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Abdellah Chefchaouni H.

School Review: Unit 1: Gateway2 Omar ELMOUZ

 Functions:
I. Classify the expressions below in the table:

Sure. / Can you please open the window? / Would you mind calling back later? / I’m afraid I can’t. / Unfortunately, I can’t
No, certainly not. / could you please clean the dishes? / Yes, why not! / Would you bring your computer tomorrow?
Making Requests Responding to Requests
Accepting (yes) Refusing (No)
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
II. Fill in the blank using the appropriate expressions of making or responding to requests.

Sanaa: .........................................................................................................? Mother: ......................................................................?

Houria: Sure. I'll close the window. Daughter: …………………I'll clean the dishes mum.
 Vocabulary:
 Fill in the blank with these collocations: Cultural background - school uniform - equal opportunity – evening classes - gender
discrimination - educational system
1. Some students attend ………………………………of math to improve their level.
2. Girls should wear …………………………in our school.
3. Morocco’s …………………………has been reformed to respond to the new needs and challenges of the 21 stcentury.
4. Participants from different …………………………attended the last conference on “Dialogues between different civilizations”.
5. In the past, women used to suffer from the problems of ………………………………..
 Grammar:
 Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form (infinitive or gerund).
 My elder brother decided (pursue) ……………….his higher  Our favorite team has begun (recruit)………………international
studies in Rabat. football players.
 I spend most of my time (draw) ………………which irritates  Students enjoy (listen) ……………to English songs in class from
my parents. They want me (devote) …………………all my time to time.
time to my studies.  I can’t imagine (play) ………………………..the saxophone.
 Would you mind (rewrite) …………this exercise on your  The best student in the Academy was curious about (go)
…………………… the USA to continue is studies
 Barbara and Tim avoid (meet) ……………..Tom in the restaurant.
 I expect my friend Bob (help) ……………me in my project.
 Writing:
 Use the suggested linking words to join the sentences
I didn’t understand the lesson. I didn’t pay attention ► (because)
The old man has been smoking for a long time. He is suffering from cancer now. ► (Consequently)
I am tried. I am still working. ► (Although)
Studying physics is a bit hard. It’s enjoyable. ► (But)
 Circle() the appropriate linking words from the choice given:
I have a friend named Elizabeth Smith who went to University of Illinois- Chicago. She didn’t have to work (consequently)
(because) (therefore) her parents paid for her school expenses. (Therefore) (Despite) (However), all she had to worry about was
studying and doing her homework. (Nevertheless) (Furthermore) (In contrast), instead of using her time wisely, she would always
complain about lacking time for her school work. (For instance) (Finally)(To conclude), almost every afternoon she would watch TV,
talk on the phone with her friends or go out with them. (Afterwards)(Immediately)(Consequently), she would hardly ever do her
homework. (Moreover)(Later on)(In brief), Elizabeth’s grades seemed to get worse and worse.
Best of luck
Note: Some exercises are adapted.

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