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AHS 8100 Learning Contract September 20, 2018 Student: Carol King-Ries Field Supervisor: Elisha Jenkins Organization: Delaware Division for the Visually Impaired knowledge Goals: Goal 1: Learn about the demographics that DVI serves, the services they offer, and the goals for the organization, Strategies: © Review DVI org. charts © Review departmental annual reports for past year, * Research and review health statistics for sight impairments in Delaware Talk with management level employees of the department to discover their function and roles Assessment: © Create a Power Point presentation about DV! Goal 2: I will become familiar with the Volunteer Program, its participants, and its needs. Strategies: ‘© Meet with the Volunteer Coordinator to discuss the program © Meet with others in the Volunteer Program to discover roles and function © Review the annual volunteer report Assessment: © Write a report about the volunteer program with emphasis on strengths and needs Goal 3: | will become familiar with DVI's parent engagement and enrichment efforts, results, and goals. Strategies: ‘© Talk with the VR manager about the Transition parent engagement efforts ‘+ Talk with the Education manager about the parent engagement efforts ‘+ Research parent engagement programs for students with disabilities ‘+ Research area (PA and MD) programs parent engagement efforts Assessment: © Create a report concerning findings about parent engagement for our population Skills Goals: Goal 4: Enhance my research and grant preparation skills. Strategies: + Research peer-reviewed articles on effective volunteer management * Attend Delaware Association of Volunteer administrator meeting «Research grants for supporting volunteer program needs such as background checks, training, and orientation Assessments: + Create a report concerning available grant support for volunteer services + Ifa.grantis available, write a grant proposal for DVI Goal 5: Enhance my program design and implementation skills. Strategies: * Utilize gained knowledge of parent engagement to develop a survey for parents to assess needs, expectations, and desires of parents. © Facilitate a discussion with Education, VR, and Communications concerning plans for parent engagement. Assessments: * Create a report with the results of the parent's survey + Create a report with the results of the ED., VR, and Communications meeting © Draft a plan for parent engagement that will address results # Present the plan to all stakeholders Personal Development Goals: Goal 6: Become more effective at working independently in the workplace: Strategies: Interact with Orientation & Mobility to develop strategies for independently navigating in environments, © Work with the Technology group to develop better strategies for using technology more independently. Assessment: Get feadback from field supervisor, O & M, and Tech. personnel on my growth, Goal 7; Enhance my interpersonal skills with regards to oral and written communications, Strategies: © Have supervisors review written reports © After meeting with managers, ask direct questions about my communication style and possible improvements. Assessment: © Get feedback from managers and site supervisor on my written and oral communications.

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