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Marking Rubric – Evaluation

Name: Date:
Criteria 3 2 1
Presented data Students data Student The student did
in graphic recording was included data not include
organiser of a high into the graphic data in a
standard. The organiser graphic
data was clear template, organiser.
and thorough however was
and promoted very minimal.
high order
Made Student was Student made a Student did not
comparisons to thorough in brief make any
their prior comparing their comparison comparisons.
thoughts initial between their
compared to prediction to prediction and
their current the final the outcome.
knowledge outcome.
Components Student Student The student did
they would showcased high selected not select any
change order thinking elements of the components to
by expressing experiment to change.
correct change,
components however they
that could be were not the
changed to correct
enhance the variables.
Keeping Student Student Student did not
variables the provided an provided provide
same extensive list of minimal examples of
variables that variables that controlled
must be kept must be kept variables.
consistent. the same.

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