Fractura Expuesta

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Revista de Actualización Clínica Volumen 34, 2013

Exposed fractures

Fractures exposed, also called as "injury

Ortiz Vasquez Solange Mollericona
1 of limb", are lesions which occur in bone
Laura Yarmila Lisseth2 Chui Rivas compromising soft tissue, by section or
Daniela Miriam Regina3 navigate them, assaulted bone fractured
Univ. Fourth year Faculty of dentistry ends, which are exposed with the
UMSA 2 Univ. Third year Faculty of external environment, becoming
dentistry UMSA 3 Univ. Third year contaminated with different micro-
Faculty of dentistry UMSA organisms, depending on the place
where contamination, this way, injuries
will get worse the greater the
contamination of the environment with
which it is put contact.
It is known as the fracture exposed to
For this reason, are considered medical
the lesion of bone, that its gravity breaks
emergencies in the area of trauma and
injuring the soft tissue, opening up to
should be answered in the shortest time
the outside with the consequent
possible, since if it does not, the tissue
pollution of an initially aseptic area.
is contaminated in such a degree that it
may lead to a bone infection and if any
This alteration may present different injury vascu LAR, the resultant ischemia
complications, agree a: the degree of would trigger in the production of tissue
contamination that has had the injury, necrosis, gangrene and subsequent
the time that has elapsed since its amputation of the same.
establishment, the place where he has
been caused and commitment tisularque
Anyway, the exposure to a contaminated
environment would cause the
Hematogenous spread of
The origin of this type of fracture is microorganisms causing septicemia
multifactorial in nature, being the most which could result in the death of the
common, traffic accidents and accidents patient, without forgetting that the
at work, but also it should be noted that fracture itself, can release bone marrow-
they may result from the evolution of derived lipid fragments, which enter the
certain diseases as in the case of body would cause a fat embolism with
the osteomyelitis. fatal results for the patient. 1-4, 8, 9

Because of the danger that they

represent, the exposed fractures should
be treated with the urgency required to
get in this way possible to more There are different causes which
favorable prognosis, since otherwise originate the exposed fractures, among
they can have severe consequences on these are those caused by violent
the patient, ranging from one infection trauma, where are commonly taken to
in the area of the injury, amputation of traffic accidents, work-related accidents
the affected limb, septicemia putting at and injuries by firearms. All of them,
risk the life of the patient.Key come to compromise in any way the
words Exposed fracture. Woven extremity function and trigger the
bone. Soft fabric. aforementioned complications. 1.3

However, also can be caused as a result

of different pathologies, as happens in

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Revista de Actualización Clínica Volumen 34, 2013

the case of metastatic carcinoma or 2. the degree of commitment of the soft

senile osteoporosis; However, there are parts (Gustilo and Anderson
cases in which arises due to a continuous classification)
wear in a given area, often seen in
dancers and athletes, although at one a) grade I: wound is produced at
lower percentage compared to injuries cutaneous level, is clean and without
caused by trauma caused violently . separation of tissues, it is less than a
centimeter, presents a minimal bruising
The most affected group is male and is and damage to the soft tissues,
presented predominantly in adolescents therefore shows no bone or muscle loss,
and young adults. 1, 6-7 trauma is oblique or transverse short
and low-energy is produced in places
with a minimum pollution. 1, 5,8

CLASSIFICATION OF b) grade II: wound is extensive, since

the size of the contusion is greater than
EXPOSED FRACTURES one centimeter and are considered
serious because the bone exposure is
The classification of these injuries varies higher. It is not evidence of bone or
according to: muscle loss, physical damage is
moderate, therefore the trauma is of
1. the elapsed time and the place of medium power, being its mechanism
origin from the outside inward, which will
produce a fracture transverse, oblique
a.. method splits, recent or and long. This type of fractures are also
contaminated: this type of fractures, are produced in places where there is a
those that have been exposed to the minimal pollution. 1,5,8
external environment for a period of
time less than six hours, with a (c) grade III: the wound is broad in
maximum of twelve hours provided that extent and depth, so there is great
the damage is minimal. damage to bone and vascular levels. The
type of traumatic shock will be greater
They are small traumatic injuries in the and will commit to all the tissues that
soft tissues as a result of a violent clash surround the site of bruising. It is more
of bone to these, which will produce a prone to the production of any type of
cut in the skin which will originate from infection, since it shows commitment to
the inside out favoring the degree of adjacent tissues. It can also be of type:
contamination and gravity make minor.
a grade III - A, where the muscle and
b. method, exposed fractures late or bone loss is deep and there is also nerve
infected: it is called them, when there is damage, although it preserves skin;
a high degree of destruction of soft
tissues, whether they are product of an b. grade III - B, where there are
accident on a plane moving or fractures with a severe compromise of
fixed. Usually the places where happen the soft parts exposed to the bone
this kind of trauma, are very tissue, allowing a massive pollution;
contaminated, why it should be
considered that the fracture is already c. grade III - C, where occurs the
infected and exposure should not extend attrition of the Member concerned and
beyond 6 hours then as you increase the there is a lesion neurovascular, as well
time foci of inf address will also as destruction of the affected structures
increase. 2

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Revista de Actualización Clínica Volumen 34, 2013

and also bone loss. The trauma is high In more serious cases where there is a
energy and are the most frequent; severe hemorrhage the clinical picture
could worsen reaching a hypovolemic,
d. grade III - D, associated with the shock with tachycardia and
traumatic loss of the affected hyperventilation so what will finally
extremity. 1,5,8 trigger a State of coma and finally
death. 2"3 "

2) local, symptoms should be initially

discussed the size and type of wound,
the patient, if this were very small and
with a minimum tear then it is a wound
The exposed fractures have as main punctiform. When the lesion present a
characteristic, the exposure of a deep clear separation at their edges, as a
and irregular surface presenting result of one greater tissue
anfractuosas areas, which accommodate deterioration, it will be a torn wound. If
the formed clot, fabrics torn, foreign the damage is really severe and the
bodies and remains of the clothing of the wound as well as exhibit anfractuosos
patient . Is for this reason that the places have flaps because of the
contaminant material will penetrate loosening of the tissues it could lose
easily in the place in which the exposed some areas of the injured
wound occurred and as a result, the member. 2"3 therefore the extent and
patient will develop subsequent severity of the pain will relate with the
infectious picture, characterized by fever descriptions prior to being able to reach
that delimits the infection local or a type neurogenic shock by the severity
systemic resulting. of the painful picture."

Of course, the breaking of the bone is Epidemiologically it has been confirmed

characterized by presence of pain and that the bones involved in this type of
functional impotence, as well as tissue fracture, are those who are away from
deformity, same that will be dependent the tibia in the lower limb and away from
on the severity of the injury and the the forearm in what refers to the upper
tolerance of the tissues to internal limb, since in these regions is
aggression produced by the broken presented scarce tissue soft, therefore
bone. In some cases, the exposure is more frequent fractures are in the legs
very small and apparently systemic and and hands despite the fact that they
local commitment does not entail risk. 3 have a high degree of irrigation.

Patients usually present: The prognosis of injuries, will depend on

aggression to tissues, fractures with
( 1) General, symptoms that large losses of tissue environment being
are presented after the trauma, and it risky. 1
starts with primary, shock where the
patient presents a State of partial
unconsciousness, so it cannot be
movements, in addition, not will react to
stimuli, demonstrating, tachycardia and While the diagnosis is obvious due to
hypotension both temporarily. A few exposure of bone structures, it is
hours later, is a secondary shock that necessary to make a good anamnesis
will cause the patient to present the patient, in order to specify
polydipsia, nausea and pallor. e.g.: how was the wound, to analyze
the magnitude of it. When the injury
occurred, for thus, calculating the time

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Revista de Actualización Clínica Volumen 34, 2013

that was exposed to the environment la región, evitar y prevenir una infección
outside and finally, where it was aplicando una terapia antibiótica
exposed, to be able to specify the type adecuada.5
of soil that is caused, if it is Earth,
asphalt or other and in this way have at La antibioticoterapia para las fracturas
least an idea of the degree of de grado I se realizará con Cefazolina,
contamination. iniciando con una dosis de ataque de
2gr. por vía endovenosa, posteriormente
Si el paciente está siendo tratado con 1 gr cada 6 horas por el lapso de 48 a 72
algún tipo de fármaco, además de horas.
eliminar cualquier sospecha de que el
accidente haya podido producir otro tipo If the fracture is grade II and III it should
de lesiones y si es o no pertinente be administered as initial dose Cefazolin
solicitar un estudio radiográfico del 2 gr. plus an aminoglycoside in a dose of
hueso fracturado, pudiendose llegar en 3 to 5 mg/Kg intravenously.
algunos casos a solicitarse otros
exámenes complementarios como un In cases where fractures have been
hemograma, tomografía y cultivo y produced in a contaminated
antibiograma. Sin embargo, en caso de environment, you will have to administer
no contar con los medios penicillin g. sodium 4,000,000 IU every
correspondientes para la realización de 4 hours.
todos estos estudios el paciente debe ser
atendido de igual forma y con la mayor
If the exposed fracture is in the cranial
urgencia posible.13-
region and there is evidence of brain
mass exposure or penetrating trauma
administered amoxicillin more
potassium clavulanate, cephalosporins
TRATAMIENTO second generation and metronidazole in
case that the patient is allergic to
El tratamiento no necesariamente debe the Penicillins. 1, 5-8
iniciarse en un centro de salud, tiene que
ser desarrollado de manera inmediata en BIBLIOGRAPHY
el sitio mismo del accidente o en la
ambulancia que trasladará al herido. 1. Orlich Wolff D.Fracturas exposed: an
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