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2010/05/08 version draft

The Asian Health Institute Foundation

The Case of PADEK in Siem Reap, Cambodia
March 21-March 28, 2011

AHI International Workshop: Since 2000, the Asian Health Institute (AHI) started
activities to offer continuous learning and networking opportunities among AHI
alumni of the international course and their development partners who share
common issues and concerns. The workshop is jointly organized by AHI and the
alumni’s organization in collaboration, and hosted at the field site of the alumni’s
organization. The first workshop of this kind was held in the Philippines in 2000,
followed bying the one in Bangladesh in 2001, in India in 2003, and in the
Philippines in 2006. The workshop format calls on participants to sShareing
experiences from various countries and engage in an in-depth case study with field
exposure. This would provides a venue for participants to learn from one another,
exchange feedbacks to one another, and get hints anddiscover insights forto make
a difference making further differences in their respective working areas. The
workshop also intendaims to promote the Asia-wide grass-roots networking towards
common goals, which contributes to gradually build an alternative power base to
cope with the current trends in economic globalization trends.

AHI plans to organize the workshop jointly with the organization of the three AHI
alumni, Partnership for Development in Kampuchea (PADEK) in Cambodia in 2011.

Cambodia and AHI. : Cambodians suffered tremendously through oOver two

decades of internal conflict and rule by the Khmer Rouge regime let by Pol Pot (April
1975 to January 1979), Cambodian suffered tremendously. They lost its population,
especially intellectuals and skilled persons (including health workers), in addition to
the destruction of its social infrastructure and administrative system. Even after the
peace agreement was signed in 1991 by the four fighting factions and the UN-
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supervised general election in mid-1993, battles between the government army and
the Khmer Rouge faction continued. The rivalry between the two prime ministers of
the new government caused a military clash in the capital city in mid-1997. It was
only in 1999 that reconstruction and development of the whole country could begin.
AHI has been involved in Cambodia through human resource development of both
government and NGO workers since 1989, still the time of when the ongoing
internal war was still ongoing.

PADEK. : PADEK, previously an international and now becomea national NGO, has
been working in Cambodia since 1986 and has long years of integrated community
development work and pro-poor policy advocacy work. PADEK received awards
from the Royal Government of Cambodia, two Gold Medals for national
reconstruction in 2002 and 2003 for their outstanding contribution to the national
reconstruction. In the past several years, PADEK has taken active roles in promoting
peace building through community health and development activities in the
integration zones in Siem Reap Province in the Northern Cambodia, where there
were military conflicts between the government and the Khmer Rouge faction
remained till the late 1990s. PADEK and their community partners in that area can
share their accumulated community experiences during the conflict and post
conflict reconstruction period on.

Peace building does not end when military conflicts cease. PADEK makes further
efforts at the grassroots to prevent conflicts by promoting mutual trust in the
community and among the local authority, health sector and the people in the
remote community especially the former Khmer Rouge zone. PADEK sees that the
development cannot be sustained unless the people and the local authority
understand each other and are able to work together in a peaceful way. Therefore,
as a part of its integrated community development model, PADEK facilitates
communities to establish the a conflict resolution committee, so that they are able
to prevent and solve any conflicts arising in the community.

Call for Participation: As progressively more regional and local conflicts

proliferate and intensify occur in intensified modes in Asia and anywhere
inthroughout the world, concrete strategies and methods are urgently needed to
prevent the occurrence and recurrence of such repeated man-made tragedies.
Many AHI alumni working at the grassroots in conflict areas have such concrete
methods. In particular, they are try various ways to integratinge peace-building
viewpoints and elements in innovative ways in regular health and development

This international workshop, jointly organized by PADEK and AHI, will offer mutual
learning opportunities for NGO workers, PO leaders, and local government officials
who are making effortsworking towards peace building through community health
and development.
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1) To get new ideas and insights through sharing experiences on peace building
through community health and development fromin various areas/countries
2) To learn from PADEK Integrated Community Development Model and their
community experiences in Siem Reap.
3) To build solidarity and networks among participants toward peace building

This workshop will be conducted using Participatory Training Methodology (PTM).
Sharing is learning and learning is sharing. Though the group will learn intensively
from the case of PADEK, each country team is expected to present their concrete
cases as well. AHI alumni, who are NGO workers, would facilitate their
partners’   learning by taking the role of translator, coordinator, and co-
learner, before, during and after the workshop. NGO workers are
responsible to provide orientation on AHI and basic information about
Cambodia to their partners before the workshop as part of the
preparation. Each session will be facilitated inwith ample freedom to maximize
less structured way to draw out the flow of experience sharing. Each participant is
responsible for her/his own learning with active participation in sharing and

Siem Reap Town and PADEK project sites in Siem Reap Province, Cambodia

Date: March 21 (Mon)– March 28 (Mon) , 2011 8 days

(Arrival in Siem Reap, Cambodia on March 20, 2011 and departure from
Siem Reap, Cambodia on March 29, 2011.)

 PADEK: Mr. Kep Kannaro with PADEK team
 AHI: Ms. UI Shiori with AHI team
In collaboration with Concerned AHI Alumni Group

Prospective participants:
Basically TEAM participation; one NGO worker (AHI ALUMNI) with one or two
development partners (people’s organization leader and/or local government officer
who have been closely working in a certain geographical area toward peace building
through community health and development) as a team from several Asian
countries. The total number of participants would be about 25.

Criteria for Participants are as follows:

1) The sending NGOs, People’s Organizations (PO), and Local Government
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Units(LGU) should be responsible for the selection of applicants. The selection
process should be in a democratic manner with consensus. Their pParticipation is
toshould promote and strengthen the irespective organizations as well as the
applicants as individuals.
2) All the applicants (NGO, PO, LGU) should have at least 3 years of experience
working together in community-based health and development activities with
some component of conflict prevention and peace building, and can jointly
prepare and present a concrete case study to share.
3) All the applicants should have strong commitment and leadership, and support
from their sending organizations to applyput their learning into practice back
4) All the applicants should be committed to continue working in the area for a
minimum of 2 years after the participation in the workshop.
5) NGO applicants (AHI alumni) should be fluent in English, which is the common
language in the workshop, and be willing to take translation and facilitation role
for their partners.
6) All the applicants areshould be in good health for traveling and living in athe
rural area.

Financial requirements:
 AHI will pay for:
1) Workshop expenses;
2) Board and lodging during the workshop period;
3) Domestic transportation expenses and airport tax within Cambodia;
4) Discount rate international airfare (from their nearest airport) with minimum
transit expenses.
 AHI asks the sending organization side to take responsibility for:
1) Participation fee: NGO participant:
NGO participant $200/person, PO/LGU participant: $100/person
2) Domestic transportation expenses to their nearest airport within their own
respective countries;
3) Miscellaneous expenses incurred for travel preparation; such as passport, visa
(to enter Cambodia and to transit at Bangkok when required), and airport
taxes in their own respective countries

*For Korean, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and Japanese organizations and field
offices or counterpart organizations of Japanese NGOs, AHI asks the sending
organization to pay for the full amount of international airfare plus the workshop
participation fee ($200/person).

*For participants in Cambodia: Several seats are available for Cambodian alumni.
They should also submit an application form to AHI by the deadline and join the
whole workshop period (Partial participation not allowed). Sending side should be
responsible for traveling costs between your area and Siem Reap town. No
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participation fee is required for Cambodian participants. Cambodian participants
can apply alone, and are not required to apply in a team with their community

Application Procedure:
Please complete and submit the following documents (in English) to AHI for each
1. AHI official application form for the International Workshop 2011.
2. Statement by the sending organization with information.
(For PO and LGU applicants who are applying as partners of NGO,
ENDORSEMENT sheet should be filled out by the NGO representative
and should be attached to their application forms.)
3. Two passport size photos.

Deadline for Application:

Application documents should be sent to AHI through post, FAX or e-
mail before the deadline. In case you send in by e-mail, please send
twice to make sure. Real face photos should be sent by post.

October 31, 2010

All the applicants will be informed of the selection results fromby AHI in about one
month after the deadline.

Contact Persons:
Ms. UI Shiori, Coordinator Mr. Kep Kannaro, Executive Director
Asian Health Institute (AHI) Partnership for Development in Kampuchea
987-30, Minamiyama, Nisshin P.O.Box 554, Phnom Penh CAMBODIA
Aichi, 470-0111 JAPAN Tel: 855-216-224
Tel : 81-561-73-1950 Fax: 855-216-224
Fax : 81-561-73-1990 E-mail: or
E-mail: Website:

*The workshop outline and application form can be downloaded from the AHI
website or will be sent by mail or post upon request to AHI. Any other inquiries or
comments regarding this workshop, please contact AHI at above address.

2010/05/08 version draft

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