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Rachel Thrun

Writing Learning Objectives

My colleagues support the idea of in-person student presentations, but express concern that students do
not know how to create a professionally looking slideshow. My colleagues don’t feel confident in teaching
students the qualities of a well designed presentation. I’ve been asked to create a training session for my
middle school colleagues on how to teach students how to create a professional presentation.

PART 1: Write learning objectives

Key: condition, audience, behavior, criterion

During the training on effective presentations, educators will:

 analyze provided slideshow presentations and explain at least 3 changes they would make
to the sample presentation design.

After attending a training on effective presentations, educators will:

 create a slideshow about professional slideshow design to show to their students, which will
be evaluated by the training instructor and expected to score at least a 15 on the evaluative

 reflect on their confidence teaching students the qualities of a well designed presentation to
show a 20% increase in their confidence by completing a post training survey.

PART 2: Assessment
#1: During the training session, my learners will engage in a formative assessment activity that allows me
as the instructor, and them as the learner, to gauge how well they are understanding the concept of
characteristics of good design. For this formative assessment, learners will complete this handout. (Notes:
learners will have digital access to this handout and presentation links via Google Docs, more
presentation samples would be provided). As the instructor, I would do an informal evaluation as I
observed the learner’s handouts and held discussions with them while they work, and as a “whole class”.

#2: After my training, my learners are to create a slideshow that they would present to their students on
how to design a good slideshow. This slideshow should demonstrate the characteristics of well designed
presentation and will be evaluated using a rubric. The idea of this rubric is to evaluate the learner’s ability
to properly design a presentation, and this same rubric can be used by the educator to evaluate their

#3: In the scenario it’s noted that my colleagues do not feel confident in teaching students the qualities of
a well designed presentation. In order for my learners to reflect and see growth in their confidence and
knowledge of this training topic, they will take a pre survey, and after the training they will take a post
survey. The pre and post survey is designed to be almost identical to be able to easily compare their
attitudes. The survey is intended to serve as a method of self reflection, but will also show me, the trainer
the attitudes of the learners pre and post training. More questions may be added depending on the
analysis of the learners and a thoughtful full implementation plan for this scenario.
Formative Assessment Sample Handout
Directions: View the linked presentations at your own pace, and then explain at least three design
changes you would make to this presentation.

Presentation Samples Explanation of Changes

Change #1:

Bees Change #2:

Change #3:

Change #1:

My Presentation Change #2:

Change #3:

Slideshow Creation Evaluative Rubric

NOTE: The content on this rubric below comes from parts of the following rubrics:

Below Basic Basic Good Excellent

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Presentation is not
Presentation may Presentation is
sequential or Presentation is
not be sequential sequential, logical
logical and it may sequential, logical
Content- or logical but the and effectively
be hard for the and audience
Organization audience conveys the meaning
audience to understands the
understands the and purpose to the
understand the purpose
purpose. audience.

Has only basic Shows a basic Demonstrates a Demonstrates an in

understanding of understanding of firm grasp of the depth understanding
content. content. content. of content.
The layout is The layout shows
The layout is visually
cluttered, some structure,
The layout uses pleasing and
confusing, and but appears
horizontal and contributes to the
does not use cluttered and busy
Visual vertical white overall message with
spacing, headings or distracting with
Appearance- space appropriate use of
and subheadings large gaps of
Layout appropriately. headings,
to enhance the white space or
subheadings and
readability. uses a distracting
white space.

The fonts are easy to

read and point size
varies appropriately
for headings and text.
The text is
Overall readability Sometimes the
extremely difficult
is difficult with fonts are easy to Use of italics, bold,
to read with long
lengthy read, but in a few and indentations
blocks of text and
paragraphs, too places the use of enhances readability.
small point size of
many different fonts, italics, bold,
Visual fonts, inappropriate
fonts, dark or busy long paragraphs,
Appearance- contrasting colors, Text is appropriate in
background, color or busy
Text poor use of length for the target
overuse of bold or background
headings, audience and to the
lack of appropriate detracts and does
subheadings, point.
indentations of not enhance
indentations, or
text. readability.
bold formatting. The background and
colors enhance the
readability of text.

Graphics do not All graphics and All graphics are

directly relate to content are related to the topic
the topic or detract Most graphics related to the topic and make it easier to
from the relate to the topic. and most make it understand the
Visual presentations. easier to presentation.
Appearance- understand.
The graphics and
Graphics Many graphics and content are hardly Graphics and content
content are small identified. Most graphics and are clear and easily
or unclear. content are clear. viewed.

Pre and Post Survey Questions

1. How would you rate your ability to design a professionally looking slideshow

Not at all Confident Somewhat Confident Very Confident

2. How confident are you in teaching your students how to design a professionally
looking slideshow?

Not at all Confident Somewhat Confident Very Confident

3. Create a list of the qualities a well designed slideshow presentation has.

4. Pre Question Only: Why do you feel you lack in confidence teaching students
how to create a well designed slideshow?

5. Post Question Only: How has this training helped you improve your confidence in
teaching students how to create a well designed slideshow?

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