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WHAT: Variety Show

Before the EDSA Day, two friends has been assigned to do some research about the Martial
Law as an homework for their subject, they conclude that their aunt may know something
about it, so after the school they decided that they will pay a visit to her. As they keep talking
they passed a pageant in their way.


Vicky: Krisha, what questions should we asks to aunt first?

Krisha: um, we should first ask her about the event happened in 1965.

Vicky: you mean, the time when marcos won the presidential?

Krisha: uh-huh… what’s going on here?

Vicky: I don’t know , maybe there’s something an event happening.

Krisha: oh , I think it’s a kind of gay pageant.. want to watch a little?

The two friend spends sometime to watch the program , they laugh and comment what they
like until the program was coming to an end.

(before the pageant end)

Krisha: I think the pageant is going to end now…

Vicky: Yeah, I think so..

Krisha: so? Lets go

Then two friends arrived at their aunt’s house… at the house , the aunt is doing some dishes
until there’s an endless knocks at the door. The aunt finished what she’s doing and went to
open the door, after that she saw her two nieces in front of her.

(Auntie call out and open the door)
Davy: who is it? … I said who is it?

Vicky: It’s us, Vicky and Krisha , Aunt Davy

Davy: coming!

Davy: Oh! Hey kids, How are you? Um, do you need something?

Vicky: Oh yes we do need you for something..

Krisha: Hi! Auntie , were fine thank you. How about you?

Davy: I’m fine thank you Krisha , so? Yes, what is it?

Vicky: well auntie , we just want you to confirm us about something…

Davy: about what?

Krisha: about the Martial Law

Davy: okay, but both of you should come in first…come in ,come in..

Both nieces simply went in the house and followed their aunt all the way through the kitchen.

(in the kitchen)

Davy: so what do you wanna ask?

Krisha: um, auntie your born in the year 1955 right?

Davy: yeah, So what about it?

Vicky: so, how old are you aunt, when you witness the presidential of Marcos?

Davy: I think, I was around 10 years of age back then When Marcos won the Election

Krisha: its year 1965 right aunt?

Davy: uh-huh, yes Vicky?

Vicky: can you tell us, what events happened in the year 1965?

Davy: ok then let me tell you a story . In the Beginning since 1965

Year 1965 Dec. 30, Ferdinand Marcos has been elected and won the presidential elections, He
took his oath of office as the 6th President of the Philippine Replublic. At the beginning of his
administration, President Marcos was beset by serious problems. The national treasury was
almost empty because of the extravagance of the Macapagal administration. The government
was short of funds for essential services, including education, health, national defense, social
welfare, and infrastructure.

[1st SCENE]
Marcos elected as the President of Philippines (1965)


Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. Vice-President, Mr. Speaker, My Countrymen:

By your mandate, through the grace of the Almighty, I stand here today in the traditional ritual of the
assumption of the Presidency.

By your mandate, once again you have demonstrated the vitality of our democracy by the peaceful
transference of governmental authority.

It is but fitting and proper that this traditional ritual be undertaken on this sacred ground. For 69 year
ago today, a young patriot and prophet of our race fell upon this beloved soil. He fell from a tyrant’s
bullet and out of the martyr’s blood that flowed copiously there sprung a new nation.

(crowd applauses/reporters shot pictures)

The more the story goes, the more curious the both nieces are…

Main Scene
Krisha: So what happened after that Auntie?

Davy: Well , President Marcos build a lots of stuff , such as buildings, bridges, roads, schools, and many
more that which lead our country became the riches country in the world. Not only that, he also also
won the re-election in the year 1969

Vicky: wow! , I never thought Pres. Marcos was a genius and an awesome President!

Davy: Yeah! He was intelligent and awesome enough that many politicians got jealous of him..

Krisha: huh? what do you mean? Did something happened after that?

Davy: uh-huh , something baaaad happened after that glorious years…

As Pres. Marcos commenced his 2nd term, somber clouds loomed in the Philippine skies,
auguring dark days for the young republic. The global crisis brought about by the rising oil
price reached the Philippines, the prices of commodities spiraled skyward, many people
became jobless, and the “floating peso” was devaluated. The Most violent student
demonstration took place on Jan. 1970 when thousands of student demonstrators tried to
storm the gates of Malacanang. This event came to be known as the “Battle of Mendiola”.
Students in various colleges and universities held massive rallies and demostrations to
express their frustration and resentments.

[2nd Scene]
Communist/First Quarter Storm

Daniel: we Students, don’t need any corrupted politicians.

Jennifer: Yeah! I think we need to teach the government some lessons

Georgee: We people are not satisfied enough for what the government has done to us recently

Kristine: Many people are now jobless that which hard for us Filipinos to survive, I mean all I wanna say
is that they don’t really care about us!

Daniel: come on people!


All I want to say is that

They don't really care about us…

Skin head, dead head

Everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Bang bang, shot dead
Everybody's gone mad

(some protesters act to burn a medical building , crashing thru gate w/ fire truck)

All I want to say is that

They don't really care about us
All I want to say is that
They don't really care about us

(soldiers acts to push the protesters where ended as an exchange of gunfire)

Beat me, hate me

You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Sue me, Sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, kick me
Don't you black or white me

All I want to say is that

They don't really care about us
All I want to say is that
They don't really care about us

(gas grenades finally dispersed the crowd)


As a listener , the more interesting the story got, the more people will asks some questions…
just like her. (points at Vicky)

Main Scene
Vicky: I,I … how ..terrible(speechless)

Davy: speechless?

Krisha: ah …yeahh that was indeed terrible … horrific per say

Davy : hmm.. you know I heard 4 persons were killed that day and both sides were equally injured.

Vicky: wait..(stuttering) you mean the one who initially started the rally was mostly the students? I
mean why would they do that?

Davy: well I think it all started when some Radical communists from china took over and re-organized
the community party of the Philippines
Krisha : Yeah! I heard that they were the ones who created the new guerilla army which called New
People’s Army or NPA. Right auntie?

Davy: Right they also actively supported anti-Marcos groups and infiltrated several student
organizations, farmers, and even professionals.

Vicky: how did you know that?

Krisha : well, I read a lot .. unlike you

Vicky: ugh! Whatever.. so what happened next?

Davy: well… in 1971 something happened that which lead Marcos to downfall.

See? told ya. Anyway, in the night of August 1971 , the Liberal Party had a political rally
where the bloodiest Plaza Miranda Bombing Happened. Prompted Marcos to suspend the
writ of habeas corpus hours after the blast just to maintain peace and order. He later on
restored it in 1972 after the public Protests. These events, together with student protests and
labour strikes were later used as justification for the imposition of Martial Law.

[3rd Scene]
Proclamation of Martial Law


First things first

I'ma say all the words inside my head
I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh ooh
The way that things have been, oh ooh


Second thing second

Don't you tell me what you think that I can be
I'm the one at the sail, I'm the master of my sea, oh ooh
The master of my sea, oh ooh


I was broken from a young age

Taking my sulking to the masses
Write down my poems for the few
That looked at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me

Singing from heartache from the pain
Taking my message from the veins
Speaking my lesson from the brain
Seeing the beauty through the…

(all communists and soldiers)


You made me a, you made me a believer, believer

You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer
Oh let the bullets fly, oh let them rain
My life, my love, my drive, it came from
You made me a, you made me a believer, believer

[4th scene]
(rape/gunshots/stabbing and etc.)

(One Day)

.. In September 23 1972, Pres. Marcos appeared on nationwide radio and television to
formally announce that he had placed the entire Philippines under Martial Law.


My countrymen, as of the 21st of this month, I signed Proclamation #1081 placing the
entire Philippines under Martial Law. This proclamation was to be implemented upon my
clearance and clearance was granted at 9 o’clock in the evening of the 22nd, last night. I
have proclaimed martial law in accordance with the powers vested in the president by
the constitution of the Philippines. The proclamation of Martial Law is not a Military
takeover. I, as your duly elected President of the republic use this power which maybe
implemented by the military authorities but still is a power embodied in the constitution
to protect the republic of the Philippines and our democracy. All that I do and we in
government must do is for the republic and for you. I am confident that with God’s help,
we will attain our dream of reformed society, a new and brighter world.
The other girl is listening intently while the other one is very confused. She on the other hand
opens her bag and get a piece of paper.

Main Scene
Krisha: Aunt Davy, I have already done some research about this, and it says that Benigno Aqino Jr. is
involved in this event. Is this right?

Davy: Well, yes after the proclamation of Martial Law, Marcos curtailed press freedom and other civil
liberties, closed down congress and media establishments and ordered the arrest of opposition leaders
and militant activist including his friend Benigno Aquino.

Vicky: So basically, Aquino has been arrested. For how many years?

Krisha: 8 I think so , he was actually sentenced in death penalty but never happened was only put in
detention instead.

Davy: you’re right about that krisha. He spends 8 years in prison until.

8 years of Prisonment that Benigno Aquino Jr. suffered in order to attained his sins in the
republic. In 1980, Marcos released him to undergo heart operation in the United States along
with his family. 3 years after, he decide to return to the Philippines but the government tried
to stop him, claiming that therewere some people who wanted to kill him. He was ordered to
postpone his return to the country but he persist until….

[5th Scene]


All my friends are heathens, take it slow

Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse
Welcome to the room of people
Who have rooms of people that they loved one day
Docked away
Just because we check the guns at the door
Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades
You're lovin' on the psychopath sitting next to you
You're lovin' on the murderer sitting next to you
You'll think, "How'd I get here, sitting next to you?"
But after all I've said, please don't forget
(all prisoners)
We don't deal with outsiders very well
They say newcomers have a certain smell
Yeah, I trust issues, not to mention
They say they can smell your intentions
You're lovin' on the freakshow sitting next to you
You'll have some weird people sitting next to you
You'll think "How did I get here, sitting next to you?"
But after all I've said, please don't forget
(Watch it, watch it)
(all Prisoners)
(ninoy got heart attack)
(3yrs later)

(Ninoy got shot right in the head)

Well, would you look at that, tsk tsk, his dead, obviously. Anyway after the death of Benigno
Jr. by 1985, the political and economic instability in the country caused fears that the violent
overthrow of the Marcos dictatorship was forthcoming. Cory, the widow became the symbol
of the people against the Marcos’ regime. She started to lead rallies, involved herself in
politics by supporting opposition candidates. Through the sympathy and support of millions
of people in manila, she won the snap election of presidency and was proclaimed president
of the Philippines by virtue of “people power”

Main Scene
Vicky: So … Ninoy died what happened to Marcos after that?

Davy: hmm? Well, they say Marcos was the one who killed Aquino.

Vicky: huh? Are they kidding? Can’t they tell?... I mean duh, if I was Marcos I would have killed Aquino
already long ago ,not send him to another country to do some surgery… tsk! Whatta poor Marcos.

Krisha: so auntie, the EDSA Revolution was started when Cory has been elected as the president? So
what happened to Marcos?
Davy: well as for Marcos, he and his family and some friends were taken by the U.S. Air Force to guam
and then to Hawaii..

[6th scene]


The people won. To celebrate the downfall of the Marcos dictatorship, the people lit bonfires
and danced and sang in the streets of the main cities of the country. They flashed the famous
“L” sign with their fingers and cried tears of joy and thanksgiving.

Main Scene
Vicky: that’s all?

Davy: Yes that’s all the story of Marcos from the beginning of Martial Law until the end.

Krisha: Pft. Watta pity for those bunch idiot people.

Vicky: yeah, you think well anyway thank you for the story aunt Davy… even though it was kinda sad
story but still helpful enough.

Krisha: yeah thanks aunt. What’s “L” stands for by the way?

Davy: well no problem girls. Your very welcome. I think it stands for “LOSERS”


(sigh) it was sad to say though that story came to its end. Hopefully those friends are
contented and satisfied enough to be able to gathered information enough for their
homework. Well, folks lets end the story here. Oh and by the way, during Aquino
administration, She was responsible for the implementation of a 60-day cease-fire involving
the MNLF and the vigilante groups in Metro Manila. And She only lasted for one term of
Presidential only. After all she was the reason that we suffered internal poverty. GOODBYE
and had a GOOD DAY!

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