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26-1: The Reflection of Light

Wave Fronts and Rays

Ch. 26: Geometrical Wave front: a surface on which E is a maximum.

Figure 25-3: Plane Wave


*For this wave, the wave fronts are a series of planes.

Rays: lines drawn in the direction of propagation. Law of reflection: angle of incidence = angle of reflection

Figure 26-2 Figure 26-3

“point source” Plane wave

Angle of incidence: angle that incident ray makes with normal.

*At great distances, point source looks like plane wave. Angle of reflection: angle that reflected ray makes with normal.

Figure 26-8 Figure 26-9

Spherical mirrors: shaped like a section of a sphere. 2 kinds of spherical mirrors: convex, concave

Concave spherical mirror Convex spherical mirror

Figure 26-10 Figure 26-11

Convex mirror

Focal length: f = − R (convex mirror)

Paraxial rays parallel to principal axis extend back to single point called focal point. 2

Paraxial: near the principal axis Sign convention:

Distances behind mirror negative.
Distances in front of mirror positive.

Figure 26-12
Concave mirror
Sec. 26-4: Ray Tracing and Mirror Equation

3 important rays called principal rays:

1. Parallel ray (“P ray”): ray coming in parallel to principal axis.

Reflects through focal point.
2. Focal ray (“F ray”): ray drawn through focal point. Reflects
parallel to principal axis.
3. Center-of-curvature ray (“C ray”): ray drawn through center
of curvature. Reflects back along line of incidence.

These rays determine the size and orientation of the

Paraxial rays parallel to principal axis now reflect back through focal point on image!
same side of mirror.
Focal length: f = R (concave mirror)

Figure 26-14 Figure 26-15

Convex mirror

Figure 26-17
Figure 26-16

light rays appear to diverge from here

Virtual image: no light rays really emanating from the image (no light at
the location of the image).

Figure 26-18
Summary: Convex mirrors Concave mirror (object distance do > f)

Image is:
Behind mirrror
Right-side up
Smaller than object observer
Virtual observer
Object distance do > R Object distance do < R

Image is: Image is:

• Inverted • Inverted
• Smaller than object • larger than object
• In front of mirror (closer to • In front of mirror (farther
mirror than object is) away than object is)
• real • real

Example 26-3 Figure 26-19
Deriving the Mirror Equation
Concave mirror (object distance do < f)


Image is:
• Right-side up
ho = do 1 1 1
• larger than object
−hi di Mirror Equation: d + d = f
o i
• behind mirror
• virtual

Magnification: Sec. 26-5: Refraction of Light

m≡ i
Saw in Ch. 25 that speed of light in vacuum is c = 3.00×108 m/s
m =− i When light travels through a different material, it slows down:
v = nc

n is called the index of refraction of the material

nvacuum = 1 (exactly)
nair =1.000293
nwater =1.33 Table 26-2, p. 864
nglass ≈1.5

Light also bends (changes direction), when entering different material.

This bending called refraction.

Figure 26-24
Exercise 26-4
nair =1.00 nair =1.00
Snell’s Law: n sinθ = n sinθ Willebrord Snell (1621)
1 1 2 2

“normal” “normal”

nair ≈ 1.00 nair ≈ 1.00

nwater = 1.33 nglass ≈ 1.5

nglass =1.5

angles θ1 &θ2 measured relative to normal.

when going from low n to high n, bends toward normal midline
when going from high n to low n, bends away from normal Thin lens approximation: In limit as slab gets thinner and thinner, can
say that all refraction takes place pretty much at center (midline).

Sec. 26-6: Ray Tracing for Lenses Converging and Diverging Lenses: A First Look
Figure 26-29
Figure 26-30 Figure 26-31
Two Basic Categories of Lenses: Converging (convex) Diverging (concave)
• converging: focuses parallel rays so that they converge to a point on other side.
• diverging: bends parallel rays outward so that they diverge on other side. nglass =1.5 nglass =1.5

nair =1.00
nair =1.00 nair =1.00
nair =1.00
focal point

focal point

Diverging Lenses – A Closer Look

As with mirrors, can determine size and orientation of

image by considering three important rays called
principal rays: Parallel ray (“P ray”): parallel to principal axis. Refracted ray
extrapolates back through focal point.
Focal-point Ray (“F ray”): ray directed toward focal point on other
1. Parallel ray (“P ray”): ray drawn parallel to principal axis side of lens. Refracts parallel to principal axis.
2. Focal ray (“F ray”): ray drawn through focal point Midpoint Ray (“M ray”): ray from object through midpoint of lens.
3. Midpoint ray (“M ray”): ray drawn through midpoint Goes through undeflected.

Figure 26-33
Figure 26-34


Image is:
on same side of lens as object
Right-side up
To find image, find intersection of all three principal rays…
Smaller than object
closer to lens than object is
Virtual (there’s no light really emanating from point P′ )

Converging Lenses – A Closer Look
Figure 26-32 Locating image for converging lens is a bit
more complicated than for diverging lens.
Depends on where the object is located.

Parallel ray (“P ray”): parallel to principal axis. Refracts through

focal point on other side of lens.
Focal-point Ray (“F ray”): passes through focal point on left side
of lens (before hitting lens). Refracts parallel to principal axis.
Midpoint Ray (“M ray”): passes through midpoint of lens

Figure 26-35 Sec. 26-7: The Thin-lens Equation

Figure 26-36

ho = −hi (1)
f di − f

object farther away than focal point object closer than focal point 1= 1 +1
f do di
(Thin-lens eq.)
Image: Image:
on other side of lens on same side of lens as object
inverted right-side up ho = − hi
real virtual do di
can be smaller than object or larger than object
larger than it

Magnification: •Sec 26-1
•Sec 26-2
hi •Sec 26-3
m≡ •Sec 26-4
•Sec 26-5 (skip “Total Internal Reflection”, “Total Polarization”)
di •Sec 26-6
m =− •Sec 26-7
p. 874: Sign conventions. Don’t worry about “virtual objects” in last line. •Sec 26-8

HW #8 (Chapter 26):
•CQ: 7, 13, 28
•Probs: 3, 5, 11, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 37,
46, 47, 57, 59 (also calculate the image location), 74, 90

Take-home Quiz (Due Mon., Nov. 29):

•Prob. #72, Ch. 25 (end of chapter)

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