Socialization Process and Self

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Socialization process and self-making

Social determinism
 The doctrine that says individual have no choice but to follow certain
factors or causes that control their behavior . the philosophical and
religious texts of the west and east differ fundamentally in their definitions
of the person’s place in the world and society. Is a process, neither of the
psyche nor the language, but of a heterogeneous assemblage of bodies,
vocabularies, judgements, techniques, inscriptions and practices.
 George Herbert – the self is something which has a development it is not
there at birth , but arises in the processof social experience and activity,
that is , develops in the given individual as a result of his or her relations to
that process as a whole and to other individuals within tha process.

Socialization and Assertion of Agency

What is an agent og socialization ?
 People and groups that influence our self concept,emotion,attitudes, and
 Melvin khon suggesr social class differences in child raising
 Often the main concern of working-class parents is their children’s outward
conformity (neat,clean and follow rules) and are more likely to usa physical
punishment .
 Middle class parents show greater concern for the motivations for their
children’s behavior and parents are more likely to punish by withdrawing
privileges and affection.
 Some neighborhoods are better for children than others
Research shows that children from poor neighbors are more likely to get in
trouble with the law, get pregnant, drop out of school or end up disadvantaged.
 Religion plays a major role in socialization of most americans
 70% of americans belong to a local congregation and 2 in every 5
americans attend religious service weekly
 Religious especially influences morality but also ideas about dress, speech,
and manners that are appropriate.
Day care
 With more mothers working, day care has become a significant agent of
socialization .
 Research finds that the effect of say care largelydepends on the child’s
background and quality of care.
 children from poor households or dysfunctional families apper to
benefits from day care
 children in higher quality day care centers interact better with
children and have fewer behavioral problems.
 The more hours a child spend in day care, the weaker the bonds between
mothers and children and the more negative their interactions.
School and Peer Groups
 In school, children are placed outside the direct control of the family and
learns to be a part of a peer group
 Research by patricia and peter adler demonstrates how peer groups
influence behavior
 for boys, norms that make them popular are athletic ability,coolness
,and toughness
 for girls, norms are familybackground, physical appearance, and the
ability to attract boys
 Its almost impossible to go against peer groups children who do become
labeles as outsiders nonmembers or outcasts.
Other agents of socialization
 Sports-teaching social skills and values
 Workplace-learn a set of skills and a perspective on the world
What does a woman who has just become a nun have in common with a man
who has just divorced?
 Resocialization is the process of learning new norms,values,attitudes, and
behaviors to match new situations in life
 Occurs each time we learn something that is contrary to our previous
experience, such as going to work in a new job
Total Institution
 Erving Goffman coined the term to refer to a place where people are cut off
from the rest of society and are under almost total control of agent of the
 boot camp,prisons,concentration camps,convents, some religious
cults and some boarding schools
 A person entering the institution is greeted with a degradation ceremony
through which current identity is stripped away and replaced
 Total institution are effective b/c they isolate people from outside influence
and information
Socialization the Philippine setting
 The term “sociology” is derived from the latin “socius” which means
“social or being with others” and the Greek “logos” which means
Educational sociology
 is the study of interaction of the individual and his cultural
environment including others individuals, several groups and pattern
of behavior.
Social elements
 Refers to diverse components that constitute to form the society as a
 To acquire knowledge about the effects of social elements of
 To construct a curriculum of education with full understanding of the
economic and cultural tendencies of society.
 To gain knowledge about the democratic ideologies.
 To employ research techniques for achieving the aims.
 These development eventually leads to international brotherhood and
international welfare. Hence aducation for efficient dynamic citizenship
is the main aim of education .
2. social efficiency and self-reliance – hence the second important aim of
education is to provide vocational education to children.
3. effective and gainful use of leisure time- proper utilization of leisure time is
the third aim of education

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