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Learn JLPT N2 Grammar:


Meaning: please do; could you please…; I ask of you to


/ + Verb-stem + /

Example sentences:

tsugi no kikai ga areba, zehi go shusseki negaitai desu ne.

Please join us next time.

sorosoro dekiagarimasu node, shibaraku omachi negaimasu.

Please wait a moment, it should be ready soon.

machigai wa nai to omoimasu ga, nen no tame, oshirabe negaimasu.

Though I think there should be no mistakes, could you please check it just
to be sure?

toujitsu, toukyou no jimusho made shuttou negaimasu.

We ask you to come to the office in Tokyo on that date.

oshizuka ni negaimasu.
Please be quiet.

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