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Lesson Plan #4

People of America
Today we are going to learn about the demographics of the United States. It is important to learn about
those who live in our country and embrace all cultural practices so we can welcome everyone.
Content/Knowledge (Head):
1. Students will be able to discover the different affects immigration has on people.

Process/Skills (Hands):
1. Students will be able to find reasons to do research on the topic of immigration.

Values/Dispositions (Heart):
1. Students will be able to express their views and justification through their writing.

State – Illinois Social Science Learning Standards (2016)
1. SS.H.2.6-8.MdC: Analyze multiple factors that influenced the perspectives of people
during different historical eras.

State – Common Core State Standards: Grades 6-12 Literacy in History/Social Studies
1. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.8 Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned
judgment in a text.
National – Align with National Standards Germane to Lesson Plan Content Focus
1. Individual Development and Identity

Central Focus:
1. Today’s lesson is about the people who live in the United States. Throughout this lesson,
students will find interesting facts about the country they call home.

Academic & Conceptual Foundation:

Facts and Concepts
1. Liberty
2. Opportunity
3. Justice
4. Asylum
5. Reasons why people come here.

Inquiry, Interpretations, or Analyses

1. The immigration process is always changing.
2. No two people will have identical experiences to immigration.
3. People usually seek immigration for a better opportunity.

Arguments or Conclusions
1. America is different than all other countries because everyone has a chance
to become a citizen.
Provide opportunity for students to demonstrate their ability to do the following: understand/use
facts and concepts; use inquiry, interpretation, or analysis skills to build and support arguments
or conclusions.
1. Participation in class discussion and group.
1. Ability to participate productively during classroom discussion.
Syntax – Procedures

1. Forming:
a. Teacher Instructions
1. I will have a deck of cards of different countries.
2. The countries will be split between African, South American, Asian, and European
3. Students will be grouped up with classmates that have a card with a country that is in the
same continent
4. I will direct each continent group to their table.
b. Resource
1. Deck of cards.
c. Student Activity
1. The students will each draw a card as I bring them around.
2. After everyone has a card, they will get in groups based on what card they
have by using the diagram on the board.
3. They will sit quietly and wait for further instruction

2. Functioning:
a. Teacher Instructions
1. Each group will follow along on the board to find what their role is.
b. Resource
1. See 2-1.
c. Student Activity
1. Students will identify their roles based on 2-1.
3. Formulating:
a. Teacher Instructions
1. Material gatherers will come up and get a packet for the group. See 3-1.
2. Each student in the group will work together to answer questions.
b. Resource
1. Primary and/or secondary source document/materials.
c. Student Activity
1. Describe active student learning activity.
4. Fermenting:
a. Teacher Instructions
1. Instruct students to complete evaluation forms honestly.
b. Resource
1. 4-1
2. 4-2
c. Student Activity
1. Students will fill out individual self evaluation sheet
2. Students will fill out group evaluation sheets
Resources (Source Citations & Bookmarks)

If your country is Germany, China, South Africa, or Brazil you are team leader. Your job is to
ensure everyone in your group is doing their part and making sure the group is working well

If your country is Italy, South Korea, Egypt, or Venezuela you are material gatherer. Your job is
to come up to the front of the classroom to pick up the materials your group will need to
complete the project.

If your country is France, Japan, Kenya, or Argentina you are team recorder. Your job is to write
down what your group finds during the project.

If your country is Spain, Taiwan, Nigeria, or Peru you are the team reporter. When your group is
ready to present, your job is to make sure you are ready to present your groups findings.
United States Population. (2018-09-17). Retrieved 2018-10-14, from

United States Population History

Nobody is sure what the population of the Americas was before Columbus arrived in 1492.
Estimates vary wildly, but it is commonly accepted that the indigenous population of the Americas
(the continents of North and South America combined) was between 50 million and 100 million in the
1490s. That includes approximately 15 million people living in the Aztec Empire and around 6 million
Inca. The population of North America at the time is equally uncertain and has been estimated to be
between 5 and 15 million.

Indigenous populations were hit hard by the arrival of European settlers. They were decimated by
diseases including smallpox, and some historians believe that disease killed over 50% of the
population. Additional native populations were killed by wars, massacres, and resettlement
programs. The Native American population of the United States reached a low point in the early 20th
century but has since been gradually increasing.

Formal censuses were not carried out during the colonial era, but records show that the colonial
population grew from a shaky start of just 3,800 in 1610 to over 1 million in 1750. The population
grew rapidly moving forward, and when the first official census was held in 1790 shortly after
independence, the population had grown to nearly 4 million.

United States Population Projections

The population of the US continues to grow today, driven by a high level of immigration. The latest
data from the Census Bureau shows that US population growth is running at between 0.7% and
0.9% per year. A 2015 Census Bureau Report suggests that growth will slow somewhat, and projects
a 2060 population of 417 million, with the country crossing the 400 million threshold in 2051.

The United Nations projects a lower total, estimating a population of just over 400 million in 2060.

United States Demographics Notes

The country's racial profile will be vastly different, and although whites will remain the single largest
racial group in the US, they will no longer be a majority by 2055 according to Pew Research
Center. Growth in the Hispanic and Asian populations is predicted to almost triple over the next 40
years. By 2055, the breakdown is estimated to be 48% White, 24% Hispanic, 14% Asian, and 13%

As of 2015, 14% of the United States' population is foreign born, compared to just 5% in 1965.
Nearly 39 million immigrants have come to the US since 1965, with most coming from Asia and Latin
America. The 2015 Census Report predicts that the percentage of the US population that is foreign
born will continue to increase, reaching 19% by 2060. This increase in the foreign-born population
will account for a large share of the overall population growth.

The average US citizen of 2060 is likely to be older than the average citizen of today, and almost
one in four people will be 65 or older. At the same time, the percentage of people who are working
age (18-64) is likely to fall from 63% today to 52% in 2060. This will have huge implications for
society as younger people work to fund the pensions and healthcare of the older generation.
United States Quality of Life
The average life expectancy of a person born in the United States in 2017 is 79.5 years. As is
common in most countries in the world, US women have a higher life expectancy than men - women
born in 2017 live for 81.8 years on average, while the life expectancy of men is just 77.1 years.

Compared to the rest of the world, using data compiled by the United Nations, the United States is
only 39th in the world when it comes to life expectancy. Interestingly, both the US Virgin Islands
and Puerto Rico have higher life expectancies than those born in the continental US. Hawaii is the
state with the highest life expectancy (81.3 years) and Mississippi is the state with the lowest life
expectancy (74.9 years).

Although the United States has the largest overall economy in the world, it does not have the highest
GDP per capita. With a GDP per capita of $55,800, the United States ranks 19th in the world, falling
behind small countries like Luxembourg that have economies based around servicing international
finance, as well as trailing major countries such as Australia. Average salary, calculated in 2014, is
very similar at $51,939. The state with the highest GDP per capita is North Dakota ($72,719) and the
state with the lowest GDP per capita is Mississippi ($34,784.)

Despite having a high GDP per capita and a healthy life expectancy, the United States ranks only
14th in the most recent World Happiness Report.

The language most commonly spoken in the United States is English, which is the main language of
82.9% of American residents. Spanish is the main language of 12.85% of residents and Chinese is
the main language of 0.64%.

Native American languages are the main language of 0.9% of residents. There is a wide variety of
different Native American languages, many of which are on the endangered list. The most widely
spoken is Southern Quechua, used by around 7 million people.

Although legal documents are normally written in English, the United States has no official
lanaguage at the federal level. At the state level most, but not all states have English as their official
language. Hawaii is the only state to have two official languages - English and Hawaiian.

The cultural diversity of the United States is no more evident than in the wide range of religious
beliefs practiced across the country. While the Protestant/Christian tradition is the clear majority at
48.9%, there are many varieties of Christianity, from the more conservative Baptists and
Evangelicals to the generally more liberal Episcopalians and Quakers. A sizeable proportion of the
population (23%) also identify as Catholic; again, the views of these individuals vary widely and
many are likely to consider themselves to be Catholic while only nominally practicing that faith.

There are a number of substantial minority faiths in the United States. Judaism is the religion of
2.1% of the population, but Jewish culture in the United States is highly visible, with Jewish holidays
such as Hanukkah widely celebrated. In addition, many well-known writers, academics and
television personalities have Jewish backgrounds. Other minority, yet still widely practiced faiths,
include Islam (0.8%) and Mormonism (1.8%), while smaller numbers identify as Buddhists, Hindus,
Sikhs, Wiccans, and many other varieties of religious faiths.

It is also worth noting that a significant minority of 22.8% of the population identifies as having no
religion or as Atheist/Agnostic. Young people make up the majority of this group and its numbers are
consistently increasing. However, the freedom to practice one's religion is among the most important
rights in the United States, to the extent that it is enshrined in the US Constitution. Therefore, while
in the years ahead, the religious demographics of the United States are likely to continue to shift, the
majority of the population will almost certainly wish to protect the rights of those of all faiths and of

Components of Population Change

One birth every 8 seconds

One death every 12 seconds

One net migrant every 35 seconds

Net gain of one person every 14


Source: By Tysto [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

3­2 Questions:

1. What are the most common languages spoken in America

2. What factors are included in the change of population in America?

3. What is the most populous city in America?

4. Does America have an official language or religion?

5. Based on the data above, how does the United States compare to other countries in 

6. Why is America so diverse?

Evaluation form

1. I did my job during this assignment.

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree

2. I allowed my group to do their jobs as well.

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree

3. Other comments:











Group evaluation form

1. Each group member did their job and encouraged others.

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree

2. My group was able to stay focused and work well together.

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree

3. Please comment on any other issues:









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