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สรุ ป Subject & Verb Agreement

(การผันระหว่างประธานกับกริยาให้ สอดคล้ องกัน)

V. เอกพจน์ is, was, does, has, V.เติม -s, -es
V. พหูพจน์ are, were, do, have, V.ไม่เติม -s, -es

1 - ประธานเอกพจน์
V. เอกพจน์
- N. นั บไม่ ได้

ประธานพหูพจน์ V. พหูพจน์


There is, was + N. เอกพจน์ / N.

นับไม่ ได้
There are, were + N. พหูพจน์


3 Each

Every N.เอกพจน์ V. เอกพจน์



One of

Each of N.พหูพจน์ V. เอกพจน์

Every of

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
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Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.

Some, All,
N.พหูพจน์ V. พหูพจน์
Many, A few, ( of )
Both, Several

4 V. พหูพจน์

A number of

N. พหูพจน์ V. เอกพจน์
The number of


Neither N.1 nor N.2 V. ผันตาม N. 2

Either N.1 or N.2


N.1, together with, N.2

N.1, as well as , N.2 V. ผันตาม N. 1

N.1, with , N.2 N.1,

including , N.2

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 2
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.

N.1 and N.2

V. เอกพจน์
**N.1 N.2 รวมกันแล้ วความหมายเป็ นสิ่ง

นา้ หนัก, เงิน, ระยะทาง-
เวลา, ชื่อวิชา, เกมส์ กีฬา, V. เอกพจน์
ชื่ อโรค

ขึ้นต้ นด้ วย

Someone Somebody Something Somewhere

V. เอกพจน์
Everyone Everybody Everything Everywhere

Anyone Anybody Anything Anywhere


ประโยคขึน้ ต้นด้ วย / To V1 V. เอกพจน์



V. ผันตาม N. 1
N.1 preposition N.2

(of, in, on, for, with, at)


Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 3
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.


V. _____

The + Adj.

Subject and Verb Agreement Exercise

1. Someone at the stables _________ B. are
the horses every morning. 9. _________ he have the directions?
A. grooms A. Doesn't
B. groom B. Don't
2. Some of the forest _________ 10. Gold coins and silver bars _____
patches of poison ivy. found in the sunken pirate ship.
A. has A. was
B. have B. were
3. The books and the magazine
________ placed on the table.
A. was
B. were 11. Both of my pencils ____ an eraser
4. Phobos and Deimos _______ the A. has
two moons of Mars. B. have
A. is 12. Each of the Girl Scouts _______ a
B. are community service project.
5. Everybody at the fourth of july A. does
parade _____ carrying an American flag. B. do
A. was 13. All of the guests _____ gone to the
B. were concert in the park.
6. Any of those nail ______ fine. A. has
A. is B. had
B. are 14. Your hands and feet _________
7. Neither the lion tamer nor the nearly half the bones in your body.
clowns __ signing any autographs tonight. A. contains
A. is B. contain
B. are 15. Rain or sleet ______ predicted for
8. Most of the newspaper _____ wet. tomorrow.
A. is A. is

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 4
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.

B. are A. creates
16. Either string beans or broccili B. create
______ my favorite vegetable. 19. My mother and my
A. is sister__________ watch TV except for the
B. are evening news.
17. Few of the apartments _________ A. doesn't
ever vacant at this time of year. B. don't
A. is 20. Several of the field hockey players
B. are also _______ to the track team.
18. Trumpets or a flute A. belongs
______excitement in music. B. belong
Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.

1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.

2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.

3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.

4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.

5. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.

6. Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.

7. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.

8. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.

9. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.

10. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.

11. Either answer (is, are) acceptable.

12. Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.

13. Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.

14. (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?

15. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite

16. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.

17. (Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?

18. Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 5
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.

19. There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!

20. The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.

21. The committee (leads, lead) very different lives in private.

22. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets, greet) the press cordially.

23. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (is, are) in this case.

Direction: Circle the correct verb in each of the sentences below.

1. Your friend (talk-talks) too much.

2. The man with the roses (look-looks) like your brother.

3. The women in the pool (swim-swims) well.

4. Bill (drive-drives) a cab.

5. The football players (run-runs) five miles every day.

6. That red-haired lady in the fur hat (live-lives) across the street.

7. He (cook-cooks) dinner for his family.

8. The boys (walk-walks) to school every day.

9. The weather on the coast (appear-appears) to be good this weekend.

10. The center on the basketball team (bounce-bounces) the ball too high.

Directions: Circle the correct verb in the sentences below.

1. Each of the girls (look-looks) good on skis.

2. Everybody (was-were) asked to remain quiet.

3. Neither of the men (is-are) here yet.

4. (Is-Are) each of the girls ready to leave?

5. Several of the sheep (is-are) sick.

6. Some members of the faculty (is-are) present.

7. Nobody in the class (has-have) the answer.

8. Each of the girls (observe-observes) all the regulations.

9. All of the milk (is-are) gone.

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 6
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.

10. Most of the seats (was-were) taken.

Directions: Circle the correct verb in each of the sentences below.

1. Margo and her parents (visit-visits) each other often.

2. Either the cups or the glasses (are-is) in the dishwasher.

3. Vern and Fred (need-needs) a ride to work.

4. There (is-are) a dog, a cat, and a bird in the garage.

5. Neither Matt nor his brothers (was-were) at the party.

6. Here into the main ring of the circus (come-comes) the trained elephants.

7. Either the workers or the boss (deliver-delivers) the merchandise.

8. The committee (work-works) hard for better schools.

9. There (is-are) many things to do before the holidays.

10. The jury (was-were) polled for their verdicts.

11. Here (is-are) the nails you need for the projects.

12. Either Joyce or Ellen (was-were) here.

13. The United States (is-are) a country of contrast.

14. A magazine and a book (was-were) lying on the floor.

15. The family (is-are) occupied with their individual problems.

Directions: Circle the correct verb in each of the sentences below.

1. Mumps (is-are) one of the most uncomfortable diseases.

2. One hundred dollars (is-are) not a lot of money to some people.

3. She (doesn’t-don’t) look very well today.

4. Twenty minutes (is-are) the amount of time it takes me to get home from work.

5. It (doesn’t-don’t) seem so cold today.

6. Gymnastics (is-are) easy for Angela.

7. Interesting news (is-are) what sells our paper.

8. A pound of cookies (cost-costs) about a dollar.

9. They (doesn’t-don’t) think they’ll win the game tonight.

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 7
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.

10. He (don’t-doesn’t) speak very well.

Directions: In the blank, use the correct present tense form of the infinitive given at the
beginning of each sentence.

1. to have: The cracked windshield, in addition to the torn upholstery and rusted body,
__________ made Ruth’s old car difficult to sell.

2. to be: This week's National Inquisitor claims that there __________ photographs of the
Loch Ness Monster eating Elvis.

3. to work: At Tito’s Taco Palace __________ friends who will stuff double meat into our
burritos for free.

4. to crawl: On the tables in the library __________ the many germs that have escaped in
the hot breath of hardworking students.

5. to be: None of this breakfast that Lilly Mae cooked __________ fit to eat.

6. to taste: None of these chocolate-broccoli muffins __________ good, either.

7. to have: The whole red ant colony, including the queen and all of her drones,
__________ swarmed over Tommy's feet, stinging his ankles.

8. to make: Fifteen gallons of chocolate milk __________ Herbert the elephant a happy

9. to hope: Everyone on the roller coaster, including Martha and Angie, __________ that
the hot dogs, onion rings, funnel cake, and cotton candy will stay down during the
twisting ride to come.

10. to bother: Neither Fred's ratty clothes nor his sullen attitude __________ Esmeralda,
who lets Fred pick up the check every time they dine out.

11. to hug: That pair of jeans __________ the curves of Hannah’s body as nicely as tinfoil
on a baked potato.

12. to annoy: Neither the coughing muffler nor the squeaky brakes __________ Ruth as
much as the broken radio in her old car.

13. to get: Florida alligators usually __________ severe indigestion after eating poodles.

14. to cling: Every cat hair, candy wrapper, and loose thread __________ to the super
charged polyester pants that Theodora loves to wear.

15. to know: Any one of Ms. Orsini's students __________ the rules that govern subject
verb agreement.

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 8
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.

16. to take: The shine on my hardwood floors __________ abuse from the ragged toenails
of Floyd, my dog.
17. to have: Neither of those students __________ a clue about the rules governing subject
verb agreement. Pity them both during the quiz.

18. to make: Patience and compassion, in addition to a wallet bulging with money,
__________ everyone want Jordan as a friend.

19. to require: Statistics __________ so much homework that Michelle's poor fingers have
permanent indentations from the calculator pads.

20. to come: The committee ___________ from all parts of the city, so we usually have to
start late because so many members get stuck in traffic.

21. to believe: The committee ___________ that waiting until everyone arrives is more
important than starting on time.

22. to be: When Dad is angry, there __________ fire flickering in his eyes as well as smoke
escaping from his ears.

23. to brighten: When Matthew is having a bad day, old episodes of The X-Files always
__________ his mood.

24. to hit: Each of those opera singers regularly ___________ notes high enough to break
glass and rupture eardrums.

25. to be: Either the fried oyster sandwich or shrimp pizza __________ the best choice for
lunch at Crusty's Seafood Restaurant.

Directions: Choose the correct present tense verb form for the sentences below.

1. The dead trees and peeling paint, along

with the broken windows and flapping
3. Neither of those sharks circling your
shutters, __________ everyone believe
boogie board __________ hungry enough
that evil spirits haunt the deserted Sinclair
to bite.
A. looks B. look
A. made B. has made
C. looked D. had looked
C. makes D. make
4. One hundred and fifty gallons
2. Where __________ the earrings that I
__________ the amount of liquid the
left by the bathroom sink? Oh no! That
average living room rug can absorb.
stupid cat has swatted them down the
Rachel discovered this fact after taking a
drain again!
long shower when the curtain wasn't
A. was B. were
tucked inside the tub.
C. is D. are

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 9
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.

A. is B. are
C. was D. were

11. At Wendy's Washateria, all of the

5. Agnes never loses a single possession. dryers _________ six quarters before
Everyone knows what belongs to her, for spinning wet clothes dry.
each pen, pencil, and paperclip A. gobbles B. gobble
__________ a tiny flag attached with C. gobbled D. will gobble
Agnes' full name on it. 12. At Wendy's Washateria, each of the
A. will have B. has industrial washing machines _________ so
C. have D. had forcefully during the spin cycle that new
6. Asteroids and comets slamming into patrons dash outside, convinced that an
Earth __________ Marge; she tries to earthquake is shaking the building.
remain under A. rocks B. rock
the protective cover of her roof as much C. rocked D. will rock
as possible. A. worries 13. Everyone at Wendy's Washateria,
B. worry C. worried even Myra and old Mrs. Webster,
D. used to worry __________ that she could afford her own
7. Someone—perhaps Emmanuel or washer and dryer at home.
Paul—__________ the right wine to serve A. wished B. have wished
with earthworm lasagna. C. wish D. wishes
A. knew B. will know 14. Every cereal bowl and casserole dish
C. knows D. know _________ slipped out of Sheila’s soapy
8. These scissors __________ so dull that hands and shattered on the hard tile of
I'm not sure you could slice butter with the kitchen floor. Sheila really needs to
them! buy a dishwasher.
A. is B. are A. has B. have
C. has been D. had been C. will have D. had
9. Physics __________ proven to be 15. Not only fat caterpillars but also my
Jerry's easiest subject this semester. He neighbor's rabbits __________ chewed
brings Carol, the lab assistant, an oatmeal- my poor tomato plants to leafless nubs.
raisin cookie, and, as his reward, she A. has B. have
finishes his report. C. will have D. had
A. has B. have 16. Two cups of sliced jalapeno peppers
C. had D. will have ___________ extreme for a single batch
10. The good jewelry Dad gave Sara for of burrito filling, but that's the amount in
graduation __________ more than the Felipe's recipe.
cheap leather wallet that David got as his A. seemed B. had seemed
reward for finishing high school. C. seems D. seem
A. costs B. cost
C. will cost D. had cost

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 10
Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential.

17. Even after winning the away game, 23. The class __________ about the
the girl's basketball team __________ solution to the stuffy condition of the
gloomy because Coach Cox will insist that room; ten students want to open the
the players return to their hotel rooms to window, but the others remember the
study for next week’s classes. flood of frightened cockroaches that
A. is B. are poured in the last time Mr. Frampton
C. was D. were released the window from the
18. Either The Matrix or Aliens frame.
___________ Sam's favorite science- A. disagrees
fiction movie. B. disagree
A. was B. were C. disagreed
C. is D. are D. will continue to disagree
19. The eight slots on Pam's extra large 24. When the fire alarm starts ringing,
toaster __________ that no one has to Mrs. Hoff is one of those teachers who
fight over frozen waffles during breakfast. __________ that class continue on the
A. meant B. will mean lawn outside.
C. means D. mean A. insists B. insist
20. "Here __________ the box of broken C. insisted D. has insisted
appliances that you promised to repair," 25. Mrs. Hoff and Mrs. Phillips
Bob reminded Sue, his wife. __________ that class time is precious
A. is B. are and should not be
C. will be D. have been wasted because of someone's immature
21. Statistics __________ become Matt's prank.
favorite subject because for fifty minutes A. believes B. believe
three times a week he gets to study the C. believed D. will believe
beautiful curls on the back of Betty’s
A. has B. have
C. had D. will have
22. Elton’s newest pair of eyeglasses
__________ corrected his vision so well
that this young man clearly sees the lovely
Miranda sneering at his nerdy
A. have B. had
C. has D. will have

Mentoring you to success and unleashing your true potential. The Buddy Kids Knowledge Development Co., Ltd
1/35 Jiranakorn Soi 1 Rd, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110
Call: 092-517- 5853 Line@: @thebuddyhatyai Facebook:/thebuddykids 11

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