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Proceedings of the ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference

July 17-21, 2016, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada



Heiner Oesterlin Gerhard Maier
Fraunhofer Institute for Fraunhofer Institute for
Mechanics of Materials IWM Mechanics of Materials IWM
Freiburg, Germany Freiburg Germany

ABSTRACT resulting deformation and damage. Results for temperature

A full scale creep-fatigue test component made of P91 was distribution, cyclic short term deformation and long term creep
developed and tested as part of the MACPLUS (European fatigue deformation are compared with measured data. The
Union FP7) project. Current international standards for lifetime lifetime assessment results of the three standards as well as the
assessment for thick walled power plant components were advanced model are presented in section 3. The following
applied. In addition an advanced concept based on creep- discussion explains some of the deviations of results and tries
fatigue crack growth was also used in finite element to show some general challenges in creep-fatigue lifetime
simulations. The results are compared with each other and the modelling for future works.
measurements of the heavily instrumented component.
Individual strength and weaknesses as well as general THE COMPONENT TEST
challenges for creep-fatigue lifetime assessment are analyzed The component was made from a 750 mm section of P91
and discussed. pipe with wall thickness 50 mm and outer diameter 450 mm.
The component design and load was optimized with methods
INTRODUCTION described in (5). To this end the wall thickness was reduced to
Increased power production by fluctuating renewable 15 mm in the rough middle of the pipe. This 250 mm long
energy sources, have led to frequent load changes for “gauge length” ends in two radii of 5 mm with a 90 ° angle at
conventional power plants. The lifetime assessment of thick the top and a 120 ° angle at the bottom. The pipe was welded
walled components in the current and future environment hence shut with lids on both ends with the heat affected zones well
often requires accurate description of creep-fatigue interaction. clear of the gauge length and radii. The component was heated
Current codes and standards like the EN 12952 (1,2), the to 620 °C by heating mats on the outside of the pipe (but not in
British assessment procedure R5 (3) or the ASME BPVC (III the gauge length area). The component was pressurized to 67
NH T-1400) (4) have very different approaches to creep-fatigue bar by an inlet in the bottom lid. Every 6 hours the pressure was
lifetime evaluation and are known to yield extremely different released (through an outlet in the top lid) and the inside wall
results when applied to the same scenario. In addition the latter radically cooled by a water spray jet specifically focused on the
two allow for either an elastic analysis with subsequent gauge length (with the heating still working on the outside).
(mostly) analytic corrections or an inelastic analysis. Afterwards the component was repressurized and heated back
A review of the existing design codes was an integral part to target temperature. Naturally the entire component was
of work package 6 of the MACPLUS project. Real life power strongly insulated on to keep energy loss at a minimum.
plant components are often not (yet) run until crack initiation
and for damaged components the exact loads they experienced
over decades of service are often unclear. Hence an accurate
design code review based on real life components is very
difficult. Small scale lab experiments on the other hand often
suffer from unrealistic loading conditions. This led to the
development of the P91 creep fatigue test component described
in the first section of this work. Finite element (FE) simulations
were an integral part in designing the component and
evaluating its behavior during the test. Section 2 gives a short
introduction to the simulations for temperature distribution and

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removed and a crack in the lower radius, spanning 600 mm or
170 ° in circumferential direction was found (see figure 2). At
failure the component had a permanent deformation of about
0,6 % strain in circumferential direction in the middle of the
gauge length as reported by both the continuous strain gauges
and the offline ceramic inlets in very good accordance with
each other.

Figure 1: Schematic of the test component

The design aims were to have a failure within the project

runtime by a mostly fatigue driven crack in one of the radii.
This was done so the crack could be freely observed from the
outside without dismantling the component. A noncritical Figure 2: The crack in the lower radius spanned the component
amount of approximately 1 % creep strain in the gauge length for 170 ° in circumferential direction with the 90 ° position as
at failure was aimed for. its approximate center
The component was heavily instrumented (6) for details
about exact placement of sensors) by project partner TÜV A full program of accompanying lab experiments from
Rheinland Werkstoffprüfung GmbH. This included about 60 another section of the same P91 pipe as the component was
thermocouples for both heating control and measurements done at Fraunhofer IWM Freiburg. This included tensile tests,
(focusing on the gauge length area). High temperature strain low cycle fatigue (LCF) experiments (some with a complex
gauges were placed close to the radii and in the middle of the pre-program), thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) experiments,
gauge length in both axial and circumferential direction. slow LCFs with low strain rates (down to 5e-5 1/s) and LCF
Potential drop probes were placed over the radii in multiple tests with 1 h dwell in tension. See (9) for some of the
positions for crack detection. Ceramic insets were used for experimental data. In addition creep experiments were
offline deformation measurement via photogrammetric conducted by the project partner MPA Stuttgart.
methods. Project partner Imperial College London provided
additional strain measurements via experimental sensors (see
As was expected the inside of the component experienced For the FE simulations an axisymmetric model of the
rigorous thermal shock conditions. At the beginning of the test component was made in ABAQUS. The component was
the inside volume above and below the gauge length was filled modelled as homogenous, since the welds were deemed to be in
with ceramic balls in a cage structure. After 50 cycles, this non-critical areas. Neither the inlet, outlet, nor insulation was
containment failed (due to thermal shock) and the component included in the model. Sensitivity analyses were done for both
was opened to permanently remove the cages and balls. Twice the mesh and the time increment size in all simulation steps,
– after a total of 148 and 371 cycles – the water spray jet was which led to a very fine mesh in the radii.
replaced, after changes in temperature distribution implied that
it had been damaged by thermal shock (which turned out true
on both occasions). The water inlet was designed, such that this
was possible without opening the component or removing most
of the insulation.
After 381 cycles the potential drop signals showed clear
signs of a crack in the lower radius. The insulation was

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Figure 4: Results of the temperature measurements during
cooling (symbols) compared to simulation results (lines). TSG1
was at the upper end if the gauge length, TC2 in its middle,
TU3-4 at its bottom end, and TU13-14 on the lower chamfer.

The resulting temperature-time fields from the thermal

simulation were used as boundary conditions for the
deformation simulations. All movements except for radial
Figure 3: The boundary conditions for the FE-simulation (a) expansion were blocked for the lower edge of the component
and the three zones on the inside wall during the cooling (b) (where it rested on a table). The time dependent pressure was
applied to the inside wall of the component. The thermal
For the thermal simulation the heating mats were expansion coefficient were derived from measurements on the
modelled by a boundary condition of constant temperature same batch of P91. Simulations were done with an elastic
(620 °C). Since the gauge length was only indirectly heated material behavior (10) and with a Chaboche-type model
from the top and bottom, but lost a small amount of heat implemented in a user sub routine (UMAT).
through the insulation a thermal gradient (~ 10K) along the The visco-plastic Chaboche model was calibrated to the
gauge length was measured in the stable state. This was accompanying lab experiments. The model is able to describe
modelled by introducing a heat sink on the outside wall of the cyclic plasticity (including cyclic softening), time dependent
gauge length with sink temperature 30 °C and the (fitted) heat plasticity like strain rate dependency and creep as well as the
transfer coefficient of 0.45 W m-2 K-1. The water cooling during interactions between these effects. A detailed description of the
the cooling phase was modelled by applying time dependent model can be found in (9). The model was found to match the
heat transfer to three different zones on the inside wall (see experimental date very well, with some examples shown in
figure 3). The amplitudes of these heat transfers were figure 5.
meticulously fitted to the measured temperatures during
cooling, first in the 180 ° angular position since this direction
had the most thermocouples available (eight) and afterwards
rescaled to the 90 ° position which showed slightly higher
thermal gradients (see figure 4). Thermophysical material
parameters for P91 were taken from (10).

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Length change in mm

End of cooling

1.95 Measurement

0 3600 7200 10800 14400 18000 21600
Cycle time
Figure 5: Two experiments (symbols) with the fitted Chaboche Figure 7: Length change in the middle of the gauge length (90°
model (line). Top: Creep experiment at 620 °C and 107.4 MPa. position) in circumferential direction during a cycle as
Bottom: Out of phase TMF 100 – 600 °C. determined by the strain gauge installed on the component and
the Chaboche model simulation.
The simulations showed that due to the reduced wall
thickness and the deliberate focus of the water spray the gauge
length is cooled much more than the rest of the component. After about 130 cycles the water jet broke which resulted
This leads to a contraction of the gauge length which in term in a very sudden temperature drop in a small localized area.
overstretches the radii (see figure 6). Since the cooling was This permanently caused a drastic “slight banana shape” global
faster (and reached lower minimum temperatures) in the lower deformation recorded by the strain sensors around the
gauge length the lower radius is overstretched more compared component and confirmed by the photogrammetric
with the upper radius. Temperature gradients across the wall measurements after the experiment. The simulation of the long
itself were low in the gauge length, due to the small wall term creep deformation was done twice with the Chaboche
thickness. model. Once as a pure creep deformation simulation with
constant (homogenous) temperature and inner pressure (the
maximum values during the cycle) and once including the
interaction with the load changes. Figure 8 shows the
circumferential creep strain in the middle of the gauge length
from the component and both simulations over the creep time
(time filtered for T > 550 °C and p > 50 bars). The thermocyclic
simulation matches the data much better than the static creep
simulation and quite well overall with exception of the sudden
jump due to the broken water jet.
Experimental data
8000 Experimental data without "jump"
Thermocyclic simulation 200 cycles
Figure 6: The deformation of the component and its Creep Simulation (Pmax,Tmax)
creep strain [m/m]

temperature (as contour). For better visibility the deformation 6000

is enhanced by a factor of 50.
The cyclic deformation recorded by the strain gauge ne
ted li
sensors was found to be matched very well by the Chaboche pola
model simulation, as seen for example in figure 7. The 2000
intermediate peak at the end of cooling is believed to be caused
by a temperature difference between the sensor and the
calibrating thermocouple at the end of the rapid cooling; 0
0 240 480 720 960 1200 1440 1680 1920
specifically it is not seen in the strain gauges at the chamfers
near the radii, which experience slower cooling rates, but are Creep time [s]
still well matched by the simulation.

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Figure 8: Permanent deformation as measured by the strain
gauge in the middle of the gauge length in circumferential Description Nomenclature Value
direction compared to simulation results. Only creep time (time as in the code
filtered for T > 550 °C and p > 50 bar) is counted on the x-axis. Elastic stress range 2fva 848 MPa
Stress range with plastic 2fa* 1018 MPa
Further details about the FE simulations can be found in correction
(11). Correction for surfaces CK 1
quality and welds
Correction for temperature Ct* 0.574
LIFETIME ASSESMENT RESULTS Virtual effective stress 2fa*T* 1772 MPa
All lifetime assessments were done for the lower radius range
where the crack occurred in the component. With the exception Allowed cycles till failure N 815
of the advanced fracture mechanics based approach (which
evaluated the entire component) no other locations were Combining the creep and fatigue analysis by linear damage
checked for lower lifetimes. accumulation gives 725 allowed cycles till failure with 89%
fatigue and 11% creep lifetime consumption. It should be
The EN 12952 asks for separate creep and fatigue analysis noted, that due to the ample use of safety factors, this should be
and assumes linear damage accumulation to 100 % total a minimum lifetime.
The British assessment procedure R5 also uses linear
𝐷𝐶 + 𝐷𝑓𝑎𝑡 ≤ 100% damage accumulation for creep and fatigue to 100% total
damage. For the creep analysis a ductility exhaustion approach
The creep analysis is based on membrane stress (Tresca- is used, where creep strain is summed up to a fracture strain
equivalent) under primary load only and uses the material (which can depend on temperature and strain rate).
specific lower scatter band (20%-stress increase) to determine
creep lifetime. Using 4 h of dwell time per cycle at 620 °C and 𝜀̇𝐶 (𝑡)
a membrane stress of 68 MPa this comes to 26100 h or 6525 𝐷𝐶 = ∫ 𝑑𝑡
𝑡 𝜀𝑓 (𝜀̇, 𝑇)
cycles till creep failure.
For the fatigue analysis the EN 12952 contains a catalog of
The fracture strain was derived from literature data (see
components to obtain geometry specific correction factors (like
(11) for details) in addition to the project creep tests and found
stress concentration), but unsurprisingly the test component
to be independent of temperature and strain rate in the relevant
was related to none of these. In this case a linear elastic FE-
region. The fatigue analysis has a fracture mechanics approach
analysis is allowed for to determine the (Tresca equivalent)
and separately counts cycle till crack initiation and for crack
stress range. This stress range (noted 2fva) is then modified by a
growth till a fatal crack length af. Both the strain range for
factor Ck for welds and rough surfaces (not applicable here,
fatigue analysis and the creep strain per cycle can either be
hence Ck=1). The effective temperature of the cycles is
determined directly by inelastic analysis or by separate elastic
calculated according to:
analysis of the primary and secondary loads with subsequent
calculations for inelastic corrections and interactions. All used
𝑇 ∗ = 0.75 𝑇𝑚𝑎𝑥 + 0.25 𝑇𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 503 °𝐶. non creep material parameters were derived from the available
lab experiments. In absence of such data the R5 recommends to
The stress range is modified twice again, first for potential
use data from other codes (such as the ASME BPVC).
(partial) plastic behavior which is fully plastic here and second
Using the Chaboche model for inelastic analysis the strain
by dividing by a temperature dependent factor CT*. Besides
range was determined to be 0,473 % which gave 4820 cycles
depending on T*, CT* is also dependent on material class with
till fatigue failure by using af = 1 mm. As opposed to the EN
different formulas for austenites and ferrites. This rescaled
12952-3, the highest cycle temperature (620 °C) is used for
stress range (called the “virtual effective stress range“) is then
fatigue lifetime assessment. Creep strain increment per cycle
used to determine cycles till failure by a lifetime curve in the
was determined to be 3e-3 % and which gave a creep lifetime
code, which is a “mean line” according to the EN 12952-3 and
3200. Total combined lifetime was hence 1923 cycles with 60%
independent of material other than the ultimate tensile strength
creep damage and 40 % fatigue damage.
at room temperature being used. As a safety factor the last step
Using elastic analysis the fatigue strain range was adjusted
in done twice: Once with the calculated stress range and
for plasticity with a Neuber rule using a Ramberg-Osgood
resulting cycles till failure divided by 10 and once with a stress
stress strain relation. Additionally a creep ratcheting strain
range multiplied by 1.5 – the lower number gives the allowed
contribution depending on primary loads and an enhancement
cycles till failure under pure fatigue load. The individual
due to the constant volume deformation is added. Total fatigue
numbers of the fatigue analysis can be found in the following
strain range was determined to be 2.07% which gave 350 cycles
table, it yields 815 allowed cycles till failure.

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pure fatigue lifetime. The stress for creep analysis is determined Unfortunately only a curve for 540 °C is given in the code. For
by calculating a stress relaxation from peak stress levels and the analysis this curve was used, but lifetime was decreased by
was found to be 133 MPa at the end of the cycle. Using the 5% which was found the approximate drop in lifetimes between
ductility exhaustion principle this gave a creep lifetime of 61 the two temperatures in the conducted lab experiments. Fatigue
cycles and a total combined lifetime 52 cycles with 85 % creep strain range was found to be 0,473 % which corresponds to a
lifetime and 15 % fatigue lifetime consumed. It should be noted lifetime of 1340 allowed cycles. The continuous time fracture
that throughout the calculations mean lines were used and no approach gave a creep lifetime of 110 cycles till failure. This
safety factors involved other than the conservatism inherent in gives a combined lifetime of 61 cycles.
code formulas themselves. The follow-up calculation of the elastic analysis uses a
similar general approach as the R5 but different formulas for
The ASME BPVC (Section III Subsection NH T-1400) most steps. Elastic strain range is compensated for plasticity by
uses a material specific failure curve for the interaction of creep using a hysteresis loop constructed from material and
and fatigue damage (see figure 9). temperature dependent stress-strain curves supplied in the code.
The strain range was increased by a factor KV (1.13 here) which
𝐷𝐶 + 𝐷𝑓𝑎𝑡 ≤ 𝐷 incooperates both a volume deformation and the multiaxiality
of the stress states (which was no factor here). In addition a
creep ratcheting strain of 0.09% was calculated. Total strain
range was hence 0.531 % which gives 665 cycles till fatigue
ASME 9Cr-1Mo-V
Also similar to the R5 the creep stress level is determined
Creep damage DC

2 1/4Cr-

by relaxation from a peak stress. The low bound for the

relaxation 𝑆𝐿𝐵 is given by:
1Mo + 8

𝑆𝐿𝐵 = 1.25 ⋅ 𝑍 ⋅ 𝑆𝑌,𝐿

0.4 EN
ASM 12
95 where 𝑆𝑌,𝐿 is the yield stress of the lower cycle temperature and
E 30

0.2 4+ 2 Z (=0.4 here) is factor calculated from the stress states under
306 +
R5 primary and secondary loads. This yielded 𝑆𝐿𝐵 = 222 MPa
0.0 which leads at a temperature of 620 °C to component failure in
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 less than a cycle due to creep.
Fatigue damage Dfat
The advanced model for lifetime assessment is based on
the DTMF-Parameter and is a fracture mechanics based model
Figure 9: Material specific creep fatigue envelope of the ASME
that determines fatigue and creep-fatigue lifetime based on the
BPVC and the 100 % line of the EN 12952 and R5. Of all
growth of microcracks (crack initiation is assumed to be
materials covered the P91 has the worst creep fatigue
negligible for total lifetime). The model uses the ZD parameter
properties (dashed line) according to the code.
as developed by Heitmann et al. (12) and combines it with a
temperature-stress-time dependent F-function for additional
As in the R5 either inelastic analysis or separate elastic
crack growth.
analysis of primary and secondary loads with follow-up
calculations can be used. 𝑍𝐷
𝐷𝑇𝑀𝐹 = 𝐹 ⋅
Creep damage in the inelastic analysis is done by a 𝜎𝑐𝑦
continuous time fracture approach
The model has been shown (13) to give very accurate
𝑑𝑡 results for scenarios where creep damage is small compared to
𝐷𝐶 = ∫ fatigue damage. It has been and is successfully applied by many
𝑡 𝑇𝑑 (𝜎𝑒 , 𝑇)
automotive companies around the world for the design of
exhaust components. However it is known to give increasingly
where Td is the allowable time duration at the current
unconservative results with increasing creep damage portion.
equivalent stress and temperature and material dependent
curves are given in the code. Equivalent stress is calculated by
a formula which bases on the von Mises equivalent stress and
additionally increases in multiaxial stress conditions. Fatigue
damage is simply calculated by tacking the highest equivalent
von Mises strange range and using a material specific number-
of-allowable-cycles-curve for the highest cycle temperature.

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The procedure correctly identified the lower radius as the
critical location and yielded 688 cycles till failure there. Since
the time (creep) and temperature (both creep and fatigue)
dependent effects are both handled in the F-function it is
impossible to give exact fractions of lifetime consumption for
creep and fatigue.

The MACPLUS work package 6 test component was
successfully tested under creep fatigue load. Simulations of an
FE-model of the component were able to describe the
temperature distribution during the rapid cooling phase well.
The Chaboche model calibrated to the accompanying lab
experiments on the same batch of P91 were able to describe the
lab experiments very well. An application of the model to the
component simulation matched the measured strains during
Figure 10: The DTMF model calibrated for P91 with the lab cyclic deformation, especially the strain range with good
experiments in comparison accuracy. Long term permanent deformation was
underestimated using a classic creep analysis with constant
The model was calibrated to the lab experiments (see temperature and loads (see figure 8). Since the model was able
figure 10) and was able to describe all experiments regardless to describe lab experiments in the same stress region quite well
of temperature, strain rate and hold times in a factor 2 scatter (see figure 5) this was not caused by model inaccuracies. A full
band. A recently published crack opening stress formula thermocyclic simulation with all load changes increased the
developed by Fisher et al. (14) specifically for cycles with high predicted creep strains to almost the measured levels.
temperature ranges was used to determine the effective stress Significantly the creep increase per cycle was very accurately
range 𝜎𝑒𝑓𝑓 in the calculation of ZD. The model is applied by a predicted except for the regions of creep time around 480 h
post processing program which automatically finds the most (where the broken water jet prevented this) and 600 – 700 h
damaging cycle for each location in a FE-model (see EMPA where the measured creep per cycle increased temporarily for
PAPER for details). The post processor requires an inelastic unknown reasons.
stress analysis as a basis; hence the Chaboche model simulation This is strong evidence that the Chaboche model is capable
was used. to not only calculate creep and fatigue load changes but also
their interaction and is very suited for an inelastic creep-fatigue
analysis as allowed in the British Assessment Procedure R5 and
the ASME BPVC III NH T-1400.

The different codes as well as the advanced model showed

very different approaches and resulting lifetimes. The EN
12952 has by far the simplest approach and it should be noted
that it has does not take any creep-fatigue interaction into
account. While the R5 also assumes linear damage
accumulation to 100 % total damage, the total fatigue strain
range has a creep ratcheting contribution and the stress used in
the creep analysis is calculated by stress relaxation from the
fatigue peak. The EN 12952 however only uses primary
stresses in the creep calculation and only uses the (elastic)
stress range in fatigue deformation. It is hence unsurprising that
it calculates by far the longest pure creep life of all methods
and its 68 MPa creep stress seems to low when compared with
the results of the Chaboche model. When considering the only
slightly too high number of 815 fatigue cycles till failure it
should be considered that it uses a safety factor of 10 from the
mean line given in the code. In order to assess the accuracy of
Figure 11: Damage prediction of the DTMF-model postprocessor this mean line for P91, the lab experiments were evaluated by
the code, by transforming their strain range to a stress range
with elastic temperature dependent modulus from (10) and

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using all subsequent correction factors as in the code (see figure the accompanying experiments. Naturally the R5 gives higher
12 for results). number of cycles till failure under these circumstances which
can be best seen in the fatigue lifetime derived from inelastic
stress analysis which are more than three times as high for R5
while using the same strange range.
Concerning creep damage assessment the R5 takes the
Lifetime by EN 12952-3

104 0
much different route of ductility exhaustion compared to the
fa c
nd 20 °C other codes. While the method seems to give a reasonable result
r ba 200 °C
e when comparable to the other codes when following inelastic
103 att 400 °C
sc 500 °C stress analysis here, it also heavily depends on the accuracy of
tiv 550 °C the used deformation model.
r va 600 °C
e e The creep assessment of the ASME BPVC following
102 ns tiv 650 °C
n -co erva TMF inelastic stress analysis yields a far shorter lifetime than the R5.
no ons 100-600°C
c Looking at the development in creep lifetime consumption
102 103 104
through a cycle reveals that all most all of it is consumed in the
short period of the second tensile stress peak (3000 – 4000 s
Experimental lifetime
cycle time in figure 13). The following dwell time adds very
Figure 12: Lifetime predictions of the lab experiments by the little creep damage. Alternatively analyzing a 620 °C LCF
EN 12952-3 compared to experimental results show it to be experiment shows a similar behavior: the high stresses consume
conservative for shorter lifetimes. The code claims its S-N measurable amounts of creep lifetime even in the short cycle
curve to be a mean line with safety factors applied afterwards. times. It seems that the ASME BPVC has the tendency that
short stress peaks leave an overly high mark in the creep
As can be seen the lifetime estimate by the EN 12952-3 analysis.
mean line is very close to experimental data in the relevant
region of 8150 cycles (the 815 comes from dividing with the
safety factor 10) if not slightly conservative. Hence the rather
Projected Stress in MPa

high fatigue lifetime estimate is not due to the S-N curve being 200 600
inapplicable for P91 of this batch. Instead it is noteworthy that

Temperatur in °C
the increase in stress range from 848 MPa to 1018 MPa to
account for plasticity effects seems small. The formula for this 0
correction in the fully plastic case is: 400

(2𝑓𝑣𝑎 )2
2𝑓𝑎∗ = -200
2 ⋅ 𝜎𝑦,𝑇 ∗ 200

with the yield stress 𝜎𝑦,𝑇 ∗ at temperature T*. There is a -400

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
significant drop in yield stress between the effective
temperature (504 °C) and the maximum temperature (620 °C) Cycle time in s
of the cycle. This softening towards the hot end is not reflected Figure 13: Stress and temperature in the critical location in the
in the calculation in any way. If one would have used the yield lower radius from the inelastic Chaboche model analysis. The
stress of the hot end of the cycle (620 °C) instead, the resulting sudden drop in stress due to depressurization is followed by
lifetime would have been 2480 without or 248 with safety tensile stresses from the overbending of the radius due to the
factor. cooling. When the thermal gradient decreases and stress drops
While the chosen scenario is extreme, it seems to show the repressurization causes a second stress peak. After the
problems in the EN 12952-3 when the cycles have a wide thermal gradient has disappeared the stress settles to the static
temperature range and reach the point of significant yield stress level due to the inner pressure.
loss and shortcomings in the EN 12952-4 when plastification
from load changes has a measurable effect on creep stress The small creep fatigue damage envelope for P91 in
levels. addition to the small creep lifetimes makes the total lifetime
The British Energy R5 and ASME BPVC (Section III from the ASME BPVC the smallest with the exception of the
Subsection NH T-1400) show similar behavior for both the linear stresses analyses.
elastic and inelastic evaluation even though some differents in The linear stress analysis of the R5 and ASME BPVC
resulting numbers. Most major differences come from the used follow similar approaches for compensating for plasticity in the
material data and failure curves. The ASME BPVC provides its fatigue assessment. The actual numbers for volumetric and
own data which seem to be conservative minimum values for creep ratcheting strains are even similar. Both get very small
the most part while the R5 was applied with mean values from

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creep lifetimes due to using very high stress levels when (6) Kranz, A.; Mohrmann, R.; Lüdenbach, G.; Maier, G.;
compared to the dwell stress in the Chaboche-model simulation Oesterlin, H.: Novel high temperature component
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Rohrprüfkörpers unter thermo-mechanischer
The authors wish to thank their colleague Philipp Günther Belastung mit fortschrittlichen und herkömmlichen
for original implementation of the R5 Evaluation in Python and Methoden, Master Thesis, Offenburg 2015
discussion. In addition the authors wish to thank Dr. Ansgar (12) Heitmann, H. H.; Vehoff, H.; Neumann, P.: Life
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GmbH for providing, filtering, and discussing the component growth behavior of microcracks, in: S.R. Valluri et al.
data. Additional gratitude to Dr. Ralf Mohrmann of RWE (Eds.), Advances in Fracture Research 1984 -–
Generation SE for his contributions during the design stage and Proceedings. of ICF6, Vol. 5, Pergamon Press, Oxford,
very fruitful discussion throughout the project. Further thanks New York, pp. 3599-3606 ,1984
go to Tim Kalbitzer and Dr. Gereon Lüdenbach from StandZeit (13) Seifert, T.; Schweizer, C.; Schlesinger, M.; Möser, M.;
GmbH for preparing and conducting the component test, and Eibl, M.: Thermomechanical fatigue of 1.4849 cast
the European Commission for funding the MACPLUS project steel – experiments and life prediction using a fracture
in the FP7 program. mechanics approach, International Journal of Materials
Research 101, 2010, 942-950, doi:10.3139/146.110363
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