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I. Learning Objectives
 The students will able to identify different diseases and dis-orders of kidney.
II. Learning Content
SKILLS: Diseases and Disorders of Kidney
 Science Teachers Guide
 Science Learners Materials
MATERIALS: Manila paper, video, pictures .
III. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Prayer
Class, please stand-up and let
us pray. (The student’s will stand and pray).
2. Greetings
Good Afternoon Class! Good Afternoon Maam!

3. Attendance
Let us check your attendance.
Is there any absent in group 1?
How about in group 2? The leader of the group will report.

For your perfect attendance,

give yourself a Dora Clap! (Pupils will do the “Dora clap”).
4. Checking of Assignments
Class, do we have an
assignment yesterday? None, Maam.
5. Song
Class, let sing a song entitled
“Baby Shark” (The pupils will sing).

6. Review
Class, Before we start with our
new lesson, Let us have a short
review. What was our lesson
yesterday? Our lesson yesterday was about
Kidney and its function.

Very Good!
Who can give me some parts of
the kidney? Renal Vein
Renal Artery
Cortex medulla
7. Drills
The teacher will show a video
about kidney.

1. Motivation
How often do you urine in a day?
Did you feel hurt when you are
releasing your urine? (Pupils will answer)
If that so, then you are having
some dis order in your kidney.
Very Good!
4. Presentation
Dis-orders and diseases of kidney
1. Nephtriis- An
inflammation of some
part of the kidneys,
reducing its ability to
filter blood.
2. Kidney Stones- also
known as “renal calculi”
is composed of calcium
and waste products
containing nitrogen.
3. Urinary Tract
Infection(UTI)- An
imflamation of any part
of the urinary tract due
to bacterial infection.
4. Hematuria- The
presence of blood in the
urinecaused by

Preventive measures to avoid kidney

and liver ailments.
 Drink 10-12 glasses of water
every day
 Urinate frequently
 Eat healthy and balance diet
 Minimize the intake of sweet
and salty food.
 Do not eat too much fatty food
 Exercise frequently

Class, Again what are the kidney dis
order and diseases? UTI, Hematuria, Kidney
stone, and Nephtritis.

How can we prevent those diseases?  Drink 10-12 glasses of water

every day
 Urinate frequently
 Eat healthy and balance diet
 Minimize the intake of sweet
and salty food.
 Do not eat too much fatty food
 Exercise frequently
Very Good!
6. Application
Make a list of the food to be
included in your diet to avoid
acquiring kidney and liver ailments
or diseases.

IV. Evaluation
Trace the process through which
urine is produced.
V. Assignment
Draw the parts of the heart.

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