Ahs 8100 Week 2 Review 180921

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Carol King-Ries Wilmington University:

Week 2 Review September 22, 2018

Time Account:

Tuesday, 9/18/18 9am – 3:30 pm

6.5 hours DVI Offices

Thursday, 9/20/18 8:30 am – 3 pm

6.5 hours DVI offices

Total: 13 hours this week

24 hours to date


This week went well. I met with Shirley Bryson, manager of the Vocational Rehabilitation group. We
talked about the Workforce Innovations Opportunity Act and how that was changing their work; the
Transition work with youth age 14-24; and about parent engagement.

I also met with the Communications officer, Debbie Talley. She talked with me about how the uses of
tools were changing. The use of Facebook is increasing, and that they also use LinkedIn and Twitter.
These types of social media are picking up the gaps in communication. She also talked about how she is
trying to start a closed Facebook group with DVI parents. I thought this was an interesting plan.

I also spoke with Erin Weaver, the Education principal. We discussed her staff, student demographics,
and challenges. We talk about their work with parents, and some of the issues they had around
engagement and the missed Space camp opportunity. She mentioned that they did a parent survey at
the end of June. She did not know the number of parents surveyed or what the results were. I
requested to meet the people who drafted the survey so that I could understand their process, results
and the tool they used. I do not want to re-invent the wheel.
Task Assigned:

 Create a draft survey for Parent Engagement

Given by E. Jenkins


 Research WIOA and WINTAC

Given by S. Bryson

In progress

 Review DVI Strategic plan

Given by E. Jenkins

In Progress

Task I have assigned myself:

 Find my way around the maze of DVI offices

In progress

 Review the Org. Chart for DVI

Get from Michelle next week

 Create a list of people to talk with and review with Elisha

In progress

 Draft the outline of my Internship plan to review with Elisha


 Meet with Education survey team (?)

Start next week

 Research Volunteer support grants

Start next week

 Get Annual Volunteer report from R. Huber

Next week

Schedule for next week:

Tuesday and Thursday

9 am to 3 pm DVI Offices

People I met with:

Shirley Bryson Vocational Rehab Manager

Debbie Talley Communications Officer

Erin Weaver Education Principal

Malvern Slaughter Technology

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