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20th Century History

Unit 2 Outcome 1
Part 2
Students investigate significant events and developments and the consequences for nations and people in the period
1945–1991. While the USA and the USSR never engaged in direct armed conflict, they opposed each other in a range
of international conflicts such as those in Berlin, Korea, Cuba and Vietnam. They both tried to exert their influence
through aid and propaganda in Africa, Asia and the Americas and engaged in an arms race and a space race with
competition also extending to sport and the arts.

Historical inquiry

What was the impact of the Cold War on nations and people?

You are to conduct a historical inquiry centred on one example of wars and conflicts that reflected the tensions and
divisions of the Cold War. You are to choose from one of the following: –

1. the Korean War including the background to the conflict and the outcome for people

2. the building of the Berlin Wall, the Stasi and the consequences for those who lived with the division for 28

3. dissent among Soviet Satellites, including the uprisings in Poland and Hungary in 1956 and the Prague Spring
in 1968, and Soviet responses to dissent

4. the Vietnam War, including the background to the conflict, the domino theory, reasons for international
involvement, the anti-war movement, outcomes and consequences

5. events in Cuba such as the Cuban Revolution, the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban missile crisis, and
outcomes and consequences for Cuba and for superpower relationships

6. the arms race, the space race, propaganda and sport

Date due 15th September

Historical Assessment Rubric



6 High 5 4 Satisfactory 3 2 Low 1/0

Context/Background Highly detailed, accurate and comprehensive Basic accurate and essential description of the Basic and limited description of context.
You have outlined and described the coverage of the context of the event, context of the event. Some reference to
circumstances that form the setting of an including historical background, ideological ideology and geopolitical factors.
event. and geopolitical situation of the time.
Hypothesis (historical interpretation) Hypothesis is highly reflective of depth and Hypothesis is reflective of understanding of the Little or no attempt has been made to
Using the information you have gathered understanding of the events and information events and information collected. Contains a formulate a hypothesis.
you created a hypothesis. collected. Contains strong analytical focus focus for making causal links.
and examination of causal links.
Significant events Strong and accurate use of details of events Contains use of details of events that provide Little to no detail of events provided to
You have described and analysed the that provide an effective and sophisticated an evidence to support hypothesis. Some substantiate a position. Little or no use of
significant events and explained their evidence to support hypothesis. Inclusion of inclusion of correct terminology and metalanguage and terminology.
relevance to your hypothesis. correct and appropriate terminology and metalanguage.
Sources/Bibliography Extensive use of a comprehensive range of Evidence of some use of different sources, both Bibliography no submitted or limited to less
You have listed all primary (original both primary and secondary sources primary and secondary sources. than 3 sources.
documents from the time of the historical
event), and secondary sources,
(information from other historians).
Presentation Highly appropriate use of presentation mode Presentation mode is appropriately used and Presentation mode basic and limited.
Written Document– report/ essay for purpose and hypothesis. Accurate information is presented clearly.
Multimodal – PowerPoint, Prezi, Wix, presentation of information and analysis.


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