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Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, one The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under
another matter, today the Senate will final matter. While the Senate was fo- the previous order, the leadership time
also vote on an effort by my Demo- cused on Justice Kavanaugh’s con- is reserved.
cratic colleagues to strip away health firmation last Friday, our economy f
insurance options for families whom
reached a major milestone. According CONCLUSION OF MORNING
ObamaCare has failed.
to the latest Department of Labor re- BUSINESS
The first 4 years of the ObamaCare
port, unemployment in the United The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning
experience was one of failure after fail-
States of America has now fallen to 3.7 business is closed.
ure—skyrocketing premiums and bro-
percent. That is the lowest unemploy-
ken websites built on broken promises. f
Many families were caught right in the ment rate since 1969. It is now 3.7 per-
middle of the ObamaCare mess—those cent—the lowest unemployment rate LEGISLATIVE SESSION
who earned too much to receive sub- since 1969. The share of Americans who The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under
sidies but not enough to keep pace with are seeking work but cannot find it is the previous order, the time until 11:30
premiums—so it became even more im- as low as it has been in just shy of 50 a.m. will be equally divided between
portant to look for alternatives. The years. the two leaders or their designees.
American people are resourceful. Some There was other good news as well. Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab-
held on to so-called grandfathered and Unlike what happened too often in the sence of a quorum.
grandmothered plans, and others previous decade, this drop in unem- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The
looked for lower cost, short-term plans ployment did not come from discour- clerk will call the roll.
that could be held for up to a year. aged workers giving up their search al- The senior assistant legislative clerk
We all know that Big Government together; to the contrary, 150,000 more proceeded to call the roll.
doesn’t like it when citizens try to Americans joined the labor force last Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask
avoid the micromanagement and run month, and the unemployment rate unanimous consent that the order for
their own lives as they see fit, so in the the quorum call be rescinded.
still went down. Now, that is an oppor-
waning months of the Obama adminis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without
tunity economy. That is exactly what
tration, Democrats issued a new regu- objection, it is so ordered.
an opportunity economy looks like.
lation that cut these plans from 12 S. 3021
months down to 3 months and made Day after day, my Republican col- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, as you
them nonrenewable. I guess the goal leagues and I have come to the floor know this week we are voting and con-
was to force even more Americans into and outlined all the things we are sidering an important bipartisan piece
ObamaCare. The real effect was just to doing to try to help generate precisely of legislation known as America’s
punish these people twice for Demo- this kind of economic momentum for Water Infrastructure Act, the most
crats’ bad policy. the American people. This unified Re- sweeping infrastructure package to be
Fortunately, this year the Trump ad- publican government has rolled back considered by Congress this year. It
ministration righted the ship. They regulations and cut redtape at a pace will literally reauthorize billions of
undid the restriction and restored the that hasn’t been seen for years. We dollars of spending for our Nation’s
status quo that was in place from the have handed American families and job ports, harbors, and waterways, and it
1990s through most of the Obama ad- creators the most significant Tax Code will end wasteful spending on water
ministration. It was a simple fix. It overhaul in 30 years, lower tax rates, a projects that are no longer necessary.
doesn’t take away the choices they bigger child tax credit, more help with I thank Chairman BARRASSO and
have under ObamaCare but empowers small businesses, and better incentives Ranking Member CARPER for spear-
Americans to use this alternative to invest and create jobs right here on heading this legislation through the
choice if they prefer it. According to American soil. Our actions have been Committee on Environment and Public
even the liberal Urban Institute, more clear, and our economy is sending Works. They deserve a tremendous
than 1.7 million Americans will likely equally clear signals in response: the amount of credit for bringing us to
be insured with this option, who other- highest consumer confidence we have where we are today.
wise would have gone uninsured. But seen in nearly 18 years, the highest Drinking water, wastewater systems,
apparently our Democratic colleagues small business confidence we have seen dams, levees, ports, and reservoirs mat-
can’t tolerate even this modest step in 35 years, and now the lowest unem- ter to every single community in
away from top-down government con- ployment rate we have seen in almost America. They are usually not front
trol. They have introduced a resolution half a century. and center on our priority list, though,
of disapproval to overturn the Trump so people naturally take them for
administration’s fix and snatch these I have said it before, and I will say it
granted. We take it as a given that
options away from families once more. again: Government itself is not cre-
water will be available, that it will be
We will be voting on it today. ating this prosperity. Republicans treated and filtered, that wastewater
I know my Democratic colleagues are know that growth starts with workers will somehow be transported wherever
embarrassed by the state of and entrepreneurs, not with Wash- it needs to go, and that dams and lev-
ObamaCare. It has been more than 8 ington. Government can either put the ees will hold up when they are put to
years since they passed their signature wind in America’s faces or at their the test by rising floods.
law that was supposed to make it all backs, and there is little question Actually, though, that is not the case
better. Instead, working Americans are which way the wind has been blowing in many parts of the world, and we in
saddled with increasing costs and de- these past 2 years. It certainly is not America do take that for granted be-
creasing choices. But surely they must ‘‘Armageddon’’ or ‘‘crumbs,’’ as the cause usually none of these present a
have a better answer than snatching House Democratic leader notoriously problem to most Americans. None of
away one of the remaining options that proclaimed in recent months. It is not these problems happen in the United
some Americans still prefer to any- a ‘‘disaster,’’ as my friend the Senate States if public and Federal resources
thing Democrats have been able to Democratic leader has suggested. No, it are allocated in the right ways, and
come up with. is rising wages, more job opportunities, that is why we can’t afford to let our
This is an easy decision. I urge every and new investment, and it is reaching guard down and be lax when it comes
one of my colleagues to vote against kitchen tables in communities large to maintaining these important na-
this resolution. Our constituents de- and small all across our country. The tional treasures.
serve more options, not fewer. The last real winners here are the American That is what makes this bill we are
thing we should do is destroy one of people. Republicans are just proud that voting on so crucial. It is not just a
the options that is still actually work- our policies are helping them do what drop in the bucket, so to speak. It is
ing for American families. they do best. one of the main reasons the bucket—

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