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SolidWorks 1


Lecture 1 1
Solidworks’s components

Part: to model the basic part

Assembly: to assemble two or
more part models
Drawing: to generate engineering
of the part and assembly model

Lecture 6 2
Part Model
1. Start with sketch
Set the plane: top, front or side
ViewÆ Modify Æ Orientation : choose Normal to or use
2. Sketch the desired geometrical shape
Tools Æ Sketch Entities : to draw the entities
Tools Æ Sketch Tools: to edit the entities
3. Constraint the shape using geometrical and
dimensional constraint
Tools Æ Dimension: to set the dimension constraint
Tools Æ Relations: to add, modify or delete the

Lecture 6 3
Geometrical Relationship
Two types of relationship: individual entity
constraint and relationship constraint (two
or more entities))

To activate:
Tools Æ Relations:
Individual: select one entity
Relationship constraint: select two or more entities

Lecture 6 4
Line: fix, horizontal or vertical
Circle/Arc/Spline: fix

Two or more entities

Depends on the entities
Line+Line: hor,ver, collinear, perpen, parallel,
equal fix
Line+Circle: tan, fix
Circle+circle: coradial, tan, fix, equal, cocentric

Lecture 6 5
Understanding Constraint

Line 1,3: vertical

Line 2,4: horizontal

Lecture 6 6


hexagon with inner

hexagon profile


equilateral triangle with filleted

corners. The inner circle radii are
(c) half of the fillet radii.
Lecture 6 7
Not fully constraint: blue

Fully constraint : black

Lecture 6 8
Advanced dimension
Use Tool Æ Dimensions : either hor or ver
Select the dimension and tool Æ equations
* equation can be used to set the dimensions

Angular Dimensioning
•Use Smart dimensioning
•Select first line and select the
second line at the same time
press SHIFT key k

Lecture 6 9
Capabilities of Equations

† Equate with other dimension

D2@Sketch = D1@Sketch1*0.5
† Set the basic parameter
length = 100, pi = 3.14
† If statement
t t t can be
b used d
"D1@Sketch1" = iif ( "length" > 100, 50, 35)
† Calculate certain variable
"area"="D1@Sketch1" * "D2@Sketch1"

Lecture 6 10
Creating Base Solid
C t solid
Command: Insert Æ Boss/Extrude

"D1@Extrude1"= 40

Lecture 6 11

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