and business machines.
ECMA 109: 1985 Declared noise emission values of computerand business equipment.

GemianNational Standards
DIN 1320: 1990 Acoustics: terminology.
DIN 1800: 1987 Teil 1. Noise abatementin town planning; calculation methods.
Teil 1, Beiblatt 1. Noise abatement in town planning; acoustic orientationvalues in
town planning.
DIN 1804: 1968 Acousticalquality in small to medium size rooms.
DIN 18165: 1987 Teil 2. Fibre insulatingbuilding materials: impact sound insulating materials.
DIN 4150: 1986 Teil 3. Structural vibration in buildings: effects on structures.
DIN 4109: 1989 Sound insulation in buildings: requirements and verifications.
Beiblatt 1 Soundinsulation in buildings: construction examples and calculation methods.
Beiblatt 2 Soundinsulation in buildings: guidelines for planningandexecution; proposals for
increased sound insulation; recommendations for sound insulation in personalliving
and working areas.
DIN 45035: 1980 Teil 14. Noise measurement on machines: airborne noise measurement, enveloping
surfacemethod, air cooled heatexchangers (air coolers).
DIN 45401: 1985 Acoustic, electroacoustic: standard frequencies for measurements.
DIN 45589: 1979 Requirements for congress microphones.
DIN 45621: 1973 Teil 2. Word listsfor intelligibilitytest.
Teil 2. Sentence lists for intelligibilitytest.
DIN 45630: 1971 Teil 1. Physical and subjective magnitudes of sound.
DIN 45635: 1985 Teil 3. Measurement of airborne noise emitted by machines: engineeringmethod for
special reverberation test rooms.
DIN 45635: 1986 Teil 38. Measurement of noise emitted by machines; airborne noise emission;
enveloping surface method, reverberation room method and indirect methods; fans.
DIN 45635: 1985 Teil 46. Measurement of noise emitted by machines; airborne noise emission;
enveloping surface method; cooling towers.
DIN 45635: 1986 Teil 56. Measurement of noise emitted by machines; airborne noise emission;
enveloping surface methodand indirectmethod;fan assistedwarmair generators, fan
assisted air heaters and fan units of air handlingdevices.
DIN 45641: 1976 Averaging of time varying sound level; ratinglevels.
DIN 45641: 1987 Averaging of sound levels; single eventlevel.
DIN 45642: 1974 Measurement of traffic noise.
DIN 45643: 1984 Teil 1. Measurement and assessment of aircraft noise; quantities and parameters.
Teil 3. Measurement andassessment of aircraft noise; determinationofrating level of
aircraft noise exposure.
DIN 45646: 1988 Measurement procedures for ducted silencers; insertion loss, transmission loss, flow
noise, total pressureloss.
DIN 45654: 1964 Octave filters for electroacoustical measurements.
DIN 45652: 1964 Third octave filters for electroacoustical measurements.
Technical infonuation 153

DIN 45669: 1981 Teil 1. Measurementof vibration emission; requirements on vibration meter.
DIN 45669: 1989 Teil 2. Measurement of vibration emissions; measuring method; amendment1.
DIN 52210: 1984 Teil 1. Tests in building acoustics; airborne and impact sound insulation; measuring
Teil 2. Tests in building acoustics; airborneand impact sound insulation; laboratories
for measuring of the sound reduction of building elements.
DIN 52210: 1987 Teil 3. Testing of acoustics in buildings, airborne and impact sound insulation;
laboratory measurements of sound insulation of building elements and field
measurements between rooms.
DIN 52210: 1984 Teil 4. Tests in building acoustics;airborneand impact sound insulation; determination
of single-number quantities.
DIN 52210: 1985 Teil 5. Testing in building acoustics; airborne and impact sound insulation; field
measurements of airborne sound insulation of exterior building elements.
DIN 52210: 1989 Teil 6. Testsin building acoustics;airborneandimpactsound insulation; determination
of the level difference.
DIN 52210: 1989 Teil 7. Tests in building acoustics; airborneandimpact sound insulation; determination
of the lateral sound reduction index.
DIN 52212:
1961 Testing of architectural acoustics; measurement of sound absorption coefficient in a
reverberation room.
DIN 52215: 1963 Testing of architectural acoustics; determinationof sound absorption coefficient and
impedance in a tube.
DIN 52216: 1965 Testing of architectural acoustics; measurementof reverberation time in auditoria.
DIN 52217: 1984 Test in building acoustics; flanking transmission; terms and definitions.
VDI 2057 Blatt 4.1: 1987 Effect of mechanical vibrations on human beings; measurements and assessment for
workshop places in buildings.
VDI 2081: 1983 Noise generation and noise reduction in air-conditioning systems.
VDI 2566: 1988 Noise reduction on lifts.
VDI 2569: 1990 Sound protection and acoustical design in offices.
VDI 2571: 1976 Sound radiation from industrial buildings.
VDI 2711: 1978 Noise reduction by enclosures.
VDI 2714: 1988 Outdoor soundpropagation.
VDI 2718: 1975 Noise abatementin town planning.
YDI 2719: 1987 Sound isolation of windowsand theirauxiliary equipment.
VDI 3720 Blatt 1: 1980 Noise abatementby design; general fundamentals.
VDI 3720 Blatt 2: 1982 Noise abatementby design; compilation of examples.
BDI 2723 Blatt 1: 1982 Application of statistical methods for the description of variating ambient noise
VDI 3728: 1987 Airborne sound isolation of doors and movable walls.
VDI 3729 Blatt 1: 1982 Characteristic noise emissionvalues oftechnical sound sources; office machines; basic
VDI 3729 Blatt 2: 1982 Characteristic noise emission values of technical sound sources; office machines,
VDI 3729 Blatt 3: 1982 Characteristic noise emission values of technical sound sources; office machines,
duplicating machines and copiers.
VDI 3729 Blatt 5: 1982 Characteristic noise emission values of technical sound sources; office machines; mail
processing (preparation) machines.
VDI 3729 Blatt 6: 1990 Characteristic noise emissionvalues of technical sound sources; computer andbusiness
equipment; computer.
VDI 3731 Blatt 1: 1982 Characteristic noise emission values of technical sound sources; compressors.
VDI 3731 Blatt 2: 1988 Characteristic noise emission values of technical sound sources; fans.
154 Acoustics in the Built Environment

VDI 3733:1983 Noise at pipes.

VDI 3744: 1983 Noise control in hospitals and sanatoriums; instructions for planning.

American National Standards Institute

ANSI S1.4: 1983 Specification for sound level meters.
ANSI Sl.4a: 1985 Sound level meters.
ANSI S1.6: 1984 Preferredfrequencies and band numbersfor acoustical measurements.
ANSI S1.11: 1986 Octave-band and fractional octave-bandanalogand digital filters.
ANSI 51.13: 1971 (R 1986) Methods for the measurements of sound pressure levels.
ANSI 51.23: 1976 (R 1983) Method for the designation of sound power emitted by machinery and equipment.
ANSI 51.30: 1979 (R 1985) Guidelines for the use of sound power standards and the preparation of noise test
ANSI 51.31: 1980 (R 1986) Broad-band noise sources in reverberation rooms. Precision methods for the
determination ofsound power levels.
ANSI 51.32: 1980 (R 1986) Discrete-frequencyand narrow-band noise sources in reverberation rooms, precision
methods for the determination of sound power levels.
ANSI S1.33: 1982 Engineering methods for the determinationof sound power levels of noise sources in
a special reverberation test room.
ANSI 51.35: 1979 (R 1985) Determination of sound power levels of noise sources in anechoic and semi-anechoic
ANSI S1.35: 1979 (R 1985) Survey methods for the determinationof sound power levels of noise sources.
ANSI S1.42: 1986 Design response of weighting networks for acoustical measurements.
ANSI S2.8: 1972 (R 1986) Guide for describing the characteristics of resilient mountings.
ANSI 53-W-39 Effects of shock and vibration on man. (A special report — not a standard.)
ANSI S3.2: 1960 (R 1982) Method for measurement of monosyllabicword intelligibility.
ANSI S3.5: 1969 (R 1986) Methods for the calculation of the articulation index.
ANSI S3.14: 1977 (R 1986) Rating noise with respect to speech interference.
ANSI S3.18: 1979 (R 1986) Guide for the evaluation of human exposure to whole-bodyvibration.
ANSI S3.23: 1980 (R 1986) Sound level descriptors for determination of compatible land use.
ANSI 53.29: 1983 Guide to the evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings.
ANSI 53.32: 1982 Vibration and shock affecting man, mechanical-vocabulary.
ANSI 512.4: 1986 Method for assessment of high energy impulsive sound with respect to residential
ANSI 512.9: 1988 Quantities and procedure for description and measurement of environmental sound
(part 1).
ANSI 512.10: 1985 Methods for the measurement and designation of noise emitted by computer and
business equipment.
ANSI 512.11: 1987 Methods for the measurement of noise emitted by small air-movingdevices.
ANSI 512.34: 1988 Engineering methodsfor the determination ofsound powerlevels ofnoise sources for
essentiallyfree field conditions over a reflecting plane.

American Society for Testing and Materials Standards

ASTM C 384—88 Test method for impedance and absorption of acoustical materials by the impedance
tube method.
ASTM C 423—89 Test method for sound absorption and sound absorption coefficients by the
reverberation room method.
Technical infonnation 155

ASTM C 634-86 Definitions of terms relatingto environmental acoustics.

ASTM C 1070—86 Standard specification for thermal and acoustic insulation (mineral fibre, duct lining
ASTM E 90—87 Method for laboratory measurement of airborne sound transmission loss of building
ASTM E 336-84 Test method for measurement of airborne sound insulation in buildings.
ASTM E 413-87 Classification for determination of sound transmission class.
ASTM E 477-84 Method oftesting duct liner materials and prefabricated silencers for acoustical and air
flow performance.
ASTM E 492-86 Method of laboratory measurementof impact sound transmission through floor—
ceiling assemblies using the tapping machine.
ASTM E 497—87 Practice for installing sound-isolating gypsumboard partitions.
ASTM E 596—88 Method for laboratory measurement of the noise reduction of sound-isolating
ASTM E 597—81 (1987) Practice for determining a single-number ratingof airbornesound isolation for use in
multi-unit building specifications.
ASTM E 795-83 Practices for mountingtest specimens during sound absorption tests.
ASTM E 966-84 Guide for field measurement of airborne sound insulation of building facades and
facade elements.
ASTM E 1007—84 Test method for field measurementof tapping machine impact sound transmission
through floor—ceiling assembliesand associated support structures.
ASTM E 1014—84 Guide for the measurementofoutdoor A-weightedsound levels.
ASTM E 1041—85 Guide for measurementof masking soundsin open offices.
ASTM E 1110—86 Classificationfor determiningof articulation class.
ASTM E 1124—86 Test method for field measurement of sound power level by the two-surface method.
ASTM E 1130—88 Test method for objective measurement of speech privacy in open offices using
articulation index.
ASTM E 1222—87 Test method for laboratory measurement ofinsertionloss of pipe-lagging systems.

French Standards
NF E51—701: 1980 Controlledmechanical ventilation components. Code for aerodynamic and acoustic
testing of extract air terminaldevices.
NF E51—706: 1988 Controlled mechanical ventilation components. Code for aerodynamic and acoustic
testings of extraction units for private houses. Simple flux.
NF P05—321: 1986 Performance standardin building. Presentation of the performances of facades made
ofcomponents from the samesource.
NF P50—402: 1985 Ventilation components. Code for aerodynamic and acoustic testing of facade air
NF P90—207: 1986 Sporthalls. Acoustics.
NF S30—002: 1972 Acoustics.Standard frequencies for acoustic measurement.
NF S30—004: 1966 Acoustics.Expressing the physical andpsychophysiologicalproperties of a sound or a
NF S30—008: 1984 Acoustics. Guide to standards on the measurement of airborne acoustical noise and
evaluation of its effects on human beings.
NF S30—010: 1974 Acoustics. NR curve for the assessment of noise.
NF S30—101: 1973 Acoustics.Terminology: generaldefinitions.
NF S30—102: 1973 Acoustics. Terminology: transmission systems and transducers for sound and
156 Acoustics in the Built Environment

NF S30—103: 1973 Acoustics. Terminology: instruments.

NF S30—106: 1975 Acoustics vocabulary: architectural acoustics.
NF S31—O1O: 1987 Acoustics. Description and measurement of environmental noise: investigation of
complaints against noise in inhabited areas.
NF S31—012: 1973 Acoustics. Measuring the period ofreverberation in auditoria.
NF S31—021: 1982 Acoustics. Platform measurement of the noise emitted by ducted fans. Reduced
chamberon discharge method.
NF S31—022: 1989 Acoustics.Determination ofsound power levels ofnoise sources. Precision methodsfor
broad-band sources in reverberation rooms.
NF S31—025: 1977 Acoustics.Determination of sound powerlevels of noise sources. Part 4: Engineering
method for free fieldconditions over a reflecting plane.
NF S31—026: 1978 Acoustics. Determination of the sound power emitted by noise sources. Part V:
Laboratory methods in anechoic and semi-anechoic rooms.
NF S31—027: 1977 Acoustics.Determination ofthe level ofacoustic power emitted by noise source. Part6:
Control method for on-site measurements.
NF S31—045: 1989 Acoustics. Measurement of the acoustic insulation of building and building compo-
nents. Laboratory measurement of insulation against airborne noise of small sized
building components.
NF S31—047; 1975 Acoustics.Assessmentof speech intelligibility distances in noisy conditions.
NF S31—049: 1982 Acoustics.Measurement of the acoustic insulation of buildings and building compo-
nents. Precision specifications.
NF S31—050: 1979 Acoustics. Measurement of the acoustic insulation of building and building compo-
nents. Specifications relatingto laboratories.
NFS31—051: 1985 Acoustics. Measurement of the acoustic insulation of buildings and building compo-
nents. Laboratory measurement of insulation against airborne noise of building
NF S31—052: 1979 Acoustics. Measurement of the acoustic laboratorymeasurementof transmission of
impact noise by floors.
NF S31—053: 1979 Acoustics. Measurement of the acoustic insulation of building and building compo-
nents. Laboratory measurementof the reduction in transmission of impact noise due
to floor covering and floating floors.
NF S31—054: 1982 Acoustics. Measurement of the acoustic insulation of buildings and building compo-
nents. Investigatorymethod for the in-situ measurement ofairborne soundinsulation
between rooms.
NF S31—055: 1982 Acoustics. Measurement of the acoustic insulation of buildings and building compo-
nents. Investigatorymethod for the in-situ measurement ofairborne soundinsulation
of rooms from road traffic noise.
NF S31—056: 1982 Acoustics. Measurement of the acoustic insulation of buildings and building compo-
nents. Investigatory method for the in-situ measurement of impact sound
NF S31—057: 1982 Acoustics.Verificationof the acoustic quality of buildings.
NF S31—059: 1983 Acoustics.Test code for the measurementof noise emitted by bar guide tubes (screw
cutting industry).
NF S31—065: 1981 Acoustics. Testing of architectural acoustics. Determination of sound absorption
coefficient and impedance in a tube.
NF S31—067: 1986 Acoustics. Determination ofsound power levels ofnoise sources. Part 7: Surveymethod
usinga reference soundsource.
NF S31—109: 1983 Acoustics. Integrating sound level meters.
NFS31—11O: 1985 Acoustics.Description and measurement ofenvironmental noise. Basic quantities and
general evaluation methods.
Technical Infonnation 157

NF S32—001: 1975 Acoustics.Soundsignal for emergency evacuation.

NF X02—207: 1985 Fundamental standards. Quantities, units and symbolsofacoustics.
NF X35—108,
NF ISO 7731: 1987 Dangersignals for work places. Auditory danger signals.

British Standards
BS 648: 1964 Schedules ofweights ofbuilding materials.
BS 848 Fans for general purpose.
Part2: 1985 Methods of noise testing.
Part6: 1989 Methods of measurement offan vibration.
BS 1042
Part 1: Various dates by Pressure differential devices.
section 1981 to 1993
BS 2475: 1996 Specification for octave and one-thirdoctave band pass filters.
BS 2750: Measurement ofsound insulation in buildings and of building elements.
Part 1: 1980 Recommendations for laboratories
Part 2: 1993 Determination, verification and application of precision data.
Part 3: 1995 Laboratory measurements of airborne sound insulation of building elements.
Part 4: 1980 Field measurements of airbornesound insulation between rooms.
Part 5: 1980 Field measurements of airbornesound insulation of facade elements and facades.
Part 6: 1980 Laboratory measurements ofimpact sound insulation of floors.
Part 7: 1980 Field measurements of impact sound insulation of floors.
Part 8: 1980 Laboratory measurements of the reduction of transmitted impact noise by floor
coverings on a standardfloor.
Part 9: 1987 Method for laboratorymeasurementof room-to-room airborne sound insulation of
a suspended ceiling with a plenum above it.
BS 3593: 1986 Recommendation on preferredfrequencies for acoustical measurements.
BS 3638: 1987 Method for measurement of sound absorption in a reverberantroom.
BS EN ISO 3746: 1996 Acoustics —Determinationofsound power levels of noise sources usingsound pressure:
survey methodusing an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane.
BS4142: 1990 (under review) Method of rating industrial noise affecting mixed residential and industrial areas.
BS 4196 Soundpower levels ofnoise sources.
Part 0: 1986 Guide for the use ofbasic standards and for the preparationof noise test codes.
Part 1: 1991 Precision methodsfor determinationof sound power levels for broad-band sources
in reverberation rooms.
Part 2: 1991 Precision methods for determinationof sound power levels for discrete-frequency
and narrow-band sources in reverberation rooms.
Part 3: 1991 Engineering methodsfor determination ofsound power levels for sources in special
reverberation test rooms.
Part 4: 1981 Engineering methods for determinationof sound power levels for sources in free
field conditions over a reflecting plane.
Part 5: 1981 Precision methods for determinationof sound power level for sources in anechoic
and semi-anechoic rooms.
Part7: 1988 Survey method for determination of sound power levels of noise sources using a
reference sound source.
Part8: 1991 Specificationfor the performance and calibration of reference sound sources.
BS 4718: 1971 Methods of test for silencers for air distribution systems.
BS 4727: Part 3 Acoustics and electroacoustics terminology.
Group 08: 1985
BS 4773: 1989 Methods for testing and rating air terminaldevices for air distribution systems.
Part 2: 1989 Acoustic testing.
BS 4856 Methods for testing and rating fan coil units, unit heaters and unit coolers.
Part 4: 1978 Acousticperformance,withoutadditionalducting.
Part 5: 1979 Acousticperformance,with ducting.
158 Acoustics in the Built Environment

BS Iso 4869 Acoustics —

Hearing protectors.
Part 2: 1994 Estimation of effective A — weighted sound pressure levels when hearing protectors
are worn.
BS 4857 Methods for testing and rating terminalreheat units for air distribution systems.
Part 2: 1978 (1983) Acoustic testingand rating.
BS 5108
Part 1: 1991 Sound attenuationof hearing protectors.
BS 5135: 1995 Determination of sound power levels of noise from air terminaldevices.
BS 5228 Noise and vibration control on construction and open sites.
Part 1: 1997 Code of practice for basic information and procedures for noise and vibration
Part 2: 1997 Guide to noise and vibration control legislation for construction and demolition
including road constructions and maintenance.
Part 3: 1997 Code of practice applicable to surface coal extraction by opencastmethods.
Part 4: 1992 Code of practice for noise control applicable to piling operations.
BS 5363: 1986 Method for measurement of reverberation time in auditoria.
BS 5502: Part 32: 1996 Buildings and structures for agriculture: Guide to noise attenuation
BS 5727: 1979 Method for describing aircraft noise heard on the ground.
BS 5775, Part 7: 1979 Specificationfor quantities, units and symbols: Acoustics.
BS 5793 Industrial process control valves.
Part 8: 1991 Noise conditions.
BS 5821 Methods for rating the sound insulation in buildings and of building elements.
Part 1: 1984 Methodfor rating theairbornesoundinsulation in buildings andofinteriorbuilding
elements. (Superceded by BS ENISO 717/1 1997 at 1/9/1997)
Part 2: 1984 Method for rating the impact sound insulation. (Superceded by BS ENISO 717/2
1997 at 1/9/1997)
Part 3: 1984 Methodfor ratingthe airborne sound insulation offacade elements and facades.
BS 5969: 1981 Specificationfor sound level meters.
BS 6083 Hearingaids.
Part 3: 1991 Methods for measurement of electroacoustical characteristics of hearing aid
BS 6177: 1982 Guide to selection and use of elastomeric bearings for vibration isolation of
BS 6259: 1997 The design, planning, installation and maintenance of sound systems.
BS 6472: 1992 Guide to evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings (1Hz to 80 Hz).
BS 6611: 1985 Guide to evaluation of the response of occupants of fixed structures, especially
buildings and offshore structures, to low-frequencyhorizontal motion (0.063Hz to
1 Hz).
Part 1: 1986 Methods for determination of airborne acoustical noise emitted by householdand
similar electrical appliances.
Part 2 Sect 2.1: 1990
Part2 Sect 2.2: 1990
Part2 Sect 2.3: 1991
BS 6698: 1986 Specification for integrating-averagingsound level meters.
Amd 1: 1991
BS 6840 Sound system equipment.
Part 1: 1987 Methods for specifyingand measuring general characteristics used for equipment
Part 2: 1993 Glossaryof general terms and calculation methods.
Part 3: 1989 Methods for specifring and measuring the characteristics of sound system
Part 4: 1987 Methods for specifyingand measuring the characteristics ofmicrophones.
Part 5: 1995 Methods for specifyingand measuring the characteristics ofloudspeakers.
Technical infonnation 159

Part 6: 1987 Methods for specifying and measuring the characteristics of auxiliary passive
Part 8: 1988 Methods for specifyingand measuring the characteristics of automatic gain control
Part 9: 1987 Methods for specifyingand measuring the characteristics of artificial reverberation,
time delay and frequency shift equipment.
Part 11: 1988 Specification for application of connectors for the interconnection of sound system
Part 12: 1995 Specification for applications of connectors for broadcast and similar use.
Part 13: 1987 Guide for listening tests on loudspeakers.
Part 14: 1987 Guide for circularand elliptical loudspeakers; outer frame diameters andmounting
Part 15: 1988 Specification for matching values for the interconnection of sound system
Part 16: 1989 Guide to the 'RASTI' method for the objective rating of speech intelligibility in
Part 18: 1996 Guide for digital peak level indicator.
BS 6841: 1987 (under review) Guide to measurementand evaluation of human exposure to whole body mechanical
vibration and repeated shock.
BS 6912: Part 3: 1990 Safetyof earth-moving machinery — sound test methodfor machine-mounted forward
and reverse warning signal.
BS 6926: 1995 Determination of sound powerlevels of noise sources.
BS 7385 Evaluation and measurement for vibration in buildings.
Part 1: 1990 Guide for measurement ofvibrations and evaluation of their effects on buildings.
Part 2: 1993 Guide to damage levels from groundbornevibration.
BS 7443: 1991 Specificationfor sound systemsfor emergency purposes (IEC 849) (largely updatesBS
5839 'Fire detectionand alarm systems for buildings').
BS 7445 Description and measurementof environmental noise.
Part 1: 1991 Guide to quantities and procedures.
Part 2: 1991 Guide to the acquisition of data pertinent to land use.
Part 3: 1991 Guide to the application to noise limits.
BS 7458 Test code for the measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical
Part 1: 1991 Engineeringmethod for the free-field conditions over a reflecting plane.
Part 2: 1991 Survey method.
BS 7594: 1993 Code of Practice for Audio-FrequencyInductionLoop Systems(AFILS).
BS 7580, Part 2: 1995 Shortened procedurefor type 2 sound level meters.
BS 7636: 1993 Method of determination of thresholds of hearingusing sound field audiometrywith
pure tone and narrow-band test signals.
BS 7643, Part 3: 1993 Building construction: expression of users' requirements: Acousticalrequirements.
BS 7698, Part 9: 1996 Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibrations.
BS 7703, Part 1: 1993 Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound
BS 7827: 1996 Code of Practice for designing, specifying, maintaining, and operating emergency
sound systems at sports venues
BS 8233: 1987 Code of Practice for sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings.
BS 8297: 1995 Determination of sound power levels of multi-source industrial plants.
Page blank
in original
Berlin Philharmonic, 58, 62, 64
Index Bestpractical means, 33
Blockwork, 39, 43
Boilers,92, 102
Brickwork, 43, 45
BridgewaterHail, Manchester,54, 58, 59
British Gypsum,43, 44, 45, 47, 56
British Standards, 157—9
British Standards Institution, 107
Broadcasting,64, 67
Broadcastingauthorities criteria, 88
Builder's work enclosure, 102
A-weighting, 136 Builder's work penetrations, 97, 99, 102
Abatement notice, 27, 33 Building control, 3
Absorbers, fibrous,50 Building damage, 29, 30, 89
Absorption, 48, 53, 54, 143 Building regulations, 3, 5, 24, 37, 48, 70
Absorption coefficients,50, 51—2 Building services, 26
Acceleration, 29 Building vibration:
Accelerometer, 12 humanresponse, 31
Acoustic appraisal, 13
Acoustic canopies, 64
Acoustic curtains, 102 Cable routes, 115
Acoustic doorsets, 99 Calculation ofrailway noise (Dept ofTransport), 18
Acoustic laboratories, 52 Calculation ofroadtraffic noise (CORTN),14
Acoustic louvres, 101, 102 Calibrator, 12
Acoustic modeltesting, 66 Cardiff, St David'sHall, 61
Acoustic plaster, 52 Cavitywalls, 41
Acoustical parameters, 118 Ceiling panels, soundreflecting, 72
Air-handlingunits, 91, 93, 104 Ceiling reflectors, 65
Mr space, 48 Ceiling tiles, 52
Aircraft flight path, 22 Ceiling voids, 43
Aircraft frequency spectra, 21 Ceilings, 43, 51
Aircraft noise, 11, 19, 21 suspended, 43, 44
Albert Hall, seeRoyal Albert Hall Centralized plant, 98
Ambient noise level, 120 Channel tunnel, 10
American National Standards Institute, 154 Chartered Institute ofBuilding ServicesEngineers (CIBSE),87, 91, 92,
American Societyfor Testingand MaterialsStandards (ASTMS), 154—5 94, 109
American Societyof Heating, Refrigeration and Mr-Conditioning Cinemas,28, 56, 57
Engineers (ASHRAE), 87, 91, 92, 107 Cladding:
Amsterdam,Concertgebauw,57 ductsand pipes, 40, 101
Anechoic chambers, 53, 107 Clarity, 61
Annoyance, 78 ClarityindexC50, 64
Appraisals: ClarityindexC80, 64
environmental, 7, 31 Clay pigeon shooting, 28, 29
Articulation index, 128, 144 Clubs, 28, 33
ArupAcoustics,54, 59 Coincidence, 35, 42, 48
Assessment procedure: Commissioning:4
industrial noise, 28 sound systems, 116
Association ofNoise Consultants (ANC), 7, 109 Commissioningtests, 108
Atkins,W. 5., 14 Compositeconstruction, 35, 42
Atria, 75 Compression,119
Attenuation, 16, 22, 96 Compressors,104, 105
cross talk, 96 Computer-aided theatre technique (CAn),54
definition, 133 Computer rooms, 78
train noise, 18 Concert halls, 30, 57—68
Attenuators, 94, 100, 101, 107 shape, 57
Audience, 52 Concertgebauw,Amsterdam, 57
Audio Frequency Induction Loop System (AFILS), 125, 131 Condenser units, 91, 99
Auditoria modelling, 54 Conference rooms, 72, 73
Auditorium ventilation, 100 Construction noise, 11, 13, 23—6
Auralization, 54, 56 prediction of, 24
Authorities, regulatory, 3 Construction plant noise, 23
Average sound insulation index ratingRw, 38 Contours, 16
Axial fan, 92, 104 Control ofPollution Act, 23, 24
Cooling towers, 91
Background noise levels, 10, 26, 33, 45, 78, 88, 108, 116, 140 Council chambers, 67, 72
Balconyfronts, 81 Courtorder, 33
Band limitfrequencies, 138 Cross-talk, 97, 93
Banners, side wall absorbers,65 Curtains, 51
Barrier attenuation, 15 Curtains, acoustic, 102
Barriers, 23
Bass traps, 52
BBC, 80 Damping, 89
BDPAcoustics,55, 56 Damping, edge, 48
Belfast, Waterfront Hall, 58, 60, 61 Daytime, 10
Beranek and Ver, 5 'Deafaid loop systems, 125
162 Index

Decibel, 134 Fan testing, 107

Density, 42, 43 Fans:
Department ofthe Environment, 23, 29 axial, 92, 104
circular 1/85, 27 centrifugal, 92
Department ofTransport, 17, 18, 20 Filter, octave band, 137
Design acoustics, 5, 35—84 Finishes, 54
Design and build, 86 floor, 52
Design discipline, 4 hard, 51
Design stages, 2, 4 flanking:
Deutlichkeit,64 path, 35, 36
Diesel engine noise, 23 transmission, 141
Diffusion,54, 61 flight path, 22
DIN (standards), 152 floors,40, 48
Directed sound,64 floating, 48, 50, 70
Directivity, 36, 38 timber, 47, 48, 49, 50
factor, 134 Footfall, 89
index, 134 noise, 64
Discontinuity, 42 Free-field measurements,9
Discotheques,28, 29, 68 French standards, 155—7
Docklands Light Railway, 17 Frequency, 132
Doors, 40, 45, 46 hand limit, 138
sliding,46 bands, 136
Doorsets, acoustics, 99 natural, 89, 90
Double glazing,39 range, 50
Double leaf, 40, 41 response, 64, 116, 117, 121, 126
Dryconstruction, 41 spectra, 11, 12, 16, 20
Drylining, 45, 69 aircraft, 21
Ducts: fan noise, 91
noise break-out,64, 96 train,00
regenerated noise, 96
riser, 97
shape, 97 Gas turbines, 93
systems, 42, 95, 133 Generators, 89, 92
velocities,96 German national standards, 152
Dwellings, 14 Glass fibre, 51, 52
Dynamic range, 64 Glyndebourne Opera House, 66

Early decay time, 61, 143

Early lateral energy traction, 63 Halcrow Fox, 14
Echoes, 116, 117, 126 Hail shape, 57
Education buildings,69 Hangers, 106
Electroacoustics,81, 82, 110 Health buildings,69
Electroacousticssystems, 118 Hearing:
Electro-acousticsimulators for engineers (EASE), 54 loss, 71, 132
Emissionlimits, 88 risk, 68
Enclosures,102, 103 Hclmholz resonators, 52
Envelopment, 63 Hertz, 132
Environmental: HFA noise (computer program), 14
acoustics, 5 Hospitals, 69
assessments,7, 31, 32 Hotels, 69
healthdepartment, 9, 33 Hoursofoperation, 24, 28
officer,33, 88 Housing, 69
noise, 1, 5
measures, 137
standards, 148 Ice rinks, 79, 110
Protection Act, 26, 27, 28, 33
statement, 7, 31, 32 Impact sound, 48, 107, 146
Equalization,120 Impulsivevibration excitation,31
Equipment, 11, 26, 104, 105,106 Independentlining, 43
Industrial buildings, 71
electrical, 85
locations and housing, 115 Industrial noise, 11, 32
mechanical services, 190 assessmentprocedure, 28
Inertiablock, 105, 106
rack, 124 Insertion loss, 96
refrigeration, 12, 92, 104 Institute ofAcoustics, 7
selection, 12
signal processing, 120 Instrumentation, standards for, 149
Insulation, 48
Equivalentcontinuous soundlevel, 139
Escalators, 94, 102 Intelligibility,73
European BroadcastingUnion, 79, 88 speech, 82
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 107
Evening, 10 International standards, 150—7
Intensity level, 134
Inverse square law, 117
Facilities, airflow testing, 107 IR systems, 125
Fan coil units,99 Isolation, 48
Fan noise, calculation of, 90, 94, 95 Isolators, 106
Index 163

Jordan Akustik, 57 aircraft, 11, 19, 21

and NumberIndex (NNI), 20, 21, 140
and Statutory Nuisance Act, 26
LAb, 11, 13 at Work Regulations, 2
LA90, 11, 26 barriers, 22
LAeq, 11, 13, 20, 21, 26, 29 break-in, 60
IAmax, 11 break-out, 38
Laboratories,89 duct, 64
Laboratory tests, 107 climate,external, 38
Lamination, 48 construction, 11, 13, 23—6
Land Compensation Act, 13 control, 26, 28, 85
Landfillsites, 27 building services, 100, 101
Lateral efficiency, 59, 61 criterion (NC), 87, 145
Law courts, 64, 67, 68 definition, 132
Lecture theatres, 67 diesel engine, 23
Lecture rooms, 72 exposure categories, 13, 18, 20
Legislation,2, 3, 17, 23, 26 external, 88
Leisure noise, 28 fan, 90, 94
Libraries,73 footfall, 64
Lifts, 94, 102 industrial, 11, 32
Lighting, 94 assessmentprocedure, 28
LinkOping ConcertHaIl, 66 insulation regulations, 13
Local authority, 24, 26 Insulation (Railways and OtherGuided Transport Systems)
Locomotives, 19, 20 Regulations1995, 17
Loudness, 116 intermittent, 89
Loudspeaker(s): levels:
coverage,121 averaging,133
line losses, 125 boilerroom, 93
re-entrant horn, 121 plant, 23
signal distribution, 123 rail, 11, 17, 19
Louvres,acoustic,101, 102 rail, calculation of, 18
ratingnumber (NR), 50, 145
ratings, 69, 87
Manchester,BridgewaterHall, 54, 58, 59 regenerated, 94, 96
Masonry, 39, 41, 45 sensing, 120
Mass, 43 services,5, 85—109
Mass law, 35, 38, 41 traffic, 12, 13, 14, 15
Measurement: traffic, calculation (CORTN), 14
free-field,9 transportation,12
locations,9, 12 control of, 22
percentage alcons, 129 Norris—Eyring equation, 53, 143
sound system intelligibility, 126
units, 11, 20, 23
vibration, 9, 11 Octave band, 137
Measurements,56 Odense concerthall, 57
Mechanicalservices, standards, 149
ODEON,54, 55, 59
Meeting rooms, 67 Offices, 18, 75, 78, 89
Metalfabrication, 26
Microphone, 10, 118, 119 open plan,77
height, 9 Opera houses, 67, 80, 83
MIDAS, 59 Orchestras, 52, 64, 68
Mineral extraction, 26, 27, 31 pits, 67
Mineral wool, 52 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
MinistryofDefence, 20 Overhead reflectors,61
Model, physical, 54, 61 Overhead soundabsorbers, 53
Monitoring, 10
vibration, 10
Mounts,antivibration, 104, 106
Multiplex cinemas,56, 57, 67 Panels, 51
Multi-use, 64, 67 Partitions, 35, 43
Museums, 73 folding, 43
Music noise, 29 stud, 39
Music practice rooms, 73, 74, 76, 77 Pascal, 132
Musicians, 64 Pathdifference, 15, 22
Musikvereinsaal, Vienna, 57 Percentage alcons, 129, 131
Peutz and Associates BV, 56
Physical model, 54, 61
National MeasurementAccreditation Service (NAMAS), 11, 46 Piling, 23
Newdevelopments, 30 Pistonphone, 12
Night clubs, 28, 33 Planning conditions, 27, 32
Night-time,10 Planning permission,3, 13, 18
NNI, see Noise and Number Index Plant:
Noise: air-eonditioning,85
abatement notice, 27, 33 external, 99, 103
Act 1996, 2 mobile, 25
AdvisoryCouncil, 16, 29 noise, 23
air conditioning, 87 stationary,25
164 Index

Plant rooms, 85, 99 Separation, 36

absorption, 99 Servicepenetrations, 93, 99
structure, 99 Services:
Plaster,acoustic,52 noise, 5, 85—109
Plenum chambers, 98 advice timing, 86
Pop concerts, 29 design criteria, 87
Power amplifiers,120 piped,85
Power train noise, 12 Sheetmaterials, 39
Pre-amplifsers, 19 Shopping malls,53
Prediction: construction site noise, 24, 25 Signal:
PreferredNoise Criterion (PNC), 145 direct-to-reverberant, 127
Priorconsent, 24 distribution, 123
Privacy, 69, 77, 78 Signal-to-noise ratio, 116, 117, 127
Publications:reference, 3 Silencers,28, 93, 96
Pumps, 104, 105 Silencing,85
Pure tone audiometry, 71 Single event roadvehicle noise, 16
Single glazing, 39
boundary, 85
Quadratic residue sequence, 64 survey, 8, 12
Quilt, 40 Slant distance, 22
Sound, 1, 132
absorbers,overhead, 53
Radio facilities, 79 absorption, 48
Rail noise, 11, 17, 19 coefficient,144
attenuation, 18 Attenuators Ltd, 48, 50
Railway Noise Insulation Regulations, 17 decay analysis, 55
Rapid Speech TransmissionIndex (RASTI), 54, 128, 130,131 exposure level, 17, 140
definition, 145 insulation, 35, 48, 140
Ratio of early to late energy, 63 standards for, 149
Ratio of early to reverberant energy, 59 leaks, 42
Real timeanalyser, 12 level difference, 35, 37, 141
standardized, 142
Recording, 64
Recording studios, 79 power:
Reflection,54 level, 136
Refrigeration equipment, 12, 92, 104 measurement, standards for, 148
Regenerated noise, 94, 96 pressure level, 118, 133,135
Regulatory authorities, 4 maximum, 139
Renton Howard Wood Levin,59 octave band, 137
Resilience, 104 peak, 140
Re-radiation, 42 reverberant, 53, 143
Resonances,52, 104 reduction index (SRI), 37, 39, 40, 140
partition, 35, 42 composite construction, 142
Resonant frequency, 40 reinforcement systems, 59, 110—13
definition, 146 standards for, 148
Reverberation, 116, 117, 127 Research Laboratories,5, 68, 91
time, 52, 53, 59, 64, 67, 68, 77, 79, 120, 140 systemintelligibilitymeasurement, 126
Riser ducts, 97 systems, 5, 110—31
Roadnoise, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22 design checklist, 114
computerprogram, 14 input requirements, 115
Robinson and Mcllwaine, 61 quality, 114
transmission class, 141
Rolling noise, 12
Roofs, 42 coefficient, 141
flat,43 Spatial impression,63
lightweight,43 Speech intelligibility, 82, 125
Room(s): interference level, 145
acoustics, 36, 38, 54 privacy, 45, 88, 128
radius, 144 reinforcement, 68
reverberation, 107 transmission index, 146
units, 98 transmission tests, 130
Royal Albert Hall London, 54, 63 Sports stadia, 110
Standardized soundlevel difference DnT, 142
Standards, 148—59
American, 154—5
St. David's Hall, Cardiff, 61 British, 157—69
Sabine equation, 53, 144 French, 155—7
Sabine RT, 61, 63 German, 152—4
Sample periods, 12 International, 150—7
Sandy Brown Associates, 60 Standby diesels, 105
Schools, 69 Static deflection, 90, 104, 106
Screens, 102, 103 Statutes, 3
SEL (Sound exposure level), 11, 17, 20 Stiffness,35, 42, 48
Seating, 58, 64 Structureborne noise, 23, 25, 30, 89, 142
vineyard,58, 62 Studios, 30, 43, 52
Seats, 52, 65 modular, 80
SegestromHall, California,58, 66 production, 46
Separating walls, 57, 70 recording, 79
Index 165

Surfaces,reflecting, 72 Ventilation noise, 57, 69, 94

Survey procedure, 9 Ventilation openings, 99
Swimmingpools, 79, 110 Vibration, 5, 85—109, 147
acceptable levels, 29
groundborne, 29
Technical information, 132—59 Vibration isolation,90, 93, 102, 104, 105, 106
Televisionfacilities,79 Vibration levels, 30
Temperature inversions, 11 Vibration measurement, 9, 11
Ten-pin bowling, 28, 33 standards for, 149
Tests: Vibration monitoring, 10
commissioning,108 Vibration transmission,89, 93
laboratory, 107 Video conferencing, 73
works, 107 Vienna, Musikvereinsaal, 57
Theatres, 67, 69, 80 Vineyard seating, 58, 62
Timber Research and DevelopmentAssociation (TRAI)A), 49 Voids, ceiling, 43
Trading rooms, 83 Volume,58
noise, 12, 13, 14, 15
speed, 15 Walls, 43
Trains, frequency spectra, 20
se€ also Rail Water-skiing, 29
Waterfront Hall, Belfast, 58, 60, 61
Transfer grilles,97 Weather, 10, 11, 12
Transformers, 105 Weighted normalized impact soundlevel, 147
Weighted sound reduction indexRw, 142
flanking, 141 Weighted standardized level difference (D,,T), 37, 143
loss, 141 Weightingnetworks, 136
path, specthcation, 137
suites, 107 Wellington TownHall, New Zealand, 63
Transportation noise, controlof, 22 Windfarms, 32
Treatments, 51 Windows,48, 69
Winds, 10
Units, measurements, 11, 13, 17, 20, 23, 28, 29 Wiring, 124
WycombeEntertainments Centre, 66

Valves, 94
Velocity, 29 Young's modulus, 42
Ventilation,64, 108
auditorium, 100
natural, 2, 14, 75 Zoning, 78

Acoustics in the Built Environment is an invaluable

work of reference for the building professional,covering all

aspects of acoustics. It is unique in its range of topics: the

environment, transport infrastructure, building design,

building systems and buildings in use. Each section has been

contributed by an expert in the field, and updatedin the light

of current legislation for this second edition.

The book presents information relevant to the day-to-day

work of project design teams in a concise, readily accessible

and usable form. Frequent reference is made to appropriate

Standards, Acts of Parliament and other prescriptive

documents,which can be cited in performancespecifications.

Its broad range of subject matter and its ease of use make

Acoustics in the Built Environment an indispensable

source of information for anyone concerned with building

acoustics, whether they are architects, planners, engineers

or environmentalhealth officers.

A qualified acoustician and architect of long experiences

Duncan Templeton has co-written three other books on

architectural acoustics arid worked closely with his co-

authors ofthis work on manyoccasions.

ISBN 0—7506—3644—0

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9 780750 636445


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