The Atomic Theory of Matter: Chemistry 1: Worksheets

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Chemistry 1: Worksheets WORKSHEET 2

Chapter 2
The atomic theory of matter
1. From the information given below:
(a) calculate the relative atomic mass of lead
(b) construct a mass spectrum (to scale) for lead.

Isotope Isotope mass % abundance (b)

204Pb 203.9730 1.4
206Pb 205.9744 24.1
207Pb 206.9759 22.1
208Pb 207.9767 52.4


2. Spot and correct the error in each of the calculations below. Write the
corrected calculation and a question that applies to the calculation.
(92.2 + 28.0) s (4.7 + 29.0) s (3.1 + 30.0)
(a) Ar(Si) =
120.2 s 33.7 s 33.1
= 100
= 1340.8

(b) Mr(CaCO3) = 40.1 + 12.01 + (3 s 8)

= 76.11

3. Match each of the terms below with the correct definition.

Term Definition
Atomic number The number of protons and neutrons (nucleons) in the nucleus of an atom
Mass number An orbital can contain only 0, 1 or 2 electrons.
Isotopes A region of space in which electrons can move
Relative atomic mass The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
Shell The weighted mean of the masses of all the isotopes of the element relative to the
carbon-12 isotope
Orbital A collection of energy levels or subshells with slightly different energies
Pauli exclusion principle Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons

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