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Questionnaire second
language learners

1. Are you a man or a woman?

… Man
… Woman

2. How old are you?

… years old

3. Are you left-handed or right-handed?

… left-handed
… right-handed

4. Where were you born?


5. How long did you live there?

... years

6. What is your native language?

7. How old were you when you arrived in the Netherlands?

8. Since when have you lived in the Netherlands?


9. Did you also live in any other country? If so, how long and what
language was most important there for daily life?
… years in Language:

… years in Language:

… years in Language:

10. Do you speak other languages than your native language and Dutch?
… No
… Yes, namely

11. If you answered “yes” to question 10, could you please indicate how
old you were when you started learning those languages and with
whom you speak/spoke those languages or in which situations (for
example in shops, with friends, at home, at work)

Language: Age: … Years old

I speak/spoke this language in the following situations / with the

following people:

Language: Age: … Years old

I speak/spoke this language in the following situations / with the

following people:

Language: Age: … Years old

I speak/spoke this language in the following situations / with the

following people:


12. If you answered “yes” to question 10, could you please indicate
approximately how much you speak or have spoken these languages?

I have spoken the languages indicated in question 10

… very much (Language(s): )

… much (Language(s): )

… regularly (Language(s): )

… little (Language(s): )

… very little (Language(s): )

13. How much do you use your native language in proportion to Dutch?
… about 90% native language, 10% Dutch
… about 70% native language, 30% Dutch
… about 50% native language, 50% Dutch
… about 30% native language, 70% Dutch
… about 10% native language, 90% Dutch

14. How much do you use your native language and Dutch in
proportion to other languages you speak?

… about 90% native language/Dutch, 10% other languages

… about 80% native language/Dutch, 20% other languages
… about 70% native language/Dutch, 30% other languages
… about 60% native language/Dutch, 40% other languages
… 50% or less native language/Dutch, 50% or more other

15. With whom and in which situations do you speak Dutch?


16. With whom and in which situations do you speak your native

17. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following

a. I feel more confident in my native language than in Dutch.

I Totally I Don’t agree, I Totally

agree don’t disagree disagree
… … … … …

b. I like to speak my native language.

I Totally I Don’t agree, I Totally

agree don’t disagree disagree
… … … … …

c. I like to speak Dutch.

I Totally I Don’t agree, I Totally

agree don’t disagree disagree
… … … … …

d. I like to learn languages.

I Totally I Don’t agree, I Totally

agree don’t disagree disagree
… … … … …

e. I find it very important to use Dutch without errors.

I Totally I Don’t agree, I Totally

agree don’t disagree disagree
… … … … …


18. How good is your proficiency in Dutch at the moment?

Very poor Very good

Speaking … … … … …
Listening … … … … …
Writing … … … … …
Reading … … … … …
Grammar … … … … …
General … … … … …

19. How good is your proficiency in your mother tongue at the moment?

Very poor Very good

Speaking … … … … …
Listening … … … … …
Writing … … … … …
Reading … … … … …
Grammar … … … … …
General … … … … …

20. How good is your proficiency at the moment in the languages you
mentioned in question 10?

Language 1:

Very poor Very good

Speaking … … … … …
Listening … … … … …
Writing … … … … …
Reading … … … … …
Grammar … … … … …
General … … … … …

Language 2:

Very poor Very good

Speaking … … … … …
Listening … … … … …
Writing … … … … …
Reading … … … … …
Grammar … … … … …
General … … … … …


Language 3:

Very poor Very good

Speaking … … … … …
Listening … … … … …
Writing … … … … …
Reading … … … … …
Grammar … … … … …
General … … … … …

21. Have you attended Dutch classes?

… Yes
… No

22. Where did you attend Dutch classes?


Type of school/institute:

23. How long have you attended Dutch classes?

… weeks/months/years

24. If you have taken a Dutch course, what kind of course was it? (for
example: preparation for the state exam, speaking, translation,
general proficiency)

25. What is your highest level of education?




Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire!


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