E-II - LISTENING Song Waterloo Sunset TASK-1

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Listen to the song and fill in the blank with one word from the list.

paradise / sunset / window / day / river / night / time / afraid / world / people / light / Waterloo
Waterloo Sunset
By Ray Davis I stay at home at night but
I don't feel (9)
As long as I gaze on waterloo sunset
Dirty old (1) , must you keep rolling
I am in paradise
flowing into the (2)
people so busy, makes me feel dizzy
Every day I look at the (10) from my
taxi (3) shines so bright
but I don't need no friends
but chilly, chilly is the evening time
As long as I gaze on waterloo (4)
Waterloo sunsets fine
I am in paradise

Millions of (11) swarming like flies

Every (5) I look at the world from my
round waterloo underground
(6) but chilly, chilly is the evening (7)
but Terry and Julie cross over the river
Waterloo sunsets fine
Where they feel safe and sound
and the don't need no friends
Terry meets Julie, (8) station
As long as they gaze on Waterloo sunset
every Friday night but I am so lazy, don't want
they are in (12)
to wander

Task 2: Task 3:
Multiple choice Quiz – Circle the correct answer Vocabulary: Match the word with the
1. When and where do the couple in the song meet up?
a. At Waterloo station, every night a) Gaze (v) to walk about
b. At Waterloo station, every day
c. At Waterloo station, every Friday night b) Paradise (n) very safe
2. What does the storyteller look at every day, from his
window? c) Chilly (adj) scared
a. Waterloo station
b. Girls d) Fine (adj) good
c. The world
3. Why does the person telling the story stay at home e) Wander (v) to look
every night?
a. because he’s lazy f) Afraid (adj) cool, slightly
b. because he watches TV at night cold
c. because he’s scared of the dark g) Safe and a beautiful
4. The person telling the story talks about the evenings sound place
a. silly
b. chilly
c. cool
5. Which two adjectives are used in the song to describe
the river?
a. dirty, smelly
b. dark, dirty
c. old dirty
6. The storyteller describes Waterloo underground as
being busy with ?
a. people rushing like fools
b. people swarming like files
c. people bussing like bees
Dirty old river, must you keep rolling Flowing into the night
People so busy, make me feel dizzy Taxi light shines so bright
But I don't feel afraid As long as I gaze at Waterloo sunset I
am in Paradise Every day I look at the world From my window
Chilly, chilly is the evening time Waterloo sunset's fine Terry
meets July Waterloo station Every Friday night But I'm so lazy
don't want to wander I stay at home with dad But I don't feel
afraid As long as I gaze at Waterloo sunset I am in Paradise
Waterloo sunset's fine

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