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Tiny, 27 weeks, male neonate, NSVD in a taxi

Who was

BW of 900g; BL of 36 cm; HR of 180bpm; RR of 68/min

Presented with

Poor cry, expiratory

grunting, intercostal & Lipsmacking & twitching Machinery-like murmur
subcostal retractions, of eyelids at precordial area
rales in both lung fields

Suggestive of Suggestive of Suggestive of

Respiratory Distress Seizures

Patent Ductus Arteriosus
can usually
can usually
be due to
be due to Which is
Surfactant defeciency encephalopathy
Most often related to
can lead to hypoxia and immaturity;
can show
term infants with PDA
Hyaline membrane Rhythmic twitching of usually have structural
deposition muscle groups defects in ductal vessel
can show Classified as
can be diagnosed by
Marked thickening of
alveolar septa & Multifocal clonic
convulsions -- involves Examination: Systolic
proliferation of interstitial CXR: ± Echocardiogram
cells many muscle groups; murmur best heard at L cardiomegaly &
tonic seizures -- rigid upper sternal border or L
posturing of extremities ↑ pulmonary
Usually presents with infraclavicular area, ± vascular
& trunk; myoclonic apical diastolic rumble
Rapid, shallow breathing seizures -- brief focal or markings,
d/t ↑ blood flow across depending on
≥60cpm generalized jerks or MV; Hyperactive size of shunt
extremities; subtle precordium
Which has an seizures -- chewing
motions, excessive can be treated with
Ominous signs: Apnea & salivation, altered
irregular respirations respiratory rate ECG: Normal or LVH Indomethacin;
in small to moderate Ibuprofen;
can be lead to can be diagnosed by PDA; Biventricular surgical ligation
hypertrophy in large of the duct
Death if untreated Lumbar puncture, PDA
newborn screening, MRI
can be diagnosed by or CT, serum glucose,
calcium, or electrolyte
Clinical course, CXR, ABG, measurements
& acid-base value;
hypoxemia, hypercapnia, can be treated with
metabolic acidosis
can be prevented by Treat underlying cause

Avoiding unnecessary or
poorly times cesarean
section, appropriate
management of high-risk
pregnancy & labor,
prediction of pulmonary
immatuirty; avoid fetal
asphyxia; antenatal
can be treated with

Incubator, CPAP,
[ermissive hypercapnia,
ventilation; exogenous
surfactant (exosurf,
survanta, infasurf,
curosurf); inhaled nitric

can lead to

Pneumothorax, air leaks,

asphyxia, bradycardia,
subglottic stenosis

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