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Student Name: Jada Cuthbertson

Student Email:
Student Cell Phone: 704-999-3426

Safety Schools: North Carolina Central University

Solid Fit Schools: NC A&T, UNC Charlotte, and UNC Greensboro
Reach Schools:
List Institutions & Dates You Want Recommendations Sent (Leave blank if unsure & will forward later.):

• List possible Programs of Study/Potential Majors:

Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
• Have you taken any additional courses or completed additional programs
separate from the high school? Examples of this are Internship Credits,
Courses at Community College, Summer Programs etc.
College Courses Completed: Current/Future College Courses:
- American History I - Dance Appreciation
- American History II - Microeconomics
- Introduction to Business - Precalculus Trigonometry
- Public Speaking - Macroeconomics
- Statistics - Calculus
- Precalculus Algebra - English
- College Transfer Success -Biology
Summer Programs:
- STEM Program (CPCC)
• What AP courses have you taken, or do you plan to take before graduation?
Provide the earned grade for these courses, if applicable.
Have not taken any AP, all my courses have been Honors or at the college level.
• List any awards or honors. Start with most recent.
Award Awarded For Year Received
Earned a grade point average of 3.5 or higher
while enrolled in at least 12 credit hours with no Spring Semester
Dean’s List incomplete or withdrawal grades. 2018
Receiving all A’s or B’s throughout my high
A/B Honor Roll school academic career. 2015-2017
All Conference
Volleyball) Making the conference team. 2017
(Varsity Volleyball) Most valuable player of the year. 2017
GRIT Award
(STEM Program) Working hard and participating during the program. 2017
Challenge Award Winning the programmer challenge during the
(STEM Program) program. 2017

• Regardless of the grade received, what has/have been your favorite school
course(s) and why do/did you enjoy them?
Course Why I enjoyed the course
I enjoyed this course because it was way different than any other course I
have taken. This course allowed me to get a feel for all the STEM fields
combined. Although it happened to be one of my most challenging classes it
kept me intrigued to stay on top of all my classwork. One project we
completed involved coding/programming, where me made a little robot figure
Honors and had to program it to move and walk in different ways. This is one project
PLTW: I will never forget because I started out not knowing how to do it, but when I
Engineering continued to practice the skill I ended up loving it and would do it again.
I enjoy all math classes, I happen to have a natural love for math. One reason
is because I never get bored, there is always something new to learn, or add
on and build to what you already know or being able to freshen up skills you
already have. Another reason is because I like to think about math as a puzzle,
on tests you’re always trying to figure out that missing piece or the answer
that makes the puzzle complete and question correct. I always want to be able
Honors to figure out the correct answer on my own so if I do not get it the first time I
Math practice repeatedly until I have mastered it.
• What do you consider to be your academic weakness and how do you manage
it? Please keep response to a maximum of 60 words.
My academic weakness is procrastination. I tend to postpone working on projects or
assignments until the last day before it is due, causing me to not work to my fullest potential.
Recently I have decided to try to change this, so I am using a calendar to record all due dates
for me to stay ahead.
• Describe a/an experience/class/teacher/project/lab/movie/book, etc. that
changed your viewpoint or attitude in some way. Describe the experience.
Explain why it changed you. Please keep response to a maximum of 60 words.
One class that has changed my viewpoint is College Transfer Success. This class encouraged
me to make realistic goals for the future, a lot of times I may want to achieve random goals in
life, but I am not thinking rationally. This class allowed me to set goals that are in my reach
and make the necessary steps toward them.
• Three words that best describe you:
Responsible, Reliable, Authentic

• In the section below indicate any extracurricular activities that you participate
in at the high school. Indicate if you held an office/ special
position/responsibility with in any extracurricular activity listed. Please list
them in order of most recent involvement:

Time Years
Activity Description Commitment Participated Position
Includes playing and Five days a Team
Varsity competing in volleyball week during Leader/
Volleyball at a high level. fall semester. Four Participant
Includes hands-on
service projects, fun
networking and social One meeting
activities, every month
professional with service
development learning on
Rotoract Club opportunities, and an the weekends. Two Participant
international network
of young leaders.
Included working on
STEM projects and
STEM meeting with
Program professionals in the Twice a week
(CPCC) STEM field. for one month. One Participant
Participated in
business learning
Wells Fargo workshops. Once a month. One Participant

• List and describe any non-school related activities or community service

activities below:
Time Years
Activity Description Commitment Participated Position
Held annually the
Association Walk to
End Alzheimer’s is
the world’s largest
event to raise
awareness and funds
Alzheimer’s for Alzheimer’s care,
Walk support and research. Yearly Three Participant
Loaves and Stocked shelves for
Fishes the food pantry. 6hrs One Participant
- Facilitated
elderly home
- Cleaned the
property of
Hands on - MLK Service
Charlotte Day 20hrs One Participant
Summer Assisted in coaching
Volleyball a summer volleyball Assistant
Camp camp. 18hrs One Coach
Pleasant Hill
Baptist Served food during a
Church Church event. 3hrs One Participant
YBLA program is a Twice every
YBLA Top competitive month for the
Scholar leadership program duration of the
Program that includes school year. One Participant
individual and team
challenges, points,
and awards. The
purpose is to provide
leadership training to
our young black
leaders in a fun and
interactive way. This
model will allow
students to become
empowered and
equipped to directly
impact their peers
and community.

Participated in
vmxWinter multiple worship
Church services and teen Overnight
Meeting building workshops. four-day trip. One Participant

• List and describe any work experience you have had:

Description of Hours per School
Job Grade
Employer job Week Yr?
Y or N
As a team member
you are responsible
for creating the
experience for all
guests by upholding
our standards in
guest care, product
quality, store
Menchie’s Robin environment and
Frozen Yogurt Ford cleanliness. 12 Y 11th
As a team member
you are responsible
for creating the
experience for all
guests by upholding
our standards in
guest care, product
quality, store
Menchie’s Domeica environment and
Frozen Yogurt White cleanliness. 18 Y 12th
Parent / Guardian Brag Sheet
Student Name: Jada Cuthbertson
Name of Person(s) Writing: Deloris Cuthbertson
Relationship to Student: Mother

• The words that first come to mind to describe our daughter/son are:
Trustworthy, Honest, Responsible, and Practical
• Our daughters/son’s strengths, weaknesses, & challenges are:
Strength Independent
Weakness Shy
Challenge Being adventurous and becoming outgoing

• We think she/he would succeed in the following college/university environment:

(e.g.: size, religious affiliation, location, residency status, etc.)
College/University, middle-sized university, NC residency
• In what ways has your daughter/son exhibited growth, leadership skills, or
- Displays outstanding teamwork while playing on school and travel volleyball clubs
since the age of ten
- Grown to be an extraordinary teammate that leads by example
- Exhibits leadership skills on her job when becoming a Shift Lead
• Are there any special circumstances, unusual challenges that you think I should
know about to help me write a good letter. If so, please explain.
Jada has been very instrumental in taking on more responsibilities in the household. She
has been asked to do more while parents are required to provide more care for ill

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