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Diffusion and Self–Organized Criticality in Ricci Flow

Evolution of Einstein and Finsler Spaces

Sergiu I. Vacaru

Department of Science
University Al. I. Cuza (UAIC), Iaşi, Romania

Research Seminar

October 11, 2010

Sergiu I. Vacaru (UAIC, Iaşi, Romania) Diffusion,Self–Organiz.Criticality,Ricci Flows... October 11, 2010 1 / 14
1 Goals and Motivation
2 Ricci Flow Evolution & Nonholonomic Manifolds
Geometry of N–anholonomic manifolds
Lagrange–Finsler structures and Einstein gravity
Nonholonomic Ricci flows of Einstein–Finsler spaces
3 Nonholonomic Diffusion and Self–Organized Criticality
Stochastic diffusions eqs on nonholonomic manifolds
Existence of unique and positive solutions
4 Stochastic Nonholonomic Ricci Flows
Stochastic modification of Perelman’s functionals
Main Theorems for stochastic Ricci flow eqs
Statistical analogy for stochastic Ricci flows
5 Summary & Conclusions

Sergiu I. Vacaru (UAIC, Iaşi, Romania) Diffusion,Self–Organiz.Criticality,Ricci Flows... October 11, 2010 2 / 14
Goals and Motivation

Goals and Motivation

Ricci flows and nonholonomic manifolds;
evolution of Einstein/Lagrange/ Finsler spaces
Nonholonomic diffusion and self–organized criticality
Stochastic nonholonomic Ricci flows

A Bridge to Stochastic Ricci Flows & Applications of Barbu & co-auths,

stochastic eqs and self–organized criticality to gravity/ Ricci flows

New results developing some directions:

S. Vacaru, in: JMP, Rep.MP, IJMPA, EJTP)
Diffusion on Curved (Super) Manifolds and Bundle spaces
Partner work (stochastic Einstein sps), arXiv: 1010.0647;
tomorrow preprint: arXiv: 1010.xxxx
Sergiu I. Vacaru (UAIC, Iaşi, Romania) Diffusion,Self–Organiz.Criticality,Ricci Flows... October 11, 2010 3 / 14
Goals and Motivation

Related directions
Stochastic porous media eqs, self–organized criticality
V. Barbu et all papers: arXiv: 0801.2478, math/0703420
Hypothesis for existence of unique solution for nonlinear diffusion
eqs on generalized on nonholonomic manifolds.
Theorem on existence and self–organized criticality and
stochastic Ricci flow evolution.

Nonholonomic Ricci Flows and Diffusion on Curved Spaces

Perelman’s N–adapted functionals: Riemann–Finsler evolution
Rolling Wiener processes on nonholonomic manifolds;
Laplace–Beltrami operators and diffusion.
Stochastic Einstein–Finsler manifolds.
Statistical and thermodynamic models for diffusion and
nonholonomic Ricci flows.
Sergiu I. Vacaru (UAIC, Iaşi, Romania) Diffusion,Self–Organiz.Criticality,Ricci Flows... October 11, 2010 4 / 14
Ricci Flow Evolution & Nonholonomic Manifolds Geometry of N–anholonomic manifolds

Ricci Flow Evolution & Nonholonomic Manifolds

Geometry of N–anholonomic manifolds
N–connection splitting: T V = hV⊕vV, N = {N ka }, ex: V = TM

Coordinates u α = (x i , y a ), x i = (x 1 , x 2 ), y a = y 3 = v, y 4 = y .
Indices i, j, k, ... = 1, 2 and a, b, c, ... = 3, 4 for (2 + 2)–splitting,
when α, β, . . . = 1, 2, 3, 4.

N–adapted frames: eα + (ei = ∂i − Nia ∂a , eb = ∂b = ),
∂y b
eβ + (ei = dx i , ea = dy a + Nia dx i ).

d–metrics: g = gij dx i ⊗ dx j + hab (dy a + Nka dx k )⊗(dy b + Nkb dx k )

Canonic. d–con. D b :b Γγ = ( b Li , L bi , C
ba , C b a ); T
b i = 0, T
b a = 0.
αβ jk bk jc bc jk bc

Levi–Civita con. ∇ = and distortion: =b

{Γγαβ } Γγαβ + Z γαβ , Γγαβ
all components defined by metric and N–connection.
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Ricci Flow Evolution & Nonholonomic Manifolds Lagrange–Finsler structures and Einstein gravity

Ricci Flow Evolution & Nonholonomic Manifolds

Lagrange–Finsler structures and Einstein gravity
Geometric data (N, g, D) , for a d–metric
g = gij dx i ⊗ dx j + hab (dy a + Nka dx k )⊗(dy b + Nkb dx k )
Lagrange structures: D b = hD, b vD b on V = TM,

g= gij dx i ⊗ dx j + L hab (dy a + L Nka dx k )⊗(dy b + L Nkb dx k ),

Lg Lh 1 ∂ 2 L(x i ,y c )
ij ∼ ab = 2 ∂y a ∂y b and L Nka , regular L(u) = L(x i , y c ).
Finsler generating functions and stochastic generating functions:
L = F 2 (x, y), homogeneous on y–variables.
Lagrange–Finsler in GR: L gα0 β 0 (u) = eαα0 (u)eββ 0 (u)gαβ (u),
N ∼ L N; g ∼ L g; D ∼ D,
b or c D and (g, ∇)

Main question: what connection for Einstein/ Ricci flow eqs?

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Ricci Flow Evolution & Nonholonomic Manifolds Nonholonomic Ricci flows of Einstein–Finsler spaces

Ricci Flow Evolution & Nonholonomic Manifolds

Nonholonomic Ricci flows of Einstein–Finsler spaces
Normalized Hamilton’s eqs: ∂χ ∂
gαβ = −2 Rαβ + 2r5 gαβ ,
∂α = ∂/∂u α ; normalizing factor r = RdVol/Vol; Rαβ and for ∇.
G. Perelman: Ricci flow is not only a gradient flow, also a
dynamical system on space of Riemannian metrics; two Lyapunov
type functionals, derive evolution eqs, variational calculus.
b Rαβ → R
If ∇ → D, b αβ ,
b ia = 0 and R
b ai = 0, ∂gij b ij , ∂hab b ab
R = −2R = −2R
∂χ ∂χ
Generating function φ(χ) = φ(x k , t, χ) = ln | √ |, for ansatz
|h3 h4 |
ψ(x k ) dx i ⊗ dx i + h (x k , t, χ)e3 ⊗e3 + h (x k , t, χ)e4 ⊗e4 ,
χg = e 3 4
e3 = dt + wi (x k , t, χ)dx i , e4 = dy 4 + ni (x k , t, χ)dx i .
PROBLEM: Existence of sol for Ricci flow eqs with stochastic
φ(χ) = φ(x k , t, χ)?
Sergiu I. Vacaru (UAIC, Iaşi, Romania) Diffusion,Self–Organiz.Criticality,Ricci Flows... October 11, 2010 7 / 14
Nonholonomic Diffusion and Self–Organized Criticality Stochastic diffusions eqs on nonholonomic manifolds

Nonholonomic Diffusion and Self–Organized Criticality

Stochastic diffusions eqs on nonholonomic manifolds

Nonholonomic geometric and N–adapted stochastic calculus. Open
bounder domain U ⊂ V, smooth
 boundary ∂U, Laplace–Beltrami
b .
b by data N, g, D
operator 4

Nonlinear evolution eq, U(0, u) = u on U,

δU(χ) − ∆Ψ(U(χ))δχ 3 σ(U(χ))δW(χ), on (0, ∞) × U,
Ψ(U(χ)) 3 0, on (0, ∞) × ∂U,

maximal monotone (multivalued) graph, polynomial growth ”coercive”


function Ψ : R → 2R ; random forcing σ(U)dW = νk Uhl, ek i2 ek
k =1
Sure evolution analogs for bf (x 1 , x 2 , v , χ) modelled by
= −∆bUb + D b − R − S
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Nonholonomic Diffusion and Self–Organized Criticality Existence of unique and positive solutions

Existence of unique and positive solutions

1 U ⊂ V and localization of operators ∆ b parametrized via
b and D
nonholonomic distributions that Ψ is a maximal monotone
multivalent function from R into R, 0 ∈ Ψ(0);
2 ∃ C > 0, a ≥ 0 ∀ ∈ R write sup{|θ| : θ ∈ Ψ(r )} ≤ C (1 + |r | a ) ;
3 it is possible to fix the nonholonomic distributions, the canonical
d–connection D b and sequence νk in such a form that locally

νk2 λ2k < +∞, for λk being the eigenvalues of the
k =1
b on U ⊂ V with Dirichle boundary
Laplace–Beltrami d–operator −∆
conditions on ∂U.

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Nonholonomic Diffusion and Self–Organized Criticality Existence of unique and positive solutions

Existence Theorem

A solution is any H–valued continuous F χ –adapted and N–adapted
process U(χ) = U(χ, z), for
 z∈ H , on [0, T χ] if
U ∈ L Ω × (0, χ) × U) ∩ L 0, T χ; L2 (Ω; H) , p ≥ a, and
p T 2

∃η ∈ Lp/a Ω × (0, T χ) × U) that P-a.s. when hU(χ, z), ej i2 = hz, ej i2 +
Rχ R p P
∞ Rχ
b j (ξ)
η(s, ξ)∆e |g(ξ)|δξds + νk hU(s, z) ek , ej i2 dβk (s),
0 U k =1 0
∀j ∈ N and η ∈ Ψ(U) a.e. in Ω × (0, T χ) × U.

For each z ∈ Lp (U), p ≥ max{2a, 4}
 and conditions
 p of
there is a unique solution U ∈ LW 0, χ ; L (Ω; U) . If additionally z

is nonnegative a.e. in U then P-a.s. U(χ, z)(ξ) ≥ 0, for a.e.

(χ, ξ) ∈ (0, ∞) × U.

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Stochastic Nonholonomic Ricci Flows Stochastic modification of Perelman’s functionals

Stochastic modification of Perelman’s functionals

For nonholonomic manifolds of even dimension 2n with stochastically
generated geometric objects, the stochastic Perelman’s functionals for
b are defined
the canonical d–connection D
Z  2 
bb b
b b
F (g, f ) = R + S + D f e−f dV , (1)
Z   2 

c bf , τ ) =
W(g, τb R + S + h Dbf + v Dbf + bf − 2n µb dV , (2)

where dV is the volume form of L g, R and S are respectively the h-

and v–components of the curvature scalar of D, b for D b α = (Di , Da ), or
2 2 2 R
b = ( h D, v D), D
D bbf = h Dbf + v Dbf , and bf satisfies µ bdV = 1 for V
b = (4πτ )
µ −n
e −f and τ > 0.
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Stochastic Nonholonomic Ricci Flows Main Theorems for stochastic Ricci flow eqs

Main Theorems for stochastic Ricci flow eqs

Main Theorem 1
The stochastic nonholonomic Ricci flows can be parametrized by
corresponding nonholonomic distributions and characterized by
evolution equations

∂gij b ij , ∂hab b ab ,
= −2R = −2R
∂χ ∂χ
∂bf 2
b bf + D
= −∆ bbf − R − S

and the property that h i

∂ b
F( g(χ),bf (χ)) = 2 R |R b ab + Da Dbbf |2 e−bf dV ,
b ij + Di Dj bf |2 + |R
R −bf
e dV is constant and the geometric objects D, b ∆,
b R b ij , R
b ab , R and S
are induced from random generating functions in g(χ).
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Stochastic Nonholonomic Ricci Flows Statistical analogy for stochastic Ricci flows

Statistical analogy for stochastic Ricci flows

Any family of stochastically Ricci flow evolving nonholonomic
geometries, and solutions of Einstein equations, with nonlinear
diffusion data derived from Hypothesis and conditions of Main
Theorem is characterized by thermodynamic values
b 2 h b 2 v b 2 n
hEi = −bτ R + S + Df + Df − b dV ,
b h b 2 v b 2 b
S=− τb R + S + D f + D f + f − 2n µ b dV ,
b b 1 2 b b 1 2
b = 2 τb
σ |Rij + Di Dj f − gij | + |Rab + Da Db f − gab | µ b dV .
τ 2b

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Summary & Conclusions

Summary & Conclusions

We used the results on existence of unique solution of nonlinear
diffusion equations (V. Barbu et all) as a bridge to prove the
existence of stochastic Ricci flow scenarios.
Diffusion and Self–Organized Criticality effects in gravity,
cosmological models, quantum gravity and nonholonomic Ricci
flow evolution.
Nonholonomic stochastic Einstein spaces as stationary
configurations for Ricci flows.
Similar effects for Ricci–Lagrange/–Finsler stochastic evolution.
Outlook (recently developed, under elaboration):
Gravity and quantum physics, geometric mechanics; various
applications in modern cosmology and astrophysics, geometric
mechanics etc. Generic nonlinear solutions, stochastic evolution,
fractional derivatives, solitonics, singularities, memory etc.
A rigorous mathematical approach to diffusion Self–Organized
Criticality in Ricci Flow Evolution of Einstein and Finsler Spaces.
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