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Carol King-Ries Wilmington University:

Week 3 Review September 30, 2018

Time Account:

Tuesday, 9/25/18 9am – 3:30 pm

6.5 hours DVI Offices

Thursday, 9/27/18 8:30 am – 3 pm

6.5 hours DVI offices

Total: 13 hours this week

37 hours to date


This week was fairly slow. I met with the Policy Administrator, Andy Kloepser, and we talked about the
various projects he manages. We briefly discussed the VISTA project, service continuity planning, his
oversight of federal and state policy compliance, and his role in safety. I spoke with Erin Weaver about
getting information for the survey and contacting parents. I attended a department Town Hall meeting
where projects were discussed and fire safety was featured. I began to research parent engagement
tools and grants for volunteer services. I also got in touch with Chandler Sickmund, a TVI, to discuss the
parent survey they sent out last June. They received 10 responses. I got the primary information they
were trying to gain from the survey, and she also gave me some insight on what parents may need to
make their collaboration even more successful. We talked about having parent events in places that
were more social, and having family night on different days. I thought it was an enlightening
conversation. As I told her, I am at DVI to learn, and I think I learned a great deal from her. Finally, I
missed my supervision appointment this week. We set the time for Wednesday, and I forgot to put it on
my calendar. I will use my calendar more effectively to avoid this in the future.

Task Assigned:

 Integrate the June survey questions into my survey

In progress
 Research WIOA and WINTAC

Given by S. Bryson


 Review DVI Strategic plan

Given by E. Jenkins

In Progress

Task I have assigned myself:

 Find my way around the maze of DVI offices

In progress

 Review the Org. Chart for DVI

Get from Michelle next week

 Create a list of people to talk with and review with Elisha

In progress

 Meet with Education survey team

Initial meeting accomplished

 Research Volunteer support grants

In progress

 Get Annual Volunteer report from R. Huber

Next week
Schedule for next week:

Tuesday and Thursday

9 am to 3 pm DVI Offices

People I met with:

Andy Kloepser Policy Administrator

Chandler Sickmund TVI/Parent survey

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