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End consumers

3.1 Attitude changes in the last 5 to 10 years

3.1 a Flour based food products
3.1 a1 Ronaldo’s

Most of the customers go to Ronaldo’s to eat pasteries and get a cup of either tea or coffee. It’s
a place where you can find people of all ages. From the three interviewed customers, only one
said he prefers buying bread in small bakeries instead of supermarkers, but not only at
Ronaldo’s specifically.The other two customers are loyal clients to Ronaldo’s thanks to the
flavor and the quality of the products, as well as the good treatment they receive from the
workers every time they go there.

3.1 a2 Simon’s

The majority of Simon’s customers go there to have lunch or FIKA with their friends. Simon’s
specialties are pizzas, sandwiches, pastries and bread, as well as many other popular dishes
and products they have on the menu. Most of the interviewed customers haven’t changed their
flour based habits in the past years except for one. This particular costumer said that a few
years ago he couldn’t have afforded to go to places like Simon’s to have lunch as frecuently as
he does now since he was still a student with a low income. Also, two of the three customers
that were interviewed stated that when they visit the coffee shop they also like to buy a loaf of
bread or pastries to take home.

3.1 b Health aspects

3.1 b1 Ronaldo’s

Only one out of three customers said he changed his flour eating habits because his wife is
concerned about their kids health, so they prefer to buy high quality bread that you can get in
smalls bakeries instead of buying it in supermarkets.

3.1 b2 Simon’s

Eventhough customers have always valued the taste of the product, they are now taking into
consideration the health aspect of the food.

3.1 c Taste aspects

3.1 c1 Ronaldo’s

Ronaldo’s has loyal customers, not only for the good service and friendly staff but because the
taste and high quality of their products is appreciated by their costumers. One of the customers
mentioned that they have one of her favorites sour dough bread and Kardemummabullar which
she thinks is one of the best in town.
3.1 c2 Simon’s

The responses from the consumers show that the quality and taste of the products are more
valued than health in most of the cases. Likewise, they are more into Simon’s products than the
ones you can find in the supermarkets because they are tastier and healthier.

3.1 d Sustainability concerns

3.1 d1 Ronaldo’s

Given the data obtained from the interviews, it can be concluded that costumers do not take into
consideration that the bakeries are concerned about sustainability at the moment of buying flour
3.1 d2 Simon’s

Most of Simon’s customers haven’t changed their flour based products habits because they are
not influenced by sustainability concerns.

3.1 e Local product preference

3.1 e1 Ronaldo’s

The collected data is inconclusive since there is no consensus because each of the three
customers gave different answers concerning local products preferences. Only one said they
like supporting small producers because they think it has better taste and quality.

3.1 e2 Simon’s

Two out of the three customers who were interviewed responded that they’re loyal because of
their preference to local products. The other costumer became loyal after knowing the place
with a friend that showed him Simon’s.

3.1 f Organic versus conventional products

3.1 f1 Ronaldo’s

Starting from the analysis of the answers it can be argued that as long as organic food is
healthier than convential food, costumers will prefer it.

3.1 f2 Simon’s

The data obtained about organic food vs conventional food shows that people that buy food at
Simon’s prefer buying organic food over conventional food since it’s healthier.
3.1 g Cost reduction versus quality maximization
3.1 g1 Ronaldo’s

All of the individuals who were interviewed would not be loyal in case of product price changes
and they would look for cheaper options.

3.1 g2 Simon’s

All of the three costumers have a different opinion about changing or not their habits due to
product price changes; the first one considers the change happened because of an increase to
their income, the second one doesn’t care about the price and the third one doesn’t consider
their habits have changed.


In conclusion, Ronaldo’s is famous for their pastries and bread. They have loyal customers
because they are a small local bakery that poffers tasty and high quality products, among the
good treatment they recieved from their frendly staff. They try to make most of their products by
hand, so customers really appreciate it. On the other hand, Simon’s bakery is more famous for
their lunch meals. All of their products are organic and well presented. Now a days people want
to follow the trent of eating healthy food for a considerable price and that’s what they get when
they go to Simon’s.
3.2 Food production process knowledge
3.2 a Methods of farming
3.2 a1 Ronaldo’s

Customers don´t really know where the products come from and what’s the process to make
them but one interviewed lady said that most of the bread at Ronaldo’s must be handmade
because it tastes different than the other ones you can get in different places and she really
values that.
3.2 a2 Simon’s

None of the interviewed customers at Simon’s new about the farming methods but they believe
they have great quality ingredients because the taste on the food indicates so.

3.2 b Scientific knowledge about farming

3.2 b1 Ronaldo’s

Despite of showing interest in the methods none of the customers have any scientific knowledge
about farming.

3.2 b2 Simon’s

The consumers think they have a vague idea about farming scientific knowledge.

3.2 c Knowledge about the origin of ingredients

3.2 c1 Ronaldo’s

None of Ronaldo’s customers have knowledge about the origin of ingredients but one trusts that
Ronaldo’s is using the best flour products in Sweden because good ingredients are the key
element for having a great flavor.

3.2 c2 Simon’s
Inspite of not knowing the origin of the ingredients costumers think a good taste comes with the
best ingridients.


It can be concluded that neither Ronaldo’s clients nor Simon’s have the knowledge about food
production process. Only some of them have the vague idea. They think that the ingridients both
bakeries use are the best because they can taste the high quality in their products.
3.3 Demand changes in the last 5 to 10 years
3.3 a Changes in the wants
3.3 a1 Ronaldo’s

The Customers from Ronaldo’s said they always get the products they want not only for
themsleves but also for their families. They haven´t changed their flour eating habits because
they are pleased with what they have been buying over the years.

3.3 a2 Simon’s

In sum, the interviews demonstrated that consumers wants haven’t changed over the past few
years. They always get the products they desire the most or what they think is healthier for

3.3 b Changes in the paying capability

3.3 b1 Ronaldo’s

It can be concluded that the paying capability changes has nothing to do with the product itself
but with the increase income of the individuals interviewed.

3.3 b2 Simon’s

From all the customers that were interviewed only one said that a few years ago he had a
smaller budget so he couldn’t afford to buy healthier flour based products. The other two said
their paying capability hasn’t changed at all.

3.3 c Changes in paying willingness

3.3 c1 Ronaldo’s

Customers will be paying more for products they desire over the ones they are buying now only
if they think the products are healthier than the ones they are consuming (and if the prices are

3.3 c2 Simon’s

Most of the consumer are willing to pay more for better products but since they say they are
already getting what they want they consider there’s no need to look for other products.

In conclusion, both bakeries are giving the customers what they want; health products
with reasonable prices. So they will change their willingness to pay, only if they think
there are better options in another bakery but since they like what they get in this ones,
they won’t look for another alternative.

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