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Early Childhood Research Quarterly 36 (2016) 259–268

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Early Childhood Research Quarterly

Mathematics and language: Individual and group differences in

mathematical language skills in young children
David J. Purpura a,∗ , Erin E. Reid b
Purdue University, IN, United States
Erikson Institute, IL, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The development of early numeracy knowledge is influenced by a number of non-mathematical
Received 16 June 2015 factors—particularly language skills. However, much of the focus on the relation between language and
Received in revised form early numeracy has utilized general language measures and not domain-specific measures of mathemat-
21 December 2015
ical language. The primary purpose of this study was to determine if the variance accounted for by general
Accepted 27 December 2015
language skills in predicting numeracy performance was better accounted for by mathematical language.
Available online 15 January 2016
Further, age- and parental education-related differences in mathematical language performance were
explored. Using a sample of 136 3- to 5-year-old preschool and kindergarten children (M = 4.28 years,
Mathematical language
SD = 0.67 years), a series of mixed-effect regressions were conducted. Results indicated that although
Numeracy general language performance was initially a significant predictor of numeracy performance, when both
Preschool mathematical language and general language were included in the model, only mathematical language
Kindergarten was a significant predictor of numeracy performance. Further, group-difference analyses revealed that
Math children from families where both parents had less than a college education performed significantly
lower on mathematical language than their peers; and even by 3-years-old, children have acquired a
substantial body of mathematical language skills. Implications and future directions are discussed.
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction These three pathways were based on the three modules identified
in Dehaene’s triple-code model of number processing (Dehaene,
Developing early numerical competencies is a complex and con- 1992). Although LeFevre et al. noted that each of these pathways
tinual process that begins even prior to formal schooling (Sarama uniquely contributes to numeracy knowledge, the linguistic path-
& Clements, 2009; Starkey, Klein, & Wakeley, 2004). Unfortu- way was the most consistent and strongest predictor of early
nately, many children, particularly those from families of low numeracy.
socio-economic-status (SES) struggle to acquire basic numeracy Importantly, the focus of the linguistic pathway is often placed
skills and remain behind their peers from families of middle- and on general language skills/processing (e.g., general vocabulary,
high-SES (Jordan, Huttenlocher, & Levine, 1994; Jordan & Levine, phonological awareness), but there is evidence that the language
2009; Starkey et al., 2004). It is clear that the developmental associated with numeracy is highly content-specific (mathemat-
process of numeracy skill acquisition does not occur indepen- ical language; Harmon, Hedrick, & Wood, 2005). However, there
dently from other academic and cognitive skills. For example, is a limited depth of research examining the nature of the lan-
LeFevre et al. (2010) identified three specific pathways by which guage associated with numeracy skills, particularly prior to entry
children typically acquire early numeracy knowledge: linguistic to formal schooling. The central goal in this study was to evaluate
(Hooper, Roberts, Sideris, Burchinal, & Zeisel, 2010; Juel, 1988), individual and group differences in an understudied aspect of the
spatial attention (or executive functioning; McClelland, Acock, & linguistic pathway – children’s knowledge of the words utilized in
Morrison, 2006), and quantitative (or the approximate number early mathematics, or mathematical language – and the relation of
system; Dehaene, 1997; Halberda, Mazzocco, & Feigenson, 2008). these differences to general numeracy performance.

1.1. The importance of language for numeracy development

∗ Corresponding author at: Purdue University, Human Development and Family
Studies, 1202W State St. Rm. 231, West Lafayette, IN 47907, United States. The strong relation between numeracy and language is evident
E-mail address: (D.J. Purpura). relatively early in children’s academic development. In preschool
0885-2006/© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
260 D.J. Purpura, E.E. Reid / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 36 (2016) 259–268

and early elementary school, children’s language skills and numer- aspects of early mathematical language such as quantifiers (e.g., all,
acy ability are highly related (Hooper et al., 2010; Purpura, Hume, most, some) they also exhibit difficulties in grasping exact math-
Sims, & Lonigan, 2011; Romano, Babchishin, Pagani, & Kohen, ematical concepts such as cardinal number knowledge (Barner
2010). This relation appears to be general to nearly all aspects of et al., 2009). Further, in elementary school children, mathemati-
early symbolic numeracy and not specific to individual compo- cal language is a strong predictor of numeracy skills even when
nents of the symbolic system, as Purpura and Ganley (2014) found accounting for a range of cognitive covariates and prior numer-
that language skills accounted for significant variance in predicting acy achievement (Toll & Van Luit, 2014a). Moreover, knowledge
nearly all early numeracy skills. However, these connections are of mathematics-specific language has been surmised to be critical
presumed to begin even earlier than preschool as substantial evi- toward the success of early mathematics curricula (Chard et al.,
dence indicates that numeracy and language processing activate 2008; Clements & Sarama, 2011). Even the National Council of
similar areas of the brain—suggesting they share some common Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 2006) indicates the importance
neural pathways (Baldo & Dronkers, 2007; Dehaene, Spelke, Pinel, of high quality mathematics language in teaching:
Stanscu, & Tsivkin, 1999).
“Children need introductions to the language and conventions of
Language is the central feature that serves to distinguish the
mathematics, at the same time maintaining a connection to their
symbolic numeracy system (which typically begins to develop
informal knowledge and language. They should hear mathemati-
even as young as 18–24 months; Mix, 2009; Sarama & Clements,
cal language being used in meaningful contexts. . .Young children
2009) from the more primitive non-symbolic approximate quantity
need to learn words for comparing and for indicating position and
discrimination system which is believed to be present beginning
direction at the same time they are developing an understanding
in infancy (Dehaene et al., 1999; Spelke & Tsivkin, 2001; Starr,
of counting and number words” (NCTM, 2006).
Libertus, & Brannon, 2013; Xu & Spelke, 2000). As children get
older, difficulties in numeracy often co-occur with difficulties in Yet, even with the growing body of evidence supporting the
literacy and language (Lewis, Hitch, & Walker, 1994; Mann Koepke importance of mathematical language for numeracy development,
& Miller, 2013). Those children with difficulties in both areas tend it is rarely a focus in early numeracy research. For example, in
to have more severe (Hanich, Jordan, Kaplan, & Dick, 2001; Jordan the LeFevre et al. (2010) pathways model – as is the case in other
& Hanich, 2000) and persistent (Silver, Pennet, Black, Fair, & Balise, research connecting numeracy and language skills (Aunio et al.,
1999) numeracy difficulties than children with numeracy difficul- 2006; Krajewski & Schneider, 2009; Purpura et al., 2011) – it is
ties alone. presumed that the linguistic skills directly related to numeracy
Conceptually, numeracy and language are linked in develop- development are general in nature – measured by components
ment because language skills are believed to support numerical of literacy and language such as vocabulary and/or phonological
development (Miura & Okamoto, 2003) as children utilize language awareness. Each of those studies included only a measure of gen-
skills – particularly number words – to refine their quantitative eral language—and not a mathematical language measure. Further,
understanding (Spelke, 2003). Findings from cross-cultural studies despite the consistent relation of general language skills to numer-
suggest that individuals who speak languages that do not have a acy performance, improving children’s general language does not
well-developed counting system are limited in their ability to grasp actually result in positive impacts on children’s numeracy out-
exact quantities (Gordon, 2004). For example, in languages that comes (Jordan, Glutting, Dyson, Hassinger-Das, & Irwin, 2012).
have plural markers (e.g., English and Russian), children more read- One of the potential explanations for this finding is that general
ily acquire the concept of “two = ••” than in languages that do not language skills are acting as a proxy measure for another, more
have plural markers (e.g., Chinese and Japanese; Li, Sun, Baroody, & proximal language skill—namely, mathematics-specific language.
Purpura, 2013; Sarnecka, Kamenskaya, Yamana, Ogura, & Yudovina,
2007). Even within English, children must refine their concepts of
quantity through the use of number words. Often, the concept of
“one” comes relatively quickly, but the concept of “two” frequently
includes anything “more than one” (e.g., •• or ••• are “two” or “not 1.3. Group differences in mathematical language
one”; Carey & Sarnecka, 2006; Sarnecka & Lee, 2009; Wynn, 1990,
1992). Over time, children narrow their schema of “two” until it is An abundance of evidence has indicated that children from fam-
regularly applied to the quantity “two” (e.g., ••). ilies of low-SES perform significantly lower on numeracy (Jordan
et al., 1994; Starkey et al., 2004) and language (Hart & Risely,
1.2. Mathematics-specific language 1995) assessments than their peers from families of middle- and
higher-SES. The group differences in numeracy ability are pre-
General language skills – particularly vocabulary – often sumed to be, at least in part, due to difficulties in language because
include words typically heard and used in everyday conversa- of the high language content of early numeracy skills (Jordan et al.,
tions and activities. However, individual content areas, especially 1994; Jordan & Levine, 2009; Starkey et al., 2004). It is estimated
numeracy, have high content-specific vocabulary (Harmon et al., that by the time children from families with lower SES enter
2005)—words that are primarily used in domain-related contexts kindergarten, they have heard, on average, approximately 20–30
or have specific meanings in those contexts. Specifically, there are million fewer words than their peers from families of higher-SES
two general areas of mathematical language terms that are often (Hart & Risely, 1995). Some of the early language in which chil-
discussed in relation to early numeracy development: quantita- dren and their families engage is mathematical language (Durkin,
tive (Barner, Chow, & Yang, 2009) and spatial (Ramani, Zippert, Shire, Riem, Crowther, & Rutter, 1986; Fuson, 1988). Unfortunately,
Schweitzer, & Pan, 2014). Understanding quantitative language parents from lower-SES engage in fewer and less complex math-
(such as “more,” “less,” “many,” and “fewer”) allows children ematical interactions with their children than their counterparts
to make and describe comparisons between groups or numbers. from middle- and higher-SES (Saxe, Guberman, & Gearheart, 1987;
Understanding spatial language (such as “before,” “above,” and Vandermaas-Peeler, Nelson, Bumpass, & Sassine, 2009). Thus, chil-
“near”) allows children to talk about relations between physical dren from families of lower-SES are, from very early on, less likely to
objects and between numbers on a number line. Essentially, much have had the opportunity to acquire mathematical language skills;
of the terminology children need to understand and to “do” mathe- yet, no study to date has investigated group differences in children’s
matics is highly language-based. When children do not understand knowledge of mathematical language words.
D.J. Purpura, E.E. Reid / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 36 (2016) 259–268 261

1.4. Current study degree but no graduate degree, and 41.2% had at least one par-
ent with a postgraduate degree. This work was approved by the
Despite the agreement that mathematical language is impor- Institutional Review Board.
tant for numeracy skills and that it begins to be acquired relatively
early on in a child’s development, little attention has been devoted 2.2. Measures
toward understanding and evaluating individual and group differ-
ences in children’s knowledge of mathematical language. In fact, 2.2.1. Early numeracy
most studies evaluating the relation between language and early The Preschool Early Numeracy Skills Test—Brief Version (PENS-B)
numeracy skills have focused on general measures of language is a 24-item numeracy task (˛ = .93). The 24 items are repre-
and/or literacy (Aunio et al., 2006; Krajewski & Schneider, 2009; sentative of the broad numeracy skills children are expected to
LeFevre et al., 2010; Purpura et al., 2011). Of the few studies that acquire in preschool and kindergarten. Specific areas of assess-
have examined children’s knowledge of mathematical language, ment include: set comparison, numeral comparison, one-to-one
none has evaluated group differences. Thus, there are two broad correspondence, number order, identifying numerals, ordinal-
research questions guiding this study. ity, and number combinations. The PENS-B takes approximately
Research Question 1: Do individual differences in mathe- five minutes to administer and children answered all 24 items.
matical language predict numeracy skills above and beyond They received one point for each correct answer. However, an
individual differences in general language? The primary purpose empirically-derived ceiling rule was applied where, after a child
of this study was to determine if the variance accounted for by incorrectly responded to three items in a row, they did not receive
general language skills in predicting numeracy performance was points for items after the ceiling (results were comparable regard-
better accounted for by children’s knowledge of mathematical lan- less of the use of the ceiling rule, but the rule was utilized to be
guage. It was hypothesized that mathematical language, and not consistent with the developed standards for the measure; Purpura,
general language, would be a unique predictor of numeracy skills Reid, Eiland, & Baroody, 2015). The test has been shown to have
because targeted content language is necessary for understanding evidence of reliability using both classical test theory and item
and completing numeracy tasks. To adequately address this issue, response theory metrics (Purpura et al.). Furthermore, the measure
two specific goals must be met: has evidence of convergent validity as it is highly correlated with
the Test of Early Mathematics Ability – 3rd Edition (r = .73; Ginsburg
1. General language must be a significant predictor of early numer- & Baroody, 2003) and evidence of discriminant validity as it was
acy skills when controlling for background variables. found to be more related to another measure of mathematics than
2. Mathematical language must be a significant predictor of early to a measure of early literacy (Purpura et al.).
numeracy skills above and beyond general language skills when
accounting for the same background variables. 2.2.2. General language
The Definitional Vocabulary subtest of the Test of Preschool Early
Literacy Skills (TOPEL; Lonigan, Wagner, Torgesen, & Rashotte, 2007)
Research Question 2: Are there group differences in math-
is a measure of children’s depth of vocabulary. Given its high
ematical language performance based on parental education
correlations with other general language tasks (e.g., r = .71 with
and age? A secondary goal of this study was to explore group
the Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test; Lonigan et al.,
differences in mathematical language in relation to parental edu-
2007) and the apparent unidimensional structure of oral language
cation levels (using parental education as a proxy for SES) and
skills in young children (Foorman, Herrera, Petscher, Mitchell, &
age. Similar to previous findings on general numeracy and lan-
Truckenmiller, 2015), the Definitional Vocabulary subtest was used
guage tasks, it was hypothesized that children from families with
as a proxy for general language skills. Definitional vocabulary mea-
low parental education would perform significantly lower on the
sures children’s single-word spoken vocabulary and their ability
measure of mathematical language compared to their peers from
to formulate definitions for words. Children are asked to identify
families with middle- and high-parental education. Further, as
images and then asked to describe its purpose or use. The internal
would be expected, it was hypothesized that older children will
consistency for this task is .94 for 3- to 5-year-old children.
have higher levels of mathematical language than will younger chil-
dren, but that even the 3-year-old children will have developed a
2.2.3. Mathematical language
sizeable base of mathematical language knowledge.
The mathematical language test is an author-developed mea-
sure of mathematical content language. In contrast to the PENS-B (a
2. Method measure of numeracy knowledge) which assessed children’s ability
to work with exact numbers (e.g., count, compare, add), the math-
2.1. Participants ematical language measure assessed children’s understanding of
the key words used in early mathematics (e.g., a lot, more, nearest,
Data were collected in 12 private preschools/kindergartens far away). Children were initially assessed on a battery of 33 quan-
serving children from families of a range of socioeconomic sta- titative and spatial mathematical language items that were each
tuses. Parents of 147 children completed the consent forms for administered once in a fixed order. The quantitative language items
the study. Of these children, four left their school before testing included both expressive and receptive items and the spatial lan-
was completed and seven children did not assent to participate. guage items were all receptive. The items were originally selected
The 136 children who completed the assessments were approxi- by reviewing both state and national standards/foundations for
mately evenly split by gender (54.4% female) and representative mathematical language terms commonly used in preschool instruc-
of the demographics of the area (69.1% Caucasian, 8.8% Asian, 2.9% tion and assessment. Items that targeted these words were then
African–American, 2.9% Hispanic, 16.3% other/multi-racial). Chil- created by the first author and reviewed by three mathematics
dren ranged in age from 3.12 years to 5.94 years (M = 4.28 years, education experts who were independent of the project.
SD = .67 years), were English speaking as noted by teachers and All items were designed to be completed without exact quanti-
assessors, and had no known developmental disorders. With regard tative skills or in a non-numeracy context. For example, one of the
to parental education, 25.0% of participants had parents with less quantitative questions was designed to target a child’s understand-
than a college degree, 33.8% had at least one parent with a college ing of the term “more.” This item had two parts that needed to be
262 D.J. Purpura, E.E. Reid / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 36 (2016) 259–268

responded to correctly for the child to receive credit. Children were Table 1
Difficulty and discrimination parameters for mathematical language items.
asked to compare two different sets of dots (e.g., 10 vs. 2 and 9 vs.
1) with such a gross difference that, regardless of a child’s numer- Key word(s) Language Type Discrimination Difficulty
acy ability, if they knew the meaning of the language term, they Take awaya Quantitative 0.71 −1.36
would be able to respond correctly. Similarly, an example of one of Nearest Spatial 0.71 −1.18
the spatial items was the item that targeted a child’s understanding Under Spatial 0.88 −1.10
of the term “nearest.” For this item, children were presented with A little bit Quantitative 0.68 −1.00
First (in line) Spatial 0.80 −0.94
a picture of a boy in the middle of the page and four dots spread
Far away Spatial 0.84 −0.82
around the page. One dot was immediately next to the boy and Most Quantitative 0.49 −0.77
the others were close to different edges of the page. Children were More Quantitative 0.72 −0.69
asked, “Point to the dot that is nearest to the boy.” Below Spatial 0.72 −0.64
Front Spatial 0.73 −0.59
Utilizing an item response theory framework (Embretson &
Middle Spatial 0.70 −0.48
Reise, 2000), the original 33 items were pared down to 16 final End Spatial 0.79 −0.22
items by removing those items that overlapped with other items or Last Spatial 0.68 −0.18
functioned poorly. IRT allows researchers to select items based on Fewest Quantitative 0.66 0.02
item-level characteristics. The item-level characteristics, or param- Before Spatial 0.62 0.13
Less Quantitative 0.64 0.32
eters, in a 2-PL model that describe item functioning are referred
to as the difficulty parameter and the discrimination parameter. Indicates an expressive item that used manipulatives. All other items were
receptive and used the testing manual with pictures.
The difficulty parameter measures the point along the ability spec-
trum at which a specific response option would be endorsed 50%
of the time for an individual with a given ability. Items with high (ICC = .15), and vocabulary (ICC = .01) measures. Three fixed-effect
difficulty parameters require a greater amount of latent ability covariates were also used in the analyses for the first research
to be answered correctly; hence, the item is more difficult to question. These covariates were age, gender, and highest parental
answer correctly than an item with a lower difficulty parameter. education of either parent (scored on an 8-point scale ranging from
The discrimination parameter measures how well an item differ- <8th grade to doctoral/postgraduate degree).
entiates between individuals with latent abilities above and below
the item’s difficulty parameter. If multiple items had compara- 2.3. Procedures
ble difficulty parameters, the one with the highest discrimination
parameter was retained for the final measure. 2.3.1. Assessment procedure
The final 16 selected items had a range of difficulty parameters Children were assessed on all tasks in the fall of the academic
(spanning the ability range) and strong discrimination parameters year. Assessments took place in the local preschools at times iden-
(indicating that the item could be used to effectively differentiate tified by the schools in a room designated by the individual school
individuals above and below a given latent ability). The difficulty directors or teachers. The order of task administration was counter-
and discrimination parameters of each of the final 16 items are balanced. Individuals who had either completed or were working
presented in Table 1. One quantitative item was expressive and toward completion of a Bachelor’s degree in psychology or human
required manipulatives. All other items were receptive and used a development conducted the assessments. All testers completed
testing manual with pictures. This task had an internal consistency two 2–3 h training sessions, followed by individual practice, and a
of .85. testing-out session to ensure they were fluent with the assessment
measures and general principles of working with young children.
2.2.4. Rapid automatized naming Lead project staff evaluated each tester’s ability to adhere to the
Rapid automatized naming (RAN) was used as a general mea- language used in the testing manual, their knowledge of specific
sure of cognitive ability as it underlies both numeracy and literacy testing and scoring procedures, and their fluent knowledge of task
(Georgiou, Tziraki, Manolitsis, & Fella, 2013) and recent evidence administration.
has indicated a significant amount of variance in mathematical Research Question 1: Do individual differences in mathe-
ability is best explained by basic cognitive skills (Bailey, Watts, matical language predict numeracy skills above and beyond
Littlefield, & Geary, 2014). It was assessed through a picture naming individual differences in general language? To evaluate the
task and a color naming task—these two tasks were comparable to relation between language and numeracy skills, mixed-effects
the tasks used in the Georgiou et al. study and other standard mea- regression analyses were conducted (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002).
sures of RAN. Specifically, children were initially asked to name In each of these analyses, school was included as a random effect
four common pictures (e.g., house, cat, car, pig). They were then to account for variance across schools. Age, gender, parental edu-
presented with a page of 40 pictures (5 × 8) and asked to name the cation, and RAN were included as fixed-effect covariates. Age and
pictures in order as fast as they could. If a child incorrectly named parental education were both included as continuous variables. In
a picture or skipped a picture, they were redirected back to that Step 1, the analyses were conducted with just the covariates. In
picture. The total time (in seconds) it took to name all 40 pictures Step 2a, the general language (vocabulary) measure was added to
was recorded. After the picture task, the same task was repeated, show that general language does have a significant relation to early
but with colors (blue, red, green, black). The two measures of RAN numeracy skills. In Step 2b, the mathematical language measure
were highly correlated (r = .67). The average of the two completion was included in the model instead of the general vocabulary mea-
times was used as the child’s RAN score. sure to show that it was independently related to early numeracy
skills. Finally, in Step 3, the mathematical language measure and
2.2.5. Covariates the general language measure were added to the model together
School was included in the model as a random-effect covariate to determine if mathematical language was a significant predictor
to control for school-level effects for the first research question. above and beyond general language. The amount of unique vari-
There were 12 schools with an average of 11.3 students per school. ance explained by individual predictors is presented as pseudo-sr2
Only minimal variance in the academic variables can be attributed (pseudo-squared semipartial).
to schools as the unconditional intra-class correlation coefficients Research Question 2: Are there group differences in math-
(ICC) were low for the PENS-B (ICC = .17), mathematical language ematical language performance based on parental education
D.J. Purpura, E.E. Reid / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 36 (2016) 259–268 263

and age? To evaluate differences in mathematical language based data were collected in the fall of the academic year and both age
on age, children were divided into three age groups 3-year-olds and parental education were accounted for in the analyses. Results
(n = 47), 4-year-olds (n = 68), and 5-year-olds (n = 21). To evaluate of the mixed-effect regression analyses are presented in Table 4.
individual differences in mathematical language based on parental In Step 1, all four covariates were significant predictors of early
education, children were divided into three groups based on the numeracy skills. In Step 2a, when general language was added to
parent education variable: no college degree (n = 34), 2- or 4-year the model, it was a significant predictor of early numeracy skills
college degree (n = 46), or postgraduate degree (n = 56). ANOVAs (estimate = 0.07, p = .045, 95% CI [0.00, 0.13]) and it accounted for
with pairwise comparisons were conducted to evaluate group dif- 2% unique variance in numeracy performance. When the mathe-
ferences for age and parental education and effect size differences matical language measure was included in step 2b instead of the
(Cohen’s d) were used for group comparisons. general language measure, mathematical language was a signif-
icant predictor of early numeracy performance (estimate = 0.45,
3. Results p < .001, 95% CI [0.23, 0.68]) and accounted for 6% unique variance
in early numeracy performance. However, when the mathematical
3.1. Preliminary analyses language measure and the general language measure were included
in the same model in Step 3, mathematical language was a signifi-
Means, standard deviations, skew, and kurtosis for all measures cant predictor of early numeracy skills (estimate = 0.42, p = 001, 95%
are presented in Table 2. All tasks were normally distributed. In CI [0.18, 0.67]) accounting for 4% unique variance in early numer-
terms of mathematical language knowledge, although on aver- acy performance, but the general language measure was no longer
age children correctly responded to over 70% of the items, there a significant predictor (estimate = 0.03, p = .466, 95% CI [−0.04, to
were significant individual differences in performance. Corre- 0.09]).
lations between tasks are presented in Table 3. Because the
correlations between the tasks were all significant, a test of corre- 3.2.2. Research Question 2: Are there group differences in
lated correlations (Meng, Rosenthal, & Rubin, 1992) was conducted mathematical language performance based on parental education
to ensure that the mathematical language measure was not just and age?
acting as another measure of numeracy or general language skills. Age-related differences. Using an ANOVA, there was a sig-
The correlation between the PENS-B and the mathematical lan- nificant difference in mathematical language based on age group,
guage measure was not significantly higher than the correlation F(2,133) = 19.67, p < .001. Pairwise comparisons revealed that there
between the vocabulary measure and the mathematical language were significant differences in mean performance across all three
measure (z = 0.73, p = .233) suggesting that mathematical language age groups (p’s < .05; see Table 5). Furthermore, to ensure that the
was similarly related to both numeracy and general language. How- mathematical language measure had adequate psychometric prop-
ever, the correlation between the mathematical language measure erties within each age-group, internal consistency, skewness, and
and the PENS-B and the correlation between the mathematical kurtosis we assessed for each age group and found to be acceptable
language measure and the general language measure were both (Table 5).
significantly higher than the correlation between the PENS-B and
the general language measure (z = 2.69, p = .004; z = 1.99, p = .023). Parental education-related differences. Using an ANOVA,
Essentially, the mathematical language measure appears to assess there was a significance difference in mathematical language based
the commonality between domains and is not simply assessing on parental education, F(2, 133) = 8.73, p < .001. Further, the three
mathematics or language. parental education groups did not differ in age F(2, 133) = 1.66,
p = .195, indicating that the performance differences were unlikely
3.2. Primary analyses a function of age differences. Children whose parents had no college
degree performed significantly lower on the mathematics language
3.2.1. Research Question 1: Do individual differences in measure than children whose parents with a 2- or 4-year col-
mathematical language predict numeracy skills above and beyond lege degree, t(78) = 3.62, p = .001 (95% CI [1.35, 4.66]), and children
individual differences in general language? whose parents had a postgraduate degree t(88) = 3.65, p < .001 (95%
Conditional ICCs were <.01 for all analyses which indicated that CI [1.37, 4.63]). However, there was no significant difference in
nearly no variance was attributable at the school level once covari- performance on the mathematical language measure between chil-
ates were included in the models. This finding was expected as dren whose parents had a 2- or 4-year degree and children whose

Table 2
Means, standard deviations, range, skewness, and kurtosis of the sum scores of the numeracy, language, mathematical language and rapid automatized naming tasks.

Task M SD Range Skew Kurtosis

Preschool Early Numeracy Skills Test – Brief 10.66 6.12 0 to 24 0.24 −0.89
Definitional Vocabulary 51.37 12.58 8 to 69 −1.31 1.39
Mathematical Language 11.49 3.83 2 to 16 −0.82 −0.19
Rapid Automatized Naming 79.17 30.32 25.27 to 186.89 1.37 2.05

Table 3
Correlations between the raw total scores of all tasks.

1 2 3 4

1. Preschool Early Numeracy Skills Test – Brief – .32 .53 −.45

2. Definitional Vocabulary .56 – .47 −.32
3. Mathematical Language .69 .62 – −.44
4. Rapid Automatized Naming −.59 −.48 −.57 –

Note. All correlations were significant at p < .001. Correlations on the bottom are zero-order correlations and correlations on the top are partial correlations accounting for
264 D.J. Purpura, E.E. Reid / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 36 (2016) 259–268

Table 4
Mixed effects regression predicting early numeracy performance.

Pseudo-R2 Estimate SE F p 95% CI Pseudo-sr2

Step 1 .45
Age 4.87 0.56 75.22 <.001 3.76 to 5.99 .29
Gender −1.64 0.68 5.78 .017 −2.98 to −0.29 .02
Parental Education 1.13 0.21 28.12 <.001 0.71 to 1.55 .05
Rapid Automatized Naming −0.06 0.01 21.22 <.001 −0.08 to −0.03 .08

Step 2a .47
Age 4.29 0.62 47.00 <.001 3.05 to 5.53 .19
Gender −1.46 0.68 4.67 .032 −2.80 to −0.12 .02
Parental Education 1.09 0.21 26.51 <.001 0.67 to 1.51 .04
Rapid Automatized Naming −0.05 0.01 14.29 <.001 −0.08 to −0.03 .06
Definitional Vocabulary 0.07 0.03 4.10 .045 0.00 to 0.13 .02

Step 2b .51
Age 3.81 0.60 40.53 <.001 2.62 to 4.99 .15
Gender −1.25 0.65 3.66 .058 −2.54 to 0.04 .01
Parental Education 0.84 0.21 15.42 <.001 0.42 to 1.27 .04
Rapid Automatized Naming −0.04 0.01 9.63 .002 −0.07 to −0.01 .03
Mathematical Language 0.45 0.11 15.63 <.001 0.23 to 0.68 .06

Step 3 .51
Age 3.66 0.63 33.95 <.001 2.42 to 4.91 .13
Gender −1.21 0.65 3.42 .067 −2.51 to 0.09 .01
Parental Education 0.85 0.21 15.54 <.001 0.42 to 1.27 .04
Rapid Automatized Naming −0.04 0.01 8.72 .004 −0.06 to −0.01 .03
Definitional Vocabulary 0.03 0.03 0.53 .466 −0.04 to 0.09 .00
Mathematical Language 0.42 0.12 11.68 .001 0.18 to 0.67 .04

N = 136.

Table 5
Descriptive statistics for mathematical language by age and parental education.

Age Group n Range M SD Skewness Kurtosis Effect Size

3-Year-Olds 47 2 to 16 9.15 4.02 −0.09 −1.07 0.87***

4-Year-Olds 68 2 to 16 12.26 3.17 −1.30 1.76 0.64*
5-Year-Olds 21 8 to 16 14.19 2.36 −1.29 0.94 –

Parental Education
No College Degree 34 2 to 16 9.24 4.11 0.04 −0.97 a
0.81** /0.79***
2- or 4-year Degree 46 3 to 16 12.24 3.31 −1.05 0.77 0.00ns
Postgraduate Degree 56 2 to 16 12.23 3.56 −1.32 1.38 –
The first effect size is for the difference between No College Degree and 2- or 4-year Degree and the second effect size is for the difference between No College Degree
and Postgraduate Degree.
p < .05.
p < .01.
p < .001.
p > .05.

parents had a postgraduate degree, t(100) = 0.01, p = .992 (95% CI 2009; Starkey et al., 2004). Further, it is evident that children begin
[−1.36, 1.37]). to acquire mathematical language early in development—as chil-
dren appear to have acquired a substantial body of mathematical
language even as early as three years old. This study provides evi-
4. Discussion dence for the importance of assessing mathematical language when
evaluating young children’s early numeracy skills.
Consistent with previous studies (Aunio et al., 2006; Krajewski
& Schneider, 2009; LeFevre et al., 2010; Purpura et al., 2011), the
findings from this study indicate that general language was a signif- 4.1. Do individual differences in mathematical language predict
icant predictor of numeracy skills even when including a number numeracy skills above and beyond individual differences in
of key covariates. However, in extending beyond prior literature, general language?
mathematical language was a significant predictor of numeracy
skills over-and-above general language in young children. Impor- Practitioners and researchers have been calling attention to
tantly, when mathematical language was included in the model, the importance of specific mathematical language for decades
general language was no longer a significant predictor of numer- across a large range of ages (Adams, 2003; Knight & Hargis, 1977;
acy skills. Essentially, in prior studies where general language skills Lansdell, 1999; Schleppegrell, 2007). Recently, this call has been
were found to be significantly related to numeracy skills, it may echoed in major early mathematics policy documents as well
have actually been acting as a proxy measure for mathematical (Clements, Baroody, & Sarama, 2014; NCTM, 2006). However, very
language which is more proximal to numeracy performance (Toll little research has examined the predictive value of mathematics-
& Van Luit, 2014b). Notably, the group difference analyses indi- specific language on early numeracy performance in young children
cate that similar parental education-related differences were found (Toll & Van Luit, 2014a; 2014b). Though other work has identified
for mathematical language as have been found for both numeracy relations between children’s production of math words and their
skills and general language (Jordan et al., 1994; Jordan & Levine, numeracy performance in preschool (Jennings, Jennings, Richey, &
D.J. Purpura, E.E. Reid / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 36 (2016) 259–268 265

Dixon-Krauss, 1992), such studies only account for the amount of frequent, and appropriate mathematical experiences for their chil-
words used (even if the same word is used repeatedly) and do not dren at home.
account for the breadth of mathematical language. This is the first In addition to providing opportunities for their children to
study to investigate individual and group differences in breadth of engage in numeracy activities, parents’ own math talk is associ-
mathematical language with children as young as 3- and 4-years ated with children’s numeracy development (Gunderson & Levine,
of age. Though prior research (Toll & Van Luit, 2014a; 2014b) did 2011; Levine, Suriyakham, Rowe, Huttenlocher, & Gunderson,
include some 4-year-olds in their studies, mathematical language 2010; Ramani, Rowe, Eason, & Leech, 2015). Given the signifi-
was not assessed until children were, on average, 5.5-years old. cant group differences in home language environment in general
It is evident through the current findings, and through previous (Hart & Risley, 1995), these differences may extend to mathemat-
research (Barner et al., 2009; Durkin et al., 1986; Fuson, 1988; ical language as well. For example, Ramani et al. (2015) found
Sarnecka et al., 2007), that children acquire these skills early on that during parent–child interactions, parental foundational math
in their development. utterances (e.g., counting, number identification) and advanced
Most prior work investigating the link between mathematical concepts math talk (e.g., cardinality, ordinal relations, and arith-
development and language has utilized measures of general lan- metic) were positively and significantly associated with children’s
guage skills which, ultimately, may have been acting as a proxy math foundational and advanced math utterances. However, it is
measure for mathematical language. Those that have evaluated important to note that not all math talk is not equally effective
children’s mathematical language have utilized measures of total (Boonen, Kolkman, & Kroesbergen, 2011; Lansdell, 1999) because
production (Jennings et al., 1992) or measures that were not orig- it requires a level of content knowledge and pedagogical skill that
inally intended to measure mathematical language (Toll & van many parents and some early childhood educators may not have
Luit, 2014a, 2014b). The measure utilized in the present study had the opportunity to acquire (Ginsburg, Lee, & Boyd, 2008). Crit-
was designed to intentionally include a range of both quantita- ically, it appears that it is not just the quantity of early language
tive and spatial mathematical language and specifically to measure input that is important for children’s development, but it is also
children’s breadth of knowledge of these words. As children’s the quality of such input (Hirsh-Pasek et al., 2015).
knowledge of mathematical language is a more proximal measure Given the proximal nature of mathematical language to numer-
to numeracy skills than are general language skills, more consider- acy skills and the finding of parental education-based performance
ation needs to be given to the assessment of children’s knowledge differences in mathematical language, children from families with
of mathematical language in future studies. low parental education may be those who can benefit the most
It is important to note that the even though the total variance from home and school environments rich in mathematical lan-
explained in this model was relatively high (51%), the amount of guage. There is a need to better understand why these differences
unique variance in numeracy skills accounted for by mathematical exist and how to prevent or remediate these differences. By iden-
language was small (4%) according to criteria established by Cohen tifying methods to provide support and guidance to parents and
(1992). Yet, aside from age, mathematical language accounted for teachers on how to enrich a child’s environment with mathematical
more unique variance than the other variables included in the language – particularly the home and school environments of chil-
model. These results align with recent findings by Bailey et al. dren from families with lower parental education – they may have
(2014) who found that a large portion of the variance in predicting more success in promoting numeracy development in the young
numeracy skills is attributable to general cognitive and background children who are most at-risk of later mathematical difficulties.
factors—much of which is shared variance. Given that mathemati-
cal language accounts for unique variance above and beyond these 4.3. Limitations and future directions
strong covariates, and it is more likely to be malleable than general
cognitive and background factors, it may be a potential domain for Several limitations to the findings in this study and subsequent
targeted intervention. future directions for research must be discussed. First, though
these findings provide evidence that suggests mathematical lan-
guage is predictive of early numeracy skills; these findings are
4.2. Are there group differences in mathematical language only correlational in nature. Future causal research on understand-
performance based on parental education and age? ing the mechanism(s) by which mathematical language affects
numeracy skill development need to be investigated as well as the
This study is the first to report on group differences in young identification of other factors that may support this development
children’s knowledge of mathematical language. The results of this such as parent and teacher mathematical language interactions.
study indicate that not only are there significant differences in Although Hassinger-Das, Jordan, and Dyson (2015) have conducted
performance on mathematical language amongst 3-, 4-, and 5-year- an intervention with kindergarten children on mathematical lan-
olds, as one might expect, but that even the youngest children had guage, they did not find direct transfer to general numeracy
a sizable understanding of mathematical vocabulary. Critically, it knowledge. They did, however, provide evidence that mathemati-
was also found that children from families with at least one college- cal language is malleable through intervention. Importantly, their
educated parent performed better on the measure of mathematical study was not designed to assess the causal mechanism of mathe-
language than children whose parents had no college degree. A matical language influencing numeracy development because their
possible explanation for this variation may be that parents with instruction involved both mathematical language and numeracy
higher levels of education more often provide richer home numer- content. Specifically, in the mathematical language instructional
acy environments for their children. Caregiver-child interactions condition, children first engaged in storybook reading and direct
during informal activities play an important role in children’s cog- instruction related to specific vocabulary concepts and then they
nitive development (Rogoff, 1990; Vgotsky, 1978), including in practiced the related numeracy skills. The immediate connection
their mathematical thinking (Blevins-Knabe & Musun-Miller, 1996; between the mathematical language concepts and the numeracy
Vandermaas-Peeler, 2008). Parents with higher levels of education skills may not have provided sufficient time for the children to fully
often hold higher expectations for their children’s mathematical understand the language terms before applying them to numeracy
skill attainment, and have a better sense of which mathematical skills. Thus, the ordering and connection of mathematical lan-
skills are within their children’s developmental range (DeFlorio & guage and numeracy instruction (prior to or in conjunction with)
Beliakoff, 2015). Thus, they are likely able to provide more direct, should be investigated to determine if mathematical language is a
266 D.J. Purpura, E.E. Reid / Early Childhood Research Quarterly 36 (2016) 259–268

necessary precursor to acquisition of numeracy skills or if it simply 5. Conclusion

enhances the acquisition of concurrent instruction.
Second, and related to the first limitation, these findings are The findings from the current study expand on the existing
concurrent and thus, the directionality of the relation between literature-base by identifying not only that mathematical language
numeracy and language cannot be fully ascertained. Though some is a more proximal predictor of numeracy performance than is gen-
studies have shown general mathematics skills to be a strong pre- eral language, but also that it begins to develop relatively early on
dictor of later literacy skills (Claessens, Duncan, & Engel, 2009; and children from families with low parental education tend have
Claessens & Engel, 2013; Duncan et al., 2007; Hecht, Torgesen, acquired significantly less mathematical language than their peers
Wagner, & Rashotte, 2001; Hooper et al., 2010), the rationale for from families with middle- and higher-parental education. This evi-
why it is such as strong predictor is not well understood. Claessen dence indicates that this understudied component of the linguistic
and Engel (2013) posit that the relation may be the result of the pathway may be critical for successful acquisition of early numer-
complex features of early mathematics skills aligning with the com- acy skills. Future work identifying the mechanism(s) by which
plex features of later language. Given the significant amount of mathematical language affects numeracy skill development and
unique variance accounted for in early numeracy by mathemat- how best to enhance young children’s mathematical language skills
ical language, the language component of mathematics may be are needed. Ultimately, given that these skills appear to develop
one of those complex aspects accounting for significant variance quite early – even by the time a child is 3-years old – developing
in later literacy skills. As such, further investigation of both how effective methods for both parents and early childhood education
language-related skills influence mathematics development and teachers to provide mathematical language rich environments may
how mathematics skills may influence language development are be warranted.
Third, the constructs assessed in this study were relatively
restricted and may not fully represent (a) the broader domains
of mathematics and language or (b) the subcomponents of each References
domain. Numeracy and vocabulary are both only aspects of their
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