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Dear Respondent,

I am studying MBA second year in Department of Business Administration, Annamalai

University. As a part of my curriculum I have to do a project. So kindly cooperate in filling the Questionnaire. I
assure you that this will be used for Academic purpose only. Thanks for sharing your valuable time.


Yours sincerely,

Research Guide:
Associate Professor,
Department of Business Administration,
Annamalai University.

Section – A
( Personal information )
1. Name :
2. Gender : Male / Female
3. Monthly Income :
4. Years of experience :
5. Educational Qualification : School/ ITI / Diploma/ Degree
6. Marital status : Married/ Unmarried
7. No. of dependents : _________________

Section –B
( General information )
( Put a [] tick mark )
1. How long you have worked in the organization?
a. 0-3 years
b. 4-7 years
c. 8-10 years
d. Above 10 years.
2. What is the highest position you have held so far?
a. None
b. Supervisor
c. First manager
d. Branch manager
e. Functional manager
f. Others. Please specify _________________________
3. What is the highest target based achievement that have achieved this far?
a. Excellent performance
b. Very good performance
c. Good performance
d. Good
e. Not very good
f. Poor
g. Very poor
4. Indicate the style of management practiced by the organization
a. Laissez faire (free rein)
b. Delegative
c. Authoritative
d. Consultative
e. Others. Please specify_______________________
5. Do people clock in and out of the organization
a. Every time
b. Once in a while when asked by the supervisor
c. When taking a corrective action
d. Not at all
6. Indicate the extent to while people take seriously the clocking in and out system
a. To a very large extent
b. Large extent
c. Some extent
d. Small extent
e. Not at all
7. Is there an administration who deals with clocking in administration? If yes, how do
they receive feedback?
a. Yes ( ) or No ( ) (Please tick one )
8. Do we need a
a. To a very large extent
b. Large extent
c. Some extent
d. Small extent
e. Not at all.
Section – C
( Time management )
( Put a [] tick mark )
1. In your understanding, do you think the performance contacts have a clear time
a. Yes to a very large extent
b. Yes to a large extent
c. Yes to some extent
d. Not sure
e. Not at all.
2. Is the time frame realistic and achievable? (SMART )
Yes ( ) or No ( )
3. To what extent do you agree that the organization has a sound time management
a. To a very large extent
b. Large extent
c. Some extent
d. Small extent
e. Not at all.
4. Do you agree that the management of the organization fully practices performances
based management.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Undecided
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree
5. What is the motivation towards performance at every level especially where time is a
a. The organization recognizes good performances
b. There is a reward tied to performance
c. The targets are easy to achieve
d. Passion
e. Others. Please specify _____________________________________________
Section – D
( Link between time management and job performance )
( Put a [] tick mark )
1. Indicate the extent to which the organization matches jobs to the time available
a. To a very large extent
b. Large extent
c. Some extent
d. Small extent
e. Not at all
2. What do you associate with the performance indicated in 102 above ( in case one
selects more than one item, they must rank them )
a. The passion for my job
b. Easy to achieve targets
c. Support form top management
d. Good time management skills
e. Personal efforts
f. Good planning
g. Others. Please specify _________________________________________________
3. Does this organization value overtime pay
Yes ( ) or No ( )
4. What extent do you agree with overtime payment practices practiced in some
a. To a very large extent
b. Large extent
c. Some extent
d. Small extent
e. Not at all.
5. According to you, overtime results out of:-
a. Laxity on part of the management
b. Need for extra cash
c. Unclear policies
d. Work overload
e. Others. Please specify___________________________________________________
6. Indicate a measure of relationship between time management and work performance
a. Very strong
b. Strong
c. Not sure
d. Weak
e. Very weak
7. What extent do you agree with the clocking in and out time management system?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Undecided
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree
8. Indicate the extent to which you agree to the following statements

 This organization is doing well in terms of managing time

a. To a very large extent
b. Large extent
c. Some extent
d. Small extent
e. Not at all.

 There is proper match of time and amount of work

a. To a very large extent
b. Large extent
c. Some extent
d. Small extent
e. Not at all.

 This organization practices performance based management system

f. To a very large extent
g. Large extent
h. Some extent
i. Small extent
j. Not at all.

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