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BOD Meeting : Script

Aud: Can you please hand over my coffee cup?

*hands over the coffee cup

Aud: Lyr, please hand over my papers.

*hands over the papers

Aud: Oh my gosh! It’s already past 8:00 when are we going to start?

*Amir enters the room

Amir: *coughs

Aud: What now?

Amir: Uhm, that’s my seat

Aud: *looks at Amir* Oh, I’m sorry sir.

*Aud sit beside Lyr.

Amir: Alright let’s settle down

I call to order the special meeting of the BOD of _________ Company

*opening prayer*

*synchronized nap ag-upo and all*

A timely letter of notice was received by all of the board of this meeting.
*Looks at Er*

Do we have a quorum Ms. Magallano

Er: Yes, the ff are present *mentions name

Amir: Before we formally start this meeting my secretary will be distributing a copy of the company’s
bylaws. *Distributing* I assume you have read the agenda from the memos that we sent to you.
It is the amendment of PART C of our bylaws by our member, the bylaws chairman Rishana
Isnain. Ms. Isnain would you like to proceed?

Rish: On behalf of the bylaws committee. I move the adoption of proposed amendment “Article V

Amir: It is moved and seconded to amend bylaw PART C by adding the article 16, MEETING

Rish: The reason for amendment *…

Amir: Any further discussion? Hearing none, the question is on the adoption of proposed
amendment to add ARTICLE 16 in Part C. IF adopted the bylaw would then read:
PART C: Directors

Article 16 meeting telecommunication. Directors Telecommunication will be permitted for the

annual meeting or for any special meetings so long as the specific identity of each director
attending can be verified and each director can hear, speak, and otherwise participate in any
activity of the meeting.

Since written notice of this proposed amendment has been submitted to local associations and
members-at-large at least 60 days prior to this meeting, this proposed amendment needs only a
majority vote for adoption.

Amir: all those in favor, say “I”. All those opposed, “ney”.

All: Aye

Amir: The ayes have it, the motion is passed. The amendment to bylaw part C of Article 16 is adopted.

Bylaw part C: Article 16 now reads Directors Telecommunication will be permitted for the annual
meeting or for any special meetings so long as the specific identity of each director attending can
be verified and each director can hear, speak, and otherwise participate in any activity of the

Amir: Is there any further business to come before this Board of Directors?


There being no further business, I call for a motion to adjourn.

Lyr: So moved.

Amir: This meeting stands adjourned.

*Stands, Shake hands, and Chitchat. Exit sa scene.*


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