Administrative Law

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NAMELY, SAHUL Hameed (A-1), Raja Hussain
(A-2), Zubeir (A-3), Zakir Hussain (A-4), Azeez (A-5)
Rajagopal, DSP (PW-24) took up the investigation,
went to the place of occurrence, examined the
witnesses and recorded their statements. Since PW-
and Seeni Nainar Mohammed (A-6). On 10th October, 24 was holding additional charge, he could not
1994, at about 06:30 a.m., A-1 to A-6 in pursuance of accomplish the task of investigation and further
the conspiracy hatched amongst them, went to the investigation was taken up by Shri Jones, DSP (PW-
house of one Rajagopalan (since deceased), who was 30) and after receiving prior approval from
President of Hindu Munnani Association, with a Superintendent of Police (PW-26), registered the case
motive to kill him. A day before the incident, A-6 under TADA. The records of the case were
Seeni Nainar Mohammed had advised his brother Raja transferred to the learned Designated Judge for
Hussain (A-2) to meet him after completing the task TADA Cases and after trial, the learned Designated
of murdering Rajagopalan. When Rajagopalan, after Judge vide his judgment and order dated 08.09.2011
taking the newspapers from a newspaper sub-agent convicted all the accused in TADA Case No.1/1997
Saravanam (PW-3), was going through the holding that the prosecution has proved the first
newspapers facing East at his house, accused charge as against A-1 to A-6. A-1 to A-5 were
persons came from left hand side of Rajagopalan and convicted under Section 3(2) read with Section 3(1)
while A-1 caught hold of the neck of Rajagopalan of TADA read with Section 149 of IPC and sentenced
from behind, A-3 and A-4 took out knives and stabbed to undergo life imprisonment and to pay a fine of
on his stomach. A-5 showing a sickle threatened the Rs.10,000/- each, and in default of payment of fine,
public to run away and repeatedly attacked the said to undergo rigorous imprisonment for 1 year .
Rajagopalan and thereafter they ran away towards However, A-6 was convicted under Section 3(2) read
west. On hearing the noise, PW-1 Krishnaveni wife with 3(1) of the TADA read with Section 109 of IPC
of the deceased came out of the house and saw that and under Section 3(4) of TADA and sentenced to
her husband was lying down in a pool of blood. The undergo life imprisonment and also to pay a fine of
occurrence was witnessed by PW-1, PW-3, PW-4, PW- Rs.5,000/- and in default of payment of fine, to
5 & PW-6. PW-1 informed about the incident to the undergo rigorous imprisonment for 1 year. However,
Market Police Station on telephone. Upon receiving all the sentences were directed to run concurrently.
the information, PW-2 Inspector of Market Police
Against the judgement by the TADA Court appeal
Station rushed to the spot and enquired from PW-1
were filed in the Supreme Court. Under Section 19 of
who gave a written complaint to him. the TADA read with the Supreme Court (Enlargement
Law was set into motion when PW-2 Stalin Michael, of Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction) Act, 1970. Criminal
Inspector registered the FIR Ext.P2 at 07:30 a.m. at Appeal No. 498 of 2012 filed by A-6 while Criminal
Police Station Thilagar Ground, Madurai District, Appeal No. 867 of 2012 was filed by A-1 to A-5. The
under Sections 147, 148 and 302 of IPC in Crime Supreme Court accepted the appeal order of
No.2490/1994. On the orders of DGP, the case was conviction and sentence by the Designated Court was
transferred from local Police to CBCID and Shri quashed. September 2017 I Lawteller I 419

The operative part of the judgment reads as under:- the contention of the appellants that the Sanctioning
Authority without perusing the relevant documents
We have noted that the sanction (Ext.P-46) granted
issued the order of sanction and thereby it has to be
on 16.09.1997 by PW -28 IG, referred to A-1’s
accepted that the sanction was granted
confession (Ext.P-41) only recorded on 3.04.1997 but
it does not refer to the confession of A-6 (Ext.P-43)
which was recorded on 25.10.1994. This was the
We have no hesitation in holding that whole
only document which revealed that A-6 addressed
proceedings in the present case were vitiated.
and advised A-1 to A-5 to commit the murder of
Therefore, the order of conviction and sentence
Rajagopalan, with intention to create terror in the
passed by the Designated Court is hereby quashed
minds of public at large in Tamil Nadu. Therefore,
and set-aside. The appellants herein be released
the confession of A-6 (Ext.P-43) is the only document
forthwith, if not required in any other case.
which refers to the intention to create terror as
required under Section 3 of TADA Act. No other
The most important factor for determination before
material or no other witness speaks about the
the sanctioning authority was that the acts done by
intention of the accused to commit the murder with
a person must fall within the ambit of terrorist
intention to create terror in the minds of public
activity and the accused must be a terrorist as
which is main ingredient for invoking the TADA Act.
defined in Section 3(1).
Unfortunately, the said document (Ext.P-41) has
neither been referred to nor relied upon by the
A careful perusal of the requisition given by PW-24
Sanctioning Authority in the sanction order (Ext.P-
to PW-26 for seeking prior approval (Ext.P-35)
reveals that a single murder on 10.10.1994 was
mentioned therein but no act of murder with intent
We have also noticed that the confession of A-1 to create terror and panic in the minds of public,
(Ext.P-41) is totally contradictory to the confession which is the main ingredient of the offence under
of A-6 (Ext.P43). It appears from the facts that the TADA Act, was mentioned. The incident prior to this
Investigating Officer suppressed the material murder relating to objections raised by Hindus on
document by not placing the same before the the construction of mosque near Hindu temple in
Sanctioning Authority. We have further noticed that Madurai was mentioned in the deposition of PW-24,
the TADA Court convicted the accused under the which could nowhere be referred or connected to act
TADA Act on the basis of confession of A-6 and not of murder. Admittedly, as per his deposition, till
on the basis of any other material. The other point 19.10.1994, none gave any complaint that there was
which we have noted is that the Sanctioning any commotion or violence at the place of
Authority (PW-28) admitted in his deposition that he occurrence, resultantly connecting the case under
did not know Tamil and did not go through the entire IPC to be a prima facie case under TADA leading to
records which were in Tamil. Therefore, it is clear seeking prior approval, which if granted, would be
that the Sanctioning Authority has not applied his bad in the eyes of law.
mind to the records in its entirety and granted TTTTTTT
sanction only after considering certain documents We have also noticed that the Sanctioning Authority
which were in English. Therefore, we have to accept under Section 20-A(2) of TADA, i.e. PW28 - IG, CBI

420 I Lawteller I September 2017

in present case, had granted permission to file a case who later succumbed to the injuries.
under TADA on 16.09.1997 vide permission order TTTTTTT
being Ext.P.46. We may straightaway observe that the Therefore, in our considered opinion, the approvals
sanctioning authority did not have necessary granted by the Superintendent of Police (PW-26) and
material before him to show that the alleged act of the IG, CBI (PW-28), in the facts and circumstances
causing death of the deceased was done with intent of the present case, were completely invalid lacking
to create terror in the minds of public at large. Had compliance of the requirements prescribed under
there been any such terror in the minds of people, Section 20-A of TADA.
then as an aftermath of the death of the deceased TTTTTTT
there would have been an adverse effect on the Reference : Supreme Court. Seeni Nainar
harmony amongst different sections of people in the Mohammed v. State Rep. By Deputy Superintendent
vicinity of the place of incident. However, no such of Police, CriminalAppeal No. 498 of 2012With Shahul
incident of striking terror in the minds of people or Hameed & Ors. v . S tate Rep. By Deputy
adverse effect on the harmony amongst any section Superintendent of Police Criminal Appeal No. 867 of
of society was reported. The alleged act of causing 2012.
death of an individual was only an attack by the —————
accused-appellants with weapons on the deceased



A federal judge in Louisiana ruled against the state in a constitutional challenge to a law that requires
naturalized citizens who were born outside the US to present a valid birth certificate from their home country
before they can obtain a marriage license. In his ruling, Judge Ivan Lemelle from the US District Court for the
Eastern District of Louisiana granted a permanent injunction against the implementation ofAct 436, a Louisiana
law that easily passed both houses of state government and became law in 2015. The plaintiff in the lawsuit,
who immigrated to the US with his parents when he was three months old, did not have a birth certificate
because he was born in an Indonesian refugee camp, according to the ruling. He was denied a marriage
license under Act 436, which "requires that all applicants for a marriage license provide a certified birth
certificate, a valid and unexpired passport, or an unexpired visa accompanied by a Form I-94", documents he
could not obtain on account of the circumstances of his birth. The judge denied the state’s argument that a
permanent injunction would be a disservice to the public interest. "In the instant matter the permanent
injunction protects the fundamental right to marriage and the right to be free from unconstitutional
discriminatory classifications based on national origin. Consequently, this factor also weighs in favor of Plaintiff
and his motion for a permanent injunction is deemed appropriate". Because the challenge to the law was a
facial challenge, the ruling permanently enjoins and restrains future implementation of Act 436. September 2017 I Lawteller I 421



REPRESENTED BY widow, the respondent
herein) was working as JBT teacher in Education
was allowed by the Single Judge of the High Court,
relying on the instructions dated 26.03.1975 issued
by State of Haryana wherein offences involving
Department in State of Haryana since 07.10.1967. "moral turpitude" stand enlisted. It was observed
He and two others were convicted under Section that the offence under Section 323 IPC did not fall
304 Part-II IPC vide judgment and order passed by under said category of offences. It was further
the trial court on 29.10.1994 and were sentenced to observed that the role attributed to the deceased
undergo rigorous imprisonment for four years. On husband of the respondent was similar to that of
the basis of said conviction and sentence, Dharam his co-accused and that the appellate court had
Singh was dismissed from service, without holding held that the death in the case was not because of
any enquiry, vide order dated 28.03.1995 on the the injuries attributed to the accused but it was
ground that he was convicted and sentenced for because of renal failure.
an offence involving moral turpitude. The decision of the Single Judge was questioned
While the appeal preferred against the judgment of by the State by filing Letters Patent Appeal No.1353
conviction and sentence was pending, Dharam of 2014 (OM). Affirming the view taken by the
Singh expired on 11.12.2002 and his appeal abated. Single Judge, the Division Bench dismissed the
Subsequently the appeal of the co-accused was aforesaid LPA and held the respondent to be
partly allowed and they were acquitted of the entitled to all consequential benefits.
offence under Section 304 Part II IPC but were Against the judgement of the Division Bench State
convicted under Section 323 read with Section 34 of Haryana filed special leave petition. The Supreme
IPC. The role of the co-accused was admittedly Court accepted the appeal and directed that the
similar to that of Dharam Singh. respondent shall be entitled to all the benefits in
After the acquittal of the co-accused, the terms of the judgment under appeal except the
respondent called upon the State to set aside the payment of back wages. All the other consequential
order of dismissal of her husband in the light of the benefits were directed to be computed and released
finding recorded by the appellate court and to to the respondent within two months.
release all the service benefits to which her
deceased husband was entitled. This claim having The operative part of the judgment reads as under:-
been rejected, the respondent filed CWP No.10134 The instructions dated 26.03.1975 which were relied
of 2005 which was disposed of by the High Court upon in the present case, had been considered by this
directing the State to reconsider the claim of the Court in Pawan Kumar v. State of Har yana and
respondent. The matter was, therefore, reconsidered another [1996 SCC (4) 17] and paragraph 12 of the
by the State but the claim was again rejected. decision is relevant for present purposes. The said
The rejection of claim was challenged afresh by the paragraph was as under:
respondent by filing CWP No.14998 of 2007 which "12. Moral turpitude" is an expression which

422 I Lawteller I September 2017

is used in legal as also societal parlance to Decision in each case will, however, depend
describe conduct which is inherently base, on the circumstances of the case and the
vile, depraved or having any connection competent authority has to exercise its
showing depravity. The Government of discretion while taking a decision in
Haryana while considering the question of accordance with the above-mentioned
rehabilitation of ex-convicts took a policy principles. A list of offences which involve
decision on 2-2-1973 (Annexure E in moral turpitude is enclosed for your
the Paper-book), accepting the information and guidance. This list, however,
recommendations of the Government of cannot be said to be exhaustive and there
India, that ex-convicts who were convicted might be offences which are not included in it
for offences involving moral turpitude but which in certain situations and
should not however be taken in government circumstances may involve moral turpitude."
service. A list of offences which were
Section 294 IPC still remains out of the list. Thus the
considered involving moral turpitude was
conviction of the appellant under Section 294 IPC
prepared for information and guidance in
on its own would not involve moral turpitude
that connection. Significantly Section 294
depriving him of the opportunity to serve the State
IPC is not found enlisted in the list of offences
unless the facts and circumstances, which led to the
constituting moral turpitude. Later , on
conviction, met the requirements of the policy
further consideration, the Government of
decision above-quoted."
Haryana on 17/26-3-1975 explained the
policy decision of 2-2-1973 and decided to
In the present case by the time the benefit of acquittal
modify the earlier decision by streamlining
of the co-accused was pressed in service and claim
determination of moral turpitude as
was raised by the respondent, Dharam Singh had
already expired. In the circumstances, we direct that
"… The following terms should ordinarily be the respondent shall be entitled to all the benefits in
applied in judging whether a certain offence terms of the judgment under appeal except the
involves moral turpitude or not; payment of back wages. All the other consequential
benefits be computed and released to the respondent
(1) whether the act leading to a conviction
within two months from the date of this Judgment.
was such as could shock the moral conscience
With the aforesaid modification, the appeal stands
of society in general.
disposed of. (Para 12)
(2) whether the motive which led to the act
was a base one.
Authorities relied upon : LPA No. 95 of 2013 (O&M).
(3) whether on account of the act having been
committed the perpetrator could be Reference : Supreme Court. State of Haryana and
considered to be of a depraved character or a Another v. Ved Kaur, Civil Appeal No. 6066 of 2017
person who was to be looked down upon by [Arising out of SLP (Civil) No. 21622 of 2015].
the society. ————— September 2017 I Lawteller I 423



LANCELOT Ricketts sold his property known
as "Beaulieu" measuring 24 acres and 12 gunthas
of the estate. In the year 1959, some other portions
of the estate were acquired and this time K. Basavaraj
Urs was shown as the owner. It was complained that
situated in Bengaluru. This conveyance deed was the acquisition of 20 acres and 9 gunthas of land, out
executed in favour of the Dewan of Mysore. It is not of the 24 acres and 12 gunthas, was a fraudulent
disputed that thereafter , on various occasions, acquisition and would not confer any rights upon the
portions of this Estate were acquired by the erstwhile owners.
State of Mysore, both before and after independence. As a result of this complaint, summary proceedings
This "Beaulieu" Estate is apparently located in the under Section 67 of the Karnataka Land Revenue Act,
heart of Bengaluru city. It appears that the Office of 1964 (for short ’the KLR Act’) were initiated against
the Karnataka Public Service Commission had a the occupants of the land. Aggrieved by this action,
boundary adjoining "Beaulieu" estate in which a one of the parties - Smt. Asha Chakko, who is
hotel under the name of Atria was being run. There appellant in Civil Appeal No. 4939 of 2017 [arising out
were a number of other commercial buildings and of SLP (C) No. 12595 of 2014] filed a writ petition
residences, including the residence of appellant M. before the Karnataka High Court, whereas the other
Shankaranarayanan in this estate. parties filed appeals before the Appellate Tribunal.
A complaint was sent by the Secretary of the The learned Single Judge quashed the order passed
Karnataka Public Service Commission on 14.05.2004 by the State of Karnataka on the ground that the State
that, in the year 1900, the property had been had no jurisdiction to pass the same.
transferred by the original owner Lancelot Ricketts The State of Karnataka preferred an appeal against
in favour of the Dewan of Mysore. However, it was the judgment of the learned Single Judge before the
fraudulently shown that the property had actually Division Bench of the High Court. The appellant M.
been purchased for the First Princess of Mysore out Sankaranarayanan applied for transfer of his appeal,
of her personal funds. It was alleged that the original which had been filed before the Appellate Tribunal,
conveyance deed dated 25.08.1900 had been executed to the High Court. This prayer was rejected by the
only in favour of the Dewan of Mysore. Furthermore, Karnataka High Court. Thereafter, the appellant
no stamp duty was paid on the sale deed and, approached Supreme Court in SLP (C) No. 25034 of
therefore, it was complained that the sale was either 2011 for transfer of his case. This petition was allowed
totally illegal or that the sale was in favour of the and the operative portion of the order reads as
State of Mysore and "Beaulieu" estate was not the follows:
personal property of the First Princess. In the same "3. The appellant applied to the High Court
complaint, it was also mentioned that, in the year 1956, for transfer of Appeal No. 690 of 2005, titled
the Government of Mysore acquired 6 acres of as M. Sankaranarayanan vs. Deputy
"Beaulieu" estate and, in those proceedings, Commissioner and others: filed by him before
Rajkumari Leelavathi Devi was notified as the owner the Karnataka Appellate Tribunal (KAT) to

424 I Lawteller I September 2017

the High Court for hearing the same along is concerned, the High Court held that since the
with Writ Appeal No. 643 of 2009. The High appeal had been filed before the Tribunal, it would
Court dismissed the application. While be proper to remit it back to the Tribunal for decision.
dismissing the application, the High Court Aggrieved by the judgement of the learned Division
observed that the appeal pending before the Bench two appeals were filed. The Supreme Court
KAT has to be heard and decided by the held that State of Karnataka has no right over the
Tribunal itself and it cannot be clubbed with property. Consequently, the appeals were allowed
the writ appeal. and the judgment of the Division Bench of the High
4. Having regard to the fact that the Court was set aside and that of the learned Single
controversy in Writ Appeal No. 643 of 2009, Judge was restored and the appeal filed by the
which is pending before the High Court, is appellant M. Sankaranarayanan which was
broadly identical to the appeal which has transferred to the High Court was decided in terms
been preferred by the appellant before KAT, of the judgments passed by the learned Single Judge
we are of the view that the High Court failed and the Supreme Court.
to exercise the jurisdiction vested in it by
transferring the appeal pending before the The operative part of the judgment reads as under:-
KAT to itself to avoid multiplicity of
A bare reading of the section shows that public
arguments as well as the conflict of
roads, streets, lanes etc., and all lands which are not
the properties of others, belong to the Government.
5. We, accordingly, allow the appeal and Where the property is recorded in the ownership of
direct that the Appeal No. 690 of 2005, titled any other person or persons who are legally capable
as "M. Sankaranarayanan v . Dy. of holding property, the provisions of Section 67 will
Commissioner, Bangalore and others" not apply. Section 67 cannot be used to dispute the
pending before the KAT be transferred to title of persons who have been holding property for
the High Court for its hearing and disposal more than 100 years. Prior to the conveyance deed
along with Writ Appeal No. 643 of 2009, titled being executed on 25.08.1900, the Dewan of Mysore
as "State of Karnataka and another v. Asha had put up a note to His Highness the Maharaja of
Chakko and others". The Registrar, KAT Mysore that the estate property is being bought for
shall transfer the record and proceedings of the First Princess and the payment was to be made
Appeal No. 690 of 2005 to the High Court out of her personal funds. He had also requested the
as expeditiously as may be possible and not Maharaja to apprise the First Princess about the
later than four weeks from the date of receipt facts and then obtain her approval. It is not
of copy of this order. No costs." believable that, in the year 1900, the Maharaja of
The writ appeal filed by the State of Karnataka in the Mysore and his Dewan colluded to commit fraud on
case of Smt. Asha Chakko was allowed mainly on the the State of Mysore with a view to favour the First
ground that the writ petition was not maintainable, Princess.
since the petitioner had an efficacious alternative TTTTTTT
remedy of approaching the Tribunal. As far as As is clear from the facts narrated above, various
transferred appeal of appellant M. Sankaranarayanan acquisitions took place out of "Beaulieu" estate. September 2017 I Lawteller I 425

More than 20 acres of the total 24 acres and 12 indicates that it only applies to public roads, streets,
gunthas were acquired by the Government of Mysore lanes etc. or to such lands which are not the property
both prior to and after the independence of the of individuals, or an aggregate of persons legally
country. Nobody raised any objection. If the land capable of holding property. A dispute of title of
belonged to the State, why would the State acquire property between the State and individuals cannot
its own property? This question has not been be decided in terms of Section 67. Merely because
answered. Various transactions have taken place the Secretary of the Karnataka Public Service
after the year 1971 and portions of this estate have Commission had, in his complaint, opined that the
been sold/transferred from one person to another. deed of conveyance executed more than 100 years
Entries in the Revenue Record were made, but the back was fraudulently claimed to be in favour of the
State never raised any objection. The sale deeds were First Princess, was not sufficient ground to proceed
registered without demur. It was only in the year 2004 under Section 67. It could not be held that all
that some official of the Karnataka Public Service subsequent transactions relating to the estate
Commission filed a complaint in this regard. In the property were fraudulent. Fraud must be pleaded
meantime, hotels, commercial buildings and and proved; it cannot be presumed. Therefore, we are
residences had come up on various portions of the of the view that the learned Single Judge was
estate. justified in holding that the proceedings under
TTTTTTT Section 67 were without jurisdiction. We are also of
After 104 years of the execution of the original the view that the proceedings are beyond the period
conveyance deed, and after acquiring various lands of limitation.
out of this very estate, we cannot permit the State to TTTTTTT
urge that the original conveyance deed is fraudulent Reference : Supreme Court. Sri M. Sankaranarayanan
or that the subsequent transfers are all collusive and, v. The Deputy Commissioner, Bangalore & Ors., Civil
as such, void. There are many bona fide purchasers Appeal No. 4937 of 2017 [Arising out of SLP (C) No.
and, even otherwise, we are not inclined to hold that 20459 of 2014] With Asha Chakko & Ors. v. State of
the original transaction was invalid. Karnataka & Anr. Civil Appeal No. 4939 of 2017
TTTTTTT [Arising out of SLP (C) No. 12595 of 2014].
Furthermore, a bare perusal of Section 67 clearly —————



The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled against a state cigarette tax. The plaintiffs-cigarette companies,
distributors, and smokers-argued that the $1.50 tax violated the state constitution. The majority agreed, saying
that since the tax was a revenue bill, it must originate in the House, be passed at least five days before the
legislative session ended, and be approved by either the public or 75 percent of each house. In this case, the
Senate created the tax and approved it on the last day of the session. The bill also did not gain 75 percent
of the vote, rendering it unconstitutional.

426 I Lawteller I September 2017



RESPONDENT) HELD a licence under Madhya
Pradesh Distillery Rules, 1995 (Rules 1995) for
been raised under Rule 4(41) of Rules, 1995.
State pleaded that demand made by the State is proper
and cannot be struck down, however , if the writ
manufacturing of Liquor/Spirit. A notice dated 23rd petitioner wishes to challenge the vires of Rule 4(41),
March, 1999 was issued to Respondent No. 1 by the same can be challenged before the Constitution
District Excise Officer, demanding an amount of Rs. Bench.
13,24,189.50 as excess expenditure on the
A learned Single Judge allowed the writ petition and
establishment of officers and employees as per Rule
quashed the demand notice Learned Single Judge
4(41) of Madhya Pradesh Distillery Rules, 1995
although, opined that Rule 4(41) of the Rules 1995
pertaining to year 1995-96, 1996-97 and 1997-98.
appears to be ultra vires to the Madhya Pradesh
The Respondents aggrieved by the above notice filed Excise Act beyond the rule making power, however
a writ petition in the High Court of Madhya Pradesh, since no such prayer is made by the writ petitioner,
Bench at Indore being Writ Petition No. 589 of 1999. no order in the behalf can be passed in the rules by
The Respondent in its writ petition placed reliance Bench at Indore.
on a judgement of Supreme Court in M/s. Lilasons
Learned Single Judge, however, held that decision of
Breweries (Pvt.) Ltd. v. State of Madhya Pradesh and
Supreme Court in Lilasons (supra) renders the
Others [1992 SCR (2) 595], in which case Rule 22 of
demand notice Annexure P2, as void. Learned Single
Madhya Pradesh Brewery Rules, 1970 which also
Judge also held that the demand towards
entitled the State to realise from the brewery charges
establishment charges is more than 150 per cent of
on officers exceeding five percent of the duty leviable
the total income of the distilleries on the basis of
was struck down. Respondents pleaded in the writ
which, the demand is arbitrary and unreasonable.
petition that Rule 4(41) of the Rules, 1995 is also non
est and void, consequently demand raised on the Aggrieved by the judgement of learned Single Judge,
strength of such rule is liable to be struck down. In the State filed a Letter Patents Appeal before the
the writ petition following prayers were made in Para Division Bench of the High Court, which was
7 by the Respondents: dismissed on 6.9.2005, as not maintainable.
"(i) A writ, direction or order in the nature of Aggrieved by the judgement of learned Single Judge
mandamus or as deemed fit by issued quashing the as well as judgement of the Division Bench of the
order Annexure/2 and it be declared that no demand High Court special leave petition was filed by the State
can be raised under Rule 4(41) of the Distillery Rules. of Madhya Pradesh. The Supreme Court accepted the
appeal, set aside the judgement of the High Court
(ii) Such other relief be granted as deemed fit.
dated 4.5.2000 and that the appeals were disposed of
(iii) This petition be allowed with costs." with the direction that liberty is being given to the
A counter-affidavit was filed by the State, stating respondent to represent against the demand notice
that Rule 22 of M.P. Breweries Rules, 1970 is out of dated 23rd March, 1989 before the State. The State
context and has no relevance since the demand has Government shall consider such representation taking September 2017 I Lawteller I 427

into consideration relevant facts relating to concerned 1970 was questioned.
years and the other factors as relevant. In the event TTTTTTT
such representation is submitted to appellant no. 2 The basis of judgement of Lilasons’s case (supra)
within four weeks, the state shall consider was the judgement in Bimal Chandra Banerjee v.
representation and take appropriation decision State of Madhya Pradesh Etc. [1970 (2) SCC 467].
expeditiously, held the Court. In Bimal Chandra Banerjee’s case this Court had
occasion to examine the provisions of Madhya
The operative part of the judgment reads as under:- Pradesh Excise Act, 1915 inclusive of Sections 27
Under the Rules of the High Court, the Bench hearing and 62(2)(h).
the writ petition at Indore was not competent to pass TTTTTTT
the order, declaring Rules ultra vires. The statement Judgement in Banerjee’s case was delivered on 19th
in the counter-affidavit, as noted above indicates that August, 1970. There has been amendment in Section
there was some specific bench for hearing 28 by Madhya Pradesh Act no. 6 of 1995 by which
constitutional issues regarding vires of the Rules. provision specific provision requiring licensee to lift
Thus had the writ petitioner intended to challenge for sale, the minimum quantity of country spirit or
the vires of the rules, he had to file the writ petition Indian made liquor, fixed for his shop and to pay the
for appropriate relief before the Bench having roster penalty at the prescribed rate on the quantity of
to decide the vires. Thus, it is clear that writ liquor short lifted, has been brought in the statute
petitioner never intended to challenge the vires of book. The Scheme of M.P. Excise Act 1915 having
the Rules. been amended by the aforesaid Act of 1995, the very
TTTTTTT basis of case of Banerjee is knocked down and
Learned counsel for the Respondents has also placed cannot be relied on in view of changed statutory
reliance on the judgement of this Court in Godrej scheme.
Sara Lee Limited versus Assistant Commissioner (AA) TTTTTTT

and Another [(2009) 14 SCC 338], in support of the After amendment in Section 28 by the aforesaid
proposition that when the order of an statutory Amendment Act, the contents of Section 28 as noticed
authority is questioned on the ground that same by Lilasons cannot be relied on for finding out as to
suffers from lack of jurisdiction, the fact that no whether demand under Rule 4(41) is beyond the
specific prayer has been made is inconsequential. scope of Section 28.

The present is not a case where the District Excise We fail to see as to how the judgement of this Court
Officer who has issued the notice of demand lacks in Lilasons’s case can be relied by the High Court
jurisdiction nor there was any issue of retrospective for declaring the demand as void.
or retroactive operation. The above case is no TTTTTTT

manner helps the respondents. The second relied by A perusal of the writ petition indicates that no
the counsel for the r espondent Girimallappa v. sufficient foundation was laid in the writ petition to
Special Land Acquisition Officer M and MIP and enter into the issue as to whether the demand is
Another, also in no manner helps the respondents. arbitrary and unreasonable. From the details of the
TTTTTTT demand it is further clear that in the demand for the
In Lilasons case, Rule 22 of the M.P. Brewery Rules year 1996-97 expenditure on salary was shown as

428 I Lawteller I September 2017

Rs. 4,36,897/- but no figure pertaining to the facts relating to concerned years and the other
Revenue of the said year is mentioned. Whether the factors as relevant in the present case.
distillery could function during the relevant period TTTTTTT
and without there being any Revenue how the Authorities relied upon : 1976 (1) SCC 791, 1976 (3)
expenditure on salary is fastened on respondent is SCC 540, 1975 (1) SCC 737, 1970 (2) SCC 467,
AIR 1954
not explained. SCC 220, 34 LED 620.
TTTTTTT Reference : Supreme Court. State of M.P. & Anr. v.
Taking into consideration the overall circumstances, Kedia Great Galeon Ltd. & Anr., civil appeal no. 921-
as noted above, ends of justice will be served in 922 of 2008 (from the Judgement and Order dated
giving liberty to the respondent to represent against 4.5.2000 of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh, Bench
the demand notice dated 23rd March, 1989 before at Indore in L.P.A. No. 245 of 2000).
the State. The State Government shall consider such
representation taking into consideration relevant

President Donald Trump signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act that will allocate $2.1 billion in
government funds to the Veterans Choice Fund, and an additional $1.8 billion to core VA health programs
and medical facility leases. Trump signed the bill in response to the budget shortfall in the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA), which threatened healthcare for thousands of veterans. Additionally, the bill also
addresses staff shortages in veterans health administration, lack of proper training and experience in the
administration and delivery of healthcare, accountability of political appointees placed in charge of managing
the VA, hiring of VA medical center directors, competitive salary packages of physician assistants, re-
employment of former VA employees, promotional opportunities for VA technical experts, and employment of
students and recent graduates, among other things. While veterans groups welcomed the bill, they also
criticized the delay stating: "Unfortunately, this bill took far too long to get to the president’s desk and is $1.8
billion more expensive than it needed to be". The bill was approved unanimously by both houses of Congress
before it was presented to the president.


A Kenyan ban on plastic bags officially went into effect, after it was announced in February. The ban applies to
Kenyans producing, selling or using plastic bags and carries a punishment of up to USD $40,000 or imprisonment
of up to four years. Although the ban has a wide target audience, it will initially be enforced to target manufacturers.
The plastic bags covered under the ban include carrier bags with handles and flat bags without handles. Kenya
joins more than 40 other nations that have enacted similar laws, but Kenya’s is far more stringent than all of the
others to date. Kenya hopes the ban will greatly reduce plastic pollution, but this goal is estimated to come at the
expense of around 60,000 jobs lost. September 2017 I Lawteller I 429



TO MD. PARWEZ Alam on 30.09.2009 and she
used to live in her in-laws’ house. The prosecution
granulation tissue absent, indicating post
mortem burnt."
The Medical Officer opined that the deceased died
case is that after her marriage deceased used to live of asphyxia due to strangulation.
with Md. Parwez Alam (husband), Abdul Gaffar
Later, investigation was taken over by PW-8 Lal Babu
(father-in-law), Baitun Nisha (mother-in-law), Bibi
Prasad who submitted charge sheet against all the
Parwana Khatoon (sister of husband) and her
five accused. Accused Baitun Nisha (mother-in-law
husband Md. Hasan (both appellants). It is alleged
of the deceased) died during the course of trial, as
by the informant Md. Faisal PW-5 (brother of the
such, case as against her stood abated and the trial
deceased) that the deceased was killed by setting her
court proceeded against remaining four accused.
on fire by all the above accused. On receiving
After framing charge against the accused, the trial
telephonic information on 30.05.2010 from father-in-
court recorded the evidence of PW-1 Syed Masuf
law of the deceased, PW-5 Md. Faisal went to see
his sister and found that she had died of burn Ahmad, PW-2 Md. Azam Rad, PW-3 Samim Akhtar,
PW-4 Taleba Kauser (brother of the deceased), PW-
injuries. On the basis of First Information Report
5 Md. Faisal (brother of the deceased and informant),
given by Md. Faisal Crime Case No. 184 of 2010 was
registered relating to offence punishable under PW-6 Dr. Umesh Kumar (who conducted post mortem
examination), PW-7 Arti Kumari Jaiswal (who started
Section 304B read with Section 34 IPC against all the
investigation) and PW-8 Lal Babu Prasad (who
five accused at Police Station Khajanchi Hat,
concluded the investigation).
Madhubani. PW-7 Arti Kumari Jaiswal, Station House
Officer, started investigation. Dead body of the The prosecution evidence appears to have been put
deceased was sealed and sent for post mortem to the accused under Section 313 of Criminal
examination. PW-6 Dr. Umesh Kumar of Sadar Procedure Code whereafter, on behalf of the accused,
Hospital, Purnea, conducted post mortem examination defence evidence was adduced, and DW -1 Md.
on the dead body of Tamkinat Ara and found Mozammil Hussain, DW-2 Md. Shamim, DW-3 Manish
following ante mortem injuries: Kumar Srivastava, DW-4 Raghunandan Yadav, DW-
5 Rahul Kumar, DW-6 Mukesh Kumar, DW-7 Nakir
"(i) Rigor mortis present in all four limbs and
Yadav, DW-8 Dhani Yadav, DW-9 Md. Jasir and DW-
10 Sanni Yadav, were got examined.
(ii) Tongue was protruded between teeth
(iii) Burned (burnt) blood clot from/in ear The trial court, after hearing the parties, found all the
opening four accused guilty of offence punishable under
(iv) 100% burn of five degree with smell. Key Section 304B read with Section 34 IPC, and convicted
oil and roasted smell, line of redness along them accordingly. Md. Parwez Alam (husband of the
burn area absent, vesication and sign of deceased) was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment
inflammation was absent, formation of for ten years, and each one of the remaining three

430 I Lawteller I September 2017

convicts was sentenced to seven years rigorous The operative part of the judgment reads as under:-
imprisonment. In view of the above discussion of oral and
Aggrieved by the judgment and order dated documentary evidence, we find that both the courts
19.11.2013/26.11.2013, passed by the trial court in below have erred in law in holding that the charge
Sessions Trial No. 1219 of 2010 (with Sessions Trial under Section 304B read with Section 34 IPC stood
No. 617 of 2011), whereby the accused were convicted proved as against the present appellants. In our
and sentenced, as above, three appeals were filed opinion, in view of the evidence discussed above, it
before the High Court. Criminal Appeal (SJ) No. 59 of cannot be said that it is proved beyond reasonable
2014 was filed by Md. Parwez Alam (husband of the doubt that the present appellants, who are sister-in-
deceased), Criminal Appeal (SJ) No. 20 of 2014 was law and brother-in-law of the deceased, tortured the
filed by Abdul Gaffar (father-in-law of the deceased) victim for any demand of dowry. In our opinion, in
and Criminal Appeal (SJ) No. 48 of 2014 was filed by the present case which is based on circumstantial
present appellants Bibi Parwana Khatoon and Md. evidence it cannot be said that appellants had any
Hasan. The High Court, after hearing the parties, common intention with the husband of the deceased
allowed the appeal of father-in-law of the deceased in commission of the crime. It is sufficiently shown
but maintained the conviction and sentence recorded on the record that they used to live in a different
against other three. village. Therefore, we are inclined to allow the
Against the judgement of the High Court special leave present appeal.
petition was filed. The Supreme Court accepted the
appeal, set aside the conviction and sentence Reference : Supreme Court. Bibi Parwana Khatoon
recorded against the appellant Bibi Parwana Khatoon @ Parwana Khatoon and another v. State of Bihar,
@ Parwana Khatoon and Md Hasan @ Hasan Raja. Criminal Appeal No. 888 of 2017 [Arising out of SLP
They were acquitted of charge of offence punishable (Crl.) No. 6630 of 2016].
under Section 304B read with Section 34 IPC. —————



The Washington Supreme Court upheld Seattle’s tax on guns and ammunition sales. The two individual gun
owners and organizations bringing the suit argued that the tax was actually a state regulation on guns, which
is prohibited by a Washington state law. The six-justice majority affirmed the lower court’s decision in favor
of the city. The majority opinion said, "While courts should be dubious of regulations masquerading as
taxes (and vice versa), in this case Watson [the plaintiff] offers no convincing evidence that the Ordinance
has a regulatory purpose or intent". The court also cited the fact that the revenue from the sale of guns was
used for public services as evidence that the ordinance was a tax. The dissenting justice argued that since
Seattle passed an ordinance that relates to firearms, it is invalid, because the state law prohibits the city from
doing exactly that. September 2017 I Lawteller I 431

SECOND REMINDER NOTICE Reference: SC. N. Parameswaran Unni v. G.
CANNOT BE CONSTRUED AS Kannan and another, criminal appeal no.
It is clear from Section 27 of the General Clauses Act,
1897 and Section 114 of the Indian Evidence Act,
1872, that once notice is sent by registered post by FOR PENSIONARY BENEFITS, AS
correctly addressing to the drawer of the cheque, PER RAILWAY SERVICE RULES
the service of notice is deemed to have been The grant of temporary status of casual labour is
effected. Then requirements under proviso (b) of not akin to appointment against a post and such
Section 138 stands complied, if notice is sent in the contingency is not covered by Rule 20 of Railway
prescribed manner. However, the drawer is at liberty Service (Pension) Rules (1993) and the same is
to rebut this presumption. It is well settled that expressly covered by Rule 31 which provides for
interpretation of a Statute should be based on the "half the service paid from contingencies shall be
object which the intended legislation sought to taken into account for calculating pensionary
achieve. "It is a recognized rule of interpretation of benefits on absorption in regular employment
a Statutes that expressions used therein should subject to certain conditions enumerated there in."
ordinarily be understood in a sense in which they Thus Rule 31 is clearly applicable while computing
best harmonize with the object of the statute, and eligible services for calculating pensionary benefits
which effectuate the object of the Legislature If an on granting of temporary status. Period of casual
expression is susceptible of a narrow or technical labour prior to grant of temporary status by virtue
meaning, as well as popular meaning, the Court of Note-1 Rule 31 has to be counted to extent of 50%
would be justified in assuming that the Legislature for pensionary benefits.
used the expression in the sense which would carry Reference: SC. Union of India and others v.
out its object and reject that which renders the Rakesh Kumar and others, civil appeal no.
exercise of its power invalid". Supreme Court in 3938 with 3939, 3940, 3941, 4384, 3943,
catena of cases has held that when a notice is sent 3944 of 2017 [arising out of SLP (C) No.
by registered post and is returned with postal 23723 with 23725 of 2015, 3382, 28597 of
endorsement "refused" or "not available in the 2016, 821, 8365 @ CC No. 1516 of 2017,
house" or "house locked" or "shop closed" or 3719 of 2017.
"addressee not in station", due service has to be
presumed. Though in process of interpretation right
of an honest lender cannot be defeated as has
happened in this case. From the perusal of relevant
sections it is clear that generally there is no bar A careful reading of Section 65(23) of the Finance
under the N.I. Act to send a reminder notice to the Act, which defines "Cargo Handling Service" would
drawer of the cheque and usually such notice cannot go to show that though the word packing is included
be construed as an admission of non-service of the therein, same is referable to the word "Cargo"
first notice by the appellant as has happened in this whereas in Section 65(76b) "Packing Activity" is
case. defined to mean "Packaging of Goods". The

432 I Lawteller I September 2017

distinction between two expressions, namely , selection/recruitment to a service. Transfer in relation
"cargo" and "goods" in two different provisions of to service simply means a change of a place of
Act becomes evident if cargo is understood to employment within an organization. Such transfer
denote goods which are ready for transportation being to a similar post in same cadre and therefore
whereas packaging of goods is a stage prior i.e. obviously such a transfer does not result in the
before they became cargo and in fact on completion termination of his lien in the parent cadre but
of such packaging goods become cargo. The recruitment by transfer is a different service concept
position becomes more clear if dictionary meaning altogether. It is a method of recruitment to a service,
of the word "cargo" is taken into account. In the in instant case to a different category in same service
instant case the appellant has nothing to do with initially and thereafter to a different service
transportation of goods which it packs within the altogether. Once an employee undergoes a transfer
factory unit of principal manufacturer prior to the by way of a recruitment to a different cadre or to a
goods leaving the factory. All activity undertaken different service. Merely because a person is senior ,
by appellant, though related to packing activity, is if senior is not otherwise eligible for consideration
at a stage when the goods are yet to clear the as per rules for promotion, the senior will have to
factory gate as manufactured goods for onward give way to eligible juniors.
transportation. Therefore, prior to amendment made Reference: SC. Palure Bhaskar Rao etc. etc.
by the Finance Act of 2005 with ef fect from v. P. Ramaseshaiah and others, etc., civil
16.6.2005, the appellant would not be liable to pay appeal nos. 6795-6798 with 6799-6800, 6801
service tax on service rendered by it in terms of and 6802-6803 of 2014.
Section 65(23) read with Section 105 (zr) of the Act.
Reference: SC. Signode India Ltd. v. Commr. COURT SHOULD NOT P ASS
of Cen. Excise & Customs-II, civil appeal INTERIM ORDERS IN MATTERS OF
no.(s) 6038-6039 of 2007. ADMISSION
It is perspicuous that court should not pass interim
TRANSFER AND RECRUITMENT BY orders in matters of admission, more so, when
TRANSFER institution had not been accorded approval. Such
Transfer and recruitment by transfer are entirely two kind of interim orders are likely to cause chaos,
different concepts. No doubt transfer can be from anarchy and uncertainly. And, there is no reason for
one category to another category or within class if creating such situations. There is no justification or
rule permits interchangeability of categories within requirement. High Court may feel that while
a class. Any other transfer both intra category and exercising power under Article 226 of Constitution,
inter category are in fact, under law is a selection it can pass such orders with certain qualifiers as has
and appointment by way of a transfer from one been done by impugned order, but it really does not
category to another or from one class to another save situation. It is because an institution which has
class or from one service to another . If it is transfer not been given approval for course, gets a premium.
simplicitor it conveys a different meaning and if it That apart, by virtue of interim order, cold grants
is a recruitment by transfer, it conveys a different approval in a way which is subject matter of final
concept altogether . The latter is a mode of adjudication before it. There is no reason to invite a September 2017 I Lawteller I 433

disaster by way of an interim order. A Judge has to is free to select and appoint a principal, without
constantly remind himself about precedents in field being bound by the principle of seniority alone,
and not to be swayed away by his own convictions. whether the appointment has been made fairly and
Reference: SC. Dental Council of India v. Dr. reasonably and whether there is violation of right
Hedgewar Smruti Rugna Seva Mandal, of an individual eligible candidate by the minority
Hingoli and others, civil appeal no. 4926 of institution by not adopting fair procedure, is liable
2017 [arising out of ALP (Civil) No. 26887 to be tested in exercise of power of judicial review
of 2016]. under Art. 226 of the Constitution.
Reference: SC. Mrs. Ivy C. da. Conceicao v.
WHEN BAIL CAN BE GRANTED State of Goa & Ors., civil appeal no. 1257 of
While exercising the power for grant of bail, the 2017 [arising out of SLP (C) No. 38558 of
court has to keep in mind certain circumstances and 2012].
factors-The requisite factors are: (i) the nature of
accusation and the severity of punishment in case BCI EXERCISING ORIGINAL
of conviction and the nature of supporting evidence; JURISDICTION, CANNOT REMAND
(ii) reasonable apprehension of tampering with the DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS
witness or apprehension of threat to the BACK TO STATE BAR COUNCIL
complainant; and (iii) prima facie satisfaction of the When language employed under S. 36B(1) and S. 36
court in support of the charge. are read in juxtaposition, there remains no scintilla
Reference: SC. Virupakshappa Gouda and of doubt that legislature desired that disciplinary
another v. State of Karnataka and another, proceedings are to be put an end to within a
criminal appeal no. 601 of 2017 [arising out particular time frame by State Bar Council and if that
of S.L.P. (Cri.) No. 8781 of 2016. is not done, whole thing gets transferred to the BCI,
which is obliged to cause an enquiry . Thus
COURT ENTITLED TO EXAMINE understood, there can be no trace of doubt that
FAIRNESS OF SELECTION original jurisdiction to deal with complaint stands
PROCESS OF MINORITY transferred to BCI. Once original jurisdiction is
transferred, to rely upon language that BCI may
dispose of would include any manner of disposal
Autonomy of a minority institution does not
which would include a remand, cannot be thought
dispense with the requirement to act fairly and in a
of. That is neither legislative intendment nor
transparent manner and the High Court in exercise
legislative purpose. The legislature, never intended
of its power of judicial review is entitled to examine
a complaint made against an Advocate either from
fairness of selection process. Grievance of a citizen
perspective of complainant or from delinquent to be
that he was treated unfairly cannot be ignored on
transferred to BCI, again to be sent to back. There
the ground that a minority institution has autonomy
is a distinction between an appellate jurisdiction
or right of choice. Exercise of right of choice has to
which BCI exercises under S. 37 and the original
be fair, non-discriminatory and rational. While under
jurisdiction under S. 36B(1). While exercising
the constitutional scheme, a "minority institution"
appellate jurisdiction. BCI can remand matter to

434 I Lawteller I September 2017

State Bar Council. Once a complaint is made by a facilitation of loan to others who may be needy .
litigant, it has to follow a definite procedure and is Public policy cannot be invoked to effectively
required to be dealt with as per command of Act to prevent a loanee from repayment unjustifiably
conclude disciplinary proceeding within a period of abusing law.
one year from date of receipt of complaint or date Reference: SC. Himachal Pradesh Financial
of initiation of proceedings at the instance of State Corporation v. Anil Garg and Ors., civil
Bar Council. On many an occasion, it has come to appeal no. 661 of 2008.
the notice of Supreme Court that disciplinary
authority of State Bar Council is not disposing of
compliant within stipulated period, as a
consequence of which proceeding stands
transferred to BCI. The responsibility to deal with S. 33(1) of Karnataka S tamp Act (34 of 1957)
disciplinary proceedings is cast on State Bar Council stipulates that for purpose of finding out as to
which constitutes its Disciplinary Committee. Every whether instrument is ’duly stamped’ or not and
member of the Disciplinary Committee is aware that consequently as to whether such instrument liable
proceeding has to be concluded within one year. It to be impounded or not, examination of instrument
would be advisable that State Bar Council take a is necessary. Section 33 fundamentally pertains to
periodical stock of cases in each meeting with regard examination and impounding of an instrument. It
to progress of Disciplinary Committee, find out empowers Judge of High Court to delegate duty of
cause of delay and guide themselves to act with examination and impounding instrument to such
expediency so that Council, as a statutory body , officer as Court appoints in that behalf. The
does its duty as commanded under Act. Thus, Order delegation by a Judge of High Court will not clothe
passed by Disciplinary Committee of BCI and officers the jurisdiction of determining nature and
remands the matter to Disciplinary Committee of BCI character of instrument inasmuch as such fact needs
to decide same in accordance with law within a to be determined by Judge while exercising judicial
period of three months from the date of receipt of function. Such judicial function is not to be
copy of judgement would be liable to be set aside. delegated to an officer of Court by Judge of High
Court. What is delegated under proviso (b) of sub-
Reference: SC. Ajitsinh Arjunsinh Gohil v.
section (2) of Section 33 is only to examine
Bar Council of Gujarat and another, civil
instrument for purpose of determining as to whether
appeal no. 8307 of 2015.
instrument is duly stamped or not and for
impounding same. Section 33(2)(b) does not
PUBLIC POLICY contemplate or permit any adjudication as regards
Public policy means what is in larger interest of nature and character of instrument. The delegated
society involving questions of righteousness, good power has to be restricted to cover area, that is,
conscience and equity upholding law and not whether instrument bears proper stamp and thus
retrograde interpretation. It cannot be invoked to complies with requirement of being "duly stamped",
facilitate loanee to avoid legal obligation for and stamp duty payable on same must be
repayment of loan. Loanee has pious duty to abide determined only with reference to terms of
by his promise and repay. Timely repayment ensures instrument. Proviso (b) to sub-section 33(2) does September 2017 I Lawteller I 435

not empower Judge of High Court to direct officer tendency among them.
of High Court to enquire and to find out the nature (ii)There are many philosophies behind
and character of document. The word "examination" such sentencing justifying these penal
used in proviso (b) to Section 33(2) of Act cannot consequences. The philosophical/
be allowed to have such wide amplitude as context jurisprudential justification can be
does not so envisage. A judicial functioning has to retribution, incapacitation, specific
be done in a judicial manner . The duty of deterrence, general deterrence,
determination of an instrument or, to explicate, to rehabilitation, or restoration. Any of above
determine when there is a contest a particular or a combination thereof can be goal of
document to be of specific nature, adjudication has sentencing.
to be done by Judge after hearing counsel for (iii) Notwithstanding above theories of
parties. It is a part of judicial function and hence, punishment, when it comes to sentencing
same cannot be delegated. a person for committing a heinous crime,
Reference: SC. Black Pearl Hotels (Pvt.) Ltd. deterrence theory as a rationale for
v. M/s Planet M. Retail Ltd., civil appeal nos. punishing offender becomes more relevant.
2973-2974 of 2017 [arising out of SLP (C) In such cases, role of mercy, forgiveness
Nos. 10635-10636 of 2014]. and compassion becomes secondary.
(iv) In such cases where deterrence theory
PRINCIPLES GOVERNING has to prevail, while determining quantum
SENTENCING POLICY of sentence, discretion lies with Court.
While exercising such a discretion, Court
There is a wide discretion given to Court to impose
has to govern itself by reason and fair play,
any imprisonment which maybe from one day (or
and discretion is not to be exercised
even till rising of court) to ten years life. However ,
according to whim and caprice. It is the
at same time, judicial discretion which has been
duty of Court to impose adequate
conferred upon Court, has to be exercised in a fair
sentence, for one of purposes of imposition
manner keeping in view well established judicial
of requisite sentence is protection of
principles which have been laid down from time to
society and a legitimate response to
time, prime consideration being reason and fair play .
collective conscience.
Following principles can be deduced from reading
(v) While considering as to what would be
of various judgments:
appropriate quantum of imprisonment,
(i)Imprisonment is one of methods used to Court is empowered to take into
handle convicts in such a way to protect consideration mitigating circumstances, as
and prevent them to commit further crimes well as aggravating circumstances.
for a specific period of time and also to
Reference: SC. State of Himachal Pradesh v.
prevent others from committing crime on
Nirmala Devi, criminal appeal no. 667 of
them out of vengeance. The concept of
2017 [arising out of SLP (Cri.) No. 8983 of
punishing criminals by imprisonment has
recently been changed to treatment and
rehabilitation with a view to modify criminal

436 I Lawteller I September 2017



IS THE PLAINTIFF /decree holder whereas
respondent No. 1 is the defendant/judgment debtor
property and also affixed the same on the notice board
of the Court. On 04.11.1999, sale warrant was issued
to the Bailiff to give 15 days’ notice by affixing the
in O.S. No.192 of 1987. Respondent No.2 obtained a same in court house, making due proclamation of the
money decree for Rs.5,15,390/- against respondent suit schedule property. The proclamation of the sale
No.1 on 16.03.1998 in O.S. No.192 of 1987 for the loan was published in the newspaper on 05.11.1999 stating
given to her by respondent No.2 and which remained that the sale would be held on 17.11.1999.
unpaid by respondent No.1. Since respondent No.1 On 17.11.1999, the property was brought to auction
failed to satisfy the decree, respondent No.2 filed sale where 7 bidders participated. The appellant herein
execution application and brought the schedule was the highest bidder of Rs.7,15,000/-. Out of the
property owned by respondent No.1-judgment debtor said bid amount, Rs.1,78,750/- was paid to the Bailiff.
to auction sale through the process server of the The Bailiff filed a return on 18.11.1999 about the sale
Court of Senior Civil Judge, Kovvur, in execution stating that he published about sale by tom tom and
proceedings in E.P. No. 46 of 1998 in O.S. No.192 of the appellant was the highest bidder and the initial
1987 for realization of decretal dues. amount was deposited with respondent No.2-Bank
The suit schedule property was, accordingly, attached after deducting poundage.
by the executing Court under a warrant. Notice was, Dissatisfied with the auction, the judgment debtor filed
accordingly, issued to respondent No.1-judgment an application under Order 21 Rule 90 seeking setting
debtor in respect of the said executing proceedings aside of the sale, inter alia, on the ground that the
on 14.07.1999 to which she filed counter affidavit proclamation was done within 15 days and hence it is
raising certain objections. On 31.09.1999, the illegal, tom tom wala neither made proclamation and
executing Court overruled the objections raised by nor took neighbours’ signatures, proclamation was not
respondent No.1 in her counter affidavit and fixed published in Nagar Panchayat office, publication was
22.09.1999 as the date of settlement of terms. On defective in nature because it did not mention the
22.09.1999, the terms of proclamation of sale were valuation of the property etc. It was also objected that
settled fixing the date for sale of the said property the Bank brought only three bidders whereas if more
on 17.11.1999. bidders had participated, the property put to sale
Pursuant to the above referred proceedings, would have fetched easily between 12 to 14 lakhs.
proclamation of the sale was issued on 05.10.1999 by
By order dated 20.04.2000, the Senior Civil Judge,
the executing Court under Order 21 Rule 64 of the
Kovvur found no merit in any of the objections raised
Code mentioning therein the conditions of sale.
by respondent No.1 and accordingly dismissed the
Proclamation of the sale was entrusted to the Process
Server of publication on 27.10.1999. The Process
Server gave endorsement on 02.11.1999 that the sale Challenging the said order, the judgment debtor-
proclamation was affixed to the house/suit schedule respondent No.1 filed an appeal before the High
property and also by beat of tom tom near the Court. September 2017 I Lawteller I 437

The High Court, by judgment dated 23.12.2005, publication including beating of drum was made
allowed the appeal and set aside the order of the before the date of auction due to which there was
executing Court, inter alia, holding that if the less participation of the bidders in the auction sale.
judgment debtor deposits a sum of Rs.7,15,000/- being TTTTTTT
the price fetched at the public auction within a period Thirdly, judgment debtor did not adduce any
of three weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of evidence nor brought any bidder to purchase the
the judgment, the sale held would not be given effect property for a higher price than the purchase bid
to. It was held that if the executing Court feels that (Rs.7,50,000/-) except to say in the application that
the amount deposited by the judgment debtor is value of the property was between Rs.12 lakhs to
sufficient to discharge the decretal amount, it would Rs.14 lakhs. In our view , this objection has no
not be necessary to put the property to auction and substance for want of any evidence.
the amount so deposited earlier by the auction TTTTTTT
purchaser shall be refunded to him. It was held that Fourthly, there was adequate publicity given with
if the amount ordered to be deposited by the judgment the aid of beat of drums in the locality. It was proved
debtor is more than the amount due to the decree with the record of the executing Court as was rightly
holder, excess amount, after adjusting the amount due held by the executing Court and lastly, in our view,
to the decree holder/auction purchaser, be refunded a clear 15 days’ notice was given for auction sale
to the judgment debtor. It was held that no clear 15 fixed for 17.11.1999 when counted from 05.10.1999.
days’ notice of sale as per Rules was given and hence In other words, 15 days have to be counted from
sale held is irregular. It was lastly held that in default 05.10.1999 because it is on this date the order was
of payment of Rs.7,15,000/- within the stipulated issued as contemplated under Order 21 Rule 64 for
period, the appeal shall stand dismissed. proclamation of sale fixing the date of sale as
Aggrieved by the said judgment, the auction 17.11.1999.
purchaser filed special leave petition. The Supreme
Court accepted the appeal, set aside the judgement The law on the question involved herein is clear. It
of the High Court and restored that of the executing is not the material irregularity that alone is sufficient
Court. for setting aside of the sale. The judgment debtor has
to go further and establish to the satisfaction of the
The operative part of the judgment reads as under:- Court that the material irregularity or fraud, as the
It is noticed that respondent No. 1, in her case may be, has resulted in causing substantial
application for setting aside the sale, had mainly injury to the judgment-debtor in conducting the sale.
raised four objections. Firstly, clear 15 days’ notice It is only then the sale so conducted could be set aside
was not given for sale of the properties as required under Order 21 Rule 90(2) of the Code. Such is not
under the Rules. Secondly, the valuation of the the case here.
property was not properly mentioned in the TTTTTTT
concerned documents so as to enable the parties to Authorities relied upon : 1973 (2) SCC 629.
know its proper valuation prevailing on the date of
Reference : Supreme Court. Chilamkurti Bala
sale. Thirdly, the market value of the property on the
Subrahmanyam v. Samanthapudi Vijaya Lakshmi &
date of auction was more than the price actually
Anr., Civil Appeal No. 5988 of 2007.
fetched in the auction, and four thly, no pr oper

438 I Lawteller I September 2017



2010 instituted before the High Court of Delhi at New
that effect. Subsequent thereto, the appellant filed the
affidavit of one of its directors in endorsement of its
pleaded case, who proved, amongst others, the copies
Delhi by the appellant against the respondent arrayed of various invoices authenticating the supply of
as the proprietor of M/s. Kargaappa Auto Products goods to the respondent and also the statement of
and M/s Paans Auto Products for recovery of Rs. accounts pertaining thereto. This witness too was not
20,94,953/- arising from business transactions between cross-examined on behalf of the respondent, though
the parties. The appellant described itself to be a opportunity was granted and eventually the Trial
company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 Court, on a consideration of materials on record,
and engaged in the business of manufacture and sale decreed the suit for Rs. 18,95,077/- by allowing the
of auto components/parts, the respondent was interest @ 18% p.a. in lieu of 24%, as claimed.
introduced as the proprietor of the afore-named As the records would reveal, a defective appeal was
proprietorship firms. According to the appellant, the filed on behalf of the respondent thereafter only to
respondent approached it in the month of November , be withdrawn in due course. The appellant launched
2002 for a business deal and on the basis of the the execution and the application in connection
bargain entered into, it supplied auto components and thereto was registered as E.P. No. 11787 of 2014 to
parts to the respondent, as per the specifications execute the decree as aforementioned. It was
mentioned and raised bills in connection therewith. thereafter that an application for review was filed by
As per the books of account maintained in the regular the respondent before the High Court seeking to
course of business, at the relevant time i.e. 15.10.2007, recall the judgment and order dated 16.12.2011. It was
Rs. 8,01,708/- was due and outstanding against the pleaded by the respondent that the suit was not
respondent in the accounts of M/s. Kargaappa Auto maintainable on account of non-joinder/mis-joinder of
Products and Rs. 4,93,952/- as on 6.6.2008, in the proper and necessary parties. Though he had
account of M/s. Paans Auto Products, thus totalling admitted that he was the proprietor of Paans Auto
Rs. 12,95,660/-. As this amount was not paid in spite products, he asserted that he was not so of M/s.
of repeated demands, and the ultimate notice dated Kargaappa Auto Products and that instead his wife
28.12.2009, addressed by the appellant to the Mrs. A. Kamalla being so was the proper and
respondent, the suit was filed for realisation of the necessary party and that in view of this defect, the
aforementioned amount together with interest @ 24% suit was liable to be dismissed. He also pointed out
p.a. for an aggregate sum of Rs. 20, 94,953/-. that the name of this firm is M/s. Karpaga Auto
Products and not M/s. Kargaappa Auto Products, as
Though on the receipt of the summons in the suit, recited in the plaint. The respondent alleged fraud as
the respondent arranged for his representation, he well and contended that the appellant was guilty of
eventually failed to submit his written statement and suppression of material facts of rejection of its
accordingly, his defence was struck off vide order goods. Further, he also alleged collusion and
dated 20.10.2011, in view of his persistent default to connivance between his counsel and the appellant September 2017 I Lawteller I 439

for which the former deliberately abstained from Meanwhile, however the respondent filed his counter-
taking necessary steps to ensure his effective affidavit in the execution proceedings and also
representation in the suit, thus resulting in the ex- followed it up with an application under Section 47
parte decree. of CPC to resist the execution of the decree. Suffice
He pleaded that on receiving the summons in the suit, it would be to state that the demurrals in these
necessary instructions were conveyed to his counsel pleadings are in substance a replication of those
at Delhi to appropriately contest the proceeding, but narrated in the review application and, therefore are
the latter refrained from either filing the written not being re-traversed.
statement or from taking necessary steps resulting in In refutation, the appellant did file a common counter-
his default for which ultimately, the suit was decreed. affidavit asserting that the respondent had placed
According to him, though he was in touch with his orders for automobile components, which were
counsel at Delhi through his counterpart at Chennai, accordingly dispatched and as on the date of the
he was being given the impression that there was no institution of the suit, the payments in connection
progress in the suit and that he would be duly therewith were outstanding, a suit was filed to
informed about any substantial development therein recover the same and eventually, it was decreed on
whenever the same would occur. The respondent 16.12.2011 for a sum of Rs. 18,95,077/- along with
contended that it was in February/March, 2014, when pendente lite and future interest @ 18% p.a. Apart
he and his local counsel grew suspicious of the from highlighting that the respondent had after the
evasive replies given by his counsel at Delhi, that the receipt of the summons/notices in the suit,
records of the suit were consulted, which revealed continuously abstained himself from contesting the
that his defence had been struck off on 20.10.2011 same by filing his written statement or taking further
and the suit had been decreed on 16.12.2011. The initiatives and that, therefore the decree passed was
records of the suit also divulged that though an valid in law, the appellant maintained that the suit had
opportunity to him for cross-examination of the been filed against the respondent, as he represented
witnesses by appellant had been afforded, it was not both the firms and had participated in the transactions
availed of due to the sheer dereliction of the in that capacity for which either the mistake in the
professional duties of his counsel. name of M/s. Kargaappa Auto Products instead of
Noticeably, the respondent in his review application M/s Karpaga Auto Products or non-impleadment of
disclosed that his said counsel however did prefer his wife as the sole proprietress thereof was wholly
an appeal against the ex-parte decree, which inconsequential qua the aspect of executability of the
eventually was returned in view of the attendant decree. The allegation of suppression of any material
defects. The appeal was however not re-filed and that fact, as alleged was denied. The accusation of
in the meanwhile, a complaint had been lodged collusion between the learned counsel for the
against the counsel with the Bar Council of Tamil respondent and the appellant was stoutly denied as
Nadu at Chennai, was mentioned as well. well. It was pointed out that the fact of filing of appeal
preferred by the same counsel against the decree
It is worthwhile to note that no interim order was
belied the allegation of dereliction of duty as
passed on this review application, which eventually
unfounded. Underlining the inexplicable delay and
was dismissed on 15.4.2015 on account of
inaction of three years on the part of the respondent
unexplained delay of three years.
in filing the review petition, it was contended that the

440 I Lawteller I September 2017

resistance to the executing proceedings was only with the objections raised with regard to the executability
the objective of protracting the proceedings to his of the decree.
advantage on flimsy and frivolous grounds.
Against the judgement of the High Court special leave
The respondent next filed an affidavit on the same
petition was filed. The Supreme Court accepted the
lines as narrated in his counter and the application
appeal. The Executing Court would proceed with the
under Section 47 CPC and sought to supplement the
execution proceedings and take it to the logical end
same by producing documents to that effect by way
with utmost expedition.
of oral and documentary testimony of the pleaded
facts. The appellant in its rejoinder did object to this
initiative on the part of the respondent as
The operative part of the judgment reads as under:-
impermissible, being beyond the purview of Section The plaint discloses that the respondent had
47 CPC and prayed for obliteration of such evidence. represented before the appellant to be authorised to
The appellant pleaded that after the counter-affidavit act on behalf of both the firms and in that capacity
had been filed by the respondent in the execution had participated in the transactions that followed.
proceedings, arguments on behalf of the decree- In that perspective, even assuming that the name of
holder were heard and though the proceedings were one of the firms was wrongly mentioned and that in
deferred for the arguments on behalf of the fact, it is the wife of the respondent, who is the
respondent, an application by him under Section 47 proprietress thereof, with whom there is no conflict
CPC was filed, the maintainability whereof was of interest, these in our comprehension per se, would
questioned by the appellant and that it was at that not render the decree void or inexecutable. Such
belated stage that the respondent sought to errors, even if exist, would not infest the decree with
introduce the documentary evidence. any jurisdictional infirmity or reduce it to a nullity.
Noticeably, there is no dispute with regard to the
The Executing Court however by its order dated
identity of the firms involved and their representation
8.2.2016, dismissed the objection of the appellant by
by the respondent in the suit transactions. The
taking note principally of the fact that the respondent
allegation of fraud and collusion between the
was not the proprietor of Karpaga Auto Products and
learned counsel for the respondent and the appellant
that it was necessary to examine as to how he was
is visibly self-serving, omnibus, speculative and
related to the said proprietorship firm, a question to
unauthentic and cannot therefore, after so many
be decided in the proceedings under Section 47 CPC.
years, ipso facto render the decree invalid on account
By the impugned order, the High Court has affirmed thereof. Visibly, the respondent had been the center
this determination of the Executing Court by figure in all the transactions between the parties on
observing that though the issue of maintainability of behalf of the firms, as stand proved in the suit and
the application under Section 47 CPC had been raised the resistance to the execution of the decree is neither
by the appellant, it was within the right of the on behalf of M/s. Kargaappa Auto Products/M/s.
respondent to lead evidence, both oral and Karpaga Auto Products nor its proprietress, his wife
documentary pertaining to all questions arising contending that the decree is neither binding on the
between the parties to the suit. It was of the view firm nor on her. For all practical purposes, the said
that the question of maintainability of the application firm is still being represented by the respondent in
under Section 47 CPC ought to be decided along with the subsisting proceedings. The sequence of events September 2017 I Lawteller I 441

disclose that the suit had been instituted in the year execution of the decree, the same pleas have been
2010 and was decreed on 16.10.2011. The persistent reiterated.
default on the part of the respondent has been TTTTTTT
adverted to hereinabove. Though a defective appeal Authorities relied upon : 1971 (1) SCR 66.
had been filed on his behalf in the year 2012, it was Reference : Supreme Court. M/s Brakewel
withdrawn and was not re-filed by removing the Automotive Components (India) Pvt. Ltd. v. P.R.
defects. The Execution Petition though lodged in the Selvam Alagappan, Civil Appeal Nos. 4313-4314 of
year 2014 has not seen the fruit of the decree as on 2017 [Arising out of SLP (C) Nos. 20745-20746 of
date. The Review Petition filed by the respondent has 2016].
also been dismissed. Significantly , in all the
proceedings initiated by the respondent to stall the



The New Zealand Parliament formally apologized to the hundreds of men who were criminally convicted under
antiquated anti-homosexuality laws. The country’s House of Representatives stated that it apologizes "to
those homosexual New Zealanders who were convicted for consensual adult activity, and recognize[s] the
tremendous hurt and suffering those men and their families have gone through, and the continued effects
the convictions have had on them". Lawmakers also unanimously approved the first stage of a bill that
"provides an expungement scheme for convictions for a historical homosexual offense if the conduct
constituting the offense, if engaged in when the application for expungement was made, would not constitute
an offense under the laws of New Zealand". Under the bill, approximately 1,000 men will be able to have their
convictions quashed. New Zealand decriminalized homosexuality in 1986 and legalized same-sex marriage
four years ago. The bill provides no entitlement to compensation regardless of any fines or losses incurred
from the conviction.


The European Court of Human Rights upheld a Belgian ban on wearing the niqab, a full-face veil, in public
spaces. The court dismissed two cases, Belcacemi and Oussar v. Belgium and Dakir v. Belgium, that asserted
the ban was in violation of Articles 8, 9, 10 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Both cases
concerned women who chose to wear the veil of their own volition and felt the ban was discriminatory and
without a "legitimate aim". The court rejected the claims that the ban violated a right to private life under the
Convention finding that it "could be regarded as proportionate to the aim pursued, namely the preservation
of the conditions of ’living together’ as an element of the ’protection of the rights and freedoms of others’".
In Dakir, the court found that the Conseil d’État had infringed Dakir’s right of access to a court under Article
6 by ruling a previous application to annul the ban inadmissible and awarded her 800EUR for costs and

442 I Lawteller I September 2017



registered office at Mumbai, is a public limited
Commercial Tax, Urban Circle, Jamshedpur, served a
show cause notice to the appellant-Company to state
as to why tax should not be levied on it for the
company and is involved in manufacturing, trading, amount of Rs. 3,12,47,916/- which was wrongly
leasing and construction business throughout the exempted from being taxed under the provision of the
country. At the relevant time, the appellant-Company State Act.
was involved in the execution of civil work contracts After affording an opportunity of hearing to the
for its client, viz., Tata Iron & Steel Company Ltd. appellant-Company, a re-assessment order dated
(TISCO) and had been filing its returns under the 27.02.2006 was passed by the Deputy Commissioner,
Bihar Finance Act, 1981 (hereinafter referred to as ’the Commercial Taxes, Urban Circle, Jamshedpur whereby
State Act’) and also under the Central Sales Tax Act, an additional demand of Rs. 35,72,475/- was created
1956 (hereinafter referred to as ’the Central Act’) in against the appellant-Company.
the Commercial Taxes Department, Urban Circle,
Being aggrieved by the re-assessment order dated
27.02.2006, the appellant-Company preferred a writ
For the Assessment Year (AY) 1991-92, the appellant- petition being W.P. (T) No. 2630 of 2006 before the
Company filed returns under the State Act. However, High Court. A Division Bench of the High Court, vide
the assessment proceedings in relation to the above order dated 17.11.2006, dismissed the petition filed by
period, i.e., AY 1991-92 was completed in the year 1996 the appellant -Company while upholding the order
and an assessment order dated 24.01.1996 was passed dated 27.02.2006 passed by the Deputy Commissioner,
by the assessing authority. Commercial Taxes, Urban Circle, Jamshedpur.
After the assessment proceedings, an audit team of Aggrieved by the order dated 17.11.2006, the
the Auditor General, Bihar, audited the assessment appellant-Company filed special leave petition. The
order dated 24.01.1996 and found that the dealer was Supreme Court accepted the appeal, set aside the
allowed exemption of Rs. 3,12,47,916/-, being the order dated 27.2.2006 passed by the Deputy
amount of goods consumed by the appellant- Commissioner as well as the order dated 17.11.2006
Company during the course of execution of works passed by the division Bench of the High Court.
contract. The appellant-Company claimed that such
goods were purchased on payment of tax but no The operative part of the judgment reads as under:-
declaration in Form IX-C along with other evidence
Sub-Section (1) of Section 19 very clearly prescribes
was submitted whereas the production or declaration
that the competent authority, upon information, if
of Form IX-C was mandatory, hence, the claim was
satisfied that reasonable ground exists to believe that
not allowable and the said fact was conveyed to the
any turnover of a registered dealer or a dealer to
assessing authority.
whom grant of registration certificate has been
On 28.09.2000, the office of Commissioner of refused in respect of any period has, for any reason, September 2017 I Lawteller I 443

escaped assessment or any turnover of any such cases of obvious mistakes apparent on the face of the
dealer assessed under sub-Section (5) of Section 17 record of assessment, that record itself can be a
has been under-assessed or assessed at a rate lower source of information, if that information leads to a
than that which was cor rectly applicable, may, discovery or belief that there has been an escape of
within eight years from the date of order of assessment or under-assessment or wrong assessment.
assessment, proceed to assess or reassess the amount TTTTTTT
of tax in respect of such turnover. It would be sufficient to refer to a judgment of this
TTTTTTT Court in Anandjiharidas & Co. v. S.P. Kasture [AIR
The word "information" used in the aforesaid Section 1968 SC 565] wherein it was held that a fact which
is of the widest amplitude and should not be was already there in records doesn’t by its mere
construed narrowly. It comprehends not only variety availability becomes an item of "information" till the
of factors including information from external sources time it has been brought to the notice of assessing
of any kind but also the discovery of new facts or authority. Hence, the audit objections wer e well
information available in the record of assessment not within the parameters of being construed as
previously noticed or investigated. Suppose a ’information’ for the purpose of section 19 of the State
mistake in the original order of assessment is not Act.
discovered by the Assessing Officer, on fur ther TTTTTTT
scrutiny, if it came to the notice of another assessor Authorities relied upon : (1985) 58 STC 217, (1984)
or even by a subordinate or a superior officer, it 56 STC 273, (1979) 4 SCC 248, (1971) 3 SCC 654,AIR
would be considered as information disclosed to the 1968 SC 565, AIR 1968 SC 565, AIR 1947 FC 32.
incumbent officer. If the mistake itself is not Reference : Supreme Court. M/s Larsen & Toubro
extraneous to the record and the informant gathered Ltd. v. State of Jharkhand and Ors., Civil Appeal No.
the information from the record, the immediate 5390 of 2007 [From the Judgment and Order dated
source of information to the Officer in such 17.11.2006 of the High Court of Jharkhand at Ranchi
circumstances is in one sense extraneous to the in WP No. 2630 of 2006].
record. It will be information in his possession within
the meaning of Section 19 of the State Act. In such



The Los Angeles Superior Court issued a verdict in favor of a consumer who allegedly developed ovarian
cancer after using a drug manufacturer’s talc-based products. Defendant Johnson and Johnson currently
faces about 4,800 claims regarding the company’s failure to warn consumers of cancer risks linked to such
products. In the current case, the plaintiff was awarded $417 million in damages, which is the largest verdict
awarded in the matter thus far. According to the plaintiff, the drug manufacturer has failed to acknowledge
studies linking ovarian cancer to genital talc use. Johnson and Johnson, however, has stated that studies
and federal agencies have not found their talc-based products to be carcinogenic. The manufacturer has
expressed its intention to appeal the verdict and support the safety of its products.

444 I Lawteller I September 2017



PART OF PROPERTY bearing plot Nos. 109 to
112, which was demarcated and known as sub-plot
As this led to dispute between the two, Kanti filed
two suits against Jitender: for cancellation of
Agreement to Sell and for possession and mesne
No.10 of the said plot. This sub-plot measures 828 profits. After sometime, Jitender also filed suit against
square yards and is situated outside Shanpur Kanti for specific performance of Agreement dated
Darwaza, Mahendi Kuva Road, Ahmedabad. 15.07.1974. All these suits were clubbed together. The
Jeevandas executed a sale deed in respect of this plot trial court decreed the suit filed by Kanti. Suit of
(hereinafter referred to as the ’suit property’) in favour Jitender for specific performance was dismissed
of one Kantibhai (for short ’Kanti’) on 16.04.1959 for barred by limitation as well. The trial court also
99 years, of which yearly rent fixed was Rs.1860/-. returned the finding to the effect that Jitender could
This lease deed also provided an option to the lessee not establish that he was ready and willing to perform
to purchase the suit property. The lessee (Kanti) the contract. He, in fact, did not even enter the
executed an Agreement of Sell dated 15.07.1974 in witness box in support of his case. The trial court,
respect of the suit property in favour of one therefore, accepted the case put up by Kanti to the
Jitenderkumar Nanjibhai (for short ’Jitender’) at a total effect that even when Kanti was in a position to
consideration of Rs.1,85,001/-. The purchaser paid handover complete and vacant possession of the suit
earnest money of Rs.25,000/- at the time of execution property, Jitender did not perform his part of the
of the said Agreement to Sell. This agreement further contract within stipulated period.
provided that the sale deed would be executed within Jitender filed three appeals against the aforesaid
a period of five months from the date of execution of judgment. During the pendency of these appeals,
the agreement. Sale deed was, however, not executed both Kanti and Jitender passed away and their legal
within the said period and by mutual agreement this heirs were brought on record. The High Court has
period was extended by another five months. A further decided these appeals by the common judgment dated
sum of Rs. 20,000/- was paid by Jitender to Kanti. 22.10.2013. The High Court has maintained the decree
However, even during the extended period, no sale of dismissal of the suit filed by Jitender for specific
deed could be executed. performance. Upholding the judgment of the trial
According to Jitender (purchaser), the period for court, the High Court has held that Jitender is not
execution of the sale deed was further extended by entitled to the specific performance of the contract.
two years, though Kanti disputed this. Kanti gave However, insofar as decree passed in favour of Kanti
notice dated 06.05.1981 to Jitender for cancellation of in the suit filed by him is concerned, the High Court
Agreement to Sell putting blame on Jitender in not has set aside the said decree and remanded the case
performing his part of the contract. Jitender replied back to the trial court. The High Court discussed the
to the said notice taking the position that the period nature of suit filed by Kanti and pointed out that his
for execution of sale deed had been further extended. suit was for cancellation of agreement on the ground September 2017 I Lawteller I 445

that there was failure on the part of Jitender to show plea based on the point that contract is in
readiness and willingness to execute the sale deed, nature of voidable contract is raised and the
which plea was accepted by the trial court. The High same is defended by the other side. Broadly
Court has held that this is an erroneous approach stated, status of ’seller’ at the time of
inasmuch as under Section 31 of the Specific Relief execution of agreement to sell being status
Act, 1963, the suit can be instituted for cancellation of ’lessee’ only and acquiring of proprietary
of written agreement when such written agreement is rights by the purchaser depending on
void or voidable. Thus, Kanti was supposed to show ’owner’ executing the deed in favour of
that the agreement is void or voidable. Instead, plea purchaser, places the agreement to sell in
taken was that the other side has not shown category of ’contingent contract’. Prima
readiness or willingness to execute the sale deed, facie, the agreement falls in realm of
which could not be a ground for cancellation of the ’contingent contract’. Upon hearing the
agreement. learned advocate for the parties and in the
The High Court pointed out that Kanti was given circumstances of the present case, it appears
lease of the said property in question for a period of to be just and proper to allow the present
99 years by Jeevandas and, therefore, Kanti was only appeal and remand Civil Suit No. 4104 of 1982
a lessee. No doubt, the said lease deed gave right to for its disposal in accordance with law. It
Kanti to purchase the suit property from the original would be open to the parties to amend the
owner. However, such an option to purchase the suit pleadings accordingly and to lead the
property given to Kanti was not exercised by him evidence - if the parties are so advised - in
during the period mentioned in the lease deed or addition to the evidence already on record.
during the life time of the original owner i.e. It is clarified that it would also be open for
Jeevandas. Thus, Agreement to Sell executed by the parties and the trial court to refer to and
Kanti in favour of Jitender was in the nature of rely upon the evidence already on record.
’contingent contract’ and, therefore, Jitender could Since the suit is very old, it is expected that
hardly acquire any right when Kanti himself was not trial court would dispose of the suit as
the owner of the property. It is further held that Kanti expeditiously as possible."
had yet to become the owner. As he had not acquired
propriety rights over the suit property, it was not Against the judgement of the Division Bench special
possible for him to transfer such a right to Jitender. leave petition was filed. The Supreme Court accepted
Having held so, the matter has been remanded back the appeal, set aside the judgement of the High Court.
under the following circumstances:
"… But the point is, what is nature of The operative part of the judgment reads as under:-
agreement - i.e. agreement to sell, executed In the suit filed by him, Kanti had pleaded that after
in the present case. It is in nature of the execution of the agreement, Jitender failed to
contingent contract and hence, voidable on perform his obligation contained therein as he
that count. The question that what is the defaulted in making the payment of balance
nature and strength of agreement to sell - consideration within the time stipulated. On that
can be answered satisfactorily only when basis, the prayer made in the suit was that the

446 I Lawteller I September 2017

amount of earnest money under the agreement stood which was not a case pleaded by any of the parties.
forfeited as the agreement had become non-effective, The decree passed by the High Court on this ground
null and void and consequently possession of part and direction to the trial court to dispose of the case
of suit property held by Jitender was illegal which afresh after allowing amendment in the pleadings
should be handed over to the plaintiff. Mesne profit and leading further evidence on amended pleadings
was also claimed. Second suit filed by Kanti was is, therefore, clearly erroneous in law. We, thus, set
specifically for mesne profit and for possession. No aside this direction.
case was set up by Kanti that agreement was void TTTTTTT
because of the reason that he was only a lessee in Reference : Supreme Court. Patel Kantilal
the suit property which was given to him by the Parshottamdas (D) & Ors. v. Jitendrakumar Nanjibhai
original owner Jeevandas for a period of 99 years Mistry (D) Through Lrs & Ors., Civil Appeal No. 3912
and as he had not become the owner thereof, the of 2017 [From the Judgement and Order dated
agreement was in the nature of ’contingent contract’. 22.10.2013 of the High Court of Gujarat atAhmedabad
TTTTTTT in First Appeal No. 5013 of 1996].
High Court could not, of its own, set up a new case —————



The Jordanian parliament narrowly voted to repeal Article 308 of the penal code, which permitted rapists to
escape punishment if they married their victims. Rights groups applauded the decision, calling it a step forward
in ending violence against women, especially in Middle Eastern countries where girls and women were offered
as gifts to their rapists to avoid family shame. Though the Jordanian Cabinet voted to revoke the law in
April, Parliament’s upper body and King Abdullah II must also approve this action before the repeal can take


The UK High Court rejected a "crime of aggression" allegation against former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair
by a former Iraq General Abdul Wahed Shannan Al Rabbat. The two justices dismissed the claim as UK law
does not recognize a crime of aggression: "The existence of such difficulties cannot in any way justify the
domestic courts of England and Wales departing from the clear principle that it is for Parliament to make such
conduct criminal under domestic law. Parliament deliberately chose not to do so. The courts cannot usurp
that function. It is for Parliament and Parliament alone to make the decision. Furthermore, there is no answer
to the practical and constitutional difficulties identified by Lord Bingham and Lord Hoffman that would arise
if a prosecution was brought without clear statutory provision". The matter was dismissed before it could be
brought to the Supreme Court for judicial review, the High Court determining that the highest court in Britain
would not break away from its ruling in R v. Jones. September 2017 I Lawteller I 447

MAIDEN STEP TOWARDS deprived them of societal recognition and legal
PAPERLESS COURT security. "Fraudulent marriages are on the rise
especially among non-resident Indians. Compulsory
The familiar presence of heaps of case files on the
registration can serve as a means to ensure that
judges’ dais at Ex-Chief Justice of India J.S. Khehar’s
conditions of a valid marriage have been performed,"
courtroom was conspicuous in their absence. Their
the commission recommended. It said a minor
absence heralds the Supreme Court’s first move
amendment to the Registration of Births and Deaths
towards a "paperless" court. Slick interactive digital
Act, 1969, including a provision for compulsory
display devices have replaced towering stacks of files
registration of marriage, would serve the purpose. The
found perched precariously on the judges’ desks.
commission clarified that there was no need to amend
These devices will guide the judges through the daily
any of the personal laws of religious communities. The
roster of cases. In a candid comment, Justice Khehar
commission pointed to a 2006 ruling of the Supreme
told the courtroom at large that "it is easier to function
Court in Seema vs Ashwani Kumar that said marriages
without the paper files." "We are learning," the Chief
of persons who are citizens of India belonging to
Justice said to the advocates in the courtroom. Chief
various religions should be registered compulsorily in
Justice Khehar said the uncluttered desk had ushered
their States. In 2012, a Bill was tabled in Parliament to
in a hassle-free atmosphere, which is in fact good for
amend the Registration of Births and DeathsAct, 1969,
the lawyers arguing their cases. Otherwise, judges,
to provide for compulsory registration of marriages.
lawyers, litigants and court staff had to deal with
The Bill was passed by the Rajya Sabha in July 2013,
multiple copies of voluminous petitions and bulky
but could not be taken up for consideration in the Lok
annexures running into thousands of pages on a daily
Sabha. It lapsed on the dissolution of the 15th Lok
basis. A Supreme Court statement said it had made all
Sabha in 2014.
preparations to evolve as a paperless court. "As the
concept of paperless court involves various technical
and functional issues, it is proposed to implement the NO TRANSGRESSION OF FAITH IN
project gradually, as it would be a new method of OPENING SREE
working for the advocates and the judges." It said that PADMANABHASWAMY TEMPLE
"at the first instance, only fresh matters listed in the VAULT TO MAKE AN INVENTORY
first five courts will be accessed by the judges digitally
The Supreme Court advised its amicus curiae and
on an interactive display device."
senior advocate Gopal Subramanium to discuss the
opening of a vault at the Sree Padmanabhaswamy
MAKE REGISTRATION OF temple in Kerala to complete the inventory of the
MARRIAGES COMPULSORY temple valuables and treasures. The Bench observed
The Law Commission of India has recommended orally that the very purpose of the Supreme Court’s
compulsory registration of marriages to protect gullible ongoing intervention in the temple’s management and
women who become victims of fake marriages. In a affairs is to usher in sanctity and transparency. The
report submitted to the Centre, the commission headed opening of Kallara B to make an inventory of the
by former Supreme Court judge, Justice B.S. Chauhan, valuables would hardly be a transgression of faith and
said the lack of provisions for compulsory registration sentiments. The Bench made the observations when
of marriages had proven disastrous for women and the Travancore royal family’s lawyer and senior

448 I Lawteller I September 2017

advocate Krishnan Venugopal informed the court that APEX COURT ADVOCATES
there was a tantri’s report that Kallara B should not be ENACTMENT OF LEGISLATION TO
opened as it concerned a matter of faith. "The whole FILL GAP IN CONSTITUTION
purpose of this [inventory] is to bring sanctity and
Though so far the election commissioners (ECs)
transparency. No sentiments are violated by recording
appointed have been "outstanding people, very fair
an inventory. Tell us, what purpose is served if it
and politically neutral," there is still a legitimate
[Kallara B] is not opened," The Bench asked. Mr.
expectation that they should be selected through the
Subramanium told the court that an expert committee
"most transparent and just process" formalised in a
had already completed inventories of other temple
law enacted by Parliament, the Supreme Court advised
vaults, but was unable to complete the exercise
the Centre. The Bench pointed out that there is a
because it lacked access to the B vault. He said former
"gap" caused by the lack of a parliamentary law which
Comptroller and Auditor General Vinod Rai, who was
transparently spells out the process of appointment
appointed by the Supreme Court to audit temple
of an election commissioner . "Who should be
finances and records, had pointed out in his report that
shortlisted? Who shortlists these names? What is the
temple records showed this vault had been opened
eligibility? There is nothing to show the procedure
nine times in the past. "You [Mr. Subramanium] discuss
followed in selecting them," The Bench observed. The
the matter. We only want transparency," Chief Justice
Bench said that even the selection procedure of the
Khehar said. The court refused to order a separate
CBI Director is formalised by a written law, but not that
investigation into the case of eight missing diamonds
of Election Commissioners. The court was hearing a
used as part of Lord Padmanabhaswamy’s tilakam,
PIL petition filed by Anoop Baranwal, represented by
saying an FIR had already been registered in the case.
advocate Prashant Bhushan, contending that
It said fool-proof measures should be taken by the 200-
successive governments failed in the constitutional
strong contingent of police at the temple and no such
obligation to set up a "fair , just and transparent
incidents of theft should ever recur. The court recorded
process" for selection of ECs. "Though it is very
that V. Ratheeshan, an IAS officer, had been appointed
complimentary that outstanding people have been
Executive Officer of the temple on June 18. It took into
appointed so far, there is still a legitimate expectation
consideration the past tensions between the previous
in the Constitution that a law should be made on the
Executive Officer K.N. Satheesh and theAdministrative
selection process," the Chief Justice observed. "The
Committee and said a proper working arrangement
Election Commissioners supervise and hold elections
should be made in future. The court appointed the
in our democracy...such is the significance of their
Executive Officer as Member Secretary of the
office. Their selection has to be made in the most
Administrative Committee and said he should consult
transparent manner," he said. The court asked the
the committee on all policy decisions and work hand
government whether it should intervene in the issue
in hand with the committee. The court also agreed that
to achieve the constitutional objective under Article
a Financial Controller to audit the temple finances
324 (2). Solicitor General Ranjit Kumar submitted that
should be appointed from a shortlisted panel of three
the filtering of names of suitable persons for
officers from the Indian Audit and Accounts Services.
appointment as Election Commissioners is done under
The names would be forwarded by the State to the
the aegis of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet, who
Administrative Committee, which would make the final
in turn advise the President. "None other than the
choice. September 2017 I Lawteller I 449

Prime Minister is involved in the selection of the that mere invalidation of caste certificate would not
election commissioners. Besides it is for Parliament to lead to cessation of service. "Mere invalidation of the
decide whether there should be a law or not," Mr. caste claim by the Scrutiny Committee would not entail
Kumar said. The PIL plea said the appointments were the consequences of withdrawal of benefits or
made by the President solely on the basis of the advice discharge from the employment or cancellation of
given by the political-executive at the Centre. This appointments that have become final," the HC had
situation allegedly gives "ample room for the ruling concluded. There cannot be any straitjacket formula
party to choose someone whose loyalty is ensured laid down either to refuse or grant protection in the
and renders the selection process vulnerable to employment either at the initial stage or at the
manipulations and partisanship which is violative of promotional stage, it had said. The approach has to
Article 14 of the Constitution." The court posted the be practical and pragmatic rather than technical and
case for final hearing. pedantic keeping in view the object and purpose of
the Constitution in providing the benefits and
concessions to a particular category of backward
class, the High Court had observed
Persons who secured government employment and got
academic admissions under reserved categories with WHY NOT USE VVPAT UNITS FOR
the help of forged caste certificates can have their jobs GUJARAT POLLS, EC ASKED
and admission declared invalid, the Supreme Court The Supreme Court questioned the Election
held on Thursday. A Bench of Ex-Chief Justice J.S. Commission on its reluctance to use voter verifiable
Khehar and Justice D.Y. Chandrachud disagreed with paper audit trail (VVPAT) units with electronic voting
a Bombay High Court decision in 2014 that public machines for the Gujarat Assembly polls in 2017,
servants who got their jobs using fake caste certificates warning the poll panel against making excuses and
and have spent considerable time in service can be compelling the court to force its hand. "You have
afforded protection. The High Court had said that such about 87,000 machines. Why cannot you use them," a
persons could be allowed to keep their jobs. The Bench of Ex-Chief Justice of India J.S. Khehar and D.Y .
verdict came on a batch of petitions, including the one Chandrachud asked the commission. When counsel of
filed by the Maharashtra government against the High the panel replied that not all the 87,000 are functional
Court’s December 2014 judgment. The apex Court, and some have "glitches", Justice Khehar said the
however, said the findings of its verdict would not be argument sounded like an excuse. "Don’t force us …
made applicable with retrospective effect. The three- we can enforce our orders," the Bench warned, asking
judge Bench of the High Court had framed two the commission to give a reply in four weeks. The
questions: "Whether the relief of protection of service hearing was based on a petition filed by Mohit Singh,
after invalidation of the caste claim can be granted by represented by counsel Kapil Sibal, appealing against
the High Court" on the basis of a 2012 apex court a Gujarat High Court order dismissing his plea to direct
judgment; if the answer is ’yes,’ then can such relief of the commission to implement the VVPAT voting
protection of service be granted to them whose cases mechanism in the Gujarat polls or otherwise use ballot
have already been rejected by it. The High Court had papers to ensure a transparent, free and fair election.
answered the first question in the affirmative and held "The Centre has given the Election Commission

450 I Lawteller I September 2017

Rs. 3,000 crore to buy 1,50,000 machines … but now Cruelty to Animals (Maintenance of Case Property
they are saying it will take time to train people. Such Animals) Act, 2017 were "troubling" and threw up
excuses cannot be made in a democracy. In Gujarat some "sensitive" questions about the Central rules.
polls, 71,000 machines are required for the election," "We realised that certain aspects need tweaking," Mr.
Mr. Sibal said. He referred to the Supreme Court’s 2013 Narasimha submitted. The law officer however quickly
judgment in Subramanian Swamy vs Election added that a re-look at the rules does not mean a
Commission of India, in which the court held that the repeal. Mr. Narasimha sid the rules would be amended
"paper trail is an indispensable requirement of free and keeping in mind the interests of the various stake-
fair elections. The confidence of the voters in the EVMs holders, including the meat industry, and re-notified.
can be achieved only with the introduction of the The law officer conveyed to the court that the
"paper trail". EVMs with VVPAT system ensure the Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, was
accuracy of the voting system." The execution of the already working on the amendments to the rules and
VVPAT concept would result in printed receipts of they would be completed by August. Mr. Narasimha
what party the EVM machine has registered a vote for. apprised the Bench that the rules have already been
The said printed receipts would then ideally be stayed by the Medurai Bench of the Madras High
collected by the voters and subsequently dropped in Court in May last. The Centre submitted it was not
a ballot box. Therefore, the votes registered in the challenging the four-week stay order passed by the
EVM may then be tallied with the ballot papers High Court. The fact that the Madras High Court’s
collected in the ballot box, thus, allowing the stay order had lapsed on July 7 did not stop the
commission to ascertain whether a recount is required Supreme Court from endorsing it. "The directions of
or not. Such printed receipts ensure that the voting is the Madurai Bench shall extend through out the
carried out in a more transparent fashion and further country," the Supreme Court ordered. The court
inspiring confidence in the election process however, did not agree with the Centre’s suggestion
that the States should meanwhile go forward with the
work of identifying animal market spaces within their
jurisdictions as per the existing rules.
The Supreme Court stayed the Centre’s May 26
notification, banning cattle sale in livestock markets
for slaughter and religious sacrifices. The order came SC REFUSES TO NULLIFY NEET
after the government acquiesced that public outcry EXAM
and objections from the States about the law’s impact The Supreme Court declined to "nullify" the National
on livelihoods made it realise that the rules need Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) 2017 exam, saying
"tweaking". Appearing before a Bench of Ex-Chief it would affect over six lakh candidates who have
Justice of India J.S. Khehar and Justice D.Y . passed the test to join medical and dental courses. A
Chandrachud, Additional Solicitor- General P. three-judge Bench said it would be "very difficult" to
Narasimha chose his words carefully while saying the disturb the results of NEET as around 6.11 lakh
government had received a "large number of candidates, out of a total of 11.35 lakh aspirants, have
representations" that "certain aspects" of the cleared it and the counselling process was on. The
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Regulation of court refused to accept the submission of a counsel
Livestock Markets) Rules, 2017 and the Prevention of appearing for some students that the level of difficulty September 2017 I Lawteller I 451

of questions set in regional and English were different, the dead must be given due respect," the Bench
and the exams need to be conducted afresh.Additional observed The court urged the country’s executive to
Solicitor General Maninder Singh, appearing for the give the NHRC the respect and dignity due to it.
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE),
opposed the contention. "The level of difficulty of
questions were the same in all the languages. We will
put it in an affidavit. Around 1.4 lakh candidates have
given the exam in vernacular languages," Mr. Singh In a resounding blow to immunity for security and
submitted. The Bench asked the CBSE to file the armed forces personnel in disturbed areas under the
affidavit in three days. grip of the controversialArmed Forces (Special Powers)
Act, the Supreme Court ordered a time-bound CBI
probe into the deaths of over 80 civilians, allegedly
EVEN THE DIGNITY OF THE DEAD killed by police and armed forces in the north-eastern
MUST BE GIVEN DUE RESPECT State of Manipur during the heights of insurgency.
In a 26-page judgment, the Supreme Court throws open The Bench refused to entertain the Centre’s argument
how human rights and the National Human Rights that these crimes were "vintage" and there was no
Commission have suffered a slow death at the hands need to re-visit them. The government tried to placate
of the government and the State authorities. The court’s the court, saying the families of the victims were
discussion of how the neglect and stagnation suffered compensated for the loss of their loved ones and
by the NHRC has imperilled human rights in the nation nothing more needed to be done. The Centre justified
is part of a judgment on the ’fake encounter’ killings of the years of neglect or lack of investigation by the
Manipur, which did not see the light of day until the Manipur Police, blaming "local pressures" and the
families of victims approached the Supreme Court. The "ground situation" in the sensitive State. But the court
NHRC, which had investigated 20 of these deaths, was stood steadfast. Parents and families of the victims had
stonewalled for years by the authorities. So much so approached the court for answers in the cases of 1,528
that the Commission, which is actually headed by a persons finished off in what they termed as "extra-
former Chief Justice of India or judges of the Supreme judicial killings", allegedly committed by the police and
Court, had declared its own failure and termed itself a "personnel in uniform of the armed forces of the
"toothless tiger". The Bench discusses how the Union." the Bench said even the "dos and don’ts and
NHRC’s revised guidelines of 2010 makes magisterial the Ten Commandments of the Army Chief" accepts
inquiry into every police encounter death mandatory. the ethos and principle that use of excessive force or
The NHRC has to be informed of every encounter retaliatory force by uniformed personnel resulting in
death. However, these guidelines are given scant death necessitates a thorough enquiry . To the
respect by the States. In many States, human rights government’s stand that these "fake encounter" cases
commissions are obvious in their absence for years, were too old to be raked up, the court said, "if a crime
the court said. "The intention of the NHRC is to more has been committed, a crime which involves the death
effectively assist the criminal justice delivery system of a person who is possibly innocent, it cannot be
and avoid any factual controversies while respecting overlooked only because of a lapse of time." To the
human rights. It is not as if the dignity of only living Centre’s stand that the State bowed to local pressures,
persons needs to be respected. Even the dignity of the court replied that if there was a breakdown of law

452 I Lawteller I September 2017

in Manipur, the Centre was obliged to step in. "Merely The trial court sentenced him to a year’s imprisonment
because the State has not taken any action and has in the graft case. While the appeal was pending in the
allowed time to go by, it cannot take advantage of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, Mukhtiar Singh died.
delay to scuttle an inquiry," the court held. Noting that His legal heirs continued the fight for him, but
the court cannot shut its doors on the victims and eventually failed in the High Court, which confirmed
aggrieved families of those who suffered losses of life the sentence. The High Court had believed the
and property,the court retorted that mere payment of prosecution’s version that the SHO asked Sarabjit
compensation cannot douse the pain and agony of the Singh if he had brought the money, and this amounted
kin of those who were killed. "This [compensation] to a demand for payment of bribe. In the appeal, the
cannot override the law of the land. Otherwise all Supreme Court held that a mere stray question like that
heinous crimes would get settled through payment of did not confirm the accusation that Mukhtiar Singh had
monetary compensation," the Bench observed. The demanded a bribe. Besides, none of the prosecution
court noted how not a single FIR was registered witnesses could prove the date and time of the receipt
against any personnel of the Manipur police for all of the bribe.
these years
Mere possession or recovery of currency notes from A nine-judge Bench of the Supreme Court will hear the
a public official is not enough to substantiate that he question whether privacy is a fundamental human right
took a bribe, there has to be conclusive proof that he and is part of the basic structure of the Constitution.
did make a demand for illegal gratification in order to The decision taken by a five-judge Constitution Bench
find him guilty of corruption, the Supreme Court has led by Ex-Chief Justice Khehar is on the basis of a
held. "In the absence of any proof of demand for illegal bunch of petitions contending that the Aadhaar
gratification, the use of corrupt or illegal means or scheme, is a violation of the citizens’ right to privacy.
abuse of position as a public servant to obtain any The petitioners have argued that right to privacy is
valuable thing or pecuniary advantage cannot be held part of Article 21, the right to life, and interspersed in
to be proved," the Bench concluded in a recent Article 19, though not explicitly stated in the
judgment. The judgment concerns a police officer in Constitution. Two judgments of the Supreme Court -
Punjab who was convicted of taking a bribe of Rs. 2000 the M.P. Sharma case verdict pronounced by an eight-
in 2009. The prosecution said he took the money as judge Bench in 1954 shortly after the Constitution came
illegal gratification to allegedly exonerate an accused, into force in 1950 and the Kharak Singh case verdict
Sarabjit Singh, another police officer, in a dowry of 1962 by a six-judge Bench - had dominated the
harassment case. The prosecution argued that judicial dialogue on privacy since Independence. Both
Mukhtiar Singh, who was the Station House Officer judgments had concluded that privacy was not a
at the Ajnala Police Station, even threatened Sarabjit fundamental or ’guaranteed’ right. Though smaller
and the latter lodged complaint against the SHO with Supreme Court Benches have, over the years, differed
the Vigilance department. A trap was set and Mukhtiar and held that privacy is indeed basic to our
Singh was allegedly caught having taken the money. Constitution and a fundamental right, the arithmetical September 2017 I Lawteller I 453

supremacy of the MP Sharma and Kharak Singh cases registered. Police and the courts will have to wait for
continues to hold fort. Now, by forming a Bench of the committee’s inquiry report. The Supreme Court on
nine judges, Chief Justice Khehar’s Supreme Court has Thursday ordered the setting up of ’family welfare
decided to determine once and for all whether privacy committees’ in all districts under the aegis of the
is negotiable or not. The nine-judge Bench seeks to National Legal Services Authority (NALSA). A Bench
bring a quietus to the divergent judicial of Justices A.K. Goel and U.U. Lalit said Section 498A
pronouncements of the past. (dowry harassment) of the IPC had come under much
abuse. Dowry complaints were being filed in the heat
of the moment over trivial issues. The three-member
family welfare committees will be set up by the district
legal services authorities. Members can be appointed
A "mentally-retarded" adult cannot be considered a from para legal volunteers, social workers, retired
child and given refuge under the Protection of Children persons, "wives of working officers" and other
from Sexual Offences Act of 2012, the Supreme Court citizens. Every complaint received by the police and
held. The case before the court was that of a rape the Magistrate will be passed on to the local
victim, whose biological age is 38 though medical committee, which will enquire into the genuineness of
reports conclude that her "mental age" is that of six- the complaint and file a report with the police official
year-old. The woman’s mother had moved the Supreme or Magistrate concerned within a month. The
Court to expand the definition of the term ’child’ in committee can directly get in touch with the parties
Section 2 (d) of the POCSOAct to embrace adults who involved, but the members will not be called as
are "mentally-retarded or extremely intellectually- witnesses in case there is a trial. Till the report of the
challenged." The mother’s petition said the biological committee is received, no arrest should normally be
age of a person should not be the governing yardstick effected, the court said. Trial judges should close
for POCSO, which seeks to protect children from sexual Section 498A cases based on matrimonial disputes
abuse, treat them with fragility and provide them gentle once parties reached a settlement. In fact, bail should
care throughout the criminal trial and swiftly punish be given the same day, the court directed. Committees
the guilty. The victim’s mother, based in Delhi, said any of social orkers, homemakers, retired persons and other
person, even an adult, who is incapable of upstanding citizens will form the vanguard against
understanding what is happening to her, is equal to a frivolous complaints of dowry harassment in their
child. localities. They will sift the genuine cases from trivial
ones. The Supreme Court ordered the setting up of
SC FOR PANELS T O EXAMINE ’family welfare committees’ in all districts under the aegis
DOWRY CASES of the National Legal Services Authority. The three-
member family welfare committees will be set up by the
Committees of social workers, homemakers, retired
district legal services authorities. Members can be
persons and other upstanding citizens will form the
appointed from para legal volunteers, social workers,
vanguard against frivolous complaints of dowry
retired persons, "wives of working officers" and otehr
harassment in their localities. They will sift the genuine
cases from the trivial ones. No suspect shall be arrested
in a dowry case immediately after a complaint is ooooooo

454 I Lawteller I September 2017



COMPLAINANT-respondent company)
borrowed a sum of Rs. 900 lakhs comprising Rs. 180
Pvt. Ltd. without any information to the respondent-
Company. On 28.04.2007, the Kotak Mahindra Bank
moved an application before the Recovery Officer-I
lakhs through cash credits from the consortium of for appropriating Rs. 67.5 lakhs due towards the
Banks (of which the State Bank of Travancore was complainant-Company, being 50 per cent of the
the lead bank) and a sum of Rs. 720 lakhs being amount of Rs. 135 lakhs received in excess of Rs. 90
working capital demand Loan. Due to non-payment lakhs from the Ravishankar Industries Pvt. Ltd.,
of the loan amount, the account became Non- against the claim towards the State Bank of
Performing Asset. In order to recover the amount Travancore.
against the borrower, the State Bank of Travancore On 16.05.2007, the complainant-respondent Company
filed OA No. 96 of 2003 before the Debts Recovery filed a complaint against the Kotak Mahindra Bank
Tribunal (DRT), Mumbai. On 22.07.2005, the DRT and its officers being No. 18/SW/07 before the
passed a partial decree awarding a sum of Rs. 812.26 Metropolitan Magistrate, Bandra, Mumbai under
lakhs with 12 per cent interest. Sections 409, 418, read with 120-B of the Indian Penal
On 29.03.2006, the State Bank of Travancore assigned Code, 1860 (in short ’the IPC’). On 25.06.2007, the
the debts due from the complainant-Company to the Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Bandra,
Kotak Mahindra Bank together with all the securities Mumbai issued process against all the accused in the
through an Assignment Deed. On 11.01.2007, the complaint dated 16.05.2007. The accused therein
borrower-the respondent Company assigned to preferred Criminal Revision Applications being Nos.
Kotak Mahindra Bank the debt due towards it from 1024-1026 of 2007 before the Court of Sessions for
one Ravishankar Industries Pvt. Ltd. of more than Rs. Greater Bombay. Learned Additional Sessions Judge,
32 crores with an agreement that any excess recovery vide order dated 03/05.04.2008, allowed the revision
over and above Rs. 90 lakhs from Ravishankar applications while setting aside the order of issue of
Industries Pvt. Ltd. would be shared equally between process dated 25.06.2007.
the Kotak Mahindra Bank and the complainant- A fresh complaint being No. 0800009/SW/08 was filed
Company. It is pertinent to mention here that the fact by the complainant-the respondent Company before
of the alleged Assignment Deed came to the notice the Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, 8th
of the complainant-Company only on 17.01.2007 when Court, Esplanade, Mumbai under Sections 409, 418,
the Kotak Mahindra Bank handed over a copy of the 423 and 425 read with Section 120-B of the IPC
application for substituting themselves in place of against the State Bank of Travancore, Kotak
State Bank of Travancore to the respondent-Company. Mahindra Bank Limited and its officers. The
The Kotak Mahindra Bank initiated process for Metropolitan Magistrate, I/C ACMM, 8th Court,
substituting its name in place of the assignor-State Esplanade, Mumbai, vide order dated 25.01.2008,
Bank of Travancore in the recovery application and issued process against the officers of the State Bank
also withdraws two criminal complaints filed by the of Travancore and Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited. On
respondent-Company against Ravishankar Industries 11.05.2008, learned Magistrate excluded the officers September 2017 I Lawteller I 455

of the Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited in view of an Kotak Mahindra Bank was already in an agreement
application filed by the respondent-Company to with the respondent-Company in order to safeguard
withdraw the complaint against them. its interest, the fact of the Assignment Deed between
Being aggrieved, the appellants herein preferred a the State Bank of T ravancore and the Kotak
Criminal Writ Petition being No. 1279 of 2010 before Mahindra Bank with regard to alleged rights of the
the High Court. On 07.01.2011, learned single Judge State Bank of T ravancore per taining to the
of the High Court, dismissed the writ petition filed immovable properties allegedly mortgaged in its
by the appellants herein for setting aside the order favour, must be communicated by the State Bank of
of issue of process by learned Magistrate dated Travancore to the respondent-Company. More so, the
25.01.2008 against the appellants. fact of such assignment deed must also be brought
to the notice by the Kotak Mahindra Bank to the
Aggrieved by the order dated 07.01.2011, the
respondent-Company when it was responsible to
appellants have preferred this appeal by way of
provide necessary assistance to the respondent-
special leave.
The Supreme Court accepted the appeal. The TTTTTTT
complaint against the present appellants was Assignment Deed dated 29.03.2006 specifically
accordingly quashed. contains one clause which requires that the clients
and other related persons shall be informed about
The operative part of the judgment reads as under:- the alleged Assignment. But this fact was not brought
The respondent-Company came to know about the to the notice of the respondent-Company. Primarily,
Assignment Deed dated 29.03.2006 only on it was the duty of the State Bank of Travancore to
17.01.2007 when the Kotak Mahindra Bank moved inform the respondent-Company about the said
an application for substituting themselves in place assignment and secondly, Kotak Mahindra Bank was
of State Bank of Travancore on the basis of that to inform the same to the respondent-Company. If the
alleged document i.e. Assignment Deed dated intention of the Assignor and the assignee to the
29.03.2006. Neither the State Bank of Travancore Assignment Deed dated 29.03.2006 was clear, then
nor the Kotak Mahindra Bank informed the why the facts of the same were not brought to the
respondent-Company regarding the alleged notice of respondent-Company that too when Clause
Assignment Deed either before or after the alleged 2.3 of the Assignment Deed very clearly states so.
assignment. It is also on record that vide agreement TTTTTTT
dated 01.10.1999, the Kotak Mahindra Bank, which Even after the alleged assignment, in a proceeding
was earlier a financial services Company, entered before the appellate tribunal, none of the
into an agreement with the respondent-Company to representative of the S tate Bank of T ravancore
act as an advisor and to provide necessary assistance mentioned about the factum of such assignment. The
for the successful restructuring of the respondent- respondent-Company came to know about the
Company and to provide follow up and support alleged Assignment after a lapse of 9 months i.e. on
services to the complainant-Company in recovery 17.01.2007, when an application was moved by the
from its various defaulters. Kotak Mahindra Bank for substituting its name in
TTTTTTT place of State Bank of Travancore. In the absence of
Under the above terms and conditions, when the such knowledge, on 11.01.2007, the respondent-

456 I Lawteller I September 2017

Company entered into a deed of Assignment with the Company was kept in dark by the State Bank of
Kotak Mahindra Bank wherein all the dues of a Travancore at the time of alleged Assignment Deed
defaulter, viz., Ravishankar Industries Pvt. Ltd., of dated 29.03.2006.
more than Rs. 32 crores were assigned to the Kotak TTTTTTT
Mahindra Bank. The Kotak Mahindra Bank was However, from the admitted position, it is evident that
under an obligation to inform the respondent- the complainant-respondent Company in its wisdom
Company about the earlier Assignment Deed which had withdrawn the complaint against the two
was not done. More so, the Kotak Mahindra Bank persons, who were the officers of the Kotak Mahindra
received a sum of Rs. 225 lakhs in March 2007 from Bank Ltd. from a common complaint made against
Ravishankar Industries Pvt. Ltd. but without giving four persons. However, we do not find any reason as
any information as to the terms of settlement and the to why the remaining two persons, being the present
mode of payment to the complainant-Company , appellants, who were the officers of the State Bank
approached the Recovery Officer-I for appropriating of Travancore at the r elevant time, ar e being
the same. prosecuted. Hence, the complaint against the present
TTTTTTT appellants does not survive and in the interest of
There is no denying the fact that both the appellants justice the same is liable to quashed and is
were responsible for day to day functioning of the accordingly quashed.
State Bank of Travancore. Furthermore, admittedly, TTTTTTT
appellant No.1 was in employment of the State Bank Authorities relied upon : 1979 (4) SCC 396.
of Travancore at the time of the execution of the deed Reference : Supreme Court. K. Sitaram & Anr. v. CFL
of assignment and the appellant No.2 was the Capital Financial Service Ltd. & Anr., Criminal Appeal
signatory to it. On a bare perusal of the complaint, No. 2285 of 2011.
it creates an iota of doubt as to why the respondent-



The El Salvador Legislative Assembly unanimously voted to eliminate a law that allowed men to marry minors
that they had impregnated. The legal age to marry in El Salvador was 18 even before this change. But, a 23-
old exceptional rule allowed those under 18 to wed with parental consent. That exception has been widely
abused, particularly in rural areas, where families have been marrying off daughters to their alleged rapists
with an intention to protect the "family honor", and so that the girl would not have to care for the child on
her own. The exception also protected rapists and other sex offenders from criminal prosecution. This change
leaves the legal age of consent intact at 18, but strikes down the exception that allowed these "honor
marriages". According to El Salvador government data, there are more than 22,000 minors who are married or
co-habiting. UNICEF welcomed the change stating that the "reform is an important element to begin to generate
a change of conduct ... This is a cultural question that has roots in the discriminatory, patrimonial practices
facing girls" in El Salvador. September 2017 I Lawteller I 457

Late Perummal Naidu (died in 1924)

Late Subbammal Late Lakshmi Ammal Late Pappu Ammal

(1st Wife) (2nd Wife) (3rd Wife)

Late Muthuammal
Late Alamelu Ammal Ramanujatha No Child
(daughter) Ammal (Defendant)
(Died in 1987) (daughter) (died in 2004)

Late Andal Late Vijayalakshmi

Ammal (daughter)
(daughter) (died as minor)

Seetharama Naidu Late Sagunthala

(son) (daughter)
(Plaintiff No.1) (Plaintiff No. 2)

As would be clear from the family tree, the original ancestor of the family was one male Hindu - Perumal
Naidu. He owned extensive immovable properties situated in Thenkarai Esanur, Thiruvaikur Vattam,
Nagapattinam Taluk in State of Tamil Nadu. The details of the properties held by Perumal Naidu are set out
in the plaint and would hereafter be referred to as "suit properties".
Perumal had three wives-Subbammal, Lakshmi Ammal and Pappu Ammal. Out of the first marriage with
Subbammal, one daughter was born - Muthammal. Out of the wedlock of Muthammal, two daughters-Andal
Ammal and Vijayalakshmi were born. Vijayalakshmi, however, died during her minority. Out of the wedlock of

458 I Lawteller I September 2017

Andal Ammal, one son-Seetharama Naidu (plaintiff filed appeal being First Appeal No. 284/1925 but it was
No.1) and a daughter- Sagunthala (plaintiff No. 2) dismissed. The plaintiffs then filed second appeal,
were born. which was also dismissed. This litigation ended
Out of Perumal Naidu’s second marriage with Lakshmi finally as no further appeal was filed by the plaintiffs
Ammal, two daughters were born-AlameluAmmal and after the decision of the High Court in S.A. No. 234
Ramanujatha Ammal (defendant). Both did not have of 1925.
any issue. Alamelu Ammal died in 1987 whereas On 29.07.1957, two daughters of Perumal Naidu from
Ramanujatha Ammal died in 2004. So far as Perumal his second wife- Alamelu Ammal and Ramanujatha
Naidu’s 3rd wife-Pappu Ammal is concerned, she died Ammal effected partition between them in relation to
issueless. the properties which they had received by Will from
On 27.12.1923, Perumal Naidu executed a Will and their late father. Both also got their name mutated in
bequeathed his immovable and movable properties the revenue records as owner in respect of their
including the suit properties to his heirs such as, his respective shares.
3rd wife, two daughters from second wife, his On 01.10.1987, Alamelu Ammal-daughter of Perumal
granddaughters from first wife and his son-in-law. The Naidu executed a Will of her property and bequeathed
Will specified the extent of properties bequeathed to its some portion to her sister-Ramanujatha Ammal
each heir named above. Soon after the execution of and the remaining to the appellant herein. Alamelu
the Will, Perumal Naidu died in the 1924. Ammal, however, died soon after execution of theWill
The execution of the Will by Perumal Naidu gave rise on 29.10.1987.
to litigation amongst his heirs. One suit being Civil Ramanujatha Ammal-another daughter also executed
Suit No.13/1924 was filed by his two daughters- a Will dated 25.11.1987 of her share, which consisted
Alamelu Ammal and Ramanujatha Ammal. Since both of some properties received by her from her father
the daughters were minor, therefore, the suit was filed and remaining from her sister -AlameluAmmal by Will
through their local guardian - one Gopalsami Naidu. .By her Will, she bequeathed her properties to the
In the suit, the challenge was made to the legality and appellant herein and others.
validity of the Will executed by Perumal Naidu It is with the aforementioned factual background,
including the extent of properties bequeathed to the second round of litigation began between the
plaintiffs. According to the plaintif fs, they were surviving heirs of Late Perumal Naidu out of which
entitled to receive more shares in the properties left the present appeal arises.
by their father - Late Perumal Naidu than what was The second round of litigation with which we are
bequeathed to them in the Will. In this suit, Andal concerned here was initiated by two heirs, i.e., great-
Ammal-grand-daughter of late Perumal Naidu, who is grandson and the great-granddaughter of late
the mother of the plaintiffs of this litigation was one Perumal Naidu- Seetharama Naidu and Sagunthala-
of the defendants. son/daughter of Andal Ammal, who is the daughter
Vide judgment/decree dated 15.09.1925, theTrial Court of Muthammal, who, in turn, is the daughter of
dismissed the suit. It was, however, held that the Will Perumal Naidu from his first wife Subbammal.
executed by Perumal Naidu in favour of his several On 15.12.1987, Seetharama Naidu and Sagunthala
heirs was a valid Will. The plaintiffs, felt aggrieved, served a legal notice to Ramanujatha Ammal. Though September 2017 I Lawteller I 459

in the notice, no legal basis was mentioned and nor The defendant filed her written statement and denied
any specific share in the suit properties was the plaintiffs’ claim. According to her, the Will
demanded and nor any factual foundation was laid executed by Perumal Naidu (her father) conferred
as to how and on what basis, the notice was being "absolute interest" on the defendant and her sister-
sent demanding share in the properties held by Alamelu Ammal in the suit properties and not the "life
Alamelu Ammal and Ramanujatha Ammal except interest" as contended by the plaintiffs. It was also
stating therein that they were entitled to claim right, contended that since the defendant and her sister
title, interest and share in the properties received by Alamelu Ammal, got "absolute interest" in the
Ramanujatha Ammal from her late father and sister- properties, Alamelu Ammal was, therefore, competent
Alamelu Ammal. In other words, according to them, to transfer her share in any manner to anyone and
the properties received and possessed by which she did by executing the Will in defendant’s
Ramanujatha Ammal had devolved on them by favour. It was also contended that on the death of
succession on the death of Alamelu Ammal in 1987 Alamelu Ammal in 1987, her share did not devolve
but did not devolve on Ramanujatha Ammal because on the plaintiffs as heirs of Perumal Naidu but it
they were heirs through father’s side. Ramanujatha devolved upon the defendant by virtue of two Wills-
Ammal, on receipt of notice, denied the claim by one executed by her father Perumal Naidu and the
sending her reply on 23.12.1987. other executed by her sister-Alamelu Ammal.
Seetharama Naidu and Sagunthala then filed a suit The Trial Court, vide judgment/decree dated
being Civil Suit No. 26/1988 on 23.03.1988 against 16.06.1994 dismissed the suit. It was held thatAlamelu
Ramanujatha Ammal. The suit was for a declaration Ammal and defendant had "absolute interest" in the
of their title and for possession in relation to the suit properties received by them by Will from Perumal
properties. In substance, the plaintiffs’ case was that Naidu. It was also held that the plaintiffs failed to
the defendant and her late sister-Alamelu Ammal had prove that the defendant or/and Alamelu Ammal had
only life interest in the properties which she had only life interest in the properties. It was also held
received from their late father Perumal Naidu through that since the plaintiffs’ mother Andal Ammal (who
Will and hence on the death ofAlamelu Ammal in 1987, was grand-daughter of Late Perumal Naidu) also got
the properties held by her devolved on the plaintiffs one share along with the defendant and others in the
as reversioners by succession through Perumal properties through same Will of Perumal Naidu and
Naidu’s first wife as father’s heirs. It was averred that she having enjoyed "absolute interest" of her share
disposition made by Alamelu Ammal of her share by like other heirs, had no right to challenge the Will nor
Will executed in favour of her sister- Ramanujatha the plaintiffs, who are her son and daughter, had any
Ammal was of no avail because Alamelu Ammal right to challenge the Will. It was held that it was more
herself had life interest in the properties and, so when Andal Ammal was party to the earlier civil
therefore, such properties could not be bequeathed suit, she was bound by the findings recorded in the
by her through Will to the defendant. It was averred said suit.
that her property could not be devolved on the The plaintiffs, felt aggrieved, filed first appeal being
defendant also by succession but could only be A.S.No. 124/1994 before the District Judge. By
devolved in favour of the plaintiffs as father’s heirs judgment dated 14.08.1995, the District Judge
(reversioners). dismissed the appeal and affirmed the judgment/

460 I Lawteller I September 2017

decree of the Trial Court. aside the judgement of the High Court and that
The plaintiffs, felt aggrieved, filed Second Appeal No. judgement of trial court was restored resulting in
873/2003 before the High Court. During the pendency dismissal of the suit filed by the plaintiff.
of the second appeal, the defendant passed away on
29.07.2004. The plaintiffs filed C.M.P. No. 8691 of 2006
The operative part of the judgment reads as under:-
before the High Court to implead the appellant herein The High Court was right in upholding all the
as respondent in the second appeal as legal findings of fact of the two courts below but was not
representatives of the defendant. By its order dated right in relying upon Section 15(2)(a) of the Act for
25.04.2012, the High Court brought the appellant allowing the plaintiffs’ second appeal by treating
herein as respondent to represent the estate of the them to be Class I heirs from father’s side and, in
respondent (defendant). consequence, was also not right in decreeing the
plaintiffs’ suit in part by granting 1/3rd share to each
By impugned judgment, the High Court interfered in
plaintiff in the suit property. This finding, as held
the judgment/decree of the two courts below, allowed
above, is legally unsustainable and hence deserves
the appeal in part and while setting aside the
to be set aside.
judgment, decreed the suit in part. The High Court,
however, upheld the concurrent findings of the two
Schedule in relation to Class I heirs was amended
Courts below and held that the Will executed by
by the Parliament by Act 39/2005 w.e.f. 9.9.2005. By
Perumal Naidu in favour of his two daughters
this amendment, four new categories of heirs, namely,
conferred "absolute interest" in the properties and
(1) son of a pre-deceased daughter of a pre-deceased
not the "life interest" as claimed by the plaintiffs. The
daughter; (2) daughter of a pre-deceased daughter
High Court then proceeded to place reliance on
of a pre-deceased daughter; (3) daughter of a pre-
Section 15 (2) (a) read with Section 8 and Schedule
deceased son of a pre-deceased daughter; and (4)
appended to the Hindu Succession Act, 1956
daughter of a pre-deceased daughter of a pre-
(hereinafter referred to as "the Act") and held that
deceased son, were included in the categories of
since the plaintiffs are son and daughter of a pre-
Class I heirs.
deceased daughter of a pre-deceased daughter and
are class I heir as specified in the Schedule and
The High Court rightly upheld all the material
hence by virtue of Section 15(2)(a) which has
findings of the two courts below but committed one
overriding effect on those categories of the heirs
legal error when it placed reliance on Section
specified in sub-section (1), would be entitled to claim
15(2)(a) read with Schedule appended to the Act for
1/3rd share in the suit properties along with
granting relief to the plaintiffs and by recognizing
defendant, i.e., plaintiff No. 1 would be entitled to get
their right in the suit properties against the
1/3rd, plaintiff No. 2 would be entitled to get 1/3rd,
defendant. This finding of the High Court is bad in
i.e., both would get 2/3rd share whereas the defendant
would be entitled to get 1/3rd in relation to the
properties specified in schedule ’A’ ( except one item).
The High Court was not right in placing reliance on
Against this judgment of the High Court, the Section 15 of the Act for deciding the rights of the
defendant felt aggrieved and filed special leave parties. It is for the simple reason that the category
petition. The Supreme Court accepted the appeal, set of heirs to which the plaintiffs had belonged, namely, September 2017 I Lawteller I 461

"son of a pre-deceased daughter of a pre-deceased of succession/devolution to claim any interest in the
daughter and daughter of a pre-deceased daughter properties of Alamelu Ammal in 1987 as father’s heir.
of a pre-deceased daughter" was added in the TTTTTTT
Schedule (class I) only with effect from 9.9.2005 by It is not in dispute that the Courts below
amendment by Act No. 39 of 2005. concurrently held and, in our view , rightly that
TTTTTTT Perumal Naidu bequeathed his properties to all his
The plaintiffs, therefore, were not entitled in law to heirs including his two daughters by conferring on
take the benefit of the aforesaid amendment because them "absolute interest" and not the "life interest"
even according to them, their right to claim the share, in the properties.
if any, in the suit properties held by Alamelu Ammal TTTTTTT
accrued on the death of Alamelu Ammal in 1987 and One cannot dispute a legal proposition that once a
they filed civil suit in the year 1988. heir becomes the absolute owner of the property by
TTTTTTT virtue of a Will then as a necessary consequence, he/
The plaintiffs’ rights as an heir to claim shares in the she is entitled to alienate such property by any mode
suit properties had to be worked out on the basis of permissible in law to anyone.
law in force on the date (1987), i.e., when succession TTTTTTT
opened for them to enforce such right and when they Authorities relied upon :
filed the suit (1988). Reference : Supreme Cour t. Karunanidhi v.
TTTTTTT Seetharama Naidu & Ors., Civil Appeal No. 4490 of
The category of an heir to which the plaintiffs 2017 (Arising out of SLP (C) No.22148/2013) [From
belonged was not included in class I list in the the Judgment and Order dated 26.07.2012 of the High
Schedule in 1987 but it was so included for the first Court of Judicature at Madras in S. A. No. 873 of
time on 09.09.2005 by Act 39/2005. In this view of 2003].
the matter, the plaintiffs had no right on the strength



The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that Judge Scott Silliman should have
recused himself in a case concerning multiple defendants who were charged with aiding in the 9/11 attacks.
The petitioner, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, argued that Silliman was biased in the matter and cited a 2010
comment in which Silliman called Mohammad and his co-defendants the major conspirators in the 9/11 attacks.
The court found that because Silliman "expressed an opinion that Petitioner is guilty of the very crimes of
which he is accused", he manifested an "apparent bias" and thus should have recused himself. The court
granted the petition asking the court to recuse Silliman and vacated a decision by the United States Court of
Military Commission to reinstate charges for attacking civilians and destroying property in violation of the
law of war against Mohammad and his co-defendants.

462 I Lawteller I September 2017



IN A MOTOR accident on 02.02.1977. A claim
petition was filed, under Section 166 of the Motor
learned counsel for the appellant was, that even
though there may no longer be a defined period of
limitation, for approaching the Motor Accident
Vehicles Act, 1988 (hereinafter referred to as ’the 1988 Claims Tribunal, to raise a claim for compensation
Act’), seeking compensation on account of the motor (under the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act,
accident, wherein the respondents’ daughter had 1988), yet a claimant must approach a Court, for
died, on 23.02.2005 i.e., after a period of more than 28 raising such a claim within a reasonable time. It was
years. The Motor Accident Claims Tribunal submitted, that after a period of time, the claim would
(hereinafter referred to as ’the Tribunal’) entertained be stale and will have to be treated as a dead claim.
the above claim. A prayer made to reject the claim Such a claim, it was submitted, could not be treated
petition, for the reason, that the said claim had been as a surviving claim.
raised 28 years after the accident in question, was TTTTTTT
rejected. It is in these circumstances, that M/s Purohit A claim raised before the Motor Accident Claims
and Company (the petitioner herein) approached the Tribunal, can be considered to be genuine, so long
High Court, wherein, the matter was re-adjudicated. as it is a live and surviving claim. We are satisfied in
Again, a prayer was made at the hands of the accepting the declared position of law, expressed in
petitioner, that the claim had been made belatedly, and the judgments relied upon by the learned counsel for
was not a surviving claim. The High Court, upheld the appellant. It is not as if, it can be open to all
the justiciability of the claim petition, on the short and sundry, to approach a Motor Accident Claims
ground, that no period of limitation had been Tribunal, to raise a claim for compensation, at any
provided for raising a claim for compensation, under juncture, after the accident had taken place. The
the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. individual concerned, must approach the Tribunal
The judgment rendered by the High Court on within a reasonable time.
07.07.2015, has been assailed by M/s Purohit & TTTTTTT
Company through the instant petition for special The question of reasonability would naturally
leave to appeal. The Supreme Court set aside the depend on the facts and circumstances of each case.
impugned order dated 7.7.2015 and allowed the A delay of 28 years, even without reference to any
instant appeal by holding that the claim raised by the other fact, cannot be considered as a prima facie
respondent before the motor accident tribunal was reasonable period, for approaching the Motor
nor surviving claim, when the respondents Accident Claims Tribunal.
approached the said Tribunal. TTTTTTT
Undoubtedly, the claim (pertaining to an accident
The operative part of the judgment reads as under:- which had occurred on 02.02.1977), in the facts and
The solitary contention advanced at the hands of the circumstances of the instant case, was stale, and September 2017 I Lawteller I 463

ought to have been treated as a dead claim, at the respondents, we consider it just and appropriate, in
point of time, when the respondents approached the the facts and circumstances of this case, to direct the
Tribunal by filing a claim petition, on 23.02.2005. Registry of this Court, to transmit the aforesaid
TTTTTTT amount of Rs.25,000/- to the respondents.
It is relevant to notice, that by a motion bench order TTTTTTT
dated 14.09.2015, the appellant herein was directed Authorities relied upon : 2003 (Suppl. 1) SC 273.
to deposit a sum of Rs.25,000/- towards litigation Reference : Supreme Court. M/s Purohit and
expenses, payable to the respondents. The aforesaid Company v. Khatoonbee and Anr., Civil Appeal No.
deposit was actually made (as has been noticed, in 2555 of 2017 [Arising out of SLP (C) No. 25760 of
the motion bench order, dated 12.07.2016). Since 2015].
the deposit was made, and was payable to the



Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed a bill into law that expands access to abortions and birth control. The
bill prohibits health benefit plans from imposing a deductible, coinsurance, copayment or any other cost
sharing requirements on services such as abortions or birth control. Additionally, the bill allows state funds
to be used to provide reproductive healthcare to non-citizens who are not eligible for Medicaid. There is an
exception that allows employers to exclude coverage for abortions or contraceptives that are contrary to
their religious beliefs. However, the employer must notify all of their employees in writing of all of the procedures
that are not covered due to their religious objections. The provisions included in the bill were set to take
effect immediately upon its passage.


Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed SB 189 removing the statutes of limitations on certain sexual abuse
crimes. The legislation amends chapter 38, sections 3-6, of the Illinois Criminal Code to eliminate a time guard
for reporting felony sex crimes and sex crimes against children. Under the previous code a victim of these sex
crimes had to report the crime within 20 years of reaching age 18. The statute now reads, "When the victim
is under 18 years of age at the time of the offense, a prosecution for criminal sexual assault, aggravated
criminal sexual assault, predatory criminal sexual assault of a child, aggravated criminal sexual abuse, or felony
criminal sexual abuse may be commenced at any time…". The stricken language above expands the time
period and circumstances under which a prosecution for sex crimes can commence. Some of the crimes covered
by the bill include child pornography, solicitation for a juvenile prostitute, promoting juvenile prostitution,
criminal sexual assault, and sexual conduct toward minors. The legislation takes immediate effect.

464 I Lawteller I September 2017


The operative part of the judgment reads as under:-

APPROACHED THE HIGH Court with a petition
under Section 438 of the Cr.P.C. By the impugned
We are afraid, the stand taken by the High Cour t
cannot be appreciated. The petition was for
order dated 7.3.2017, the petition was rejected on the anticipatory bail and the one which had been filed
ground that the appellant had filed a petition earlier earlier might have been withdrawn in a given
and the same had been withdrawn and, therefore, the situation, without inviting the Court to consider the
appellant cannot be allowed to re-agitate the matter same on merits. On change of circumstances, when
on merits. another application under Section 438 Cr.P.C. was
filed, the High Court should have considered the
Against the judgement of the High Court special leave
same on merits. The principle of res judicata could
petition as filed. The Supreme Court accepted the
not have operated in an application for bail.
appeal, set aside the order dated 7.3.2017. The matter
was directed to be posted before the appropriate
Reference : Supreme Court. Rani Dudeja v. State of
Court on 3.4.2017 for consideration in accordance
Haryana, Criminal Appeal No. 615 of 2017 [@ Special
with law.
Leave Petition (Crl) No. 2406 of 2017].



Myanmar’s parliament amended the 2013 Telecommunications Law amidst growing concerns regarding the
freedom of expression. The new law permits judges to release people on bail, allows only those directly
affected, or with permission from those directly affected, by the offense to press charges, and reduces the
maximum prison sentence to two years. However , many in opposition of the law say that the amendments do
little to reduce the restrictions on speech. Clause 66(d) of the law prohibits the "extorting, coercing, restraining
wrongfully, defaming, disturbing, causing undue influence or threatening to any person by using any
Telecommunications Network". Under this clause, journalists have been arrested, such as activist Maung
Daung Kha who was imprisoned for six months for defamation. According to Kha, "freedom of expression is
still being threatened as long as clause 66(d) exists". In June 2017 human rights groups released a joint
statement declaring that the law was being used "to stifle criticism of the authorities" and urging authorities
to repeal the law due to its vagueness. However, members of the Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy
say that the law reduces hate speech and false news. According to the advocacy group Research Term for
the law, 17 journalists have been charged or arrested since last year. September 2017 I Lawteller I 465

An American attorney had just finished a guest DID YOU KNOW?
lecture at a law school in Italy when an Italian
n Victoria, Australia
lawyer approached him and asked, "Is it true that
a person can fall down on a sidewalk in your It is illegal to change a light bulb yourself
country and then sue the landowners for lots of unless you are a qualified electrician.
Told that it was true, the lawyer turned to his n China
partner and started speaking rapidly in Italian.
It is illegal for the Tibetan monks to
When they stopped, the American attorney asked
reincarnate without the government’s
if they wanted to go to America to practice law.
"No, no," one replied. "We want to go to America permission.
and fall down on sidewalks."
n Switzerland
BANK ROBBERY Flushing the toilet after 10 pm in an
After two-week criminal trial in a very high profile
apartment building is illegal. The Swiss
bank robbery case, the jury finally ended its hours
government considers it noise pollution.
of deliberations and entered the courtroom to
deliver its verdict to the judge.
The judge turns to the jury foreman and asks, n Texas, U.S.
"Has the jury reached a verdict in this case?"
It is illegal to threaten somebody with an
"Yes we have, your honor ," the foreman
unloaded gun.
Disclaimer - Lawteller Team is not responsible for the
"Would you please pass it to me," actuality of the above information as available in the
The judge declared, as he motioned for the bailiff public domain.
to retrieve the verdict slip from the foreman and
deliver it to him.
After the judge reads the verdict himself, he
delivers the verdict slip back to his bailiff to be
returned to the foreman and instructs the foreman,
"Please read your verdict to the court."
"We find the defendant NOT GUILTY of all four
counts of bank robbery," stated the foreman.
The family and friends of the defendant jump for
joy at the sound of the "not guilty" verdict and hug
each other as they shout expressions of divine
gratitude. The defendant‘s attorney turns to his
client and asks, "So, what do you think about
The defendant looks around the courtroom slowly "Sunny, tell your father what you learned
with a bewildered look on his face and then turns
to his defense attorney and says, "I‘m real
today in pre-pre-pre-pre-law school"
confused here. Does this mean that I have to give START THEM YOUNG...
all the money back?" Courtesy -

466 I Lawteller I September 2017

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