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Class Flowchart


Changes in Oral interaction

Warm-up Book activities Jeopardy PBL
traditions Feedback

Is the information
What are the myths an
What do they usually do? truths about the disease?
What are they going to do Are the dialogues

What did we check last A different member of a Autoassessment

this year? established?
class? team answer each time. Compare with
Are they going to do the Are structures correct?
What’s the use of the P. 12 Teammates can help. teacher
same next year? Is pronunciation clear?
simple present? Teams can steal points if no assessment
What is she doing right now? rehearsal
What is a survey? answer is provided or wrong
What are the uses of the What are you doing?
answer is provided
present continuous? What’s next?
Where are you going to

Write a text where Call Ss one by one

Extra time?

Ss describe how to analyze their

they usually performance in the
celebrate a special oral interaction
Analyze and obtain date and some
percentages using changes they are
the data collected going to make
No time?

Don’t do the last Stop the activity to Ask Ss to write by email why
Stop the game if they think they got that
exercise or assign it have enough time
taking too long performance and what they
as homework for feedback
need to improve their

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