FPD - Primary Science

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EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  


Forward  Planning  Document  

Year  Six:  Change  Detectives  

Exploring  Physical  and  Chemical  Changes  

Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  

EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  
  Sub-­strands   Content  Descriptions   Achievement  Standard  
•   The  growth  and  survival  of  living  things  are  affected  by  the  physical  conditions  of  their  environment  (ACSSU094)   By  the  end  of  Year  6,  students  compare  
Biological  sciences  
and  classify  different  types  of  

Chemical  sciences   observable  changes  to  materials.  They  

•   Changes  to  materials  can  be  reversible,  such  as  melting,  freezing,  evaporating;;  or  irreversible,  such  as  burning  
analyse  requirements  for  the  transfer  of  

and  rusting  (ACSSU095)  

electricity  and  describe  how  energy  can  
•   Sudden  geological  changes  or  extreme  weather  conditions  can  affect  Earth’s  surface  (ACSSU096)   be  transformed  from  one  form  to  
Earth  and  space  
sciences   another  to  generate  electricity.  They  
explain  how  natural  events  cause  rapid  
Physical  sciences   •   Electrical  circuits  provide  a  means  of  transferring  and  transforming  electricity  (ACSSU097)   change  to  the  Earth’s  surface.  They  
•   Energy  from  a  variety  of  sources  can  be  used  to  generate  electricity  (ACSSU219)   describe  and  predict  the  effect  of  
environmental  changes  on  individual  
•   Science  involves  testing  predictions  by  gathering  data  and  using  evidence  to  develop  explanations  of  events  and  
endeavour  (Year  5-­6)  

Nature  and  
Science  as  a  human  

phenomena  (ACSHE098)   living  things.  Students  explain  how  

development  of   scientific  knowledge  is  used  in  decision  
science     •   Important  contributions  to  the  advancement  of  science  have  been  made  by  people  from  a  range  of  cultures  
(ACSHE099)   making  and  identify  contributions  to  the  
development  of  science  by  people  from  
Use  and  influence   •   Scientific  understandings,  discoveries  and  inventions  are  used  to  solve  problems  that  directly  affect  peoples’   a  range  of  cultures.  
of  science     lives  (ACSHE100)    
•   Scientific  knowledge  is  used  to  inform  personal  and  community  decisions  (ACSHE220)   Students  follow  procedures  to  develop  
investigable  questions  and  design  
investigations  into  simple  cause-­and-­
effect  relationships.  They  identify  
Questioning  and   •   With  guidance,  pose  questions  to  clarify  practical  problems  or  inform  a  scientific  investigation,  and  predict  what  
variables  to  be  changed  and  measured  
Science  inquiry  skills  (Year  5-­6)  

predicting   the  findings  of  an  investigation  might  be  (ACSIS232)  

and  describe  potential  safety  risks  
•   With  guidance,  plan  appropriate  investigation  methods  to  answer  questions  or  solve  problems  (ACSIS103)   when  planning  methods.  They  collect,  
Planning  and   organise  and  interpret  their  data,  
conducting   •   Decide  which  variable  should  be  changed  and  measured  in  fair  tests  and  accurately  observe,  measure  and  
record  data,  using  digital  technologies  as  appropriate  (ACSIS104)   identifying  where  improvements  to  their  
methods  or  research  could  improve  the  
•   Use  equipment  and  materials  safely,  identifying  potential  risks  (ACSIS105)  
data.  They  describe  and  analyse  
Processing  and   •   Construct  and  use  a  range  of  representations,  including  tables  and  graphs,  to  represent  and  describe   relationships  in  data  using  graphic  
analysing  data  and   observations,  patterns  or  relationships  in  data  using  digital  technologies  as  appropriate  (ACSIS107)   representations  and  construct  multi-­
information   •   Compare  data  with  predictions  and  use  as  evidence  in  developing  explanations  (ACSIS221)   modal  texts  to  communicate  ideas,  
methods  and  findings.  
Evaluating   •   Suggest  improvements  to  the  methods  used  to  investigate  a  question  or  solve  a  problem  (ACSIS108)  

Communicating   •   Communicate  ideas,  explanations  and  processes  in  a  variety  of  ways,  including  multi-­modal  texts  (ACSIS110)  

General  Capabilities   Cross  Curriculum  Priorities   Notes:        

•   Literacy     •   Aboriginal  and  Torres  Strait  Islander  
•   Numeracy     histories  and  cultures  
•   Information  and  communication  technology  
(ICT)  competence     •   Asia  and  Australia’s  engagement  with  Asia  
•   Critical  and  creative  thinking    
•   Sustainability  
•   Ethical  behaviour    
•   Personal  and  social  competence    
•   Intercultural  understanding    

Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  

EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  
English   Mathematics  
• Write  a  procedural  text  for  each  of  the  experiments  undertaken.   • During  the  ‘dissolving  cups’  investigation,  students  time  their  
reactions.  All  student  results  are  compiled  and  represented  as  a  
• Think  about  why  Professor  Bernard  was  captured  and  what  
class  graph.  
happened  once  the  code  was  revealed.  Students  are  to  write  a    

narrative  that  provides  the  ‘back  story’  to  his  capture.   • Measuring  out  the  quantities  of  materials  using  a  variety  of  
metric  units  e.g.  cups,  spoons,  ml,  litres.    
• Write  a  newspaper  article  about  one  of  the  experiments    

completed  in  class.   • Students  could  take  photographs  throughout  their  ‘elephant  
toothpaste’  investigation  and  create  a  photographic  timeline  of  
• Create  a  class  word  wall  with  all  of  the  new  terms  being  

Humanities  and  Social  Sciences   Ideas  for    
Information  Technology  

• Research  common  materials  that  are  

found  in  waste  and  brainstorm  ways  that  
  • Students  act  out  ‘Professor’s  Escape’  
and  create  their  own  short  films  using  
these  could  be  recycled/re-­used  through   iMovie  or  the  Green  Screen  app.    
the  use  of  a  chemical  or  physical  
Visual  Art  
change.       • Create  a  digital  diary  which  includes  
photographs,  annotations,  thoughts  and  

• Conduct  a  research  project  about  the   • Create  a  collage  of  physical  and   ideas  of  theirs  throughout  the  unit.  This  
people  who  discovered  common  physical   chemical  changes  found  in   could  be  done  on  pages,  word  or  as  a  
and  chemical  changes.  A  poster,  Prezi  or   everyday  life.  
  PowerPoint  presentation.  
PowerPoint  would  be  created  to  present  
• Using  what  is  left  of  the  ‘dissolved   • Type  up  the  newspaper  article  and  
the  findings.   cups’,  students  could  be  
challenged  to  create  something  out  
format  it  so  that  it  looks  like  a  proper  
article  extract.    
of  it  e.g.  a  piece  of  jewellery,  
statue,  or  use  it  in  one  of  their  other  
artwork  pieces.    

Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  
EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  
                                                                                   FORWARD  PLANNING  DOCUMENT              

TERM/WEEKS:  Four  /  Weeks  1  -­  5      YEAR  LEVEL:    Year  Six  (6)   LEARNING  AREA/TOPIC:  Science  /  Change  Detectives    

General  Capabilities:  

Literacy   Numeracy   ICT   Critical  and  creative   Ethical  Behaviour   Personal  and  social   Intercultural  
  thinking   Competence   Understanding  

Cross-­curriculum  Priorities:  

Aboriginal  and  Torres  Strait  Islander  histories  and  Cultures   Asia  and  Australia’s  engagement  with  Asia   Sustainability  
Engage  Lesson  (1  –  2)  
Week/   Australian  Curriculum  Links   Specific  Lesson   Assessment     Teaching  &  Learning  Experiences   Resources  
Lesson   Objective   (What  &  How)   o   Learner  Diversity  
o   Key  Questions  

Week  One:   Science  Understanding:   Students  will  be  able  to:   Diagnostic:   Resources  and  equipment  will  be  set  up  in  tubs  at  the  front  of    
Lesson  1   (ACSSU095)       the  class  prior  to  the  commencement  of  the  lesson.   Professors  Escape  
    1.   Make  predictions   Checklist     (Video  1)  
Professor’s   Science  as  a  Human   about  the  2  possible   Used  to  judge   (10  min)  Introduction:    
Escape   Endeavour:   substances  to  be   students’  success   •   Watch  the  introductory  video  –  ‘Professor’s  Escape  Clip  1’   Design  Brief  
  combined.   against  each  of  the   •   Read  through  the  design  brief  as  a  whole  class.    
Science  Inquiry  Skills:     objectives.   •   Divide  students  into  their  science  groups,  allocate  roles   Role  Lanyards  
(ACSIS232) 2.   Decide  on  one     (director,  manager,  speaker,  technician,  team  member)  and    
combination  which   Work  Samples     reinforce  the  responsibility  of  each  role.   Roles  Chart  
(ACSIS103) they  believe  will  blow   Observation  templates   o   What  does  the  _________  do?    
up  the  balloon  and   will  be  collected  to     Observation  
  provide  at  least  two   assist  in  filling  in  the   (40  min)  Body:   Template  
reasons  for  their   checklist  &  to  collect   •   Demonstrate  part  one  of  the  investigation  to  the  students.    
choice.   evidence  of  student   Model  how  to  make  predictions,  mix  substances  and  fill  in  the   Materials:  
  achievement.   template.   -­   Alfoil  tray  
3.   Work  collaboratively     •   Students  return  to  their  desks  while  the  manager  collects  the   -­   Funnel  
with  their  peers  to   Anecdotal  Notes   materials.   -­   Plastic  Bottles  
conduct  the   Taken  throughout  the   •   Students  complete  part  one  in  their  groups.  Once  complete,   -­   Measuring  cup  
investigation.   lesson  about  anything   the  speaker  in  each  group  shares  their  findings  with  the  rest  of   -­   Spoon  
  significant  that  occurs,   the  class.   -­   Lemon  Juice  
  student  conversations,   •   Demonstrate  part  two  of  the  investigation  to  the  students.   -­   Water  
behaviour  and   Model  how  to  mix  the  substances,  state  quantities  required,   -­   Vinegar  
observations.   attach  the  balloon  securely  and  fill  in  the  template.   -­   Flour  
-­   Salt  
•   Check  for  clarification  by  asking  questions  such  as:  
-­   Bicarb  soda  
o   How  much  liquid  do  we  need  to  use?  
Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  
EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  
o   What  do  you  need  to  do  before  you  test  your   -­   Balloons  
mixture?   -­   Safety  Glasses  
o   Who  do  you  collect  your  balloon  from?    
•   Once  students  have  successfully  blown  up  their  balloon,  they    
are  to  fill  in  their  part  of  the  code  on  the  whiteboard.    
•   Students  discuss  in  their  groups  what  they  noticed  about  their    
mixture,  why  they  think  it  worked  and  the  changes  that  they    
saw  taking  place.    
•   Student’s  pack  away  their  workspace.    
(10  min)  Conclusion:    
•   Watch  the  conclusion  video  –  ‘Professor’s  Escape  Clip  2’   Professor’s  Escape  
•   The  speaker  from  each  group  shares  their  group’s  findings   (Clip  2)  
with  the  rest  of  the  class.  
•   Conclude  the  lesson  by  asking  the  following  questions:  
o   What  did  you  observe  happening  in  each  of  the  
different  mixtures?    
o   What  changes  occurred  to  the  original  materials?  
o   Do  you  think  the  changes  can  be  reversed?  Why  or  
why  not?  
o   Do  you  think  if  we  changed  the  amount  of  liquid/dry  
substances  used  it  would  change  the  end  result?  
Do  not  correct  answers,  encourage  students  to  have  a  go  and  
find  out  what  they  know.  
Learner  Diversity:  
•   Plan  to  have  an  education  assistant  if  possible  to  assist  with  
working  with  the  lower  ability  students.  
•   Group  students  so  that  the  stronger  students  are  working  with  
the  weaker  students.  
•   Instead  of  writing  in  the  template,  some  students  may  like  to  
draw  their  predictions  and  draw  what  happens.  
•   Remind  them  of  the  number  one  rule  in  science  e.g.  Do  not  
consume  anything.  
•   Keeping  their  workspaces  neat  and  tidy.  
•   No  running  with  any  equipment  or  materials.  
•   Wipe  away  any  spills  straight  away.    
•   Wear  safety  glasses.  
Another  engage  lesson  would  take  place  with  the  students,  allowing  them  to  experiment  and  be  introduced  to  physical  changes.  

Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  

EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  
Explore  Lesson  (2  –  4)  

Week/   Australian  Curriculum  Links   Specific  Lesson   Assessment     Teaching  &  Learning  Experiences   Resources  
Lesson   Objective   (What  &  How)   o   Learner  Diversity  
o   Key  Questions  

Week  Two:   Science  Understanding:   Students  will  be  able  to:   Formative:   Resources  and  equipment  will  be  set  up  in  tubs  at  the  front  of    
Lesson  3   (ACSSU095)       the  class  prior  to  the  commencement  of  the  lesson.    
    1.   Follow  a  procedure  in   Checklist     https://www.youtube.  
Elephant   Science  as  a  Human   order  to  effectively   Used  to  judge   (10  min)  Introduction:   com/watch?v=ezsur  
Toothpaste   Endeavour:   conduct  the   students’  success   •   Recall  students’  thoughts  from  the  previous  lessons:   0L0L1c  
  experiment.   against  each  of  the   o   What  have  we  been  doing  in  science  recently?    
Science  Inquiry  Skills:     objectives.   o   What  things  have  you  been  beginning  to  notice?   Elephant  Toothpaste  
(ACSIS103) 2.   Create  a  list  of     o   Is  there  something  interesting  that  happened?   Task  Sheet  
observations  from  the   Anecdotal  Notes   •   Watch  a  video  to  show  students  what  they  will  be  doing  today.    
(ACSIS104) experiment.     Taken  throughout  the   •   Read  through  the  ‘Elephant  Toothpaste’  task  as  a  class.   Role  Lanyards  &  
  lesson  about  anything   •   Divide  students  into  their  science  groups,  allocate  roles   Role  Chart  
  3.   Brainstorm  their   significant  that  occurs,   (director,  manager,  speaker,  technician,  team  member)  and    
current  thoughts  and   student   reinforce  the  responsibility  of  each  role.    
understandings  about   conversations,     Materials:  
changes  (at  least  5   behaviour  and   (40  min)  Body:   -­   Plastic  bottle  
ideas).     observations.   •   Demonstrate  how  to  use  equipment/materials  safely.  Check  for   -­   Measuring  
    understanding  by  asking  questions  such  as:   cups/cylinders  
Work  Samples     o   How  much  ______  do  we  need  to  use?   -­   Hydrogen  
Student  responses  in   o   What  is  the  very  first  thing  I  must  do  before  I  begin?   Peroxide  
their  science  journals   o   Where  does  the  tray  need  to  be?     -­   Dry  Yeast  
will  be  collected  and   •   Managers  collect  the  materials  and  students  work   -­   Warm  water  
marked.   collaboratively  in  their  groups  to  conduct  the  experiment.   -­   Dishwashing  
  •   Move  around  the  room  as  students  are  working,  providing   liquid  
extra  guidance  where  necessary.   -­   Food  colouring  
-­   Plastic  cups  
•   Once  complete,  the  speaker  from  each  group  shares  
-­   Safety  goggles  
something  interesting  that  they  found  from  the  experiment.  
-­   Gloves  
•   Students  pack  up  their  workspaces.  
-­   Trays  
•   In  their  science  journals,  students  work  independently  to  reflect  
-­   Plastic  cloths  
on  their  observations  and  create  a  brainstorm  about  what  they    
are  beginning  to  understand  about  changes.    
  Science  Journals  
(5  -­  10  min)  Conclusion:    
•   Conclude  the  lesson  with  an  inside/outside  circle  discussion.    
Allow  students  to  chat  and  share  their  ideas  with  their  peers.    
Ask  students  the  following  questions:    
o   What  are  you  beginning  to  learn  about  changes?   Questions  on  
o   What  types  of  changes  do  you  think  there  are?   PowerPoint  
o   Are  all  changes  the  same?  Why  or  why  not?    
o   Share  something  new  that  you  have  learnt.  
o   Do  you  think  this  experiment  could  be  reversed?  
Would  we  be  able  to  get  the  original  materials  back?  
Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  
EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  
Learner  Diversity:  
•   If  possible,  an  education  assistant  will  help  out  for  the  duration  
of  the  lesson.  
•   Provide  extra  guidance  and  assistance  to  the  weaker  students.  
•   Pair  weak  students  with  strong  students.    
•   Instead  of  writing  a  paragraph,  some  students  may  like  to  draw  
their  observations  and  provide  annotations.  
•   Students  will  need  to  wear  gloves  and  glasses  to  protect  their  
hands  and  eyes.  
•   Remind  students  of  the  class  science  rules  e.g.  Do  not  
consume  anything.  
•   Desks  will  be  covered  beforehand  with  plastic  cloth  and  a  tray  
for  the  toothpaste  to  go  in  will  be  provided.  
•   Wipe  away  any  spills  straight  away.  
Another  3  lessons  would  take  place  in  the  explore  phase.  These  lessons  would  allow  students  to  explore  other  physical  and  chemical  changes.  For  example:  
melting,  dissolving,  evaporating  and  burning.  
Explain  Lesson  (1)  

Week/   Australian  Curriculum  Links   Specific  Lesson   Assessment     Teaching  &  Learning  Experiences   Resources  
Lesson   Objective   (What  &  How)   o   Learner  Diversity  
o   Key  Questions  

Week  Three:   Science  Understanding:   Students  will  be  able  to:   Formative:   (10  min)  Introduction:    
Lesson  7   (ACSSU095)       •   Recall  prior  knowledge  by  discussing  what  they  have  been    
    1.   Define  physical  and   Checklist   doing  in  science  so  far  this  term  e.g.  experiments/looking  at    
Explain   Science  as  a  Human   chemical  changes.   Used  to  judge   changes/reactions    
Everything   Endeavour:     students’  success   o   What  have  we  been  doing?    
  2.   Describe  at  least  3   against  each  of  the   o   What  have  we  been  talking  about?    
Science  Inquiry  Skills:   ways  to  recognise   objectives.   •   Tell  students  that  they  have  been  exploring  this  notion  of   https://www.youtube.  
(ACSIS110) when  a  physical  and     physical  and  chemical  change.     com/watch?v=yIJ2  
  chemical  change  has   Anecdotal  Notes   •   Watch  a  video  clip  to  reinforce  these  key  terms.   qnUOOwQ  
taken  place  (3  for   Taken  throughout  the   •   Ask  students  the  following  questions:    
each  change).       lesson  about  anything   o   What  types  of  change  do  we  have?    
  significant  that  occurs,   o   What  are  some  examples  of  each  type  of  change?    
3.   State  at  least  one   student  conversations,      
example  for  each  type   behaviour  and   (40  min)  Body:   Card  Sort  (Physical  
of  change.   observations.   •   Students  work  in  pairs  to  complete  a  card  sort  about  ways  that   and  chemical  
    we  can  recognise  physical  and  chemical  changes.     changes)  

Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  

EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  
4.   Create  a  mini   Work  Samples   •   Once  complete,  a  T-­chart  is  created  on  the  whiteboard  and   Whiteboard  
presentation  using  the   Students’  mini   filled  in  together  as  a  whole  class.      
app  ‘Explain   presentations  will  be   •   Card  sort  is  packed  away  and  the  ‘Explain  Everything’  app  task    
Everything’  to   viewed  to  assist  with   is  explained  to  the  students:   iPads  
illustrate  their   filling  in  the  checklist.   Students  are  to  use  the  application  to  create  a  mini    
knowledge  of  physical     presentation.  They  are  to  define  the  terms  physical   ‘Explain  Everything’  
and  chemical   Photographs   and  chemical  change,  share  ways  to  recognise  each   Application  
changes.   Photos  will  be  taken  of   type  of  change  and  provide  examples  of  where  we    
some  of  the  students   can  see  these  changes  in  everyday  life.  They  are  to    
as  they  are   record  their  voice,  add  photos  and  provide    
completing  their  card   annotations  where  possible.    
sorts  e.g.  strong,   •   Students  complete  the  task  independently.      
middle  and  weak   •   When  complete,  students  are  to  post  their  final  product  onto   Padlet  
students.   the  class  Padlet.    
(10  min)  Conclusion:    
•   To  finish  the  lesson,  reinforce  key  teaching  points:    
o   What  is  a  physical/chemical  change?    
o   What  is  an  example  of  a  physical/chemical  change?    
o   How  can  we  recognise  if  something  is  a    
physical/chemical  change?      
•   Students  participate  in  a  stand  up,  hands  up,  pair  up  activity   Quiz  Cards  
where  they  quiz  one  another  on  questions  about  physical  and  
chemical  changes.  
Learner  Diversity:  
•   Weaker  students  may  be  given  less  cards  to  sort  or  paired  up  
with  a  stronger  student  who  can  work  with  them.  
•   If  students  complete  the  card  sort  early,  ask  them  to  think  
about  real  life  examples  that  have  that  kind  of  reaction  e.g.  
melted  chocolate  is  an  example  of  change  in  shape  =  physical.  
•   Mini  presentation:    
§   Extend  by  getting  these  students  to  include  photos,  
videos  and  encourage  them  to  continue  adding  extra  
§   Adapt  by  getting  weaker  students  to  present  the  main  
ideas  and  keep  it  simple.  Do  not  worry  about  adding  
extra  embellishments.    
•   During  stand  up,  hands  up,  pair  up,  encourage  students  to  walk  
around  the  room.  No  running.  
•   If  students  go  outside  to  create  their  mini  presentations,  ensure  
that  they  are  supervised  and  are  working  quietly.  

Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  

EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  
Elaborate  Lesson  (1  –  2)  

Week/   Australian  Curriculum  Links   Specific  Lesson   Assessment     Teaching  &  Learning  Experiences   Resources  
Lesson   Objective   (What  &  How)   o   Learner  Diversity  
o   Key  Questions  

Week  Four:   Science  Understanding:   Students  will  be  able  to:   Summative:   Resources  and  equipment  will  be  set  up  in  tubs  at  the  front  of    
Lesson  8   (ACSSU095)       the  class  prior  to  the  commencement  of  the  lesson.      
    1.   Construct  a  question   Anecdotal  Notes      
Ice  Cream     for  their  investigation.   Taken  throughout  the   (15  min)  Introduction:    
in  a  Bag   Science  as  a  Human     lesson  about  anything   •   Revise  physical  and  chemical  change  knowledge  which  the    
Endeavour:   2.   Brainstorm  factors   significant  that  occurs,   students  should  now  have:    
  which  could  affect  the   student  conversations,   o   What  is  a  physical/chemical  change?    
Science  Inquiry  Skills:   rate  of  the  reaction.   behaviour  and   o   How  can  we  recognise  a  physical/chemical  change?    
(ACSIS232)   observations.   o   What  are  some  examples  of  physical/chemical    
3.   Conduct  three  trials     changes?    
(ACSIS103) and  fill  in  the  template   Rubric   •   Conduct  a  think/pair/share  with  the  students  by  asking  them    
provided  to  discuss   Will  be  used  to  assess   the  following  question:    
(ACSIS107) their  findings.   students  against  each   o   Do  you  think  all  reactions  and  changes  take  the  same    
of  the  lesson   time  to  occur?  Why  or  why  not?    
  objectives.  Students’   Give  the  students  hints.  For  example,  if  I  want  to  melt  an  ice    
investigation   cube.  How  might  I  slow  down  or  speed  up  this  change?    
templates  will  be   •   Inform  students  that  today  they  will  be  conducting  their  own   Ice  Cream  in  a  Bag  
collected  to  assist  with   investigation  about  factors  which  affect  the  rates  of  reactions.   Task  Sheet  
filling  in  the  rubric.   •   Read  through  the  ‘Ice  Cream  in  a  Bag’  task  as  a  class  and  go    
through  the  investigation  template  e.g.  remind  students  about   Investigation  
how  to  write  up  a  question  for  an  investigation.   Template  
(40  min)  Body:    
•   Divide  students  into  their  science  groups,  allocate  roles   Role  Lanyards  &  
(director,  manager,  speaker,  technician,  team  member)  and   Role  Chart  
reinforce  the  responsibility  of  each  role.    
•   Model  to  students  how  to  devise  a  question  for  their    
investigation  e.g.  What  do  we  want  to  know?  How  can  we  find    
this  out?      
•   Students  work  in  their  groups  to  devise  a  question  for  their    
investigation  and  brainstorm  factors  which  could  affect  the  rate    
of  the  reaction.    
•   The  speaker  in  each  group  shares  ideas  with  the  class.  
-­   Plastic  cloth  
•   Demonstrate  to  the  students  how  they  are  to  add  the  
-­   Spoons  
ingredients  into  the  bag  &  create  the  ice  cream.  Emphasise  the  
-­   Paper  towels  
importance  of  ensuring  they  achieve  reliable  results.    
-­   Snap  lock  bags  
o   What  could  affect  our  results?  
(medium  and  
o   What  will  you  need  to  do  to  ensure  your  results  are  
large  size)  

Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  

EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  
•   Students  return  to  their  groups  to  decide  on  three  trials.  The   -­   Whipping  
manager  collects  the  materials  and  they  begin  their   cream  
investigation,  filling  in  their  template  as  they  go.   -­   Milk  
•   As  students  are  working,  move  around  the  classroom  providing   -­   Salt  
extra  guidance  and  assistance  where  necessary.   -­   Ice  
•   Students  pack  away  their  workspaces  and  glue  their  templates   -­   Measuring  
into  their  science  journals.   cups  
  -­   Vanilla  
(10  min)  Conclusion:    
•   Students  take  their  science  journals  with  them,  and  they  do  a   Science  Journal  
‘buddy  swap’  to  share  their  findings  with  other  peers  in  the    
class  who  they  have  not  worked  with.      
•   Share  peer  findings  and  discuss  some  key  teaching  points  from  
the  lesson:  
o   What  trials  did  your  group  do?  
o   Was  it  a  physical  or  chemical  change?  
o   What  factors  affected  your  reaction  the  greatest  or  
o   Is  this  reversible  or  irreversible?  Why?  
Learner  Diversity:  
•   Pair  the  weaker  students  with  the  stronger  students.  
•   If  available,  have  an  education  assistant  to  help  out  for  the  
duration  of  the  lesson  –  particularly  with  the  weaker  students.  
•   Investigation:  
Extend:  Stronger  students  may  be  encouraged  to  
complete  a  fourth  trial  or  to  discuss  what  their  fourth  
trial  may  have  been  based  on  the  results  that  they  
achieved.  They  can  present  their  thoughts  in  anyway  
that  they  like  on  the  back  page  of  the  template.  
Adapt:  Provide  extra  guidance  as  they  fill  in  their  
template.  Encourage  them  to  write  down  key  ideas  
and  to  keep  it  simple.  
§   Remind  students  about  the  consumption  rule.  Tell  them  that  
they  may  only  eat  the  ice  cream  at  lunchtime  (after  the  lesson).  
§   When  shaking  the  ice  cream,  students  must  go  outside  to  avoid  
spills  in  the  classroom  and  risk  of  people  slipping  over.  
§   Any  spills  need  to  be  wiped  away  straight  away.  
§   The  teacher  and  education  assistant  will  disperse  ingredients;;  
students  are  to  wait  patiently.  No  rushing  around.  

Another  elaborate  lesson  would  take  place  before  the  evaluate  phase.  This  lesson  would  allow  students  to  take  part  in  another  investigation  so  that  they  can  further  apply  their  
newfound  knowledge  of  physical  and  chemical  changes.  In  this  lesson  they  would  complete  other  trials  for  another  investigation  and  present  information  in  a  graph/table.  

Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  

EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  

Evaluate  Lesson  (1  –  2)  


Week/   Australian  Curriculum  Links   Specific  Lesson   Assessment     Teaching  &  Learning  Experiences   Resources  
Lesson   Objective   (What  &  How)   o   Learner  Diversity  
o   Key  Questions  

Week  Five:   Science  Understanding:   Students  will  be  able  to:   Summative:   Resources  and  equipment  will  be  set  up  in  tubs  at  the  front  of    
Lesson  10   (ACSSU095)       the  class  prior  to  the  commencement  of  the  lesson.      
    1.   State  whether  the   Anecdotal  Notes     Quiz  Cards  (from  
Dissolving     experiment  was  a   Taken  throughout  the   (10  min)  Introduction:   explain  lesson)  
Cups   Science  as  a  Human   physical  or  chemical   lesson  about  anything   •   Complete  a  quiz,  quiz,  trade  to  recall  prior  knowledge  about    
Endeavour:   change,  providing  at   significant  that  occurs,   physical  and  chemical  changes.   ‘Dissolving  Cups’  
  least  three  reasons  to   student  conversations,   •   Read  through  the  ‘Dissolving  Cups’  experiment  and   Task  
Science  Inquiry  Skills:   justify  their  decision.   behaviour  and   observation  template  as  a  class.    
(ACSIS232)   observations.   •   Divide  students  into  their  science  buddies.   Observation  
2.   Describe  why  the       Template  
(ACSIS110) change  occurred  and   Rubric   (40  min)  Body:    
identify  if  it  is   Will  be  used  to  assess   •   Demonstrate  to  students  how  they  are  to  conduct  the   Materials:  
(ACSIS108) reversible/irreversible.   students  against  each   experiment  e.g.  safety,  equipment  that  they  will  need,   -­   Plastic  cloth  
  of  the  lesson   quantities.   -­   Alfoil  trays  
3.   Write  up  a  report   objectives.  Students’   •   Students  collect  their  materials  and  begin  the  investigation.   -­   Gloves  
which  clearly   reports  will  be   §   Student  1:  Performs  the  experiment,  in  charge  of   -­   Safety  glasses  
  communicates  their   collected  to  assist  with   equipment  and  materials.   -­   Acetone  
findings  (photographs   filling  in  the  rubric  and   §   Student  2:  Assists  student  1  but  is  also  responsible   -­   Polystyrene  
and  clear   providing  students   for  taking  photos  of  before/during/after  and  writes   cups  
explanations).     with  an  overall  mark   down  observations  into  the  template.   -­   Plastic  cups  
  for  the  unit  of  work.   •   Once  complete,  students  pack  away  their  workspace.   -­   Measuring  
    •   Students  return  to  the  classroom  mat  for  a  discussion:   cups  
Kahoot   o   What  was  interesting  or  surprising?    
Completed  individually   o   Do  you  think  it  was  a  physical  or  chemical  change?    
by  each  student.   Why  or  why  not?    
Results  will  give  a   o   Could  this  change  be  reversed?  Why  or  why  not?    
clear  indication  of    
•   Remind  students  of  the  key  elements  which  they  need  to  
whether  students    
include  in  their  science  report.  These  are  written  onto  the  board  
have  understood  the    
for  students  to  refer  to.  
unit  or  not.    
§   Introduction  
§   What  observations  did  you  make?  
§   Do  you  think  it  was  a  physical  or  chemical  change?  
Provide  three  or  more  reasons.  
§   Do  you  think  this  could  be  reversed?  Why/why  not?  
§   What  have  you  learnt  from  completing  this  
§   Conclusion  
Science  Journals  
•   Students  move  back  to  their  desks  and  independently  begin  
writing  up  their  reports  (this  will  possibly  go  into  another  lesson  
as  they  will  need  a  lot  of  working  time).      

Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  

EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  
(5  -­  10  min)  Conclusion:    
•   Students  take  part  in  a  Kahoot  which  quizzes  them  on  what   Kahoot  
they  have  been  learning  about  –  physical  and  chemical    
Learner  Diversity:    
•   Early  finishers  and  strong  students  could  be  asked  to  think    
about  ways  that  they  could  change  the  experiment  or  
investigate  the  reaction  further.  They  may  like  to  present  this  
information  as  a  concept  map  on  their  iPads.  
•   Provide  the  option  to  handwrite  or  type  their  report.    
•   Provide  weaker  students  with  a  help  sheet  for  the  main  parts  of  
the  report  e.g.  what  needs  to  be  in  the  introduction  &  
•   If  available,  have  an  education  assistant  to  help  out  for  the  
duration  of  the  lesson  –  particularly  with  the  weaker  students.  
•   Ensure  all  students  and  teachers  are  wearing  gloves  and  
safety  glasses  for  the  entire  lesson.  Emphasise  that  they  are  
working  with  a  toxic  substance  and  need  to  be  very  careful  with  
•   Strong  reminder  that  they  are  not  allowed  to  consume  
•   Spills  need  to  be  cleaned  up  straight  away.  
•   Keep  iPads  away  from  materials.    
In  all  lessons,  the  teacher  will  make  an  effort  to  talk  about  the  disposal  of  the  materials  and  discuss  with  students  how  they  can  dispose  in  the  most  
sustainable  way  possible.  They  will  discuss  where  their  rubbish  is  going  and  set  up  recycling  and  scrap  bins.  

Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  

EDUC3221:  Primary  Science               Chloe  Kramer  20160504  
Australian  Academy  of  Science.  (2012).  Primary  Connections:  Change  Detectives.  Retrieved  from  
School  Curriculum  and  Standards  Authority.  (2014).  K  –  10  Outline:  Science.  Retrieved  from  https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/p-­10-­

Assessment  Two:  Science  Program  of  Work  

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