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TEEE GhS 35 BM 4BOS702 0538095 452 mm IEEE Std 665-1995 ant veer etece teen IEEE Standard for Generating Station Grounding IEEE Power Engineering Society ‘Sponsored by the Energy Development and Power Generation Committee IEEE Std 665-1995 > renee een = ‘March 18, 1996 sH8sa7 Copyright por Institute Of Electrical Electronics Enghneersine Mon Apr 18 1:25:35 2002 TEEE bbS 95 Ml 4805702 053895 399 mm IBEE Std 665-1995 (Pio ot EEE Su 005-1087) IEEE Guide for Generating Station Grounding ‘Sponsor Energy Development and Power Generation Committee ofthe IEEE Power Engineering Society Approved September 21, 1995 IEEE Standards Board ‘Abstract: Grouncing practices thal have gonorally been accepted by the elec uty industry as ‘contrbuting to etfacve grounding systems for personnel saely and equipment protection In gen- trating stations are ertifed. A guice for the design of generating station grounding eysteme ard for grouncing practices applied o generating station indoor and autdoor structures and equipment, including the interconnectlon of tho station and substation grounding systoms, s provided Keywords: electric ules, generaling slaions, grounding, grounding systerss, personnel saety, substation grounding systoms The un of te ard core Eagy Copy © 198 ny nash of ete ons Eacvenes Ener, ne ‘tgs revere funnes 008 Preah ho Unie Ske Arca No pat of i pbaton may be rape nay om in an elector min! syste eoense out the pr ‘rien person oft par Copyright por institute Of Electrical Electronics Engneersine Mon Apr 18 1:25:35 2002 TEEE 65 95 MH 4805702 0536697 225 mm IEEE Standards documents ae developed within the Techical Commizoes ofthe IEEE Societies sand the Standards Coordinating Commitees of the TREE Stindinds Board, Merabers of the com= mitts serve voluntarily and without comenttin, The ae nt necessarily members ofthe lsti- ‘ute, The standards developed within IEEE represent consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institae a8 wel a those activities ouside of HESE that have expressed an infer ca in participating in the development of he standard ‘Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary The existence of an BEE Standard does aot imply that there are no oer ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, markt, or provide other goods aed service related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expessed the time a standard is wpproved end ised is subject to change brouph about tough developments in the state of the at ard comments eceived from user ofthe standard. Every IEEE Standard is sub {jected to review atleast evey five years fr eevsion or reffimaton, When a documcrt i mote than five years old nd hus not been reaffirmed, is reasonible to conclece that ie contents, ltcugh si af some vale, donot wholly reflec the present tale of the at, Users ae cautioned to check to determine tht they bavsthe Inte edition of any IEEE Standard (Comments for revision of IBEE Standarts are weleome fom ony interested pay, regardless of ‘membership afiaion with TEFE, Suggestions for changes in documents shouldbe in the fort of « roposed change of tet, together with aporepiate suppecting comments Interpretations: Occasionally questions may srse regarding the meaning of potions of standards as they relate to specific applications. When the need for interpretation is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Intute wil inate acton to prepare appropra espontes, Sine IBEE Sundardsrep- resent a consensus of all concerned interests, i important ensure that any interpretation has also received te concurence ofa halance of interests, For this reason IEEE an the member of is {echricalcommites are not able t provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the mater hs previously received formal consideration. (Comments on standards and request for interpretations should be addressed to: Secretary. IEEE Standards Board ‘45 Hoes Lane 20. Box 1331 Piscataway, NI 08885-1931 USA ‘Note: Alcalion called t he poslitiy that implementation of is Standard may require use of subject mater covered by patent sighs. By publication of dhs stander, ‘bo position is taken with respect othe eis ence or validity of any patent rights in ‘connection herewith. The IEEE shall not be responsible for identifying all patents for which alicense may be required by an IBEE standard or for conducting inguiies ino the legal valtiy or scope of those patents dat re brought os alenton, ‘Authorization to photocopy ponions of any individual standard for interal o personal use Is ‘ranted bythe Insta of Electrical and Eleczonics Engineer, lnc, provided tat the appropriate {eis paid to Copyright Clearance Center. To arrange far payient of licensing fee, please contact CCopytight Clearance Centr, Customer Service, 222 Rosewond Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA, (608) 730-8400. Penmssion i photocopy portions of any individual standard fo: edcatonal las oom use can aso be obsined through the Copyright Clearance Center Copyright por institute Of Elecirca Electronics Engneersine Mon Apr 18 1:25:35 2002

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