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Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media


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C# CSS & HTML by Wei-Meng Lee
01/18/2005 ShareThis
Flex Head First
iPad iPhone
People have long wanted to run Recommended for You
Java JavaScript the Mac OS operating system
Linux Missing Manuals on PC hardware, specifically on
MySQL Open Source Intel and AMD architectures.
Perl PHP But despite pleas and prayers,
Photoshop Python that wish remains unfulfilled.
Ruby Web 2.0
Windows XML Although running Mac OS
natively on PC hardware is not
BROWSE BOOKS & VIDEOS possible, there is another
option--running Mac OS X on
Apple & Mac an emulator. In this article, I jQuery Cookbook
Business & Culture will show you how to install
and run Mac OS X Panther on
Certification & Training your PC using PearPC, a free, Print: $34.99
architecture-independent PowerPC platform that runs on PCs. To check out PearPC's Ebook: $27.99
features, go to the PearPC-PowerPC Architecture Emulator web site.
Design & Graphics
Here are the steps you'll take to use PearPC to install Mac OS X:
Digital Audio & Video
1. Download the PearPC PowerPC Architecture Emulator.
Digital Photography
Hardware 2. Obtain hard disk images for use with PearPC.

Home & Office 3. Obtain images of your client OS installation disk.

Microsoft 4. Configure PearPC to use the hard disk image and the OS images.
Mobile & Smart Devices Mathematica Cookbook
Downloading PearPC
Networking & Sys Admin
Download the PearPC PowerPC Architecture Emulator. Once it's downloaded, extract its Ebook: $51.99
Operating Systems
content to a folder, say, [Desktop]:\PearPC. This is the folder that is going to contain all of
Programming the files you'll see in the next couple of sections.
Science & Math Note: [Desktop] refers to the path of my Windows desktop; that is, C:\Documents and
Security Settings\Wei-Meng Lee\Desktop\.

Software Engineering Hard disk images

Web Development To install Mac OS X on the emulator, you need a hard disk image. You can download
preformatted hard disk images from Two disk sizes are
NEWS TOPICS available: 3GB and 6GB. If you plan to install the full Mac OS X, then use the 6GB image.
If you have limited disk space on your hard drive, use the smaller, 3GB image. Be aware High Performance
that the default install of Mac OS X takes up a little more than 3GB, and so you need to JavaScript
appleblogs unselect certain components during installation if you use the 3GB image.
cloudcomputing ebooks Print: $34.99
The disk images come in two formats: BZ2 and RAR. I used the 6GB RAR disk images. You
economy facebook flash flex Ebook: $27.99
need to uncompress the disk image before you can use it. To uncompress the RAR image,
geo google gov20 I used WinRAR from Uncompress the image and
save it in the [Desktop]:\PearPC folder.
government iphone
javascript linux microsoft Making images of your client OS
mobile ooxml To install Mac OS X on your hard disk image, you need to make copies of your Mac OS X
opensource oscon installation disk in ISO format. You can use Nero or any other disk utility to save CDs or
DVDs in ISO format. In my case, I have saved the images in the C:\PearPC folder. I have
privacy programming named the first disk Panther1.iso.
publishing python
security socialnetworking Note: You need to purchase Mac OS X in order to run Mac OS X in PearPC.

standards twitter Configuring PearPC

web20 xml Once you've taken the previous steps, you're ready for the final step: configuring PearPC to
use the all the relevant disk images. To do it, you need to create a configuration file. You
INTERNATIONAL SITES can find the instructions on how to create one manually at
/guides.php?guides_id=2. Or you can download a Windows application that does all the
hard work for you. In my case, I used the PearPC Control Panel to help me manage my Mac
OS X emulation.

Launch PearPC Control Panel and click on the Create New Configuration File icon. You will
see the first screen as shown in Figure 1. Click on Continue to proceed to the next step.

1 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

Figure 1. Using the Create Configuration File wizard

In the next screen, you have to supply a few pieces of information (see Figure 2). First,
specify the location of the PearPC emulator. In my case, it is [Desktop]:\PearPC\ppc.exe.

Next, specify the location of the hard disk image; that is, [Desktop]:\PearPC

Note: Be sure to replace [Desktop] with your own desktop path.

Also, set the amount of memory you want to set aside for Mac OS X. (I have allocated
255MB.) Click on Continue.

Figure 2. Creating a new configuration file

In the next screen, you have the option to specify the screen resolution and color depth to
use. Click on Finish when done (see Figure 3).

Note: I tried to enable networking, but I never got it to work. Also, use G3 and not G4 CPU

2 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

Figure 3. Specifying additional options

Give a name to the configuration file and save the file in the location specified (see Figure
4). Name it Mac OS X Panther and save it in the location [Desktop]:\PearPC
\macosxpanther.cfg. Click on Finish.

Figure 4. Completing the wizard

You should now see the icon for your Mac OS X Panther in the PearPC Control Panel (see
Figure 5). You need to complete one final step before you start installing Mac OS X on your
PC--check the "CD-ROM device is installed" option and specify the location of the Mac OS
install disk image. In my case, it is [Desktop]:\Panther1.iso. This is the image that will be
used to boot up the emulator.

3 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

Figure 5. The completed configuration file

Figure 6 shows the files in my [Desktop]:\PearPC folder. The important files are

Figure 6. Files in the PearPC folder

That's it! Double-click on the Mac OS X Panther icon and you should see the PearPC 0.3.0
window pop up (see Figure 7). Your Mac OS X installation should start soon afterward.

Note: It took me quite a while to get my Mac OS X to install. I encountered a number of

failed attempts--when I booted into Mac OS X, it prompted me to restart my machine. But
after several attempts, it worked.

Figure 7. Installing Mac OS X

Once the OS is installed, you will be asked to restart the machine. For subsequent
attempts to run Mac OS X on your emulator, you should uncheck the "CD-ROM device is
installed" option so that it can boot directly from the hard disk image. If the installation is
performed correctly, you should see something like Figure 8 when Mac OS X boots up.

4 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

Figure 8. Mac OS X booting up

Figure 9 shows I am having fun with my newly installed Mac on my PC.

Figure 9. Running Mac OS X on a PC!

And if you still doubt if I am really running Mac OS X on my PC, Figure 10 will prove it to

Figure 10. Running Mac OS X in my Windows XP PC


Before installing PearPC and using Mac OS X, you need to keep several things in mind:

1. You need a license to run Mac OS X. That is, you need to buy a copy of Mac OS X.

2. The installation process takes time. Don't install Mac OS X on a slow machine; I
tried the steps outlined in this article on three different machines--933MHz, 1.7GHz,
and 3.0GHz, all equipped with 512MB of RAM. The 3.0GHz machine installed
significantly faster compared with the rest, but it still took me several hours to get
all of the installation done. Also, make sure you have lots of free hard disk space.

5 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

The hard disk image itself takes up 6GB, and the additional installation disk images
are going to take up a few more gigabytes.

3. Even though the installation process is painfully slow, once the system is installed it
is actually quite responsive. While you won't be able to fully experience Mac OS X as
if you were using a real Mac, the emulation provides a good way for you to try out
Mac OS X before you head to the nearest Apple shop to get the latest iMac.

Have fun, and let me know if PearPC works for you.

Wei-Meng Lee (Microsoft MVP) is a technologist and

founder of Developer Learning Solutions, a
technology company specializing in hands-on training on the latest Microsoft technologies.

Return to the Windows DevCenter.

Have you tried running Mac OS X on Windows? Let us know.

You must be logged in to the O'Reilly Network to post a talkback.

messages 1 through 250 of 306. Next Page

Use Kalyway's Leopard boot disc!

2009-12-24 14:34:07 Polycoda [Reply | View]

Forget about all of this, use Kalyway's MAC OS X Leopard boot disc. It supports most common PC hardware. On my typical
HP Compaq CMT 530 desktop PC, it booted fine and then I chose the NetExtreme Gigabit network driver from the install
packages and then it installed correctly on my second SATA drive. I have sound, network, mouse, keyboard, the only thing is
my GeForce 6400 GS, but I think there is a KEXT I can download to fully adapt it. Anyhow, it works fine without the driver,
only that it's stuck on 1024x768 resolution... which is still not bad.

Huh??? I Need Help!!! Please!!!

2009-04-03 21:19:23 Im A PC And A Mac [Reply | View]

I Create The Config File Fine.

Then When I Double Click It It Comes Up With A PearPC Output Console Saying

c:\ppc.cfg: unknown identifier 'ppc_start_full_screen' in line 13.

usage: ppc configfile

Please Help!!!

Install Mac on PC easy steps

2009-06-27 13:19:35 FX [Reply | View]

After struggling with MAC installation for several days, I finally wrote a blog to help all of u guys.
I bet this is the easiest way to Install Mac OS X Leopard OSx86 on PC Dual Boot Windows 7, Vista in 9 Easy Steps

Huh??? I Need Help!!! Please!!!

2009-04-29 08:33:46 sanchopancha [Reply | View]

In your ppc.cfg, just comment the line 13 with #.

Runtime Error "75"

2009-03-14 11:43:40 dogo_josho1 [Reply | View]

When i try to finish the config wizard on "PearPC Control Panel" it says:

Run-time error "75":

Path/File access error


2009-02-08 21:24:59 Mcmrocks [Reply | View]

How do you copy the files on the dvd to you hard disc? I have Nero an i can't figure it out!!!!!!!!
And how do you save it as iso?
I get a message saying this cd is corrupt or windows cannot read these files!
Are you supposed to do it on a mac!

2009-04-29 09:02:51 sanchopancha [Reply | View]

Create .iso from dvd. Load and install daemon tools and macdrive to check that your mac .iso file is readable by the PC.
Copy to Ppc directory as pci_ide0_slave_image = "C:\Pearpc\aaaaaaaa.iso". Correct cfg file accordingly.

problem when boot

2009-01-24 12:11:26 alexgrand [Reply | View]

hello !! i have follwed your steps but i still have a problem .. it seems that the "bootfile.dump" could not be found... can you
help me please ? ( oh, and sorry for my english.. i'm from Romania :) )

thank you for your help !!

G4 0r G3?
2009-01-18 19:16:29 themilesmaster [Reply | View]


We own Tiger 10.4 and I am wondering if I should check G3 or G4.

2008-12-13 13:40:50 x3rmman [Reply | View]

can u run .dmg files which is for mac if you do this???? or are u still stuck with .exe files????

6 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

2008-12-13 06:58:22 stilunda [Reply | View]

Hi, i only get "No bootable partition(S) found" when i double click on the configuration, does anyone know what i could have
done wrong?

help me...please.............
2008-12-11 21:25:48 chamboy [Reply | View]

i install mac x tiger..setup cannot running.this error..

[IO/IDE] <Error> C:\Documents and Settings\trt\Desktop\PearPC\pearpc-6gib.img: could not open file (No error)

2008-07-23 09:47:25 Jammiedodger546 [Reply | View]

Will this work with Mac OS X (10.4) Tiger?

Getting Networking to work is fairly easy

2008-07-13 12:31:24 thepcfreak [Reply | View]

All you have to do to get the networking part of os x inside of pearpc to work is to follow the instructions on this site: I worked fine for
me using Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) and i didn't even do the command prompt parts.

2008-07-09 02:57:23 Jammiedodger546 [Reply | View]

I have done it all and im up to where I click on the apple logo for the install. Where it says 'Location of image file' which
image do I do? Do I do the 6gigabyte one or what?

2008-07-13 12:37:35 thepcfreak [Reply | View]

The "location of image file" means the image of your mac os x install disk, not you 6gb hard disk image. You can create
this image with many iso recording programs like the freeware "iso recorder" (creative name ;) ) For windows.

Does this support for Vista?

2008-07-01 10:18:05 tesmmo [Reply | View]

This application are not support for any edition of Windows Vista

Concole Error [unknown identifier]

2008-06-07 18:50:58 Odrakcir [Reply | View]

D:\pearPC\MACOSX~1.CFG: unknown identifier 'ppc_start_full_screen' in line 13.

usage: ppc configfile

Running OS X on a PC
2008-05-26 13:54:57 Nuglett P Editing [Reply | View]

I have not done this yet but can you run Final Cut Pro editing software on your PC after installing OS X? Thanks

Running OS X on a PC
2008-06-03 08:42:08 08nobody08 [Reply | View]

Also haven't tried it yet...but remember, any software you want to install has to be in an ISO format to emulate the
CD/DVD drive. For some reason, trying to attach a 2nd IDE hard drive doesn't work for me.

Where are the disk images?

2008-05-23 09:09:10 badboy709 [Reply | View]

I tried the link to download the pre-formatted images and the page will not display, whre do I go from here? Can I create my
own? or can I download then somewhere else. the rar file I would perfer. I know this can be done I know someone that had it
running on a pc but not with this method. Please let me know.

2008-05-14 15:00:06 CFR16 [Reply | View]

Does anyone know if the AMD patch has come out yet?

0 bootable partitions found

2008-05-06 10:10:28 absizcool [Reply | View]

Can someone please help. It keeps on saying 0 bootablar partitions found although i created a partition solely for it. Please
can someone help

Run Mac OS X On a PC
2008-04-23 19:12:47 TUVIX [Reply | View]

I think I am just about to finish installing Mac OS X on my PC. I would like to know if you can then install Mac programs on
my PC after it is installed?

just this error any help

2008-02-29 23:46:58 I am poor guy and i am found of mac ?? [Reply | View]

[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x00300003
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^15 pagetable_start: 0x00300000 size: 2^18
cannot find boot file.
and this my log

# Created with PearPC Control Panel
#C:\Documents and Settings\Khaled\Desktop\pearpc\ppc.exe

7 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

pci_ide0_master_installed = 0
pci_ide0_master_image = "C:\Documents and Settings\Khaled\Desktop\pearpc\pearpc-6gib.img"
pci_ide0_master_type = "hd"
memory_size = 0x11900000
ppc_start_resolution = "640x480x32"
redraw_interval_msec = 60
prom_driver_graphic = "C:\Documents and Settings\Khaled\Desktop\pearpc\video.x"
ppc_start_full_screen = 0
key_toggle_mouse_grab = "F12"
key_toggle_full_screen = "Alt+Return"
key_change_cd_0 = "none"
cpu_pvr = 0x00088302
pci_usb_installed = 0
prom_bootmethod = "auto"
prom_env_bootargs = ""
prom_env_machargs = ""
nvram_file = "nvram"
pci_ide0_slave_installed = 1
pci_ide0_slave_image = "C:\Documents and Settings\Khaled\Desktop\pearpc\MacKhaled.iso"
pci_ide0_slave_type = "cdrom"

just this error any help

2008-02-29 23:46:17 I am poor guy and i am found of mac ?? [Reply | View]

[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x00300003
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^15 pagetable_start: 0x00300000 size: 2^18
cannot find boot file.

Help Please!
2008-02-24 20:03:25 sevans4262 [Reply | View]

I've made the ISO and this is the error i get when i try to install it.

[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x00300003
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^15 pagetable_start: 0x00300000 size: 2^18
start: 512
start: 32768
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
start: 36864
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_HFS
start: 1218625536
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_HFS
[CPU/CPU] execution started at 06601c28
[IO/PROM] <Warning> 05800000 in use!
[IO/PROM] <Error> memory->claim failed!

This is my config file:
ppc_start_resolution = "800x600x15"

ppc_start_full_screen = 0

redraw_interval_msec = 40

key_compose_dialog = "F11"
key_change_cd_0 = "none"
key_toggle_mouse_grab = "F12"
key_toggle_full_screen = "Alt+Return"

prom_bootmethod = "select"

#prom_bootmethod = "force"
#prom_loadfile = "test/yaboot"
#prom_env_bootpath = "disk"

#prom_env_bootargs = ""
#prom_env_machargs = "-v"

prom_driver_graphic = "video.x"

#page_table_pa = 104857600

#cpu_pvr = 0x00088302
#cpu_pvr = 0x000c0201


pci_ide0_master_installed = 1
pci_ide0_master_image = "c:\Pear PC\6gb.img"
pci_ide0_master_type = "hd"

pci_ide0_slave_installed = 1
pci_ide0_slave_image = "h:\Disc 1.iso"
#pci_ide0_slave_image = "2,0,0"
#pci_ide0_slave_image = "/dev/cdrom"
#pci_ide0_slave_type = "nativecdrom"
pci_ide0_slave_type = "hd"

pci_3c90x_installed = 0

8 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

pci_3c90x_mac = "de:ad:ca:fe:12:34"

pci_rtl8139_installed = 0
pci_rtl8139_mac = "de:ad:ca:fe:12:35"

pci_usb_installed = 1
nvram_file = "nvram"


Any help would be great!


2008-02-14 14:51:05 Darkone [Reply | View]

I would like to try pear pc to run OSX on my vista machine.

Can I use Pear Pc on vista, or will it screw up my os?


This is just a pipe dream!

2008-02-23 15:50:56 justgooutandgetamac [Reply | View]

I cant speak for all of you people. But if you dont own a mac dont try putting OSX on your pc! Thats like trying to put 5
pounds of @#$% in a 1 pound bag. If you want to enjoy MAC OS go out and buy a mac. If you dont want shell out that
much coin try ebay.... You can purchase a imac g3 500mhz for under 80 bucks and that machine will run tiger with no

Im a mac

This is just a pipe dream!

2008-02-23 15:50:40 justgooutandgetamac [Reply | View]

I cant speak for all of you people. But if you dont own a mac dont try putting OSX on your pc! Thats like trying to put 5
pounds of @#$% in a 1 pound bag. If you want to enjoy MAC OS go out and buy a mac. If you dont want shell out that
much coin try ebay.... You can purchase a imac g3 500mhz for under 80 bucks and that machine will run tiger with no

Im a mac

Any suggestions?
2008-02-07 15:42:25 Tons37 [Reply | View]

I ran the PearPC Control Panel to create my config file... but for some reason, now I see the following:

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA

[IO/IDE] <Error> C:\Documents and Settings\Chris\Desktop\MAC Stuff\pearpc-0.4-win32-jitc\pearpc-6gib.img: could not
open file (No error)

Any thoughts on this? Or suggestions on what to do?

Here's the config file I'm using:

#New Configuration
# Created with PearPC Control Panel
#C:\Documents and Settings\Chris\Desktop\MAC Stuff\pearpc-0.4-win32-jitc\ppc.exe
pci_ide0_master_installed = 1
pci_ide0_master_image = "C:\Documents and Settings\Chris\Desktop\MAC Stuff\pearpc-0.4-win32-jitc\pearpc-6gib.img"
pci_ide0_master_type = "hd"
memory_size = 0x10000000
ppc_start_resolution = "800x600x15"
redraw_interval_msec = 60
prom_driver_graphic = "C:\Documents and Settings\Chris\Desktop\MAC Stuff\pearpc-0.4-win32-jitc\video.x"
ppc_start_full_screen = 0
key_toggle_mouse_grab = "F12"
key_toggle_full_screen = "Alt+Return"
key_change_cd_0 = "none"
cpu_pvr = 0x00088302
pci_usb_installed = 1
prom_bootmethod = "select"
prom_env_bootargs = ""
prom_env_machargs = ""
nvram_file = "nvram"
pci_ide0_slave_installed = 0
pci_ide0_slave_image = ""

How to run Pearpc

2008-02-06 07:29:32 lnsnelick [Reply | View]

Hey can anyone help me, i downloaded the files and i'm struggling on what to do with them. I don't understand why it is not
working tried everything and yet pearpc doesn't work, can someone message me their step by step on how they
installed/run pearpc. You can email me the steps at I would really appreciate if someone would.

pearpc control panel

2008-02-02 21:16:00 dannykdeng [Reply | View]

9 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

hey could you please send me pearpc control panel, because the link on the site doesnt work. my email is

tiger 10.4
2008-01-16 16:07:46 psp800 [Reply | View]

i have a mac os x 10.4 tiger will it work with this and i have a amd athlon 3000 xp processor will that have any problems?

Can't boot a partition...

2008-01-06 23:01:18 Eng.Ahmed [Reply | View]

I tried to do all this screen shoots correctly but there's an error in booting partition, & I don't know why is that, & here is the
PearPC Output Console:

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA

[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x00300003
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^15 pagetable_start: 0x00300000 size: 2^18
[IO/PROM] <Warning> Can't boot a partition.
Try bootmethod 'force' and specify a 'prom_loadfile' in your config-file...
cannot find boot file.

I hope if any body can help me with this...

Can't boot a partition...

2008-01-09 11:42:53 ReeStyle [Reply | View]

Have you installed an OS yet? You need to finish at least one installation before you can boot from any disk image.

To install: Make sure you have a virtual slave ide0 device configured as "cdrom" apart from your master image. So dive
into the configuration file with wordpad (the file officially uses a non-windows line end which wordpad supports) and add
something like (if it doesn't exist):
pci_ide0_slave_installed = 1
pci_ide0_slave_image = "d:\pearpc\cd1.iso"
pci_ide0_slave_type = "cdrom"

This would boot the cd image "cd1.iso". For MacOSX you only need CD1 if you aren't planning on using printers or
additional languages. Also, the installation would top out at about 890 MB, leaving just enough room on a 3gib disk
image for some additional programs.

Just remember that this is only to get the feeling of mac os. If you want to find out another way, and have some left over
cash you want to spend: Buy a second hand G4 AGP (minimum!) (power/i/e-)mac around 533MHz and with 512 MB RAM
minimum (for <533, >700 benefits from a little speed so can run well with less memory) with MacOSX (be sure to get
the official cds/dvd). Though this is a little off topic... ;)

Good luck!

need help
2008-01-03 14:18:19 comptech1 [Reply | View]

ever time i run it i asks me which partion to boot it lists 2 but none of them are bootable if you know why or now how to get
a partion reply back

2007-11-27 18:37:32 eal416 [Reply | View]

I know i have to buy Mac OS X, but can i buy Mac OS X? Is that the same thing?

2007-11-28 15:53:16 Moving_Target [Reply | View]

same question about 10.5 and will there be any problems with my AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 2.6ghz 5000+

2007-11-27 18:35:15 eal416 [Reply | View]

Can i use Mac OS X Leopard with this program?

2007-11-27 16:26:23 toams7 [Reply | View]

don't buy a disk labeled eMac, it didn't run on any software to read Mac disks on pc

i bought disks so i legally own this software...

can someone send me an .iso?

do not get it
2007-11-14 18:53:53 Anthony_dmnq [Reply | View]

I do not get it if you Could E-mail me

I thank you

2007-11-09 21:40:59 sergeydgr8 [Reply | View]

I get this at the last screen when i typed in the info:

10 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

"Run-Time error '76':

Path not found



2007-11-09 21:43:47 sergeydgr8 [Reply | View]

correction: at the last screen of the PPC configuration (screen 4 of 4)

image file can't be identified ?

2007-11-07 06:49:33 Sutarsa [Reply | View]

I already follow the instruction including set up image file but when I run the pear pc, the Mac OS installation can run but
when it goes to "Select Destination", no volume /image file shown in the table so I can't continue the installation, please
help, thx

image file can't be identified ?

2007-11-08 13:13:44 elehrer [Reply | View]

You may need to partition the drive image where you plan to do the install. You can do this from the Installer. Under the
Installer menu, select disk utilities. If the drive image file shows up in the disk utilities, you can create a partition. After
you create the partition, you may see a message that you can't install on the partition. However, if you exit the installer
and THEN start up pearpc again, after the install starts the drive should now be available for installation.

In any case, it may be helpful to use the disk utilities to see if the drive shows up and that it is read/write.

Just getting error

2007-11-05 09:19:52 Erik_TM [Reply | View]

pearpc-6gib.img: could not open file (No error)

This is the "Error" I get... :S

Just getting error

2008-01-26 15:24:28 vinodsobale [Reply | View]

did u rectify the error u were getting while installing mac osx on PC ?

cause i am getting same as yours. What am i supposed to do ?

Run Time Error 75 "File/Access error"

2007-11-02 20:26:56 mickarim [Reply | View]

I'm configuring the Pear pc using the pear pc control panel, and for some reason it is giving me Run Time Error 75
"File/Access error".

Wut shall i do?

Run Time Error 75 "File/Access error"

2007-11-08 08:40:43 elehrer [Reply | View]

Check that the iso file and the harddrive file are not read only and that they are not being accessed by another program.

See for explanation of run time errors.

Run Time Error 75 "File/Access error"

2007-11-02 20:26:43 mickarim [Reply | View]

I'm configuring the Pear pc using the pear pc control panel, and for some reason it is giving me Run Time Error 75
"File/Access error".

Wut shall i do?

2007-11-01 14:20:42 mtd3vv [Reply | View]

I keep getting the restart the apple computer screen like you said in the instructions. About how many times should I have
to restart before it works? 5 or 5000?

2007-11-01 14:38:51 mtd3vv [Reply | View]

Ok now im just getting a runtime error 71 saying the disk is not ready. Anything would help, thanks.

2007-11-01 14:20:23 mtd3vv [Reply | View]

I keep getting the restart the apple computer screen like you said in the instructions. About how many times should I have
to restart before it works? 5 or 5000?

[IO/PROM] <Error> can't open boot file

2007-10-18 05:25:58 huynhlam [Reply | View]

file iso: XXX_OS_x86_10.4.10_Install_Disc/Apple_HFS

[IO/PROM] can't open boot file

2007-10-18 05:19:25 huynhlam [Reply | View]

file iso: mac osx 10.0.4 for Pc

[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x00300003

11 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted

[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^15 pagetable_start: 0x00300000 size: 2^18
start: 512
start: 32768
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Free
start: 491520
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_HFS
start: 1992261632
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_HFS
[IO/PROM] <Error> can't open boot file

pls help me !

about macosx
2007-10-06 12:15:00 andrewmrp [Reply | View]

i tried ,costumized windows xp to look osx.Now i am trying to burn the iso image and have an install cd of mac.
Do not know if it is a good idea though.
Any advice related will be welcomed.thank you

No need to download a disk image for XP

2007-09-03 14:13:02 gridsleep [Reply | View]

Use the XP utility 'fsutil' to create a blank file of any size. Towhit:

fsutil file createnew <name> <size in bytes>

[IO/PROM] <Error> can't open boot file

2007-09-03 06:44:11 kungfumaster007 [Reply | View]

I get this error;

[IO/PROM] <Error> can't open boot file

What can I do to fix this? Please help!

[IO/PROM] <Error> can't open boot file

2007-10-18 05:14:25 huynhlam [Reply | View]

me too ! pls ! help ! pls pls pls!

Boot Device
2007-09-01 12:57:21 burgemichael [Reply | View]

im trying to put windows vista in pearpc and it keeps stopping me on the select boot device screen. when it comes up, it
says there are 0 boot devices. i made a 10 gb virtual hard drive because i dont think 6 gb is enough. could any of this info be
wrong? i followed everything it said to do but im stuck on this screen. can anyone please help me???

help please
2007-08-25 11:39:07 eda1234 [Reply | View]

Hi, i am trying to install Mac os x tiger on my pc and I am running into a few problems. I first tried using the ppc control
panel, but it would give me this ( unknown identifier 'ppc_start_full_screen' in line 13.) every time I would try to launch the
config file. So, I switched bootmethod to auto and I got a little further. The ppc window opened, but it said 0 bootable
partitions found. I decided to abandon the control panel for now and try doing it manually. I followed the instructions on this
page Again I got up to the same part but this time there were 6
partitions. However, all were unbootable. Does anyone know what to do or have any suggestions?

error, don't know what to do :(

2007-08-22 13:41:20 gatozolo [Reply | View]

when PPC starts the mac system crash before it completely loads and tell me to restart the mac (the PPC in this case) when I
go to the log I always get the same error... can someone help me please!

[IO/CUDA] <Warning> keyb reg1

error, don't know what to do :(

2007-08-31 13:52:06 gatozolo [Reply | View]

I mean really, it keeps happening the same thing, can someone help please. I will be really thanked

Runtime Error
2007-07-31 03:19:51 yungpreach [Reply | View]

Can Somebodi please help me i get all the way to the end and when im in pearpc control panel at the end it says runtime
error can somebodi please help me email thanks

Saving Image Of Mac OS X Disk

2007-07-14 13:37:11 kevan.mann [Reply | View]

Hello Wei-Meng Lee,

I have a question relating to how to save the CD/DVD in ISO format to your computer. I have Nero, but how exactly do I
save it to an ISO Format?? And how Do I do multiple disks?? PLEASE HELP!!! I am ordering OS X Tiger today!!

Saving Image Of Mac OS X Disk

2007-12-24 10:00:14 themacuser10410 [Reply | View]


12 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

I think I can help a bit. I just got a trial on Nero right the minute I am responding and I just found out how to save in iso
format. If you found out, then reply back to I also need some help, too.

Dont go on Nero Smart Start. Under start, go to nero then nero express. Then click options and then save tracks. That is
the only way I know how. Also, it will take a while to save it. I have a 2GB ram, 2.4Ghz Computer and its taking quite a
while. Also, the DVD drive is FAST.

I am running a Mac under bootcamp to run Windows. I cannot run mac os 9.2 and SheepShaver (Classic EMU) does not
support 9.2. So, I am try to run a G3 EMu so that it supports!!!

I have the original install DVD when it came w/ my mac. it has two DVDs. I am not sure to extract both w/ Nero or not. .

If you have no idea what i just said, go on AIM (download it at if you dont have it) and if i have time, i will
explain. My screen name is the same as the one for here, themacuser10410.

I hope it works for you. If not, try OS x86. That is if you have an intel.


Saving Image Of Mac OS X Disk

2007-12-24 10:02:01 themacuser10410 [Reply | View]

Sorry, on Nero Express, go to Save Tracks Directly.


Saving Image Of Mac OS X Disk

2007-08-22 06:41:31 cboxgo [Reply | View]

You may have to look at getting something like MacDrive to be able to read the format. I'm assuming that you bought a
DVD and you're trying to save it to ISO so that's probably your issue. Windows doesn't recognize MacHFS format.

Saving Image Of Mac OS X Disk

2008-10-14 23:27:18 navgujarat [Reply | View]

mac os

Saving Image Of Mac OS X Disk

2007-07-30 08:31:55 wey54trgs4ew5tre54 [Reply | View]

In Nero Burning ROM: Extras > Save Tracks...

Select .iso format in the dialog box.

PearPC Output Console

2007-06-28 18:07:51 robo11 [Reply | View]

When finish the insturctions and run the config file, it comes up with a box that says "PearPC Output Console" and then sits
there with a blinking cursor. What should i do?

PearPC Output Console

2007-06-28 18:07:42 robo11 [Reply | View]

Wen i finish the insturctions and run the config file, it comes up with a box that says "PearPC Output Console" and then sits
there with a blinking cursor. What should i do?

can someone help me?

2007-06-25 07:06:08 Phrankin [Reply | View]

I get as far as the bootup, then i get this error:

[IO/PROM] <Error> prom_driver_graphic: can't open video.x

can someone help me?

2007-08-22 06:42:29 cboxgo [Reply | View]

Sounds like the variable in your configutation for the video.x is not pointing to the correct location.

help my send my a video my email

2007-06-18 09:55:58 alex_alexander [Reply | View]

run-time error '76

path not found help my send a video or a manual thanks you

Got internet connection sucessfully!!

2007-06-23 08:10:23 HeraKLeZ [Reply | View]

Writing from Peru-SouthAmerica

Hi, I successfully installed MACOSX in my PC using PearPC emulator and got internet connection too.
First I tried to use PearPC control panel to generate ppc.cfg file but I couldn't boot and got many troubles.
Then I decided to make my ppc.cfg file and is like this:

ppc_start_resolution = "800x600x15"
redraw_interval_msec = 40
prom_bootmethod = "select"
prom_env_machargs = "-v"
prom_driver_graphic = "video.x"
pci_ide0_master_installed = 1
pci_ide0_master_image = "macosx_3gb.img"
pci_ide0_master_type = "hd"
pci_ide0_slave_installed = 1
pci_ide0_slave_image = "OSXInstaller.iso"
pci_ide0_slave_type = "cdrom"
pci_3c90x_installed = 1
pci_3c90x_mac = "de:ad:ca:fe:12:35"
pci_rtl8139_installed = 0
pci_rtl8139_mac = "de:ad:ca:fe:12:35"
pci_usb_installed = 1
nvram_file = "nvram"

13 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

I set up memory size 0x10000000 i.e. 256 MB and set pci_3c90x_installed = 1 to use 3comc90x network card, and
downloaded driver from

Got internet connection sucessfully!!

Got internet connection sucessfully!!

2007-10-14 14:39:17 satin2jain [Reply | View]

can u tell me which mac u r using and from where u can get this mac...

help my
2007-06-18 09:52:57 alex_alexander [Reply | View]

run-time error '76

path not found help my send a video or a manual thanks you

2007-06-15 21:55:16 sk3391 [Reply | View]

can somebody help me please? i have got vista ultimate installed and when i run pearpc the output window just sits there
and runs but does nothing! please help would be sooo appreciated!!!

2007-06-15 21:54:36 sk3391 [Reply | View]

Cannnot find 6 gb rar disk image

2007-06-12 11:18:55 satyam.satyajeet [Reply | View]

I cannot find the 6 Gb rar disk image on the website mentioned so if anyone can please tell me a way out. I am using
windows XP so I need rar image only. thanks in advance.

Can I install?
2007-05-17 17:34:22 donkeyboy203 [Reply | View]

I am looking to test this out and I havea question

Can I install mac-native programs with the emulator?

...oh! and will the performance drop significantly?

Can I install?
2007-05-17 17:34:12 donkeyboy203 [Reply | View]

I am looking to test this out and I havea question

Can I install mac-native programs with the emulator?

...oh! and will the performance drop significantly?

HAHA HAHAH it works!!

2007-05-06 22:49:33 STEEL [Reply | View]

i followed all the steps that Wei-Meng Lee, above, had put down for us except for the last part; i put a check mark on 'Hard
Disk is installed'and it work'd FINE!

hey Wei-Meng Lee, thanks man!

HAHA HAHAH it works!!

2007-10-14 14:42:10 satin2jain [Reply | View]

can u tell me from where u got mac,,,and whats the latest mac...

It worked, but...
2007-05-05 17:05:39 Yaroslav_the_hunter [Reply | View]


Finally, after several months, I was able to install Mac OS X Panther 10.3 on pearpc 0.3.1 (I transfered it to pearpc 0.4pre)

Wei-Meng's manual contains some mistakes. You have to remove the line 13 and 15 from your configuration file (otherwise,
the mouse won't work), the screen size (emulator) must be 800x600 and so that pearpc won't crash, I recomend you to use
0.3.1 to install mac os x (after, you can run your conf. file in 0.4, if you want. (otherwise, the mouse won't work).

It worked, but...
2007-05-05 17:05:34 Yaroslav_the_hunter [Reply | View]


Finally, after several months, I was able to install Mac OS X Panther 10.3 on pearpc 0.3.1 (I transfered it to pearpc 0.4pre)

Wei-Meng's manual contains some mistakes. You have to remove the line 13 and 15 from your configuration file (otherwise,
the mouse won't work), the screen size (emulator) must be 800x600 and so that pearpc won't crash, I reccomend you to use
0.3.1 to install mac os x (after, you can run your conf. file in 0.4, if you want. (otherwise, the mouse won't work).

It worked, but...
2007-05-05 17:05:21 Yaroslav_the_hunter [Reply | View]


Finally, after several months, I was able to install Mac OS X Panther 10.3 on pearpc 0.3.1 (I transfered it to pearpc 0.4pre)

Wei-Meng's manual contains some mistakes. You have to remove the line 13 and 15 from your configuration file (otherwise,
the mouse won't work), the screen size (emulator) must be 800x600 and so that pearpc won't crash, I reccomend you to use
0.3.1 to install mac os x (after, you can run your conf. file in 0.4, if you want. (otherwise, the mouse won't work).

2007-05-05 02:29:53 Dicko21 [Reply | View]

I got so close to starting the install. I ran the config file, chose to boot from the disc, did that, started up with the apple llgo

14 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

an the loading animation, then all of a sudden the emulator just quits and the console says <warning> Restart!. Ideas?

Boot file
2007-04-28 03:51:03 gizmo74 [Reply | View]

i am using PearPc, i have followed the instuctions

carfully, but when i come to run it says 'cannot find boot file'.

can anyone help me with this.


(i am using mac os x 10.1.4)

Boot file
2007-08-17 00:46:50 phreakdb [Reply | View]

it depends on several factors. right now I am installing. Firstly, if youa re using pearpc control panel, then you will want
to make sure that the checkbox at the bottom that cd device installed or something like that is checked. secondly, you
will want to make sure that the file box is pointing toward an image of whatever version you are using. Thirdly, and this
is the most important. Make sure that you actually have an image that you can install from.

ISO images of Mac os X

2007-04-24 02:07:24 davidclangley [Reply | View]

I am all set to get mac os x up and running using pear pc. The problem is that i cant create iso images of the mac os x cd's.
I have tried winimage and nero.
Any suggestions

ISO images of Mac os X

2007-04-24 08:04:57 yimmmy [Reply | View]

i reallllly need help with this i burned my iso to a dvd its the darwin one and when i boot from it it just dose some checks
and then restarts any help please email me or im me at xbxmodd3r aim


Can't get control panal to work

2007-04-13 13:16:23 plop1234 [Reply | View]

I did every thing it said but as soon as I'm about to save the config file it says "Runtime Error 75 Path/File access error"

Somebody help!!!

I am running Vista Home Premium

Can't get control panal to work

2007-04-18 08:17:24 cfb673 [Reply | View]

you must run application as administrator and ...



Can't get control panal to work

2007-04-13 13:15:24 plop1234 [Reply | View]

I did every thing it said but as soon as I'm about to save the config file it says "Runtime Error 75 Path/File access error"

Somebody help!!!

Can't get control panal to work

2009-03-02 05:26:40 rickstar32 [Reply | View]

Runtime error 75 is an easy one..its a vista problem...You need to turn off your UAC controls in vista..just look it up on
google and it will tell you what to do..easy fix.

Cant downoad Image

2007-04-12 14:46:05 ClarkB [Reply | View]

I tried to go to the website provided but it wasnt working.... I'm also wondering if i download just the Image is that all i
need to install Mac on my Windows Vista Basic? And truly all i want Mac for is GarageBand because when my band and i Use
acid pro it just sucks.... If anyone can help me Email me at

thanks for da macosx on the pc

2007-03-28 08:58:03 chaoszero [Reply | View]

ive really tryed it and it you works just like you said.if there is anything i can do to help just let my know.and for all the
people that say we are blind because it says powerpc g3.then you are dumb because it is trickin the computer into thinkin
that it is a real mac.da.and ive scene it my self i went to about this mac and it shows the same thing.

Just to add from my last comment

2007-03-24 19:09:15 billy901 [Reply | View]

The person says they installed it on a 933 Mhz machine, a 1.7 Ghz machine and a 3.0 Ghz machine. Yup, definitely a scam!

Seriously... Look at the screenshot people

2007-03-24 19:05:39 billy901 [Reply | View]

Is everyone blind? have they been paying attention to the screenshots? If you look carefully at the one that has all the
system information displayed, it says that it's running on a PowerPC G3 1.1 Ghz. It's not Mac running on a PC. This is some
kind of scam. The guy clearly took a screenshot from his Mac and sent it to his PC to make it look like Mac running on a PC.

Seriously... Look at the screenshot people

2008-03-22 18:49:02 garethn [Reply | View]

Omg. Just because you can't get it working. You must have a bum .ISO file or something. Btw how are you supposed to
get it working if you buy a copy of the OS, you can't use the native CD ROM, and unless you make an .ISO file in Mac OS
X and transfer over then you can't do it. And if you could do that then why are you trying to install inside an Emulator?

15 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

It works, the instructions are fine, I did it myself. I even installed natively on my PC

My PC:
2.66GHz Intel Celeron D

Insert DVD, press Enter, wait, loads, install. Idiots

Seriously... Look at the screenshot people

2007-11-04 16:52:24 MRCORVETTE [Reply | View]

Note that an emulation does not reflect the true specs of the base unit. The apple os simulates auto on the 3gb/6gb
image. My unit works great and has the OS10 VER. 10.4.9 WORKING on the 6gb image on top of VISTA! Thanks, Mike!

Seriously... Look at the screenshot people

2007-08-22 06:37:19 cboxgo [Reply | View]

not a scam... i ran this in emulation mode on my acer laptop and it ran fine. it was just a bit slow. :(

Seriously... Look at the screenshot people

2007-04-06 19:01:26 Josh15 [Reply | View]

This isn't a scam. I ran OSX on my PC too. The computer i put it on had a 1.6Ghz processor but OSX said it was a
600Mhz G4 processor.

Seriously... Look at the screenshot people

2007-03-24 19:42:25 hexium [Reply | View]

No seriously, are you stupid or something? It's an emulator. It's supposed to emulate a G3 or G4 otherwise this specific
version of OS-X would not run at all (remember that he's using a PowerPC version, not the x86 version)

2007-03-01 20:08:02 demonskater54 [Reply | View]

Ok i did everything it show and tells to do in the instuctions. When i go to run my file pearpc output configuration pops up
and nothing happens after that. The pearpc output has been up for an hour and says nothing and does nothing. I also am
running windows vista ultiment.

Reading the Discs

2007-02-02 22:53:37 chrismac [Reply | View]

I recently purchased the mac operating system for use with this emulator. I installed all other components, but could not get
my computer (sony vaio) to read anything off the mac disc. I installed mac drive, but still nothing. Is there anything I need
to do after the instalation of mac drive to make the discs apear in my computer, thanks.

Reading the Discs

2007-02-13 18:00:27 mr.element [Reply | View]

Download transmac from aka cnet it will let you read the disk and burn an image file onto your cpu
through the tools section of the program.
its is 30 days for free and then 40 bucks to buy but i dont think ill ever have any use for it again.

Reading the Discs

2007-02-02 22:45:51 chrismac [Reply | View]

I recently purchased the mac operating system for use with this emulator. I installed all other components, but could not get
my computer (sony vaio) to read anything off the mac disc. I installed mac drive, but still nothing. Is there anything I need
to do after the instalation of mac drive to make the discs apear in my computer, thanks.

Reading the Discs

2007-02-02 22:45:49 chrismac [Reply | View]

I recently purchased the mac operating system for use with this emulator. I installed all other components, but could not get
my computer (sony vaio) to read anything off the mac disc. I installed mac drive, but still nothing. Is there anything I need
to do after the instalation of mac drive to make the discs apear in my computer, thanks.

i need help please

2007-02-02 06:03:26 ivin8 [Reply | View]

this message appear

*** 60 **
*** 60 **
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x00300003
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^15 pagetable_start: 0x00300000 size: 2^18
[IO/PROM] <Warning> Can't boot a partition.
Try bootmethod 'force' and specify a 'prom_loadfile' in your config-file...
cannot find boot file.

what should i do and how can i create partition

2007-01-31 11:10:59 computer-freebe [Reply | View]

carnt get it to work comes up with this help!!1

[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x00300003
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^15 pagetable_start: 0x00300000 size: 2^18
start: 512
start: 32768
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Driver_ATAPI

16 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
start: 36864
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_HFS
start: 785977344
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_HFS
[CPU/CPU] execution started at 06601e10
[IO/PROM] <Warning> 05800000 in use!
[IO/PROM] <Error> memory->claim failed!

Installing Mac OS Clasic 9 on Pear PC

2008-08-21 11:53:45 Koman [Reply | View]

I know it's old but Mac OS 9.0 is the only Version of Mac OS i have, i've intalled Pear PC and extracted the Mac OS 9 CD
to a ISO i just need a litle Help, ive already configued pear pc as demonstrated on youtube for os X Tiger, i figured it
sholud work the same since 10.3 is also a PPC arcitecture as well but now when i try to boot up OS9 the output screen
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA

[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x00300003
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^15 pagetable_start: 0x00300000 size: 2^18
start: 512
start: 32768
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Driver43
start: 61440
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Driver43_CD
start: 0
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Void
start: 133120
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
start: 161792
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
start: 233472
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Patches

17 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Patches
start: 0
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Void
start: 671084544
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Free
cannot find boot file.

The ppc.cfg File reads:

#Mac OS 9
# Created with PearPC Control Panel
#C:\Pear PC\ppc.exe
pci_ide0_master_installed = 1
pci_ide0_master_image = "C:\Pear PC\MacHD.img"
pci_ide0_master_type = "hd"
memory_size = 0x20000000
ppc_start_resolution = "1280x1024x32"
redraw_interval_msec = 60
prom_driver_graphic = "C:\Pear PC\video.x"
ppc_start_full_screen = 0
key_toggle_mouse_grab = "F12"
key_toggle_full_screen = "Alt+Return"
key_change_cd_0 = "none"
cpu_pvr = 0x00088302
pci_usb_installed = 1
prom_bootmethod = "auto"
prom_env_bootargs = ""
prom_env_machargs = ""
nvram_file = "nvram"
pci_ide0_slave_installed = 1
pci_ide0_slave_image = "C:\Pear PC\Mac OS 9.iso"
pci_ide0_slave_type = "cdrom"

Please Help This Is THe ONLY Emulator That Will Support OS 9.1

Installing Mac OS Clasic 9 on Pear PC

2008-08-21 11:53:30 Koman [Reply | View]

I know it's old but Mac OS 9.0 is the only Version of Mac OS i have, i've intalled Pear PC and extracted the Mac OS 9 CD
to a ISO i just need a litle Help, ive already configued pear pc as demonstrated on youtube for os X Tiger, i figured it
sholud work the same since 10.3 is also a PPC arcitecture as well but now when i try to boot up OS9 the output screen
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA

[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x00300003
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^15 pagetable_start: 0x00300000 size: 2^18
start: 512
start: 32768
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Driver43
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Driver43
start: 61440
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Driver43_CD
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Driver43_CD
start: 0
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Void

18 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Void
start: 133120
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
start: 161792
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
start: 233472
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Patches
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Patches
start: 0
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Void
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Void
start: 671084544
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 4 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 5 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 6 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 7 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 8 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 9 Apple_Free
cannot find boot file.

The ppc.cfg File reads:

#Mac OS 9
# Created with PearPC Control Panel
#C:\Pear PC\ppc.exe
pci_ide0_master_installed = 1
pci_ide0_master_image = "C:\Pear PC\MacHD.img"
pci_ide0_master_type = "hd"
memory_size = 0x20000000
ppc_start_resolution = "1280x1024x32"
redraw_interval_msec = 60
prom_driver_graphic = "C:\Pear PC\video.x"
ppc_start_full_screen = 0
key_toggle_mouse_grab = "F12"
key_toggle_full_screen = "Alt+Return"
key_change_cd_0 = "none"
cpu_pvr = 0x00088302
pci_usb_installed = 1
prom_bootmethod = "auto"
prom_env_bootargs = ""
prom_env_machargs = ""
nvram_file = "nvram"
pci_ide0_slave_installed = 1
pci_ide0_slave_image = "C:\Pear PC\Mac OS 9.iso"
pci_ide0_slave_type = "cdrom"

Please Help This Is THe ONLY Emulator That Will Support OS 9.1

copying Mac ox s with windows

2007-01-29 15:19:55 redz [Reply | View]

can i use windows to make a copy of the Mac os x disc i try but windows can not read the disk in the cd-rom

copying Mac ox s with windows

2007-01-30 11:22:04 computer-freebe [Reply | View]

you will need to download this program "mac drive"

Mac OS X
2007-01-27 16:54:32 moldyheady [Reply | View]

Can someone email me their Os X image?

I cant find one anywhere.. I know you have to buy one... but its too expensive. Someone send it to please. This would greatly please me. I also tried to torrent it, but it takes way too long.
Expected estimation time was 4 days and somethin'. Someone please help me. I need imovie for a school project. This would
greatly please me.

19 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

Mac OS X
2008-04-03 15:28:06 yogutslygee [Reply | View]

can I also have one emailed to me @ please this would greatly please me. I have tried to torrent it
as well etc with no success you guys will rock if you help me out you know!!! I want to make my pear pc work!!

OSX up nd running !
2007-01-20 22:48:38 wanted [Reply | View]

well i was able to install OSX 10.4 Tiger on my my amd 64 3000+. all the installation went smoothly and i was using OSX in
less than an hour ! I didnt had any failed attempts or any problems at all ! but have tough luck with networking till now. :-)
cheers !!

Help me...
2007-01-20 14:18:31 moldyheady [Reply | View]

First, I wanna know if there is iMovie on it. That is the reason why i want os x on my pc. I do not really get how to do it. Can
u like send me a video of yourself doing it. Or can u make it even more detailed. It would be a great help for me. Thank you.
Please help me.

Dont bother with pear PC

2007-01-16 08:49:59 tzag [Reply | View]

Since apple has introduced intel chips, OS X has support for them so you can now run OS X Tiger on a pc without an
emulation (you may have problems on some AMD chips like AMD Athlon 64).

Dont bother with pear PC

2007-01-29 14:45:15 superconsultant [Reply | View]

Can you explain how to do it?

Mac on PC with out pear pc

2007-01-15 12:16:58 tzag [Reply | View]

All you people that uses pear pc should try putting OS X tiger (i got leopard working) on to your pc with ot an emulator or a
pre-installed operating system. If you would like to try it go to:

Mac on PC with out pear pc

2007-03-01 13:10:32 awsomeperson [Reply | View]

does anyone know where i can get leopard (without paying)?

did it!!
2007-01-11 16:32:25 ciropanza [Reply | View]

So cool I've manage to make it work finally..mac osx 10.4.1 finally runs! cool but not much of use.. well network doesn't
work, dvds are not recognized.. it's really slow, so slow I can't even play a chess match. I think unless I'll be able to make it
run natively it won't really change my life. And to run it natively there is a lot of issues about how to make all the periferals
to work.. how to get drivers and have mac to recognize videocard, network card, usbs, sound card.... well nice step by step
walktrought to have it to run, and many thanks to whoever wrote pearpc.. really good job!!

Error in Config file

2006-12-04 13:59:05 hungry4cheese [Reply | View]

After I set up my config file the way it shows and then try to start it, it says:

P:\PearPC\WORKPL~1.CFG: unknown identifier 'ppc_start_full_screen' in line 13.

usage: ppc configfile

I dont know how to fix this. I have Mac OS X tiger copied into the folder. could someone help me pls.

2006-10-23 07:11:59 aewu2g [Reply | View]

I installed the os to the 6 gb image file and now when I try to load the os from the image file I get this cpu/cpu error
machine check exception. And I can't get past it. Does anyone know why it's doing this and what I need to do to fix it.

Running Mac OS On a PC already having Linux-Fedora OS

2006-10-18 22:55:02 Siraj03 [Reply | View]

Running Mac OS On a PC already having Linux-Fedora OS

2006-10-18 22:54:11 Siraj03 [Reply | View]

Hello Sir,

I have linux-fedora OS running in my System and i want Mac OS also in it so that i can do some Applescripting in it. Now is
this possible? If so what i have to do?
Please replay me sir Thanking you
from Siraj

Run time Error

2006-10-18 10:24:07 Cr41g [Reply | View]

I keep getting run time error 76 evertime i get to the last phase of installing please help?

Can u help me
2006-10-13 13:06:45 nayrkk [Reply | View]

I keep getting this error when I Know I have set up the config just fine

c:\ppc.cfg: unknown identifier 'ppc_start_full_screen' in line 13.

usage: ppc configfile

How do I fix this so it will boot up?

Someone Please help! :(

Can u help me

20 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

2008-03-28 12:27:12 wastrilith2k [Reply | View]

Download the latest PearPC from Sourceforge. This corrected it for me.

slow road to success

2006-10-12 21:30:56 Fifel_E [Reply | View]

i got my version to just took 9 friggen hours. definetly worth it though.

2006-10-12 18:49:01 lukezz [Reply | View]

i download i get as far as double click on the icon then an MS Dos windows flashes then after that windows is still normal but
every time it does that
please help if u know how to fix this problem!!!

2006-10-27 03:44:14 Jackwells!!! [Reply | View]

Heya did you get your problem sorted out concerning geting Mac OS X onto ur pc? im having the same problem!!!


2006-10-27 03:44:04 Jackwells!!! [Reply | View]

Heya did you get your problem sorted out concerning geting Mac OS X onto ur pc? im having the same problem!!!


2006-10-01 17:13:16 OReillyAnon [Reply | View]

I have 2 Install discs, do I iso them seperatley or as one? whenever i try to boot of disk one through the console it says in
cannot boot! someone plz give me their aim name so they can walk me through it. email me at

Pls. help
2006-09-26 13:00:59 gaos [Reply | View]

I was able to reach the part where Mac Screen appears with an animation as if it is preparing to install but then a new screen
will appear prompting me to restart my pc which I did but when my pc restarted, it did not continue the installation. I have
always love to have a Mac but I cant afford it thats why when I saw that you can run mac on pc, I immediately DL the files
needed. Hope you cal help me. Thanks

Pls. help
2006-10-02 20:08:05 Gamemansnow [Reply | View]

same thing happens to me

Looping on the starting step!

2006-10-25 08:50:13 MIGARY [Reply | View]

same thing happens to me as for Gamemansnow and previous submiter. What have I to do, pls?

All good until...

2006-09-22 21:16:03 ThomasEbeyer [Reply | View]

yeah it was all going good until this poped up...

[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x00300003
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^15 pagetable_start: 0x00300000 size: 2^18
start: 512
start: 32768
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_HFS
start: 512
start: 32768
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Free
start: 188416
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_HFS
start: 403668992
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 2 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 3 Apple_Free
getStartBlock: 0 Apple_HFS
getStartBlock: 1 Apple_HFS
[IO/PROM] <Error> can't open boot file
it couldnt boot the file, help someone?

All good until...

2006-11-10 06:23:26 Neonnic [Reply | View]

I Just got the same...

I just use the normal settings as told..

[IO/PROM] <Error> can't open boot file

searched on google but nothing there.

Please help me. Mail me at

21 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media


All good until...

2006-11-10 06:18:47 Neonnic [Reply | View]

I Just got the same...

I just use the normal settings as told..

if any1 knows.. please mail me:

All good until...

2007-01-07 12:16:17 biggorron [Reply | View]

i got this error too i got it working by using a different cd iamge the on i had must of been bad iso. i ended up dling a
.dmg which i had to use ultraiso to convert it to iso. now i am just waiting to see if it will install.

All good until...

2007-02-01 06:34:40 artem.pugachev [Reply | View]

So was it successful?

I have this error to:

So, how did work in your way?

[IO/PROM] <Error> can't open boot file

All good until...

2007-07-04 11:26:20 sopro [Reply | View]

I have the same prob too however I think somethings wrong with my ISO image file ... anybody knows where
I can dl mac image file?!?! .. ...

All good until...

2007-09-03 05:10:44 kungfumaster007 [Reply | View]

I have the same problem. Did anyone figure out a solution?

blank error??
2006-09-15 16:28:11 casey967 [Reply | View]

hey I tried booting it off the CD but it gave me this:

[IO/IDE] <Error> C:\PearPC\pearpc-6gib.img: could not open file (No error)

I made sure I did everything right but I dont know what's wrong. if anybody knows what I should do email me:

blank error??
2006-10-12 06:43:01 Fifel_E [Reply | View]

try re-extracting the HDD .img file. it worked for me

i cant boot
2006-08-19 23:11:12 rik_dev [Reply | View]

thanks for the great job.but the problem with me is ihai i cant boot szys something like-invalid partition or cant boot
from here.what should i do know?plz help.

i cant boot
2006-08-30 06:09:32 ASHER [Reply | View]



i cant boot
2006-10-01 17:14:22 OReillyAnon [Reply | View]

me too!

i cant boot
2006-12-13 03:01:38 apdubey [Reply | View]

same problem I am also getting and i tried it many time but not able to go further than the first restart screen is
there any other way to go ahead than this step or is there any hack there for the same.

If yes please let us know.

Thanks in advance for your support.


Intel or PPC ?
2006-08-09 17:06:27 WonderBill [Reply | View]

Does the OS X iso need to be Intel based or PPC ?

or does it matter ?

can't get MAC OSX Panther installed

2006-08-04 04:09:22 kdog1 [Reply | View]

22 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media


I followed all the steps and then it looked as though it was going through fine. It started to get to the end of the installation
and and then Pear PC Shut Down. I tried to go in to the PearPC Control Panel and run it again but know i keep getting the

[IO/IDE] <Error> C:\PearPC\macosx_3gb.img: could not open file (No error)

This is my config file:-

#Mac OSX
# Created with PearPC Control Panel
pci_ide0_master_installed = 1
pci_ide0_master_image = "C:\PearPC\macosx_3gb.img"
pci_ide0_master_type = "hd"
memory_size = 0xFF00000
ppc_start_resolution = "800x600x32"
redraw_interval_msec = 60
prom_driver_graphic = "C:\PearPC\video.x"
ppc_start_full_screen = 0
key_toggle_mouse_grab = "F12"
key_toggle_full_screen = "Alt+Return"
key_change_cd_0 = "none"
cpu_pvr = 0x00088302
pci_rtl8139_installed = 1
pci_rtl8139_mac = "de:ad:ca:fe:12:35"
pci_usb_installed = 1
prom_bootmethod = "select"
prom_env_bootargs = ""
prom_env_machargs = ""
nvram_file = "nvram"
pci_ide0_slave_installed = 1
pci_ide0_slave_image = "C:\PearPC\MacOSXCD1.ISO"

pci_ide0_slave_type = "cdrom"

Please can anyone send me advice to


can't get MAC OSX Panther installed

2006-10-12 06:37:30 Fifel_E [Reply | View]

I fixed this problem by re-extracting the HDD image

Hard Disk Image

2006-08-03 13:05:14 HockeyInJune [Reply | View]

I am a |\|00|3 at Macs. I just want to check it out and play with it a little bit. I do not understand the whole Hard Disk
Image thing. Would somebody please explain what a Hard Disk Image is and what is does. Is it the same as a new partition?
Can I use a new partition instead?

Please feel free to contact me any way you like
AIM: HockeyInJune
ICQ: HockeyInJune
YIM: HockeyInJune

Thanx in advance!

Hard Disk Image

2006-08-03 13:05:05 HockeyInJune [Reply | View]

I am a |\|00|3 at Macs. I just want to check it out and play with it a little bit. I do not understand the whole Hard Disk
Image thing. Would somebody please explain what a Hard Disk Image is and what is does. Is it the same as a new partition?
Can I use a new partition instead?

Please feel free to contact me any way you like
AIM: HockeyInJune
ICQ: HockeyInJune
YIM: HockeyInJune

Thanx in advance!

So close!
2006-07-21 20:06:52 chris365 [Reply | View]

Ok. So I went out and bought Software instalation disks of panther os x. I put them into my cd-rom drive and the computer
thinks the drive is empty. Then I downloaded MacDrive 6, the program claims it only needs to be set up, then it will
recognize any mac disk. I must be missing something though because im unable to get MagicISO to recognize any
information from the panther mac os x cd. If you have ANY advice please email me:

Mac sound
2006-07-16 15:45:29 dolica [Reply | View]

Does the emulated Mac have sound?

2006-07-06 02:04:51 crashedata [Reply | View]

I forgot to add that to install it nativly you MUST have alot of space on your hard disk.

2006-07-06 01:59:33 crashedata [Reply | View]

I sucessfully did this earlier today. After doing this I noticed something. Yes it does run FAIRLY fast. Not as fast as if it was

23 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

native though. However, it has some problems with crashing... alot. So I quested out to figure out if their was a way to
install it nativly. It took about 3 hours of looking through google results but I did find some stuff to do it. Another six hours
later and I was able to dual boot into Mac OS X without running windows at all on a PC. This did however require several
third party drivers and emulators for the OS X system itself to get it running right with the video card, motherboard, etc. It
did run much faster then the windows emulator though. It also required a new boot loader, a linux partition and a striped
down version of the newest version of Redhat Linux. I am glad I already had a copy of that on a disk. But, I got it working.
The steps I had to go through after the install are: Boot into linux. Go to m0sx.rpm then go to MOsX it will restart your
machine out of linux and into OSX. It was heck to find all of this stuff but I did do it. I only recomend it if you have ALOT of
time on your hands and nothing better to do.

2007-10-09 16:52:04 Sacl [Reply | View]

please send me the instuctions on how to run mac natively!!!

My email is

2007-09-22 13:48:20 SparkyG [Reply | View]

so interested in your findings can you send me the instructions on how to install?

2007-04-28 23:12:11 vs49688 [Reply | View]

could u please send me instructions on how to do this.


2007-03-01 04:52:20 Patrick10 [Reply | View]

I would love to know how also. it would be best if you could post a link, but I would like an email if you cant post a link.


2007-01-11 16:37:33 ciropanza [Reply | View]

have u got all the steps posted somewere, or could you mail me at .. I'll really appreciate..
love to do it myself.
thanks P

2007-01-11 10:47:52 soofire [Reply | View]

Amazing,if this really works i don't even mind putting in the time.
Could you drop me a quick how: to email?


2006-12-05 14:45:15 hungry4cheese [Reply | View]

OMG thats amazing how u actually got mac to run natively. could you pls send me a reply on my email at

If you coul do this for me i would be so happy.


2006-12-05 10:12:04 TimmyChunga [Reply | View]

could also send me the instructions on how to do this...

2006-12-05 10:11:49 TimmyChunga [Reply | View]

could also send me the instructions on how to do this...

2006-11-06 01:05:56 MacMan94 [Reply | View]

PLEASE!!!, Could you sent me the exact guide to do this with all links to the downloads. I REALLY want to run os x at full
speed, but i can't find how on google. My email is


2006-10-15 16:58:37 smggoin [Reply | View]

please send me instructions as well...

much appreciated

2006-09-07 13:25:11 nachos111 [Reply | View]

Can you please send me the exact instructions to do this as well? I would love to run Mac OS X on my windows based
computer as its own OS. Thanks.

24 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

2006-08-02 12:10:48 sheni7 [Reply | View]

Hey I just read your post and would REALLY appreciate it if you could tell me exactly how you did what you did. Could
you give me the links to the sites where you downloaded all the software emulators and instructions as to how to
properly install each one like you did. I am prepared to put in the time to get the job done as long as I know what I have
to do to get it done.

Thank you,

2006-12-29 12:18:22 enrageddan [Reply | View]

Hey I just read your post and would REALLY appreciate it if you could tell me exactly how you did what you did.
Could you give me the links to the sites where you downloaded all the software emulators and instructions as to how
to properly install each one like you did. I am prepared to put in the time to get the job done as long as I know what
I have to do to get it done.

Thank you,

(haha sorry pretty much stole your response, sheni7...)

2006-12-29 12:17:55 enrageddan [Reply | View]

Hey I just read your post and would REALLY appreciate it if you could tell me exactly how you did what you did.
Could you give me the links to the sites where you downloaded all the software emulators and instructions as to how
to properly install each one like you did. I am prepared to put in the time to get the job done as long as I know what
I have to do to get it done.

Thank you,

(haha sorry pretty much stole your response, sheni7...)

please help
2006-06-24 12:40:11 cdstano [Reply | View]

hi.. i have followed everything down to where i need to create an ISO file of the OS X cd. i am really stuck on how to do this
and have used several programs. I have the origional installation cd of Mac OS X but of course my laptop wont read it. I got
my m8 to do a copy of it on his Mac so that it can be read by windows. however i am still not having a lot of luck reating an
ISO file out of that. everytime i seem to make one my laptop wants to open it with win.RAR and it is recognising it as a RAR
file. can anyone please help. reply or email many thanks

Just asking!
2006-06-23 18:04:32 loadedmutha [Reply | View]

Hi there!I like to ask you something.Can someone of you send me on my home address copy of Mac OS X operating system if
that is legal?If can please mail me on and God bless!!!

OSX Install
2006-06-23 17:03:24 pubichare [Reply | View]

I installed OSX Darwin natively on my PC. I Formatted the drive and just installed it. My PC is an Athlon 64 3200+ processor
a Biostar MB with Nforce ultra chipset ATI Radeon 1300 pro vidcard. The machine ran OSX like a champ and it is smoking
fast. My only problem is the network! I cannot get it to recognize any ethernet adapter, usb or otherwise. Everything else
works fine! Any idea how to get it to connect to a network? I am a MAC dummy,
but running it on my pc shows me what windows lacks! the speed was incredible.

OSX Install
2007-01-27 17:20:42 deltaflyer [Reply | View]

I originally had the same problem with the network, but found another tutorial that explained how to get the network
working. Here's a link:

The upshot is you have to install a program in Windows that creates another ethernet adapter which Mac OS uses.

Unfortunately you'll have to use a different configuration file to boot into Mac OS. PearPC came with a config file called
"ppc.example" (openable in wordpad, it's screwy-looking in notepad). The os-emulation site tells you which changes to
make in order to make the internet work in Mac OS.

Hope this helps.

img ???
2006-06-17 06:09:41 capthavoc [Reply | View]

I tried to download the suggested img but the link isn,t working ?
and im not sure what is meant by you need a legal version (I do have it btw
But how do i make a img ?
my windows pc cannot read a mac disk ?

THANKS, good explanations, works fine!

2006-06-12 14:15:48 vacuit� [Reply | View]

Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation.

no magic stuf, only follow the steps (appart from the link for the image that is not working).
it is really slow, but... who cares!
so thanks again.
(i've tested it with the last vs of pearPC.)

25 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

succes ,but a litle slow....

2006-05-17 21:08:45 carlos206 [Reply | View]

hi,i�was able to run mac os x tiger whit pearpc ,on my p4 2.4 512mb(single channel) with VIA PT800 chipset ,i�was able to
pass all the obstacles,all works ok but when i check my procerssor on osx it say that i have a 860MHZ G4 CPU ,why ? if i have
a 2400MHZ CPU? how can i�do for speed up to 2400mhz?..
PD: mac don�t recognize my audio card....
thanks bye ,Carlos from Argentina

succes ,but a litle slow....

2006-05-17 21:04:27 carlos206 [Reply | View]

hi, i�make work mac os x tiger on my p4 2.4 512mb with via pt880 chipset ,i�was able to pass all the obstacles,all works
ok but when i check my procerssor on osx it say that i have a 860MHZ G4 CPU ,why ? if i have a 2400MHZ CPU?

mac os x
2006-05-11 23:47:10 rameez [Reply | View]

how should i install mac os x on win xp.please give me replay

mac os x
2006-05-13 05:18:35 rameez [Reply | View]

can u give me the configuration of hardware recuriment to install the mac on pc

the big question

2006-05-05 12:04:49 saywhat [Reply | View]

Maybe I missed the information here but could someone tell me if this will make it possible to run Mac-specific programs? I
really need to run my Final Cut Pro off of my PC.

installation pauses
2006-04-27 17:25:34 ericthebase [Reply | View]

ok, so everything works fine until i get to the installation. its geta all the way to then end and then when is says "Running
Installer Script" it seems like it just freezes. i left it rin overnight, and all the next day, but it makes no progress. i need

cannot open boot file from my iso

2006-04-22 19:17:13 kpa05 [Reply | View]

any reason for this error? i have tried 2 dif iso's

they are MacOs 9.1 and 9.2 from my mac that died.
has anyone gotten these distros to work?

2006-04-22 06:04:54 duffo [Reply | View]

Ahh, finally it worked!

But illegaly sloooow!!
I think I drive in to the city and buy a Mac Mini Intel instead... and use Boot Camp so I can use both Windows XP and Mac...
Thank for a GREAT guide, good job!

Bye for now!!

2006-04-21 03:12:47 duffo [Reply | View]

When i tried to install Mac OS, i have no harddrive to select to install it on... what do i do??
Please help!

2006-07-24 09:53:55 Strand123 [Reply | View]

You have to create a virtual hard drive

2007-10-21 06:59:07 markey164 [Reply | View]

I had this problem, even though i had created a virtual drive.

I realised that, you then have to go into Utilities->Disk Utility. Your 3 or 6GB virtual disk should be visible here. You
then need to select it and create a partition on it, then choose to format it as MAC OS Extended (journalled). Takes
about 10 mins on a 6GB virtual disk.

Once you've done this, an available hard disk will magically appear to on the installer!!

2006-04-19 10:55:38 duffo [Reply | View]

When i tried to start a "PearPC Output Console" comes up and says:

"[IO/PROM] <Error> memory->claim failed!"
What is wrong? Please help!

My specs:
XP home
512mb ram
pentium 4 - 2.52Ghz

2006-04-16 11:56:12 ericthebase [Reply | View]

is it possible to load garageband or iLife on the emulated Mac OS X? if so, please let me

The Solution To All Of These Problems

2006-04-07 12:43:11 ChrisS2k [Reply | View]

I have Mac OS X Running PERFECTLY on my Apple Laptop. :) There is a simple way to solve this:

>Sell Your Old Computer

26 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

>Get A Fast, New Intel Mac

>Keep Your Win XP Boot Disk
>Emulate Windows on Mac with Boot Camp

Trust me, I hated Mac for YEARS!!! I finally got the guts to get one when I had the chance, and everything, even WINDOWS,
runs better then a PC with the same spex.

doesnt boot up!!!

2006-04-06 16:10:40 Topher2007 [Reply | View]

when i start the actual ppc program i get the boot loader with the partitions that i can boot from......which do i choose? I pick
the cd and it boots for about 5 mins and i get a cut in half folder icon in the center of the screen....if i choose the hd image i
get an error that says i cant boot the file. Someone help me please.

My specs
p4 3.4ghz
200g hdd
radeon x850xt pe
2g corsair ram.

doesnt boot up!!!

2006-05-13 02:45:56 prepress [Reply | View]

install files from cd howto

2006-04-04 11:34:02 terryjak [Reply | View]

Hi 4 hours down the line osx 10.4 runs on my amd 2gig 1.5gig ram 40 gig harddrive os xp how do you install
anything on osx have macdrive on but no cd icon shows in osx when cd, mac or windows format is inserted just shows in
windows only,can you install and run programes in osx?Pray tell.

Partition hard drive for Mac OS X install.

2006-03-31 14:35:00 bosston [Reply | View]

I ran the install and setup everything correctly and am at the Select the Destination volume to install Mac OS X Screen but
don't have a volume to select. Is the install just really slow or do I have to partition my drive to have at least 6 gig of free

Partition hard drive for Mac OS X install.

2006-04-01 17:25:22 bosston [Reply | View]

I figured it out. You have to format the image with the Disk Utility option.

Partition hard drive for Mac OS X install.

2007-08-09 08:51:16 Cookie44 [Reply | View]

I am having the same problem but can't figure out how to format the disk. Could anyone help me?

Partition hard drive for Mac OS X install.

2007-08-09 08:51:02 Cookie44 [Reply | View]

I am having the same problem but can't figure out how to format the disk. Could anyone help me?

2006-03-29 18:03:38 offspringer9126 [Reply | View]

i can't get the link to work for a hard disk image and i dunno where else to get it sum one help me

so far so good
2006-03-15 10:12:14 PC-Renegade [Reply | View]

Everything worked fine with me, even could use G4 emulation, but i'm stack when it prompt me for the 2nd Panther CD, i'd
create the image and named Panther2.iso, but nothing, even renamed the images so the 2nd be panther1.iso and did not
work, what can i do, is there any way to install the OS using just the CD1 ???, can be installed the other option (as alternate
language) after....
PLEASE HELP !!! i'll love to run OSX on my "Friggin" COMPAQ.....
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, and sorry by my "TARZAN-LIKE" english.

Image file is always corrupt..

2006-03-06 22:21:48 Supaman [Reply | View]

hi, i've tried burning the patched .iso file to dvd 5 times now...every time nero says it was successful, but windows explorer
won't let me look at the drive letter or anything; saying the "file may be corrupt"

anyone have an answer for me?

Image file is always corrupt..

2006-03-15 10:22:06 PC-Renegade [Reply | View]

You have to burn the disk in to an image file, choose the image creator from the drop down list in the change recorder
menu, then you have to "Convert" the .NRG file in to an .ISO file, I've used Magic ISO for that, you may ensure that your
version will be able to recognize the nero file format, the last version (5.1) does it for sure. Don't be worry if you can't
acces the image file after been burned, it is because it has a differnt file structure and windows is not capable of read it.
Hope it helps....

Image file is always corrupt..

2006-03-15 20:48:57 Supaman [Reply | View]

no i dowloaded the image file already patched and in .iso format!! after i burn the image it is successful (using nero 6
ultra), but i can't read the disk, and bios won't recognize it as an image cd to boot up to...could it be media, corrupt
d/l, check sums??? it will not read as anything but a blank cd in windows!

Image file is always corrupt..

2006-03-15 22:24:02 PC-Renegade [Reply | View]

You won't be able to see anything of MAC in a PC, that is why you have to load it in to the emulator, if you can't
see it in the boot menu, you can choose the option "0" to see all the partition that the emulator detect, even th
non bootables ones. GL

27 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

using the mouse

2006-02-13 13:00:34 excapade [Reply | View]

can someone help me??i have been going through the installation and its been going very well but i have a problem. , i cant
seem to get the mouse on the emulator when installing the apple programme to i was wondering what button should
i use when switching from the normal windows button to the mac button.

Change your xp to mac easier

2006-02-08 18:25:04 elementskaterbla [Reply | View]

(Note: If you are going to do this I suggest you print it out first)Yeah this program might seem cool but you run it in a
window, its not actually transforming your pc, and you have to do the dirty work like transforming files and copying them to
differant places. I know a program that completely changes your pc, and you can easily toggle in between xp and mac, go to then you can just preview it, then click on download up top
then click flyakite v3.0, you will need an unzipping program like winzip from, just get the trial version, open
flyakite v 3.0 with winzip, when winzip opens click use evalutation version then up top click extract then select to put the
files where you remember where they will be, then down bottom of the extract window make sure that the box use file
names is selected then click extract, it should be done in about 5 seconds, then exit winzip and go to the flyakite v 3.0 setup
file you extracted and open it, about half way through the setup it will give you boxes to choose from like create restore
point, system files, tweaks etc. click in all the boxes then click next. it will then setup then ask you if you want to restart now
or later, restart then, on startup scandisk might come up and try to scan the pc, just let it do its thing, then when it boots up
log in and right click on your desktop, click properties, then in the themes tab make sure it says modified theme in the
dropdown, then go to the appearance tab and in the windows and buttons dropdown, make sure it says Mac OS X, then hit
Apply and exit, then if the start/taskbar didnt move to the top, right click on where your programs would minimize and make
sure that "lock the taskbar" does not have a check in front of it, if it does click on it, the taskbar should have moved to the
top. And thats it, if you want to change back to regular windows just right click in your desktop, hit properties and in the
theme tab in the dropdown select windows xp, hit apply and exit. (Note: The change will only occur on the user you installed
it on, if you want to put on other users just change the theme in the display properties.) (Note: All the files you had on xp
will be accessable through the mac settings applied) (Note: Only under 250 mb will be used with flyakite v 3.0) Thanks

Change your xp to mac easier

2006-03-11 08:33:15 macClassicUser [Reply | View]

I don't think that this guy understands what emulation is. What elementskaterbla is talking about is simply putting on a
new skin for windows XP. Your not actually running MAC OS X, you just making it LOOK like you are. This article is about
actually running MAC OS X on a windows machine, which is called emulation, not just a new skin. Using Pear will actually
run MAC OS X, what elementskaterbla is talking about, just makes it LOOK like you are.

2006-02-04 17:40:54 Leech [Reply | View]

How do I get the dmg file to convert to iso. I have tried using dmg2iso, but that didn't work. Anyone please help!

2006-10-19 15:11:48 eXoduS01de [Reply | View]

I had the same problem as you, but i have the solution for this problem, too! Her is it, google for the trial of UltraISO.

Greetings from a 16 years old boy from Germany!

2006-02-04 17:40:48 Leech [Reply | View]

How do I get the dmg file to convert to iso. I have tried using dmg2iso, but that didn't work. Anyone please help!

2006-04-20 14:18:16 ericthebase [Reply | View]

try and use UltraISO, it worked for me and its a free download. here's the link:

Boot Partition?
2006-01-27 13:20:07 SSO125 [Reply | View]

I have done all of the above settings but when I execute the config file it says "No Bootable Partition File Found" I have tried
setting it to "auto", "select", and "force" but it makes no difference. Anything will help.

Computer Info:
Sony Vaio FS790 Notebook
2.13GHZ Prossesor
512 MB RAM
Windows XP Home

Boot Partition?
2007-06-29 10:57:25 micneamol [Reply | View]

i have been having the same trouble and i think i have found a solution. i am in the middle of downloading files now.
take a look at this artice ( and this one (
/installdarwin.html). the darwin installation link is now out of date - here's the new one

as i said haven't finished this yet but i will let you know if it works

Run-Time error
2006-01-21 20:17:24 downshikh [Reply | View]

hello, i followed your instructions, and i was successfull except the fact that i would get the iso image of the OS a day after.
I completed all the steps and i left it till tommorow.
Then when i opened the control panel my icon was lost.
So i repeated all the steps,but when the final step came(step 4) after clicking on finish it said
'Run-Time error "76"
Path not Found'

I reinstalled the Pear PC control Panel , but the result aws same.

Pleaase help.

Run-Time error
2006-10-18 10:27:39 Cr41g [Reply | View]

Question did you ever figure out the run time error 76 if you did could you please let me know?

28 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

success!!! ^_^
2006-01-14 16:45:02 rohanzxx [Reply | View]

to everyone who reads this please download pear pc coz it is the best ever!

Running Ilife
2005-12-18 13:47:21 personwhoneedshelp [Reply | View]

Hey I just wondered if it was possible to run mac programs like ilife and garageband on this



2005-12-06 14:32:42 varo [Reply | View]

My english is like an indian so sorry.

this is the true.
you can run mac osx native on x86 arq.
that-s the true.
at this moment, i have p4 intel runing osx 10.4
some programs work fine, other depend it on hard.
there is a small list of compatibily hard, but i think the list will be bigger.

dont use emulator, doesnt work fine.

think on darwing .
there is a proyect on internet to run mac on pc.
it-s work.

thats all I can say.


help please
2005-11-19 16:27:20 naeuuin [Reply | View]

i have searched and searched and i cant find anything. i keep getting "JITC Warning" program exception: 00080000
00000000 spamed

this is my config file

#Mac OSX - Jaguar

# Created with PearPC Control Panel
#C:\Documents and Settings\Death\Desktop\pearpc-0.3.1-win32-sdl-jitc\ppc.exe
pci_ide0_master_installed = 1
pci_ide0_master_image = "C:\Documents and Settings\Death\Desktop\pearpc-0.3.1-win32-sdl-jitc\pearpc-6gib.img"
pci_ide0_master_type = "hd"
# memory_size = 0xFF00000
ppc_start_resolution = "800x600x32"
redraw_interval_msec = 60
prom_driver_graphic = "C:\Documents and Settings\Death\Desktop\pearpc-0.3.1-win32-sdl-jitc\video.x"
# ppc_start_full_screen = 0
# key_toggle_mouse_grab = "F12"
# key_toggle_full_screen = "Alt+Return"
# key_change_cd_0 = "none"
# cpu_pvr = 0x000c0000
# pci_usb_installed = 1
# prom_bootmethod = "select"
# prom_env_bootargs = ""
# prom_env_machargs = ""
# nvram_file = "nvram"
pci_ide0_slave_installed = 0
pci_ide0_slave_image = "F:\Mac OS X 10.4 CD version\Mac OS X Install Disc 1.dmg"
pci_ide0_slave_type = "cd-rom"

Is it compatable?
2005-10-15 18:40:44 Jamin85 [Reply | View]

I'm seriously thinking about installing a Mac operating system on my machine that already runs Windows XP. But here is my
biggest question: Will the Mac operating system be able to read my files, documents, and imagines I already have stored in
XP? Can the two operating systems interchange information or are they completely seperate? Can anyone help?

Ive got a Problem

2005-10-01 23:12:16 Midnightlova [Reply | View]

I keep getting this error when I Know I have set up the config just fine

c:\ppc.cfg: unknown identifier 'ppc_start_full_screen' in line 13.

usage: ppc configfile

How do I fix this so it will boot up?

Someone Please help! :(

Ive got a Problem

2006-04-20 14:21:07 ericthebase [Reply | View]

this happened to me at first too. go to the config. file and click "open with", then select chose file from list. then clcik
"notepad" when the new widow comes up go to line 13. i should look like

ppc_start_full_screen = 0

delete that line altogether, and try again. note: this is not a guarantee.

PearPC worked fine

2005-09-15 23:19:21 aregs [Reply | View]

Finally, I was able to configure and install PearPC with Mac OSX (Jaguar). Following is the ppc.cfg file i have used. I had to #
most of the lines.
Also, I have used MacDrive and UltraISO to create the ISO files from the original Mac OSX Jaguar CDs.

Good luck,

29 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

#Mac OSX - Jaguar

# Created with PearPC Control Panel
#C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\PearPC\ppc.exe
pci_ide0_master_installed = 1
pci_ide0_master_image = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\PearPC\macosx_6gb.img"
pci_ide0_master_type = "hd"
# memory_size = 0xFF00000
ppc_start_resolution = "800x600x32"
redraw_interval_msec = 60
prom_driver_graphic = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\PearPC\video.x"
# ppc_start_full_screen = 0
# key_toggle_mouse_grab = "F12"
# key_toggle_full_screen = "Alt+Return"
# key_change_cd_0 = "none"
# cpu_pvr = 0x000c0000
# pci_usb_installed = 1
# prom_bootmethod = "select"
# prom_env_bootargs = ""
# prom_env_machargs = ""
# nvram_file = "nvram"
pci_ide0_slave_installed = 0
pci_ide0_slave_image = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\PearPC\Jaguar2.iso"
pci_ide0_slave_type = "hd"

Wondering if OSX Or OS 9 will run on my computer

2005-09-13 19:23:20 zweekerboy [Reply | View]

I have a AMD 64 3000 processor on my computer with 512mb ram and a nVidia gForce graphics card, does any one know if
either OSX or 9 will run on my computer, bofore i buy it?

(i am not sure about the 64bit processor on a OS that doesn't realy support 64bit tech, has any one else tryed it?)

cant run installation

2005-09-10 00:21:59 chenc64 [Reply | View]

i have the same problem. ive done everything im meant to do but still cant tun the mac os installation. the config file after i
click on the icon in configuration comes up with "C:\DOCUME~1\CLIFFO~1\Desktop\PEAR\MACOSX~1.CFG: unknown
identifier 'ppc_start_full_screen' in line 13.
usage: ppc configfile"

cant run installation

2005-10-08 11:33:13 josemedeiros007 [Reply | View]

Well it took me all night, but I finally got Mac OS TIGER 10.4 X86 to run on VMWARE 5 on my Windows XP system using
a non supported AMD 64 bit processor, although it is working, it run's like a slug. I don't have the root password
so I can delete the " AppleTPMACPI.kext " extension file which I think is slowing down the system as it appears to be
looking for the Apple PRAM and causing the system to hang during the interrupts. This developer edition is still in beta,
hopefully the next release will have better driver support and more apps available to run natively. Take a look at: or email me


wont work
2005-08-16 12:29:07 firefox549 [Reply | View]

Is there some pre-configured thing I can download to make this work? I have Mac OS X Tiger saved as a ISO file. Email me
at if you can help.

2.93 ghz
1 gig ram
80 gig HDD

wont work
2005-08-16 12:27:28 firefox549 [Reply | View]

Is there some pre configured thing I can download to make this work? I have Mac OS X Tiger and I have cd 1 as a ultra iso

3 ghz
1 gig or ram
80 gig HDD

Unable to Launch Installer

2005-08-04 09:32:36 Lefo [Reply | View]

Hi. Trying to use PearPC. Got everything done exactly as instructed. Have a problem...I get the following while trying to
launch the installer:

PEARPC~1.1-W\MACOSX~1.CFG: unknown identifier 'ppc_start_full_screen' in line 13.

usage: ppc configfile

Now, my Mac OS X Panther came in 3 disks. Is that the problem? I saved them in ISO format using the same exact names
they shipped with.

I'm using PPC v 1.0, if that helps.



2005-07-26 22:52:04 PearNess [Reply | View]






30 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

2005-07-26 22:44:22 PearNess [Reply | View]




Okay I pass everything but...

2005-07-26 22:41:50 PearNess [Reply | View]

when im installing at the first view whit the gray color and the mac logo starts to run but in de DOS window apears:




2005-06-07 20:59:12 iamit108 [Reply | View]

This is my third day continuously working on trying to get Panther installed. I resolved the restarting issue, thanx to another
user for the tip. Past that screen I get to CHOOSE LANGUAGE screen and I can't get past that screen. It just sits there. I
waited 8 hours after clicking CONTINUE and pressing ENTER, but the set up didn't go to the next screen. Any tip to fix this
problem? I would really appreciate it.

By the way, I am trying to install Panther on

AMD Athlon 64bit Processor
512 MB Ram
60 GB Hard Drive

PearPC and Bootable OS X 10.2 CDs

2005-05-27 21:09:59 Wei-Meng Lee | [Reply | View]

Here is a page that contains instructions on PearPC and Bootable OS X 10.2 CDs:

Hope this helps!

PearPC and Bootable OS X 10.2 CDs

2005-07-22 17:08:02 blackborn [Reply | View]

� want to boot cd

WinXP won't read disk

2005-05-16 15:08:18 TechieFreak05 [Reply | View]

I have Mac OS 10.2.4 and WinXP recognizes the CD, but it says there are no files on it it, and in my DVD drive, it says the
disk is not formatted, so i cant make it an ISO file, HELP LE!

WinXP won't read disk

2006-03-25 11:06:58 Techwiz3 [Reply | View]

heres how i got around that, get yourslef a copy of MAC Drive 6. this programs will allow your pc to read a mac formatted
disk, then use you favorite arciver ( i used winiso) to create the iso image file. there problem solved

.ISO Question...
2005-05-11 16:16:44 TechieFreak05 [Reply | View]

I have Mac OS 10.2.4 and I have UltraISO, so do I just coopy the OS disc to my PC and convert the OS X disc into one giant
.ISO file?

a circle with a line through it

2005-05-06 02:36:32 johnabrahams [Reply | View]

Hi, when i try to install mac os x tiger i wait and while it is still loading, ( has not even began installation) it brings a circle
with a line through it instead of the apple logo. I keep trying to reboot but each time it doesn't make a diffrence.

Thanks. Ps. Could you also please send me your reply to my e-mail address :

a circle with a line through it

2005-09-13 19:27:37 zweekerboy [Reply | View]

Normaly that should be the startup animation, it could be your background OS trying to do something.

a circle with a line through it

2005-09-11 23:24:35 dannylross820 [Reply | View]

Hi: I'm having the same problem- except -I'm installing Tiger on my Mac G4 Powerbook. Even though I did a low level
reformat of the internal hard drive in my Powerbook before installation, I consistently get the same circle with a line
through it after the system on the Mac OS X Tiger DVD begins to boot up.

In my case it's not just the system disk that gives this bad result. In addition, any CD with a sysem on it will not boot
including the latest version of Norton Utilities for Macintosh.

Although this is a PC discussion, I thought that the similarities between my problem and johnabrahams where notable
and their solution my cast light on both problems.

Any assistance you can give will be appreciated.

Dan Ross

a circle with a line through it

2006-09-26 19:55:43 macbyday_pcbynite [Reply | View]

Please stop calling it "a circle with a line through it"... it's called a prohibitory sign.

31 of 33 27-05-2010 15:51
Run Mac OS X on a PC - O'Reilly Media

Try resetting the NVRAM, if that doesn't work, erase and install (again).

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