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Research Log #1

Date: September 10, 2017

Name: Valerie Joco
EQ: How can America overcome the drug addiction epidemic?

Three Points to Prove: #1 Strong community and family relationships will decrease addiction rates.
#2 Recovery should focus more on rehabilitation and less on incarceration.
#3 Increasing education and awareness at school will prevent them from also falling
into addiction.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #2 Recovery should focus more on rehabilitation and less on

“The certainty of being caught is a vastly more powerful deterrent than the punishment,” Daniel S. Nagin writes.

“Laws and policies designed to deter crime by focusing mainly on increasing the severity of punishment are ineffective
partly because criminals know little about the sanctions for specific crimes.”

“Sending an individual convicted of a crime to prison isn’t a very effective way to deter crime.
Prisons are good for punishing criminals and keeping them off the street, but prison sentences (particularly long
sentences) are unlikely to deter future crime. Prisons actually may have the opposite effect: Inmates learn more
effective crime strategies from each other, and time spent in prison may desensitize many to the threat of future


Nagin emphasizes that the certainty of being caught deters crime. Youth are more likely to underage drink and
do drugs at a house party than rob a bank. The likelihood of being caught for underage drinking and smoking pot at a
house party is much lower than being caught for robbery. Trying drugs at a house party may seem harmless and like
just teenagers just having fun, but in that moment, they are going against everything their parents told them. They’re
going against everything the D.A.R.E. project in school taught them. They are going against the law. And in that
moment, they realize that they can get away with things, that drugs aren't as lethal as everyone made it out to be
growing up. It is known that many drug deals go undetected, so people are willing to take that risk and purchase drugs
from off the streets. More people are willing to enter the business and deal drugs to make extra cash.
However, even when drug dealers are caught, it doesn’t necessarily deter them from committing crimes in the
future. In prison, they become acquainted with other criminals, scheme, and learn better tactics. Also, when they have
been in jail once, they are often not afraid to go back to jail. Also, imprisoning juveniles also decreases their chances of
going to college, getting employed by a high paying job, and settling down and starting a family. What do jobless
individuals with no families do? They turn to crime and drugs. Communities should stop using this system that clearly
isn’t working. Instead of spending money putting them in jail where they fall deeper down the spiral, communities
should put that money towards helping them rebuild their lives. Communities should help them get real jobs so that
they don’t have to rely on drugs to make money or take them away from their hopeless position.

Work Cited:

Nagin, S. Daniel. “Five Things About Deterrence.” National Institute of Justice. Office of Justice Programs. 6 June

2016 2000. Web. 10 Sept. 2017.

Research Log #2

Date: September 18, 2017

Name: Valerie Joco
EQ: Why are there such high rates of drug use and addiction in America? How can we win against this epidemic?

Three Points to Prove: #1 Drug use and addiction in America is the result of deteriorating relationships with
others and themselves.
#2 By legalizing drugs, addicts won’t be punished as harshly and will be able to focus
more on rehabilitation.
#3 Educating the public and strengthening relationships between addicts and their
loved ones will remove the animosity surrounding addiction.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #2 By legalizing drugs, addicts won’t be punished as harshly and will be
able to focus more on rehabilitation.

“For too long policy makers have used prohibition as a smoke screen to avoid addressing the social and
economic factors that lead people to use drugs. Most illegal and legal drug use is recreational. Poverty and
despair are at the root of most problematic drug use and it is only by addressing these underlying causes that
we can hope to significantly decrease the number of problematic users.”

“A wealth of disinformation about drugs and drug use is given to us by ignorant and prejudiced policy-
makers and media who peddle myths upon lies for their own ends. This creates many of the risks and
dangers associated with drug use.”

“Prohibition has led to the stigmatization and marginalization of drug users. Countries that operate ultra-
prohibitionist policies have very high rates of HIV infection amongst injecting users. Hepatitis C rates
amongst users in the UK are increasing substantially.”

“There is no evidence to show that prohibition is succeeding. The question we must ask ourselves is, "What
are the benefits of criminalizing any drug?" If, after examining all the available evidence, we find that the
costs outweigh the benefits, then we must seek an alternative policy.”


Evidently, prohibition has only stigmatized drug users and covered up the real problems. More so,
prohibition has created more issues, such as spreading STI’s and STD’s. The public has also, in result,
isolated drug addicts and punished them when punishment is not proven to be successful in deterring drug
use. In reality, these drug addicts should be getting help in becoming clean and rebuilding their lives.
Also, according to the article, a lot of the public are undereducated about drugs or mislead, which
results in the animosity they associate with drug use. By legalizing drugs, addiction can be a more
discussible and testable topic. The health department can fully understand all effects of drugs and propagate
real information to the public.
Legalizing is definitely not the solution to all addiction problems, but it is unarguably a step in the
right direction. The real issue to face first is prohibition.

Work Cited:

“10 Reasons to Legalize All Drugs”. Urban 75. 2014. 18 Sept 2017.
Research Log #3

Date: September 18, 2017

Name: Valerie Joco
EQ: Why are there such high rates of drug use and addiction in America? How can we win against this

Three Points to Prove: #1 Strong community and family relationships will decrease addiction rates.
#2 Recovery should focus more on rehabilitation and less on incarceration.
#3 Increasing education and awareness at school will prevent them from also
falling into addiction.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #1 Strong community and family relationships will decrease
addiction rates.
"Some patients don't want help with their addiction but at least we plant the seed, let them know we're here,"
emergency services director Beth Pierce said.

"Addiction is something that is wrought with stigma and so you have to have people that believe people can
get better," said Brian Gray of the Behavioral Health Institute at Mercy Health.

“If a patient's answers do raise red flags, screeners work to educate them about recovery services, refer them
to treatment and "make that warm handoff when possible."

“The screenings are for every patient, including those who come in with health concerns unrelated to drug
abuse or addiction.”

This article exemplifies how it is also the community’s responsibility to help decrease local addiction
rates. Mercy West Hospital of Green Township, Ohio took the initiative to create a simple screening process,
regardless of what they came in for. This comes at no cost to the hospital or patients. Health providers just
ask all patients if they ever feel depressed or hopeless, or have a lack of interest of things usually enjoyable
for them. Then, if patients’ responses raise red flags, the hospital directs them toward recovery programs.
This should become a required screening for all hospitals. Like Beth Pierce expresses, not all patients may
want help or take advantage of the program, but it lets addicts know that they aren’t alone and help is out
Communities often expect addicts to help themselves and pull themselves out of poverty. They
accuse them of wasting all their money on drugs and criticize their “lack of effort” to get a job. While some
responsibility is on them, people cannot expect them to do it alone. It is largely a communal effort. These
addicts are already feeling hopeless and are dealing with many things. Mercy West Hospital shows that
today’s society is slowly evolving to treat addicts less like criminals and more like those in need. More
hospitals should follow their lead. Communities should do more to lessen the animosity and stigma
surrounding addicts.

Work Cited:
Smith, Lisa. “Mercy Health screens incoming patients for drug addiction, connects them with recovery
services” Cincinnati. Scripps Media, Inc. 10 Oct 2017.
connects-them-with-recovery-services 10 Oct 2017.
Research Log #4
Date: January 2, 2017
Name: Valerie Joco
EQ: Why are there such high rates of drug use and addiction in America? How can we win against this

Three Points to Prove: #1 Strong community and family relationships will decrease addiction rates.
#2 Recovery should focus more on rehabilitation and less on incarceration.
#3 Increasing education and awareness at school will prevent them from also
falling into addiction.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #3 Increasing education and awareness at school will prevent
them from also falling into addiction.

“The day-long programme, Love Life, Kick Drugs, was held at the Symbiosis Convent High School and
Junior College amidst growing concern in the township about rising incidents of drug consumption and
addiction cases among collegians and schoolchildren over the past few years.”

“Police officials pointed out that if initiatives are taken at a local level and school level, drug addiction can
drop. ‘Schools have a huge role in shaping the mindsets of their students,’ said Kishor Pasalkar, senior police
inspector, Mumbra police station.”

“We decided to hold an awareness session by calling in police officials and drug rehabilitation experts to talk
to our class VIII to XII students about how these easily available drugs harm their health, mental capabilities
and even family life in the long run. We even invited students and parents from 10 others schools as they too
have been facing the same issues.”

“While drugs are easily available in most urban pockets, there has been a scary rise in children using them in
. We realised that most students using these drugs either do it because of peer pressure, if not depression and
decided to nip this issue in the bud,” said Snehalata Dev, principal.,

Schools nationwide are experiencing the effects of drug addiction. Symbiosis Convent High School
responded to growing concern by holding a day-long program that discussed consequences of drugs on
relationships and health, both short and long term. In result, two thousand people, adults and children vowed
to work to stop the epidemic.
More schools need to do more to work towards stopping the addiction epidemic. Schools have the
unique ability to mold hundreds of adolescents’ minds. With great power comes great responsibility. Faculty
cannot encourage or even tolerate peer pressure or addiction. They also have to not punish students facing
addiction, but get them much needed help. Schools may start with just teaching students soft skills such as
resilience to help them fight the urge to do drugs even when times get rough.

Work Cited:
“Over 2,000 folks attend seminar on drug abuse in Mumbra faculty” Kaplan Contributor. Kaplan Herald. 3
Jan. 2017.
faculty/ 3 Jan. 2017.
Research Log #5

Date: November 1, 2017

Name: Valerie Joco
EQ: Why are there such high rates of drug use and addiction in America? How can we win against this

Three Points to Prove: #1 Strong community and family relationships will decrease addiction rates.
#2 Recovery should focus more on rehabilitation and less on incarceration.
#3 Increasing education and awareness at school will prevent them from also
falling into addiction.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #1 Strong community and family relationships will decrease
addiction rates.
“Recently enacted state laws allow the overdose antidote naloxone (Narcan) to be sold without a prescription. And last
year the Legislature and governor provided $3 million for the distribution of naxalone to communities that need it. Some
law enforcement agencies equip their officers with Narcan, and schools are allowed to stock it on campuses.” Aguilera

“In addition, state health officials have partnered with the California Health Care Foundation, a nonprofit advocacy
group, to help the local groups educate patients and doctors, learn effective addiction treatments and provide other
services. It takes a village.”

“We have a tendency to want to simplify things,” Smith said. “This isn’t one of those problems.”

“The thing I don’t understand is that doctors push this stuff on you, they say it’s the best solution,” Steelman said. “And
then when you get to that point–‘Hey, Doc, something’s not right, I’m taking more than I’m supposed to’—they cut you

This is one of very few articles that is effectively and successfully tackling the opioid epidemic. The
article also touches on some topics that aren’t generically discussed in other articles. As Smith expressed,
this is not a simple solution problem. People like to say that this can be easily fixed if the community change
this or change that; truth being that many things in the community will have to change. Michael Steelman, an
addict interviewed in the article, was prescribed pain killers for a neck injury. After his doctor stopped his
prescription because he was taking too many pills daily, Steelman turned to the black market. California is
working to educate doctors against over prescribing medication and how to direct addicts to help.
Additionally, the article states prescribed opioids have decreased, and the number of people
prescribed medication that combat addiction increased. Evidently, addicts are seeking help, so California is
making help accessible by reaching out to homeless, many who are affected by addiction. They also give out
an opioid overdose antidote to those who request it.
Doctors recognize that they can’t take the whole responsibility, but they play a big role. The epidemic
requires effort from everyone in the community. Addicts cannot possibly take it on by themselves. If
everyone slowly chips at the problem, overcoming the epidemic wouldn’t be seen as so impossible.

Work Cited:
Aguilera, Elizabeth. “California confronts opioid addiction, an ‘epidemic of despair’”. Los Angeles Daily News.
CALmatters. 1 Nov 2017.
epidemic-of-despair/ 1 Nov 2017.
Research Log #6

Date: November 14, 2017

Name: Valerie Joco
EQ: Why are there such high rates of drug use and addiction in America? How can we win against this

Three Points to Prove: #1 Strong community and family relationships will decrease addiction rates.
#2 Recovery should focus more on rehabilitation and less on incarceration.
#3 Increasing education and awareness at school will prevent them from also
falling into addiction.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #3 Increasing education and awareness will help present
addicts and also prevent others from falling into addiction.

“Our study shows a positive impact of drug awareness and treatment camps held in the community on
outpatient attendance at a community outreach clinic. The clinic attendance increased nearly 1½ times. It
may be inferred that the increase in the utilization of services was due to the increased awareness of the
availability of services for the treatment of drug dependence.”

“As part of an effort to create awareness about treatment services, clarifying myths and misconceptions
about substance abuse, community-based drug awareness, and treatment camps have been organized since
March 2004 in villages in and around Kharar Tehsil in Mohali, Punjab.”

“Community-based programs create awareness in the community of the existence of alcohol and other
drug-related problems, bring services closer to substance misusing individuals and their families, and help
foster community responses against substance misuse.”

“Studies from India and abroad have highlighted the utility of the ‘de-addiction camp’ approach as a cheap
and effective treatment alternative for patients with alcohol and drug dependence in the community.”

As substance abuse increasingly becomes a problem in rural and urban India, outreach clinics had to
determine how to act quickly. Through organizing a “camp”, they were able to get more addicts to receive
help. This “camp” was a retreat for a few hours on a Sunday morning, which enlightened the community
about treatment options. In addition, they clarified myths and misconceptions. To study the effect of drug
awareness, they recorded the number of patients at local treatment clinic, Kharar Civil Hospital, before and
after the camp. Numbers significantly increased.
As shown in this article, addicts are more likely to utilize services offered locally if they are aware of
them. Also, addicts and the community are more likely to know what measures to take because professionals
illuminated what is true and not true, and what to look out for. These “camps” increase community
cognizance and understanding, therefore decreasing the stigmatism and animosity surrounding addicts.
In addition, they are low in cost and significantly increased the number of addicts helped.

Work Cited:
Giri, Om Prakash, et al. "Impact of Drug Awareness and Treatment Camps on Attendance at a Community
Outreach De-Addiction Clinic." Industrial Psychiatry Journal, vol. 24, no. 2, Jul-Dec2015, pp. 202-
205. EBSCOhost, doi:10.4103/0972-6748.181712.
Research Log #7

Date: November 20, 2017

Name: Valerie Joco
EQ: Why are there such high rates of drug use and addiction in America? How can we win against this

Three Points to Prove: #1 Strong community and family relationships will decrease addiction rates.
#2 Recovery should focus more on rehabilitation and less on incarceration.
#3 Increasing education and awareness at school will prevent them from also
falling into addiction.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #1 Strong community and family relationships will decrease
addiction rates.
“It has been observed that children in drug abuse afflicted families become the first causality in multiple ways. It is not
only that assistance for attaining their full potential is missing in such homes but cause delay in unfolding of their
normal psychological process, sometimes affecting them to the extent of their puny existence.”

“This investigation into a very significant social problem faced by present day Punjab has bring to the fore not just the
problems of sense of relation between parents and children foster feeling of prevalence of addiction but the serious
implication of this for the next generation coming from these family systems.”

“Parental attitudes of concentration indicate they denote good amount of time and energy to give direction to the child.
These are the attributes of family relationship, while avoidance of parents reflected in their neglect and rejection and
withdrawing attitudes toward children characterize the dynamics of family relationships in drug abuse afflicted families.”

“Family situation has many aspects of which family relationships are the primary one, parent’s attitudes toward children
would affect the fulfillment of their psychological needs. This would further show its reflection in children’s perception
of competence, efficacy, experience of performance, and self control. Parental acceptance and their assisting role tend to
encourage children approach the problem solving situations with positive attitude and enthusiasm.”

This article shows that parents who already battle drug addiction often inflict these problems onto
their children. That idea should scare readers because it implies that drug addiction is an endless cycle,
dooming children in poverty from their puny existence. This article also expresses parents with negligent or
even overbearing attitudes urge children to turn to drugs. This underscores the importance of parents’ roles in
their children’s lives. To combat these issues, there should be readily available community services helping
educate parents how to raise their children on a path to success. Education should include what is detrimental
and discouraging to children, how to motivate children without taking control, how to relieve stress during
difficult times, and how to recognize drug addiction and problematic behavior. In addition, teachers at school
should help students from drug inflicted families recognize right choices from wrong, distract and motivate
them by getting them in school programs, and let them know that they are there for them. During
adolescence, it is necessary teens feel supported and believed in. They need to feel like they have people
behind them.

Work Cited:
Sharma, Rajni. "Role of Family Relationship in Child Rearing of Drug Addiction Afflicted Vs Normal
Families." Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, vol. 7, no. 8, Aug. 2016, pp. 807-809. EBSCOhost,
Research Log #8

Date: January 2, 2017

Name: Valerie Joco
EQ: Why are there such high rates of drug use and addiction in America? How can we win against this

Three Points to Prove: #1 Strong community and family relationships will decrease addiction rates.
#2 Recovery should focus more on rehabilitation and less on incarceration.
#3 Increasing education and awareness at school will prevent them from also
falling into addiction.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #2 Recovery should focus more on rehabilitation and less on

“The centers abide by this thinking so much so that holistic therapies are a definite highlight. You will find patients
cooking spectacular dishes in culinary therapy, horseback riding in equine therapy, and digging in the soil in gardening

“We have found that by treating the whole person through holistic therapies, we have a better chance of success. By
offering extensive holistic treatment options, each patient’s individual needs can be met. For example, Retreat’s art,
equine, music, and other adjunct therapies are helpful in keeping patients engaged in treatment.”

“Retreat’s model of a full-service treatment center, all clinical services and patients’ residences are located in the same
building. This creates a comprehensive therapeutic setting promoting peaceful reflection and privacy. We do this to
make our patients as comfortable as possible so that their main focus is on their treatment and recovery.”

“Clinical specialists and psychologists are also available to provide additional, individual treatment for those with co-
occurring mental health disorders or in need of further help with issues other than primary addiction.”

Retreat Premier Addiction Treatment Centers aren't like other rehabilitation facilities that only focus
on counseling addicts and eliminating drugs from addicts' lives. Recognizing that has little long-term
success, Peter Schorr created facilities that also provide various forms of recreational therapy, such as
cooking, horseback riding, and gardening. This is to help addicts to find new hobbies that could offer them
the pleasure they're looking for in drugs. Each treatment strategy differs to fit each person so that they are
more engaged and invested in their progress. Facilities have high quality amenities: spa-quality linens and
country-club dining. This helps addicts' main focus to be on recovery. This also helps addicts not to feel
isolated or hated, but genuinely cared of and a part of society. In addition, the centers recognize that
addiction often coexists with mental illness or happens as a result of a traumatic experience, so specialists
treat and help addicts with that also.

Retreat Premier Addiction Treatment Centers underline the importance of facilities focusing on
rehabilitation over incarceration. Putting addicts in jail for long periods of time is a waste of the community's
money and energy. Instead, money should be put towards centers like Retreat Premier Addiction Treatment
Centers that focus on the individual and holistic treatment. Addicts need to be treated not like criminals, but
as the sick and dying. Addiction is a mental illness that needs to be treated in peaceful facilities where
addicts can focus on themselves and what really makes them happy.
Work Cited:
"Recovery Redefined: Inside Retreat Premier Addiction Treatment Centers, Palm Beach." Psychology
Today, vol. 49, no. 2, Mar/Apr2016, p. 34. EBSCOhost,
Research Log #9

Date: January 2, 2017

Name: Valerie Joco
EQ: Why are there such high rates of drug use and addiction in America? How can we win against this

Three Points to Prove: #1 Strong community and family relationships will decrease addiction rates.
#2 Recovery should focus more on rehabilitation and less on incarceration.
#3 Increasing education and awareness at school will prevent them from also
falling into addiction.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: #3 Increasing education and awareness at school will prevent
them from also falling into addiction.

“We confronted Tyler. He told us his teammates shared painkillers like they were candy. "Everyone's taking them," he
said. ‘It's no big deal. I need them to play football.’"

“Then a man I didn't know leaned close and whispered, "I know some of what you're going through. My daughter's
addicted to heroin." A short while later, a woman said, "I have a sister who's in treatment for pain pills." It kept on like
that. Person after person, at least 50 of them, telling me about loved ones battling addictions. Slowly their words sank
in. I wasn't alone. Far from it. Good, wholesome suburban Ohio families ravaged by addiction. How many must there
be in our town? In all of Ohio?”

“Drug addiction was nothing to be ashamed of. It was like cancer, a disease no one was immune to. Battling it in secret
only made it more powerful. We needed to be open about it, to be there for each other. That was the only way to beat

“Eventually someone suggested going into the schools and telling Tyler's story. That's how our foundation, Tyler's
Light, started. I left my job to devote myself full-time to raising money for drug education and awareness and talking
to students. It's still hard for me to talk about losing my son, but in the four years since his death, I've made
presentations to more than 100,000 kids.”

“You might say it's atonement, but it is more about empowerment. I couldn't save Tyler, but I want to do my best to
help save other kids from addiction, to keep other parents from going through what Christy and I have. As Tyler said
on his last night, to help people the way I've been helped.”

After Tyler Campbell returned from his 30-day stay at the local clinic, Wayne Campbell thought his
son was finally returning to his normal self. However, Tyler’s mother found him the next morning dead of
heroin overdose. Wayne was overcome with disbelief and grief. Many other people in the community came
forward to share stories of their loved ones Making the best out of the worst situation, Wayne and concerned
fathers came together to go to the school to share Tyler’s story. Over the course of four years, they have
talked to over 100,000 kids. Their foundation is now called Tyler’s Light.
During his battle, Tyler told his parents that him and his teammates share painkillers like candy and
that it was no big deal. If the students had been educated of the consequences, this may not have happened.
They need to know that addiction can happen to anyone and that no one is safe. Other schools and families
should work to educate adolescents to recognize signs of addiction and how to handle friends facing
Work Cited:
Campbell, Wayne. "The Most Painful Journey." Guideposts, vol. 70, no. 12, Feb. 2016, p. 46. EBSCOhost,

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