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Grade 9 Physical and 

Health education 

Unit one: competitive swimming

An efficient application of ​scientific​ principles 

will help us d
​ evelop​ and r​ efine​ the skills we 
need to a ​ dapt​ to new and unfamiliar 
Statement of Inquiry: 

An efficient application of ​scientific​ principles will help us 

develop​ and ​refine​ the skills we need to a ​ dapt​ to new and 
unfamiliar ​environments​.  
Key Concept  Related  Global Context 

Development:​ is the act or  Adaptation​ - Students will  Scientific and Technical 
process of growth or  adapt their movements to  Innovation - ​Students will 
progress. Students will look  refine their stroke.  explore how we use our 
understanding of scientific 
to develop and improve their  Refinement​ - Students will 
use technology to analyze  principles to improve our 
swimming skills through  performance. Students will 
iterative improvements.  and refine their stroke. 
look at the most efficient 
  Environment -​ the  ways in which we can propel 
circumstances, objects, or  ourselves through the water. 
conditions by which an 
individual is surrounded. The 
effective performance of 
techniques, skills, strategies 
and tactics are influenced by 
environmental factors.  

Lines of Inquiry 
● What are some of the techniques needed in each of the 4 swimming strokes? 
● What do we mean by streamlining our body? 
● How can you maximise the amount of power you get in the pull stage of the stroke? 
● What do we mean by ​iterative improvements, and how would they help in the 
development of a skill? 
● What do we mean by refinement? 
● What is the best breathing strategy when swimming 25m/100m? Explain giving 
evidence to support your answer. 

Communication Skills Affective Skills

➔ Give and receive meaningful feedback  ➔ Cr 
➔ Negotiate ideas and knowledge with 
peers and teachers 

Use the links below to find definitions for each of swimming terms listed. These will be 
important as I will be using them each lesson, and I will expect you to understand. You can 
write the definitions in any language you choose. 
Swim Terminology 
Glossary of Competitive Swimming Terms 
Catch  The point in the stroke pattern where the hand feels the most resistance and begins effective
propulsive movement. 

Pull   A ​Pull​​-buoy is an oval shaped piece of foam connected to another identical piece by 2 straps. 

Recover  take ice baths, wear compression gear, get massages, and drink recovery 
shakes in the name of speedy muscle recovery. Recovery in any sport is a 
crucial aspect of training. 

Tumble turn  A tumble turn or flip turn is one of the turns in swimming, used to reverse the direction in
which the person is swimming 

Lap  One length of the course.   

Flutter kick  he alternating kick used in freestyle and backstroke, usually six kicks per stroke cycle.  

Dolphin kick  An undulating, simultaneous kick used in Butterfly. It is also commonly used in Backstroke and
Freestyle during the kick-out phase off the walls on starts and turns. 

Frog kick  The ​frog kick​​ is a propulsion k

​ ick​​ used particularly by cave divers, wreck divers, and those who
practice the Doing It Right philosophy.  

Bilateral breathing  have swimmers breathe every three or five strokes as part of a drill or 

Streamline  The more swimmers can create a streamlined effect with their bodies, the more efficient they will
be in the water. It often refers to making the body long and narrow (arms/hands together and
outstretched, head down between arms, feet together pointed back) in the glide off the starts and
walls, but it also applies to all aspects of the strokes. 

Anchor  The final swimmer in a relay. 


Criterion C: Applying and Performing 
● demonstrate and apply a range of skills and techniques effectively 
● demonstrate and apply a range of strategies and movement concepts 
● analyse and apply information to perform effectively 
Level Descriptor Indicator

  ● Demonstrates a ​ nd ​applies​ skills and  ● Can complete 25m of the pool with 
techniques ​with limited success​.  assistance of a kickboard. 
● Demonstrates​ and ​applies​ strategies and 
movement concepts w ​ ith limited success.  ● Can complete 25m in any stroke without 
● Recalls ​information to perform.  stopping 

  ● Demonstrates a ​ nd​ applies ​skills and  ● Can demonstrate 2 recognisable strokes 

techniques.  ● Can complete 25m in both strokes  
● Demonstrates a ​ nd​ applies​ strategies and  ● Can complete 25m freestyle in under 35 
movement concepts.  seconds 
● Identifies ​and​ applies​ information to perform. 

  ● Demonstrates​ and ​applies a range o ​ f skills  ● Can demonstrate 3 strokes 

and techniques.  ● Can complete 50m freestyle in under 50 
● Demonstrates​ and ​applies a range o ​ f  seconds 
strategies and movement concepts.  ● Can complete 25m in other strokes in under 
● Analyses a​ nd​ applies​ information to perform  30 seconds 
● Can execute a competition dive 

  ● Demonstrates a ​ nd ​applies a range of  ● Can demonstrate all 4 strokes 

complex​ skills and techniques.  ● Can complete 50m freestyle in under 35 
● Demonstrates​ and ​applies a range of  seconds 
complex​ strategies and movement concepts.  ● Can complete 50m breast stroke in under 45 
● Analyzes ​and a ​ pplies​ information to perform  seconds 
effectively.  ● Can complete 25m in other strokes in under 
20 seconds 
● Can execute a competition dive and tumple 

Demonstrate - s​ how through practical application in the pool 

Complex - c ​ haracterised by a complicated application of the specific techniques (bilateral breathing, the 
butterfly stroke, double arm backstroke, tumble turn) 
Effectively - p​ erforming with correct technique 

Student’s assessment: Teacher’s Assessment:


  You are going to select two swimming strokes that you would like to improve (one needs to be 

You will research from a couple of different websites important tips to help improve your 
technique, citing those sources in your bibliography using APA citations - ​Criterion A 

You will demonstrate your research by explaining what should be happening in each stage of the 
stroke, using the appropriate swimming terminology (document 1) - C
​ riterion A 

  Turn your research into a checklist (document 2) - C

​ riterion A 

Use your checklist to analyse your own stoke and pick out the main two things you need to 
improve, again using the correct terminology (document 3) -​Criterion D 

You will come up with a plan for what to do each week to improve this stroke (document 3) - 
Criterion D 

  You will give your plan and checklist to your “coach” and work together in class to improve these 
skills - ​Criterion D 

At the end of the unit you will reflect on your achievements, creating a before and after video 
(document 4) - C​ riterion D 


Freestyle:  Backstroke: 
The catch  Stronger pull 
Effortless swimming  Improving backstroke 
Freestyle Swimming Stroke   
Catch and Pull   
Usa Swimming 

Breaststroke:  Butterfly: 
Basic technique  Butterfly for beginners 
Breastroke  Butterfly 

Works Cited 
Backstroke Catch Point Drill | Stronger Pull. (2016, January 10). Retrieved from 

E. (2015, April 23). How And Where To Start Your Catch In Freestyle. Retrieved from 

Glossary Of Competitive Swimming Terms. (n.d.). Retrieved from Survival 


H. (2013, June 18). 3 Swimming Drills to Improve Backstroke | Swimming Lessons. Retrieved 


Learn to Swim - Breaststroke Part 1. (2017, June 16). Retrieved from 

Learn to Swim - Butterfly Part 1. (2017, June 16). Retrieved from 

S. (2017, March 15). Swimming: Basic Technique | Breaststroke. Retrieved from 

S. (2013, July 04). Freestyle Swimming Technique | Stroke. Retrieved from 

Swim Terminology. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

C. (2016, July 27). The Freestyle Catch: The Key to Swimming a Faster Freestyle. Retrieved 

C. (2011, March 28). Freestyle swim catch and pull. Retrieved from 

V. (2011, April 06). How To Do Butterfly Stroke For Beginners. Retrieved from 

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