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Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the method that will be applied in this study. It was organized in the
following sub-heading: Type of Research, Sampling of Participants, and Instrumentation.

a. Type of Research

The research design of this study is purely qualitative, specifically Case Study. The reason
behind choosing this design is because this study focuses on acquiring the behaviour of Grade 12
St. Benedict of Nursia students to analyse the effects of social media on their academic
performances. Human behaviour varies a lot and is highly unpredictable. It cannot be
mathematically calculated. Thomas (2011) defined a case study as a kind of analysis of persons,
events, decisions, periods, projects, policies, institutions, or other systems that are studied
holistically by one or more method.

b. Sampling of Participant

In this study, the researchers used purposive sampling to identify the participants. Purposive
sampling, also referred to as judgement, selective or subjective sampling is a non-probability
sampling method that is characterized by a deliberate effort to gain representative samples by
including groups or typical areas with maximum variation in a sample (Henson and Soriano, 2016).
Therefore, the researchers of this study purposively selected participants who spend too much time
using social media especially during school days.

The population aggregates of this study consisted of all students (49) of Grade 12 section St.
Benedict of Nursia of Bp. Pueblos Senior High Campus. The participants consisted of ten (10)
students who are purposively selected. The participants were enrolled during the first semester of
the academic year 2017-2018 at Father Saturnino Urios University, Butuan City, Philippines. The
participants are between the ages of 16 and 20, Filipino, and are male and female.
c. Instrumentation

Questionnaire. A questionnaire created for this study titled “Questionnaire on the Effects of
Social Media on the Academic Performance of Grade 12 Section St. Benedict of Nursia, Bp.
Pueblos Senior High School Students” is going to be used to get the desired information from the
students. The preference of students to use social media, their usage and duration of use will be
tackled inside the questionnaire. The questionnaire was divided into two sections (I and II). Section
I was for collection of demographic information of participants while Section II consisted of open-
ended questions. This will lead the research study to the investigation of the effects of social media
sites on students.

Group Focus Discussion. Focus group discussion is one of the most effective instruments on
this research. It will help the researchers to acquire some feedbacks from the participants and for
the clarifications of their responses. This feedback will either be positive or negative depending
on the perception of the participants on social media and its effect on the academic tracks. Their
feedbacks will then be categorized and will be sorted out so that it will be easy for the researchers
to draw some conclusions.
Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered in
answering the problems connected to the effects of Social Media in the Academic Performance of
Grade 12 section St. Benedict of Nursia student.

Section I: Presentation of Personal Information

a. Age. The age of the students of section St. Benedict of Nursia is presented in Table 1.

It is revealed that most of the participants are 18 years old. These students comprised 8
(80%) of the total sample. 2 representing (20%) of the overall sample are 17 years old.

Table 1: Presentation of Personal Information in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percent

17 years 2 20%
18 years 8 80%

b. Sex. The sex of the students of section St. Benedict of Nursia is presented in Table 2.

It is shown that most of the participants are female. These students comprised 9 (90%) of
the total sample while the male participant only comprised 1 (10%) of the total sample. This
states the fact that frequent social media sites users in St. Benedict of Nursia are female.

Table 2: Presentation of Personal Information in terms of Sex

Sex Frequency Percent

Male 1 10%
Female 9 90%
Analysis to Research Questions:

Research Question 1: What are your most used social media sites?

As shown in table 3, the top social media site that the students of section St. Benedict of
Nusia are using is Twitter, comprising of 5 (50%) of the total sample. Followed by Facebook
comprising 2 (20%) and Messenger also 2 (20%) of the total sample. Instagram comprising only
1 (10%) of the overall sample.

Table 3: Most used social media sites (Top choice)

Social Media Sites Number of Students Percentage
Facebook 2 20%
Twitter 5 50%
Instagram 1 10%
Messenger 2 20%
Research Question 2: How do you use social media as an educational platform?

This study revealed that students from Grade 12 section St. Benedict of Nursia use social
media as an educational platform by communicating classmates and teachers, this particular result
comprised 5 (50%) of the total sample. 2(20%) of the population stated that they use social media
as an educational platform by sending files, viewing and answering assignment; 1(10%) stated that
they use it by finding additional information that cannot be found in books; and 2 (20%) stated
that they use social media for group discussion and sharing of information.

Table 4: Ways in Using Social Media as an Educational Platform

Ways in Using Social Media as an Educational
Number of Percentage (%)
Communicating classmates and teachers 5 50%
Sending files, viewing and answering assignment 2 20%
By finding additional information that cannot be found in 1
Group Discussion, sharing of information 2 20%
Research Question 3: What would be the advantage and disadvantage of the absence of social
media in a student’s life?

As shown in the table, the perceived advantages of the absence of social media in a
student’s life were: 4(40%) mentioned that when social media is absent they will be more focus
on educational life, there’ll be no destruction. 1 representing (10%) of the overall sample
mentioned that the absence of social media will make a student free from radiation, cyberbullying,
watching pornography and fake news. Another 1 representing (10%) said it can relieve their stress;
3 representing (30%) said that it helps students to search and be updated to all the things that they
want to know; and another 1 comprising (10%) mentioned that the absence of social media can
make a student learn more about what is going on with our country and the world. On the other
hand, as referred to table 6 the disadvantage of the absence of social media can make a student
harder to get information and communicate, these students comprising 4(40%) of the overall
sample. 1 comprising (10%) said that the absence of it will give student less time to sleep, 1(10%)
said that it would be a destruction for students, 1(10%) said that it will hinder a student to express
opinion, he or she will be outdated, and another 1(10%) said that this will give students less time
to study.

Table 5: Advantage of the absence of social media sites in a student’s life

Advantage Number of Student Percentage
More focus on educational life, there’ll be no 4 40%
Free from radiation, cyber bullying, watching 1 10%
pornography and fake news
It can relieve their stress 1 10%
Help students to search and be updated to all 3 30%
the things that they want to know
You can learn more about what is going on 1 10%
with our country and the world.
Table 6: Disadvantage of the absence of social media sites in a student’s life
Disadvantage Number of Student Percentage
Harder to get information and communicate 4 40%
Less time sleeping 1 10%
It can be destruction 3 30%
Cannot express opinion, be outdated 1 10%
Less time studying 1 10%

Research Question 4: Does social networking sites distracts you in your studies? In what way?

It is shown in table 7 that 9 (90%) of the overall sample said that social networking sites
distract them in their studies. 1(10%) stated that it distract them by communicating uncontrollably
about nonsense stuff instead of studying. 5(50%) stated that social media distract them in their
studies by generally giving more time on social networking sites than their studies. 1(10%) said
that social networking sites distract them by making them procrastinate. 2 (20%) said that social
networking sites distract them by shifting their attention from studying to using social media sites
whenever there’s a notification pops out; and only 1 (10%) mentioned that social networking sites
are not destructive at all.

Table 7: How social media sites distract one’s studies?

Way Social Media Sites Distract
Number of Student Percentage
Yes, by uncontrollably communicating
1 10%
about nonsense stuff instead of studying
Yes, by giving more time on social
5 50%
networking sites than my studies.
Yes, because of procrastination 1 10%
Definitely yes, It shifts my attention from
studying to using social media sites 2 20%
whenever there’s notification pops out
No, it is not destructive 1 10%
Research Question 5: How many hours do you spend on social networking sites daily? What
makes you use social networking sites that long?

It is shown in table 8 the time Grade 12 section St. Benedict of Nursia students spend time
using social networking sites and their reasons of using. It is revealed that the participants have
unique hour consumption as well as the reason for using such thing. 1(10%) stated that he spent 2
to 3 hours using social media, his reason is simply to communicate and watch videos ad movies.
Another 1 (10%) of the total sample stated that he spend 3 to 5 hours on social media a day because
it is entertaining and certain interesting post makes him use that long. 1(10%) stated he spend 4
hours using social media a day to communicate people far from him, find news and express thought
and opinions. Another 1(10%) stated that he spend 5 hours on social media, he then stated the
reason that it is already a routine for him to check her account daily. Another 1(10%) said he spend
6 hours using social media, simply because the feed in his twitter account are interesting. Another
1(10%) stated that he spend 7-8 hours utilizing social media for chatting family members, watching
videos and stalking. While there are 3(30%) of the overall sample stated that they spend 8-10 hours
using social media a day to get themselves updated with the world’s happenings and to
communicate as well. 1(10%) stated that he is almost 24 hours online a day, simple because he is
entertained by social media.
Table 8: Hours spent on social media a day and their reason

Hours Reason Number of Student Percentage

2-3 Communicating, watching 1 10%
videos and movies
3-5 Entertainment and interested by 1 20%
certain posts.
Communicate people far from
4 me, find news, expressing 1 10%
thought and opinions
A routine already, checking my 1 10%
6 Feeds on twitter are interesting 1 10%
Chatting family members,
7-8 1 10%
watching videos, stalking
8-10 Updating on what’s happening. 3 10%
A means of communication.
Almost 24 hours Entertaining 1 10%
Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary of the study, the conclusion drawn, and the

recommendations for consideration.


This study investigated the effects of social media in the academic performance of the
students of Father Saturnino Urios University, Bp. Pueblos Senior High Campus, Grade 12 section
St. Benedict of Nursia. The descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study. A sample
of 10 students was purposively selected from a 49 population. A purposive sampling technique
was used for the selection of the sample. A self-develop questionnaire titled “Questionnaire on the
Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Grade 12 Section St. Benedict of Nursia,
Bp. Pueblos Senior High School Students” was used for the data collection, thoroughly scrutinized
by the 3 validators from the faculty of Bp. Pueblos Senior High. The instrument was validated and
found out to be reliable. The collection of data was personally administered by the researchers.

The results obtained showed that student’s usage of social media has a significant effect on
their academic performance.

The result from the findings of this study showed that, though social media have negative
drawbacks and thus partly have negative effects on the academic performance of the participants
such as procrastination, shifting one’s attention from studying to scrolling on feeds and taking
most of their productive time, and such like, they also have benefits and good effects if used
appropriately. For instance, students can use social media as an educational platform by forming
online communities in order to plan for their upcoming projects, have academic-related group
discussion or use social media to the immediate announcement made by schools and to keep in
contact when a student who has been absent needs to be updated on current academic information.

Based on the findings of the study and the conclusions derived from the study, following
recommendations are hereby forwarded.

1. Students should be more educated on the influence of Social media on their academic
performance. Students themselves are predominantly responsible for their academic
performance thus students’ learning habit diverted in to excessive use of social media will have
great effect on their academic performance. Social Media in moderate usage doesn’t directly
affect the student’s learning process but anything in excess in always harmful.
2. The parents in general must be fully aware and alert to give parental guidance using social
media. Parents play a major role in their child

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