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Class: Intro Unit: 2 Lesson: 1 Day: 1 Date: 11/2-11/3

Lesson Plan – Intro to Spanish – 2.1.1


Learning Goal 1
PG - Describe likes and dislikes as they relate to activities 1.1; 1.2; 1.3
2B Engage in conversations about leisure time activities

Key Points
- Gustar
o Me gusta _____.
o Te gusta _____?
o Le gusta _____.
o No me/te/le gusta______.
o Gusta vs. Gustan
o No me gusta para nada = I don’t like it AT ALL
- Tiempo Libre Activities
o Bailar, escuchar música, practicar deportes, nadar, correr, escribir, dibujar,
montar en monopatín (skateboard), ver la tele, cantar, montar en bicicleta,
jugar videojuegos, usar la computadora, hablar por teléfono, tocar un
instrumento, pasar tiempo con amigos, trabajar, leer, patinar (rollerskate)
- Q and A
o “Te gusta _____?
 Sí/No me gusta _______.
o Que te gusta más - ______ o______?
 Me gusta más ________.
o Que te gusta hacer?

Summative Assessment
Choose the best answer for what each person likes to do.
___________ 47. A) Juan le gusta pintar. C) Juan me gusta cantar.
B) Juan te gusta cantar. D) Juan le gusta cantar.

66. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?


Daily Assessment


Opening (Time _______)

Hacer Ahora:
Class: Intro Unit: 2 Lesson: 1 Day: 1 Date: 11/2-11/3

- Introduction to new unit

o Learned a lot of basic things in Spanish – introductory language to get us
 What did we learn? List on Board!
 Greetings
 Weather
 Time
 Calendar
 Where you are from
 Countries
 Origins
- Now, time to start learning to talk about ourselves
o What we like to do – in free time, in school
o El tiempo libre – free time

Hacer Ahora with LCD

Introduction to New Material (Time _______)

- Introduce New Material through context – Q and A with the students

- First, introduce Ss to Me gusta through TPR and vocabulary pictures
o Yo me gusta (hands over heart) practicar deportes (baseball, soccer,
o Te gusta (point at someone) practicar deportes?
o Do this for a little, then show first slide of PP
- PowerPoint slide to go with it
o First slide:
 Me gusta ______.
 I like ______.
 Te gusta _______.
 You like _______.
 Le gusta ______.
 He/She likes ________.
 Que te gusta hacer?
 What do you like to do?
- Ss don’t need to write this down on paper – will get guided notes with it on it, so
jus thave to reference it to participate in Q and A - need to listen! – we’re going
to speak!
- Q and A with the pictures – use soccer ball with some classes
o “______(name), te gusta escuchar música?”
 Hold up picture of person with headphones
Class: Intro Unit: 2 Lesson: 1 Day: 1 Date: 11/2-11/3

Ss say “sí” or “no” – write up on the board “Delsey (no) le gusta
escuchar música”
o Do this with different Ss and different vocabulary
 Go over it many times – repeat the same vocabulary a lot

- if Ss aren’t paying attention, begin to make tally chart

- Eventually, hand out guided notes to Ss

o And on PP, have the pictures to correspond with the vocabulary
o Ss copy them down, but continue with the context sentences as go through

- PP for vocab
- Guided notes (copies for Ss)
- Clip art pictures printed on construction paper

Guided Practice (Time ________)

- Listening activity – Realidades página 27, activdad 1
 Ss write sí or no
 Go slowly, let them listen to it
o Is she saying she likes to do it? Or doesn’t like to
do it?
o Have them number their papers – 1-5
o Answers: Sí, sí, no, no, sí

- realidades listening exercise

Independent Practice (Time _______)

- T-Chart (vary amount of activities depending on time left in class)

o Me gusta on one side, No me gusta on the other
o Pick 2, 3, 4 activities and put them on each side
 Have Ss share out answers if time

- then, have Ss write down sentences

o “Me gusta escuchar música”
o “ no me gusta practicar deportes”

Closing (Time ________)

- whip around and review – remind Ss it is CRUCIAL to bring notes back next
o Bonus points/pesos to Ss that do!
Class: Intro Unit: 2 Lesson: 1 Day: 1 Date: 11/2-11/3

- Homework!
o Almost exact same thing as IP, but have to do it with someone at home!
 Instead of a “Me gusta” chart, it’s a “Le gusta” chart
 Ask a family member at home to identify 4 activities they
like, and 4 they don’t like – based on the ones we learn
 Fill out the chart! Make sure to show who you interviewed!

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