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I. DOING PHILOSOPHY. Identify the following. Choose your answers inside the box.

Karl Jaspers Love of wisdom doubt Internal questions framework

Reflection Wonder Holistic thinking Partial thinking Philosophy

____________1. It is the study or discipline that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate causes,
reasons, and principles which govern all things.
____________2. The Greek term for philosophy, “philosophia” means_______.
____________3. The Greek philosopher palate believes that philosophy is brought about by man’s sense
____________4. He believes that persons engage in philosophy in order to make sense of difficult life
____________5. Rene Descartes considers this as reason why people philosophize.
____________6. It refers to a way of thinking about the world and is made up of a person’s views and
____________7. These are questions that examine the personal ideas regarding correctness and values.
____________8.It is an activity that requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings, and
actions and learn from experience.
____________9. It is a perspective that considers the bigger picture when looking at problems and
____________10. It is a perspective that focuses on specific aspects of a situation.

II. METHODS OF PHILOSOPHIZING. Identify the following. Choose your answers inside the box.

fallacies Biases argument Beliefs Claims

opinions Facts knowledge explanations conclusion

____________1. It is clear awareness and understanding of something.

____________2. These are statements which need to be examined to determine whether they are true
or false.
____________3. These are statements which observed to be real and truthful.
____________4. These are comprised of statements that provide views on a certain manner.
____________5. This is a judgment based on certain facts.
____________6. These are statements that express convictions that are not easily explained by facts.
____________7. These are statements that assume a claim is true and provide reasons to support them.
____________8.This is a series of statements that provide reasons to convince a person that a claim or
opinion is truthful.
____________9. These are arguments based on faulty reasoning.
____________10. These are tendencies or influences that affect the views of people.

III. THE HUMAN PERSON AS AN EMBODIED SPIRIT. Identify the following. Choose your answers inside
the box.

Dignity Interiority human person Self-determination

self Spirit transcendence Free will Externality

____________1. This term refers to man as a species and distinguishes man from other animals.
____________2. This refers to the totality of an individual who possesses awareness, self-determination,
and the capacity to interact with others.
____________3. This refers to an individual who is actively aware that he or she is perceiving and
experiencing reality.
____________4. This refers to the ability of the person to experience an “inner world” that is defined by
personal thoughts and ideas.
____________5. This is the capability to act and be aware of one’s actions.
____________6. This enables the person to act whenever he or she wants to and makes self-
determination possible.
____________7. This is the capability to reach out and interact with others and the world.

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____________8.This is the inherent value of a person which cannot be expressed in quantifiable terms.
____________9. This is the intangible element, and reach out to the outside world and others.
____________10. This is the ability to surpass limits.

IV. THE HUMAN PERSON IN THE ENVIRONMENT. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. This is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the natural environment and humanity’s place
on it. ‘
a. Environmentalism
b. Environmental philosophy
c. Environmental aesthetics
d. Environmental justice
2. This view considers man the most important species on the planet.
a. Biocentrism
b. Ecocentrism
c. Anthropocentrism
d. Environmentalism
3. This view believes that all organisms have inherent worth and should be valued and protected.
a. Anthropocentrism
b. Environmentalism
c. Biocentrism
d. Environmentalisms.
4. This view places a great value on ecosystems and biological communities.
a. Ecocentrism
b. Biocentrism
c. Environmentalism
d. Anthropocentrism
5. Which of these statements about humankind and nature is not true?
a. Humankind can use natural resources without regard for the consequences
b. Humankind has a unique relationship with nature
c. Humans are able to transform and change the environment
d. Humans are stewards of nature.
6. This perspective advocates action to address environmental problems.
a. Biocentrism
b. Environmentalism
c. Ecocentrism
d. Anthropocentrism
7. This is a moral approach in analyzing the relationship between humans and the environment.
a. Environmental justice
b. Environmental aesthetics
c. Environmental philosophy
d. Environmental ethics
8. Which of these statements does not reflect environmental ethics?
a. Man must take action to solve environmental problems
b. Natural disasters are unrelated to human activities
c. We should reflect on how our actions show regard for nature
d. We must uphold the welfare of the environment and everything in it.
9. This concept refers to the fair distribution of environmental benefits and the burden of addressing
environmental challenges.
a. Environmental justice
b. Environmental aesthetics
c. Environmental philosophy
d. Environmental ethics
10. Which of these statements is not related to sustainable development?
a. Human activities must not negatively impact the environment.
b. Natural resources must be used wisely and efficiently.
c. Resources must be conserved for other people
d. Humankind must use up all natural resources.

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A. Identify the following. Choose the answer inside the box.

voluntariness Physical Responsibility freedom Psychological

freedom freedom

__________1. This is the ability to make choices and perform actions, and is intrinsic and
essential property of the human person.
__________2. This is freedom from any physical restraint.
__________3. This is the freedom of choice.
__________4. This is the ability to act out of one’s own free will and self-determination
__________5. This refers to the person being accountable for his or her actions and their
B. Put a check beside the number of the statement which shows responsible use of freedom.
______1. Instead of spending her excess allowance on a new pair of shoes, Reyna decides to
open a bank account and start up saving up for her future.
______2. Despite the threats made on his life, the witness decided to come forward and divulge
important information regarding the crime he witnessed.
______3. A woman used the Internet t humiliate her ex-boyfriend by spreading lewd photos of him
on social media.
______4. Despite knowing that many of his clients were poor and desperate, a moneylender
continues to impose very high interest rates on loans.
______5. A businessman did not accept a high-paying position in an overseas firm and instead
decided to start his own business and spend more time with his family.

VI. INTERSUBJECTIVITY. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.

_______1. Man has the natural tendency to establish relationships with other people.
_______2. We are primarily aware of people as objects and not as persons.
_______3. The views and ideas of other people, as well as social context, do not influence our
behavior as individuals.
_______4. Intersubjectivity refers to shared awareness and understanding among people.
_______5. “Seeming” refers to the capacity of individuals to engage in genuine interaction with
______6. An authentic relationship is possible only if individuals acknowledge each other’s
presence as persons.
______7. Availability refers to the willingness of a person to make himself or herself available for
______8. All humans find it difficult to have meaningful relationships with others.
______9. Empathy requires an individual to accept the other as thinking, feeling person.
______10. Ethics of care believes that persons help one another because of their selfish


A. Identify the following. Choose the answer inside the box.
Thomas Hobbes Social Values John Rawls Social Values Society
Social Contract Norms Social group Common good John Locke

_________1. This is an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a
common territory and culture.
_________2. This refers to the social conditions which enable persons and groups to fulfill their
goals to fulfill their goals and achieve perfection.
_________3. This is an agreement among individuals to sacrifice some of their wants and submit
to a higher authority.
_________4. This is philosopher believes that mankind is governed by desire which leads to
conflict among individuals.
_________5. This philosopher believes that society is organized based on the “consent of the
_________6. This philosopher believes that humans naturally seek a just and fair society because
of self-interest.
__________7. These are a set of traits and behavior that society considers acceptable and are
encourage and passed on to other members.

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__________8. This is an organized or patterned set of relationships among individuals and
groups that compose a society.

__________9. These are composed of individuals who have similar backgrounds and perform
similar roles in society.
_________10. These are actions or that are considered important by society.

B. Determine which form of society is referred to the following statements. Write the letter of your

A. Hunting and gathering E. Feudal

B. Pastoral F. Industrial
C. Horticultural G. Post-Industrial
D. Agricultural

______1. This society is based on knowledge, information, and the sale of services.
______2. This society is based on the ownership of land.
______3. The earliest and simplest form of society.
______4. This society features large-scale and long term cultivation of crops and domestication of
______5. This society primarily relies on the domestication of animals for food.
______6. This society is generally small in size and is composed of families.
______7. This society uses machinery in producing goods and services.
______8. This society has given rise to the virtual society.
______9. In this society, those who own land are considered most powerful and influential.
______10. This society engages in the small-scale cultivation of plants.

following. Choose the answer inside the box.

Useful good Physical suffering Self-determination temporality death

happiness suffering Noble good Mental suffering Pleasurable good

___________1. It refers to the separation of the soul and the body.

___________2. It takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort, and pain.
___________3. It refers to how our lives are temporary.
___________4. It is a kind of good that is good so long as it provides some form of pleasure.
___________5. According to ancient Greek philosophy, it is an achievement and must be gained
by living a productive and moral life.
___________6. It is a kind of good that is considered good so long as it serves as a means to an
___________7. It is the essence of freedom which is the capacity to choose and act for oneself.
___________8. It is a kind of good that is considered good so long as it serves as means to an
___________9. It is a kind of suffering that refers to discomfort, hunger, stress and pain.
___________10. It is a kind of suffering that includes depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness, and

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