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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering:

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Inspecting and repairing old bridges: experiences and

Pier Giorgio Malerba
Department of Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32,
Milan20133, Italy
Published online: 12 Mar 2013.

To cite this article: Pier Giorgio Malerba (2014) Inspecting and repairing old bridges: experiences and lessons, Structure
and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance, 10:4, 443-470, DOI:

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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2014
Vol. 10, No. 4, 443–470,

Inspecting and repairing old bridges: experiences and lessons

Pier Giorgio Malerba*
Department of Structural Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, Milan 20133, Italy
(Received 9 August 2011; final version received 18 April 2012; accepted 18 January 2013; published online 12 March 2013)

The concept of life cycle applied to building structures is quite recent. In the past, constructions were built to be everlasting,
and the number of massive buildings and bridges still in service apparently confirms the soundness of this approach. When
reinforced concrete was introduced, new possibilities were open to engineers, in a time when the end of a structure’s life was
still considered as an extreme and very remote hypothesis. However, this belief was soon to be faced with the evidence of the
deterioration of the concrete surfaces and with the corrosion of steel bars and strands, so that the concept of durability had to
be introduced. It therefore became clear that the structures’ constructions have to be monitored and periodically maintained,
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so as to extend their service life as much as possible. This paper gives an account of studies and rehabilitation works carried
out on bridges located in the north of Italy, providing some remarks regarding the maintenance of structures of the past and
the design of structure for the future.
Keywords: bridges; maintenance; piles and piling; precast systems; rehabilitation, reclamation and renovation;

Introduction reinforced concrete were carried out (Lambot, Hyatt,

Many bridges of Italian road and railway infrastructural Coignet, Monier, Koenen). The formulation of the basic
networks are now between 50 and 150 years old. The criteria for reinforced concrete design (the steel works in
structural typologies, the technologies and the materials adherence with the concrete; concrete and steel form
used for these bridges were very different from those used together a system homogeneous on average) dates back to
today, and so were the traffic loads considered for the 1887, when the experimental studies and the remarks by
structural checks. Although such bridges still provide Wayss and Bauschinger were published. In 1902, Mörsch
adequate functional and structural performances, never- (1902) published his famous book Der Eisenbetonbau. The
theless they require specific inspections and maintenance first experiments and applications of pre-stressed concrete
operations, together with static and seismic adjustment structures were proposed by Freyssinet (1950), who
interventions. patented his ‘Procédé de fabrication des pieces en béton
In design practice, we used to refer to recurrence armé’ in 1928. In 1933– 1936, Abeles (1937) carried out
intervals of centuries. For instance, in the European the first experiments on partially pre-stressed beams and
countries, 200 years is the return period usually assumed decks.
for floods. But, if we consider the real life of a structure, At the same time, the nineteenth century also gave us
how long do 200 years last? In fact, 200 years ago, the the basis of the strength of materials and of the theory of
material characteristics, the building technologies and the structures (Timoshenko, 1953). In particular, with the
theoretical know-how were very different from the growing use of steel in structures, more complete
present ones. With regard to the materials, for instance, investigations of various types of truss structure became
the industrial process to produce cast iron was invented at necessary, and the first methods to deal with statically
the end of eighteenth century (Cort and Wilkinson), while indeterminate structures were proposed. The great arch
a steel with modern characteristics was patented in the and truss steel bridges such as those of Gustave Eiffel
middle of 1800 (Bessemer & Siemens and Martins). John (Garabit Bridge, 1880 – 1884; Maria Pia Bridge in Porto,
Roebling began producing wire ropes in Saxonburg in 1877) and of Anghel Saligny (Danube crossing in
1841. Cernavoda, 1885 –1890) date back to those times. The
The second half of the nineteenth century saw the birth first long-span reinforced concrete bridges appeared in the
of new technologies, when the first experiments on first decades of the twentieth century, when Hennebique

q 2013 Taylor & Francis
444 P.G. Malerba

built the Ponte Risorgimento (Rome, 1911) and Freyssinet Lombardia, while other bridges cross minor rivers. Recalls
the Saint Pierre du Vauvrai Bridge (1919). A comprehen- will be made on the surveys and monitoring activities and
sive history of that pioneer age can be found, for example, on the problems addressed during the rehabilitation works,
in the books of Trojanović (1960) and Leonhardt (1982). while synthetic descriptions of the main interventions on
An epic history of the greatest cable-suspended bridges the foundations, the body of the main structure and the
and of their designers was written by Petroski (1996). special devices will be given.
Dealing with old structures, we cannot avoid framing
them into the context of their time, before assuming any
sort of decision and/or choosing any sort of intervention. Bridges and environment: survey of a group of bridges
The major aspects that must be taken into consideration along the Po River
usually regard:
Despite the modern materials employed and the refined
techniques used in the design process, when compared to
. Possible changes in the geomorphology of the
the massive structures of the past, recent bridges appear to
territory where the bridge is located. Topographic
be more sensitive to the injuries of time. This emerged
surveys can detect if any settlements have occurred
clearly from the surveys carried out on some bridges
both at a local and at a global scale due, for instance,
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crossing the river Po, which will be presented in the

to subsidence. Another issue is represented by the
following sections.
riverbed geometry, both in plan and in the shape of
bathymetric conformation and its variations.
. Possible changes in the attitude of the bridge, made
evident by vertical irregularities of the road level, by The Po basin
rotations of the piers, by excessive vertical The Po is the main Italian river. It rises in the Western Alps
displacements of the deck or by abnormal horizontal and flows to the Adriatic sea, 652 km away. Its
displacements of the bearing supports. hydrographic basin is 74,970 km2 wide and receives 43
. Conservation or damaging states of the structural tributary rivers (of which, 22 are from the right riverside
elements (foundations, piers, deck) and of the and 21 from the left one), for a total length of 4500 km.
joints, the bearing supports and the devices The total length of the embankments is 3564 km. It flows
intended to drain the water from the deck. across 7 regions (Valle d’Aosta, Piemonte, Liguria,
Lombardia, Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Trentino Alto
All these issues concern environmental influences on Adige), 24 provinces and over 3000 municipalities.
the bridge service life, the loads consisting of self-weight, With the exception of the upper reach, until the end of
stream flow, debris loading and wind. The distortions may the nineteenth century the crossing of the Po was carried
be caused by settlements of the foundations of the piers out through river ferries and floating bridges. Due to the
and of the abutments. But a bridge is primarily a wide span of its main branch, traditional masonry and
transportation link and hence many bridges modifications stone arch bridges involved limited spans resting on a high
are caused by new traffic needs. Moreover, one remains number of piers, having basements in an insidious and
struck by the strong differences among the traffic loads wandering riverbed. The first long-span bridges appeared
given by present codes and those assumed at the time of with the diffusion of the steel-truss girders having an
construction: for instance, 100 years ago, the load train for isostatic Gerber scheme. Many of these road and rail
road bridges was made of a row of 16 metric ton carts, 6 m bridges, although after some reconstruction work, are still
long, pulled by a team of four couples of horses, 10 m long operating.
and (4 £ 1.4) ton heavy (13.5 kN/m). The maximum rail After the Second World War, thanks to new materials
bridge loads were 30 –60 kN/m. It must be remembered and new technologies, regarding both foundation works
that, in those times, the speed was also lower and that and piers and decks, many new bridges were built, with a
usually only two lanes were sufficient. Hence, when wide use of pre-stressed reinforced concrete. The main
possible, an actual rehabilitation of an old bridge involves challenge during the design and erection phases was not
a widening of the road platform and an intervention on represented by the spans (usually 50 –70 m on average),
those structural elements that need to be strengthened in but by the interaction with severe fluvial hydraulics,
order to carry the new loads. characterised by cyclic floods, which often overtopped the
With all these considerations in mind, this paper gives embankments, invaded the floodplains and sometimes
an account of studies and rehabilitation works carried out upset countries and villages at the two sides of the river.
on a group of bridges located in the north of Italy and One has a fairly complete knowledge of the historical
belonging to the main typologies used in the years between floods of the Po River since a remote age. In particular, the
1850 and 1970. Parts of these bridges lie on the reach of main floods of the last 100 years occurred in 1926, 1951,
the Po River, which delimits the southern border of 1994 and 2000.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 445

A wide surveying campaign

Rectangular R.C. columns on

Hexagonal columns on piles
After the 2000 flood, the Compartment for the Lombardia

Pier and foundation

Circular piers on piles

Circular piers on piles
Circular piers on piles
region of the ANAS (Italian Agency for Roads) promoted

Double-blade piers
a campaign aimed to survey the state of the piers,

basements and foundations of the main bridges crossing

Masonry piers
Masonry piers
Masonry piers

Masonry piers
Pile/pier type

Pile/pier type

Pile/pier type
Pile/pier type
the Po and serving roads of national interest in the
Lombardia region. Such a campaign was meant to provide

a first evaluation of the bridges state and to detect possible
critical conditions of the piers and foundations, paying
particular attention to hydraulics causes of instability, such
as erosion and scour. The bridge main characteristics are
listed in Table 1 and their locations are shown in Figure 1.

Piers in


Surveying and monitoring
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Surveying and monitoring consisted of the following

12 þ 5 þ 3


Piers in

3 þ 25
36 þ 6
. Preliminary examination of each bridge on the basis



of the documents (original drawings and reports)
available in the archives, examination of the results
of previous surveys and/or interventions carried out

the river (m)

on the bridge (widening of the main body and of the Length over


approaching viaducts, strengthening of piers and
abutments, strengthening of the foundations, repla-
cement of joints and bearing supports, maintenance
of the drainage systems); gathering of information
from the surveillance staffs.
Characteristics of some of the bridges examined in the paper (see Figure 1).

length (m)

General visual inspection, after which a short report



and a booklet of pictures of the most significant

view and/or details, mainly regarding durability
aspects (surface state, clefts and cracks on
reinforced concrete and masonry elements; state of
the cover layer and of the reinforcement; state of the

1964– 1966

painting on steel structures; joints and bearing

Year of

supports; parapets and accessories devices), were

, 1970
, 1970
, 1970
, 1970
, 1970
, 1970


prepared for each bridge. 1912

. Geometrical survey, with dimensional cross-checks
with the original drawings: when, in some cases,
these needed to be updated, the typical main
Pieve Porto Morone

elements of the bridge were re-drawn (plan,

San Benedetto Po

elevation and main sections). Detailed description


Montecchio 1
Montecchio 2

of local damage states.




Survey of the overall attitude of the bridge, with




respect to horizontal and vertical references; verti-


cality checks of the piers; levelling of the roadway;

installation of topographic datum points; detection of
slope discontinuities, reducing the travel comfort.
. Bathymetric survey, in order to draw the geometry of


the riverbed, to detect possible scouring signals near




the piers and to achieve updated transversal and

longitudinal riverbed sections for the subsequent
Table 1.

hydraulic computations. These surveys were carried



out using a small boat. The position was determined

446 P.G. Malerba
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Figure 1. Position of the bridges listed in Table 1.

through a GPS system and the depth was measured . Partial reports explaining and summarising the results
through echo soundings. On the basis of these data, the of the surveys.
riverbed geometry was modelled by means of a
The relative cost of each survey activity is shown in
software suitable to show plants with isohypses and
Figure 2, while the mean cost of the surveys versus the
the main transversal and longitudinal sections needed
overall length of the bridges is shown in Figure 3.
for the hydraulics computations.
. Underwater surveys, aimed to detect cracks or clefts
in the submerged parts of the piers, as well as traces of
erosions or scour holes at the piers basis. In some Laboratory and office activities
cases, these surveys were quite difficult, due to the The results of the laboratory tests carried out on the soil
water turbidity, the flow velocity and the presence of samples were used to define the load-carrying capacity of
debris on the riverbed. The information collected the original foundation systems, as well as to design the
through underwater surveys was summarised in short strengthening works on the insufficient ones. The office
reports, with a description of local damage states, in activities concerned hydraulic engineering and structural
pictures and videos for each examined pier. assessments. A first team of engineers studied the general
. Vertical boreholes in the piers aimed to measure their situation of the riverbed and its past and recent evolution,
buried depth. Echo soundings are used to check the and checked the hydraulic compatibility according to the
actual depth of the piers above the piles. recent code, delivered by the Basin Authority, the former
. Geognostic boreholes, with the performance of so-called Po Magistrate, originally established in Parma by
standard penetration tests (SPT) and cone penetration Eugenio Bonaparte in 1808. Such a compatibility requires
tests (CPT) and collection of disturbed and undis- the compliance with the following conditions:
turbed soil samples, later submitted to laboratory tests.
For those cases in which previous geognostic surveys . The design flood discharge must be no less than that
had been documented, the new ones were distributed assumed to define the limits of the expansion
so as to achieve new or complementary data. riverbed.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 447

safety of the structure was at stake, suitable suggestions for

urgent interventions were provided. Each bridge was
classified and given a priority level which implied
recommendation for ordinary or extraordinary mainten-
ance activities or, in the worst cases, for radical
strengthening works.

Main results drawn from the bridge inspection

Many useful suggestions can be derived from these
inspections and assessments.

Figure 2. Cost distribution for different types of tests.

Change in the trends of the flood regime
. The bridge must have a minimum hydrometric Floods are a common experience for the people who live at
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clearance (free distance between the level of the the Po riversides. Now, comparing the recent surveys with
design flood and level of the intrados of the bridge). the historical data, it is possible to observe a rising trend of
. The relative position of the bridge submerged the maximum flood levels and, in recent years, a higher
structures (piers and abutments) and the effects frequency of the flood events. According to the experts of
provoked by the bridge interference must be taken environmental hydraulics, such a phenomenon is mainly
into account. Attention must be paid to the overflow due to anthropic factors, such as a progressive water-
level and to the effects of flood debris. proofing of the basins, due to urban and infrastructural
. The bridge must be safe under a structural point of growing, the removal of expansion zones and the increase
view. of river reaches confined by embankments. Climate
changes may also have contributed to these effects.
A second team of engineers checked the structures. Figure 4 shows the maximum hydrometric levels recorded
Starting from the results of the geometric survey, for each by the Piacenza measuring station (around location 6 in
bridge the self-weight and the weight of the permanent Figure 1) during the last two centuries and confirm these
loads have been computed. Such loads were combined remarks. As a consequence, the Po Basin Authority (1999)
with the traffic and hydraulic loads in order to verify the recently prescribed to widen the floodplains and to adopt
piers and the relative foundations. The hydraulic loads more restrictive rules for the use of soil near the rivers.
taken into consideration were the ones corresponding to Another element which was confirmed is the depth of
the maximum flood discharge combined with the worst the scour in the rapid transient phase as determined
scour conditions. according to the recent Po Basin Authority specifications,
Finally, for each bridge a comprehensive report was which agree with the most widely recognised formulations
compiled. These reports summarised all the previous
items, gave a final assessment of the actual state of the
bridge and highlighted its possible critical faults. When the

Figure 3. Mean cost per meter of the surveys versus overall Figure 4. Maximum hydrometric levels registered at the
length of the bridges. Piacenza gauging station in the last two centuries.
448 P.G. Malerba

(Hamill, 1999). These values of scour depth appeared interference obviously increase the erosion and the local
quite higher than those assumed in the past (Figure 5a,b) scour effects. Another general consideration regards the
and strongly condition the load carrying capacity soundness of our probabilistic design procedures, tuned to
computation of the foundations and of the piles. As values of return periods (100 – 200 years). The surveys of
regards the body of the piers, it was not found in a bad the most recent bridges, for which it was possible to
situation. Some masonry piers presented losses of mortar compare the present riverbed profile with that of 30– 40
among the masonry courses. Both masonry and reinforced years ago, showed cases of strong riverbed changes, with
piles presented traces of collision with the small boats the movement of the main current from one alignment to
and ships that sail on the middle and final reaches of the another and also with the growth of temporary islands
river. downward the old main current. The underwater surveys
For the main bridges, the position and the orientation reported that, even after a long time from the end of the
of the piers with respect to the main flow were judged flood event, a systematic encumbrance of debris remained
correct. In some minor bridges, spanning over tributary at the basis and along the body of the piers. This is a
rivers, some cases of wrong foundation basement were problem of ordinary maintenance. But, who is in charge of
found (Figure 5c,d). An insufficient deepening of the the debris removal? Is it the river authority or the bridge
basement and an orientation causing the maximum authority? More simply: who has to pay?
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Figure 5. Scour effects and debris action on the piers in the riverbed: (a), (b) collapses caused by the scouring action in bridges crossing
river Po’s tributaries; (c), (d) effects of position, orientation with respect to the water flow and depth of the foundations in a small river;
(e), (f) multi-columns piers acting as grids in the formation of debris rafts.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 449

Foundation stability piers helping the original foundations. In contrast, modern

The most critical checks regarded the carrying capacity of piers present all the vulnerabilities of reinforced concrete
the foundations. In many cases, these checks, in the members and their repairing usually compels to work
presence of both the heavier hydraulic loading conditions around the original body, with all the problems posed by
and the scour hole, revealed the need of strengthening the need to effectively link the new parts to the original
interventions. This latter phenomenon is particularly ones.
severe because the removal of soil at the basis of the
pier reduces the carrying capacity of the piers itself and/or
of the piles underneath them, and contemporarily increases The needed repair intervention
the surfaces exposed to flow forces. Once the data acquired during the inspections and surveys
had been analysed, different repair interventions were set
up. These interventions were carried out on:
Deck structures
Although the main aim of the campaign was surveying the . the foundation systems (piers, basements and piles),
state of piers, basements and foundations, quick checks . the main structures of the bridges and
. their complementary or special devices.
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were carried out also on the upper structures. Some

masonry arches of the approaching bridges in the
floodplains showed cracks and clefts, mainly due to Interventions on foundations
foundation settlements. In general, such damages do not
Nowadays, the need for an intervention on the foundations
have structural relevance. Reinforced and pre-stressed
arises mainly after their stability has been checked
concrete decks and structures, built in the years 1960–
according to new codes and regulations, which lead to
1970, appeared in worse conditions, showing the usual
higher depths of the estimated scour holes and higher
damage pattern: carbonated surfaces, spalling at the
values of the acting forces. This brings to refurbishing and
corners of beams and columns and at the bottom of the
strengthening the original foundation systems in order to
slabs, and bars at different level of corrosion. Local
obtain a suitable safety level. The strengthening interven-
damages due to an inefficient drainage system were very
tions are usually based on two contributions. The first one
frequent. Bearing supports and joints usually needed to be
consists of protecting the area surrounding the piers by
removed and repaired or replaced by new ones.
means of big bags containing massive stones. Such a work
stabilises the riverbed and leads to less severe expected
scour depths. The second intervention consists of
Lessons and suggestions from the survey campaign strengthening the pier basement. Usually, the strengthen-
According to what was observed along the Po River and its ing is carried out in one of the following two ways:
affluents, environmental changes, provoked by many
anthropic and climatic factors, are leading to a progressive . when the body of the pier is sufficiently compact
growth of the maximum flood levels and to a higher and massive, like in the case of masonry piers, new
frequency of the flood events. In this context, a first notice piles are driven across the body itself;
regards the riverbed shapes (position and orientation of the . when this is not possible or when previous repairing
main stream and overall discharge), which may change interventions occurred in the volume of the pier,
faster than the return periods of one or two centuries new piles are driven around the perimeter.
usually assumed in the design practice.
A second remark concerns the serviceability of old A common problem of both these type of interventions
bridges, having masonry piers and caisson foundations, is the accomplishment of a robust connection between new
and that of more recent ones, made of reinforces concrete parts and old structures. Examples of solutions for
and resting on deep piles. It was observed that, with different foundations problems are presented in the
respect to more recent piers, due to their shape and following.
proportions, old piers allow a better flow of solid debris
along the pier height, showing accumulation only at the
basis. The shapes of many modern piers tend to rake Strengthening of the foundations of a bridge of the
branches, trees and any sort of solid debris, thus reducing nineteenth century
the flow section and increasing the drag force and the The first stable crossing of the Adda River in Lodi dates
vortex regime around the pier (Figure 5e,f). Moreover, the back to 1158, when Frederick I Redbeard authorised the
old massive piers are less sensitive to surface erosion building of a bridge north-east of the city. The builder was
actions and better fitted for strengthening interventions: in Muzio della Gatta and, thanks to this new link, Lodi
fact, their wide body can be drilled and host integrative became one of the most prosperous cities of the hinterland
450 P.G. Malerba

of Milan. In the following centuries, more bridges were ordinary steel. The soil, confined by the continuous curtain,
erected and later destroyed. We have to notice that on 10 was then injected by cement mortar.
May 1796 Napoleon Bonaparte, fighting against the The new intervention substantially recalls the old one.
Austrian army, crossed in Lodi with a wooden bridge Twenty new micropiles, having a diameter of 0.20 m and
made of 57 spans and 200 m long. In 1859, during the 24.70 m long, were drilled alternatively at a ^ 58 angle
Second Italian Independence War, this bridge was burnt. along the sides of the basement (Figures 7 and 8). The
In the years 1863 –1864, the Milanese architect Gualini micropiles were reinforced by valved steel tubes having a
built the present masonry bridge, made of nine shallow diameter of 127 mm and a thickness of 10 mm (Figure 8).
arches spanning 18.90 m each, for a total length of 175 m Their position was defined so as not to interfere with the
(Figure 6). old piles. The old concrete crown was demolished step by
In 1970 –1971, the deck of the Lodi Bridge was step, caring not to cut the reinforcing bars. The demolition
refurbished in order to comply with the new traffic loads, was accompanied by the contemporary reconstruction of
and a weir was built 200 m downstream in order to protect reaches of the new, wider crown. Twenty horizontal
the basement of the bridge. In the following years, the weir threaded bars, having a diameter of 32 mm, passing across
caused some floods involving the town riverside. This the pile body and placed at two different levels (Figures 7
brought, after new hydraulic assessments carried out in and 9), strongly connect the two opposite sides of the
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2006, the decision of lowering the weir. This lowering, crown. Figure 10 shows an intermediate phase of the
which is scheduled for the summer of 2010, will increase works. During the strenghtening works, the bridge was
the flow velocity and therefore expose the foundations to periodically checked by means of topographical surveys,
more severe service conditions. Thus, a geotechnical to detect possible displacements.
assessment, based on laboratory tests on soil samples, and
a structural assessment were carried out, in order to
ascertain whether the bridge would sustain such worsen-
ing. These assessments found that the bridge was not safe Strengthening of foundations of piers eroded at their
even before the change in the hydraulic regime, and basis: the Piacenza Bridge
needed strenghtening works in any case. The second intervention concerns the masonry piers of the
This choice was confirmed also by the presence of some Piacenza Bridge, across the Po River, shown in Figure 11.
foundation settlements already observed in the past. In fact, The bridge was opened in 1908 and identically rebuilt after
in 1947, each foundation was strengthened by driving a bombardment during the Second World War. The bridge
(9 þ 9) piles along its sides, at a depth of 12 m from the is 1097 m long. The central reach, 607 m long, is made of
bottom of the basement, plus 2 m long (16 þ 16) auxiliary eight steel trusses spanning 75.25 m and supported by
piles. At the front and at the rear of the basement, (11 þ 11) masonry piers. Figure 12 shows piers Nos. 1 and 2. Such
short piles, 5 m long, completed a continuous curtain, piers are placed in correspondence of the low water channel,
protecting the basement against the erosion and scour. The which is about 160 m wide and is concentrated in only one
heads of the piles were connected to the existing structure branch. The bathymetry in that zone is quite irregular, and
by means of a hooping crown made of concrete, cast around shows marked variations in the riverbed depth. In fact,
the pile perimeter, stitched along the sides through ties of about 20 m upstream of the bridge, a groin, protruded
towards the river, conveys the flow against pier No. 1,
which was found surrounded by the big hole shown in
Figure 12. The force intensities and the scour depth, as well
as the estimated load-bearing capacity of the foundations,
suggested strong interventions on piers Nos. 1 and 2, and
less extensive, though still heavy, interventions on the
remaining five piers and on the abutments.
The intervention on pier No. 1 first consisted of the
river bed stabilisation: the hole around the pier was filled
by means of fibre bags filled with sand, having a volume of
2 m3 each, over which a 2-m thick layer of stone riprap,
having characteristic diameter of 0.70 m, was deployed. In
the oval area immediately around the pier, the riprap
diameter was increased to 1.05 m. The total volume
deployed around pier No. 1 was 14,125 m3.
The original foundations had already been strength-
ened after the 1994 flood, when the soil characteristics
Figure 6. The Lodi Bridge (1863 – 1864). were improved by means of jet grout columns, reinforced
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 451
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Figure 7. The Lodi Bridge: transversal section showing the new deck, made of precast pre-stressed beams, the position of the new piles
and that of the threaded connecting bars.

by steel valved tubes, reaching a depth of 12 m under the pile driven to a depth of 12 m under the estimated scour
foundation basement. The intervention designed after the depth (Figure 14). The volume between the sheet piles and
surveying campaign and shown in Figures 13 and 14 the pier was then filled by concrete. Special attention was
consists of creating a crown made of 33 micropiles placed paid to linking the added foundation elements to the main
around the pier body. The volume inside the body was body of the piers and making the two parts cooperating in
already occupied by the previous jet grouting works. The carrying any added load, as shown in Figures 13 and 14.
micropiles have a diameter of 0.40 m and are reinforced by
valved steel tubes of diameter 127 mm and thickness
14.2 mm. The valves have a pitch of 0.50 m in the first Strengthening of foundations subjected to settlement
20 m and of 0.30 m for the remaining length of 1.50 m. The movements: the San Benedetto Po Bridge
piles were driven to a depth of 22.5 m under the riverbed The San Benedetto Po Bridge underwent strenghtening
level; this means a distance of 15 m from the bottom of the interventions both on the foundations (Figures 15, 16 and
original basement. The total length of the new piles is 17) and on the deck (Figures 18). The foundations suffered
33.85 m. The set of micropiles was protected by a sheet from settlements, which caused relative displacements and
452 P.G. Malerba

Figure 9. The Lodi Bridge: details of the R.C. hooping crown.

. casting of new transverses between the couples of

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blades of the original piers;

. pre-stressing of the transverses, obtained by means
of short cables (Figure 17) passing across the blades
so as to create a connection frame;
. placement of four 2500 kN hydraulic jacks in the
niches left between the transverses and the piles
(Figure 17), in order to force the two parts against
each other;
. locking of the heads of the piles against the
connection frame by using a steel spacer;
. removal of the jacks and casting of the niches.
In this way, the new piles were forced to cooperate
with the pre-existing structure for new added loads.

Strengthening of excessively slender piers: the

Borgoforte Bridge
In the Borgoforte Bridge, it was necessary to intervene on
three piers which showed excessive slenderness, vibration

Figure 8. The Lodi Bridge: arrangement of the micropiles at the

two sides of a pier.

rotations between adjacent piers. The intervention

regarded four double-blade piers and consisted of the
following phases:

. driving of four new piles inside the perimeter

defined by the eight piles already existing Figure 10. The Lodi Bridge: photograph of an intermediate
(Figure 17); phase of the works in 2010.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 453

Figure 11. The Piacenza Bridge (1908/1947): detail of the longitudinal view of the bridge, showing piers 1 and 2.

sensitivity and unsafe foundation conditions (Figures 19 . refurbishment and adjustment of the structure to
and 20). The intervention consisted of adding two new new codes prescriptions, involving, for instance,
pairs of piles upstream and downstream (Figure 20) and heavier load conditions;
connecting them, by means of an arch-shaped frame, to the . changes in geometry, due to the need of widening
original pier assembly (Figure 21). the road platform.
In the following subsections, the cases of refurbish-
Main structures of the bridges ment regarding three different types of arch bridges and of
a pre-stressed cantilever bridge are examined.
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The interventions needed on the main structures of a

bridge may be summarised as follows:

. strengthening of the carrying structure due to some Strengthening of a deck by means of a new hidden
lack in their load-bearing capacity, caused, for structure: the Lodi Bridge
instance, by settlement effects, or by corrosion of In 1970– 1971, the Lodi Bridge, described in a previous
the reinforcing bars or the pre-stressing steel in paragraph with reference to the strengthening of the
critical sections; foundations, underwent a refurbishment aimed to adapt the

Figure 12. The Piacenza Bridge: the bathymetry, showing the holes in correspondence of piers 1 and 2.
454 P.G. Malerba
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Figure 13. The Piacenza Bridge: details of the connection between the pier and the new micropiles.

deck to the new traffic loads. In this case, the adaptation of upper slab. It must be outlined that the new deck is slightly
the original structure, made of nine shallow masonry higher with respect to the old structure. With the exception
arches, to the new static requirements appeared a hard of zones around the supports, the space existing between
task. The solution adopted by Professor Martinez y the original structure and the new carrying structure makes
Cabrera was a compromise between the necessity to obtain them totally independent. This also allowed to widen the
a crossing suitable to deal with the intensity of new traffic lateral sidewalks.
loads and to respect the original masonry structure, dating
back to the nineteenth century and subjected to the
supervision of the Local Department for the Preservation
The railway bridge across the Gaggione River
of Historical Buildings.
The body of the nine arches was emptied of the The structure
infilling material and the masonry structure was cleaned The railway bridge across the Gaggione River was built at
and restored. In correspondence with the masonry piers the end of the nineteenth century and connects the city of
axes, new R.C. walls were cast. These walls, parallel to the Milan to the city of Varese, 60 km away. The bridge,
long sides of the piers and connected to their original shown in Figure 22(a), has a total length of 130 m and is
structures, were built in order to elevate the base for new made of a sequence of seven stone barrel arches, which
bearing support. Then, inside the free volume of the empty rest on six stone piers. The barrel arches have internal
masonry body, a new carrying structure, made up of eight radius of 5.82 m and their centres are 14.00 m apart. The
prefabricated pre-stressed concrete beams, was inserted piers are slightly tapered: the longest one, 32.60 m high,
(Figure 7) and then made continuous by the casting of the has a section that varies from 10.00 m (width) by 5.50 m
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 455
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Figure 14. The Piacenza Bridge: details of the anchorage; horizontal section of a pier, showing the concrete infilling between the sheet
piles and the old pier; photograph showing the completed intervention.

(front) at the bottom to 4.50 m by 2.50 m at the top. The and the strengthening of the intrados and spandrels of the
free height of the piers is interrupted by an intermediate arches. The intrados and spandrels were enveloped in a
service deck made of five shallow arches. layer of shot concrete, 180 mm thick, and reinforced with
In 1985 –1986, the bridge was strengthened in order to 14 mm bars arranged so as to form a mesh with a pitch of
carry new, heavier train loads. The main interventions 200 mm both ways. After a strong hydro-sand blasting in
regarded the basements of the central piers, the node at the order to improve the chemical –mechanical adherence, the
intersection between the piers and the intermediate deck, added layers were linked to the stone surfaces through a

Figure 15. The San Benedetto Bridge (1964 – 1966). The completed intervention on the piles can be seen.
456 P.G. Malerba

Figure 16. The San Benedetto Bridge: longitudinal view of the bridge. The area where the intervention on the foundations was carried
out is highlighted.

uniform curtain of pins and confined against the original thickness of the arch rib as a function of its span and of its
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walls through 22 mm threaded bars, piercing the body of rise. It is possible that some more refined study was carried
the arches. Other works regarded the river bed out through the Méry method, widely used in the past to
stabilisation, obtained with the introduction of embank- assess the arch stability.
ments and weirs. Nowadays the arch is analysed according to elastic and
limit theories (Heyman, 1982; Strassner, 1927). However,
the arch is still considered the bearing structure, while the
The problem superstructures (the walls and the filling up, made usually of
It is quite obvious that, considering this type of massive light non-cohesive material) are considered as dead loads.
bridges, any intervention which confines tightly the But, why is it so common to see clefts around the arches
masonry and, at the same time, does not add excessive keystones and even, in some cases, the loss of central bricks?
loads to the original structure leads to an increase in the
safety level. It is less immediate to define the actual static
scheme, which leads the forces at the basements, and how The bridge behaviour
old and new structures contribute to the overall bridge In December 1986, at the end of the strengthening works,
robustness. Probably, the bridge was built following severe load tests were carried out on this bridge. It was
empirical rules used in the past centuries to define the loaded by the locomotive shown in Figure 22(c) and by a

Figure 17. The San Benedetto Bridge: longitudinal and transversal sections showing the positions of the new transverses, the new piles
and the niche where the 2500 kN hydraulic jack were housed.
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Figure 18. The San Benedetto Bridge: vertical and horizontal layout of the new external pre-stressing cables used in the strengthening of
the cantilevers in the floodplains.

convoy. Several load positions were examined. The The maximum vertical displacement given by the
vertical displacements were measured through a set of transducer with respect to the absolute reference system
mechanical displacement transducers (6 upstream and 10 was vabs ¼ 0.560 mm. The corresponding displacement
downstream), having a sensibility of 1/100 mm. These with respect to the local reference system was vloc ¼
gauges measured the relative displacements between the 0.405 mm. The difference Dv ¼ 0.155 mm is mainly due
bridge extrados and a rigid, simply supported, reference to the piers deformation. A finite element analysis (FEA)
beam. The reference beam supports were placed in with plane stress elements gave at the top of the piers vFEA
correspondence of the vertical axis of the piers (local ¼ 0.220 mm. The results shown in Figure 22(c) are
reference system). An electro-mechanical displacement rectified with reference to the straight line that connects
transducer measured the vertical displacements at the the top of the piers, as computed from FEA analysis.
crown with respect to the ground (absolute reference Figure 22(b) shows the vertical distribution of the
system). At the intrados and at the lateral walls of the horizontal strains compared to the stratigraphy of the
central section, eight electromechanical strain gauges section: the added reinforcement layer and the arch rib are
(relative displacement transducers) were placed. Their in tension; the spandrels above the arch top and the infill
sensitivity was 1 mm over a basis of 300 mm ( 3.3 m1. material are compressed. A fairly good matching between
These gauges were placed as shown in Figure 22(b). numerical and experimental data was reached. A
Figure 22(c) shows the displacements obtained with the consequent comparison in term of stresses gave Ds ¼
train in the central position. (2 0.03) 4 (2 0.04) N/mm2 (FEA Ds ¼ 2 0.09 N/mm2)

Figure 19. The Borgoforte Bridge (1961): longitudinal view of the bridge.
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Figure 20. The Borgoforte Bridge: (a) transversal section showing the original pier/pile assembly; (b) transversal section showing the
two piles added at the sides of the existing ones and the arch-shaped frame; (c) longitudinal section after the completion of the

at the top (transducer No. 5) and Ds ¼ 7.1 4 13.0 N/ locomotive) gave, for the most compressed fibre, s ¼
mm2 (FEA Ds ¼ 5.46 N/mm2) at the bottom (transducers 2 0.28 N/mm2, a relatively small value which can be
No. 1, 6 and 7). Hence, during the service life and for the sustained also by a moderately compacted soil. These
applied loads, the crown of the bearing arch works in assessments, which trust the cooperation with materials
tension and the superstructure in compression. that cannot be defined as structural in the strict sense of the
Analogous behaviour was found through an FEA for word (i.e. the filling of the spandrels), cannot be used for
the effects of self-weight. The theoretical final results of safety evaluations. Safety derives from the certainty that
the analysis (self-weight plus the weight of the E626 the evolution from the service to the ultimate state would
involve the crushing of the filling material, while the line
of the thrust lowers until it reaches the extrados of the
bearing arch, which finally works according to the usual
interpretation of its behaviour. For the sake of history, this
latter situation was checked also through the Méry
method. However, this experience provided many sugges-
tions for similar interventions.

The strengthening of the San Benedetto Po Bridge deck

In a previous section the San Benedetto Po has been
discussed with reference to the reinforcement of the
foundations. Now, for the same bridge, the strengthening
of the deck will be considered. The bridge characteristics
and the location are presented in Table 1 and Figure 1. The
bridge was built in the years 1964 –1966 by means of a
technology widely employed at that time, which used
Figure 21. The Borgoforte Bridge: photograph taken after the cantilevers 28.5 m long, supporting 10.0-m long closing
completion of the works. suspended girders (Figure 16). The length between two
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 459
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Figure 22. The Gaggione Bridge (1885): (a) longitudinal view of the bridge; (b) transversal section after the strengthening, layout of the
relative displacement transducers and distribution of the strains in the depth of the section during the loading tests; (c) comparison
between theoretical and experimental vertical displacements.
460 P.G. Malerba
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Figure 23. (a) Effects of leakage in a lateral sidewalk; (b), (c) worn rubber covering, torn up bolts and permanent deformation in a joint
after a few years of service.

piers of a typical reach is 67.00 m. The road platform is (1) the casting of three transverses that house the
11.00 m wide, and it is subdivided into two 3.25 m wide anchorages of a new set of pre-stressing cables;
traffic lanes and in two 1.75 m wide sidewalks (Figure 17). (2) the placement of external cables anchored in the new
The piers are made of a couple of parallel reinforced transverses and placed as follows:
concrete blades, having adequate bearing capacity and a
flexural deformability suitable to allow the shortenings . No. 6 17.00 m long cables, placed inside the deck
and the elongations of the deck. boxes and astride the piers, which connect the
Since 1988, the bridge showed irregularities in the couple of transverses nearest to the piers;
roadway, rotations of the piers and excessive vertical . No. 2 41.00 m long cables, placed in the space
displacements. These anomalies were partly due to between the two deck boxes and astride the piers,
settlement of the foundations and partly to a loss of pre- which connect the two intermediate transverses;
stressing mainly deriving from the effects of creep and . No. 2 cables 53.00 m long placed as before, which
shrinkage. In some cases, the deflections at the tip of the connect the two end transverses;
pre-stressed cantilevers reached 100 mm. The bridge was . No. 3 cables 17.00 m long placed in the space
kept in service but traffic limitations were imposed. As between the two deck boxes and connecting the end
regards the intervention on the foundations, they were transverses to those nearest to the pier.
described in a previous paragraph. In this paragraph, a
For the reaches over the river, all the cables were
brief account will be given of the works carried out on the
placed inside the deck boxes. These works, together with
deck. The aims of these works were:
repair of the damaged R.C. parts, of the road platform and
of the water drainage systems, allowed the bridge to re-
. to recover part of the loss of pre-stressing;
open to the normal traffic service.
. to compensate possible reductions of the cable
sections due to corrosion;
. to recover part of the permanent deflections. Auxiliary and special devices
The service life of a bridge is strongly influenced by the
Figure 18 shows the solution adopted for the reaches regular functioning of all its different components, each
on the floodplains, which, for each cantilever, involved: one intended to carry out a specific function. A special
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 461

that can work in a wrong manner and that cannot be

detected without specific inspection activities or whose
repairing/substitution requires special interventions.

Substitution of the bearing supports of an old railway

bridge: the Mizzoccola Bridge
Figure 24. Sketch of a hidden joint, suitable for short and
medium span bridges. The Mizzoccola Bridge belongs to a small railway line that
connects the Italian city of Domodossola to the Swiss city of
Locarno, 52.2 km away. The line was built in the years
mention must be made to the water drainage system. It has
1920 – 1923. The bridge (Figure 25) was opened in
a relatively modest cost if compared to other parts of the
November 1923 and afterwards it was systematically
bridge, but it may cause severe damages. Leakages
monitored and maintained. In 2005, the Società Subalpina
through any points of weakness in the waterproofing
Imprese Ferroviarie (SSIF) Company, which owns the
system or in the expansion joints may lead to significant
bridge, detected traces of incorrect movements in one of the
reductions of the structural safety. Figure 23(a) shows the
steel bearing supports (Figure 26c,d) and then decided for
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intrados of a sidewalk of an old arch bridge (Cremeno

their substitution. This work implied the solution of two
Bridge) before its repairing. Other vulnerable systems are
different problems:
the expansion joints. Figure 23b,c shows the state of a
typical joint after few years of service (8 years in the case
. the lifting of an old, statically indeterminate three-
of the photos): worn rubber covering, torn up bolts and
span continuous beam;
permanent deformations are clearly visible.
. the choice of suitable lifting points in the zone
A cause of these drawbacks can be found in the
occupied by the original bearings.
dynamic effects due to road platform discontinuities in
correspondence of the joints and to poor attention paid to The first problem was solved through structural
the details during the construction works. For short and analyses, which allowed us to determine the maximum
medium spans, when the horizontal excursions are limited, differential displacement between the supports the bridge
a solution which strongly reduces these effects is shown in would bear without excessive stresses induced in the steel
Figure 24. The basic idea is quite simple: a steel structure. The second problem required the set up of a
diaphragm, welded to one of the two edges of the joint, is technique that, without causing damages to the structure,
free to slide over the other edge. In this way, the gap allowed the lifting by means of hydraulic jacks of an old
between the parts of the joint is protected, while the road truss made of riveted steel elements, composed of thin,
platform shows no discontinuities. Two small grooves at non-weldable L section and plates. The problem was
the ends of the bituminous coating astride the joint will solved by flanking the elements converging to the support
reduce the risk of cracks just in correspondence of the joint nodes with modern steel plates and clogging the interstices
itself. with low-strength concrete. Over the plates, a transversal
A malfunctioning in these devices can be found during beam was welded: at its ends, the beam received the force
a visual inspection. Unfortunately, there are other devices conveyed by the jacks. All the auxiliary supports were

Figure 25. The Mizzoccola railway bridge: front and plan view
462 P.G. Malerba

made at the same time. The lifting was carried out continuous over a total length of 913 m (Figure 27). The
separately for each support. time-dependent shortening due to creep and shrinkage
Figure 26(e) shows the plates of the original supports provoked the disarticulation of the plate across the edges
after milling and restoring. Figure 26(f) shows the new of the joints (Figure 28c), an excessive sliding of the
cylindrical supports. A historical comparison may be of external bearing supports (Figure 28b) and the detaching
interest: at the load tests carried out on 6 November 1923, of the end restraints against the abutments (Figure 28a).
the maximum vertical deflection at the middle of the right The refurbishment consisted of repositioning the lower
lateral span was 10.00 mm. For the same loading plates of the bearing supports and strengthening the
condition, at an intermediate test carried out on 25 same supports against seismic actions by means of steel
October 1985, the deflection at the same point was plates. The end restraints were overhauled and reposi-
11.21 mm. After the recent works, these tests were tioned against a previously shimmed part of the
repeated on 29 April 2005 and the deflection was abutments.
11.06 mm. There are no records of the original deflections
at the middle of the central span: the deflection measured
in 2005 was 16.20 mm. The strengthening of the ties of one of the first tied
bridges: the Polcevera Bridge
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According to the actual concepts of maintenance, the stays

Substitution of the end restrains and of the joints in a are considered as parts that can be substituted when
long pre-stressed bridge: the Grosotto Viaduct necessary. Nevertheless, when the number of stays is very
This case considers the effect of the shortening of a limited, it is difficult not to involve the entire structure. In
cantilevering erected bridge, which belongs to the stretch the following section, the refurbishment of the ties of one
of the national road no. 38 in the Grosotto municipality. of the three A-shaped frames which characterise the
The bridge is composed of precast segments made Polcevera Bridge is presented.

Figure 26. The Mizzoccola Bridge: (a), (b) the auxiliary system adopted to lift the bridge; (c), (d) the original bearing supports after their
removal; (e) the plates of the original supports after milling and restoring; (f) the new cylindrical supports.
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Figure 27. The Grosotto Viaduct on National Road no. 38: longitudinal view, typical deck section and pier section.

The structure parts (Morandi, 1967). The first part is composed of six V-
The Polcevera Bridge was designed by Riccardo Morandi shaped piers, which sustain short cantilevered decks
(Rome, 1902 –1989), built in the years 1960– 1964 and put supporting suspended girders 36.0 m long. The second part
in service in September 1967. It flies over a large railway is composed of three A-shaped frames 90.2 m high,
parking lot and connects the A7 Genoa – Serravalle supporting decks 171.9, 171.9 and 145.7 m long.
highway to the A10 Genoa – Ventimiglia highway, which The decks are connected by 36.0-m long suspended
reaches the French border. The bridge is 1121.4 m long girders. At a distance of 10 m from their ends, the long
and 18.00 m wide. Its main stretch is characterised by two decks are suspended to a couple of ties, made of pre-

Figure 28. The Grosotto Viaduct: (a) detachment of an end restraint from the abutment; (b) excessive sliding of one of the external
bearing supports and (c) disarticulation of the plates across the edges of a joint.
464 P.G. Malerba

stressed concrete. This scheme repeats concepts already the most characteristic elements of the Morandi system.
adopted by Morandi for the Maracaibo Lagoon Bridge The tie sections are shown in Figure 30.
(Venezuela, 1957 – 1962, Consorcio Puente Maracaibo) The construction sequence of the A-shaped frames can
and then for the Rio Magdalena Bridge (Barraquilla, be summarised in the following steps:
Columbia, 1969– 1972, Lodigiani) and the Wadi Kuff
(Beida, Libia, 1965– 1971, C.M.C.) (Morandi, 1969). In . Construction of two balanced cantilevers, made of
the following section, some aspects regarding the nine successive segments, each 5.50 m long. During
construction phases are recalled, in order to allow an this stage, the deck was supported by the external
understanding of the repairing interventions carried out on pre-stressing action exerted by temporary bundles of
the bridge. wires, anchored at the ends of each couple of
segments. These bundles spanned over the extrados
of the deck, passing over a set of 2.10 m high
The concept of stay according to Morandi trestles, placed in correspondence of the two internal
The three A-shaped frames mentioned above form supports. The trestles were adopted to increase the
independent balanced systems, each spanning on four internal lever arm and to give some vertical
supports and carrying a five-cells deck which is 171.9 m component to the forces acting in the wires. At a
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long and 18 m wide (Figure 29). The two internal supports, 10-m distance from the end of the cantilevers, a
41.64 m apart, are placed at the top of two pairs of massive transverse received the anchorages of the
diverging inclined legs. The other two supports of the deck actual suspension ties. At this temporary stage, the
are represented by the lateral ends of the transverses transverses were only partially cast, in order to limit
placed at a distance of 10 m from the tips of the the weight.
cantilevers. The ends of the transverses are, in turn, . After the partial completion of the cantilevers, the
suspended at the two pairs of ties. These ties are probably temporary suspension action was transferred to a set

Figure 29. The Polcevera Bridge (1960– 1964): general view of the bridge, an A-shaped frame, the antenna and the typical section of
the deck.
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Figure 30. The Polcevera Bridge: composition of one tie and its sections.

of bundles of wires, passing over the top of the partially tensioned, while the auxiliary tendons had
antenna and anchored against the six vertical walls temporary anchorages in niches over the extrados of
of the box girder. After the activation of this new the deck and were still not tensioned.
supporting system, the end transverses were . After the concrete of the case enveloping the
completed. tendons had reached a suitable resistance, the
. At this stage, it was possible to spin, for each tie, the auxiliary tendons were tensioned in order to put
suspension cables, arranged as shown in Figure 30. the concrete case under compression. Until this
The end transverses were partially pre-stressed and stage, the cables remained free to move in the
the cables were partially tensioned. concrete case, the sheaths still not being injected.
. The temporary supporting cables were removed. . By means of suitable couplers, the auxiliary cables
The final 10-m long stretches of the cantilevers were lengths were extended and their ends anchored at
cast by means of a movable truss formwork. The the transverses. The lower end of the case around
pre-stressing of the deck was completed and the the tendons was completed and then pre-stressed.
external temporary bundles of wires spanning over The pre-stressing was given through the auxiliary
the extrados were removed. tendons tensioned from the side of end
. At this point, each suspension cable was integrated anchorages.
by 28 auxiliary tendons, composed of four strands . The construction sequence was completed with the
and arranged as shown in Figure 30. The whole injection of the sheaths, which made the tendons
bundle of main and auxiliary tendons, each of them and their enveloping case collaborating in carrying
enveloped by its own sheath, was encased in a any new added load.
concrete covering, cast in segments and having a
mean section of 0.98 m by 1.22 m. It must be noted Such a sequence is no doubt complicated, but has a clear
that, at the casting time, the main tendons were aim: to create ties that behave as a homogeneous system
anchored at the ends of the external transverses and made of tendons working in tension and of a pre-stressed
466 P.G. Malerba

concrete case, working in decompression, but not in density polyethylene (HDPE) sheaths. The cables
tension, under the added loads (suspended girders, finishing were mounted in steps.
works, traffic, wind and temperature loads). In this way, the . Placement of a set of short cables, later used to tune
fatigue effects in the strands were limited, thanks to the the tension in the new stays and in the concrete
reduction of stress variations due to variable loads, and at original ties.
the same the strands were protected against corrosion.

Transfer of the tension force from the ties to the stays

Needed repair interventions
The transfer of the tension force from the ties to the stays
After about 25 years of service, many parts of the bridge
was obtained with the following sequence:
presented severe damage states. On the ties of frame No.
11, at the Genoa side, clear corrosion traces in the strands
. Placement and partial tensioning until 250 N/mm2
of the tendons appeared. Minor damages were detected on
of four long stays (Figure 34, tensioning phase 1).
the tendons at the top of the antenna of the nearby frame
. Placement of the remaining eight long stays. Tension
(No. 10) and in other parts of the bridge. In 1992 –1994, a
reduction of the first four stays and contemporary
recovery programme was carried out under the guidance of
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increase of the tension in four of the new eight cables.

Francesco Pisani, who was one of Professor Morandi’s
The tensile stress in all these eight cables was equalised
aides at the time of the bridge design, and planned the
at 150 N/mm2 (Figure 34, tensioning phase 2).
repairing intervention phases (Martinez y Cabrera &
. Progressive demolition of the last reaches, 7.00 m
Pisani, 1994). The main intervention concerned the four
long, of the damaged parts of the concrete ties and
ties of frame No. 11. The basic concept of the intervention
partial reconstruction for a length of 6.50 m
was to flank each original tie with a set of 12 additional
(Figure 35). The gap of 0.50 m was used for the
modern cables, in order to transfer the suspension action
subsequent cutting of the old cables. For the
from the ties to the stays.
reconstruction, a high strength fibre reinforced
concrete, having f’c ¼ 50 N/mm2, was used. In the
The repair intervention sequence reconstructed part, 2 £ 40 bars having a 36 mm
diameter were inserted to fix secondary anchoring
The intervention was aimed at creating a new suspension
devices. These new added devices anchored one of
system, adding new elements to the original structure with
the ends of the new short cables. The other end
the following sequence:
was anchored at lower terminal plates (Figures 31c
and 33).
. Placement of (2 þ 2) new anchorage boxes, at the
. Placement of the (3 þ 3) short stays, made of
top of the antenna. Each box was made of two steel
31/0.6 inch low-relaxation strands. Tensioning of the
plates, each having three niches and connected by
six short cables at 815 N/mm2 (Figure 34, tensioning
steel stiffeners (Figure 31a).
phase 3), for the set at the Savona side, and at 910 N/
. Placement of collar guides along the catenary of
mm2, for the set at the Genoa side.
the original ties. The collars, placed at a pitch of
. Cutting of both long and short old cables.
4 m, had 12 holes where the new cables were
. Progressive tension increase in the new long cables
housed (Figure 31b).
and progressive tension decrease in the new short
. Placement of lower anchoring devices at the
cables, according to phases 4–9, shown in Figure 34.
abutment at Genoa side (Figure 32). The abutment
At the end of the tensioning phases, the long cables
was drilled to allow the new cables to cross the
were set at a stress of 430 N/mm2 and the short cables
thickness of the original concrete structure. The
at 230 N/mm2 (Savona side) and 270 N/mm2 (Genoa
abutment structure was strengthened by means of
Titan bars.
. Cable injection and filling of the gap of 0.50 m at the
. Placement of lower anchoring devices at the ends of
lower end of the ties.
the transverse beam towards frame No. 10
(Figure 33). This device was made of two steel All these phases were systematically monitored. The
plates which formed a cellular ribbed structure main controls regarded the following:
(Figure 31c).
. Placement of a set of 12 additional cables for each tie. . vertical displacements at the middle and at the lower
The cables were made of 22/0.6 inch low-relaxation ends of the stays;
strands, having a section of 150 mm2. Each hot dip . horizontal displacements at the top of the antenna;
galvanised strand, as well as the group of the strands . stress variation in three sections of the deck and in
which formed the cable, were encased in high- four sections along the stays.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 467
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Figure 31. The Polcevera Bridge: (a) anchorage plates at the top of the antenna; (b) collar fastening of the original stays and (c) lower
end ribbed plate.

The repair works concerned also the other two frames. stays. Through specially designed devices (the collars and
On frame No. 10 a local repair, aimed to strengthen the the new anchorage systems) and following the recovery
upper end of the ties, was carried out. On frame No. 9, sequence (the progressive tensioning phases), the new
whose cables appeared less damaged with respect to the ‘composed’ stay system, resulting from the coupling of the
previous ones, no particular interventions were adopted. old ties to the new cables, maintains its original shape,
Surface protection interventions were carried out on all while the stiffness characteristics remain very close to the
three frames. original ones. This is important in order to maintain the
original design behaviour of the bridge and to avoid any
change in the deflection and flexural behaviour of the deck,
Conclusions about the repair intervention of the Polcevera with consequences also on the elements of the main frame.
Bridge Another aim of the progressive tension transfer from
As already mentioned above, the basic concept of the main the old ties to the new composed stays was to reduce the
intervention was to flank the original ties with new cables structural risk of excessive compression stresses in the
and to transfer the suspension action from the ties to the concrete ties, avoiding potential bursting effects. In fact,
468 P.G. Malerba
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Figure 32. The Polcevera Bridge: anchorage of the tie to the abutment.

the operation of transferring the carrying action from the Only some traffic limitations were needed during the
old system to the new one involves the cutting of the old demolition and tensioning phases.
cables. The old cables were fully collaborating with the
concrete section of the original tie. If they were not hold
back, they would have discharged the original pre- General considerations on the Polcevera Bridge
stressing force entirely on the concrete section. To this
The Polcevera Bridge and other Morandi tied bridges
purpose, the short cables served to bypass the section
represent an exceptional reference from the conceptual,
where the old strands were cut and, by tuning the tension in
aesthetic and technical point of view, which is even more
the new long and short cables, to graduate the load
relevant if related to the times in which these structures
transfer. At the end of this process, the compressive stress
were built. Nowadays, however, similar static schemes,
in the concrete ties was about 10 N/mm2, as the original
though brilliant, cannot be proposed. According to the
design assumed. Finally, it must be pointed out that the
modern criteria of durability, the ‘pre-stressed concrete
interventions were carried out without traffic interruptions.
tie’ does not appear as a safe solution for elements in

Figure 34. The Polcevera Bridge: diagram showing the

Figure 33. The Polcevera Bridge: anchorage of the stays to the evolution of tensile stresses in the long and short cables, during
deck transverse. the tensioning phases adopted in the strengthening works.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 469
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Figure 35. The Polcevera Bridge: phases of demolition and reconstruction of the end zones of the ties.

tension. Moreover, the suspension action entrusted to a particular attention must be paid to the drainage system.
limited number of elements makes the whole structure The lack of efficiency of the drainage system is one of the
little robust and the maintenance actions quite difficult. main causes of damages and corrosion both in steel and in
Modern bridge configurations, characterised by a relative concrete structures. Any effort to eliminate joints or, at
great number of stays (a ‘curtain of stays’), are designed so least, reduce their dynamic effects must be done.
that, should the failure of one of the many stays occur, the
subsequent loss of suspension action would be made up for
by other suspension elements, making the cables Acknowledgements
maintenance and/or substitution easier. I would like to acknowledge the members of my design team:
Emanuele Barbera, Paolo Galli, Chiara Malerba, Marco di
Domizio, Giacomo Comaita and Giancarlo Mineo. Many of the
works presented were carried out in cooperation with late
Conclusions Professor Francesco Martinez y Cabrera, who held before me the
At the end of this paper, the following conclusions can be chair of Bridge Theory at the Politecnico di Milano, to whom my
drawn. As regards the relationship between the bridges and memory and my gratitude go. The hydraulic studies were carried
by the ETATEC Company, under the supervision of Professor
the environment, on the basis of what was observed, the Alessandro Paoletti (Politecnico di Milano). The Polcevera
actual trend to avoid or to limit the number of piers in intervention was conceived by Francesco Pisani, under the
riverbed, and to prefer an increase in the span of the deck, supervision of F. Martinez y Cabrera. All Italian authorities who
is confirmed and recommended. Possible piers in the promoted special investigations and demanding repairing works
riverbed must have strong foundations, surrounded by are gratefully acknowledged. Among these are as follows: the
ANAS (Italian Agency for Roads) Compartment for the
suitable riverbed stabilisation devices. The piers must be Lombardia region, Milan; The Lodi Municipality, Lodi; the
correctly placed with respect to the flow. Technical Office of the Lecco Province, Lecco; FNM SpA (North
As far as existing bridges are concerned, it seems that Milan Railways), Milan; SSIF Spa (Swiss-Italian Railway
the old massive and well-shaped piers behave better than Company), Domodossola.
some types of piers built in the 1960s and 1970s, which
tend to rake solid debris and are more vulnerable.
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