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Assessment Ru bric- Year 7 -Campaign Message- Teacher assessing: Grady Bryon Student Names: Kaye , Lee , Ly Very little or no clarity of | F ‘Articulates a very clear, | Identifies a message Campaign message 2: message evident Teacher Notes: A vi Seong mye ducsen amd Sen, Message hen cavneaign SS SON SS hear WH each oF yy | S@eced ths ad yur Comaion 5 Excellent choice of ‘Good choice of campaign | Poor choice of campaign Campaign campaign methods. methods, Method/s used | methods. Method/s not, method/s Method/s used very effectively effectively. used effectively flescliey Notes: ro recenles aeaee 2 Fcehy Sle SA aneehdy oma erfienanens for each Mekho Reqiu red more Gomenganny mnethedbas it wit a Ot umed Creativity and Persuasiveness Campaign includes outstanding creativity and very persuasive language which could influence Parliament or significantly affect social change Teacher Notes: Te was super’ Suh $.aSeny | Campaign includes some | creativity and persuasive language which could influence Parliament oF affect social change eer ALDONS / Quusne ee amd change ef vow ene Campaign does not include creativity or persuasive language to influence Parliament or | affect any social change oF the aukerke Group Work Group used democratic processes to reach consensus and worked extremely cohesively to > plan and create campaign Group used democratic processes to reach consensus and mostly worked cohesively to plan and create campaign Group did not use democratic processes to reach consensus and did not work cohesively to | plan and create campaign | rewncunad on Oa wisely ame wepC in a5 Time Limit Presentation goes for 5-8 minutes 3 Presentation goes for 3-5 minutes or 8-10 minutes Presentation goes for less than 3 minutes Teacher Notes: Presonkanen WSS within time Unie ome rehen S Gnd wk CyaKe | Heachey Comment: A very comprehensive and ¢ 7 eee Soe ory OF ow ue eae, 45 XO Suppore your ideas ve | PeSenteakion you ~creae@d ag o « evident. | Serious Theynt “omd condsidevartory comms Change fr Gk Auwauims wel done Assessment Rubric- Year 7 -Campaign Message- Teacher assessing: Student Names: A down, Liam, Sack, Mate Grady Bryon . Articulates a very clear Identifies amessage + | Very little or no clarity of Campaign | iressage | message evident Teacher Notes: Wo Loe oF Clarey i Rhe message Message of Farmng issues apart from the inwoducnon. Identifies Some Problems ove WOU Uke © se mor + Excellent choice of Good choice of campaign | Poor choice of campaign | Campaign campaign methods methods. Method/s used | methods. Method/s not | Method/s used very effectively. used effectively method/s | Srecivey 5 Teacher Notes: Zaanyyt Good sdenuAcaon of Choice OF using Facebeow for campaign Cad sus. Reames more Cameaga methels aw benindl cm Pug Chote . Forgoe 0 9h eo ee. ‘Campaign includes ‘Campaign includes some | Campaign does not Creativity and | cutstandingcreativty and | creativity and persuasive | include creativity or 1 very persua: language | language which could persuasive language to Persuasiveness | vinichcould influence influence Pariament or | influence Pariament or Parliament or significantly _ affect social change affect any social change affect social change 2 _ Teacher Notes: (resoneamion Gm A Comrugn mexbods wwe displayed wy Creative and engage ways Nea & include more persuasive nguaye 0 get y thew merage aoruss i Group used democratic | Group used democratic | Group did not use Group Work processes to reach Processes to reach | democratic processes to consensus and worked “. | consensus and mostly _| reach consensus and did extremely cohesively to ~ | worked cohesively to not work cohesively to plan and create campaign _| plan and create campaign | plan and create campaign Teacher Notes: Demonsivaxed 2xcelunt abiuty wm work | BS A GOW’. Ghuays Focused Gnd TeMured on cdK . oe "Presentation goes for 5-8 | Presentation goes for 3-5 | Presentation goes for less Time Limit minutes minutes or 8-10 minutes | than 3 minutes Teacher Notes: | weSenendon was withn time line | | | c TA vey goal wie Grou Sfere goo nwe manna Teacher Comment: A. ve 98!) 8 a ue, Ue anal Se fore CRENGON OA Unnking, OGCK She CAMPY —MESSIGE ond wince Yor wed vi im ® achieve, Yous ComnPugn medhedS wee dune Strang amd the fae” of ‘Sat tack up Your sdecbong wig ve @ eeceve eu.dene © Assessment Rubric- Year 7 -Campaign Message- | Teacher assessing: | Student Names: Chay Lote , Sam, Jessica , Myve Articulates a very clear, method/s | Method/s used very | effectively effectively. . Identifies a message Very little or no clarity of Campaign message message evident Teacher Notes: Vary serong WRFCOMRION On WHdESSWe | Message | resomsanion Se Continunly Urged we Umar mesca je : | Excellent choice of Good choice of campaign | Poor choice of campaign Campaign campaign methods. | methods Method/sused_ | methods, Method/s not used effectively Teacher Notes: (jad a ideas khck weve could hwwe eaborasd Very Grgz Omoume OF Camanign modly discussed v "ak wig Furth @ Creativity and Persuasiveness Campaign includes outstanding creativity and very persuasive language which could influence Parliament or significantly affect social change ‘Campaign includes some creativity and persuasive language which could influence Parliament or affect social change ~ md excetuned Campaign does not include creativity or persuasive language to influence Parliament or affect any social change Teacher Notes: ACen pon Speen, ; Group Work Group used democratic processes to reach consensus and worked — extremely cohesively to plan and create campaign Group used democrati processes to reach consensus and mostly worked cohesively to plan and create campaign democratic processes to reach consensus and did not work cohesively to plan and create campaign Teacher Notes: Group and each mem ber emnaaned compded equal Cons. sient! Wy ON tS share of Work Time Limit Presentation goes for minutes | Presentation goes for 3-5 minutes or 8-10 minutes Presentation goes for less than 3 minutes Teacher Notes: Pres an takin Was With, time Une J ce very serengy Teacher Comment: message Fantasie Unwed choy x nd welt orecuaked Cam’ cuz your present! oF camNagiing demenseveed on on derch understanding Change , adehough you could have elatcrared methods. Overall ukour cracking “G seme Common gi Presentamnon and comma anng

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