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com Peace Arch News Friday, October 5, 2018 A15

Michelle Harrison file photo

Mayoral candidates – listed in alphabetical order – were asked to provide their occupation and top three issues (up to two words each) and platform (up to 100 words).

Gill, Tom (SF) Greaves, Pauline (PS)

Occupation: Certified Public Accountant Occupation: Educator
• Surrey families • Housing Affordability
• Ban Handguns • Municipal Police
• More police • Transportation
This election is a choice between the past and the future. Do we keep Surrey does not need more of the same, we need a bold, inclusive and
moving forward or do we go back to the divisive days of a dysfunctional open vision. We at proudly Surrey have put together a team that truly
city council? Surrey First is focused on Surrey families, with more pools, represents our City, and a program that will confront our challenges
parks, rinks and community centres, and free access to pools, rinks and head on. “Surrey needs solutions that work for the many not the few”
gyms for children and teens. We’re committed to adding 125 new police
officers, holding a referendum on a Surrey police force, banning handguns and having more
local direction and control over policing.

Hayne, Bruce (IN) Jayaprakash, Rajesh (PF)

Occupation: Surrey City Councillor Occupation: Software Architect
• Transit/congestion • Transportation
• Public safety • Crime
• Transparency • Affordability & Greenspaces
We are a growing city that requires excellent governance to ensure the PEOPLE FIRST is a true alternative to big money politics. We are
continuing growth serves the needs of all Surrey’s people. I will work to six people running on a ‘clean politics’ platform. For transparency, we
ensure all voices are heard and provide true vision and comprehensive display all our donations to our website and public can see it right now.
solutions for the city. This includes immediate community based solution We have a 16 point platform which bring best practices from around the
for transit and public safety, and bold ideas for education, sports and world to Surrey. This include skytrain and more buses for Surrey. A stra-
entertainment. tegic Camera network to combat crime immediately. A green canopy tracking system per
lot, linked to development approvals with Green canopy neutral developments as target. We
do facebook live sessions everyday 8 pm to discuss the platform with –

McCallum, Doug (SSC) Nantel, François

Occupation: Retired Business Person Occupation: Driver
• Pause Development • Road Congestion
• Skytrain • Housing Affordability
• Gang Crime • Policing
My platform includes SkyTrain instead of Light Rail Transit. (LRT) If elected, I will put the best transit project the city, and the region
A strong majority want LRT to be scrapped in favour of SkyTrain along has even seen by promoting and then implementing a Suspended Rail
the Fraser Highway to Langley complemented by rapid bus lines. System that will eventually cover the city, connecting with Hwy 1, west
Surrey residents are calling for stronger action against gang and gun bound connecting with the Braid Skytrain station, and east bound a
crimes. It’s time to create a Surrey Police Force. A local police force will station at 160th, off Hwy 1, and on to 232nd street, which connects with
understand the community and will be motivated to tackle problems. the Glover Line, which starts at Langley Town Center, and it will meet the Fraser Hwy, and
It’s also time to pause development and create smart development guidelines. This means the Hwy 10 Lines at the 3 Point Junction. The KBG will eventually have its terminus at 16th
working with residents and hearing their concerns. I’ll initiate a Public Engagement Task Avenue in Whiterock.
Force as soon as I’m elected.

Popat, Imtiaz (PSS) Wolanski, John

Occupation: Freelancer – gig economy
Occupation: Counselor
• Interurban • Election reform
• Social Housing • Affordable housing
• Local police • Transit
I support the reactivation of the Interurban community rail that was Will designate zoning for rental and co-op housing with an income
originally supported by Diana Watts and Surrey Council, instead of tested model. Lobby for SkyTrain down Fraser Highway as well as an
LRT or Skytrain. The Inter-urban was planned as a community rail ser- incremental increase in police officers as the population of Surrey rises.
vice south of the Fraser that would run for Scott Road station through For more details peruse my website at
Newton, Cloverdale, Clayton, Langley, all the way to Chilliwack at the
fraction of the cost. The high-tech hydrogen powered trams would be even cheaper that
buses. Construction of Both LRT and Skytrain will damage the fragile ecology of the
Green Timbers Urban Forest. The Skytrain noise will permanently disturb the diverse ecol-
ogy of the forest.
IN denotes Integrity Now; PF denotes People First; PS denotes Proudly Surrey; PSS denotes Progressive Sustainable Surrey; SF denotes Surrey First; SSC denotes Safe Surrey Coalition.
A16 Friday, October 5, 2018 Peace Arch News

Councillor candidates – listed in alphabetical order – were asked to provide occupation and top three issues (up to two words each) and platform (up to 30 words).

Immigration Consultant, Owner Crime Stoppers executive Realtor Registered Clinical Counselor Independent Realtor
• Housing Affordability • Public Safety, • Crime/Violence • Safety • Violent Crime
• Youth Programs • Infrastructure for growth • Transportations • Housing • Transportation No contact information
• Public Safety • Transportation • Affordable housing • Transportation • Ward System provided by Elections BC
Educate children at an I will address the complex I have been living in Surrey for Municipal politics should I promise to take respon-
earlier age public safety 30+ years and I be directed sibility and
about vio- issues that have seen many by and for work diligent-
lence, bullying face Surrey changes in Sur- the citizens ly to fulfill my
and equality. and the Lower rey. However, it of Surrey. I duties, I will
Make youth mainland. I is now time for will listen and truly listen
programs will ensure positive changes give a voice and put for-
affordable and that Surrey that carries on to the people ward the con-
accessible for has the in- to our – of Surrey cerns of our
all. Work with frastructure through col- community.
local, provincial governments in place to support its rapid laboration and transparency People before profit.
and builders to address hous- growth. of decisions.
ing affordability.

ESL teacher Court Interpreter, Realtor Structural Engineer/ Entrepreneur Environmental Protection Officer Project Controller Entrepreneur/College Instructor
• Community consultation • Public Safety • Youth engagement • Crime • Transit • Transportation
• Ecology protection • Supporting Families • Gang violence • Transportation • Homelessness • Drugs/Crime
• Low-income housing • Transportation & Infrastructure • Innovation/ sustainability • Development • Cost of living •Homelessness
Meaningful public consul- My priority is to ensure that Using my background in ar- On day one the Safe Surrey I want to work on adding I am running because I
tation, adopt there will be chitecture, en- Coalition will 100K new want to do
Best Practices immediate gineering, and vote to create trees to restore something
citywide, create actions to construction I our own po- the ones that with our
homelessness guarantee our would be ac- lice force. This have been lost. transporta-
team, expand communities tively involved is the best way I want work tion, drug/
bus services, are safe and in discussions to combat on e-votes to crime, and
protect wildlife that families regarding in- crime in our have all of our other issues. I
and green spac- are fully novative and neighbour- voices heard love to listen
es, spay-neuter supported sustainable hoods, ending and bring to people and
program, more youth centers, with programs and access to solutions to Surrey’s infra- the RCMP contract – transparency to where our make a difference.
improve cycling infrastructure, affordable living. structure and development dollars go!
increase recycling pickups – issues.

GIBEAU, John (IN) GILL, Rina (IN) GOEL, Parshotam (PS) GUERRA, Laurie (SSC) HALFORD, Trevor (SF) HILLSDON, Paul (SF)
Beekeeper CEO/Marketing Consultant Past President AutismBC City Planner
• Preservation of farmland • Public Consultation • Public Safety • Sustainable Development
• Reduction red tape • Transportation • Transportation • Rapid Transit
• Crime, gang violence • Public Safety No response submitted • Smart Development No response submitted • Community amenities
As the founder of Honey- I believe in extensive public We will create a Surrey I am committed to building
bee Centre consultation Police Force. a more sus-
and small with the Surrey has tainable and
business community outgrown affordable city
owner, I am and key stake- the RCMP. by expanding
focusing on holders when We will scrap our transit
the preserva- making major LRT and initi- system and
tion of farm- decisions that ate the process ensuring we
land, ensuring will impact to build Sky- invest in our
local food se- the daily lives Train. Pause parks and
curity, and reducing red tape of Surrey residents. I will be Development and introduce recreation, child care spaces,
at City Hall. an accessible – Smart Development guide- and schools.

HUNDIAL, Jack Singh (SSC) KAMRAN, Afshan KONGYUY, Felix (PS) KRISHNAN, Murali (PF) LeFRANC, Vera * (SF) LOBERG, Nicholas
BC Hydro investigator Mortgage Broker Social Service Executive Notary Public Surrey City Coucillor Community Outreach
• Smart development • Youth Development • Disability Services • Crime • Public Safety • Policing/Crime
• Reducing crime • Public safety • Crime • Drugs/Opium crises • Families • Housing affordability
• Create Ethics Commisioner • Health support • Housing Affordability • Transportation • Housing affordability • Transportation for all
Jack Hundial was born My focus is to tackle the If elected I will advocate for We have a transparent via- Surrey First will keep our To listen to constituents of
and raised in challenges we the Skytrain, ble platform city moving Surrey, and to
Terrace, BC are facing be- more services to do the tran- forward with be a part of
and moved cause of crime for youths, sition. Again a comprehen- Surrey mov-
to Surrey in and safety, families, and all things said sive and fully ing forward.
1992 to start housing af- persons with and done costed plan
his posting for fordability disabilities. I everyone need for a safe,
the RCMP as and avail- will work on to participate affordable and
a Constable ability, trans- establishing faithfully to inclusive city
and has resid- portation, a local police achieve the that young
ed in Surrey – economic development and force and support businesses. goals. Please visit our website and old are proud to call –
environmental balance. All for –
with the will and –

* denotes incumbent; GV denotes GreenVote; IN denotes Integrity Now; ISVA denotes Independent Surrey Voters Association;
PF denotes People First; PS denotes Proudly Surrey; PSS denotes Progressive Sustainable Surrey; SF denotes Surrey First; SSC denotes Safe Surrey Coalition. Peace Arch News Friday, October 5, 2018 A17

Councillor candidates – listed in alphabetical order – were asked to provide occupation and top three issues (up to two words each) and platform (up to 30 words).

LOCKE, Brenda (SSC) MacGILLIVRAY, Adam (PS) NAGRA, Mandeep (SSC) NASTOH, Nasima PARKER, Stuart (PS) PATTON, Allison (SSC)
Executive Director Electrician Realtor, business owner University lecturer Naturopathic Physician
• Safety & Policing • Housing affordability • Affordable housing • Housing affordability • Transportation
• Transportation • Arts & Culture No response submitted • Public safety • Building transit • Safety
• Smart Development • Green Spaces • Homelessness • Climate change • Smart Development
Changes at City Hall that To help Surrey become If elected: I feel it is time My priority is to keep Day 1; we start Sky Train
respects the a bastion to listen to Surrey an along Fraser
public trust, of arts and all surrey affordable, Highway to
accountability culture, while residents, family-ori- Langley, we
and transpar- making sure no voice is ented place. will withdraw
ency. Infra- that we are too small, I To do that, from the
structure that able to pro- will provide we must be RCMP and
will respond vide jobs and leadership by bold, reclaim form Surrey
to growth housing for being open powers our Police and we
including Sky- people of all and transpar- government will build a
train & transportation, social walks of life. ent, I will practice – has lost and invest in transit, new hospital in Surrey.
planning, diversity recreation housing and –
and public safety.

PELIA, Kuldip PETTIGREW, Steven (SSC) RAJAN, Thampy (PF) RANA, Bableen (SSC) RASODE, Major Singh RUSAN, Paul (PF)
Accounting Teacher Teacher - Computer Programming Business man Lawyer BC Sheriff Services Financial analyst
• Transportation • Environmental Preservation • Skytrain • Surrey Police • Crime • Infrastructure
• Own Police Force • Smart Development • Crime • Smart Development • Housing for homeless • Community safety
• New Hospital • Transparent Government • Arts, people participation • Skytrain • Traffic • Housing affordability
As Councillor, I will work My particular passion is People First Surrey want to This election will be our Youth engagement, crime PEOPLE FIRST has a
for cancella- in park and bring skytrain best chance prevention, practical plan
tion of LRT, green space on both Fra- to build a new solving con- to cancel LRT
extension preservation. I ser Hwy and hospital and gestion issues, and bring
of Skytrain will make my- SNG lines. build a com- combating SkyTrain.
to Langley, self available A camera munity, not a homelessness We will make
increasing bus to meet with network for concrete jun- and working policing more
service, Own groups and addressing gle. We need towards sen- efficient using
Police Force, individuals crime. Sup- safety in our sible, sustain- technology
building new to hear their port Arts and homes and able develop- and reallocate
hospital, libraries, affordable concerns and to help them. culture via more grants to streets. Surrey needs – ment to promote affordability resources to fight gangs while
housing, and increasing child- young talent. are the issues I will focus on. keeping taxes same. –
care spaces.

SHEPPARD, Bernie (ISVA) SMITH, Forrest STARCHUK, Mike * (SF) STEELE, Barbara * (IN) SYED, Asad (ISVA) TATLAY, Upkar (SF)
Part-time Driver Surrey City Councillor Realtor Managing Director/Advocate
• Listen Residents • Crime/Safety • Safety Security - Policing • Public Safety
No response submitted • Diversity / Inculsion Only photo submitted • Transportation • Affordable Social Housing • Supporting Families
• Open Communication • Sustainable Development • Homelessness • Transportation/Infrastructure
I am Deaf. I believe in di- I believe strongly in consul- We stand for change in local Mobilize on positively en-
versity and in- tation with the government gaging youth
clusion. Open community want to bring throughout
communica- on issues be- local regional our city, sup-
tion is import- fore Council police, provide port families
ant to Surrey and I will con- affordable and through im-
residents. I tinue to fight social hous- pactful mea-
would make for openness, ing, eliminate sures, utilise
sure that they accountability Homelessness, innovations to
have a voice in and INTEG- improvement develop our
making our city a – RITY in all I do. in transportation system, and growing city, build accessible
better recreational facilities. infrastructure - only Surrey
First has a comprehensive –

THOMAS, Raminder (SF) WELTERS, Deanna (PS) WOODS, Dave * (IN) YU, Yanni (PF) ZABEL, Derek (ISVA) ZHOU, Becky
Executive Director Sales Consultant/Designer BFA Surrey City Councillor Business Woman Manager, Public Transportation Realtor, business owner
• Families/Youth • Environment • Public Safety • Skytrain • Overcrowding • Public safety
2. Public Safety • Transit • Rapid Transit • Crime • Crime • Transportation
3. Affordability • Community • Infrastructure • Affordability/Greenspaces • Transportation • Housing
It’s important for families Progressive, sustainable is I support a thorough polic- People First Surrey want to Students getting education More police, Mandatory
continue to our approach ing review and bring skytrain in portables, minimums for
thrive with- in the ad- a referendum on both Fra- children un- restricted fire-
in the City vancement to determine ser Hwy and able to register arms. Mentor
of Surrey. of Surrey in the city’s po- SNG lines. in community program for
That means multiple areas. lice service. A camera programs Youth. Phase
that families Effective tran- Ensuring network for and long 1 LRT for
should feel sit affords mo- infrastructure: addressing commutes King George
safe in this bility, reduces school and crime. 100K are a result of down South,
city, the youth our footprint. roads, are in Net new trees overcrowding Phase 2 Sky-
is engaged in a multi-faceted Surrey needs effective transit. place before development. I to restore lost trees. without the infrastructure train down Fraser. Air right
approach – Smart Surrey, is Safe and Sus- support SkyTrain over LRT. to support it. Let’s make it to fund skytrain & –
tainable better.

* denotes incumbent; GV denotes GreenVote; IN denotes Integrity Now; ISVA denotes Independent Surrey Voters Association;
PF denotes People First; PS denotes Proudly Surrey; PSS denotes Progressive Sustainable Surrey; SF denotes Surrey First; SSC denotes Safe Surrey Coalition.

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