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Fuel Processing Technology 103 (2012) 91–96

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Characterization and combustion of olive pomace and forest residue pellets

T. Miranda a, J.I. Arranz a, I. Montero a, S. Román b,⁎, C.V. Rojas a, S. Nogales a
Department of Mechanical, Energetic and Materials Engineering, Spain
Department of Applied Physics, Industrial Engineering School, University of Extremadura Avda Elvas s/n, 06071 Badajoz, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As a result of agroindustrial activities in southwestern Europe, a great amount of residues are generated;
Received 30 June 2011 among them, olive pomace stands out as one of the most abundant. One interesting alternative to increase
Received in revised form 5 October 2011 its potential as biofuel can be its densification. However, in order to achieve high quality pellets, it is necessary
Accepted 18 October 2011
to blend this material with other feedstocks. In this work, the properties of blends of pelletized residues from
Available online 21 January 2012
olive pomace and pyrenean oak were analyzed with a view to find the best option.
In order to compare the characteristics of the obtained pellets, such as moisture content, mechanical durability,
Biomass ash content and calorific value, these parameters were determined according to the Technical Specifications for
Characterization Solid Biofuels CEN/TS. Moreover, the pellets produced were subjected to a combustion test in a pellet stove to
Combustion analyze the emissions associated to each sample. The results show that not all residues pelletize satisfactorily,
Olive pomace which is due to the different conditions of the precursors. Adding pyrenean oak residues to the olive pomace
Pyrenean oak samples guarantees a more effective compression of the pellet, improving its manipulation and transport, without
significantly modifying its thermal properties. Concerning the pellet combustion, emissions are slightly worse
with olive pomace pellet, concluding that it is not recommendable to use blends with more than 50% of this
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction oil by-products with other biomass residues that must present suitable
characteristics for an ideal pelletization [2].
In recent years, the production of thermal energy by biomass on a Generally, residual products from the timber industry and forest
small scale has shown a clear trend towards densified biofuels (pellets) residues are used as pellets for energy purposes. Though, it is also
[1], which is due to their homogeneous size which facilitates an possible to use by-products emerging from agricultural land use,
automatic or semi-automatic treatment and, thus, resolves the as well known as "agropellets". The latter, however, present some
disadvantages of the traditional domestic use of biomass. The disadvantages such as a lower density and the generation of potential
use of densified biofuels also reduces the costs associated to handling emissions that can negatively affect to the furnace.
and transportation, due to the increase in density involved by One of the possible options allowing mitigating whether the possible
densification process. difficulties arising during the pelletization process or the emission of
On the other hand, in the Mediterranean areas of European South- contaminants during combustion is the blending with other materials.
west, agroindustrial activities are very important, and a great amount Usually it is interesting to use agroindustrial by-products which are
of residues are produced. This is the case of olive oil manufactures, characterized by good densification properties or favorable elemental
which give rise to significant amounts of olive pomace. The manage- composition (with low contents of chlorine, nitrogen, fluoride or
ment of these residues involves a problem for these industries due to sulphur).
their potential as pollutants in some cases and to the costs associated The behavior of different blends of biomass materials has been
to the treatments needed for their proper removal. previously investigated; Serrano et al. [3] studied the addition of
The olive pomace, once it has been subjected to a drying process, can pine on barley straw pellets quality; Mediavilla et al. analyzed the
be used as a fuel. However, their oleaginous characteristics impede the pelletization properties of blends vine shoots and cork [4]. Also,
densification during the pelletizing process. Moreover, their high con- blends of biomass feedstocks with other materials such as coal [5,6],
centrations of certain elements exceed the specifications given by the or Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) have been studied [7].
corresponding standards. Therefore, it is necessary to blend the olive At this point, it might be interesting to study the by-products of the
olive oil industry and their applicability to the production of pellets.
Since Extremadura (in southwest of Europe) is one of the most
important region in the production of olive oil in Spain [8], a high
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 34 924289600; fax: + 34 924289601. amount of residues are frequently accumulated offering a potential
E-mail address: (S. Román). exploitation.

0378-3820/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
92 T. Miranda et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 103 (2012) 91–96

Besides, Extremadura also disposes of a large amount of forest BM 15 Oliotechnology hammer mill and, subsequently, sieved in
residues, stemming from oaks, pines, holm oaks (Quercus ilex) and order to obtain a particle size lower than 3.15 mm (diameter).
cork oaks (Quercus suber), amongst others [9]. Those by-products In the case of the olive pomace, there is no need of any pre-
have excellent characteristics regarding densification and combustion treatment since it already presents an adequate granulometry and
and can therefore be used for the fabrication of pellets. moisture properties for the pelletizing process.
A special case is the pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica) which is
characterized by its smaller size and its greater slenderness compared 2.2.2. Preparation for the analysis procedure
to the common oak (Quercus robur). Even though this tree produces Since a particle size smaller than 0.5 mm was necessary for the
firewood and coal of good quality, it is not being exploited for industrial most important part of the analysis, the granulometric values of the
purposes [10]. residues had to be reduced. Therefore, a Retsch MM301 ball mill was
Nowadays, the study of the combustion behavior of different biofuels applied during 5 min at 25 Hz, as well as a sieve of the corresponding
and the optimization of biomass boilers is a hot topic for research. Verma size.
et al. [11] investigated the use of a 40 kW boiler for the combustion of
different types of pellets from agriculture and wood residues. Also, the 2.3. Densification and categorization of the samples
comparative study of the performance of these equipments in the
frame of current technical specifications has been carried out [12,13]. As soon as the samples were prepared, the pelletizing process was
Other authors have also studied the behavior of domestic boilers carried out by means of a small GR150E2 pelletizer. This machine
[14–16], and the emissions arising from combustion processes [17]. reaches a nominal power of 15 kW and is equipped with a plane die
In order to evaluate the theoretical behavior of biomass boilers, with openings of a 6 mm diameter.
Persson et al. [18] developed different mathematical models for several In order to determine the characteristics and thermal properties of
types of boilers and stoves. the two types of residues, a series of different pellets, composed of
The aim of this paper is to analyze the energetic characteristics, blends of the two residues, were produced.
densification properties and combustion behavior in a pellet stove Thus, the following samples were obtained:
of different blends of one agricultural residue (in this case dried
olive pomace) and a forest residue (pyrenean oak). To the authors’ • 100OP: composed only of olive pomace.
knowledge, the studies on the densified blends of these particular • 75OP25PY: blend of 75% olive pomace and 25% pyrenean oak.
residues are very scant, as well as the analyses of the combustion • 50OP50PY: blend of 50% olive pomace and 50% pyrenean oak.
processes using a low power domestic boiler. With this purpose, the • 25OP75PY: blend of 25% olive pomace and 75% pyrenean oak.
characteristics of the densified final product have been optimized • 100PY: composed only of pyrenean oak.
according to its thermal properties, manipulation and transport
procedure. 2.4. Characterization

2. Materials and methods The simplified method of drying in stove (Technical Specification
CEN/TS 1474-2 [20]) was used for the determination of the moisture
2.1. Residues level. The sample was introduced in a stove at 105 °C during a time
not superior to 24 h. The moisture content was then obtained through
The residues of pyrenean oak consist of the rests of the last clearing weighing and expressed in percentage in wet basis.
of the mountain forests. For the purpose of this work, representative The heating value was calculated according to CEN/TS 14918 [21].
samples from entire cut-down trees were collected [10]. It has to be For the test purpose, a Parr 1351 calorimetric bomb was used.
pointed out that the residue has not been barked. This circumstance The Technical Specification CEN/TS 15148 [22] was applied for the
has to be taken into account for the proper interpretation of the determination of the volatile matter content. For this purpose, the
results, expecting higher ash content than in the case of a fined-down sample was covered and then heated in a muffle furnace up to
residue. 900 °C during 7 min. The volatile loss was calculated by weighing
Likewise, the olive pomace has been collected from local manu- the difference.
facturers from Extremadura region (Spain). In order to obtain the ash content (Technical Specification CEN/TS
14775 [23]), the temperature of the muffle furnace was increased up
2.2. Material preparation to 250 °C, keeping this temperature during 60 min. Subsequently, the
temperature was increased up to 550 °C, maintaining this condition
2.2.1. Preparation for the densification during 120 min. The ash content (%) was obtained by weigh. The
A common property of biomass materials is the heterogeneity of fixed carbon percentage was determined by difference.
their physical characteristics such as the form and size of the particles, The equipment used for the ultimate analysis was an elemental
their grain-size distribution and their moisture content. These properties analyzer Eurovector EA 3000. The analyzer was provided by the
require a pre-treatment that consists on the fragmentation of the Spectroscopy Unit NIR/MIR from the Central Service of Investigation
material (only in the case of pyrenean oak) followed by the grinding Support of the University of Córdoba. The analyses for the determination
and drying of both residues (forest and olive pomace). of the whole content of C, H and N, were carried out according to the
The samples were dried in air enough time to attain the equilibrium Technical Specification CEN/TS 15104 [24]. The determination of
moisture. The olive pomace showed a moisture value of approximately the S percentage was carried out in accordance with the Technical
7%, whereas the pyrenean oak value was estimated to be around 10%. Specification CEN/TS 15289 [25].
Both values seem to be suitable for the densification of the residue The bulk density was determined according to CEN/TS 15103 [26].
and because of this, it was not necessary to carry out further drying of The mechanical durability of the pellets was determined according
the samples [19]. to the Technical Specification CEN/TS 15210-1 [27]. A 500 g sample of
The chipping of the pyrenean oak was carried out by means of a pellet was tumbled at 50 rpm for 500 rotations. A sieve with round
small Viking GE 260 wood chipper. screen holes of 3.15 mm diameter was used to retain crumbled pellets
With the intention of guaranteeing a good densification process, it after tumbling. The durability is expressed by the percent ratio of the
is necessary to use a particle size lower than the hole diameter of the mass of pellets retained on the sieve after tumbling in reference to the
die of the pelletizer. Therefore, the residues were introduced into a mass of pellets before tumbling.
T. Miranda et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 103 (2012) 91–96 93

2.5. Combustion analyses The results of the moisture content of the pellets are influenced by
this fact.
A pellet stove Edilkamin Junior (5.8 kW) was used for combustion However, the temperature during the densification process is
tests. In order to measure the composition of the combustion gases increased by the friction between the blend of the residues and
(O2, CO, CO2, NOx, SO2, and others) a gas analyzer Testo 350 XL was the complex of die and cylinder of the pelletizer. This causes the
used. The temperature of the combustion chamber was obtained by evaporation of the moisture of the blend. This friction is less pro-
a temperature probe placed in the burner. The parameter called nounced in the blends with a higher percentage of olive pomace
“efficiency” was used as a reference index to compare the combustion as a result of its oleaginous nature. Therefore those blends showed
process in the different operating methods used, defined as Expression a lower loss of moisture.
(1)[28]. The high heating values (HHV) obtained are excellent properties
for the application of the pellets as biofuels. The olive pomace
CO2 (100OP) obtained the best result.
τ1 ¼  100 ð1Þ
CO2 þ CO The values prove that the olive pomace (100OP) has higher ash
content. The pyrenean oak residue (100PY) presents a higher ash
content than industrial pellets stemming from forest biomass, which
The efficiency parameter in this definition is not sensitive to low CO
is due to the fact that this residue was not previously barked (as already
concentrations, which are the usual in combustion processes. Taking
mentioned in Section 2.1) [15]. Nevertheless, all these results are inferior
into account the definition of ideal combustion the Expression (2) can
to those found on the literature for other types of biomass such as wheat
be used to evaluate the combustion efficiency.
straw (5.27% db) or rice husk (20.26% db) [29].
  However, the fixed carbon presents higher values for the pellets
CO2 Real
τ2 ¼  100 ð2Þ with a high proportion of olive pomace, so that it can be assumed that
CO2 Theroretical maximum the calorific power previously described is higher in the mentioned
Thus, in this case the combined use of Expressions (1) and (2) is Ultimately, the content of volatile matter is quite high and reaches
chosen to assess the efficiency of the process. nearly 80% in all samples. A slight tendency in the increase of this
A value for the percentage of oxygen in gases of 11% was chosen as content can be observed for the pellets with a higher proportion of
a reference in order to compare the tests. pyrenean oak.
Combustion tests (three-hour duration) were carried out at minimum The ultimate analysis (Table 1) shows very low sulfur values which
power of the stove. The probes were recording data every minute. excludes the generation of hazardous gases for the environment.
Pellets obtained by olive pomace might present some problems
3. Results and discussion stemming from their nitrogen oxide emission values, since the
percentage measured nearly reaches a value of 2% [30]. Values also
All of the analyses were carried out three times and the arithmetic show that the concentration of nitrogen decreases along with the
mean of each property was used. increase of pyrenean oak residues in the blend.
The percentage of carbon in all the samples of this type is lower
3.1. Characterization than carbon contents for other types of biomass residues [29].
The bulk density is low in pyrenean oak pellets and it has a higher
Table 1 shows the values corresponding to the ultimate and proxi- density in olive pomace pellets. This is due to the fact that this
mate analyses of the densified samples. Primarily, the moisture content by-product facilitates its compaction.
of the olive pomace and the pyrenean oak residues differ from each The mechanic durability of the pellets is lower in olive pomace
other with the second by-product mentioned showing a higher value. pellets. However, this property is above 90% in all of the samples.

3.2. Analysis of the development of the properties according to the

Table 1
composition of the pellets
Analyses carried out.

100OP 75OP 50OP 25OP 100PY Fig. 1 represents the development of the most important properties
25PY 50PY 75PY according to the concentration of the residues in each pellet type (ash
Proximate analysis
content, HHV, durability, bulk density). In order to enable a better
Moisture (% wb)a 6.86 7.65 7.40 5.54 4.70 visualization, the values are presented in a graph so that the tendency
Ash (% db)b 5.55 5.40 5.02 4.62 3.71 can be observed.
Fixed carbon (% db) 17.28 17.11 17.56 16.29 12.65 By means of these diagrams it is possible to determine which pellet
Volatile matter (% db) 77.18 77.49 77.42 79.09 83.64
is better for its use in combustion.
Ultimate analysis Concerning the ash content, the values of all the samples seem to
C (% db) 51.42 51.15 48.98 49.44 49.12 be acceptable when taking into account that the forest residue had
N (% db) 1.98 1.89 1.07 0.85 0.56 not been barked previously [31]. This amount decreases in the pellets
H (% db) 6.56 8.19 7.59 7.64 7.82 with a higher percentage of pyrenean oak, and therefore, taking only
S (% db) b 0.1 b0.1 b 0.1 b 0.1 b0.1
HHV (kcal kg− 1) (db) 5262.48 5042.86 4746.92 4595.55 4568.69
the ash content into account, the 100PY pellet would be the ideal one.
In addition, the variation becomes more distinct with an increasing
Physical properties percentage of forest residues in the pellet.
Durability (%) 91.41 93.63 95.73 95.96 97.08 On the other hand, the heating value increases slightly with a
Bulk density (kg m− 3) 780.00 778.95 777.25 762.23 742.50
higher concentration of olive pomace. The variation smoothes gradually
Dimensions with a lower percentage of olive pomace in the samples. In this case, the
Diameter (mm) 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.10 6.11 pellet with the best thermal aptitude would be 100OP.
Length (mm) 2.24 2.00 2.23 2.54 2.09 The durability of the produced pellets increases with a higher
Wet basis. percentage of pyrenean oak. Its development is nearly linear, showing
Dry basis. a slight lower increase, once the 50% value is surpassed.
94 T. Miranda et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 103 (2012) 91–96

Fig. 1. Development of the properties according to the composition of the blends (db: dry basis).

The bulk density decreases considerably with a higher percentage added to pellets of pyrenean oak. Pellets corresponding to the 100%
of forest residues. For the blends with high concentrations of olive of pyrenean oak (100PY), 50% pyrenean oak and 50% olive pomace
pomace, this property varies insignificantly, showing a turning point (50OP50PY) and 100% olive pomace (100OP) have been used.
at reaching a percentage of 50% of forest residue. In Table 2 the average values of emissions, temperature in the
Taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of the combustion chamber and efficiencies for the pellets under study are
different blends analyzed, the pellets with the same concentration shown.
of olive pomace and pyrenean oak (50OP50PY) present the ideal In the analyzed cases, the percentage of O2 in the gases is very
thermal and physical characteristics for the application as a densified similar, undergoing a small reduction in pellets with greater concen-
solid biofuel. tration of olive pomace.
Also it is possible to see, a fast reduction in the O2 levels at the
3.3. Combustion analyses beginning of the combustion due to the greater amount of fuel
in the combustion chamber, which become stabilized in values
Figs. 2 and 3 show the evolution of different emissions, chamber between 17.4 and 18.5%, according to each experiment (as seen in
temperature and efficiencies during combustion as olive pomace is Table 2).

Fig. 2. O2, CO and NOx emissions vs time.

T. Miranda et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 103 (2012) 91–96 95

Fig. 3. Combustion chamber temperature and efficiencies 1 and 2 vs time.

The CO emissions in the combustion of pellets of pyrenean oak are 100OP pellets, reaching values of more than 700 °C. In the three cases
lower than the emissions produced by olive pomace, although the of Fig. 3, an increase of the values takes place, although in the final
highest average values are obtained by the sample constituted by section of the experiment with pellets 100PY, a small reduction occurs.
50% of each residue. As expected, the temperatures in the test of 50OP50PY pellets are placed
Other authors, such as Fernandes et al. [17] show, for a small in intermediate values.
domestic pellet boiler, with a power of 10 kW, an average emission of As far as Efficiency 1 (Fig. 3), the trend is not clear, since the smaller
CO of about 1150 ppm (13% O2) for commercial pine pellets, equivalent value is obtained for 50OP50PY (89.5% as seen in Table 2), being 100PY
to about 1438 ppm (11% O2). Pyrenean oak pellets show CO emissions pellet with greater efficiency (93.6%, Table 2) whereas 100OP pellets
slightly higher. show 91.6% average). These values are related to CO emissions.
On the other hand, Verma et al. [11] obtain CO emissions of It is possible to observe in the beginning of the experiment very
4221 mg m − 3 (with 1.35% O2) (equivalent to 1718 ppm 11% O2) for low specific values, influenced by the high CO emissions in this interval,
peat pellets in a boiler of 40 kW, about 1600 mg m− 3 (with 7.43% O2) since the combustion has still not reached the wanted temperature.
(equivalent to 1180 ppm 11% O2) for sunflower husk pellets. The Efficiency 2 shows very low values (Fig. 3), due to the great excess of
same authors point out that waste straw pellets, amongst others, have air introduced in the stove in all the tests. It is observed, in addition,
small CO emissions. that it increases slightly for the processes with greater amount of
The NOx concentration increases in the three cases as the experiment residue, thanks to the smaller O2 percentage in combustion gasses
is developed, until it reaches stability in the average values when shown in Fig. 2.
surpassing approximately 30 min of the process. As it is possible to
verify in Fig. 2, lower NOx emissions are generated in the combustion
of pellets with greater percentage of 100PY. 4. Conclusions
The results of Fernandes et al. [17], for commercial pine pellets,
show small emissions of NOx, not exceeding in any case 30 ppm The results of this work suggest the following conclusions.
(13% O2). The pellets produced from olive pomace show acceptable values
The results of Verma et al. [11] show NOx emissions from about for their thermal use. However, there are some limitations, since
180 mg m − 3 for waste straw pellets, to 95 mg m − 3 for peat pellets, some properties (ash content, nitrogen…) show such high levels
amongst others. that they might cause problems for the operation of the furnace.
Fig. 3 shows to the values of temperature in the combustion chamber Even though some parameters are still high, the ash content in all
and efficiencies 1 and 2, in the course of the duration of the experiment. of the samples is acceptable for its use of these pellets as biofuels
The highest temperature in the combustion chamber is reached by [31].

Table 2
Average values for emissions temperature combustion chamber and efficiencies.

O2 (%) CO (ppm 11% O2) NOx (ppm 11% O2) Temp. combust. Eff 1 Eff 2
chamber (°C)

100OP 17.4 3435 324 575 91.6 22.5

(18.4–16.6) (5559–2031) (371–290) (691–456) (95.8–84.2) (26.7–17.2)
50PY50OP 17.8 3963 327 517 89.5 20.7
(18.1–17.4) (5172–2163) (347–303) (586–375) (94.0–86.5) (23.0–18.8)
100PY 18.5 1907 272 419 93.6 18.0
(18.8–18.1) (2981–1145) (286–250) (525–329) (96.5–89.6) (20.3–16.3)
96 T. Miranda et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 103 (2012) 91–96

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